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Volume 14, Number 1, 2008

# Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/teb.2007.0318

Skin Tissue Engineering for Tissue Repair and Regeneration



Tissue-engineered skin is a significant advance in the field of wound healing. It has mainly been developed
because of limitations associated with the use of autografts and allografts where the donor site suffers
from pain, infection, and scarring. Recently, tissue-engineered skin replacements have been finding
widespread application, especially in the case of burns, where the major limiting factor is the availability
of autologous skin. The development of a bioartificial skin facilitates the treatment of patients with deep
burns and various skin-related disorders. The present review gives a comprehensive overview of the
developments and future prospects of scaffolds as skin substitutes for tissue repair and regeneration.

INTRODUCTION engineered skin replacements such as cultured autologous

and allogenic keratinocytes grafts, autologous or allogenic
T ISSUE ENGINEERING is the application of principles and
methods of engineering and life sciences to the de-
velopment of biological substitutes to restore, maintain, or
composites, acellular biological matrices, and cellular ma-
trices including biological substances such as fibrin sealant
and various types of collagen and hyaluronic acid (HA) have
improve tissue function.1 It is a rapidly expanding, multi- opened new options to treat such massive skin loss.
disciplinary field in biomedicine. Scientists have en- An experimental set-up of testing the performance of
gineered various tissues in the body, from skin substitutes tissue-engineered skin substitutes in full-thickness nude
to artificial nerves to heart tissues, with varying degrees of mouse skin wounds is shown in Fig 1. A study was also
success.2 The application of tissue engineering progress in conducted to compare cultured, stratified epithelial sheet
medicine is discussed according to the origin of germinal grafts and cultured, non-stratified keratinocyte single-cell
layers during embryonic development. Thus engineered suspensions in fibrin sealant with xenogenic meshed allo-
tissues could reduce the need for organ replacements.3 graft skin with control wounds. The keratinocyte fibrin
suspension can be available in 10 days because no epidermal
Skin tissue engineering differentiation is required, whereas cultured epidermal
Skin, the largest organ in the body, primarily serves as a grafts need at least 21 days for grafting. Human autografts
protective barrier against the environment. Loss of integrity are expensive and limited and therefore cannot be used in
of large portions of the skin due to injury or illness may case of extensive third-degree burns. Human allografts pro-
result in significant disability or even death. Adult skin con- vide temporary skin coverage and prevent infection until
sists of 2 tissue layers: a keratinized, stratified epidermis and autografts are available and overlaid. Again, one possi-
an underlying thick layer of collagen-rich dermal connec- ble disadvantage in the case of allografts are their limited
tive tissue providing support and nourishment. Appendages availability. Xenografts (tissues from other species) are
such as hair and glands are derived from the epidermis, but more accessible to allografts but they do not lead to per-
they project deep into the dermal layer. Thus skin replace- manent revascularization. In preliminary trials of assessing
ment has been a challenging task for surgeons ever since burn injuries, keratinocyte single-cell suspensions in fibrin
the introduction of skin grafts by Reverdin in 1871. Tissue- sealant with xenogenic-meshed allograft skin provided

Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India.
Protista Biotechnology AB, Ideon, Lund, Sweden.


enzymatic cell separation

cell culture

Epidermins (human)

Dermis (rejected)

cell sheets

control sheet grafts Keratinocyte Fibrin suspension
+ glycerolized xenografts

FIG. 1. Experimental set-up to test the performance of tissue-engineered skin substitutes in full-thickness nude mouse skin wounds:
comparison of cultured and stratified epithelial sheet grafts after calcium addition (A) and subconfluently cultured non-stratified
keratinocyte single-cell suspensions in fibrin sealant (B) with xenogenic meshed allograft skin as an overlay versus control wounds (C).
Reproduced from Horch et al.4 with permission.

results similar to those of cultured epithelial sheet grafts. oxygen environment in the wound to allow fibroblasts at the
Thus, even with limited donor sites, extensive burn areas can wound margin to produce collagen and forms a structure that
be covered efficiently (Fig. 1).4 These models indicate the helps in angiogenesis. The low-oxygen environment created
clinical reality of burn wounds. In addition to traditional by the gradient in the wound center is essential for the
approaches such as split- or full-thickness skin grafts, skin macrophages to release cytokines that stimulate chemotaxis,
bioengineering in vitro or in vivo has been developing over mitosis, and other steps in the healing process. The diffusion
the past decades.5 Cultured epidermal autografts can provide of oxygen from vessels at the wound margin creates this
permanent coverage of large areas from a skin biopsy. gradient. Experimental evidence suggests that hyperbaric
However, 3 weeks is needed for graft cultivation. Cultured oxygen cannot accelerate wound healing; rather it can only
epidermal allografts are available immediately, and no bi- act as a mild antiseptic agent and provides no advantage in
opsy is necessary. They can be cryopreserved and banked the treatment of burns.9
but are not currently commercially available.6 Current re- In the case of wound healing, tissue-engineered constructs
search in the field of tissue engineering continues to evolve, have already been applied successfully in burns and chronic
with the ultimate goal being tissue-engineered skin that wounds, although improvements in these biomaterials
matches the quality of the autologous skin graft.7 need to be optimized. In general, it is more promising to
substitute deficient components in vivo than to create com-
plex organs ex vivo. The most common approach is to create
Wound healing 3-dimensional (3-D) biodegradable scaffolds in the shape
Skin repair is an important area of research in the field of of the tissue.10 Long-term function of 3-D tissue constructs
tissue engineering, especially in the case of extended third- depends on adequate vascularization after implantation. To
degree burns, where current treatments for promoting sat- achieve vascularization of tissue constructs, modification
isfying skin regeneration are still in their infancy.8 During of biomaterial properties of scaffolds is essential by creating
the initial stages of wound healing, a temporary repair is microvascular networks within 3-D tissue constructs in vitro
usually achieved in the form of a blood clot. Inflammatory before implantation.11 Thus, an ideal therapy for wound
cells, fibroblasts, and capillaries later invade the clot to healing must promote rapid healing with minimum scar
form a contractile granulation tissue that draws the wound formation.12
margins together; meanwhile, the cut epidermal edges mi- Wound healing has become the first field to see the benefit
grate to cover the degenerated wound surface. of a new technology called tissue engineering. In this field, a
The tissue oxygen level and oxygen gradient are criti- number of biomaterials are used as scaffolds that may use
cal factors in wound healing. The gradient creates a high- natural or artificial materials. Generally, synthetic polymers

