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Juanita Douglas

Technology Integration Unit

Persuasive Travel Brochure


ELA7R1e: For informational texts, the student reads and comprehends in order to develop

understanding and expertise and produces evidence of reading that: identifies evidence used to

support an argument.

ELA7RC2g: The student participates in discussion related to curricular learning in all subject

areas. The student recognizes the uses the features of disciplinary texts (e.g., charts, graphs,

photos, maps, highlighted vocabulary).

ELA7LSV1b: The student listens to and views various forms of text and media in order

to gather and share information, persuade others, and express and understand ideas.

Students will understand that:

There are different perspectives on an issue, and these should be evaluated objectively
before choosing a perspective.

Good writers use the appropriate writing techniques in order to add meanings to their text.

Writers use evidence which support their arguments.

Essential Questions:
Juanita Douglas

Overarching Questions: Topical Questions:

Why is it important to understand propaganda What are some techniques people use to try to
techniques? persuade others?

Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences

Lesson 1

1. Students complete the K and W of the KWL chart on advertising. Students share

their Ws orally in class. Inform students of the goal of the class.

2. Inform students that they are going to learn about persuasive techniques used by

advertisers during the next week.

3. Teacher shows the free credit report jingles on you tube at All 3 Commercials, or other videos from TV.

4. Teacher shows the free credit report jingle, or some other catchy commercial to

hook student’s attention, or show a popular commercial on television for student.

5. Mini lesson on advertising techniques. Video Podcast.

6. Students are informed that at the end of the unit they will create an advertisement.

7. Students and teacher will orally evaluate a print advertisement to evaluate its

effectiveness. (Elements of Language page 753 )

8. Students reflect and respond to the question of why it is important to understand

persuasive techniques.
Juanita Douglas

Lesson 2

(Conducted in the computer lab)

1. Journal entry: Persuade a friend to buy a bag of raisins from you to support the school


2. Review with students the different advertising techniques.

3. Students view several commercials and place the commercials into the categories that

they fall based on the techniques they use.

4. After they viewing of the commercial students justify why they believe certain techniques

were used in each commercial.

5. Mini Lesson on planning a brochure. (Video Podcast 2)

6. Students are given the instructions for their performance task. (Performance Task


7. Students will peruse samples of persuasive brochures.

8. They are then directed to their Holt Online Text and begin their prewriting of their

advertisement using the templates provided.

9. The teacher will use the active board to guide students to the appropriate prewriting


10. Students will print their prewriting pages showing their audience, product, techniques,

graphic and text of the commercial.

11. Students will share their success and mishaps in the completion. Teacher asks students to

familiarize themselves with creating brochures using either Microsoft word or Microsoft

presentation for class the next day.

Juanita Douglas

Lesson 3

1. Instruct students of the goal of the lesson and the structure of the class for this


2. Teacher conducts a quick survey to assess students’ knowledge of using Microsoft

presentation. Students will be seated according to ability to use the computer.

3. Students who can function well on the computer will immediately start on their

performance task of creating their travel brochure.

4. Teacher conducts mini lesson with students on using Microsoft Presentation and

formatting the brochure. Teacher will guide students through the steps on this link.


5. Classroom management. Students who experience technical difficulties will place

red sticky notes on their computer, and they may be helped by any of the students

who are proficient in technology. Students who experience conceptual difficulties

will place blue sticky note on their computer, and the teacher will assist students.

6. Students print their first draft and save their work to their email address.

7. Students who did not complete their work may complete this at home.

8. Instruct students to have first draft ready for presentation to class the following day.

Lesson 4

1. A print advertisement will be placed on the active board and students will be asked

to briefly comment on its effect use of persuasive techniques.

Juanita Douglas

Here is a link to print advertisements.

2. The teacher makes a quick check of students who have completed their first draft of

the brochure. Students who did not complete their brochure are placed on the

student’s computer and instructed and guided to complete their task.

3. Students are instructed to complete step 10 of the performance task. This is a

reflection of how well they think they performed and how they may improve their


4. Students will then start presenting their brochures.

5. After each presentation two students will be allowed to comment on the students

use effective use of based on the given rubric.

