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Inclination of youth towards social networking sites: a

three-nation exploration.


There is a growing usage of internet all over the world. According to ComScore Networks, seven hundred
and thirteen million people ages fifteen and older (representing fourteen percent of the global population)
used the Internet in June 2006 (Lipsman, 2006, cited in Hinduja and Patchin, 2001: 126). Within the user
groups there is a growing population engaging in social networking sites. 


Social networking sites being a fairly recent development have become a dynamic communication tool
mainly popular among youth. Considering this perspective, the study explores the concept of social
networking sites and its usage pattern among youth of three different nations: India, Nepal and Maldives. 

1.1 Social Networking Sites 

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The popularity of social networking sites are growing day by day and now it has become a revolutionized
way of communication among youth. In a recent study it was mentioned that 'one hundred million people
have joined the cyber socializing revolution in 2006' (, accessed on 22 July 2008). 

Social networking sites have been defined in several literatures. An internet-based social network can
accordingly be considered a virtual community, consisting of characteristics such as: 'using common
language and ease of communication; public space; common interests, values, and goals, persistence of
common meaning; use of information technology for interaction, not physical space; overcoming time and
space barriers; and using digitized identities as a substitute for physical being' (Wang and Chen, 2004, p.
4). Similarly it has been defined as 'web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or
semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a
connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the
system' (Boyd and Ellison, 2007, 

Many social networking sites has emerged over the years, refer to the depiction provided below. 

World's top five social networking sites with countries where they are most popular include Facebook
(U.S., Canada, U.K.), Hi5 (Peru, Thailand, Dominican Republic), Orkut (Brazil, India, U.S.), Myspace
(U.S., U.K., France), Friendster (Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore) Forward2, 2008, p18). These sites
allow users to create their page, add friends and communicate with them by comment posted on their
respective pages. Users are able to build a network of connections that they can display as a list of


The rapid growth of social networking sites during the last four years projected that they have successfully
created a virtual relationship among youth ages thirteen to twenty two (Raskin, 2006, 56). However, other
researchers describe the virtual relationship among youth from eighteen to thirty five. Social networking
sites and their relation with youth has become an area of growing interest for researchers. They are
interested to know why youth are joining these sites. Most of the existing studies related with this area
are confined to western world. The proposed study will be based on findings of a three- nation study with
stated objectives. Hence, this study will add value and provide scope for further research possibilities in
respective nations. For our research, we have selected popular sites on the basis of our pre-pilot study
with young students in India, Nepal and Maldives. We also noticed from our pre pilot study that students
from all three nations have identified sites that are general in nature ,with at least 10 million visitors
worldwide . 

1.2 Objectives 

* To explore and identify the reasons behind users' interest to join a social networking site  

* To assess user expectations from social networking sites. 

* To investigate the advantages and disadvantages that users' are getting. 

* To analyze the pattern of usage of some of the existing social networking sites. 

Literature Review 

The literature review given below focuses on different research studies done in the past in the relevant
area. The literature review has been divided into three main sections based on the main three objectives
of the study. 

2.1 Reasons Behind Users' Interest to Join Social Networking Sites and Their Expectations From Those

Surveys on use of social networking sites indicate that people join and partake in social networking
websites for various reasons, such as to stay in touch with friends, make plans with friends, make new
friends, or flirt with someone (Lenhart and Madden, 2007, cited in Gangadharbatla, 2007,7). 

According to Madhavan (2007), while MySpace attracted the majority of media attention in the USA and
other European countries, a number of social networking sites were also proliferating and growing popular
in other parts of the world. The study showed that Friendster gained traction in the Pacific Islands; Orkut
became the premier social networking site in Brazil before growing rapidly in India. Refer to Table 1 below
for worldwide growth of usage of some key social networking sites: 

Similarly, a study by Andrew Lipsman (2007) reported that literally hundreds of millions of people around
the world are visiting social networking sites each month and many are doing so on a daily basis. This
would indicate that use of social networking sites is not a fad but rather an activity that is being woven into
the very fabric of the global Internet. 