such as Tegaderm and OpSite that are semi-permeable can also be used in wound healing to promote tissue re-
polyurethane dressings are used as wound dressings for sim- generation and to prevent scar formation.19
ple and shallow wounds. Their main function is to protect Multipotent skin stem cells have been identified in the hair
from water loss, drying, and mechanical injury. OpSite is a follicle bulge, which is at the base of the epithelial com-
fine, transparent, elastic, self-adhesive polyurethane film. It partment. Bulge cells contribute to the epidermis during only
is impermeable to bacteria and water but permeable to gas. wound healing, but after isolation, when combined with
Recent studies have indicated that a moist environment neonatal dermal cells, they regenerate new hair follicles,
provides optimum conditions for wound repair. Healing epidermis, and sebaceous glands. In addition bulge cells
under OpSite is said to be quicker because the serous exu- retain their stem cell characteristics even after propagation
date permits unhindered migration of new cells across the in vitro and thus can find applications in tissue engineer-
wound bed and prevents cellular dehydration. In contrast, ing.20 One such application of hair follicle bulge cells
under dry conditions, healing is delayed because the new (HFBCs) and dermal papilla cells (DPCs) was illustrated in
skin cells must cleave a path through dehydrated dermis an experiment. The cells were isolated from human fetal hair
before migrating across the wound. With Op-site, the skin follicles using collagenase digestion and then cultured.
remains dry and the wound moist, providing the ideal en- Polyglycolic acid (PGA)–collagen scaffolds as bioengi-
vironment for rapid healing. The film does not adhere to the neered dermis were randomly divided into A and B groups.
moist wound and can therefore be removed without damage The HFBCs and DPCs were seeded at a ratio of 1:2 in
to the newly formed epidermis. The adhesive is low allergic. scaffolds of group A, and equal amounts of DPCs were
Finally, the wound can be assessed without removing the seeded in scaffolds of group B as a control. The keratinocyte
transparent OpSite.13 Tegaderm is also a vapor-permeable, sheets were then seeded onto the surfaces of the scaffolds as
transparent dressing. It supports the attachment and growth bioengineered epidermis. The tissue-engineered skin grafts
of cell types. Because it is a transparent polymer, it allows were then transplanted to repair the full-thickness wound on
the observation of cell growth before re-epithelialization the back of nude mice. The full-thickness defect of nude
after grafting to the wound. It is an inexpensive and easily mice in A and B groups could be repaired using the bioen-
available polyurethane-based wound dressing for the treat- gineered skins. From the composite skin engineered with
ment of burn and chronic wounds.14 In a study, these PGA–collagen hybrid scaffolds and keratinocytes, HFBCs
dressings were tested for their in vitro ability to kill potential and DPCs could effectively repair the full-thickness skin
bacterial pathogens. In bacterial killing tests, OpSite was defect in nude mice. Thus hair follicle stem cells participate
found to be superior to Tegaderm.15 More-complex dress- in the process of anatomic repair of wound and might be
ings vary from dermal replacements made from collagen and able to induce the repair of skin structure and function.21
chondroitin sulfate backed by a polymer layer such as In- The application of autologous or allogenic stem cells in
tegra to the complex Apligraft, which contains collagen and combination with specific growth factors in bioartificial skin
seeded cells. Ultimately, an engineered skin should contain may also help in tissue reconstruction. When the skin suffers
all the components necessary to modulate wound healing from trauma such as burn injury, it is thought that the bulge
and retain the characteristics of a natural skin with limited cells migrate to the surface to aid re-epithelialization. Thus,
scar tissue.16 Wound care is an essential step in promoting the regenerative role of bulge cells (or dissociated cells)
wound healing. One of the significant factors causing wound from the skin is multiple, and it leads to the development of
care pain is that the dressing adheres to the wound bed. Thus sebaceous glands, epidermis, and hair follicles.22
it is possible that particular dressings with low adhesion can
result in painless removal.17

