VTNGa Midterm Exam Group Assignment Modern Manners

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Course: Modern Manners

Midterm exam: 20%

Prepared by Dr. Vo Thi Nga

Topic: To discuss a chosen topic by group, the topic has to cover these following

• Each group has to prepare the topic for presentation and the PPT file has over 15

• All students have equal chances to participate in the presentation

• Q&A from lecturer and classmates.

The topics are as below:

Part 2: On the Job

Part 3: Electronic Communications

Part 4: Out and About

Part 5: Dinning Skills

Part 6: The Savvy Host


- Members: 5 - 6 students/group
- Submission: slide presentation file should be submitted to the lecturer’s email
48hrs prior to the presentation date.

Slide PPT file:

- Introduction: objectives
- Content: follow the requirements of topic
- Discussion: what have you learned/experienced from the topic?
- Conclusion: lesson for filling the objectives
- References: APA

Criteria Description Marks

Proper use of spoken
1 Proper use of spoken English 1 English 100% - 1 Good spoken English Average spoken English
marks 80% - 0.8 marks 50% - 0.5 marks
Presentation creativity Presentation creativity
Presentation creativity and
and interesting with and interesting - Presentation with
interesting (traditional
2 2 video and Classroom traditional presentation traditional presentation
presentation? Audio/ video?
activity + Classroom activity - 50% - 1 marks
Classroom activity?)
- 100% - 2 marks - 80%- 1.5 marks
Demonstration of
understanding and application
of class content
1. Introduction: objectives
Demonstration of Demonstration of Demonstration of
2. Content: follow the
understanding and understanding and understanding and
requirements of topic
3 4 application of 100% application of 80% class application of 50% class
3. Discussion: what have
class content content content
you learned/experienced
- 4 marks - 3 marks - 2 marks
from the topic?
4. Conclusion: lesson for
filling the objectives
5. References: APA

Use of illustrations and Use of illustrations and Use of illustrations and

Use of illustrations and
4 1 examples - 03 examples examples - 02 examples examples - 01 examples -
- 100% - 1 marks - 80% - 0.8 marks 50% - 0.5 marks

Q&A - 2 Questions Q&A - 1 Questions Q&A - 1/2 Questions

5 Q&A 2
- 2 marks - 1 marks - 0.5 marks

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