04 Tas Heel Ul Aqaid

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ALi! Sage Tas-heelul Aqaa-id Aqaca-id Made Easy Te ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The syllabus committee expresses its heartfelt gratitude to all those who have assisted in any way to make this book possible. We are indebted to all the Deeni institutions and organizations as we have consulted all books currently available when drawing up these. If there are any errors or suggestions please write to: THE SYLLABL COMMITTEE JAMIATUL ULAMA TAALIMI BOARD P.O. BOX 929 LENASIA 1820 We make dua that Allah Ta‘ala reward all those who have made this possible JAZAKUMULLAH SHABAAN 1417 Draft Edition PAGE LESSON ONE... BELIEFS OF A MUSLIM QUESTIONS... LESSON TWO... BELIEFS ABOUT ALLAH... poe) PROOF OF ALLAH'S EXISTENCE.......... QUESTIONS........ LESSON THREE... THE ANGELS .... ALLAH'S HELP...... QUESTIONS... LESSON FOUR... THE DIVINE BOOKS... eo ALLAH PROTECTS THE QUR’AN... QUESTIONS... LESSON FIVE.. THE AMBIYAA...... THE GREAT LIAR. QUESTIONS... LESSON SIX........ seeeresersnnnnnesscssesaseereeecese 1D. THE LAST DAY... 1d DISOBEDIENCE TO PARENTS. QUESTIONS... LESSON SEVEN..... TAQDEER.. WHATEVER MUST HAPPEN WILL HAPPEN QUESTIONS......... LESSON EIGHT.. LIFE AFTER DEATH... THE BLESSINGS OF JANNAT... QUESTIONS... LESSON NINE oesssssssssssese AL-HASEEB..... AL-HASEEB..... QUESTIONS... LESSON TEN.. AT-TAWWABU .... cover POP CO ONE WHO ACCEPTS REPENTANCE... QUESTIONS....... AR IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE MOST KIND, MOST MERCIFUL LESSON ONE BELIEFS OF A MUSLIM 1. There are seven things which are necessary to believe in, for a person to be a Muslim. They are: a) Belief in Allah; b) Belief in His angels; c) Belief in His Books; d) Belief in His messengers, e) Belief in the Last day; f) Belief that all good and bad is from Allah; g) Belief that there is another life after this life. 2. These seven things are mentioned in the seventh kalima - Imaan e Mufassal. QUESTIONS LESSON ONE 1. What are the seven things that every Muslim must believe ramon wD Pp 2. In which kalima are these things mentioned AA LESSON TWO BELIEFS ABOUT ALLAH 1. Allah Ta’ala is One. There is no one like Allah, nor anyone equal to him. 2. Allah Ta’ala is perfect. He has no weaknesses or faults. 3. Allah Ta’ala has no needs like us whatsoever, such as food, drink, sleep or anything. 4. No can help (benefit) or harm Allah Ta’ala. 5. We cannot see Allah Ta’ala, but He can see us. 2 EL aE Le rs PROOF OF ALLAH'S EXISTENCE Someone on seeing a villager making tbadat of Allah asked him, “How do you know that Allah Ta’ala exists?” The villager replied, “There are various signs which prove the existence of a thing. For example, when you see footprints of a human in the sand, then that is proof that man exists, Likewise there are stars in the skies, and mountains on the earth, which proves that there is a Creator for these things, and Allah, the All Powerful ts that Creator. 6 QUESTIONS LESSON TWO 1. Is there anyone equal to Allah Ta’ala? 2. Has Allah Ta’ala got any weaknesses? i 3. Which human needs are Allah free of? 4. No one can or Allah Ta’ala. 5. cannot see Allah Ta’ala but can see us. Word Search: Search for the words that are connected to “Beliefs of Allah”. There are six of them. of] n e a q s e zi) ow q [ s x e | ° e i n b u t r f 7 g e a k n w e s s ! = h y 1 u e j 1 m p 1 7 0 i k e k q a Zz s d w e x g t r e s d Pp c LESSON THREE LEsSVe ee THE ANGELS 1. The angels are an invisible creation of Allah Ta’ala. 2. They have been ordered to carry out various tasks on the earth and the heavens. 3. The angels do not and cannot commit any sins or acts of disobedience. 4. They are neither male nor female. 5. One who does not believe in the angels is not a Muslim. 6. Hazrat Jibra’eel (alaihis salaam) brought down the Wahi (revelation) to the prophets. 7. Hazrat Isra’eel (alaihis salaam) is in charge of removing the souls from the bodies of creatures, and he is also known as the angel of Death. 8. Hazrat Meeka’eel (alaihis salaam) is in charge of the rains and food of the creation. 9. Hazrat Israfeel (alaihis salaam) is in charge of blowing the Trumpet on the Day of Qiyamah. 10.The chief angels have many angels working under them. 8 ALLAH’S HELP When the disbelievers came to fight the Muslims at the Battle of Badr, the Muslims were very small in number and they hardly had any weapons. The disbelievers who were greater in number also had much more weapons. Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) made dua to Allah Ta’ala to assist the Muslims against the enemy. Allah Ta’ala accepted the dua and sent down thousands of angels to fight on the side of the Muslims. Many Muslims were surprised to see strangers on horsebacks with turbans on their heads fighting on their side. They informed Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) about this. He said to them, “These are angels whom Allah has sent to assist you. The Muslims won this battle through Allah Ta’ala’s help. New word: Wahi QUESTIONS LESSON_THREE . Who are the Angels? . What is their task? . Do angels commit sin? . They are neither nor . Can a person who does not believe in the Angels be a Muslim? Brought down Wahi. _ Hazrat Isra’eel is in charge of is in charge of rains and 10 See ae eee Se NAMES OF ANGELS DUTIES Wahi Rain and food Hazrat Isra’eel ae aise Removing souls LESSON FOUR THE DIVINE BOOKS Allah Ta’ala revealed many books to His prophets for the guidance of mankind. _ The Taurah was revealed to Nabi Moosa (alaihis salaam). _ The Zaboor was revealed to Nabi Dawood (alaihis salaam). . The Injeel (Bible) was revealed to Nabi Eesa (alaihis salaam). . The Quraan was revealed to Nabi Muhammad (saw). _ Besides the above, many other prophets also received revelation. _ One who does not believe in any of the Divine Books is not a Muslim. . The previous Books have been changed and we believe that they no longer are the true and original Books. _ The only Book which has not been changed is the Qur’an, because Allah Ta’ala has protected it from change. 10.The Qur’an is Allah’s Final message to mankind, and must be followed by all. ALLAH PROTECTS THE QUR'AN ALLAH PROTECTS Sth A Jew once visited the famous King Ma’moon. The king invited the Jew to accept Islam but he refused and left the Palace. A year later the same Jew retumed to the king’s palace as a Muslim. The king was surprised and asked the Jew as to why he had finally accepted Islam. The Jew said, “After leaving you, | wrote three copies of the Taurah and made many changes therein. I then sold these copies and they were sold out very quickly. 1 then wrote three copies of the Quran and likewise made many changes therein. I then gave it to the Writers to re-write the changed copies of the Qur’an. tvs realised that Allah Ta’ala does protect the Qur’an and that Islam is a true religion. CY = Ss 05 QUESTIONS LESSON_FOUR . Why did Allah Ta’a!a reveal books? . Is a person who does not believe in the books a Muslim? . The Taurah was revealed to The was revealed to Dawood . The Injeel was revealed to The was revealed to Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). . Are the previous books in their original form? . Which book has not been changed, and why can it never be changed? . Which book must be followed? Name of prophets Name of kitaabs revealed 1. Nabi Moosa (AS) 2 Zaboor 3. Nabi Eesa (AS) 4 Quraan-e-Kareem LESSON FIVE THE AMBIYAA _ We believe that all the Ambiyaa sent by Allah Ta’ala were His true and pious servants. One who does not believe in the Ambiyaa is not a Muslim. _ Nabi Aadam (alaihis salaam) was the first Nabi of Allah and Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) is the Final Nabi of Allah Ta’ala. _ There is no new Nabi to come now. Whoever claims to be a Nabi after the Final Nabi, is a great liar. . Only Allah Ta’ala chooses a person from His servants to be a Nabi. No one can become a Nabi on his own. _ Ambiyaa are human beings and have human feelings, such as happiness, sadness, pain, hunger, etc. _ Our Nabi, Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) has the highest position among the Ambiyaa. _ Allah Ta’ala has protected the Ambiyaa from committing sins. 16. THE GREAT LIAR Musailamah visited Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) had accepted Islam. When Musailamah returned to his land, he decided to become a prophet. So he wrote a letter to Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) saying, “From now on You and I are going to share the prophethood.” Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) had a letter written to him informing him that such a thing was impossible, and that Musailamah must recite the Kalima again to become a Muslim for having made such a claim. However, soon after that, Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) passed away, and now Musailamah said that he alone is the new prophet. Hazrat Abu Bakr (radhi allahu anhu) sent an army to fight Musailamah who was finally killed. He became known as Musailamah, the great liar because he falsely called himself a prophet. QUESTIONS LESSON _ FIVE . What is our belief about the Ambiyaa? . Who is the First Nabi and who is the Final Nabi? . How does a person become a Nabi? - What will you say about a person who claims to be a prophet after Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) ? . Which prophet