Tissue-engineered bioartificial skin BIOMATERIALS THAT MAINTAIN
Artificial skin research is an active field in tissue engi- TISSUE ARCHITECTURE
neering, and it has encouraging prospects for clinicians to
restore various skin defects.18 It is preferable that the arti- Isolated cells have a limited capacity to reform their
ficial skin possess a bilayer structure that imitates the nat- respective tissue architecture, because they lack a template
ural skin, wherein the upper layer functions as a temporary that guides in restructuring. Moreover, transplantation of
epidermis that is permeable to moisture and not to water large volumes of tissues cannot be done because of diffu-
and a lower layer acts as a skin regeneration template. sion limitations that restrict interaction with the host en-
Tissue-engineered skin is one of the most advanced tissue vironment for nutrients, gas exchange, and elimination of
constructs, yet it lacks several important functions; hair waste products. Therefore, implanted cells survive poorly
follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, and dendritic under such conditions.23 Hence, an ideal scaffold that has
cells. Although it is difficult to recreate human skin en- the capacity to act as a template for the construction of
tirely, better functions can be provided by genetic modifi- neonatal skin is essential, provided that the template is bio-
cation of the cells that make up the tissues. Gene therapy degradable. A successful 3-D tissue-engineering scaffold

must have a highly porous structure and good mechanical groups in its molecular chain. Hence, less GA can be used in
stability. High porosity and optimally designed pore size the presence of Cs, and its potential cytotoxicity can be re-
provides structural space for cell accommodation and mi- duced. It was found that GA-treated scaffold had greater
gration and enables exchange of nutrients between the biostability and excellent biocompatibility. Further combi-
scaffold and environment.24 nation of Cs with GA preserves the original cytocompat-
A porous scaffold composed of chitosan (Cs), gelatin ibility of collagen. Potential cytotoxicity of GA was not
(Gel), and HA prepared using the freeze-drying method by evidenced at lower percentages of 0.25% in the scaffold.
Liu et al.25 had an interconnected pore structure. The in- Thus a collagen/Cs scaffold cross-linked with GA can be
corporation of HA greatly increased the water uptake a potential candidate for dermal equivalents in skin tissue
ability, flexibility, and biocompatibility of the scaffold. To engineering.27
construct artificial skin in vitro, fibroblasts and keratino- Collagen–polycaprolactone (PCL) composites were used
cytes were co-cultured in Cs-Gel-HA scaffolds at an air– for the manufacture of tissue-engineered skin substitutes.
liquid interface. Thus, a Cs-Gel-HA scaffold can be a Films with collagen-PCL ratios of 1:4, 1:8, and 1:20 were
promising matrix for skin tissue engineering.25 To alleviate prepared using impregnation of lyophilized collagen mats by
the extensive contraction of fibroblasts, cultured human PCL solutions followed by solvent evaporation. The prep-
fibroblast sheets in combination with 3-D matrices, knitted aration of fibroblast–composite constructs was investigated
poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) mesh, and collagen- using cell culture, thereby mimicking the dermal–epidermal
HA (CHA) sponge were used to form a bilayered skin structure of skin. Fibroblasts were found to attach to and
equivalent. When implanted into full-thickness wounds in proliferate on all the composites investigated, reaching a
nude rats, the cultured skin equivalents based on PLGA maximum of 1:20 collagen–PCL materials, with cell num-
meshes had an uptake rate of 100% and showed wound bers declining thereafter. Keratinocyte growth rates were
contraction similar to that of autografts, whereas wounds similar on all types of collagen- materials investigated.
grafted with PLGA meshes without cell sheets contracted Thus, composite films of collagen and PCL are found to be
more than did autografts (Fig. 2).26 favorable substrates for growth of fibroblasts and keratino-
A biodegradable scaffold designed using collagen and Cs, cytes and may find utility in skin repair (Fig. 3).28 A thin
with glutaraldehyde (GA) as a cross-linker, was prepared. biodegradable hybrid mesh composed of synthetic PLGA
The mean pore size of the scaffold was 100 to 200 mm, and and collagen was prepared such that web-like collagen mi-
the porosity was greater than 90%. Cs can function as a crosponges were formed in the openings of a PLGA knitted
bridge to increase the cross-linking efficiency of GA in the mesh for 3-D culture of human skin fibroblasts. Cells grew
presence of collagen owing to the large number of amino quickly and secreted extracellular matrices (ECMs) that

cell sheet
2nd fold 3rd fold


4th fold

petri- 1st fold

A dish


FIG. 2. (A) Schematic representation of the process of folding a cell sheet over a matrix. Digital images showing (B) peeling of cell
sheet from a petri dish, (C) a poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) mesh integrated within a cell sheet, (D) PLGA, and (E) collagen
hyaluronic acid-specimens after 7 days co-culture of fibroblasts and keratinocytes (stage 3). Reproduced from Ng et al.26 with
permission. Color images available online at /ten.

tions, including tissue engineering. Whey protein–based

biofilms were used with different plasticizers to prepare
suitable scaffolds for the growth of keratinocytes and fi-
broblasts. Keratinocytes and fibroblasts were grown in
plastic tissue culture dishes or on whey protein–based
biofilm surfaces. Whey protein isolate (WPI) was plasti-
cized with diethylene glycol (DEG), ethylene glycol (EG),
and glycerol (GLY) and another major whey protein,
b-lactoglobulin (BLG), was plasticized with DEG. Thus,
there were five different sets: control, WPI–EG, WPI–
DEG, WPI–GLY, and BLG–DEG. Keratinocytes growing
on the WPI–EG biofilm appeared to be bigger than control
cells. The cells were less elongated on the WPI–GLY and
BLG–DEG biofilms and were clustered on the WPI–GLY
biofilm. Thus the films toxicity was assessed by evaluating
cell adherence, growth and proliferation. Microscopic ob-
servation demonstrated that keratinocytes and fibroblasts
adhered well to biofilms. Structural analysis revealed that
keratinocytes stratified when cultured on these whey
protein–based biofilms and gave rise to multi-layered epi-
dermal structures (Fig. 5A, B).31
In an experimental group, the bi-layered Gel–C6S–HA
skin substitute seeded with or without cells was grafted onto
the dorsal muscular bed with a wound area of 1.5 cm in di-
ameter. Silicone gauze with antibiotics was applied on the
outermost skin equivalent to prevent from infections. Com-
mercialized framycin gauze dressings were used as controls.
The bi-layered Gel-CS-HA skin substitute had a positive
FIG. 3. The morphology of 3T3 fibroblasts after cell culture on effect on promoting wound healing and also had a high rate
collagen–PCL composites: (A) 1 day on 1:8 composite; (B) 3 days of graft intake. This reconstructed skin equivalent would
on 1:8 composite, and (C) 1 day on 1:20 composite. Reproduced have the potential to be applied to extensive burns in patients
from Dai et al.28 with permission. (Fig. 6).32 Tissue-engineering scaffolds are used extensively
as 3-D analogs of the ECM. Collagen-glycosaminoglycan

