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What does it mean reclaim your securities?

It is the removal of the presumption we abandon our securities, that we are debtor citizen

The Rules of the Game and How to Play

People fear the ALL CAPITAL LETTER legal name because they do not have control of it.
Some claim trespass by government actors and others. Some claim we have to get rid of the
name, ditch it. Some claim it is the name of a corporation, yet in bankruptcy proceedings, and
notices of death, the name identifies an Estate.

The answer then is SIMPLE. Take control of the name.

The method we use to take control is recognized by and binding on banks, the Crown,
governments, and courts. Entities that partake in commercial activity. Entities registered with the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).


That means, you do the reading and studying and decide how you will make use of the
Reclaim your Securities information, 600 plus pages. This is not for everyone. Sincere
effort is required on your part to understand the principles and the concepts. There are
many ways to go with the info, many possibilities. You decide how you will make use of the
info, not us and we do not direct you, do this do that non-sense.

The Basics of the Game: Own nothing - control everything. Control the name/Estate we
control everything.
How did government acquire control of and over my divine inheritance, my productivity,
my Estate, my life, my body, my children, and property? Why do I have never ending
financial and legal obligations?

Answer: Your mother was the grantor of a foundational security in trust, the source of the ALL
CAP NAME. She handed the document over to an office without a will. Because of that, and our
failure to take control, the government assumes control. SIMPLE AS THAT

See our You Tube Intro Video, Trusts, Estates and Securities, for the insight.

You, man and woman, is the only one who brings value to the table on your account, the sole
contributor/grantor. You, the living, breathing, children of God, is in fact the only one with the
standing to make the claim to take control of and over that ALL CAPS NAME, Estate/security.
The only one who can get the financial and legal obligations off your back, mortgages, loans,
bills, fines, debts etc.

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Check out our all of our You Tube videos here. Lots of good free info.

If you wish to go further, for a small fee, 250.00 U.S. CASH, you can obtain the Reclaim your
Securities Info Pack to help with understanding.

Reclaim your Securities info pack includes 600 plus pages of educational material (as is), Pre-
recorded Zoom recordings/tutorials, templates for guidance, 2 hours consultation, and invites
from time to time to join random Zoom meetings, general chit chat Q&A.

Some of the things you may achieve:

- Correction of your status

- Sole control of and over your securities, your public Estate, and by extension, control of
and over your Life, Freedom, and all property (which includes our children)
- Asset protection
- Redirect financial/legal claims/obligations, orders etc. to the true trustee/intermediary for

If you have questions or you would like more information: Please contact Adam via 705 304-
3776, after 10 am and before 8pm eastern time.

If you wish to obtain our reclaim your securities info pack: Contact Adam, via the Contact
Us button on the main blog page, or at Request the payment info and I will
email you the particulars to make payment. When payment is received you will receive an
email to confirm that, as well as a link to access and download all of the study information.

Regarding the obtaining of a copy of the original birth registration, COLB/SOLB

The idea here is to identify what the government is holding, being the original registration, foundation
security. The government had to have received something from mom/dad in order that the government
may issue birth certificates or other document that proves registration.

It is preferrable to obtain a certified copy of the original registration, showing mom/dad info as well as
signature(s). Seems not all jurisdictions/governments offer COLB/SOLB but do your darndest to obtain a
COLB or SOLB. Now these may be known by a different name in some jurisdictions. If you have no done
so, read the legislation that authorizes the government to register births.

If you are not able to obtain a COLB/SOLB then use what you have that is an extract from or in some way
points to the original registration.

Could be a birth certificate, certification of birth record, certified extract, or other method.

Go here and click on the Uniform Securitization Scheme button to read about the birth registration
process and registration numbers -!AiFupMWjmDX72SigSNODJzwzuC_M?e=ba0vzT

The registration number is important as it is a global identifier. It is generally found on the birth
certificate. You need that number.

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Other tid bits of interest/testimonials

Banks do not take deposits nor make loans” Richard Werner, Best Selling Author –
Prince of the Yen
How credit cards become asset-backed bonds (good for understanding)
Hi Adam. I am new to your material but I thought I'd share with you one of my success stories.
I have been a full time student of Equity. Trust Law and my Bible. I have studied, memorized,
created trusts and changed my status with the IRS I successfully filed a tax return but then my
account was frozen. I spent the last year studying on what I did wrong. I did do the tax return
wrong but it should not have frozen my account. Anyway lots of trouble I faced this past year.
After I found your material I treated it like a college course and it filled in the last pieces to the
puzzle as I had not studied securities and commerce as much as equity and trust law. After I
filed the UCC properly and gave notice of my standing my irs/bank was returned to me. I have
been able to figure out how to file my returns properly and can move ahead now with full
confidence. What you've given to me is priceless. I am truly grateful for your work God sent you
to me at the right time when I was truly ready. and it's true that if you walk with God he will
guide you. Thank You Carla

The package downloads ARE INCREDIBLE...Above and beyond what I expected...they totally de
mystify Bills teachings on the old yahoo group postings!! Its all so much clearer now!!!!
I appreciate your time, effort and generosity in providing the answers!!!
Once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!” Steve G U.S.A.

