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ROLL NO. 2K17/CSM/14


Note: Answer any THREE questions in your own words.

1. Define artificial Intelligence and elaborate its uses in different fields of life.
“Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science dealing with symbolic,
nonalgorithmic methods of problem solving.”
• An intelligent entity created by humans.
• Capable of performing tasks intelligently without being explicitly instructed.
• Capable of thinking and acting rationally and humanely.

AI uses in different fields of life, let’s have a look:

• Machine Learning: It teaches machine how to make decisions and interferences on the base of
previous data or experiences. It analysis data and identifies a meaning of these information and
reach a better possible conclusion without human interference. It saves time and provide a good
solution to human and helps to make a better decision.
• Deep Learning: It is a Machine learning technique teaches a machine to process inputs through
layers in order to classify, infer and predict the best outcome.
• Neural Networks: It works on the similar principles as of Human Neural cells and are a series of
algorithms that captures the relationship between various variables and processes the data as a
human brain does.
• Natural Language Processing: It is a science of reading, understanding, interpreting a language
by a machine. Once a machine understands what the user intends to communicate, it responds
• Computer Vision: Computer vision algorithms tries to understand an image by breaking down
an image and studying different parts of the objects. This helps the machine classify and learn
from a set of images, to make a better output decision based on previous observations.
• Cognitive Computing: Cognitive computing algorithms try to mimic a human brain by analyzing
text/speech/images/objects in a manner that a human does and tries to give the desired output.

Artificial Intelligence can be built over a diverse set of components and will function as an amalgamation

• Philosophy
• Mathematics
• Economics
• Neuroscience
• Psychology
• Computer Engineering
• Control Theory and Cybernetics
• Linguistics

2. Define in your own words the world with Artificial intelligence and without artificial

World with AI:

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a wide-ranging tool that helps people to rethink how we use information,
analyze data, and use the resulting insights to improve decision making—and already it is
transforming every walk of life.

Artificial intelligence is already altering the world and raising important questions for society, the
economy, health and governance.

AI is not a futuristic vision, but rather something that is here today and being integrated with and
deployed into a variety of sectors. This includes fields such as finance, national security, health care,
criminal justice, transportation, and smart cities. There are numerous examples where AI already is
making an impact on the world and augmenting human capabilities in significant ways.

The world is on the cusp of revolutionizing many sectors through artificial intelligence and data
analytics. There already are significant deployments in finance, national security, health care,
criminal justice, transportation, and smart cities that have altered decision making, business models,
risk mitigation, and system performance. These developments are generating substantial economic
and social benefits. Human choices about software development affect the way in which decisions
are made and the manner in which they are integrated into organizational routines. Exactly how
these processes are executed need to be better understood because they will have substantial
impact on the general public soon, and for the foreseeable future. AI may well be a revolution in
human affairs, and become the single most influential human innovation in history.

World without AI:

A life without artificial intelligence is a life no one wants to live. Humans rely on Artificial Intelligence
for basically everything. We live in a technology-filled world. For example, you don’t want to hand-
wash your clothes so you throw them in the washing machine to let it do the job for you. If you have
trouble oversleeping, you set an alarm on your phone. Tasks that we find difficult, computers
complete with ease. However if you rely on a computer to complete a task, things might go wrong. If
artificial intelligence, which is becoming so successful, is continued, then the technology we all use
on a daily basis will become too powerful and will cause change in yourself, as well as change in the
aspect of life. Because of the potential dangers of artificial intelligence, its research and
development should be slowed or stopped completely.

3. Define Natural Language Interface and uses in real world.

Natural-language user interface (LUI or NLUI) is a type of computer human interface where linguistic
phenomena such as verbs, phrases and clauses act as UI controls for creating, selecting and modifying
data in software applications. . It’s been said that language is easier to learn and comes more naturally
in adolescence because it’s a repeatable, trained behavior—much like walking. And language doesn’t
follow a strict set of rules, with so many exceptions like “I before E except after C.”

What comes naturally to humans, however, is exceedingly difficult for computers with the amount of
unstructured data, lack of formal rules, and absence of real-world context or intent. That’s why machine
learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are gaining attention and momentum, with greater human
dependency on computing systems to communicate and perform tasks. And as AI gets more
sophisticated, so will Natural Language Processing (NLP). While the terms AI and NLP might conjure
images of futuristic robots, there are already basic examples of NLP at work in our daily lives. Here are a
few prominent examples.

Email filters:

Email filters are one of the most basic and initial applications of NLP online. It started out with spam
filters, uncovering certain words or phrases that signal a spam message. But filtering has upgraded, just
like early adaptations of NLP. One of the more prevalent, newer applications of NLP is found in Gmail's
email classification. The system recognizes if emails belong in one of three categories (primary, social, or
promotions) based on their contents. For all Gmail users, this keeps your inbox to a manageable size
with important, relevant emails you wish to review and respond to quickly.

Smart assistants:

Smart assistants like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa recognize patterns in speech thanks to voice
recognition, then infer meaning and provide a useful response. We’ve become used to the fact that we
can say “Hey Siri,” ask a question, and she understands what we said and responds with relevant
answers based on context. And we’re getting used to seeing Siri or Alexa pop up throughout our home
and daily life as we have conversations with them through items like the thermostat, light switches, car,
and more.

Search results:

Search engines use NLP to surface relevant results based on similar search behaviors or user intent so
the average person finds what they need without being a search-term wizard. For example, Google not
only predicts what popular searches may apply to your query as you start typing, but it looks at the
whole picture and recognizes what you’re trying to say rather than the exact search words. Someone
could put a flight number in Google and get the flight status, type a ticker symbol and receive stock
information, or a calculator might come up when inputting a math equation. These are some variations
you may see when completing a search as NLP in search associates the ambiguous query to a relative
entity and provides useful results.

Digital phone calls:

We all hear “this call may be recorded for training purposes,” but rarely do we wonder what that entails.
Turns out, these recordings may be used for training purposes, if a customer is aggrieved, but most of
the time, they go into the database for an NLP system to learn from and improve in the future.
Automated systems direct customer calls to a service representative or online catboats, which respond
to customer requests with helpful information. This is a NLP practice that many companies, including
large telecommunications providers have put to use.

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