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pg 02. Treasure Hunt pg 27. Solo Rules

pg 18. Beastiary pg 30. Scenarios

pg 23. Weapons & pg 42. Beastiary Cards


This is a fan-made supplement. All artwork and original Mordheim rules copyright of the original creators.
Mordheim Treasure Hunt
by Adam Viklund

Karl tip-toed through one of the many derelict living quarters of an old inn. He could hear the crashing of weapon against weapon,
the cries of pain echoing from the streets below. Peering through a shattered window, Karl noticed a slight shift in the shadows
across the alley. Suddenly, two red, glowing orbs blinked into existence and stared up at him from the darkness. His heart suddenly
pounding, Karl quickly ducked down, hoping to avoid the attention of what must be one of those vile Skaven. His mind raced,
remembering the nightmarish stories he had heard of the humanoid rat-men from those lucky enough to return from this accursed
place. His fingers, slick with sweat, tightened on the hilt of the sword at his waist. He wasn't afraid... he was the great Karl
Lindstrom, best swordsman in all of Lundberg. He had taken on all challengers there, and it would be no different here! At least
that's what Karl kept trying to tell himself, as cold sweat slid slowly down his neck. He strained his ears to hear the slightest sound
around him, but all he could make out was his own racing pulse. Gripping his sword ever tighter, he tensely scanned the shadows
of the room, desperately searching for any sign of movement. As his eyes roamed slowly, Karl noticed a glint of something shiny
protruding from beneath an old tapestry on the floor. Blinking rapidly to make sure it wouldn't disappear, he stared at the
mysterious object and licked his salty lips. Whatever it was, it was all his. And not just this piece. He would single-handedly deplete
this wretched city of its riches, and become renowned across the Empire. This was why he had come... this was his purpose.
Forgetting his petrifying fear from moments before, and letting his sword slip from his grasp, Karl crawled toward the mysterious,
glittering object, his greed overcoming all common sense... he didn't notice the red orbs that had appeared in the shadow of the
This idea is based on the Random Happenings rules from Town Cryer 3, and references rules previously established
in the rule books and various Town Cryer issues. All issues can be found on These optional rules can be used in
any scenario, as long as all players agree, to add a bit of uniqueness and narrative when scenarios get a bit repetitive. To me,
Mordheim is as unpredictable as it is deadly, so these encounters are meant to be punishing. Feel free to adjust these rules for
your own games, or replace any encounters with models you may have. These rules introduce two new game phases, the
'Exploration Phase', which occurs after the Recovery phase, and the 'Encounter Phase', which takes place after all players
have gone in that round. Any models brought to the table while searching act in this phase unless otherwise stated.

Exploration phase
During the Exploration phase any model may search each individual room of a building, or any piece of cover, for treasure.
Use your best judgment and confirm with other players when deciding what can be considered a 'room'. If a buildings' interior
is not accessible, the exterior can be searched. You can choose to search as much or as little as you'd like during the game.
Each model (hero or henchman) may only search once per room, although a different model may try to search the same room
again if nothing is found. A model cannot search if the room has been previously searched successfully this battle, and can
also not search if within the charge range of an enemy model. Animal models may search, and may trigger certain
encounters, but cannot pick up any treasure or items found.
The model must start its turn in the room. If a model starts the game deployed in a room, they are considered to be
starting their turn in the room and may immediately search it during their first exploration phase.
To search a room, roll a D6. On a 1-5 the model finds nothing. On a 6, the model has found something and must roll
D66 on the following chart. If all players agree, a new skill, Treasure Hunter, may be added to the Academic Skills list (see
the 'New Skills' section). If a Hero makes a successful search, they gain 1 XP. Henchmen may search, but don't gain any
additional XP.
If the search fails, the model may walk up to its full move, but may not run or charge. If next to a wall they may
attempt to climb. If a model just stood up they may still search, but suffer all penalties from standing during the encounter, if
applicable (for instance, Strike Last), and may only walk half its movement on a failed search. The model may shoot or cast
spells during the shooting phase, but has a -1 to hit or +1 difficulty to cast due to their focus being elsewhere.
If the search succeeds, and an encountered model(s) is placed, the searching model may roll an
initiative test to see if he or she is caught off guard. If passed, the model may move its full movement to
try to distance itself from the encounter, or may shoot or charge the encountering model(s). If the
test is failed, the model is surprised and can do nothing, and the encountering model(s) will
act as per their entry. If the encountered model causes FEAR, the searching model
rolls a fear test instead of an initiative test. If passed the model may shoot, charge or
move away as normal. If failed however, they will run 2D6” in a random
direction away from the fear causing opponent. This means they could fall off a ledge of a building. If close to a table edge,
they will run off and leave the game entirely. On the following turn(s) if they are within 6” of a friendly model they will
recover their nerve. If they don't they are now subject to 'All Alone' and must test against LD. If failed, they will continue to
run until they pass a test or leave the board. If charged, they will break away and continue to run, as per the rule book. The
stats for all encountered enemies can be found in the Beastiary.
If treasure or items are found, the model who searched will now carry his loot for the remainder of the game. Make a
note of what was found and put a treasure token next to the model. If the model is later taken out of action, the treasure token
will drop and the model who took him out may pick up the treasure automatically, or may leave it for another model to pick
up by walking over it. There is no need to stop to pick up dropped treasure. If a warband routes while models are carrying
treasure, any treasure models are currently carrying are retained, with any exceptions noted in the encounter. They only drop
it if they are taken OOA. If an animal model finds treasure or items, make a note of what was uncovered and leave a treasure
counter in the room.
If an encounter is rolled, place any models D6” in a random direction from the searching model, within the same
room if possible. If there isn't room for all models to be placed in the room, they may be placed within line of sight of the
searching model. Some encounters may also describe a certain way to place models for that encounter. For events that last
multiple turns, such as burning buildings, mark the room with an event counter, as that encounter may affect other models
who enter the room during the course of the game.

Encounter phase
Unless otherwise noted, any enemy models that are discovered will take their normal turn in the Encounter Phase, starting
with the round they were discovered. Encountered models will always move toward or charge the nearest player model.
Although this is usually the searching model, there may be times when a different model or even different warband is closer.
Encountered models don't differentiate between players. They will attack anyone! If models have the ability to shoot or cast
spells, use your best judgement to determine if they will use these abilities, and play them as if they were your characters.
If multiple encounters are on the table at the same time, they will act in descending order of when they were
discovered during the Encounter phase. If one warband routes and there are still encounters on the table, the remaining
warband must continue to resolve any encounters until they clear the table or rout themselves. If they do rout before the
encounters are completed, they are still considered the winning warband for the purposes of the scenario.

New Academic Skill

Treasure Hunter. The warrior has a keen, trained eye when searching among ruins for hidden loot, and is able to discover
interesting finds more easily than others. However, he is so focused on his search that he can be easily surprised. He may add +1 to
his search roll, but enemies gain +1 to hit against the warrior during the first round of combat.

New Chaos Ritual

Mark of Chaos Difficulty 10
Even the heartiest of explorers aren't immune to the darkness within, and can succumb to the powerful corrupting properties of

The Mage must be carrying one shard of wyrdstone to use this spell. The spell has a range of 3” and may only be cast on a model
who is knocked down or stunned. The spell caster cannot be engaged in hand-to-hand combat when attempting to cast this spell. At
the end of the game the Mage must roll on the 'Using Stones' rules ('Power in the Stones', TC15) for each shard he tries to use.
If successfully cast, the Mage uses the shard of wyrdstone to taint the warrior and expose the corruptness within. This destroys the
wyrdstone in the process. This spell may only be successfully cast once for each wyrdstone carried by the caster. The model rolls a
D6 on the following chart:
1-3: No mutations appear
4: Roll D3 times on the random mutation chart ('Power in the Stones', TC15)
5: Roll D6 times on the random mutation chart
6: The model is completely corrupted and becomes a Chaos Spawn!
Encounter Chart bedraggled and torn, have the look of wealth and refinement. She
stares up at you with hollow, fearful eyes, and begs you for mercy
as she relates her tale of how her coach was ambushed outside of
If a search is successful, roll D66 on the following chart to find out Mordheim. She was captured and abused by a wicked Magister and
what, or who, has been found. his minions, who were going to sacrifice her to whatever mad gods
they worship. Luckily the warband was attacked in the night, and
11: Ogre Mercenary she was able to slip away. But they are still on her trail.
As you busily search, you peer around a collapsed The Princess will stay in contact with the encountering model for
bookshelf and come face to face with a sleeping Ogre, huddled the remainder of the game. If her protector/captor is ever stunned or
within the mound of books and parchments. You freeze, and back taken out, the Princess will immediately run 2D6” in a random
away as quietly as you can without disturbing the hulking brute. direction. She will always run directly away from a member of a
Possessed warband. If a Possessed warband is the encountering
Place the Ogre D6” from the searching model and make an
player, the Princess will try to break free. Roll an initiative test for
Initiative test. If successful, move up to your normal Move distance
her. If failed she is captured and will stay in base contact with her
to exit the room (in any direction). For the remainder of the game,
captor. If passed, she will immediately run 2D6” in a random
any model that enters the room must make an Initiative test. If
direction. Any other model (except animals or unthinking creatures
anyone is within 5” during the encounter phase, roll an Initiative
such as zombies) can protect/capture her again by charging into
test for the Ogre to see if he wakes up from the noise.
base-to-base contact, and she will then stay in contact with that
If feeling lucky (or suicidal), you can attempt to wake the Ogre and model.
entice him to join your warband. Take a Leadership test at -2. If
If Possessed or any evil warband (Skaven, Beastmen, Orcs,
passed, the Ogre joins your warband for the remainder of the battle.
Undead) try to charge her, the Princess will try to escape as before.
He has the normal stats of an Ogre Bodyguard from the Hired
On her turn if no one has control of her, she will run 2D6” in a
Swords list (Rule book, pg 148). After the battle, you may pay his
random direction. If she happens to run into another model, she
upkeep to keep him in your band.
will immediately run 2D6” again in a random direction. The
If any test is failed, or if you don't have enough movement to Princess cannot leave the board on her own and will stop at the
escape the room, the Ogre is woken up and is not happy. He will edge. To rescue/capture her she may be escorted off the
charge the encountering model during the Encounter phase. If the controlling players starting board edge. The escorting model(s)
Ogre is slain, the victorious model searches through his backpack to leave the game as well. They still get experience for surviving but
find various loot worth 4D6 gc. If the Ogre is not defeated he will cannot search for wyrdstone after the game.
continue to run toward or charge any model (from any warband)
The Princess's stats are the same as Mercenary Youngblood stats
that he can 'see'. If the Ogre cannot see any other models, he will
(Rule book, pg 71). She has no equipment and cannot fight, but can
shamble off 2D6 inches in a random direction. If, at the beginning
defend herself with fists if a model decides to attack when charging.
of his next turn, he still can't 'see' another model, the Ogre is
removed from the board as he has found another peaceful place to When the Princess is found, a small Possessed Warband hunting
sleep. party (Rule book, pg 73) is also added to the table (even if it's a
Possessed warband that found her). Included in the band must be
one Magister and at least one Chaos Hound (found in
12: Mutilated Corpse 'Beastmen',TC29) as the tracker. Roll a D6 to see what size:
You stumble upon a recently deceased warrior. The body 1-2: 3 models (as above + 1 randomly chosen)
has been disfigured so badly you can hardly tell what it is. 3-4: 4 models (as above + 2 randomly chosen)
Not wanting to find out what did this to the poor soul, 5: 5 models (as above + 3 randomly chosen)
you quickly search the unlucky fellow and move on. 6: 6 models (as above + 4 randomly chosen)
Note, the maximums for each type of unit are still used. If
Roll a D6 to loot the corpse: Possessed or Mutant is chosen, they may roll for one random
1: Lucky Charm mutation. Each member should be equipped as WYSIWYG, or see
2: D6 Gold Crowns 'Beastiary'. They begin within 6” of the center of a random table
3: Dagger edge. Roll for each member individually to see where they appear.
4: Axe During each encounter phase roll a LD test for each model except
5: Sword the Chaos Hound. If passed, the model will ignore any other models
6: Suit of Light Armour and continue to move as quickly as possible toward the Princess. If
failed they lose focus and move toward or charge the nearest enemy
model. If successful in combat they will once again test against LD
13: The Stolen Princess to see what they do.

