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ME-223 Fluid Mechanics-II

Type=Theory, Credit Hours=3, Semester=4th

Course outline:

Fluid Mechanics II Course outline:

1. Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow

a) Deriving continuity equation by applying conservation of mass principle.
b) Evaluating velocity and acceleration field using material derivative.
c) Deriving Navier-Stokes equation and some simple analytical solution

2. Potential flow theory

a) Concept of vorticity, Circulation, Inviscid and Irrotational flow field
b) Basic velocity potential function and its superposition.
c) Prediction of Lift and drag using potential flow theory

3. Flow over immersed bodies

a) Boundary layer theory and its thicknesses.
b) Concept of local and average drag coefficient.
c) Calculating drag and lift forces due to pressure and velocity field.

4. Compressible Flows
a) Mach number and speed of sound
b) Isentropic flow of an ideal gas
c) Convergent divergent Nozzle

5. Turbomachinery
a) Fans, Pumps, turbines and other flow devices.
b) Deriving Euler’s equation and solving of turbo-machine problems using velocity triangle
c) Pump and turbine performance characteristic curves.

Text and Reference books:

1) Philip J. Pritchard and John C. Leylegian, Fox and McDonald's Introduction To Fluid Mechanics,
Wiley & Sons.
2) Munson, Young, Okiishi, HT John, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, J. Wiley & Sons.
3) Frank M White, Fluid Mechanics, Mc-Graw Hill

Contact Hours: Credit Hours:

Theory =48 Theory = 3.0

Practical = 0 Practical = 0.0

Total = 48 Total = 3.0



Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

S.No CLO Domain Taxonomy PLO

1 APPLY governing Cognitive 3 2
equations to
incompressible and
compressible fluid
2 CALCULATE fluid flow Cognitive 4 2
parameters for various
3 Analyze the Cognitive 3 3
performance of various
fluid devices using
scaling laws.

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