“Thank you, the lights came on last night and the stress left my being. I have many more details and
remedies to learn but they are in view with the primary remedy of the bond to raise the barge and
inheritance intended for me. Thank you again” David

“I wanted to share a minor success regarding child protective services and the department of health and
human services. Someone filed a complaint against us, I spoke with the social worker and he stated he
did not work for me and I corrected him and expressed the trust, I called the Michigan attorney
general’s office regarding the matter and again expressed the trust and identified myself as the
securities entitlement holder on record under special private trust deposit with the treasury, a few
hours later the social worker called back with a new attitude and all he wanted was to close the case
and wouldn't even come to the property we are homesteading. I stripped him of his corporate cloak and
brought him into the kingdom of God as a brother and allowed him to see our daughters in good
conscience and gave him a hand written objection with the authority to settle and close the matter with
prejudice on the complainant under special deposit and for that specific purpose and Intent. He didn't
even get out of his car, he just wanted to close the matter and get far away from us.” Greg

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“Collected a 21 million dollar note(s) from one mortgage thru Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
The T5008 is very effective against the banks. Some CRA agents are not aware they have an
accounts payable dept. Experiences with folks at CRA have been good.” Peter
“Two sentences I got rid of a $34.000.00 hospital debt.” Ray, U.S.A.
“Adam, I really want to thank you and as I begin reading the yahoo posts, my eyes are opening
wider than thought possible and many previous perceptions especially even exchange. I also
see the futility of the executor office for estate although it is in the world of the dead it is just
another trustee in chambers and equity. In commerce the CEO is different especially without
the strings of EIN’s or other hooks. I now see why most of the people studying law would avoid
the depths of what has been revealed within reclaiming our securities. I am also grateful for bill
and whomever mentored him from within and I see now why patience is required for this
process and the ultimate remedy. Thank you again” David

More success stories. These out of Australia,

From: land xxxxx [sanitized]

Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2021 11:10:23 PM
To: Adam Beck <>
Subject: Apology

Hi Adam,

Wanted to send you an email apologizing for my previous emails they were sent out of frustration
directed at the wrong person.

You have been correct that the yahoo posts were filled with all the answers. After spending weeks
reading and re-reading them I have realized you were right and have come to a greater understanding of
them and the complete process.

It took us 3 months we believe our mast file corrected as we have no been pulled over by police while
traveling byo a senior Sergeant and senior constable as one our doors on our bus was coming open
while travelling. We have personalized Sovereign plates on both our bus and trailer which is illegal
under their laws ( but the plates are registered on our ppsr). The senior Sergeant got out of the car and
the first thing he said to us " no need to be alarmed but we had a report of door flapping open" which is
a safety issue. We understand and would like you to confirm if possible that the police must address
sovereigns/diplomats firstly by no need to be alarmed.

He did not ask for our name or license l, just said have a good day.

We have also had the police check our number plate on our car 2 weeks prior to this, without making
control just a confused look on their face and smile and drive off.

Hope you accept my apology and God bless.

Regards, Maz

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P.s we are no longer in contact with Tim Denxxx [sanitized] as he did not want to read the yahoo posts
as he believed he knew it all and bad mouthed you as he thinks you are a shill. Please remember I am
the one that paid for the process. I also got you another customer Jack Marshall.

On Thu, 20 May 2021, 1:42 am Adam Beck, <> wrote:


This is a pleasant turn of events. Thank you. I am happy ur happy and having fun with the system.

I suspected Tim was not being forthright. He sent a nasty email 2-3 months ago claiming shill. I said if he
not happy I’d refund him 250 Canadian. He declined but I’d forgot he did not pay, you did.

Do u mind if I share ur email here, sanitized of course. Apology accepted. Be well


Hi Adam,

Yes I am happy for you to share the email. Just letting you know Tim no longer access to this email.

Also we had some more good news yesterday Linley who we have been working with looks like your
Masterfile has been corrected. As she is very well known by the police in her area due to stickers all
over her vehicle about stopping 5g, covid hoax, Illuminati. Yesterday she was the only one in the gas
station and the police say behind her then circled her and didn't make contact and watched her drive off
and sat there for about 2 minutes. Her car is not registered (has custom plates) and suspended license
and wouldn't blow into a alcohol breath test about a month ago, so they suspended her license for 9
months and have classed her as a drink driver. Then last week she received a letter saying they are
appealing her sentence and fines as should have been license suspended from 18 months not 9. And
said she has to appear this Friday. She/we know it is just to get her into court to jam her up, we have
sent all appropriate paperwork into the magistrate and attorney general. (Who knows us from previous
paperwork). And we know never to voluntarily walk into court. She know her standing very well.

God bless, Maz

p.s. Once again, I did not coach. This is the sort of thing ppl can do when they take the time to read,
study, ponder, and implement the reclaim your securities info, yahoo posts etc.. I have said often to think
outside the box of the things we discussed during Zoom meetings. Meaning, many ways to use the info
and not just as discussed during those zoom meetings. Understanding of the principles and concepts is
key. You know when you know. We neither condone nor promote operating anything while under the
influence of drugs or alcohol.

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A friend of mine contacted the Department of Finance Canada last week. There is no one at that office to
reply to mail because of the BS lockdown. It is what it is. Adam

If you have questions or you would like more information: Please contact Adam via 705 304-
3776, after 10 am and before 8pm eastern time.

If you wish to obtain our reclaim your securities info pack: Contact Adam, via the Contact
Us button on the main blog page, or at Request the payment info and I will
email you the particulars to make payment. When payment is received you will receive an
email to confirm that, as well as a link to access and download all of the study information.

Individuals may attain understanding only through their own conscious effort. No one can grow
or attain for another. Godspeed, Adam

p.s. The information is free. Our time and energy to make it available is not.

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