While searching the room you If any member of the Possessed band capture her they will try to
hear a floorboard in the corner move her off the nearest table edge. As the Princess will be
softly creak. Readying your struggling, they may only walk to do so unless there is more than
weapon, you draw back a one member in contact with her. If the Possessed band is successful
tattered but still hanging in getting her off the board, no one gains a reward.
drapery to find a cowering
woman. Her clothes, although At the end of the battle, if a warband controls the Princess they will
get the following reward: almost as if it had been placed here after the collapse occurred. As
you glide your fingers over the beautiful woodwork your mind
Mercenary Bands and Dwarf Treasure Hunters may safely return starts to wander greedily, thinking about what might be inside this
her to claim the reward (see The Lost Prince scenario, 'Chaos on wonderful find, yet a niggling part of you senses the casket may not
the Streets', TC5). Alternatively, the Princess may join the warband be alone after all.
as a new Youngblood if the player wishes.
The player may choose to try to leave the room, or open the casket.
Witch Hunters and Sisters of Sigmar may safely return her to
claim the reward. Instead of the reward, the Princess may join the If the warrior choose to abandon the casket, roll an Initiative test. If
Sisters as a Novice, or the Witch Hunters as a Zealot. If a member passed, the model may move up to his full movement out of the
of either warband is the one who found the Princess, the warband room. If failed, the casket's guardians emerge from the piles of the
MUST attempt to destroy the Possessed hunting party that appears. dead and charge the nearest model during the Encounter phase. The
The entire warband (except those who are unaffected by guardians are D3 Armoured Skeletons (see 'Beastiary'). Place them
psychology) gains HATRED toward the hunting party for the within D6” of the searching model. If the guardians are victorious
remainder of the battle. and there are no other models within charge range, they will
crumble back to the ground. If the player is victorious, he may loot
Skaven will capture her for the prize, ransoming her for D3 the remains of the guardians. Roll a D6:
wyrdstone. On a 1-2: a Shield, 3-4: a halberd, 5-6 a suit of light armour. The
player may leave the room on his next turn, or may choose to open
Orcs and Goblins will capture her, ransoming her for D3 the casket.
wyrdstone. Alternatively, if the warband has a Troll in the band,
they may sacrifice the Princess to feed the Troll and pay his upkeep If the warrior chooses to open the casket, roll a D6 to find out
for that game. what's inside:
1-2: Empty – find 2D6 gc
Beastmen will capture her and may sacrifice her. The leader gains 3-4: a weakened Mummy
+1 XP. Alternatively, the band may return with the Princess to their 5-6: a weakened Vampire
Herdstone and transform her in to a starting Ungor. If the Mummy or Vampire is found, roll an initiative check to see if
Undead will capture her. After the battle, if the band has a Vampire you wake them. If failed, the Vampire or Mummy awakens, as do
as a leader that game, he will turn the Princess into a Vampire the Guardians, unless they were previously defeated. If passed the
Bride. The Bride's stats are as per Ghoul stats, and will become a model silently opens the casket, revealing a slumbering monster.
new henchmen group. She gains all special rules of a Vampire Immediately perform a Fear test, unless the model is immune.
(except Leader). If a Necromancer leads during this battle, the Failure means the model loses his whits and runs 2D6” in a random
Princess will be sacrificed and raised as a Zombie. direction. If still in the room at the end of the move, the Guardians
Possessed will capture her. If the warband has any wyrdstone in
their stash, they may attempt to taint the Princess with one shard as If the Fear test is successful, the warrior grabs a chunk of wood
per the 'Using Stones' rules ('Power in the Stones', TC 15) with a from the ground and attempts to stake the Vampire, or grabs his
-1/+1 modifier to the 2D6 roll. If the Magister has learned the spell, flint and attempts to light the mummy on fire. Roll a D6. On a 1-4
'Mark of Chaos' (see entry 46 – The Witch) they may bypass the the monster awakens, on a 5-6 the Vampire is silently skewered and
2D6 roll and cast the spell on an 8+. If failed they will simply taken out of action, or the Mummy is set alight. Follow the rules for
sacrifice her. The leader gains +1 XP. If she is affected, or the spell burning (see Encounter 55). Roll D6 to see what is found:
is successful, she will be corrupted and may be added to the 1-2: Holy Relic, 3-4: D3 shards of wyrdstone, 5-6: Tome of Magic.
warband as a new henchmen type, 'Corrupted'. She gains experience If the monster is awakened he will immediately attack, and his
as per a henchmen Guardians will rise and charge during the encounter turn, unless
For all other warbands, discuss with other players when deciding previously defeated. Place the monster in base-to-base contact and
whether to return, ransom, sacrifice or do something special with the Guardians within 4” of the searching model. Due to its slumber,
the Princess. Use best judgment and follow the flavor of the the monster is weaker than normal, suffering -1 to Strength,
warband in question. If desired, the next scenario played can be Toughness, and Wounds (see Beastiary). If the monster is defeated,
'Kidnapped' from TC6 or 'Captured' (see the Guardians automatically crumble to dust, and the player rolls on
Scenarios section), tweaking it slightly to fit the previous reward table. If the Vampire or Mummy is able to take
with the story. a model out of action, it will feed on the poor soul's life force,
gaining back its lost stats. If it can 'see' any other models the
monster will then continue to charge and attack. Any Guardians left
standing will follow the monster to assist. If at any time no models
14: The Casket can be seen by the monster, it will return to his casket to continue
You make your way into the room, his slumber. Guardians will return to the room to continue their
gingerly stepping over the skeletal remains vigil, regardless if they can see any other models.
of long dead warriors. Amidst the rubble
At the end of the game, the first model that was taken OOA by the
and debris of this room, you discover a
Vampire must roll on the Henchmen injury chart, even if a hero. On
closed casket. The casket looks
a result of 1 or 2 the model succumbs to the Vampire's bite and
abandoned, and in surprisingly good
becomes a Lesser Vampire. The newly undead causes mayhem in
condition for where
the camp, and the mini scenario 'Fright Night' should be played.
it is located,
If he isn't killed (and a hero), roll on the normal injury chart, defiance rise over the rooftops. Before you can round the bend,
ignoring any 'dead' result. however, those cries quickly melt into screams of agony, and
prayers to Sigmar are cut short. You turn the corner to witness a
vile Ghoul holding a Warrior-Priest by the throat. All around are
the Priest's slain brothers, more Ghouls already beginning to gnaw
15: Dungeons & Denizens and tear at their flesh. The Warrior-Priest struggles weakly, but
This room seems to have been used as a makeshift camp or there is nothing he can do as the ghoul tears out his throat.
hideout, but the previous tenants did a great job cleaning up after
A roving band of Ghouls have been found wandering the area. Place
themselves. You finish your search, coming up empty, and are
D3+1 Ghouls 2D6” in a random direction from the encountering
dejectedly about to leave when you hear a faint tapping. It seems to
model as long as he is able to 'see' the ghouls. Place a token or
be getting louder as you move deeper into the room. Standing at the
appropriate model amidst the ghouls to represent the fallen Warrior-
back wall, the tapping is as loud as you've heard, but there doesn't
Priest. The ghouls will activate during the Encounter Phase, and
seem to be anywhere else to go. Quickly, you run your hands over
will stay close to the fallen Priest unless another model comes
the wall, hoping for a secret panel, and sure enough one of the
within charge range, or if they are attacked by range or magic. The
knots in the wood depresses and a whole section of the wall slides
Priest's body can be searched if anyone gets into base-to-base
inward, revealing a descending stone staircase. With the wall open
contact with him. He's carrying D3 vials of Holy Water, a bulb of
the tapping grows even louder, and you can hear a low moaning.
garlic, a Holy Relic, and a Holy Tome. Undead and Possessed
You cautiously plunge into the dimly lit stairwell, your hackles
warbands cannot search the body, due to its holiness.
raised and nerves taut, ready to defend yourself from whatever is
making that incessant tapping sound, or put it out of it's misery if If the encountering model is a member of a Witch Hunter warband,
necessary. The bottom of the stairwell opens into a small room, an the entire warband will gain HATRED for the Ghouls, and will be
uncomfortably tiny cage set in the center. Behind those bars lies a compelled to hunt them all down.
dishevelled and emaciated soul, gently tapping on the bars with
what looks to be a piece of a femur. Wide, hollow eyes brimming If an Undead warband is the one to encounter the Ghouls, they may
with astonishment look up at you, and a feeble smile peels across try to entice the Ghouls to fight with them. Roll a LD test, minus
thin, cracked lips. The poor wretch gasps out a cackle of joy, then a the number of Ghouls. If successful, the Ghouls will join the band
heavy sigh of unfettered relief. for the remainder of the game. If failed, they will be attacked like
any other warband. Undead cannot try to entice if they didn't find
Regardless of warband type, the model has found a long lost the Ghouls.
companion who had been captured in the past and thought long
dead. Place a token to represent a stairwell in the searched room,
and place something to represent a 6x6” room on the side of the
board to represent the prison. Place a token to represent a cage in 21: Hidden Stash
the center of the room, and place a model on the token to represent You come across what appears to be a moneylenders
the prisoner. Place the searching model beside the prisoner. It costs office. Half-filled bookshelves line the walls, and torn and chewed
one inch of movement to travel between the room and the stairwell accounting ledgers litter the floor, as well as what looks to be many
token above. black rocks. In the center of the room is a very solidly built desk,
its top covered with more papers and books. All the drawers but
If the warband has any slots available for a hero, randomly one have been removed and the contents scattered. The final
determine what type of hero the companion is (not a leader). If no drawer is firmly locked and won't budge.
hero slots are available, randomly determine what type of
henchman was found. If a Possessed or Mutant are found, roll for Roll a Strength test. If successful, the drawer is broken into and the
one random mutation. If a spell caster is found, roll one random model finds D6x5 gold and a Mordheim map (roll on the chart as
spell. If the warband roster is at its maximum, the companion will normal to find out what kind). If the test is failed, the model is
help with the remainder of this game, then leave the band when it is unable to break open the drawer.
over. For this game, the companion does not count for routing
purposes. In either case, the noise attracts D3 Giant Rats. If the rats are
defeated and the drawer is still locked, the model may try to break
This model starts with base experience for the type. open the drawer again with a +1 STR modifier, but a failure will
Their stats for the remainder of the game are attract D3+1 more rats. On each successive attempt, if needed, the
normal except for -1 to Movement, Strength, model will gain an additional +1 STR and rats will continue to add
and Toughness, due to the poor condition of +1 to their total. Other models may try to open the drawer as well,
the companion. On the first turn treat the but the rat count will remain the same (so if this is the third attempt,
model as if he had just stood up. They have no D3+3 rats will show up).
equipment. If the companion survives the
game they will return to full stats for the If Skaven are the searching warband, they can attempt to control the
next. rats by passing a LD test at +1. If passed, the rats will fight for them
for the remainder of the battle, but will scurry off when it's finished.
If failed, the rats will attack as normal. Each new round of rats can
16: Poor Soul try to be controlled.

From around a corner

you hear a tumultuous
clamour, as angry cries of
22: Who Let the Dogs Out If the Siren is defeated, the spell vanishes and the affected model's
mind clears. He is free to act normally on his next turn. If the model
As you begin rummaging through some fallen boards, you reaches the table edge before the spell is broken, he wanders off
freeze at the sound of gnawing and bones cracking. Suddenly the into the darkness with the Siren and is automatically lost to the
masticating stops, and the head of a large warhound peers over a warband. If desired, the new scenario, 'Beauty is Only Skin Deep'
shattered chair, its ears perked and mouth slavering as it stares (see 'Scenarios'), may be played to try to rescue the lost companion.
intently at you. Cautiously, you raise your hands in the hopes of
calming the beast, but it merely cocks it's head to the side, letting The Siren fights with long, vicious claws, giving +1 AP. She can
loose a guttural growl. As more heads raise up you begin to think attempt a 'Siren's Scream' during the shooting phase. This can be
searching this room may have been a bad idea. used while in close combat (see 'Beastiary). While in combat, at the
beginning of each encounter phase, she will attempt to call her
You have stumbled upon a pack of D3 emaciated Warhounds sisters for help. Only one successful reinforcement roll is allowed
gnawing on the remains of some wretched soul. You may try to during the encounter. Roll 2D6. If she rolls higher than her
bribe them with the few rations you're carrying. Roll a Leadership leadership, D3 more Sirens rise from the ruins. Each appears 12”
test minus the number of dogs. If successful, the dogs will help you away from the Siren in a random direction, and will charge the
in your cause for the remainder of the battle, and may move right nearest enemy model of any warband. The new Sirens that appear
away. At the end of the game, for any warhounds that were not cannot call more reinforcements and do not try to entrance anyone.
taken OOA roll a D6. On a 5 or 6 the dog becomes a permanent They are out for blood!
member of the warband.

