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Lidl fagend Tas-heelul Aqaa-id Aqaa-id Made Easy ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The syllabus committee expresses its heartfelt gratitude to all those who have assisted in any way to make this book possible. We are indebted to all the Deeni institutions and organizations as we have consulted all books currently available when drawing up these. If there are any errors or suggestions please write to: THE SYLLABI COMMITTEE JAMIATUL ULAMA TAALIMI BOARD P.O. BOX 929. LENASIA 1820 We make dua that Allah Ta’ala reward all those who have made this possible. JAZAKUMULLAH SHABAAN 1417 Draft Edition CONTENTS PAGE STORY ONE. LESSON ONE........ BELIEFS OF A MUSLIM... QUESTIONS. STORY TWO.. LESSON TWO.......... THE LAST DAY... QUESTIONS..... STORY THREE LESSON THREE.... JANNAT AND JAHANNAM. QUESTIONS..... STORY FOUR. TAQDEER (FATE). QUESTIONS..... STORY FIVE.. LESSON FIVE ..0....cccscscscse ; LIFE AFTER DEATH..... QUESTIONS. STORY SIX LESSON SIX. ‘THE FOUNDATION OF ISLAM IS BASED. ON FIVE PILLARS... QUESTIONS... NOTES TO USTAA! Wg ee IRTP TE RE I SI STORY ONE LESSON_ONE Once Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and his friends were returning from a war. They decided to rest fora while. Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) hung his sword on a tree and lay down to sleep. An enemy saw Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) sleeping and decided to attack him. He grabbed the sword and standing over Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) asked: “Tell me, who can save you from me?” Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) calmly replied: “ALLAH”. The enemy got such a fright by this answer that he dropped the om Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) picked up the sword and asked him: “Now, tell me, Who can save you?”. The man replied: “None besides you”. Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) forgave the man and let him go. Rg ee A LESSON ONE BELIEFS OF A_MUSLIM KEYWORDS: sun moon earth harm Allah provide help protects knows sees unlike creation ninety nine names i Everything, the sun, the moon, the earth etc. has been created by Allah Ta’ala. 2. Allah Ta’ala alone has provided us with everything and will always provide for us. 3. Everything is from Allah Ta’ala. 4. Nobody can harm you if Allah Ta’ala protects you. ° 5. Whatever we say or do, Allah Ta’ala hears, knows and sees. 6. Allah Ta’ala is unlike anything that we know of or can think of. 7. We come to know Allah Ta’ala through His creation. 8. Allah Ta’ala has ninety nine names which are called Allah’s beautiful names. 3 QUESTIONS LESSON 1 Who created everything around us? Allah Ta’ala alone has provided us with and will always for us. Allhelp is from If Allah can protect cout nobody can : Allah Ta’ala is anything that we know or can thing of. Who knows, hears, sees whatever we say or do How do we come to know Allah Ta’ala? How many names does Allah Ta’ala have and what are they called? rl _Xk_vV3X—V3n"lcr STORY TWO LESSON TWO There was once a cloth maker who lived in a small house. He used to weave the cloth and sell it to the shopkeepers. Sometimes the shopkeepers refused to buy his cloth because it was of a very poor quality. So, he decided to cheat the shopkeepers by showing them a good quality cloth and delivering the one of poor quality. One day he dreamt that it was Qiyaamah and Allah Ta’ala called him before the people and told him about his dishonest practices. He was very embarrassed and afraid. The Angels were then ordered to fling him into the Fire. He awoke shivering from the frightening dream. He made Taubah at once and stopped his dishonest practices. , LESSON TWO THE LAST DAY KEYWORDS life end good Jannat bad deeds Jahannam punished 1. One day all life will come to an end. 2. Only Allah Ta’ala knows when the last day will come. 3. On that day Allah Ta’ala will question everyone about a person’s good and bad deeds. 4. Those who do good will be rewarded with Jannat, and those who do evil will be punished with Jahannam. Keener a ee ee ee SS ieee ase ai a a eects QUESTIONS LESSON 2 One day all will come to an end. Who knows when the last day will come? About what will Allah Ta’ala question everyone? Those who do good will be with and those who do evil will be with STORY THREE LESSON_THREE The Sahaba (friends) of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) used to sit in his company and listen to his talks. When it was time for them to go home, they found it very difficult to leave. While they were at home, they longed to be in his company. One day a Sahabi asked Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam): “Will we be in your company in Jannat?”. Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) replied: “A person will be in the company of those whom he loves”. Therefore, in addition to all the blessings of Jannat, one of the greatest is that we will be in the company of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). 2p ST TRS LESSON THREE JANNAT AND JAHANNAM KEYWORDS created enjoyment happiness forever punishment no death | ha Gl We believe that Allah Ta’ala has created Jannat and Jahannam. Jannat is a place of enjoyment and happiness. The life in Jannat is forever and ever. Jahannam is a:place of punishment. There is no death in Jahannam. A TS QUESTIONS LESSON 3 1. | Who created Jannat and Jahannam? 