holds the highest position? . Why do the Ambiyaa not commit any sins? LESSON SIX THE LAST DAY . The day all life will come to an end, is known as the day of Qiyamah. . It is also known as the Day of reckoning (Yowmul Hisaab), The day of returns (Yowmud Deen). . Though no one knows the actual day of Qiyamah, there will be many signs, small and big, through which we will know that Qiyamah is near. These are known as the sig1s of Qiyamah. . Some small signs are: es a. People will disobey their parents, b. ©. d. There will be much music and musical instruments; People will not care whether they eat halaal or haraam, People will become shameless. Large quantities of intoxicants (alcohol and drugs) will be used. . Some greater signs are: b. c. d. The death of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam); The coming of Imaam Mahdi. The second coming of Nabi Eesa (alaihis salaam). Dajjal 6. Ona Friday, the 10 Muharram, Hazrat Israfeel (alaihis salaam) will blow the trumpet, which will cause the entire world to be destroyed. New words: Yowmul Hisaab; Youmud Deen 20 DISOBEDIENCE TO PARENTS Alqama was very ill, and was about to die, but he was unable to recite the Kalima as much as people tried to make him recite it. Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was informed and when he came, he asked “Is Alqama’s mother alive?” The people replied that she was alive. She lived in another part of town. Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) sent for her and she came, slowly, leaning upon a stick, for she was very old and weak. Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) asked her, “Tell me about Alqama.” She replied, “Alqama performs much Ibadat, but I am very angry at him because he disobeys me and unfairly favours his wife.” Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) ordered that firewood be gathered at once so that Alqamah be burnt. His mother cried out, “How can you do that!” Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “If you do not forgive your son he shall burn in the Fire of Hell which is hotter than this. She forgave him and he recited the kalima after which he passed away. 21 QUESTIONS LESSON_SIX . What is the day, when all life comes to an end, known as? _ Italso has other names. What are they? . How will we know that the last day is coming closer? _ Mention five minor (small) signs. _ Mention four major (big) signs. a. b. c. d. . 22 6. On what day will the trumpet be blown? a. b. c. d. 23 LESSON SEVEN TAQDEER _ All the things that happen and will happen are in the knowledge of Allah, and will take place according to his Will and Command. This is known as Tagdeer. _ One who does not believe in Taqdeer is not a Muslim. _ Nothing happens without the knowledge and command of Allah Ta’ala. . If any sad event takes place, then we must not think that we could have avoided it if we had acted differently. We must accept that Allah Ta’ala had willed that event to take place. _ Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) has instructed us not to try to find out too much about Taqdeer. New word: Taqdeer 24 WHATEVER MUST HAPPEN WILL HAPPEN A group of friends were travelling when a heavy storm came down, forcing them to take shelter in a cave. During the night one of the friends who was very hungry decided to leave the cave to look for food. His friends warned him to be careful as there were many wild beasts in the area. He left the cave and though he was very careful, a wild beast attacked and killed him. In the moming the friends left the cave feeling very sad that their dear friend had died. They walked on, until they reached the home of a pious old man. They related their sad story to him and one of them said, if he had not left the cave, he would have been here with us alive. The pious man said, “No, even if he had not left the cave, if Allah had decided that he must die he would still have been dead.” The friends ( understood and accepted that whatever had happened was by | the Will of Allah. 25 QUESTIONS LESSON_SEVEN . What is Taqdeer? . What is the position of one who does not believe in Taqdeer? . Nothing happens without the and _ of Allah Ta’ala. . What should we do if a sad event takes place? . What did Rasoolullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) instruct us about Taqdeer? 