If the LD test is failed, the rations aren't enough and the warhounds
charge immediately. The hounds will continue to move toward and 24: The Lost
charge the nearest enemy model they can 'see' until they are taken This city attracts not only the heartiest of adventurers, but
OOA. Any model taken out of action by the warhounds must roll a also the craziest. Many times, day or night, accusatory cursing and
D6. On a 1-2 the dog has devoured the warrior, and he is dead. If he yelling from these fanatical fools echoes through the ruins. Most
isn't killed, roll on the normal injury table, ignoring any 'dead' try to avoid these souls, hoping the city will swallow them like it's
result. done to so many others. But on occasion, the unluckiest of
adventurers happen upon these zealots and have to deal with them
first hand. Today, you seem to be one of the unluckiest, as you
23: Siren's Call unwittingly stumble upon a group of these lunatics.
As you rummage through a cupboard, searching for Roll a D3 for the number of Flagellants (see 'Beastiary') and place
anything of value, the room is suddenly filled with the most them within 3” of each other 2D6” from the searching model in a
beautiful singing you've ever heard. The song sounds so familiar, random direction he can 'see'. Each is armed with a flail. Each
yet you can't quite place it. Perhaps one your mother sang to you at Flagellant will move toward and charge the nearest model during
bedtime? Or maybe the pretty girl next door who sang as she the Encounter phase, but will not charge a model already in hand-
scrubbed the laundry? As the sweet, lilting melody continues to to-hand combat with another flagellant. Any other Flagellant will
caress your ears your mind continues to fog over, and you find it search out the next nearest model it can 'see' to share its glorious
harder and harder to coalesce a coherent thought. Glancing up, message. If no other models are in sight, the Flagellant will move in
you are amazed to find the most beautiful creature you've ever seen a random direction. They will stay on the board until the game ends.
standing in front of you, sweetly beckoning you to follow her.
Whether a Witch Hunter warband discovers them, or is just on the
A Siren appears D6” in line of sight from the searching model, and table at the time, the flagellants will automatically join the warband
towards the nearest table edge. She will stay this distance from the for the remainder of the game. They will act during the Witch
entranced model as she leads him toward the board edge. Hunter's turn and be controlled by that player. They do not count
towards the warbands totals for routing purposes. Any not taken
Roll a Leadership test at -1. If passed, the model is able to shake off OOA at the end will leave the band and continue to wander the
the Sirens spell and shoot or charge the creature. If the searching streets.
model fails his Leadership test, he is entranced by the Siren. Each
turn, the model will walk his full movement towards the nearest
table edge, the Siren staying her original distance in front of him.
He ignores all other enemy models, and will attempt to intercept 25: It's a Trap!
any models trying to charge the Siren. However, he will only fight As you enter the room, you can't help but notice a poor
if the intercept is successful. adventurer pinned in the corner. Spears protrude from the wall and
floor, skewering the careless fool like a stuck pig. This gruesome
If the Siren is within 8” of any models during the Encounter phase,
sight, left as a warning for other looters, would unnerve anyone,
she may attempt to enthrall another model in the same manner. If
and you are about to leave this wretch to the rats, when you notice
the model fails their leadership roll they too become entranced,
the well refined attire adorning the corpse. What looks to be a cloak
following along and attempting to intercept to protect their Siren
of silk adorns his back, and the sword at his feet appears to be
encrusted with jewels. Curiosity and treasure lust overcome your
If the Siren is successfully charged by another model, the entranced better judgement, and you make your way toward the riches. As you
model freezes in place until the Siren can move again. While the reach out to caress the soft cloak, you feel a click under foot.
Siren is engaged in combat, any entranced models may try to break
the spell once per turn by rolling a LD test at -1 per turn entranced. Roll an Initiative test. A failed roll means the model has set off a
second spear trap that erupts from the rotting ceiling, collapsing it of value in the coach and must move on. However, any other
in the process and burying the corpse. The model is knocked away models may search it to test their luck. They must start their turn
D6” in a random direction, and takes D3 Strength 3 hits. next to the coach, but only need to roll the Initiative check.

If passed, the model is able to dive out of the way unharmed, and is If the Initiative test is passed the model uncovers a hidden, locked
able to search the debris. storage box. Roll a Strength test to break it open. If passed, roll on
Roll a D6 x2 (re-rolling duplicates): the Jewelsmith chart ('Five of a Kind', Rule book, pg 139). The
warband may use the rule mentioned there instead of selling what is
1: Jewelled Sword 4: Holy Water found. If the strength test fails, this model must move on (as in any
2: Rope & Hook 5: Light Armour failed search), but another model may attempt to break open the box
3: Crossbow 6: Cathayan Silk Cloak as it has now been uncovered. They must start the turn in contact
and spend the turn trying just like a normal search, but they only
need to roll the Strength test. However, if failed they may not move
away like on a failed search.
26: Spawn of Chaos
Spending too much time in Mordheim can be hazardous to If either Initiative or Strength test is failed, the noise disturbs D3
your health, both physically and mentally. The corrupting power of Giant Rats, who crawl out of the rubble and attack during the next
the city can, and does, bring out the worst in most; fear, anger, Encounter phase. Place them around the coach, but not in base-to
hostility, hatred, jealousy. Dark thoughts and emotions are base-to-base with any models.
wrenched to the surface. Flesh deforms and mutates to mirror the
darkness inside. Most try to maintain some semblance of control;
some piece of who they are, or once were. But sometimes a mind
snaps, and the darkness flows freely, manifesting in indescribable,
32: Bark At the Moon
horrible ways and corrupting every fibre, inside and out. You've Through the mist and gloom you notice what appears to be
heard tales of these unthinking, uncaring beasts, but never thought a darker than usual shadow. Moving closer, a hollowed out opening
you'd be unfortunate enough to see one up close. Now you can only dug into the rubble comes into view. Cautiously you bend down to
hope to survive so you can tell a tale of your own. peer inside, but it's too dark to make anything out. Suddenly you
hear a growl from behind. Whipping around, you have just enough
From out of the debris lumbers an unholy Chaos Spawn (see time to make out the slavering jaws of a very large and vicious Dire
'Beastiary'). Place a Chaos Spawn 2D6” in a random, line of sight Wolf before he pounces!
direction from the searching model. The searching model must take
a fear test as normal, as does any other model who is within 12” and You've happened upon a wolf's den. Roll a fear test, and if failed the
can see the Spawn. It charges the nearest model it can see during Dire Wolf charges and attacks immediately to defend its home. The
the Encounter phase and will continue to charge and attack any Dire Wolf guarding its Den is larger than normal, and has +1
model it can 'see'. If the Spawn cannot see any models it will move Wound. If the searching model defeats the Dire Wolf he may search
2D6” in a random direction. The Spawn will remain on the board the den, finding a Wyrdstone Pendant, and may also take the wolf
unless it is slain, or it moves off a table edge. If defeated, the model pelt to fashion a Wolf Cloak if he chooses (see 'Equipment'). The
who takes it OOA is able to cut out D3 shards of Wyrdstone from it. Dire Wolf will not leave its den to attack others unless it can 'see'
them and they are within charge distance of the room.

If any living model is taken out of action by the wolf, roll a D6. On
31: The Forgotten Coach a 4-6 nothing happens and you may roll for injuries a normal. On a
This room holds nothing of value, but as you're leaving a 1-3, however, you don't need to roll on any injury charts as the
half-buried coach among the rubble catches your eye. The faded model's injuries have miraculously healed themselves, including
symbol of House Steinhardt, the once proud nobility of Mordheim, any injuries the model had previously received. Instead, the model
can be seen on the weathered wood protruding above the dirt and is now cursed with the Mark of the Beast. Before each battle
detritus. You quickly scramble towards it, knowing a coach from afterwards, the model must roll a Leadership test to see if he can
the wealthiest house in the city must surely be loaded keep the beast in check. If failed, the beast is too eager to be set free
with untold riches. You just hope you'll be able to and the model decides to sit out the game to be safe. If passed he is
carry it all! able to suppress the wolf inside. However, if the character becomes
wounded during the battle but is not taken out of action, roll a D6.
If possible, place a piece of terrain at On a 6 the model loses control of his rage and transforms into a
ground level near the room to Werewolf, automatically letting out a terrifying howl (see
represent the coach. If no terrain is 'Beastiary'). Any models within 12” must immediately take a fear
available, mark a 3x2” spot to show test (unless unaffected by psychology). All his equipment is lost or
where the coach is. Place the destroyed during the transformation. The model's activation ends as
searching model next to the coach. the transformation takes the players turn to complete. The Werewolf
If the room being searched is not has succumbed to blood lust and will attack any models, (former)
on the ground floor, the model is friend or foe. During the next encounter phase the creature will
automatically moved to the charge the nearest model, or attack if in close combat. It will
ground next to the coach. continue to charge the nearest model and never route. If the
Werewolf takes any living model OOA, roll a D6. On a 5 or 6 the
Roll an Initiative test. If failed curse has been passed on. Ignore any other injury rolls these model
you are unable to find anything may have received.
may carry the chest at normal speed. On the next encounter phase
At the end of the battle, if the the room comes alive as D6+3 zombies rise and give chase to
Werewolf has been taken OOA, retrieve their master's treasure. They will always move toward the
consider him destroyed and remove chest, ignoring any other models unless they are charged, and will
him from the roster, unless there is a not stop until the chest is off the board, or until they've retrieved it
Possessed, Beastman or Undead from a fallen adventurer. If the chest gets off the board the spell
warband in the battle. If any of these holding the zombies together expires and they crumple lifelessly to
groups didn't route, or if the Werewolf the ground. Any model that gets the treasure off the table gains +1
was originally a member of these bands, XP. If the Zombies retrieve the chest they will return it to the room
they may capture the beast and add him and guard it until the battle ends.
to their party as a new Henchman. Each
battle, the creature starts as his human If a Necromancer who knows 'Spell of Awakening' is on the table
counter-part, but now relishes the change. He and is within 6” of any of the zombies, he may attempt to gain
takes his leadership check at -1 and transforms control of the zombies, but only has one chance. A successful cast
from taking a wound on a 5 or 6. Now that he is on any of the zombies will bind them all to his will. The undead
ready for the change any equipment he's carrying will will now control the zombies for the remainder of the battle.
not be lost.
Also on a 5-6 the original master is alerted that someone is
tampering with his spell, and a Powerful Necromancer (see
Beastiary) appears in a random building. He will attack anyone he
33: Changing of the Guard can see, and will move directly toward the nearest model. Any
Needing to catch your breath, you take shelter in one of model he takes OOA must roll for injury immediately, as they will
the buildings. As you enter the room, breathing heavily, you can't be raised to fight for the powerful Necromancer if they die. If
help but notice the massive number of bodies strewn across the defeated, the powerful Necromancer's zombies will crumble to dust,
floor and piled in every corner of the dwelling. Yet, despite the and his body may be looted to find one shard of wyrdstone, an
decomposition that must be happening, the air has a somewhat unholy relic, and a tome of magic.
pleasant, sweet smell. A voice screams in the back of your mind to
flee and not look back, but as you turn to leave a wave of
exhaustion washes over you. As you slump against the wall to rest a 34: The Merchant
moment, your eyelids getting heavier by the second, you hear a Squeezing past some fallen timbers, you find yourself in
clunk as a panel of the wall comes loose and falls to the ground. front of a still locked door. After many attempts of slamming your
Through your bleary eyes you spy what looks to be a large treasure shoulder into it, the door eventually cracks and gives way. Before
chest inside the compartment. Unfortunately, as you reach for it, you lies a mostly untouched Merchant's shop. Your eyes grow wide
your bleary eyes don't register the somnambulistic stirring from the as you survey goods of all varieties still lining some of the shelves
bodies all around. and cabinets. But before you have a chance to open your sack,
You have found a treasure chest, but the room has been booby- sounds of scurrying and scuttling outside snap you from your
fortuity. You quickly and quietly grab what you can and leave
trapped by a Spell of Awakening. Roll a D6.
before the noisy neighbours have a chance to locate you.
On a 1-2, D3+1 Zombies will rise to stop you. If the model passes a Roll a D6 twice to see what you are able to grab:
fear test he may attack the guards. Otherwise he will run away 1: Brass Knuckles
2D6” in a random direction. The zombies will not follow as they 2: Flash Powder
will not leave the treasure. They will only leave if they are being 3: Rabbit's Foot
shot at, but will return to the room if their attacker is killed. 4: Iron-Shod Boots
If any model is taken OOA in the encountering room, roll 5: Tarot Cards
for injuries right away. If killed he is automatically reanimated as a 6: Roll again – 1-3: Elven Boots 4-6: Elven Cloak
Zombie, and all his equipment is lost.
If the guards are successfully defeated, the player may
attempt to carry the chest off his or her own table edge. Use the
standard rules for carrying a treasure chest (Hidden Treasure, RB pg 35: Bottom of the Barrel
131). If the chest gets off the table, or if the victorious warband has Sometimes all it takes to get an adventurer to sign up to a
possession of the chest at the end of the game, they may roll on the warband is a few stiff drinks. The problem most warriors find,
Hidden Treasure table ('Six of a kind', Exploration). If the band who however, is that the effects of that magical liquid courage has long
is carrying the chest routes, they drop the chest as it's too heavy to since worn off by the time they're actually scuttling through the City
carry as they flee. If no model currently has control of the chest at of the Damned. Which is why your mind nearly shuts down from
the end of the game, it is lost. sheer joy when you find a partially full keg of Bugman's Ale. Not
wanting to face those dark and deadly streets alone again, you open
On a 3-4, D6+1 Zombies rise to guard their masters treasure. All the the spigot and let your fears wash away!
above rules apply.
Roll a Toughness test for any model that enters this room. If you
On a 5-6, the model is able to shake off the fatigue and grab the pass, the model drinks for that turn and is now immune to fear for
chest. He may immediately carry the chest his full movement out of the remainder of the battle. Any other model that enters the room
the room, but only half movement after that (reduced due to may also roll a test to drink the potent liquid.
carrying the chest). If another model can help carry the chest they
If any test is failed, that model has decided to get sloshed. He stays too busy dealing with them to climb out! In this case, place the
in the room for D3 turns drinking (a dwarf will stay D3+1 turns). model by the ground floor hole token at the end of the turn the
During each recovery phase roll a Toughness test for the drinking zombies are cleared.
fool. If failed he passes out and becomes instantly stunned. He
recovers as normal, rolling over on the next turn, and standing up The cellar may also be used as an entrance to the Catacombs (see
after that. Mordheim: Catacombs).