Further to add to the growing appeal of social networking sites among youth, a study published by Ofcom
(2008) reflected that younger users said they preferred social networking sites which offered simplicity,
visual fun and entertainment (e.g. Bebo and MySpace). The youth generally had more time to spend on
these sites and tended to be more experimental in how they used them and what they posted in the sites. 

Moreover, Boyd (2007) argued that the reason why the youths joined these sites are deeply rooted in how
the social networking sites support sociality amongstpreexisting friend groups. While socializing drives
certain kinds of engagement with the sites, the high incidence of teens with Internet access at home
offers another plausible explanation for the long hours they spend in the sites. 

The present study also exhibited that the reasons for youth to join social networking sites as similar
appeal as identified in the existing literature. Some of the major reasons to join the sites being "ease of
keeping in contact with friends and reaching many people at the same time, meeting new people, keeping
up with favourite bands, adding applications such as games, quizzes and virtual gift giving." 

The available research put forward the view that most social networking sites primarily support pre-
existing social relations. And, Ellison, Steinfield, and Lampe (2007) suggest that Facebook is used to
maintain existing offline relationships or solidify offline connections, as opposed to meeting new people.
These relationships may be weak ties, but typically there is some common offline element among
individuals who befriend one another, such as in a shared class at school. 

Above mentioned evidences are further supported by our pre-pilot study, where the majority of
the respondents indicated several reasons for their of interest into joining social networking sites as given
in the following section: 

2.2 Advantages and disadvantages 

A Number of existing studies have exhibited the advantage and disadvantage of use of social networking
sites. Also, one of the main objectives of the present study is to identify various advantages as well as
disadvantages of these sites among the youth of India, Nepal and Maldives. 

2.2.1 Advantages 

Users of social networking sites are aware of various advantages associated with these sites. They
readily accept that these sites are the means of communication and connection with one another.
Research has shown that online communication fosters relationship building, improving communication
between parties, and consistently documents users' differences in online communication (Raacke and
Bonds-Raache, 2008, 169). 

In addition to the advantages explained above, social networking sites also provide a variety of services,
for example, they allow any individual to quickly and easily post a web page that serves as a digital
representation of one's self, his or her interests, personal style, affiliations, likes and dislikes. Moreover,
the sites enable the users to post and link to pictures, videos, and audio with relative ease. According to
Hinduja and Patchin (2008, 130), the communication features within the sites
facilitate expedient interaction among a population who wants to receive or send information quickly, and
while engaged in multiple other online tasks. 

The above statement can be further strengthened by a study carried out by Kaiser Family
Foundation (Roberts, Foehr and Rideout, 2005, cited in Nyland, Marvez and Beck, 2006) that describe
the lives of youth as being "media saturated." They are exposed to multiple sources of media at once. For
this reason they have been dubbed by the Foundation as "The Multi-tasking generation". 

Besides being extremely popular among college students, social networking sites have also contributed
to fulfill the users' social needs. The facts equally evident from our pre-pilot study (refer to the table
below) which reflected that the social networking sites help the users to keep in touch with their friends
circle to satisfy their need to be together and socialize. Ellison, Steinfield, and Lamp (2006, cited in
Nyland, Marvez and Beck, 2006) found that youths who intensely used social networking sites reported
higher levels of bonding, bridging, and high school social capital. 

2.2.2 Disadvantages 

With presence of number of advantages, social networking sites are not completely free from
disadvantages. To name a few, ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency) outlines a
series of commercial, corporate and social/individual 'threats' raised by social networking sites. They
describe the threats in technological terms and raise the issue of the difficulty of deleting entries, identity
theft as well as cyberstalking, cyber bullying, alc ohol and drug ab use (Associated Press, 2006c; Usher,
2006); hate crimes (Edds, Lawhon, and Miller, 2006); planned or executed bombings (USA Today, 2006;
Usher, 2006); planned school shootings (ABC News, 2006); suicide (Associated Press, 2006b); and even
murder (Hoover, 2006). 
Further, adding to the disadvantage of use of social networking sites, Livingstone (2008) mentioned social
networking as a time-wasting and sociallyisolating activity . The study also suggested that at worst it
allows paedophiles to groomlure children in their bedroom or sees teenagers lured into suicide pacts
while parents think they are doing their homework. 