were more uniformly distributed in the hybrid mesh than in

the PLGA mesh. Fibroblasts cultured in the hybrid mesh
were then implanted in the back of a nude mouse. Dermal
tissues were formed after 2 weeks and became epithelialized
after 4 weeks. Thus PLGA–collagen hybrid mesh may be
a promising tool for skin tissue engineering (Fig. 4).29
Cs, the deacetylated derivative of chitin, is a promising
tissue-engineering scaffold because it is biocompatible and
biodegradable and the degradation products are resorbable.
However, the rapid degradation rate of Cs and its low me-
chanical strength limits its use. Therefore Cs with 80%,
90%, and 100% degrees of deacetylation (DDAs) cross-
linked with dimethyl 3-30 dithiobispropionimidate (DTBP)
was used and compared with uncross-linked scaffolds. The
tensile strength of scaffolds made from 100% DDA Cs was
significantly higher than for scaffolds made from 80% and
90% DDA Cs. Cross-linking of scaffolds with DTBP in-
creased the tensile strength. Hence, 100% DDA Cs can be an FIG. 4. Scanning electron microscopy photomicrographs of fi-
effective, biocompatible, biodegradable scaffold for tissue- broblasts cultured in poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) knitted
engineering applications.30 mesh (a, b) and PLGA–collagen hybrid mesh (c, d) after culture
Whey proteins, an inexpensive renewable resource, can for 30 min (a, c) and 5 days (b, d) at original magnification 200.
be used as a substrate for a variety of biomedical applica- Reproduced from Chen et al.29 with permission.

(CG) scaffolds have long been used as ECM analogs for the
regeneration of skin.33
Tissues such as skin, blood vessels, and cartilage have
multi-layered structures with different cells in each layer. It
is important to control cell growth within these artificial
scaffolds. Using micro-fabrication technology, Ryu et al.34
designed a novel 3-D multi-layer micro-fluidic tissue scaf-
folds for biodegradable polymers such as polylactic acid,
PGA, and the copolymers of PLGA. This method empha-
sizes micro-fluidic interconnections (i.e., micro-holes of
10–100 mm in size) between layers within the scaffolds.
Micro-channels and micro-cavities were all created using
micro-molding processes. The interconnection of layers
within multi-layer scaffolds is critical, because micro-fluidic
connection across the layers is necessary for cell-to-cell
communication and the supply of oxygen and nutrients.
Culturing of human coronary artery endothelial cells on the
multi-layer scaffolds demonstrated that the cells had a pref-
erential growth over micro-holes of certain sizes (Fig. 7).
The biocompatibility and efficacy in wound healing of
a Gel-based interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) con-
taining poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-ylated arginine-glycine-
aspartic acid (RGD) and soluble keratinocyte growth factor
(KGF) (RGD–IPN þ KGF) was examined. IPNs were ap-
plied to full-thickness wounds on a rat model, and wound
healing was then assessed. A control IPN containing un-
modified Gel (unmod-IPN) and a conventional clinical ban-
dage were also applied and evaluated. The unmod-IPN and
conventional dressing wound showed a greater amount of
contraction than that of RGD–IPN þ KGF. The RGD–IPN þ
KGF–treated wound had lower macrophage and fibroblast
densities than unmod-IPN–treated wounds. The extent of
cellularity and ECM organization was also higher for
wounds healed with RGD–IPN þ KGF than those healed
with unmod-IPN. These results indicate that soluble and
immobilized bioactive factors can be incorporated into IPN
platforms to enhance the rate and quality of dermal wound
Natural and synthetic biodegradable fibers are used ex-
tensively in biomedical applications and tissue engineer-
ing. The widely used polymers for skin preparations are
cellulose derivatives, Cs, carrageenan, polyacrylates, poly-
vinyl alcohol, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and silicones.36 In-
corporation of collagen into Cs resulted in the creation of
an ideal tissue-engineering scaffold that enhanced cell at-
FIG. 5. (A) Keratinocyte morphology after growth on whey
tachment ability.37 The 3-D architecture of the collagen–Cs
protein–based biofilms: (a) control, (b) whey protein isolate–
ethylene glycol (WPI–EG), (c) WPI–diethylene glycol (DEG),
tissue-engineered skin sponge has been shown to encourage
(d) WPI–glycerol (GLY), and (e) b-lactoglobulin (BLG)–DEG. nerve growth.38 Similarly, in another study, it was observed
Magnification 250. Reproduced from Gilbert et al.31 with per- that biopolymer blends of collagen with low-molecular-
mission. (B) Fibroblast morphology after growth on whey protein– weight Cs had a high potential to be applied as a new ma-
based biofilms: (a) control, (b) WPI–EG, (c) WPI–DEG, (d) WPI– terial for skin tissue engineering.39 A novel biodegradable
GLY, and (e) BLG–DEG. Magnification 250. Reproduced from PCL and collagen nanofiber matrix supported the attachment
Gilbert et al.31 with permission. and proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts and have po-
tential in tissue engineering as a dermal substitute for skin
regeneration.40 Fibrin-coated PCL films also support the
attachment and proliferation of human keratinocytes and