Whether the drunk stays on his feet or he passes out, when he

recovers (or the drinking turns elapse) the model now suffers from
Madness (Injury chart, '24') for the remainder of the battle. Roll to
41: Lucky Find
see what Madness effect the model will have for that turn. Roll Amidst the scattered papers and detritus of a dishevelled
again on each turn to see how they act. It takes a lot to get a Dwarf office, you find a map. At first it looks like nothing more that a
drunk, so they will only gain madness if they stay in the room the series of adjoining lines and shapes, but soon you begin to see
full four turns. familiarities with the area you're in. On the margin there's some
text. Some of it is missing or too worn to read, but you're able to
If a drinking model is charged he may defend himself, although his make out enough to know it speaks of great wealth, but also great
Initiative and Weapon Skill are at -1 for the duration of the fight. If danger. You barely notice the last, however, as your mind is
the booze hound wins the combat he will go back to drinking for enraptured by the first. And, if you're reading these shapes
the remaining turns he had left. correctly, it seems there's an 'X' marked not far from your current
Randomly select a building on the table, preferably one with
36: Look Out Below! multiple rooms. One of the rooms in that building holds the
Peering through a doorway, you notice what appears to be treasure. If any of these rooms have already been successfully
a fancy box sitting unopened on a bookshelf on the far side of the searched by anyone, that room cannot be searched again. The only
room. You slowly creep toward the box, but with every step the way to successfully search for the treasure is if the searching model
floorboards beneath your feet constantly crack and groan. As the has the map. Otherwise roll as a standard search. When the map
box gets closer and closer, you can almost smell the gold and holder is searching, roll a D6:
jewels that must obviously crammed inside. Just as you greedily 1: Random monster encounter (see below)
reach out, your weight shifts and the floor suddenly gives way. You 2-5: Nothing found
plummet through the air, arms flailing, grasping for anything to 6: You've found the treasure
slow your fall, crashing through the rotten floorboards below, until If nothing is found the model may move up to his full movement to
finally coming to a painful stop in what appears to be a long try to enter another room. He must start his turn in a room to be able
forgotten cellar. to search. When the treasure is found, the model (Hero or
Place a token to represent a hole in the searched room. If the Henchman) gains +1 XP. The player must now try to carry it off his
searched room was on an upper floor, place the hole on the upper or her starting table edge. If he gets the chest to the edge it is
floor and the ground floor as well, and place something to represent dropped and considered secured. If the model carrying the chest is
a 4x4” room on the side of the board to represent the cellar. Place taken OOA, the chest will drop for another to claim. If the carrying
the searching model in the middle of the cellar. player routes before the chest is gotten off the board, he drops the
chest as it's too heavy to retreat with. If the chest gets off the board,
The model takes D3 Strength 2 hits for each floor he crashed roll on Treasure Horde ('Monster Hunt', TC5)
through. So if the model was on the second floor he will take D3 Str
2 hits twice. If not taken out of action, the model is stuck in the If all rooms are searched without finding the treasure, it will be in
cellar for D3 turns as he tries to find a way out. Start counting these the final room, along with a random monster from the list. See
turns once the model is on his feet (he can't search for a way out if Beastiary for stats.
he's stunned or knocked down), but roll an Initiative test on this and Random Monster Encounter (D6):
each subsequent turn the model is in the cellar. If any test fails the 1: Roll on the monster chart in 'Monster Hunt', TC5
commotion has awakened a rotting Zombie, which 2: Troll
rises and attacks during the Encounter phase. 3: Rat Ogre
If the initiative test is passed, the model finds a 4: Ogre
hidden stash. Roll on 'Hidden Treasure' scenario 5: Chaos Spawn
(Rule book, pg 131). Only one treasure can be 6: Minotaur
found, regardless of how many test are If the games ends before the treasure has been found, the warband
passed. At the end of the players who found the map may keep it and play the Scenario, 'The Quest
final turn of being stuck, for Riches' at a later time.
place the model on the
side of the ground floor
hole token. The model
cannot leave the
42: Emerald Nest
cellar, however, if Your search of this particular room comes up fruitless,
there are any zombies though you can't help but notice an eerie green glow bleeding
still in the cellar. He's through the cracks in a collapsed section of one wall. Beyond, there
is no light save the luminescent twinkle of the heaven born shards. access to the dangerous hall nearly impossible. But
Your spirits rise, knowing you've seen this light before. The light strangely enough, as you peer inside you see a dour
seems to pulse, disappearing completely then radiating once more. dwarf with a large, orange spike of hair sitting
Either your eyes are playing tricks on you or something is blocking at what once must have been the bar. He
the light. Silently drawing closer, a distinctly verminous smell squeezes out an ale skin into a cracked stein
corroborates your worst fears, yet the green emanations galvanize and tips it to his lips. The Dwarf leans back to
your wildest dreams. Avoiding the open section of wall as much as drain the last drops from the mug, then slams
possible, you find a large enough crack for your arm to pass and it down, picks up his very sharp looking axe,
blindly reach for the precious stones. and whirls to face the fool who's interrupted
You have found a rats nest. Roll a D6: his reminiscing.

1: You are able to grasp D3 shards of wyrdstone. The model may You can choose to try to leave or entice
move his full movement to try to leave the room. the Slayer. If trying to leave, make
an Initiative test. If
2-4: Your hand sinks into a mass of greasy, black fur. A surprised successful, move up to your
squeak fills the room, followed by D3+1 Verminkin. A Black normal Move distance to
Skaven brings up the rear. exit the room (in any
direction). For the remainder
5: Your hand grasps not a shard, but a rope-like object. A guttural of the game, any model that enters the
growl shakes the fallen wall, and a huge Rat Ogre leans his head room must make an Initiative test. If anyone
into the room. is within 5” during the encounter phase, roll an
Initiative test for the Dwarf to see if he is disturbed by the noise.
6: As you grab a shard the strangest, unholiest noise you've ever
heard echoes through the room. An enraged Chaos Spawn charges Any warband that can hire him can try to entice the Slayer by
through the wall, collapsing it further. passing a Leadership test. If passed, the Dwarf will fight for the
searching warband for the remainder of the battle, free of charge.
Place any encountered models within D6” of the searching model, He may be kept a part of the band by paying his upkeep cost at the
then roll Initiative / Leadership test as per normal. All encounters end of the battle. If failed, or if the encountering warband isn't able
don't attack until the Encounter Phase. If the models are defeated, to hire him, the Slayer will charge immediately (barring the
the nest can be looted for D6+1 wyrdstone. The encountering searching model's Initiative test is failed). He will continue to move
Skaven will not leave to fight, intent as they are to guard their nest, toward and charge the nearest model until he can no longer 'see'
but will stay on the board until the game ends. However, the Chaos anyone. He will then go back to drinking and remembering.
Spawn is mindless, and will leave the nest and continue to move
toward and charge any model it can 'see'. The Dwarf Slayer will never attack a member of a Dwarf warband,
and will join them if a Dwarf discovers him and passes a LD test.
If Skaven are the searching warband, they may try to trick the They may continue to keep him in the warband once the battle is
Skaven or Rat Ogre into joining their cause for the remainder of the over by paying his upkeep.
game. Take a LD test at -2 instead of the standard Initiative test. If
failed, the ratmen jealously guard their nest and attack as above. If If a Dwarf doesn't encounter the Slayer, or if the Dwarf's LD test to
successful, the ratmen or Rat Ogre will join the Skaven, however entice him fails, he will still fight with them if they are on the table,
they are torn about leaving their precious nest. Each subsequent although he won't officially join the band. He still activates during
turn, roll a D6 for each Skaven that was enticed. On the Encounter phase but the Dwarf player will control his actions
a 1 or 2, the model misses its treasures too instead of him attacking the nearest model. He cannot be added to
much and runs back toward the nest. It the warband after the battle as he's too busy trying to drown his
ignores any enemy models and will memories.
even break from combat in
engaged. Normal break rules
apply. If the Skaven win the
game, they may recover D3
44: Let the Damned Burn
shards of Wyrdstone from the You find what looks to have once been an apothecary's
nest. workshop. Books and texts that once would have been placed neatly
on shelves now litter the room. At the back of the workshop stands a
small desk covered with more detritus. A large, broken mortar and
pestle sits in the middle. You can see remnants of black powder in
43: Dwarf Slayer the mortar, and begin to search the room more thoroughly. Pulling
Amidst the ruins of this a desk aside, you notice something that he previous looters had
street lies what used to be a missed.
busy tavern, The Generous
Lass. Sadly, the once Behind the desk you find the following. Roll a D6:
prominent structure has 1-2: a Fire Bomb
begun to sag and collapse. 3-4: a Brazier Staff
The front entrance has 5-6: five Fire Arrows
been almost entirely buried Rules for burning can be found in 'Let the Damned Burn', TC20.
by falling debris, making
(see 'Beastiary'). If the Witch is defeated, she leaves behind one
wyrdstone, as well as a wyrdstone pendant.
45: Wyrdstone Troll If the Leadership test fails you are unable to interrupt the spell, and
A putrid scent assails your nose as you round the corner 'Vision of Torment' ('Chaos Rituals', Rulebook) is successfully cast.
and enter the room. Your eyes instantly fixate on the disgusting The warrior is immediately Stunned, and can do nothing (not even
backside of a huge troll standing in the corner, staring blankly at crawl, although they flip on their backs as normal) for two turns
nothing. Your eyes continue to wander over his back and shoulders, until they normally stand up. During this time the Witch also does
where strange, crystal-like protrusions have begun to jut through nothing, as she begins to cast a new spell on the downed model.
the skin. One massive claw raises a large piece of dully glowing During each Encounter phase the Witch will attempt to cast 'Mark
rock to his mouth that he begins to gnaw on, while the other of Chaos' (see 'New Chaos Ritual' ) on the downed model. The spell
reaches around to scratch at one of the outcroppings. Slowly, the casting may be interrupted if another model is able to engage the
beast turns to stare at you; a greenish glow emanating from its Witch in close combat. If the Witch is defeated before casting Mark
eyes. Your mouth falls open in shock as you see him raise a third of Chaos, the victor recovers one wyrdstone shard from her. If the
arm to scratch his head in confusion. spell has successfully been cast, the shard is gone.