A recent survey from Get Safe Online found that "Over 10.8 million people across UK are registered to a
social networking site. Of these, one in four have posted confidential or personal information such as their
phone number, address or email, on their online profile, making them vulnerable to identity fraud." The
research also found that 13 percent of social networkers have posted information or photos of other
people online without their consent. According to the study, this trend is strongest amongst younger
users, with twenty seven percent of eighteen to twenty four year-olds admitting that they have posted
information, photos of other people without their consent online. 

Meanwhile, a study by Noguchi (2006) suggested that time spent by people on social networking sites
only contributes to their workload. Further stressing on disadvantage of use of these sites, the study
exhibited that many users of Myspace seem to be closing their accounts because they feel that they
aren't receiving enough face-to-face interaction, or that the interaction that they have online isn't as

Our pre-pilot study also clearly stated that for majority of students using social networking sites was much
more than just a functional activity. Refer to the table below for more detail result of pre-pilot study. 

A view on statistics released by Audit Bureau of Circulation revealed that Teen Magazines sector has
experienced a decline in sales by 8.7 percent. Analyst states that the decline has resulted in the impact of
the internet and the popularity of social networking sites (U.K. research by Whitefield and Jennifer, Feb

To sum up , 'Social networking is what being a teenager is about," said Kenda Creasy Dean, associate
professor of youth, church and culture and director of the Tennent School of Christian Education
at Princeton Theological Seminary. "For people my age [in their forties], technology is a tool. For kids,
technology is the air they breathe. It's social glue." (National Catholic Reporter, Nov. 2006). 


3.1 Data collection 

Data collection process started with a pre-pilot study to gather a basic understanding about the subject
matter and social networking sites. Pre-pilot study included open-ended questions about inclination of
youth towards social networking sites and it was collected through email from fifteen respondents. The
pre-pilot study itself helped in designing the research questionnaire for this study. The pre-pilot study
indicated that students from all three nations preferred common sites with at least ten million visitors
world-wide, they are Myspace, Facebook, Hi5, Friendster and Orkut. Prior use of the survey instrument
for the final study, validity check of the questionnaire was carried out and expert views were incorporated
to improve the design of the survey instrument. Using the design instrument (as the basis for primary data
collection) and other secondary data the complete data set for the study was generated. The primary data
used was are collected based on self-administered questionnaire through email from the selected
respondents from India, Nepal and Maldives. This method of data collection was chosen for two reasons.
Firstly, the survey is about online social networking sites users, so the researchers implied that all
respondents are internet savvy. Secondly, 'email surveys is quicker turnaround than the postal or face-to-
face questionnaire, thus raising data quality by securing timely data' (Fielding et al, 2008: 89) Secondary
data was obtained through published and non-published material mainly from online journals, social
networking sites, books and informal interactions with the users. 

3.2 Sample 
The sample was selected because the three researchers involved in this study belonged to the referred
three countries. The survey was carried out online and the survey forms were sent to different institutes of
the respective countries. India, Nepal and Maldives population, literacy rate and age structure
is depicted in the table below: 

Non-probability convenience sampling was used to choose the institutes and the respondents. For the
purpose the study the data was collected from ninety respondents equally distributed among three
countries. However, for the purpose of analysis eighty nine responses were considered. All the
respondents were graduate and postgraduate students, both male and female with age group ranging
from seventeen to thirty two years. 

Analysis and Findings 

This section is organized according to the results pertaining to the participants who are the users of social
networking sites. The results obtained from analysis, using Excel and SPSS package mainly concentrate
on mean comparison, one-way ANOVA and Factor-Analysis. 

Of the eighty nine participants surveyed, the sample constituted of 61.8 percent male (55 male) and 38.2
percent female (thirty four female). Age wise distribution suggested that ninteen percent respondents are
from seventeen to twenty two age groups, sixty nine percent from twenty three to twenty seven age
groups and remaining twelve percent from twenty eight to thirty two age groups. 

