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Case study of umpaqua bank

samia khalid
Roll no:
Management sciences
Submitted to:
Miss Faiza Sultan

1) How does Umpqua enhance consumer motivation by making itself personally relevant to
umpqua bank had already impacted banking industry by treating a bank like a retail outmlet rather than
just a branch for transaction. They impressed their customer by the modern design and relaxing
environment which is nothing like a old school bank
by providing customers the best brand services as follows:

 A free cup of umpqua brand coffee

 Wifi, internet and television access.
 Comfortable seating.
 Customer can enjoy listening to music when shopping on web for banking products.
They made their customer feel like home rather than a bank branch where consumer can comfortably
conduct his business. Umpqua sent their employees to customer care courses so that every customer
receives first class service and attention irrespective of their bank account size. Umpqua has improved
his technology by introducing their innovation lab that facilitates customers to easily access the product
information and podcast .

2) Explain, in consumer behavior terms, how the Innovation Lab enhances customers’ ability to
process information about banking products and services.
innovation lab was introduced to offer customers an easier way to connect to the bankand obtained
detailed information banking products and services customer can use the interactive wall to update
umpqua bank’s new information about product and services as well as listen to podcast interactive wall
which features touch screen technology provides great banking experience. Another interactive wall
serves as a official community centre which provides information regarding volunteer opportunities and
community events.
According to the globalization nowadays, everything is conducted through technology. Therefore,
Innovation Lab is not an exception for financial banking service. Customers basically think that
technology is quite faster than manual, as a result, the mindset about Innovation Lab already enhances
customers’ ability to process information about banking products and services. In addition, in the
accordance with an article, Innovation Lab is both people friendly and efficient. It features huge touch-
screen multimedia plasma wall where customers can obtain detailed product information and listen to
podcasts about various services

What is Umpqua doing to enhance consumers’ opportunity to process information about financial
Umpqua Bank provides a comfortable place for consumers to process information about the
bank services while enjoying a cup of coffee and listening to music. In addition, consumers can easily
access and control information about their financial services by surfing the web or using interactive wall.
. It features huge touch-screen multimedia plasma wall where customers can obtain detailed product
information and listen to podcasts about various services

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