The Troll has somehow gotten separated from his band, and is lost If successfully cast, the searching model is racked with pain as his
and confused. To pass the time he's been snacking on wyrdstone body deforms and mutates (see 'Mark of Chaos'). The now mutated
shards, which has had some interesting effects on the dim brute. His model may continue to fight this game. He won't attack his warband
Toughness and Wounds are +1, and his third arm gives him +1 members, but they may attack him! Unless an enemy model is
Attacks, but his leadership fluctuates radically due to the toll the closer, any time an unengaged member of the player's warband gets
stone has taken on his brain, and is rolled each turn on a 2D6. within charge distance or can shoot the mutated model, they must
make a Leadership test to see if they attack their mutated
As well as the standard Fear test for the searching model, roll the companion. If failed, they must shoot or charge the mutated model.
Troll's LD, then roll its stupidity test. If he fails, the encountering It is up to the player if he wants the new mutant to attack back if he
model may sneak away without incident (unless he's run from fear) is charged. During each successive close combat phase the
and the Troll continues to eat his rocks. If the Troll passes his test, attacking model must take another LD test to see if he stops
he remembers he also likes to eat meat and attacks during the attacking his mutated companion.
encounter phase. He will continue to move toward and charge the
nearest model until he can no longer 'see' any models. He will then If the model turns into a Chaos Spawn, it will mindlessly attack
move his movement in a random direction. Each Encounter turn anything within charge range, staying on the board until it is
after the first, roll to see the Troll's leadership before rolling for taken OOA, or until the battle ends.
Most 'good' warbands will not accept a tainted
An Orc warband Leader can roll a Leadership +1 test to acquire the member of their warband, however it is up to the
Troll as a henchman, unless they have one already. If failed the player's discretion whether they allow the
Troll will attack. If they have a Troll already, the orc warband corrupt model to stay in the warband or not. If
leader may still try to command the lost Troll with a leadership +1 the mutant is kicked out of his warband and a
roll each turn for the remainder of the battle. If he fails any test, and Possessed warband was on the table during
the Troll passes his Stupidity, he will charge the nearest model, the game, they may try to entice the
friend or foe. If the Orcs route, the Troll will remain in the game, mutant to join with them. Roll a LD test
moving as before. If they don't route, the Troll will join the band, -1. If successful, the mutant will join
unless they already have one with them already. Possessed warband as a special
henchmen, gaining experience as
If anyone is able to take the Troll OOA, they are able to recover one. If failed, the mutant
D3+1 shards of wyrdstone. wanders off into the city. If a
Chaos Spawn was the result the
model will automatically be lost to
the warband.
46: The Witch
While rummaging through a chest of drawers the hairs on
the back of your neck suddenly rise, and your skin bubbles with
goose bumps. The air seems to thicken and chill as wind begins to 51: Evil Awakens
whip around the room, and you can make out faint curses flitting on You wander into a
the breeze. Your mind begins to be racked with dread and terror. completely dishevelled room.
You quickly turn around, only to witness a horribly mutated woman From the looks of it, this
in the midst of casting a spell. Not knowing what horrors she might room has been ransacked at
be trying to conjure, you push aside the horrific thoughts and try to
least once before, maybe
make your way toward the old crone before she can complete the more from the look of the
incantation. battered furniture. As you
shift an overturned
Place the Witch 3” from where she can 'see' the exploring model. bookcase you hear
Roll a Leadership test with a -2 modifier. If passed, the searching a soft click, and a
model is able to charge the Witch before she can complete her spell hidden door in
the wall behind opens a gains one wound. He can gain more than his starting amount of
crack. The door leads to a steep wounds in this manner. If an enemy is taken out of action by the
stairwell which ends at a dark and mace the Lich immediately rolls the 'Re-animate' spell, and if
foreboding room underneath the building. You successful the downed model becomes possessed by the Soulraiser
find some cloth to make a makeshift torch, and and rises at the start of the next encounter phase as a powerful
cautiously descend into the darkness. The air seems zombie to fight for the Lich. They retain their stats and can fight
to grow colder and thicker as you make your way into with their weapons as normal, but gain all of a Zombie's special
the room. Peering into the gloom, you are able to skills, such as cannot run and cause fear. If a re-animated warrior is
make out various markings and runes covering the taken OOA while they are possessed, the possession is broken and
walls. Altars are situated under these markings, and the the Lich immediately loses a wound as the essence he was taking is
remains of several poor residents of Mordheim are lost. If this drops the Lich to zero wounds roll on the injury chart as
everywhere, strewn across the bloodstained flagstones. A normal to see what happens. For the warrior taken out of action, roll
chill runs through your bones as you realize this must be some on the injury chart as usual. If a Hero, ignore any rolls of 'dead'.
sort of sacrificial chamber. In the center of the room is a stone
pulpit, a large, sealed tome bound to the top of it. An ethereal If the Lich is destroyed the tome bursts into flames, and the
voice whispers in your mind, promising you riches beyond remaining undead on the table that were controlled by him crumple
measure if you open the tome. to the earth. Any models that were possessed by Soulraiser are
taken out of action. They roll on the injury chart as normal but will
Place a separate 6x6” room to represent the sacrificial chamber next automatically miss the next game due to the trauma. If a warband
to the game board. Place something to represent an altar or pulpit, routes while any of their members are under the Lich's control,
and place a tome or book on top. Mark a stairwell in the chamber those models will stay and fight for the Lich until he is destroyed.
and in the room that was originally searched. It takes one inch of They can then be returned to their band and roll for injuries as
movement to move in and out of the room between staircases. above. If all warbands route before the Lich is destroyed and any
models are still under his control, those models are lost to the
If the model searching the room can't use magic, roll a Strength test darkness as they continue fighting for the Lich. If desired, the
to pry the sealed tome off the pulpit. Success means they gain a players can choose to play 'The Lost and the Damned' (see the
Tome of Magic, but must pass a Leadership test at the beginning of Mordheim: Catacombs supplement) to try to rescue their
each turn for the remainder of the battle. Add +1 to their leadership companions.
stat for each subsequent round they carry the book, however the
test will always fail on a 12. A failed check (the STR test or any LD Any Hero or Henchman gains +1 XP for taking the Lich out of
test) means they have succumbed to the temptation and opened the action, and can take his magical artifacts. Most warbands can sell
tome, releasing the evil inside. the cursed goods for 3D6x10 gold. Witch Hunters and Sisters will
perform a ritual to destroy the cursed relics, receiving D6+1 XP that
If a spell caster searches the room, they must make a Leadership can be divided among the Heroes of the band. Only a Necromancer
test at -1, (Necromancers do not get -1). If passed, a Necromancer may attempt to use the cursed equipment, but must make a LD test
may read the tome and roll for a new necromancy spell. They before each battle. If passed, he gains the abilities of the equipment
cannot reduce the casting cost of an already learned spell. If any for that battle. If failed, the Necromancer is consumed by the power
other spell caster passes, they may roll for a lesser magic spell. of the relics and becomes a Lich himself. He retains all skills and
spells, although he may now use the cursed equipment without
If any test is failed, the previous owner of the tome appears next to testing. He gains +1 to M, ST, T, and W. He also gains all undead
the tome (or the model carrying it) and emits a booming wail which abilities. He will immediately attack the Vampire for control of the
echos across the battlefield. Every model on the table must make a band. Whoever is taken out of action is automatically dead.
fear test (except those Immune to Fear). Any failed models will run
2D6” in a random direction, up to the model's maximum If the Lich is victorious, he becomes the leader, and another
movement. If in close combat, the models will break away freely, Vampire cannot be hired until he is destroyed.
unless they are fighting an undead model, as the opponent is also However, lesser vampires can still be in the
distracted by the wail. If fighting an undead creature, the undead warband. A new Necromancer can be
will get the normal free hit for breaking from combat. As the cry hired at the end of the upcoming
dissipates, the dead begin to rise across the board. In the battle. If the Lich is destroyed
encountering room, D3 of the corpses rise as zombies to join their without a Necromancer in the
master. On each table edge D3+2 zombies or skeletons rise. Around group, the magic binding the
D6 random buildings or structures D3 zombies also rise. Place the undead is lost and the
zombies evenly spaced along each board edge and around each warband crumbles to dust.
building. These may be placed within 8” of a warrior. During each
Encounter phase the zombies will move toward the nearest enemy If the Vampire is
model. The encountering model may roll a fear test as per normal to victorious, the relics
see if they can attack the Lich the turn it appears. are destroyed to
prevent another
The owner of the tome is a Lich (see Beastiary). The Lich is undead uprising against
and has all skills associated with being so, although he is able to him. Whoever
run. He is equipped with Ethereal mail (5+AS; suffers no wins, they take any
movement penalty), Ethereal Shield (+1 AS), and an enchanted damage received
mace, Soulraiser (STR+1; drains life; raise the dead). Each time into the upcoming
Soulraiser deals a wound that takes a model out of action the Lich battle. A new
Necromancer can be hired at the end of the upcoming battle. Mercenary defeated, roll on the above chart. Only one of each item
(not including the gold) may be found per encounter.

52: Pocket Full of Green 54: The Cursed Warband

The bodies of the dead, both human and otherwise, litter Littered among the detritus of this room lie the bodies of a
the area. A vicious battle must have taken place here, and by the fallen warband. From the look of the scene a mercenary band must
look of the corpses, not too long ago. The bodies appear to have have set up camp here, but were ambushed and overwhelmed by
been well looted, but you make a cursory inspection anyway. someone... or something... Their skin looks desiccated, almost as if
In the pocket of one of the warriors' coats you are lucky enough to the life had been drained from them. Each face frozen in terror,
find one shard of Wyrdstone that was missed. You hesitantly reach their mouths agape in silent screams. And their eyes... cold, lifeless,
for it, before pausing. Surely this must be a trap of some kind. sunken deep within the sockets, but somehow seemingly staring
Muscles taught, you strain your ears for any clicks or whirring of directly at you. As you begin to pick through the remains of their
gears as you gently pull the precious stone from its hiding spot. But gear, which strangely seems to have not been touched, a cold shiver
all you hear are the distant sounds of combat echoing through the runs through you. You silently hope whatever did this is long gone.
cursed ruins. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, you quickly Lifting a shield away you catch another glance at the body's
pocket the shard and move on. unnerving eyes. It must have been a trick of the light, but you could
have almost sworn they moved, following as you pilfered his

53: To Arms, Men! Roll D6+2 to find out how many bodies are in the room. For each
body found, roll an Initiative test:
As you wander through the tumbled-down labyrinth of
ruins, keeping one eye alert for danger while the other scans for If ALL tests pass you are able to search the entire room and can
anything of value, you happen upon an old Smithy's furnace. This roll on the Slaughtered Warband table (Rule Book, pg 140). This
isn't much of a discovery, seeing as these can be found throughout loot will be placed in boxes or chests and can then be carried to the
Mordheim. The surprising thing with this one though, is it feels model's own table edge in the standard chest carrying manner. The
warm to the touch, like it has been recently used. And even more total number of items that can be found is 24, and each box can
surprising are the group of armed men who jump out from the hold up to six items (any gold counts as one item). Depending on
shadows! what you find, split the items into an appropriate number of boxes,
and mark what's in each. The boxes are now available for any
Roll a D6. D3+1 armed mercenaries have ambushed
model to carry off. By getting the chest to the table edge the chest is
you. The leader is a Mercenary Champion, and
dropped and considered secured. If the searching model's warband
the rest of the men are standard Mercenary
does not route, they will automatically retrieve any remaining boxes
Warriors (see 'Beastiary'). Roll an initiative test
at the end of the battle. If they do route, any boxes they could not
at -1 to see if you can attack or retreat.
get to their table edge are lost, but can still be picked up by another
If failed, the Mercenaries will charge
warband if any remain on the table. Any other band does not get the
immediately and attack.
chests at the end of the game unless they have picked them up.
If the encountering player is from a
If equal to or more (but not all) tests pass you are able to search
Mercenary warband, he may attempt to
one body before your nerve breaks and you leave the room. Roll on
recruit the men for the remainder of the
the Corpse chart (Rule Book, pg 136) and move up to your full
battle. Roll a Leadership test at -1 instead of
movement in a random direction until you are out of the room.
an initiative test. If failed, they see through
Note, if moving toward a ledge you will stop at the edge.
your lies and attack during the next
Encounter phase. If passed, you are If more tests fail than pass (but not all), the room grows bitterly
able to convince the men you will help cold, and a powerful Necromancer emerges from the darkness D6”
them defend their forge. As a reward from the searching model (see 'Beastiary'). Roll a Leadership test. If
for helping them, roll D6 twice on the passed, the searching model may move, shoot, or charge as normal.
following table: If failed, the Necromancer will attempt to cast 'Reanimate'
1: 2D6 gold crowns (difficulty 5) on the bodies in the room. If successful, D3 zombies
2: Rapier rise to protect the Necromancer and charge immediately.
3: Iron Shod Boots If the Necromancer is defeated, the curse is broken, any remaining
4: Brass Knuckles Zombies he raised crumple to the earth, and the warband can be
5: Toughened Leather looted as per above.
6: Sword Breaker If the Necromancer takes the searching model, or any model OOA
while still in the searched room, immediately roll for injuries. If a
The Mercenaries will
'dead' result is rolled they collapse to the ground, succumbing to the
continue to move
curse, and join the other poor souls as a member of the cursed
toward and charge the
warband. The searching model is dead, and removed from his
nearest models
warbands roster sheet. The Necromancer may try to cast 'Re-
they can 'see'.
animation' during the next encounter phase to raise the fallen
For each
warrior to his side. Any model raised in this manner keep their stats
and may use their weapons as normal, but gain all of a zombie's from the fire ignite the nearest building within 10”, burning the
special rules. The Necromancer will not leave the area and will closest room in it. If a 5 is rolled and there are no rooms not burning
disappear back into the shadows unless another model is within 8” in this building, treat the result as if it were a 6 instead.
and can be 'seen' during the Encounter phase. If the battle has taken
the models out of the room and the Necromancer is defeated, a If a room is burning, you must pass a Fear test to enter it. If an
model must move back into the encountering room and be there at entire building is aflame (all rooms are on fire) no model may enter
the beginning of his next turn. He will auto pass a search to loot the it. You cannot search a burning room, but may attempt to carry out
bodies, but looting takes his entire turn. any treasure that had previously been found by moving over it. You
do not need to stop to pick up dropped treasure. If, however, the
If ALL initiative tests fail, you have angered the spirits of treasure has not been recovered before the end of the game, it has
the dead. An eerie green glow begins to emanate from the corpses been destroyed in the fire and cannot be collected afterwards.
as a necromantic curse takes effect and they begin to rise. The
body's are from a mercenary warband, from any faction you choose. When you enter a burning room you must make a Toughness test at
The first body will always be a Captain; for each successive body the end of the movement phase. If you roll under your toughness,
roll a D6 to determine what type of mercenary it is, re-rolling 1's for the heat and smoke have no effect on you this turn, and you may
the Captain. Note, all rules for the number of each type still apply shoot or cast as normal.
(only two champions are allowed, etc). Equipment can be rolled
randomly for each model. They may have one hand-to-hand If you roll equal to your toughness, you aren't overwhelmed by
weapon and one range weapon. Roll a D6 to determine what kind. smoke but take D3 ST2 hits instead. These hits ignore armour
Roll for each type of armour (helmet, shield, light, heavy) to saves. If not downed by the hits the model will stumble D6”
determine if they have it. 1-3 no; 4-6 yes. Or use WYSIWYG if all randomly, trying to get out of the room.
players agree. If you roll over your Toughness, the model collapses from smoke
For all intents and purposes these mercenaries use their inhalation, takes a ST3 hit, and automatically becomes knocked
stats and weapons like normal, although they gain the following down, regardless if he's wounded or not.
rules for undead: Cause Fear, Immune to Psychology, Immune to
Poison, No Pain. The warband will act during the encounter phase. If a model begins their turn standing in a burning room, you must
Each model will always charge toward the closest enemy model, or make a Toughness test during the recovery phase. If failed or equal
if they cannot reach a model to attack they will move their normal to, see above.
movement then shoot, or just shoot if applicable. Once the nearest If a model begins the turn either stunned or knocked down while in
model is engaged with one of the cursed warband members, each a burning room, take a Toughness test during the recovery phase.
member will continue to move (and shoot) toward the next nearest Failure for a knocked down model will cause them to be stunned (or
model. The warband will never rout, and will stay on the table until remain knocked down if they can't be stunned). If the model cannot
they are taken out of action. be stunned, treat this as knocked down instead, but remember how
many failures he has. If the model fails a third test he succumbs to
the smoke and heat and is taken OOA. An already stunned model
55: Burn, Baby, Burn! will be automatically taken OOA on a failed roll.