4.1 General Analysis 

As the research objective focused on the use of social networking sites and youth inclination toward the
social networking sites, the first attempt was made to identify the hours spent on social networking sites.
As shown below, thirty three percent of the respondents spend one to two hours on social networking
sites, whereas thirteen percent spent two-three hours. 


When the hours spent on social networking sites were compared in terms of nations, the following results
emerged. The chart illustrated Maldivian youth spending more hours on social networking sites in
comparison to India and Nepal. 

Even though Maldivian youth spend longer hours on social networking sites, rating for importance is
similar in the three countries. High percentage of respondents from all three nations opined social
networking sites as important. 

The importance itself supported by the number of social networking youth is using. As evident, from the
chart below thirty three percent youth have five social networking sites. 

From the pre-pilot and the main survey 5 popular social networking sites (Facebook, Orkut, Hi5,
Friendster and Myspace) appears in the three countries. The charts below illustrates the usage patterns
of five social networking sites in three countries. 

4.2 Mean Comparison and ANOVA 

Based on the general findings (4.1) the mean comparisons was conducted to determine reasons to join
social networking sites, ease of use of social networking sites, expectation on the use of social networking
sites and disadvantages of social networking sites with respect to nationality, gender and age. 

Reasons to Join Social Networking Sites 

The popular reasons to join social networking sites were identified through mean comparison. From the
comparison it is visible that Nepalese female, Indian male and female considered 'reconnecting with old
friend(s) who have lost contact' as most important reason to join social networking sites with mean 4.79
for Nepalese female, 4.45 for Indian male and 5 for Indian female. Whereas, for Maldivian males and
females the preferred reasons to join social networking sites where 'communicating with friends', with
mean 4.56 and 4.92 respectively. In addition, Maldivian males rated 'reconnecting with old friend(s) who
have lost contact' as high priority reason with equal mean as 'communicating with friends' dimension.
Likewise, Nepalese male are interested to 'reconnect with old friends (Mean =4.33) and 'communicate
with friends' (Mean =4.33). 

For further explanation, one-way ANOVA has been conducted for each of the items (reasons).
Researchers' wanted to see whether there is any difference between Indian, Nepalese and Maldivian
youths' in terms of reasons to join social networking sites. It is evident from the table that in case of
'entertain myself' (P=.023), 'share videos/pictures/ music' (P=.037), 'business purpose' (P=.014), and
'make new friends' (P=.001) differences exists. Similarly when researchers compared Nepal with other
two countries 'leisure/time pass' (P=.032) and 'educational purpose' (P=.004) were found to be different
from the other two countries. Further in case of Maldives, in comparison to other two countries some
interesting results evolved which reflected that 'communicating with family' (P=.026), 'communicating with
friends' (P=.027), 'leisure/ time pass' (p=.002) 'entertain myself' (P=.005), 'make new friends' (P=.000) and
'exploring the possibility of future relationships' (P=.013) were different. Though 'entertain myself', 'leisure/
time pass' and 'making new friends' were common in all three countries. Thus, it can be inferred that there
are common reasons for which youth of three countries are joining social networking sites. Regardless of
the commonalities certain differences exists in the case of Maldives which could be argued I terms of
cultural differences. 

Ease of Use of Social Networking Sites 

With respect to ease to join social networking sites Indian females preferred 'changing themes' (mean
=4.50), than 'adding/removing pictures', and 'ease of access to friends and family' both with the mean of
4.38. In case of Nepalese females 'ease of access to friends and family', 'ease to register' with mean
equal to 4.29, followed by 'adding or removing pictures' with mean 4.14 were found to be important.
However, in case of Maldivian female users 'ease of access to friends and family' were found to be most
important with the mean of 4.25 followed by 'adding and removing pictures' and 'removing items or posts'
both with the mean of 4.08. In case of Indian male 'ease of access to friends and family' which was the
second important variable for Indian females considered to be most important variable here with the mean
of 4.14, followed by 'ease to register' with a mean of 4.09. In case of Nepalese male users 'ease to
register' with mean 4.33 was the most important variable followed by 'ease of access to friends and
family' with 4.27 mean. Similarly, comparing Maldivian males, it is evident that 'ease of access to friends
and family' again got the highest priority with a mean of 4.44 along with 'adding/removing picture' with the
same mean. 