6. Students who would like to improve their work will be given the weekend to refine

and submit their final product.

Lesson 5

1. Journal entry. Students will evaluate they unit. They will discuss what they learned,

what they liked, disliked, and what they still need to learn more of.

2. Review unit standards, understandings and essential questions with students.

Allow students to complete their KWL chart and share what they have learnt.
Juanita Douglas

Performance Task(s)
Be sure to indicate:

Goal: Students will use various persuasive techniques to convince readers of their
Role: Travel Agents
Audience: Prospective Tourists
Situation: Students will complete task individually as homework assessment.
Product Performance and Purpose: Students will create an informational travel
brochure that convinces readers to visit a location.
Standards and Criteria for Success:
Good organization
Strong content materials
Use of appropriate persuasive techniques
Appropriate use of graphics and texts.
Juanita Douglas
Juanita Douglas

Persuasive Travel Brochure

ELA7R1e: For informational texts, the student reads and comprehends in order to develop
understanding and expertise and produces evidence of reading that: identifies evidence used to
support an argument.
ELA7RC2g: The student participates in discussion related to curricular learning in all subject
areas. The student recognizes the uses the features of disciplinary texts (e.g., charts, graphs,
photos, maps, highlighted vocabulary).
ELA7LSV1b: The student listens to and views various forms of text and media in order to gather
and share information, persuade others, and express and understand ideas.
Your task is to construct a brochure. The brochure you create should be an informative tool that
persuades the reader to adopt the opinions of the author. After you have taken your brochure
through the stages of the writing process, be prepared to publish it.
1. Read through a series of published brochures and take notes on the different design layouts
you observe that might be of interest to you.
2. Next, consider your purpose and audience so that you can design a layout that will capture
your readers’ attention.
3. Once you decide on the opinions and facts you want to include, begin to organize the ideas:
perhaps you could use your topic sentences (your opinions on the subject) as bold headings in
your brochure; and a list of the facts to support your claims or relevant examples for support.
4. Consider what persuasive techniques you will include to inform and convince your readers,
and how you will incorporate those techniques in your text.
5. After you have examined your editorial and selected the facts and opinions you would like to
include for your brochure, create illustrations that will capture the main ideas represented in your
original text.
6. Next, consider how you want to conclude your brochure so that you readers are left with a
clear understanding of your purpose and opinions.
7. Share your brochures in small groups and using the feedback from your peers, revise your
text accordingly.
8. Edit your text so that errors do not interfere with the reader’s comprehension of your text. Be
sure to review the Scoring Guide.
9. Print or create three to five copies that you can publish by handing it out to your target
audience—people who you feel will benefit from reading your brochure.
10. Last, using the following questions, on a separate sheet of paper, reflect on the process of
this assignment:
Juanita Douglas

• What was your purpose in this brochure and how well did you accomplish your purpose in
this task?
• What techniques of persuasion did you use and were they convincing?
• If you had an opportunity to revisit this assignment what would you do differently? Explain.
Juanita Douglas

CATEGORY (1) Not Yet (2) Almost (3) Good (4) Excellent
Attractiveness & The brochure has The brochure has The brochure has The brochure's
Organization exceptionally attractive well-organized formatting and
attractive formatting formatting and information. organization of
(Organization) and well-organized well-organized material are
information. information. confusing to the
Persuasive The brochure uses The brochure uses The brochure uses The brochure has no
exceptional appropriate limited persuasive persuasive
persuasive persuasive techniques to techniques or
techniques to inform techniques to inform and appropriate facts or
and convince inform and convince readers. opinions.
readers. convince readers.
Brochure includes Brochure Brochure explains Analysis of the Problem is not
details that help explain thoughtfully uses the problem and the problem is weak in analyzed; no
and elaborate on the details to explain the proposed solution the brochure; solution is proposed
proposed solution or problem and but lacks details. proposed solution is in the brochure.
position. elaborate on the not thoroughly
proposed solution. explained.
Graphics/Pictures The graphics go The graphics go The graphics go The graphics do not
well with the text well with the text, well with the text, go with the
and there is a good but there are so but there are too accompanying text
mix of text and many that they few. or appear to be
graphics. distract from the randomly chosen.

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