This room must have once been a cartographer's office.

Papers, maps, books, and who knows what else litter every surface.
You lean against the wall, scratching your head as you wonder 56: Some Kind of Wonderful
where to begin searching. The boards crumble and crack behind You happen upon two slain warriors, their bodies pin-
you. Luck must be on your side, you think to yourself, as you pry off cushioned with numerous arrows. From the look of the untouched
a piece of dry, brittle wood, uncovering a hidden compartment in dust on and around them they look to have been
the wall. Unfortunately, the room is too dark to be able to see here a while. Between them lies a toppled
exactly what's in this exciting find, so you pull out your flint to light treasure chest, its riches spilling across
a nearby lantern sitting on a desk. In your excitement, however, you the floor. These poor souls must have
strike the flint a bit too aggressively, and the sparks fly out, lighting been trying to carry the chest away
not only the lantern's wick, but the papers on the desk itself! Before when they were attacked, but you
you can curse your terrible luck, the fire spreads, quickly engulfing wonder why the attackers would
the top of the desk, then dropping to the floor and the detritus piled use so many arrows, and why they
there! didn't make off with the loot
afterwards? The curiosity fades
Roll an Initiative test. If passed, you are able to grab a map as you quickly, however, as your eyes
jump away from the spreading flames. Roll for what type of map are once again drawn to the
you found. If failed, the fire spreads too quickly and catches you. chest, and you praise your
The model receives D3 ST3 hits and runs 2D6” out of the room in a good luck. You bend down
random direction to flee the spreading flames. He will not stop at and start gathering the
ledges or board edges, and may fall or leave the game. spilled happiness, when
you feel a soft click
Whether the model escaped the fire or not, place a fire marker in the
underfoot. In the split
searched room. On each successive encounter phase roll a D6 for
second you have to
each room on fire. On a 1, the fire uses up all its fuel and goes out.
comprehend, you finally
On a 2-4, the fire continues to burn in the same room. On a 5, the
understand what happened to
fire spreads to another room in the building. On a 6, the embers
those poor souls as your ears are filled with the thrumming of bow cautiously try to push it open, but not only is the door whole, it also
strings and the whine of a dozen arrows slicing through the air. seems to be locked, for it doesn't want to budge. The thought that a
locked door could mean an undiscovered room and possibly
Roll an Initiative test. If passed, you are able to dive out of the way immense treasure rattles through your one-track mind, and you
of the arrow trap, and can gather 3D6x5 gold, plus on a roll of 4+ begin wantonly slamming your shoulder into the blockade.
each, a suit of light armour, a repeater crossbow, and a halberd. Whatever was holding the door gives way, and you ineptly stumble
into the room, where a wave of wretched stench immediately assails
A failed roll means you were unable to avoid the trap, and take D3 you. A lone zombie picks himself up off the floor, where the
ST3 hits. You also stumble D6” in a random direction as you try to careening door had knocked him, snarls viciously at you, and
avoid the barrage. Other models may enter the room, but must also attacks!
roll to avoid the trap.
Roll an Initiative test, as normal. If passed, you are able to ignore
the smell and may move, shoot or charge. If failed, the putrid stench
61: Did You Hear Something...? of rotting flesh overpowers you, and the Zombie charges
immediately. At the beginning of each successive round of combat
This room appears to be a pantry of some kind. Although (player and encounter turns), the searching model rolls another
any food you see has rotted away, there are ample cabinets and Initiative test to see if they can ignore the smell. A failed roll means
drawers to search through. As you pull open the door to an empty the Zombie strikes first. If the Zombie is defeated, you find a bag of
larder, however, you hear a deep, low growl. Or... at least you think Superior Black Powder (see 'Equipment'), enough for one game. If
you did. You spin around fast, but the room appears to be empty. the Zombie survives it will not leave its room, but will attack
Maybe it was the building settling? Or perhaps the old hinge on anyone who enters. Any other models entering this room must make
that door? Or maybe... something else? a test against the smell as above. If the zombie is defeated, roll on
the 'Corpse' chart (Rulebook Exploration Chart, double 3's).
Roll a Leadership test. On a failed role your nerve breaks and you
run 2D6” in a random direction out of the room. At the beginning of
the models next turn, if there are no friendly models within 6” he
will be subject to the “All Alone” rule (Rulebook, pg 38). 63: Secret Stash
On a successful role you muster up your courage to continue This room is piled with ruined furniture. Top to bottom,
searching. Roll a D6 to see what you find: wall to wall; there's hardly room to move, let alone search for
anything worth taking. Tables, chairs, beds, everything from the
1: D3 Warhounds surrounding rooms must have been dragged in here for some
2: a Dagger unknown reason. But there must be a reason, you think to yourself,
3: D6 gold as you begin to carefully search through the cavalcade of broken
4: a Shield debris.
5: a Pistol
6: a shard of Wyrdstone Roll a Strength test. A failed roll means your search is in vain, and
you've disturbed the precarious debris. A large, heavy bench slides
If a 1 is rolled, D3 emaciated Warhounds burst from one of the off the top of the pile, striking you with a ST 4 hit.
larders to defend their territory. Their stats are normal except they
have -1 ST due to hunger. Place the models within D6” of the On a successful role you are able to clear enough furniture away to
searching model, who rolls an Initiative test as normal, or may find a hidden trap door in the floor. Roll a D6:
attempt to bribe the dogs with his rations by passing a LD test, 1: 2D6 gems worth 10gc each
minus the number of warhounds. If passed, the dogs will help the 2: a Master Map of Mordheim
searching band for the remainder of the battle, although they do not 3: a pouch of D3 Healing Herbs
count as members for routing purposes. 4: a Gromril Axe
If the LD test is failed the warhounds act in the 5: an Ithilmar Sword
encounter phase and will all charge the nearest 6: a Hochland Long Rifle
model. The dogs will continue to charge and
pack attack the closest model until they
are taken out of action 64: Sigmar Be Praised!
On the walls outside this room, you notice various symbols
of Sigmar have been quickly painted. As you get closer you can
62: The Stench Of Evil hear voices and chanting coming from the open door of this room.
It's somewhat rare to find a Cautiously peering inside, you see a small group of Sisters of the
room in Mordheim with a closed Holy Order of Sigmar huddled around a fallen comrade,
door. Most have been destroyed performing some sort of ritual. You can't help but watch their gentle
long ago. However, as ministrations, and your mind begins to wonder how anyone can
luck would have it, show such compassion and love in such a corrupt and hellish
you've come place? Suddenly, one of the Sisters notices you at the door. She
across one of grabs a large hammer, rouses her fellow matrons of the cloth, and
those rare shouts a tempestuous and bloodthirsty cry. As the once-loving band
sights. You of compassionate women crash toward the door, your mind oddly
finds peace, knowing you were right about this place after all. inundated with unrelenting carnage and terror since you arrived
that you can't seem to even recall anymore. How long have you
In the room is a small band of Sisters of Sigmar. There are D3 even been here? You should really just pack up what few belongings
Sigmarite Sisters, one Sister Superior and one Matriarch, who starts you have, and run far, far away from the madness of this place.
as stunned during the first Encounter phase. (see 'Beastiary') Place From the murder, from the corruption, from the cries of the dying,
the Sisters against the farthest wall of the room, or at least 3” away and sometimes the dead as well. Yes, that's it! You've made up your
from the searching model. mind! It's time to leave this wretched place! Time to go back home,
wherever that was! It doesn't even matter. You just have to leave
If the encountering model is also a Sister of Sigmar, they may make HERE! With a determined heart and mind, you stand up tall, push
a Leadership test at +1 to persuade them to aid you for the out your chin, and begin the first steps of a journey to a new life. As
remainder of the game. If they join, the new Sisters will always you round the next corner, however, those first steps seem to have
remain within 6” of their own Matriarch to protect her. If their been going the wrong direction, as you hear a startled squeak and a
Matriarch is taken OOA, they will go berserk and begin attacking shadow flashes into the corner of the room. An unblinking red eye
any models closest to them, including the warband they joined. Any peers at you from out of the darkness. If you had any sense at all
Sisters remaining instantly gain 'Frenzy'. They will remain on the you would have never come to this accursed place. Now, at least,
board until the warband they joined routs, or if berserk, until the you can take comfort in the fact that you'll be leaving soon,
game ends. although the journey will probably be quicker than you'd like. You
don't even try to run as the metal-clad rat-man stalks toward you,
If failed, or if any other warband finds the encounter, the Sisters his vicious fighting claws and warplock pistols glinting in the
will see the intruder as sent by the dark gods and attack during the moonlight.
next encounter phase. The Sisters will stay within 6” of the
Matriarch and will not leave the room they are in unless another The searching model has unfortunately stumbled across Veskit,
threat is within 8” of the Matriarch. The Matriarch will lead them toHigh Executioner of Clan Eshin. Roll an Initiative test at -1. If
find cover, however, if they are being shot. They will remain on the failed he will charge immediately, attacking any warband, even
board until they can no longer 'see' anyone. If the Matriarch is Skaven, as they didn't hire him. He will only attack the model(s)
killed, refer to the above rules. who have seen him, and then try to move into hiding once they are
dispatched. Once he cannot be seen by any
If the Sisters are defeated, or join another Sisters group, the room other models he will vanish into the ruins to
can be searched again (no roll required) to find D3 Healing Herbs, a complete the mission he was hired for.
Holy Relic and a Holy Tome.
If the encountering model somehow
defeats Veskit, the model (hero or
65: I Could Have Sworn... henchman) who takes him OOA gains
+2 experience total and finds D3 shards
While passing through this room, a glint of light out of the
of Wyrdstone.
corner of your eye makes you pause in your tracks. You swivel your
head trying to again glimpse the mysterious reflection, but it
doesn't reappear. As you turn to leave the glint shines in your eye
once again. It seemed to come from the far end of the dishevelled
room. Hoping this isn't some trick of the mind, or worse, you wade
across the debris-strewn floor, carefully surveying each step as you

You search and search but are unable to find anything of value in
this room.

66: An Unfortunate Turn

As you stumble through the rubble and
ruin of this cursed place, you can't help
but think about your choices that led
you here. How foolish could you be to
leave your family (how many siblings
were there again?), the safety of
your home (what was it's
name?), to chase fleeting
dreams of riches... or
status... or love, or... or...
what DID bring you here?
Your mind has been so
This is a list of the stats and equipment of many of the models that can be encountered while treasure
hunting. Feel free to use WYSIWYG to equip the encountering models instead of what's listed. I've
also created cards (both blank and filled in) that can be printed and laminated to more easily represent
the encounters on the board.