From the above analysis we may infer that 'ease of access to friends and family', 'adding/removing
pictures' were the most common variables in terms of user friendliness and ease of use with regard to all
three nations. As ANOVA analysis suggested that Maldivian users in comparison to other nation users
have different opinion regarding 'ease to register' (with P=.036) and 'removing items' (with P=.047). 

Features Relevance and Expectation on the Use of Social Networking Sites 

Descriptive statistics for the features relevance and expectations represents that for Indian females
'scrapping/ message posting' is the most relevant feature (mean= 4.62), whereas for Indian males the
same is the most relevant feature with lesser mean 4.32. In addition, to this Indian male also give higher
priority to 'block unwanted users' (mean= 4.32). In case of Nepalese female users 'block unwanted users'
emerges as the most relevant feature followed by 'sharing picture' (mean 4.07) which was the most
relevant feature in case of Nepalese male. Interesting to add that Nepalese male gave second priority to
'blocking unwanted users'. In case of Maldivian female totally different results emerged from the
descriptive analysis. For the Maldivian male and female 'personalising ones profile' was considered as the
most relevant feature (mean= 4.67) for both. 
ANOVA results for assessing feature relevancy and nationality showed no difference between Indian and
Nepalese users opinion, however Maldivian respondents as in the earlier case, depicted different opinion
regarding 'sharing videos' (P=.006) and 'personalising ones profile' (p=.001). 

Analysis of variance in terms of expectations from social networking sites in future with nationality and
gender suggested that in case of 'diverse applications' (P=.046) Maldivian youth has different
expectations about this. 

Disadvantages of Using Social Networking Sites 

Regarding the disadvantages, all three nation users (including both female and male) considered social
networking sites as an 'addiction'. For Indian users 'addiction' (with mean 3.70), for Nepalese users (mean
=3.76) and Maldivian users (mean= 4.20). For Maldivian females 'lack of face-to-face interaction'
emerged as highly disadvantageous. Nepalese females also reflected that using social networking sites
create a 'lack of face-to -face interaction' which is the second disadvantage for them. Nepalese male
considered this as the most disadvantageous (mean =3.0). 

To substantiate the above results, one-way ANOVA was conducted to evaluate each disadvantage item
with respect to three nations separately. For Nepalese users 'time consuming' (p = 0.000) and 'ground for
sexual predators' (p = 0.034) were significant at 0.05. However, in case of Indian youth, 'lack of face-to-
face interaction' showed significant result (p = 0.019). Similarly, for Maldivian youth 'time consuming' (p =
0.001) and 'lack of face-to-face interaction' (p = 0.006) was significant at 95 percent of confidence level. 

In addition, a percentage analysis has been carried out to find out the disadvantages of social networking
sites (see chart below). Social networking site drawbacks greatly felt by Maldivian youth include 'time
consumption', 'addiction' and 'lack of face-to-face interaction'. However, the stated disadvantages are felt
to a lesser extent by the other two countries. Nepalese youth perspective in terms of disadvantage
is reflective from 'addiction' and 'lack of face-to face interaction'. Likewise, the Indian youth reflected
disadvantage in terms of 'time consumption' and 'addiction'. The lowest score illustrative from the chart
(for all the three countries) lies in cyberbullying. 


Apart from the above mentioned analysis, two-way ANOVA was carried out taking age and gender as the
independent variable to find out the effect of social networking site on the number of friends. The results
showed that F-statistics corresponding to nationality was 8.862 which was significant at p<0.001. F-
statistics for gender was 0.415 which was insignificant as p value was equal to 0.521. Also, the interaction
between nationality and gender was insignificant. Therefore, in this case, the null hypothesis (nationality
and gender have no relation on number of friends at social networking sites) was partially supported. 

4.1 Factor Analysis 

Factor Analysis has been carried out to find out the underlying dimensions for reasons to join social
networking sites, ease to join and disadvantages. The following results from factor analysis throws light
on above mentioned aspects. 