FIG. 6. The grafting process of bi-layer gelatin–C6S–hyaluronic acid skin substitute onto the dorsum of severe combined immu-
nodeficient (SCID) mice. (A) A wound size of 1.5 cm in diameter was created on the dorsum of a SCID mouse. (B) Commercialized
framycin gauze dressing was used as a control. Reproduced from Wang et al.32 with permission. Color images available online at /ten.

have the potential to be applied as a matrix material for skin substitutes will enhance host intake and to minimize
tissue engineering.41 scarring.22
Recombinant human-like collagen (RHLC) was added to Electrospun collagen promotes cell growth and penetra-
fibroin solution to prepare a novel hybrid scaffold material tion of cells into the engineered matrix.44 Using an elec-
for skin tissue engineering. Fourier transform infrared spec- trospinning method, chitin nanofibers were fabricated. The
troscopy analysis indicated intermolecular cross-linkages morphology of spun chitin nanofibers, viewed using scan-
between fibroin and RHLC, and the viscosity of the blend ning electron microscopy, indicated that chitin nanofibers
solution was also greater because of their interactions. After alone or with ECM proteins (particularly type I collagen) are
methanol treatment, the fibroin–RHLC scaffold became a potential candidate for cell attachment and spreading of
water-stable. The porosity of scaffolds was greater than human keratinocytes and fibroblasts.45 The concept of using
90%, with greater compressive strength and modulus. Fibro- an electrospinning array to form multi-component nanofi-
blasts cultured within fibroin–RHLC scaffolds were inves- brous membranes will lead to the creation of novel scaffolds
tigated using scanning electron microscopy, laser scanning for tissue-engineering applications. The application of na-
confocal microscopy, and 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-Yl)-2,5- nofibrous composite substitutes such as PLGA and Cs–
diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay, which showed that ad- polyvinyl alcohol prepared using an electrospinning method
dition of RHLC resulted in significantly greater cell adhesion, has been found to positively mimic the structure of natural
proliferation, and viability than with fibroin scaffolds.42 ECMs and have the potential to be used as 3-D tissue-
Alginates were also used for wound healing purposes. engineering scaffolds.46
Sterilized, pure, highly viscous alginates from seaweeds
have been found to inhibit scar formation by presenting a
physical barrier to the invading fibroblasts and thereby en- NATURALLY OCCURRING POLYMERS
hancing wound healing of the surrounding tissues.43 Scar- FOR SKIN TISSUE ENGINEERING
free embryonic wounds show lower levels of transforming
growth factor (TGF)-b1, TGF-b2, and platelet-derived Presently autografts are the gold standard for treatment
growth factor (PDGF) and higher levels of TGF-b3. Ex- of extensive deep skin defects. Therefore, tissue engineers
perimental evidence also confirms that exogenous addition have to develop cultured skin substitutes that match the
of TGF-b3 or neutralizing the composition of TGF-b1, TGF- quality of auto skin grafts. To mimic the in vivo environ-
b2, and PDGF results in markedly less or absent scarring. ment, a number of natural materials are widely preferred
Thus incorporation of appropriate growth factors in artificial for tissue-engineering applications.


Hard Substrate

Soft Substrate

Blodegradeable Polymer

(b) (c)
Soft Substrate
Soft Substrate

FIG. 7. Micro-molding of biodegradable polymers: (a) set-up; (b) micro-molding of non-interconnecting micro-structures (cavities or
channels); (c) micro-molding of interconnecting micro-structures (holes). Reproduced from Ryu et al.34 with permission.

Silk, a natural biopolymer, promotes tissue repair cell attachment, migration, proliferation, and differentiation.
Because of its excellent biocompatibility, biodegradability,
Silk, a naturally occurring biopolymer, has been used
and weak antigenicity, it is used as the primary resource in
clinically as sutures for centuries. It is composed of a fila-
medical applications. Development of recombinant sources
ment core protein, termed fibroin, and a glue-like coating
of human collagen has provided a reliable source of collagen
consisting of sericin proteins. Silk fibroin in various forms
that is free of animal components. Recombinant human col-
such as films, fibers, meshes, and sponges have been shown
lagens are an efficient scaffold for engineering skin, carti-
to support stem cell adhesion, proliferation, and differenti-
lage, and periodontal ligaments.49 Porous collagen matrices
ation in vitro and also promote tissue repair in vivo. In par-
with defined physical, chemical, and biological character-
ticular, stem cell–based tissue engineering using 3-D silk
istics are interesting materials for tissue engineering, and
fibroin scaffolds is promising for engineering a range of
introducing glycosaminoglycans may add to these charac-
skeletal tissues like bone, ligament, cartilage, and connec-
teristics because they are constituents of ECM proteins.50
tive tissues like skin. The Bombyx mori silkworm has been
the dominant source for silk-based biomaterials.47 Silk fi-
broin displays a high rate of cell attachment and growth in Fibrin glue: an adhesive and a growth factor
in vitro culture of most kinds of cells and is equivalent to in tissue engineering
collagen. Thus, silk fibroin can be used as a scaffold material
in several fields, such as tissue engineering of skin, cartilage, Fibrin glue has been widely used as an adhesive in plastic
and blood vessels.48 and reconstructive surgery. It promotes hemostasis and also
has certain antibacterial properties. Furthermore, fibrin, as-
sociated with fibronectin, supports keratinocyte and fibro-
Collagen: a biocompatible scaffold
blast growth in vitro and in vivo and thereby enhances
for tissue regeneration cellular motility in the wound.51 In the initial phase of
Collagen is the main structural protein in vertebrates and wound healing, endogenous fibrin clots are known to form a
the most useful of all biomaterials. As a scaffold, it enhances provisional matrix to promote angiogenesis. Growth factors