4 3 2 4 3 2 3 1 5 M WS BS S T W I A LD
EQUIPMENT 6 4 0 4 4 1 3 1 5
Halberd – Two-handed; Strength +1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Light Armour – 6+ armour save
Shield – 6+ armour save CHAOS SPAWN
Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able 2D6 3 0 4 4 2 3 2D6 10
to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit SPECIAL RULES
with a 6 during the first round of combat. Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able
Undead – Can't run; Immune to psychology and poison; Can't be to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit
stunned. with a 6 during the first round of combat.
Psychology – Immune to all psychology tests
Movement – The Spawn moves 2D6” toward the nearest model it
BEASTMEN can 'see'. If no models are in sight, it moves in a random direction.
M WS BS S T W I A LD Attacks – Roll at the beginning of each close combat phase to
4 4 3 3 4 2 3 1 7 determine how many attacks the Spawn has for that phase.
EQUIPMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sword – Parry DARKSOUL
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M WS BS S T W I A LD
BLACK SKAVEN 4 2 2 4 3 1 3 1 6
6 4 3 4 3 1 5 1 6 Flail – Heavy: +2 Strength, but only the first round of combat; Two
Weeping Blades – Pair: +1 A; Venomous (Black Lotus): Auto SPECIAL RULES
wound on a 6 to hit; Parry Crazed – Automatically passes any Leadership tests.
Throwing Stars – Range: 6”; Strength: As user; Thrown Weapon: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No penalty for range or moving. Can't be used in close
combat. DIRE WOLF
Light Armour – 6+ armour save M WS BS S T W I A LD
Helmet – 4+ save against being stunned. 9 3 0 4 3 1 2 1 4
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL RULES
Charge - +1 Attack when they charge
BRETHREN Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able
M WS BS S T W I A LD to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit
4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 with a 6 during the first round of combat.
Undead – Can't run; Immune to psychology and poison; Can't be
Mace - Concussion: 2-4 stunned stunned.
Axe – Cutting Edge: -1 armour save -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Undead – Immune to psychology and poison; Can't be stunned;
DWARF TROLL SLAYER Cannot run but can charge normally
3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 Spell of Doom --- Difficulty 9 – Choose one enemy within 12”.
They must make a Strength test or be taken out of action.
Two axes – Cutting Edge: -1 armour Call of Vanhel --- Difficulty 6 – Move a single zombie or dire wolf
save within 6” their full movement. If this takes the model into contact
with an enemy model it counts as charging.
SPECIAL RULES Reanimation --- Difficulty 5 – One zombie that was taken out of
Deathwish – Immune to Psychology action during the last round immediately returns to the battle within
Hard to Kill – OOA on a roll of 6, Treat a 5 as 6” of the Lich.
Hard Head – Ignores 'Concussion' rule for hammers,
clubs, etc MAGISTER
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- M WS BS S T W I A LD
4 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 8
M WS BS S T W I A LD Mace - Concussion: 2-4 stunned
4 3 3 4 4 1 3 1 10 Light Armour – 6+ armour save
Helmet – 4+ save against being stunned
Flail – Heavy: +2 Strength for first round of combat; Two handed SPELLS
One random Chaos Ritual is generated from the 'Chaos Rituals' list.
Fanatical – Automatically passes any Leadership tests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- MERCENARY CAPTAIN
4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8
6 2 0 3 3 1 4 1 4 EQUIPMENT
Sword – Parry
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light Armour – 6+ armour save
GOBLIN Shield – 6+ armour save
4 2 4 3 3 1 3 1 6 Middenheim Captains start with Strength 4
EQUIPMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sword – Parry
Dagger – +1 enemy armour save
4 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
M WS BS S T W I A LD Sword Breaker – Parry; Trap Blade
4 2 2 3 4 1 3 2 5 Toughened Leathers – 6+ armour save
Iron Shod Boots - +1 Attack; -1 to hit
Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able SPECIAL RULES
to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit Middenheim Champions start with Strength 4
with a 6 during the first round of combat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MERCENARY WARRIORS
M WS BS S T W I A LD 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
6 4 4 3 3 2* 5 2 10 EQUIPMENT
EQUIPMENT Hammer – Concussion: 2-4 stunned
Soulraiser - *Gain 1 wound for every warrior taken OOA. Dagger – +1 enemy armour save
Ethereal Mail – 5+ armour save Helmet – 4+ to save against stunned
Ethereal Shield – +1 armour save ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able
to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit
4 2 4 3 3 1 3 1 6
with a 6 during the first round of combat.
Sword – Parry
Dagger – +1 enemy armour save
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE POSSESSED
M WS BS S T W I A LD 5 4 0 4 4 2 4 2 7
6 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 8 SPECIAL RULES
EQUIPMENT Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able
Two-Handed Axe -- Cutting edge: -1 armour save; Two-Handed; to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit
Strike Last – The model always strikes last, even when charging. with a 6 during the first round of combat.
SPECIAL RULES Mutations – Roll one random mutation for the Possessed.
Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit
with a 6 during the first round of combat. POWERFUL NECROMANCER
Bloodgreed – If a Minotaur puts all of its enemies out of action in M WS BS S T W I A LD
hand-to-hand combat, it becomes frenzied on a D6 roll of 4+. 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 8
Large Target – During the shooting phase can be chosen as a
target, regardless if there's closer models to the shooter. EQUIPMENT
Rapier – Parry; Barrage
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light Armour – 6+ armour save
MUMMY (weakened) Helmet – 4+ save against stunned
4 4 3 4(3) 4(3) 2(1) 3 2 8 Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able
SPECIAL RULES to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit
Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able with a 6 during the first round of combat.
to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit SPELLS
with a 6 during the first round of combat. Lifestealer --- Difficulty 10 – A model within 6” automatically
Undead – Can't run; Immune to psychology and poison; Can't be suffers a wound (no saves) and the Necromancer gains a wound.
stunned. This can take him above his starting amount.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spell of Awakening --- Difficulty Auto – If an enemy model is
taken out of action, roll injuries right away. If dead, the model will
MUTANT be raised as a zombie to fight for the necromancer for the duration
M WS BS S T W I A LD of the battle.
4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 Re-Animation --- Difficulty 5 – One zombie that went out of
Mace - Concussion: 2-4 stunned during the last hand-to-hand combat or shooting phase immediately
return it to the battle, placing it within 6” of the Necromancer. This
SPECIAL RULES model can not be placed into hand-to-hand combat.
Mutations – Roll one random mutation for the Mutant. Death Vision --- Difficulty 6 – The Necromancer causes fear for
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the duration of the battle.
OGRE BODYGUARD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 3 2 4 4 3 3 2 7
EQUIPMENT 6 3 3 5 5 3 4 3 4
Club – Concussion: 2-4 stunned
Axe – Cutting Edge: -1 armour save
Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership
SPECIAL RULES test or not be able
Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able to charge. If charged themselves and fail the
to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit test, they can only hit
with a 6 during the first round of combat. with a 6 during the first round of combat.
Large Target– During the shooting phase can be chosen as a target, Stupidity – Roll for stupidity each turn.
regardless if there's closer models to the shooter. LD test and if failed, roll a
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D6. 1-3 he shamble forward half
speed. 4-6 he stands and drools.
ORC BIG 'UN Large Target – During the
M WS BS S T W I A LD shooting phase can be chosen as a
4 4 3 3 4 1 3 1 7 target, regardless if there's closer
models to the shooter.
Sword – Parry
Dagger – +1 enemy armour save
SIGMARITE MATRIARCH Retained from previous life, or Rending Claws - -1 armour save
4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able
to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit
Sigmarite Warhammer – with a 6 during the first round of combat.
Concussion; +1 against Undead and Unliving – Immune to psychology and poison; Can't be stunned.
Possessed. May run as normal.
Steel Whip – Cannot be parried;
Whipcrack: Gain +1 Attack for
that round when charging or being VAMPIRE (weakened)
charged. If being charged, this attack gains M WS BS S T W I A LD
'Strike First'. 6 4 4 4(3) 4(3) 2(1) 5 2 8
Heavy Armour – 5+ armour save EQUIPMENT
Helmet – 4+ save against being stunned None
One random prayer is generated from the 'Prayers of Sigmar'
Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able
to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with a 6 during the first round of combat.
Unliving – Immune to psychology and poison; Can't be stunned.
May run as normal.
4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Sigmarite Warhammer – Concussion; +1 against Undead and M WS BS S T W I A LD
Possessed. 5 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 5
Sling – Range : 18” Str: 3; Fire twice at half range at -1 to hit,
cannot move and fire twice
Club – Concussion: 2-4 stunned
4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
5 5 4 4 4 2 5 4 8
Sigmarite Warhammer – Concussion; +1 against Undead and
Eshin Fighting Claws – Extra attack included in profile; +1 S;
Armour save modifier of -3; Parry twice
Steel Whip – Cannot be parried; Whipcrack: Gain +1 Attack for
Warplock Pistols – Built into Claws; Can shoot every turn.
that round when charging or being charged. If being charged, this
attack gains 'Strike First'. SPECIAL RULES
Unfeeling – Immune to Psychology.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Pain – Ignores Knocked down and
SIREN Stunned results.
Unblinking Eye – Can spot hidden
M WS BS S T W I A LD enemies twice his Initiative.
6 3 3 3 3 2 4 2 8 Metallic Body – 3+ armour save
Rending Claws – Long claws that slice through metal. -1 armour save
Siren's Scream - Difficulty 8 – Any one model within 12” (including M WS BS S T W I A LD
those in close combat) must pass a fear test or flee 2D6”. The model will 6 4 0 4 3 1 4 1 5
continue to flee until a test is passed. The Siren may scream in each
shooting phase, even while in close combat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cause Fear – Siren's don't initially cause fear until they are attacked. Then
their beautiful facades are stripped away and the monster is revealed. Once WEREWOLF
the first successful charge has occurred, all others will need to roll a fear M WS BS S T W I A LD
test before charging. 6 +1 0 +1 +1 +1 same +1 same
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EQUIPMENT
VAMPIRE (LESSER) Rending Claws – Long claws that slice through metal. -1 armour
5 3 3 4 4 2 3 1 7 SPECIAL RULES
Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able target, regardless if there's closer
to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit models to the shooter.
with a 6 during the first round of combat. Stupidity – Roll for stupidity each turn.
Lycanthropy – Any time a living model is taken OOA by the LD test and if failed, roll a D6. 1-3 he shamble
werewolf roll a D6. On a 5 or 6 the curse has been passed on and forward half speed. 4-6 he stands and drools.
the Regeneration – On a successful wound on the
model now must follow the rules in encounter #32 - Bark at the Troll roll a D6. 4+ and the troll ignores the wound.
Moon. Wounds caused by fire or fire-based magic cannot
Blood-Curdling Howl --- Difficulty 9 – All models within 12” be ignored.
(including those in close combat) must pass a fear test or flee 2D6”. Vomit Attack – A single attack that auto hits with a
The model will continue to flee until a test is passed. The werewolf Strength of 5 and ignores armour saves.
may attempt to howl in each shooting phase, even while in close
Blood Lust – At the beginning of each turn the werewolf must pass ZOMBIE
a Leadership test or it will automatically move toward or charge the
nearest model, friend or foe! If attacking a friend, it will continue to
4 2 0 3 3 1 1 1 5
attack until a LD test is passed. It will then disengage and move
Cause Fear – Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit
THE WITCH with a 6 during the first round of combat.
Undead – Can't run; Immune to psychology and poison; Can't be
M WS BS S T W I A LD stunned.
4 4 4 3 3 2 3 1 8
Staff – Concussion: 2-4 stunned
Toughened Leathers – 6+ armour save
Mutations – Roll D3+1 random mutations from 'Power in the
Stones', TC15.
Vision of Torment --- Difficulty 10 – The closest enemy model
within 6” is immediately stunned.
Mark of Chaos --- Difficulty 10 – see 'New Chaos Ritual' above
The Witch also knows D3 random spells from the Chaos Rituals
spell list.
4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Sword – Parry
Light Armour – 6+ armour save
Pistol – Range: 6” Str: 4; Prepare Shot; Save Modifier: -2; May
be fired once in hand-to-hand combat

6 3 1 5 5 4 1 4 2D6
Third Arm – A third arm protrudes from the trolls side. He gains
+1 attack.
Unpredictable Intelligence – Eating wyrdstone has had some
interesting side effects on this beast. Roll a 2D6 each turn to
determine his intelligence level before rolling for stupidity.
Cause Fear– Opponents must pass a Leadership test or not be able
to charge. If charged themselves and fail the test, they can only hit
with a 6 during the first round of combat.
Large Target – During the shooting phase can be chosen as a
This is a quick reference sheet for some of the more rare equipment that are used or able to be
found while using the Treasure Hunt rules. Aside from a couple new Encounter Character items,
this is mostly here to minimize hunting through multiple Town Cryer magazines.