2. Jannat is a place of and 3. What is life like in Jannat? 4. What kind of place is Jahannam? 5. There is in Jahannam. STORY FOUR LESSON FOUR A child once swallowed a stone and became very ill. The | parents did not know what the cause of the illness was. They gave the child different types of medicines and visited various doctors. Finally, one doctor discovered the problem and decided to operate on the child to remove the stone. After the stone was removed, the child felt much better, but after two days the child passed away. The parents were very shocked and asked: “Why did our child pass away even after the stone was removed?” They were informed by learned people that according to the child’s Taqdeer, he would only live in this world for a certain number ' of years-and nothing can change this. re LESSON FOUR TAQDEER (FATE) KEYWORDS: happens wish knowledge take place accept conditions goodorbad__| comes taqdeer 1. We believe that whatever happens, happens with the wish of Allah Ta’ala, and this ig known as taqdeer. : 2. Allah Ta’ala has knowledge about all things that are yet to Take place. 3. We must accept whatever condition, good or bad, comes upon us is from Allah Ta’ala. QUESTIONS LESSON _4 1. We believe that whatever happens with the of Allah Ta’ala, and this is known as 7 2. Who has knowledge about things that are yet to take place? 3. We must whatever condition g or b comes upon us is from Allah Ta’ala. (RR A EN SO RS, STORY_FIVE LESSON_FIVE The enemies of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) troubled him in every way. When he taught the Muslims anything — about Islam the enemies mocked at him. Once Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) taught the Muslims that after death, Allah Ta’ala will bring us all back to life one day. An enemy came to Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) with an old bone and crushed it before him and teased him: “O, Muhammad! Do you believe that this bone will also come back to life”. Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) replied: “Yes, everything will be brought back to life”. The enemy had a very bad death because he used to mock at Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) and Islam. 13 LESSON_FIVE LIFE AFTER DEATH KEYWORDS after death [ creation life stand | questioning We believe that after death all creation will be given life again. Thereafter everyone will stand before Allah Ta’ala for questioning about their lives. QUESTIONS LESSON 5 What do we believe about the creation after death? Why will everyone stand before Allah Ta’ala? STORY _SIX LESSON_SIX On the day of Qiyaamah, the deeds of all people shall be weighed. The more good deeds a person has, the heavier his scales of deeds will be. The less deeds a person does the lighter his scales will be. This will cause him to go into Jahannum. Therefore we must make an effort to do all good deeds such as Salaah, Zakaah, Haj, Fasting in Ramadhaan and many other good deeds. This will help us on the day of Qiyaamah. Is LESSON_SIX THE FOUNDATION OF ISLAM_IS BASED ON_FIVE PILLARS KEYWORDS * one | Messenger five Yakaat Ramadhaan Haj Fast 1. To believe that Allah Ta’ala is one and Sayyidina Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) is His Messenger (Rasool). - To read five daily salaat. To pay Zakaat once a year. To fast in Ramadhaan. wk WON To go for Haj once in a life time. Nn a) b) °) 4) UESTIONS LESSON _6 What do we believe about Allah Ta’ala and His Rasool? What are the other four pillars of Islam? NOTES TO USTAAD This book comes with six sets of flash words and some suggestions for the teaching of the first lesson. Period 1: Before beginning the lesson revise the previous years work by asking children questions like: What are the names of the revealed books? What are the difterent (attributes) names of Allah etc. Put up the flash cards with words like sun, moon, earth, creation and see if the children can read them. Ask them to make sentences with sun - creation - Allah - moon - earth. Now introduce the word ‘provide’ and try to get the children to explain the meaning of the word. They may say that “daddy provides us with food” etc. Explain to them that he is only the means and that Allah Ta’ala alone is our Provider and will always provide for us. Give examples to illustrate this point. 18 Period 2: Revise the work of the previous period. Put up the words ‘harm’ and ‘protects’. Explain the difference of these words to them by giving examples of how Allah Ta’ala protects us and once under Allah Ta’ala’s protection no one can harm us. Now follow this with the words hear, knows and sees, linking this to point 5. Explain point number 6. Make sure that the children fully understand the word “unlike” correctly. Period 3: Revision of the previous work done. Even though Allah Ta’ala is unlike anything we know or think, we know Allah Ta’ala through everything He has made including us i.e. His creation. Ask them to recall some of the names that they have learnt of Allah Ta’ala previously. Besides these there are many others. We have the ninety nine names which are called Allah Ta’ala’s beautiful names. Enhance the lesson further by bringing along a tape recorder and cassette and play an authentic reading of the ninety nine names of Allah Ta’ala revise the whole lesson.

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