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Letter-DRRAlAdmin./858/20 18 June 30, 2018

The all Staff Members

Subject: Revised Perdiem Policy under section F.6 of HRM

Dear All Staff members,

Greeting from DRRA Management!

It is pleasure to announce that our exrstrng perdiem policy has been revised which will be
effective from I st July 2018 and new perdiem policy is given in the below table;
Level of position
Meal Executive Assistant Below Manager
Director to Director to to Project!
Deputy Director Manager Support Staff
Breakfast 250 150 75
Lunch 400 300 225
Dinner 350 250 200
Total in BOT 1,000 700 500

The above revised perdiem policy will be incorporated after finalization of revised HR Policy &
Procedure soon. All other terms & conditions of perdiem under section F.6 of HRM remain
Special note the following;
I. All project staff members' service contract is open ended and core staff members will be
applicable to claim the above rate of perdiem only.
2. All project staff members those contract period is not open ended those are not allowed
to claim the above rate of perdiem until their revised approved project budget or new
project year.
3. The above policy is not applicable for the staff members of Micro Credit Program.

Farida Yesmin
Executive Director

Copy to:
I. Manual of HR Management
2. Accounts, DRRA
202 9140162, 9129423
.••. 2/5, Road: 01, Shyamoli,
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.

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