FlowBack and Synchronised Events Display - Rev1 - 6237198 - 01

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FlowBack & Synchronised Events Display

Q & OPS – Quality and Operation support

FlowBack & Synchronised Events Display

FlowBack & Synchronised Events Display

Q & OPS – Quality and Operation support

Document control

Owner: Q&OpS
Reviewer: R. Dalla-Barba, C. Jolas
Approver: J. Blanc

Revision History

Rev Effective Date Description Prepared by

Rev 1 Sept 10th 2013 Add parts: L. Verger
1.4.1 SED
1.4.2 Flowback
Vigigraphic version – Aug 30th
FlowBack & Synchronised Events Display

Q & OPS – Quality and Operation support


1. Functionalities............................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Launching the application ................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Controlling Manually the monitoring process ...................................................................... 7
1.3 Procedure to modify the Display setup................................................................................ 8
1.4 Choosing the monitored parameter and the associated parameter .................................. 10
1.4.1 SED: ........................................................................................................................... 10
1.4.2 Flowback: ................................................................................................................... 11
1.5 Adjusting the Reference parameter (X-axis) ..................................................................... 15
1.6 Saving and loading parameter configuration ..................................................................... 18
1.7 Choosing the run and add playback events. Select events to be kept .............................. 19
1.8 Other features ................................................................................................................... 19
2. Procedure and Examples ........................................................................................................ 20
2.1 Procedure ......................................................................................................................... 20
2.2 Examples .......................................................................................................................... 20
3. Display and manage the Flowback chart on the rig floor. ........................................................ 23
3.1 Modify the path in properties ............................................................................................. 23
3.2 Modify the Geoserv.ini ...................................................................................................... 26
3.3 How to run the Flowback program for the rig floor ............................................................ 26

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FlowBack & Synchronised Events Display

Q & OPS – Quality and Operation support

This document deals with the Synchronised Events Display (SED) and the flowback applications.
The flowback is using the concept of the SED but with a specific set of parameters.

The SED allows to plot on the same graph 2 parameters monitored in real time against a
collection of up to 9 repetitive events that can be compared in order to assess their
evolution and to detect quickly abnormal situations. In some cases, this can also help to
assess the correlation between 2 parameters.
These graphs can be plotted versus a choice of 2 references (X-axis): time or volume
pumped. An associated parameter is plotted against the same reference to show
correlation between events and parameters variations.
 Time is used to compare the duration of an event and assess its speed of happening
(typically for pumps off flow back).

 Volume pumped is used to assess to what depth (formation) the observation can be
linked (e.g. connection gas) and monitor the evolution of its amplitude
(increase/decrease) that would trigger actions to stay in the safe zone for the drilling.

These plots have to be displayed on the rig floor monitor (Section 3) and communicated
with the daily report, even in case of normal situation. Before detecting an abnormal
situation, one needs to characterize the normal one.
The application can be used offline to add playback events as long as time data remains
available. The kept events remain available even if the time data have been deleted.

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This section applies to the GN4 acquisition system.

1. Functionalities
1.1 Launching the application
Both applications are launched from the Real Time Control Panel

Associated parameter

Monitored parameter

Elapsed time

Associated parameter

Monitored parameter

Pumped volume

The screens look quite similar. The lower graph of each screen shows the Monitored
parameter to be studied; the upper graph shows an associated parameter. With the Flow back,

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FlowBack & Synchronised Events Display

Q & OPS – Quality and Operation support

the Vol +/- is the Monitored parameter and the Flow pump is its Associated one. With the SED,
any parameter can be displayed either in the upper graph or in the lower graph (see below for
Main and Associated parameters selection).
The FlowBack can be plotted versus time only whilst the Synchronized Events Display
(SED) allows to plotting events versus time or versus a Cumulated pumped volume (see below to
select the reference parameter).
The FlowBack Panel is the only one that can also be launched automatically any time the flow
pump stops, depending on setting:

To open that window:

o Left click on the hook drawing on the right hand side of the RTCP (inside red box).
o Tick Auto flowback process option
o Adjust time pump start delay after which the window will close (RTCP) or minimize
(standalone version section3). It is set at 10 sec by default.
o Adjust the minimum duration for a pump stop event that will trigger a saving of the event.
Set at 2 mn by default. If the pumps are stopped for less than this duration, the window will
close (RTCP) or minimize automatically (standalone version see section 3) without saving
the record.
o Click Apply
Those settings (auto flowback, time pump start, pump off duration) are also available in

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Q & OPS – Quality and Operation support

1.2 Controlling Manually the monitoring process

To start the recording, click on the clock button if the parameters to monitor are set up to the user
preferences (see 2.3 to modify the parameters setup).
This is not requested if the Automatic FlowBack option is ticked, in which case the
pump stop triggers the beginning of the recording.