such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) espe- not universally agreed upon and that these products do not
cially increase in wounds to stimulate angiogenesis. More- specifically match a clinical treatment to an underlying pa-
over, fibrin, when used as a dermal substrate for cultured thology. Despite commercial setbacks, the first-approved
skin substitute, increases the secretion of VEGF, thereby products, Dermagraft, Apligraf, and cultured epidermal
promoting angiogenesis.52 autograft (Epicel) are still being marketed.55 Tissue-
engineered products can cover wounds and provide an
Povidone and sugar stimulates wound healing environment that stimulates their repair. Graftskin (APLI-
by activating keratinocytes and fibroblasts GRAF) is the most advanced bioengineered skin product.
It is a bi-layered living skin construct consisting of a der-
Povidone, a complex of polyvinyl pyrrolidone and iodine is mis and a well-differentiated epidermis. The epidermal
a common antimicrobial agent and has been used as a surgical cells (keratinocytes) and dermal cells (fibroblasts) are ob-
scrub or a skin cleanser in various forms. The use of povidone tained from neonatal foreskin.56 Skin replacement products
as a topical healing and stimulatory agent has been limited are the most advanced, with a number of tissue-engineered
because of its toxicity. At the same time, sugar and related wound care materials in several international communities.
products from various natural sources have been shown to pro- The potential effect of this field is that it offers novel so-
mote wound healing. Using these 2 substances, a compound lutions to the medical field for drug screening, genetic
containing 70% to 80% sugar and povidone solution was used engineering, tissue and organ replacements.57 A number
that remarkably enhanced healing and at the same time re- of tissue-engineered medical products that are available in
duced bacterial contamination in a wide variety of wounds, the market are listed in Table 1.
burns, and ulcers.53 Similarly, in another study, it was shown
that a mixture of sugar and povidone activated the functions
Currently available products approved
of keratinocytes and fibroblasts more effectively than sugar
alone and has the potential to act as a powerful ameliorative by the Food and Drug Administration
agent in the promotion of wound healing. Thus, it is likely that as matrices for wound repair
a paste containing 70% sugar and 3% povidone acts on Epicel (Genzyme Tissue Repair): A biopsy of the pa-
wounds not only as an antibiotic agent, but also as a modulator tient’s cells is grown into an integrated sheet and enzy-
for keratinocytes and fibroblasts.54 matically detached for delivery to the patient.58
Integra (Integra Life Sciences): An alternative to donor
skin that provides a vascularized dermis for a subsequent
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES OF TISSUE- split-thickness skin graft. 59
ENGINEERED PRODUCTS Alloderm (Life Cell): Freeze-dried human donor dermis.60
Dermagraft (Advanced Biohealing): A synthetic material
Tissue-engineered biological dressings offer great prom- conditioned with donor fibroblasts.61
ise in the treatment of burns, chronic ulcers, and a variety of Transcyte (Advanced Biohealing): Similar to Dermagraft
other dermatological conditions. Despite the large number but with a silicone membrane to act as a temporary epi-
of potential beneficiaries, cellular tissue-engineered prod- dermal barrier.62
ucts have suffered setbacks in recent years. The reasons Apligraf (Organogenesis): Combines allogenic kerati-
may be that the mechanism of action of these products is nocytes and fibroblasts with bovine collagen to provide a


Product FDA-Approved Indications (PMA, HDE) Competitive Advantages

Alloderm Burns/full-thickness wounds (allograft) Not rejected; no cases of viral transmission

after > 100,000 product applications; 2-year shelf life
Apligraf Venous/diabetic ulcers (PMA) Mimics function of dermis; cryopreserved product
Dermagraft Diabetic foot ulcers (PMA); ulcers secondary Mimics function of dermis; cryopreserved product
to epidermolysis bullosa (HDE)
Epicel Deep partial-thickness and full-thickness burns Autologous cells; no rejection, high incidence of
(HDE); congenital nevi (HDE) permanent take
Integra Deep partial-thickness and full-thickness burns Two layers; good barrier function; used in >10,000
(PMA) patients; moderate shelf life
OrCel Split-thickness donor sites (PMA); mitten hand Mimics cytokine expression of healing skin; 9-month
deformity surgery of epidermolysis bullosa (HDE) shelf life cryopreserved
TransCyte Full- and partial-thickness burns (PMA) 1.5-year shelf life frozen
PMA, pre-market approval; HDE, humanitarian device exemption.