Reasons to Join Social Networking Sites 


Table-VI explains the extraction communalities which are useful as these are obtained using the extracted
factors. In the present research seventy nine percent of the variance in 'Entertain myself' is explained by
the extracted factors. It is also useful to note seventy five percent of the variance in 'communicate with
friends' is explained by the extracted factors. 

It is also important to note that out of thirteen variables, four factors can explain the 64.22 percent of the
variance. Total variance explained can be seen in the following table. It is important to note from the table
that four variables have Eigen value of more than 1. 

Above table clearly depicts that with the help of factor analysis researchers are able to find out the
underlying following four dimensions. It is clear that 'communicate with family', 'communicate with friends'
and 'reconnect with old friends' which has similar factor loading can be grouped together as one factor.
Similarly, 'leisure/timepass', 'entertain oneself', and 'convenience' can be grouped as one factor. Further,
variables like 'business purpose', 'educational purpose' and 'keep up to date with social
happenings/events' can be a part of one factor. And, lastly, 'share video/ pictures/music', 'explore
possibility of a future relationship', 'make new friends' are part of one factor. Thus, researchers can infer
that broad reasons of respondents' inclination towards social networking sites are 'communication
purpose', 'entertaining', 'valuable' and 'features ease'. 

Ease of use of Social Networking Sites 


Table-IX explains the extraction communalities which are useful as these are obtained using the extracted
factors. In the present research 82.3 percent of the variance in 'ease to register' is explained by the
extracted factors. It is also useful to note 80.1 percent of the variance in 'remove items/posts' is explained
by the extracted factors. 

From the above table it is clear that three variables are explaining the sixty nine percent of variance with
Eigen value more than 1. 

Above mentioned rotation table represents that 'find information', 'add/remove pictures', 'can edit privacy
settings' and 'remove items/posts' can be grouped together as one factor namely 'personal posting ease'.
Similarly, 'ease to register'; 'ease to access to friends; and family' can be grouped together as second
factor namely 'access ease'. Third factor consisted of 'change themes' and 'create something of my own'
variable which can be named as 'creativity'. 

Disadvantages of Using Social Networking Sites 


Table-XII explains the extraction communalities which are useful as these are obtained using the
extracted factors. In the present research eighty two percent of the variance in 'cyberbullying' is explained
by the extracted factors. It is also useful to note 71.8 percent and 71.4 percent of the variance in 'ground
for sexual predators' and 'cyberstalking' is explained by the extracted factors. 

It is also important to note that out of six variables, two factors can explain the 63.30 percent of the
variance. It is important to note from the table that two variables have Eigen value of more than 1. 

Table-XIV clearly depicts that with the help of factor analysis researchers are able to find out the
underlying two dimensions. It is clear that 'time consuming' and 'addiction' has similar factor loading can
be grouped together as one factor, namely 'addiction'. Similarly the variables: 'ground for sexual
predators', 'cyberbullying', 'lack of face-to-face interaction' and 'cyberstalking', can be grouped as one
factor namely 'cyber harassment'. 

Results obtained from the factor analysis are supported by the following qualitative research analysis. 

4.4 Comments on Actual Gains From Social Networking Sites 

Upon asking about the actual gains from using social networking sites from the respondents in the form
of open-ended question; respondents expressed their opinions freely. Analysis of those responses
suggested that most of the respondents considered social networking sites as a platform for meeting
especially old friends and family. According to one respondent, "Now, I know my family and friends are
just a click away and I don't feel so out of touch either. Best of all, I get to see their and their children's
pictures and videos." 

Most of the respondents reflected that using social networking sites is fun and entertaining activity which
helps in time pass. At the same time many of them felt that it is an addiction. Some of the respondents
expressed that these kinds of sites gave a platform for branding oneself. Many of them felt that these
social networking sites are good public relation media. 

According to one respondent, "It is a medium of advertising and promoting one-self in order to gain
'popularity' which are measured by i) the number of friends that I have in the friends list ii) my profile
settings and, iii) my photos and my themes. And to get that we keep on adding to people that we do not
know, qualities that we do not possesses and groups that we do not belong to. And in doing that we learn
how to mix up/socialize with people of different age and background." 