26 LESSON EIGHT LIFE AFTER DEATH . When the trumpet is blown, the entire universe will be destroyed. Nothing will remain. . A period of total silence will follow, then the trumpet will be blown again. . Allah will recreate our bodies and our souls will return to their bodies. All life will be restored. . All human beings, from the first man till the last one, will then stand before Allah Ta’ala, on the Plains of Mahshar, to answer for their deeds. . The disobedient will be in great fear, worry and terror because of Allah’s anger. . The obedient will be happy and without any worries, because Allah will be pleased with them. . The people will be given their Book of deeds. Their deeds will be weighed in the Mizaan (scale), and they will cross the Bridge of Siraat over Jahannam. 27 8. The disobedient will fall off the bridge into the Fire, and the obedient will cross over into Jannat with great speed. New word: Mashar Mizaan Siraat ne gS THE BLESSINGS OF JANNAT One day Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was sitting with his companions when one of them asked him what Jannat was? He replied, the buildings of Jannat are made with gold and silver bricks, which are joined together with cement which is made of musk. The sand of Jannat is saffron, and the pebbles are rubies and emeralds. Whoever goes into Jannat will never be thrown out and neither will he die. The people of Jannat never get old and neither do their clothes get old. 29 QUESTIONS LESSON _EIGHT . What will happen when the trumpet is blown? _ When will the trumpet be blown again? . What will happen at the second blowing? _ Where will all human beings go when they are brought back to life? . The disobedient will be in great and . The will be without any . What will be in the Books of Deeds? _ What is the scale and the bridge? 30 Word Search: Search for the words that are connected to “Life after Death” [= * —_ 7s o na ~ - co n> o al [= oe] je [ofa je feo jojo j= — |x sla le |B lol/> |B laloljsio o|s Bl= | fe ls fe [me [e je fm [oo | om 7 o}m [asl fo l= 1s fo lo | > lm — |e —~J/ole jo ;e lu |S le le low lo ~ |e wife fo fala le tale ie fe [x so |= = gE ofa fm [me [sete le | six le 1s aja 3 +— Slej>jal[ele jefe |slajejs ele 6 Bix j2 isle je [> [ole la lo [ea cs | co 2 2 + é m/e [oie ieile ise |B in ie js —|2 vo Slalolsfals joie lajel>le >|- 5 iE ~je js |B fale je ja peie fos eae) vut ——eeenereereannemcenamcemmnte LESSON _NINE AL-HASEEB ONE WHO RECKONS THE DEEDS OF CREATION _ Everything we do is recorded by the Angels. _ We will reckon for our deeds before Allah on the day of Qiyamah. _ No deed big or small, can be hidden from Allah _ On the day of Qiyamah, if Allah wills, He may ask us about each and every deed. _ All the deeds of the creation, big or small, good and bad will be before Allah, and He will have no difficulty keeping count of it, or confusing them. 32 AL-HASEEB On the day of Qiyamah, a person with many evil deeds will be brought before Allah. He will have no excuses for his bad deeds and it will be said that he must be thrown into Jahannam. Allah will say “wait, we have one good deed for him. A small paper with “Ja-ilaha- illallahu-muhammadur-rasoolulla will be brought out and it will be said that he had related this in his life time. This single deed will cause his forgiveness. ta ncaa acces 33 QUESTIONS LESSON_NINE . What does Al-haseeb mean? . Who records everything we do? . We will reckon for our or deeds cannot be from Allah Ta’ala. _ What will Allah Ta’ala question us about on the day of Qiyamah? _ Allah Ta’ala will have no difficulty keeping count of 34 eon wu LESSON TEN AT-TAWWABU - (one who accepts repentance) Allah Ta’ala forgive the sins of all His creation if they turn towards Him. . Taubah means to be truly sorry about one’s evil deeds and declare this to Allah. Allah Ta’ala loves those who turn towards Him in Taubah. Allah Ta‘ala brings close to Him those who make Taubah. Allah will enter into Jannat without questioning those who make Taubah. 35 ONE WHO ACCEPTS REPENTANCE ONE WhO ACUEF lokeeeer~=zss Aman killed ninety nine people and felt very bad thereafter. So he asked a priest if there was forgiveness for him? The priest replied “No there is no forgiveness’. The man, feeling very helpless, killed the priest also. He then went to a pious Aalim and asked him if Allah Ta’ala will forgive him for killing 100 people. The Aalim replied, “yes, if you make Taubah’. The Aalim also told him to leave this town and go to another town. On his way to the other town, he passed away Allah Ta’ala forgave him. 36 QUESTIONS LESSON_TEN . What does At-Tawwaba mean? Means to be truly sorry about one’s evil deeds and declare this to Allah. . Whom does Allah Ta’ala love? . How does one become close to Allah Ta’ala? . Allah Ta’ala will enter into those who make 37 “ MA TRaNsvAY P.O. BOX- 929, LENASIA 1820 TEL: (011) 852- 4631 Primed By : Islamic Book Service ‘e-mail * ibs Phone ~ 91 Website : http: et.in, 51, 3253514, 3265380, Fax- 91- 11-3277913. jamic-india,com

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