temporary skin-replacement material suitable for use in layer is made of synthetic polysiloxane polymer (silicone)
chronic wounds but not major burns.63 and functions to control moisture loss from the wound. Upon
Orcel (Ortec International): Combines allogenic kerati- adequate vascularization, the temporary silicone layer is
nocytes and fibroblasts with bovine collagen to provide a removed, and a thin, layer of epidermal autograft is placed
temporary skin-replacement material suitable for use in over the ‘‘neodermis.’’ Cells from the epidermal autograft
chronic wounds.64 grow and form a confluent stratum corneum, thereby clos-
The main drawback of tissue-engineered skin products is ing the wound. In 31 patients who underwent INTEGRA
clinical failure due to delays in vascularization. Methods grafting for reconstructive surgery, 39 operational sites were
for increasing vascularization and promoting wound heal- clinically observed. The length of follow-up ranged from 0.5
ing have been evaluated and patented (United States Patent to 4 years. The final results in patients were considered to be
6713079). The method consists of formation of a matrix good in 28 cases, average in 6 cases, and poor in 3 cases.
comprising Gel and a nitric oxide inhibitor. The Gel is Complications of silicone detachment and failure of the graft
preferably denatured collagen. The nitric oxide inhibitor were observed in 9 cases. Two patients (2 sites) were lost to
may be an L-arginine analog such as N-nitro-L-arginine follow-up. The disadvantages of using INTEGRA in re-
and D-arginine. The matrix may further comprise a nitric constructive surgery are the necessity of 2 operations, the
oxide scavenger, such as dextran, heparin, cysteine, or risks of infection under the silicone layer, the silicone be-
cystine. coming detached, and recurrence of contraction. On the
A better understanding of the factors influencing ECM other hand, INTEGRA has some advantages, including its
formation in tissue-engineering scaffolds is essential to immediate availability in large quantities and the simplicity
achieve further development in skin generation. and reliability of the technique.65
Dermagraft-TC (DG-TC, Advanced Tissue Sciences, Inc.
La Jolla, CA) is composed of human neonatal fibroblasts
Clinical trials of certain skin grafts for burn injuries cultured on a synthetic dressing (Biobrane; Dow B, Hickam,
TransCyte consists of a polymer membrane and neonatal Inc. Sugarland, TX). The material is stored frozen and
human fibroblast cells cultured in vitro on a nylon mesh. thawed immediately before use. DG-TC is semitransparent,
Before cell growth, this nylon mesh is coated with porcine thus facilitating continuous observation of the underlying
dermal collagen and bonded to a polymer membrane (sil- wound surface. The surgeon removes the temporary cover-
icone). The human fibroblast- temporary skin substitute ing when the patient’s own skin is ready to be grafted,
provides a temporary protective barrier. TransCyte has the usually in 7 to 14 days. Biosynthetic human skin substitute
advantage of being transparent for direct visualization of was compared with frozen human cadaver allograft for the
the wound bed. Biobrane is a biosynthetic wound dressing temporary closure of excised burn wounds. Burn wounds in
constructed of a silicone film with a nylon fabric partially 66 patients (mean age 36 years, mean burn size 44% of total
imbedded into the film. The fabric presents to the wound body surface area) were surgically excised. DG-TC was
bed a complex 3-D structure of tri-filament thread to which equivalent or superior to allograft with regard to autograft
collagen has been chemically bound. Silvazine is a white take at post-autograft day 14. DG-TC was also easier to
hydrophilic cream containing silver sulphadiazine and remove and resulted in less bleeding than did allograft.66 In
chlorhexidine di gluconate, which is used in the treatment of another study, burn wounds in 10 patients (mean age 33.5
burns. The effectiveness of 3 burn dressings (TransCyte, a years, mean burn size 39.9% of total body surface area) were
bio-engineered skin substitute; Biobrane; and Silvazine surgically excised. A control site on each patient received
cream) were compared in treating children with partial- cryopreserved human cadaver allograft skin (HCAS). Re-
thickness burns. Thirty-three patients with 58 wound sites sults showed that wound adherence and subsequent auto-
were used for the study (TransCyte, n ¼ 20; Biobrane, graft ‘‘take’’ were excellent with DG-TC and were at least
n ¼ 17; Silvazine, n ¼ 21). The average time required for re- equivalent to HCAS. No evidence of immune rejection of
epithelialization was 7.5 days for TransCyte, 9.5 days for DG-TC was seen.67
Biobrane, and 11.2 days for Silvazine. The number of au- The ability of an acellular allograft dermal matrix
tografts required was found to be 5/21 (24%) for Silvazine, to function as a permanent dermal transplant in full-
3/17 (17%) for Biobrane, and 1/20 (5%) for TransCyte. Of thickness and deep partial-thickness burns was evaluated.
the wound dressings used for the study, TransCyte promoted The pilot phase included 24 patients to identify the opti-
fastest re-epithelialization and required fewer overall mum protocol, and the study phase included 43 patients to
dressings than Biobrane or Silvazine. Patients who received evaluate graft performance. After 14-day take periods, the
Silvazine or Biobrane required more autografting than those dermal matrix was statistically equivalent to the control
treated with TransCyte.62 autografts. Histology of the dermal matrix showed neo-
INTEGRA Dermal Regeneration Template is a bi-layer vascularization and neoepithelialization. Assessment of
membrane system made of a porous matrix of fibers of cross- wounds showed that thin split-thickness autografts plus
linked bovine tendon collagen and glycosaminoglycan allograft dermal matrix were equivalent to thicker split-
(chondroitin-6-sulfate). The temporary epidermal substitute thickness autografts.60

