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Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Lancang Kuning

End of Semester I Test 2020/2021

Subject : Advanced Accounting 1
Time : 100 menit
Lecturer : Dr. Rinayanti Rasyad, CA

Soal :
1. Proud Corporation purchased 80% of the common stock of Stergis Company on
Januari 1, 2019, at underlying book value. On December 31, 2019, the trial balances of
the two companies are as follows :A

Proud Corporation Stregis Company

Debit Credit Debit Credit
Current Assets $173,000 $105,000
Depreciable Asset 500,000 300,000
Investment in Stergis Co. Common
Depreciation Expense 25,000 15,000
Other Expenses 105,000 75000
Dividends Declared 40,000 10,000
Accumulated Depreciation $175,000 $75,000
Current Liabilities 50,000 40,000
Long-term Debt 100,000 120,000
Common Stock 200,000 100,000
Retained Earnings 230,000 50,000
Sales 200,000 120,000
Income from Subsidiary 24,000
$979,000 $979,000 $505,000 $505,000

Required :
a. Give all elliminating entries required as of Desember 31,2019, to prepare
consolidated financial statements.
b. Prepare a three-part consolidation workpaper.

2. Bean Corporation has a branch in a nearby town and regularly ships inventory to the
branch. During 2020, Bean Corporation purchased items costing $30.000 and
transferred $20.000 of the units to the branch at a billing price of $45.000. Bean
Corporation sold 60% of the remaining units to Chase Company dengan harga
$11.000. The branch sold 70% of the units purchased from the home office during
2020 for $58.000.

Required :
a. Give the journal entries recorded by Bean’s home office and branch during
2020 related to inventory transactions.
b. Determine cost of goods sold and sales recorded by the branch for 2020.
c. Determine cost of goods sold and sales for Bean Corporation as a whole for

3. Roberts Inc. memiliki sebuah kantor cabang di kota lain. Sebelum menyiapkan
laporan keuangan untuk tahun 2020, akuntan perusahaan harus merekonsiliasi
perkiraan-perkiraan kunci intraperusahaan. Perkiraan ’Investment in Branch’ dalam
pembukuan kantor pusat memiliki saldo debit $83.000. Kantor cabang melaporkan
perkiraan ’Home Office’ dalam pembukuannya bersaldo kredit $36.000. Dalam
menganalisis aktivitas pada masing-masing perkiraan yang bersangkutan pada tahun
2020, akuntan tersebut menemukan perbedaan-perbedaan berikut :

 Pada tanggal 28 Desember 2020, kantor cabang telah mentransfer uang tunai
sebesar $4.000 kepada kantor pusat. Kantor pusat belum mencatat adanya
penerimaan transfer tersebut.

 Selama tahun tersebut, kantor pusat mengirimkan barang dagang senilai $30.000
kepada cabang dengan harga transfer $40.000. Walaupun cabang telah menerima
kiriman barang dagang tersebut, ternyata belum dicatat dalam pembukuannya.

 Pada akhir tahun, kantor pusat telah mengalokasikan beban iklan (advertising
expense) sebesar $3.000 kepada kantor cabang, tetapi kantor cabang belum
mencatat pengalokasian beban tersebut.

Hitunglah saldo rekonsiliasi (saldo yang benar) dari perkiraan ’Investment in Branch’
dan ’Home Office’ Rogers Inc.


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