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Quarter 4 - Module 3:
Visualizes the Volume of Solid Figures in
Different Situations Using Non-Standard
and Standard Units

Department of Education Republic of the Philippines

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What I Know
Direction: A. Find the volume by counting the number of cubes.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

B. Find the volume of each figure.

7 cm
5 cm

1. 2.
2 cm
3 cm
4 cm
5 cm

12 cm

1 cm 3 cm 5 cm
2 cm
2 cm
3 4. 5. 3 cm
7 cm 10 cm

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Lesson Visualizes the Solid

1 Figure in Different
Situations Using Non-
Standard Unit
In this lesson you will visualize the volume of solid figures using
non-standard units.This is developed through the use of objects like
mongo seeds,marbles,balls, and cubes. You are going to count the
number of objects that a container can hold. This will help you in getting
its volume.

What’s In

Solid Figure is a three dimensional shape object.

Example of solid figures:

cube rectangular prism

cylinder cone sphere

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What’s New

Are you familiar with this toy? What is challenging

about the Rubiks Cube?

The Rubiks Cube is an example of a solid figure.

This time,you will know more about this solid figure

What is It
Study the box below.

How many layers of marbles are filled in the box?

How many marbles are there in each layer?
How many marbles filled up the whole box?
How many marbles are
contained in first layer?
Is there any vacant space left in
the first layer? Why?

Using marbles is a non-standard measure of volume because there

are gaps or spaces in-between.Non-standard units do not give the
same measure for the same container.Balls,marbles,and beans are
used as non-standard units for measuring the volume of a box.

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What’s More

Use a non-standard unit of the same material size.Which

unit will give the greater number of volume of the container? Visualize
the volume and explain your answer.

1. 2.

Pingpong balls mongo seeds

Which of these materials will you put inside a box so that smaller gaps
or spaces can be seen? Why?

What I Have Learned

What is a non-standard unit?
How can you visualize the volume of solids using non-standard units
of measure? What can help us visualize?
Does it give you consistent and accurate measure of the volume of a

What I Can Do

Read and answer each problem.

1.Two containers were filled with marbles of the same material and
size.Container A had 250 marbles. Container B had 300 marbles. In
what way does the volume of container A compare with the volume of
container B?

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2.Get a medium-sized chocolate box and a medium-sized powdered

milk carton. Which do you think has a greater volume?How will you test
which box has the greater volume? Visualize.

Lesson Visualizes the Solid


2 Figure in Different
Situations Using Standard
Solid Figures are three-dimensional objects.It has length,width
and height.For example,look at your phone,computer or laptop or
whatever you are using.Notice that it has length,width and height.

In this lesson you will learn to visualize the volume of a solid

figures using standard units.

What’s New

1cm Lito has a box filled with blocks 1 cm on each
What can you say about the block?
What are the dimensions?

This time you will learn more about this cube (box).

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What is It

Study the following solid figures. You can count the cubes to find the
volume of the box

How many 1cm by 1cm cubes How many layers of 1cm by 1cm
occupy the first layer? cubes are there to fill the box?
Is there any vacant space left How many 1cm by 1cm cubes are
in the first layer? in each layer? How many 1cm by

1cm cubes filled up the whole cox?

Sixty -four 1-cm are contained in the box. The volume of the
box is 64 cubic centimeter (64 cmᵌ).There are no gaps or spaces left
in-between the small cubes. Cubic cm is the standard measure of

Standard units are consistent and accurate. To find the volume of a

space figure ,count the number of cubic units needed to fill the
space figure.

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What’s More

Find the volume of each figure .

Use 1 cube= 1 cubic cm

1. 2 . 3.

4. 5.

What I Have Learned

What is a standard unit of measure?

How can you visualize the volume of solids using standard units of

What can help us visualize the volume of solids using standard units?

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What I Can Do

Answer the following..

1.The diagram below shows a large cube made from

4 cm 1 cubic cm.

a.How many small cubes are there in each layer

of the large cube?

b.What is the volume of the large cube?

2. Look at the cube below.

a. What is the volume of the cube?

3 cm
b. If the top layer of the cube is cut off,

what is the volume of the remaining


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Lesson Finds the Volume of a

3 Rectangular Prism Using and cu.m
Rectangular prism is a three -dimensional figure that has six faces
that are rectangles, twelve edges, and eight vertices. Some rectangular
prisms have faces that are shaped like rectangles and squares.

With this lesson you will be able to find the volume of a rectangular
prism using and cu.m

W What’s New

Sarah received a balikbayan box

from her father who is working abroad. The
80 cm box measures 80 cm long 70 cm wide and
60 cm high. What is the volume of the box?

This time, you will learn to find the

volume of a rectangular box (prism) where the measure of its side are

What is It

How long is the balikbayan box? 80 cm long

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How wide is it? 70 cm wide? 70 cm wide

How tall is it? 60 cm high? 60 cm high

What is the volume of a rectangular box?___________

To find the volume, you use the formula.

Volume = length x width x height


V = 80 cm x 70 cm x 60 cm

= 336,000 cm3 or 336,000

The volume of balikbayan box is 336,000 cm3

This is read as three hundred thirty six thousand cubic centimeters

What’s More

A. Find the volume of each figure.

5 cm 4 cm 3 cm
8 cm 10 cm
2. 3.
18 cm
8 cm 2 cm
4 cm

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12 cm

4. 5. 4 cm
4 cm
2 cm
5 cm
8 cm

B.Complete the table. Check your answer using a calculator.

Box Length Width height Volume

A 5m 4m 2m

B 15 cm 12cm 8 cm

C 20 cm 15 cm 10 cm

D 4m 3m 2m

E 30 cm 25 cm 10 cm

What I Have Learned

How do you find the volume of a rectangular prism?

How it is measured?

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What I Can Do

A. Direction: Solve the following problems in your notebook

1.A rectangular rice dispenser has a length of 40 cm, width of 35 cm
and a height of 50 cm. What is the volume of the rice dispenser?

2.A shoe box is 30 cm long, 10 cm wide and 5 cm tall. What is the

volume of the shoe back.

3.A wooden box is 25 cm long, 16 cm wide, and 8 cm high. How much

space does it enclose?

B. Find the volume of the rectangular prism given the dimensions.

5 dm

12 dm
5 dm 12 dm

3 dm
3 dm

Lesson 2 Lesson 3
What’s More What’s More
1. V = 12 cmᵌ A.1.V= 320 cmᵌ
2.V = 16 cmᵌ 2.V= 120 cmᵌ
3.V= 30 cubic units 3.V=144 cmᵌ
4.V= 8 cubic units 4.V=240 cmᵌ
5.V.= 18cubic units 5.V= 64 cubic cm
What I Can Do A. V= 40 mᵌ
1. B .V= 1 440 cmᵌ
a.16 cmᵌ C.V= 3 000 cmᵌ
b.64 cmᵌ D.V = 24 mᵌ
2. E. V= 7 500 cmᵌ
a.54 cmᵌ A.What I can Do
b. 36 cmᵌ 1.V= 70 000 cmᵌ
2.V= 1 500 cmᵌ
3.V = 3 200 cmᵌ
4. V = 300 cmᵌ
5.V = 108 cmᵌ
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