A cultured skin graft was created through successive in treatment for burn wounds when applied over meshed
cultivation of fibroblasts and keratinocytes within a collagen autografts.70
matrix. The collagen matrix has a honeycomb structure with
many holes; all holes through the sheet were filled with
collagen gel. This specific structure allows for the nourish- CONCLUSION AND FUTURE PROSPECTS
ment of keratinocytes on the surface of the matrix. Auto-
logous cultured skin substitute was applied to a 51-year-old Skin, the largest organ in the body, protects against toxins
man who had sustained a burn injury. Three sheets of the and microorganisms in the environment and serves to pre-
cultured skin substitute (69.5 cm) were grafted onto the vent dehydration of all non-aquatic animals. There are no
full-thickness excised wound. One week after grafting, most models of an artificial skin that completely replicates normal
of the matrix disappeared, and stratified keratinocytes were uninjured skin. Therefore, the main goal of tissue engineers
seen; 5 weeks after grafting, a cornified epidermal layer was is to produce a universal skin substitute that will provide
seen; and 10 months after grafting, a mature epidermis and a burn victims with the best quality skin in the shortest time
well-differentiated papillary and reticular dermis replace- possible. Natural biopolymers such as collagen and fibro-
ment were observed. The physical properties and color of nectin have been investigated as potential sources of bio-
this grafted area resembled that of normal skin.68 material. In our laboratory, we are focussing on preparation
Suprathel is produced from a synthetic copolymer based of tissue-engineering scaffolds for skin tissue regeneration.
mainly on dl-lactide (>70%); the other components are tri- The scaffold is designed from cryogel materials that are
methylene carbonate and e-caprolactone. The monomers are synthesized in moderately frozen conditions that provide
polymerized using a melting procedure and dissolved in or- them with pore sizes as large as 100 mm. Cryogel materials
ganic solvents. The material was then processed using have been used in biomedical and biotechnological appli-
modified phase-inversion and freeze-drying technique. The cations such as cell separation,71 immobilized biocatalysts,
final product is a porous membrane with a nearly symmet- cell culture scaffolds,72 and bioseparation and in high-
rical cross-section of interconnected pores. The pore sizes throughput screening and analysis.73 We have attempted to
vary between 2 and 50 mm, and the initial porosity of the use cryogels as tissue-engineering scaffolds because they
membrane is greater than 80%. Omiderm is a thin, trans- have a spongy and elastic morphology that is more resistant
parent polyurethane-based membrane. It is inelastic when to compressive load than conventional hydrogels; they retain
dry but highly flexible when wet. After removal of the burned excess water content and prevent dehydration, thereby cre-
layers and cleansing of the wound, Omiderm is applied to the ating moist wound healing, because fluid balance has to be
wound. The membrane can be used wet and flexible to cover maintained, especially in the case of severe burn injuries;
uneven areas or dry on smooth ones. Suprathel was compared and in cryogels, cells are transported via convective mi-
with paraffin gauze (Omiderm) applied on split-skin donor gration through the matrices so that there is a uniform dis-
sites on second-degree burns. In both study parts, Suprathel tribution of cell population.74
significantly reduced pain and could be handled more easily Successful tissue-engineering technique requires inten-
than other materials. The Suprathel membrane adhered rap- sive co-operation between clinicians, biologists, and engi-
idly to the wound, thus protecting against infections and neers. Tissue engineering has attracted much attention as a
promoting wound healing. Furthermore, no allergic reactions new therapeutic means that may overcome the drawbacks
were observed.69 involved in current artificial organs and organ transplanta-
Apligraf (Graftskin) (Organogenesis Inc., Canton, MA), tion that have also been aiming at replacing lost or dam-
consists of living cells, proteins, and skin-healing sub- aged tissues and organs. However, the tissues regenerated
stances. It is designed as a ‘‘living’’ skin patch that replicates using this method are limited, including skin, bone, carti-
the healing function of healthy human skin. It is a unique and lage, capillary, and periodontal tissues.75 As engineered
advanced biological skin repair therapy for non-healing skin substitutes improve in quality, they will become more
sores. The potential of Apligraf when applied over meshed similar to native skin autografts. In this way, skin-substitute
split-thickness autografts was evaluated. Experimental materials may be able to stimulate regeneration rather than
treatment sites had Apligraf placed over meshed autograft, repair.76 Understanding the biology of wound repair is es-
whereas control sites were treated with meshed autograft sential for the improvement of tissue-engineered medical
covered with meshed allograft or meshed autograft not products.77 Thus tissue-engineering techniques bring a new
covered by a biologic dressing. Thirty-eight patients were element of rational design and development to therapeutic
evaluated for clinical studies. At the completion of the study, medicine.
the investigators rated 22 (58%) of the Apligraf sites supe-
rior to the control sites, 10 (26%) equivalent to the control,
and 6 (16%) worse than the control. By month 24, 18 (47%) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
patients had normal vascularity at the Apligraf site, com-
pared with 6 (16%) patients at the control site. These results The work was financially supported by the Depart-
indicate that Apligraf is suitable and clinically effective ment of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and

Technology, Government of India. S. Geetha Priya grate- 19. Andreadis, S.T. Gene-modified tissue-engineered skin: the
fully acknowledges the institute assistantship received from next generation of skin substitutes. Adv Biochem Eng Bio-
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73. Hanora, A., Bernaudat, F., Plieva, F.M., Dainiak, M.B., Bü-
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