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DATE 03/01/2021
EMPLOYEE NAME Joel Martin Biojon Apuan
POSITION Account Representative – Kroger

Dear Mr. Apuan,

Account Representative

Good day!

We had a coaching session on the 28th of February, 2021 between and we agreed to the following action plans

Compass Audit Updates

 We should proactively ask the customer to have their account update once we ask for an information
not yet updated in EHH but is already in KCI.
 Advice the customer to update their account online for any information that in on our file but not yet
updated on their online account.
 In verification, always make sure that we verify EMAIL first then followed by their complete name and
their either phone number or address.
 Avoid using jargon terms in the call like “P40” even in documentation.
 When giving a credit, always tell to customer how they can use it and then do not forget to put in EHH ->
Contacts tab -> Add contacts the case number and the amount of credit that we gave to them.
 We also differentiate credit and refund.
 Do not start your call with “Hello”. Be straight forward to your opening spiel.
 Avoid too much fillers and “mam” and “sir”
 We must sound lively and accommodating in each interactions with our customers.
 Always do not forget to ask “Is there anything else that I can help you with?” and “Thank you for calling
Kroger Customer Connect. Have a great day!” – for closing spiel.

CC: 201 FILE 


 Caller section should always be the caller’s name. (For store associate, we still use the account holder’s
name, store rep and position should be in rep notes and Contact Method should be Employee.
 For Contact Type, we should put:
 Concern – Something that we owe the customer, or Kroger’s fault
 Inquiry – Customer requested, customer’s fault.
 We always make sure to save the case and check if there will be field that are left blank prior to closing.
 We should put a summary of the concern in rep notes and not just the shopper’s card.
 Old and new email should be in rep notes and the new email should be the one to put on email tab.
 No need to create a case for updating information, but should be documented in rep notes and in EHH.
 Always make sure that we fill in the Order number and Purchased/Pick Date and Time to those
applicable calls and Incident date and Time.
 Always make sure that there is Store code in each transactions (Default code: 060-00000).

Kindly be advised that repetition of the same violation will merit disciplinary action.

Thank you.

Prepared by: Received by:

Nathaniel Lorbes Floresta Joel Martin Biojon Apuan

Unit Manager – Kroger Kroger – Digital Ambassador
Date and Time: __________

CC: 201 FILE 

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