To stop the recording, click on the crossed clock button.

Otherwise, it will stop automatically when the period of monitoring is elapsed (width of the

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Q & OPS – Quality and Operation support

The following window appears in both cases:

The choice is given to the operator to add the present run to the list of saved reruns or not. Up to
10 records can be saved. If there are already 10 records saved, the first one in the list that is not
protected will be overwritten (see 2.3.5 to save a record).

1.3 Procedure to modify the Display setup

To modify the setup, click on the Grid setup button in the tool bar.

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Parameters selection

Reruns selection


Parameters selection

Reruns selection

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1.4 Choosing the monitored parameter and the associated parameter

1.4.1 SED:

Choose the parameter to monitor by clicking on the 3 dots button on the right hand side of the
Monitored parameter line or of the Associated parameter, depending on the one to change.
Adjust the scale with the From / To cells.

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Q & OPS – Quality and Operation support

The SED Panel can display a parameter available in time traces including calculated ones:

Select the parameter with a Left click. To keep the parameter unchanged, Right click to cancel.
Adjust scale in From/To cells.
Select the Associated parameter and adjust its scale in the same manner.

1.4.2 Flowback:

On the Flow back Panel, click on “Grid Setup” button:

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Q & OPS – Quality and Operation support

a) Select the monitored parameter:

Three monitored parameters are available: the Vol. [Trip] +/- Open, Vol. [Drill] +/- Open, a time
function called ‘FlowBack’. By creating the time function according to the parameters you want, it
is possible to display for example the filtered flow out (FFO).

NB: Vol. [Trip] +/- Open is the vol +/- compensated for tripping with open-ended
drillstring, while Vol. [Drill] +/- Open compensates the metal displacement when
drilling, the increase in well volume during drilling, and the cuttings lagged at the
drilling depth. This one is the one to be used during drilling.

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b) Select the “Associated parameter”

The associated parameter can be selected in the list of traces (feature available with Vigigraphic
version – Aug 30th 2013) with the possibility to choose an active or not-active trace).

In this example, the SPP value coming from the sensor (StandPipeSystem.PRS.1) will be

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Q & OPS – Quality and Operation support

The following pop up window will ask if the “Associated Parameter” is the trigger traces for the

Then type the value for the trigger (keep in mind that the unit is defined in unitpref.unit file)

After setting the trigger threshold, the geoserv.ini file in C:\Windows\GeoApps will be updated and
the line tags “FlowBack Trigger” and “FlowBack trigger threshold” will display the selected trace
and value.

Then click on “Apply”

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The top of the FlowBack screen will display a log with the selected “Associated Parameter”

1.5 Adjusting the Reference parameter (X-axis)

The Reference parameter can be choosen between Cumulated time, Cumulated volume
pumped or Depth in Annulus by clicking on the 3 dots button on the right hand side of the
Reference parameter line (unit.dat number 307).

The Cumulated volume is used to compare parameters measured in the circulated mud
(lagged parameters) no matter how long it takes to do the full circulation. In every other case, the
Cumulated time is used.
To adjust the scale, input the maximum value that you want to display in the Reference
scale cell. Typically whenworking in volume, the hole volume will be used to visualise a whole
circulation. The reference parameter will be displayed from 0 to the value input.
 Warning:
Depth in annulus is based only on the cumulated volume converted into a depth,
which means it does NOT take in account the bit movements. It only gives an approximation of
the depth.

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Q & OPS – Quality and Operation support

On some Flow back versions, the replay will start 5mn before the actual start time. The
result is that to monitor a flow check of 10mn, a time scale of 15mn has to be input (not on SED).
This allows displaying of the flow as associated parameter before the pumps stop.



The Cumul will start from the instant the Flow back is triggered in automatic mode (pumps off).
On manual mode, it will be starting from the moment the clock icon is pressed (in Real Time) or
from the specified time in the rerun selection panel (Playback) (see 1.1 and 1.2).

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Align starting values
There is a possibility to put an offset to the Monitored parameter in order to plot all events from
the same origin vertically. The following example shows the difference: -

Box unticked : values will be aligned

Box ticked : Values not aligned.

It is obvious that aligning the values makes the comparison much easier between the events,
but this cannot be used if the measured values have to be readable.

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1.6 Saving and loading parameter configuration

Once the parameter configuration is completed, press Apply to save and load it. Each
configuration is saved with the last plotted reruns (date-time) associated to this configuration.
It is not possible to transfer reruns date and time from one configuration to another one
(except when only changing the Associated parameter). One will have to reselect the
corresponding details in the new configuration. Changing the Monitored parameter or the
Reference parameter in the configuration reset the dates and time for all reruns.

