Bank Securitization: Primary Issue Vs Secondary Issue

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Written by: :Andrew-James:

Suverän and Tribal Leader

of the Schwerdt tribe.

Bank securitization Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Primary issue vs Secondary issue

The Banks like to claim to be the ‘originator’ of the security issue.

“Banks do not take deposits and Banks do not lend money”

“The holder of the security is with the obligation to perform”

“The Banks do not make loans; they buy and sell securities”

Trade – (in the respect of securities) means any sale or disposition* of securities for a valuable
consideration. So, this means that they have to perform; and they have to give you something of
equal value in exchange for your security note.

The Banks (the Lender) do give us equal valuable consideration; but they conceal and pretend to be
the Creditor, and they presume that we are going to abandon our securities. So, when they hide
behind the mask of acting as the originator of that note, they get away with being the one that has
no tax liabilities for its original issued securities. When in actuality; we are the principal originator of
the security issue and at best they can only be the secondary originator.

The principal originator is tax exempt and the secondary originator is not!

*Disposition (the way in which something is placed or arranged, especially in relation to other

Foreclosure - (is when the Trust collapses) it is when title and equity merge or when equitable and
legal title merge that is when a trust collapses; that’s when a foreclosure occurs.

A general deposit establishes a Creditor and Debtor relationship. The Depositor or the Creditor;
whereas special or a specific deposit constitutes a bailment* of the security; and the holder of the
security is the Trustee with the duty to perform.

*Bailment (an act of delivering goods to a bailee* for a particular purpose, without transfer of

*Bailee (a person or party to whom goods are delivered for a purpose, such as custody or repair,
without transfer of ownership.)

To the Bank - “Excuse me; did you pay the taxes on the secondary issue when you issued the bank
certificate against my note; or did you construe that it was a tax-exempt original issue because you
presumed that I had abandoned my security.”

“I am the originator!”

“My security is the originating issue.”

“I did not abandon my security; I claim special deposit for a specific purpose. You presumed it was a
general deposit and you were taking the proceeds of my security (the money) for face value.”

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Written by: :Andrew-James:
Suverän and Tribal Leader
of the Schwerdt tribe.

Bank securitization Wednesday, 12 May 2021

So, the mortgage or loan is fictitious, meaning that they have to release it because there was no

The Bank must release the loan and return the principal and interest that you had paid in the form of
monthly payments or they get stuck with the tax liability.

So, the loan is to be discharged and the payments that you had paid to the Bank are to be returned
to your estate. Make sure the check is payable to your estate. This is to be the principal and all the
interest too, or that they report the disposition of securities and the capital gains so that we can get
the debt back to our estates.

So, the Banks did give us our value by us receiving the check to pay for the goods.

This is where the transaction should have stopped.

There should not have been documents regarding a loan because we gave the Bank a security where
they are obligated to give us a consideration for an exchange and then they are to give us the check
to give to the vendor and we take our goods.

So, our security note which is backed by our estate, covers the value of the check for the goods and
the Banks are to only be to security intermediaries.

Note: this is not limited to just Banks. It also applies to any kind of securities from all security
intermediaries. E.g., Courts

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