One respondent opined that, "lot of interaction with people from different parts of world improves
knowledge of human culture. Secondly, communities provide good platform for discussing topics
extensively. Cricket updates are faster than or keeping in touch with all friends,
their updates on home page provides easy way of getting updated. No NEED to go to friend's page and
check for updates n all. Easy mode of Sharing pictures and friends commenting on pics without any
difficulty is really awesome". 

Some of them expressed that they were very selective in making friends. One expressed that, "I rather
then wasting time on making useless friends, work on meeting great people who are achievers and
influence my life and motivate me to do the same. I generally use social networking for having an insight
to people who have made this world a better place to live by their innovation or ideas. For example I
met CEO of on and was shocked to know that he started this site at a very
young age and it was an idea which he put to work so efficiently. He also does social activities in Mumbai
currently helping the poor." 

Most of them felt that it is also a discussion gateway in the form of community thread. It is evident that
most of the respondents see social networking sites as a communication channel connecting their friends
and families. However, some also felt this as an enhancing knowledge and as a mean to share ideas. 

4.5 Findings and Summary 

Thus, the analysis done with the help of statistical tools clearly indicate the reasons, advantages,
disadvantages and usage pattern of using social networking sites by youth of the three nations. Results
from mean comparison, ANOVA and factor analysis including open-ended question analysis reflects that
youth from all three nations joins social networking sites to communicate with their friends/family and
reconnect with old friends. Analysis shows that youth use social networking sites as a discussion platform
to talk about their interest, sharing picture, music, videos and up-to-date themselves with the happenings
in their respective communities. 

It is also reflective to note that India and Nepal share commonalities across various variables, whereas
Maldives displayed distinct results majority of the cases. Results communicated that youth from all three
nations felt that using social networking sites is an addiction and this leads to them to spend more than
2hours daily. 

Among the five selected social networking sites Orkut considered most popular site in India, while
Facebook appeared as most popular in Nepal and Maldives. 

The analysis with findings indicated the reasons of joining, expectations and disadvantages with regard to
social networking sites. In this research researchers have focused on respondents from three nations
respondents only. There is further scope to be this type of exploration to be carried out on other socio
cultural contextsexplored. 
Methodologically researchers' ability to make causal claims is limited by a lack of experimental
or longitudinal studies and limited sample size. Researchers hope that the study carried out about
exploring the inclination of youth towards social networking sites will help in building an understanding for
future investigations of issues surrounding social network sites. 


* Boyd, D. (2007) "Why Youth (Heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage
Social Life." MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Learning--Youth, Identity, and Digital Media Volume
(ed. David Buckingham). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 

* Comscore, Inc (2007). Major Social Networking Sites Substantially Expanded Their Global Visitor Base
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Dr. Divya Singhal Assistant Professor, Goa Institute of Management Goa. 

Fathimath Shiraani Assistant Lecturer, Maldives College of Higher Education, Republic of Maldives. 

Jyoti Regmi Adhikary Assistant Professor, Kathmandu University School of Management, Nepal. 

The present paper provides an exploration of three nations comprising, India, Nepal and Maldives about
inclination of youth towards social networking sites. The paper also examines the usage pattern and
prevailing popular social networking sites in these nations. It also explored and identified the reasons
behind users' interest to join and their expectations, features relevance and disadvantages from social
networking sites.
Worldwide growth of usage of some key
social networking sites

Worldwide Growth of Selected Social Networking Sites--Total

Worldwide Home/Work Locations Among Internet User;
Age 15+

Social Networking SiteTotal UniqueVisitors (000)

Jun-06 Jun-07 % Growth

MySpace 66,401 114,147 72

Facebook 14,083 52,167 270
His 18,098 28,174 58
IOrkut 13,588 24,120 78
Friendster 14,917 24,675 65

Source:, accessed on 22 July. 2008

Population, Literary Rate and Age Structure in The Three Nations

Country India

Gender Male Female

Literacy rate 73.4 percent

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