To recall a saved configuration, press on the Load configuration button. It is read as follow:
Rerun directory path
Monitored parameter
Reference parameter
Associated parameter

In this example there are 5 configurations saved:

Config# Monitored parameter Reference parameter Associated parameter
1 MudPit 1 (Avg) Cumul Pump Vol Flow Pumps
2 MudPit 1 (Avg) Cumulated time Flow Pumps
3 MudPit 1 Cumulated time Flow Pumps
4 MudPit Vol 2 Cumulated time Flow Pumps
5 TotalGas Out Cumul Pump Vol Flow Pumps
Double click on the Associated parameter of the configuration chosen to load it. The currently
selected configuration shows its Associated parameter in green.

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1.7 Choosing the run and add playback events. Select events to be kept
To add a rerun to the FlowBack or SED, tick the box in front of a rerun. Then modify the date and
time either in the replay cell or using the calendar accessed with the right hand side arrow.

Up to 10 reruns can be saved for each configuration. As long as the 10 reruns are not used it is
possible to keep all of them. The 11th one will overwrite the first one in the list that does not have
the Keep cell ticked. Make sure the Keep cell is ticked for the reference records (e.g. flow back
performed in casing). This is particularly important for the automatic FlowBack that will trigger
many recording and it is easy to click on the Add button by mistake at the end of the process.
As long as the time data remain available, a rerun picked during the displayed interval can be
done and adjusted in time to match the other records start point. On the other hand a saved run
(Keep cell ticked) will be displayed even if the time data are not available anymore for playback (a
data file is created when the run is saved).
The reruns are stored locally.

1.8 Other features

Usual options common to graphic package (not detailed): zoom, data export (ASCII extraction),
screen refresh, grid setup (detailed above), function editor, print option, drag and drop for Excel
file creation, comment.
Add comments to annotate event condition: depth, max value reached, max value allowable, flow
rate, formation origin…

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2. Procedure and Examples

2.1 Procedure

 Launch SED or Flowback from RTCP menu

 Check the parameters are correct: Monitored parameter and Associated parameter
adequate for event , scale adjusted to parameter range, starting values aligned –
adjust setup if necessary.
 Display the screen to rig floor if useful to driller
 Start recording – Press clock icon
 Monitor event and compare with previous records.
 Alert Drilling Supervisor or Driller if unexplained deviation from previous events
 Stop recording – click on crossed clock icon
 Save record if pertinent
 Add comments: max value reached, flow pump used, depth or event, formation origin
 Print graph (paper copy + PDF), distribute woth Daily Report and as per Service
Schedule. Include in Final Well Report.

2.2 Examples

Some situations where the FlowBack is useful:

- Every connection when drilling, and more generally every pump stop occurrence,
since the hydrostatic pressure drops and kicks are more likely to happen then.

- Extended flow checks. This helps to assess well breathing and in some cases
permits to reduce the duration of the flow check (saving rig time).

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The following example shows 4 records of the Vol +/- with various flow pump.

Max flow

Any flow back between these Min flow

2 slopes considered as
normal depending on flow

When the pumps stop, the flow back should superpose itself to previous occurrences if the
same flow was used (see below).

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The higher the pump rate, the bigger the return (the mud volume transiting through the flow
line is bigger). This is not always the case regarding the speed of return (gravitation drives the
speed in the flow line).

Same return slope

for high and low
flow rate.

In this example the slope of the flow back is the same for a low flow rate and a high flow rate.

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Useful to monitor:
- Connection gas evolution (plot Total Gas and MW OUT vs pumped volume).

3. Display and manage the Flowback chart on the rig floor.

Create a shortcut for the geonext/exe/vigigraphic_standalone.exe on the gnV desktop and GNS
station where Automatci FlowBack needed (rig floor, CoMan, WSG etc…).
Once shortcut created, modify name to Flowback.

3.1 Modify the path in properties

Right click on Flowback

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Then go to properties

The window below will appear.

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The target has to be modify as follow: [space]EVLGREP_FLOWBACK.BIN[space]AUTO
Cf image below
C:\GeoNext\exe\VigiGraphic_standalone.EXE EVLGREP_FLOWBACK.BIN AUTO

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3.2 Modify the Geoserv.ini

Go to C:\Windows\GEOAPPS\Geoserv.ini
And add the line showed below

These parameters can be modified from the RTCP as shown in section 1.1.

3.3 How to run the Flowback program for the rig floor
The flowback window will automatically appear when pump will be turned off. Once the flowback
is done or if the driller ask to be show his Vigigraphic screen, the flowback window has to be
On the gnE/gnV don’t close the flowback window, but always minimize it
Once fingerprinting as been performed with the driller, do not forget to tick the Keep box as
described in section 1.8.

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