Jewelled Sword – A fancy sword that
Brass Knuckles – Brass knuckles are a weapon commonly used can be kept or sold at twice
by street thugs and robbers who are all too common an infestation the value of a normal sword, minus half the cost for selling used
in the mighty cities of the Empire. Easily secreted, they are used in equipment.
pairs and while cumbersome to use in a straight fight, can cause
crippling blows to an opponent with a single well landed punch. Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user; Special Rule: Parry
Range: Close Combat; Strength: +1; Special Rule: Pair, SPECIAL RULES
Parry: You may use a rapier to parry in hand-to-hand combat.
SPECIAL RULES When your opponent scores a hit you must roll a D6. If you can
Pair: Brass knuckles are used in pairs and the warrior fighting with score greater than the highest 'to hit' roll you have parried the blow
them gains an extra Attack. He may not use any other weapons or and the attack is discarded.
items in his hands while doing this however. He is free to swap his -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
brass knuckles for other weapons and items during the battle but
may not do this in combat. Gromril Axe – Only a Dwarf Runesmith can forge a weapon
Cumbersome: Brass knuckles are difficult to use due to the fact
gromril, a rare meteoric iron. A blade fashioned from this metal
that they offer little in the way of range and a warrior must get close
will stay keen for a thousand years.
up to his opponent before he can strike. For this reason a warrior
using brass knuckles suffers a -2 to Initiative in close combat. A gromril weapon has an extra -1 save modifier, and costs four
times the price of a normal weapon of its kind. You may choose
which type of hand-to-hand weapon is offered to you as explained
Brazier Staff – The brazier staff is a pole arm commonly used in the Trading section.
by witch hunters. It consists of a long heft topped by an iron cup -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
filled with burning hot coals. In combat the weapon takes on an
eldritch quality as the burning embers sear the air as it is swung, Ithilmar Sword – Elven Blades are forged from priceless
opponents sent reeling in flaming agony as they are set on fire. ithilmar, an extremely light but strong metal, found only in the
fabled Elven kingdoms. A few of these weapons are occasionally
Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user +1; found in the Old World and these are normally spoils of war, taken
Special Rule: Two handed, Fire by the Norse raiders who pillage the coastal settlements of the

Two handed: A warrior armed with a brazier staff requires two An ithilmar weapon gives its user +1 Initiative in hand-to-hand
hands to wield it effectively and so may not use a shield with it or combat, and costs three times the price of a normal weapon of its
another hand weapon or buckler in close combat. The warrior may kind. You may choose which hand-to-hand weapon is offered to
still use a shield for the purposes of missile fire though. you as explained in the Training section.

Fire: The burning brazier of coals atop the staff is deadly, capable --------------------------------------------------------------------------
of setting an opponent ablaze with even the slightest glancing blow. Rapier – The Rapier is a long, thin blade commonly used by
Whenever you score a successful hit with the brazier staff roll a D6. duellists. It is a deadly, sharp weapon capable of delivering a
If you roll a 4+ the victim is set on fire. If the warrior survives the multitude of blows but lacks the power of a broadsword.
attack they must score a 4+ in the recovery phase or they will suffer
a strength 4 hit each turn they are on fire and will be unable to do Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user; Special Rule: Parry,
anything other than move. Other warriors from the same warband Barrage
may help to put the warrior out if they wish. They must move into
base-to-base contact and score a 4+ in the recovery phase.
SPECIAL RULES wrought by only the most talented swordsmiths. Next to the hilt are
two prongs concealed within the blade that can be used to trap an
Barrage: A rapier is light and flexible, and while this makes it less opponent's blade, twisting and snapping it with a single, well timed
powerful than a broadsword or axe it means that a warrior using a movement.
rapier can make a barrage of attacks before his opponent has time to
react. A well trained swordsman could inflict a multitude of light Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user; Special Rule: Parry,
wounds in mere seconds, often enough to incapacitate the hardiest Trap Blade
foes. A warrior armed with a rapier rolls to hit and to wound as
normal. However, if you manage to hit your opponent but fail to SPECIAL RULES
wound you may attack again just as if you had another attack but at Trap Blade: The two prongs used to trap an opponent's weapon are
-1 to hit (down to a maximum of needing a '6' to hit). You may snapped out when the warrior parries. Whenever you make a
continue attacking as long as you hit and it is possible to strike your successful parry attempt roll a D6. If you score a 4+ you break the
opponent many times, particularly if your warrior has more than weapon your opponent was using. The weapon is now useless and
one attack on his profile. they must use another one, or if they have no other weapon, resort
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to unarmed combat.
Soulraiser – In a long forgotten past the forces of darkness

poured from the Haunted Hills upon the village of Leicheberg, led
by the vile Necromancer Kelmvor, who wielded a terrifying mace
that could steal the very life from its victims. The village would
have been easily overrun if not for the timely arrival of the great Ethereal Mail – An unholy merging of spirit and metal, the
Priest of Sigmar, Melchizor, who was able to overcome Kelmvor origins of which are unknown but seemed to appear with the
and trap his spirit inside a holy tome. But darkness is difficult to forging of Soulraiser, this full mail suit is incredibly robust yet
contain, and throughout the centuries Kelmvor's essence seeped inexplicably light. Smithies of the day would give their very lives to
through the book, tainting it and all who dared possess it. know the secrets of its forging, but shouldn't say that out loud as
Eventually the book was hidden away, deep under the capital of someone, or something, might take them up on their offer.
Ostermark, never to be seen again. But an untimely strike from the
heavens revealed it once more, allowing the curse of Kelmvor and SPECIAL RULES
his vile mace the chance to once again terrorize the land of the Save: A warrior wearing ethereal mail has a basic D6 saving throw
living. of 5+.
Range: Close Combat; Strength: +1; Movement: A warrior that is armed with both ethereal mail and
Special Rule: Drain Life, Reanimate, Cursed ethereal shield suffer no movement penalties.
SPECIAL RULES Cursed: Only a Necromancer may wear ethereal mail, and only if
Drain Life: The Soulraiser has the ability to steal the very essence wielding Soulraiser as well.
of life from those it contacts and transfer it to its wielder. For every -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
warrior taken out of action by Soulraiser, one wound is returned to
the model wielding it. This can raise the model's wounds higher Ethereal Shield – Made of the same mysterious metal ethereal
than his starting wound amount. If a model that has been raised in mail is forged from, with the same mysterious origins, this shield
this manner is taken OOA, the life energy Soulraiser was siphoning may only be worn in combination with ethereal mail and Soulraiser.
is lost, and the wielder loses a wound.
Reanimate: Anyone who is felled by this fearsome weapon rises
Save: A warrior wearing ethereal shield adds +1 to his armour save.
once more, but this time in the service of the dead. If Soulraiser
deals the wound that takes a model out of action, the warrior is Movement: A warrior that is armed with both ethereal mail and
reanimated to fight for Soulraiser's wielder until the end of the ethereal shield suffer no movement penalties.
battle, or until the wielder is taken OOA himself. If the re-animated
warrior is taken OOA the spell is broken and the warrior rolls on the Cursed: Only a Necromancer may carry the ethereal shield, and
injury chart as normal. If a hero, the warrior ignores any 'dead' only if wielding Soulraiser as well.
result, but as well as the normal injury roll, automatically misses --------------------------------------------------------------------------
one game to recover from trauma.
Toughened Leathers – Expert leatherworkers are able to turn
Cursed: The forging of Soulraiser has bound it to the wicked soul leather coats into armour (after a fashion) and those with limited
of Kelmvor . Only the strongest, or most foolish, Necromancers funds often favour these jackets and coats, as armour is very
may attempt to risk their soul against his by wielding his chosen expensive. Covered with crusted salt alcohol and other less savoury
weapon, but must pass a Leadership test before each battle to materials, toughened leather is hard to penetrate and offers some
maintain control. If failed the Necromancer is destroyed, protection in combat.
transformed into a Lich, and the weapon's slave. Anyone else who
tries to use the cursed relic will be utterly destroyed, so will not SPECIAL RULES
touch the cursed item.
Toughened leathers work exactly like light armour, giving the
wearer a 6+ Armour save, but cannot be combined with the effects
Sword Breaker – The sword breaker is a specialist weapon of any other armour except a helmet or buckler. Toughened leathers
cannot be sold back at the Trading Posts, the stench alone is enough
to drive away even the most desperate buyers! roll or they will be unable to do anything next turn other than move,
as they are blinded by the white flare of the flash powder. There is
only enough flash powder for one use during the battle.
Wolf cloak (Middenheimers only) – In Middenheim it is still --------------------------------------------------------------------------
considered to be the feat of a true man to slay a great wolf single- Hochland Long Rifle – Hochland is a province famed for its
handed. Warriors who accomplish such a deed will command the hunters, and the preferred weapon of its nobility when they go
respect of their peers, and their cloaks will be blessed by the High hunting is a long-ranged rifle. They are extremely rare and
Priest of the Cult of Ulric, the god of winter, war and wolves. precious weapons, and only the most experienced weaponsmiths
SPECIAL RULES are capable of manufacturing them.

To acquire a wolf cloak a Hero must pay 10 gc (to represent the Maximum Range: 48”; Strength: 4;
expanse of travelling to Middenheim and taking part in a hunt). In Special Rules: Move or Fire, Prepare shot, Pick target, Save
addition, the hero must roll equal to or under his Strength on a D6. modifier
If successful, the Hero finds and slays the wolf and can wear its SPECIAL RULES
cloak as a mark of his skill and prowess. Note that Middenheimers
may buy wolf cloaks when starting their warband without making a Move or fire: You may not move and fire a Hochland long rife in
test for availability. A model wearing a wolf cloak will gain +1 to the same turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or
his armour saves against all shooting attacks. stand up from knocked down.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prepare shot: A Hochland long rifle takes a complete turn to
reload, so you may only fire it every other turn.
Missile Weapons Pick target: A model armed with a Hochland long rifle can target
any enemy model in sight, not just the closest one.
Fire Arrows – Fire arrows are tied with rags soaked in oil
Save modifier: Hochland long rifles are even better at penetrating
bunched up in a tight pouch that explodes when hitting the target,
armour than their Strength 4 suggests. A warrior wounded by a long
setting clothes and equipment alight.
rifle must make his armour save with a -2 modifier.
If you hit with a fire arrow roll a D6. If you score a 4+ your -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
opponent has been set on fire. They must roll a D6 in the recovery
phase and score a 4+ to put themselves out or they will suffer a Superior Black Powder – The model has acquired a better
strength 4 hit and will be unable to do anything other than move for quality of blackpowder than is normally available. This new batch
each turn they are on fire. Allies may also attempt to put the warrior adds +1 Strength to all blackpowder weapons that the model has.
out. They must be in base contact and need a 4+ to be successful. There is enough superior blackpowder to last for one game.
The fire arrows last for one battle only. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fire Bombs – Designed by the dwarf engineers pf the World's Miscellaneous Equipment
Edge Mountains, fire bombs are a rare and deadly weapon. A small
batch of gunpowder is sealed within an iron casing with a short Cathayan Silk Cloak – Some rich warband leaders like to
fuse fed into it. When lit the thrower has only seconds before the flaunt their wealth and purchase clothes made out of silk from
gunpowder ignites and explodes. This can often prove to be distant Cathay. This silk is the most expensive fabric in the known
dangerous as if the fire bomb is fused incorrectly it could be the world, and wearing such clothes is a sure way to attract attention –
thrower who finds himself amidst the explosion... especially thieves and assassins!
The fire bomb may be thrown in the shooting phase in the same Any Mercenary warband whose leader is wearing silk clothes may
way as blessed water (has a range of twice the thrower's Strength in re-roll the first failed Rout test. However, after each battle in which
inches; roll to hit using the model's BS). If the bomb land on target the leader is taken out of action, roll a D6. On a roll of 1-3 the
the warrior hit takes D3 Strength 4 hits with no saves for armour clothes are ruined and must be discarded.
and all warriors, friend or foe, within 1 inch of him take 1 Strength
3 hit with saves as normal. If the throwing warrior rolls a 1 when --------------------------------------------------------------------------
rolling to hit the bomb misfires and explodes just as if the throwing Elven Boots - A rare but highly prized item, Elven boots are
warrior had been hit by his own fire bomb! made from the finest materials. They are light weight and supple,
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- granting the wearer almost supernatural speed to match that of the
fey race that created them.
Flash Powder – An ancient Dwarf creation, flash powder is
used in mines to illuminate darkened fissures in the search for gold Elven boots increase the wearer's move characteristic by +1. This
and other precious minerals. In Mordheim small bags of this can take a warrior's move value above it's maximum.
substance can be used to blind enemies, throwing them into -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
disarray as you launch your attack.
Elven Cloak – Made from the hair of Elven maidens and
Flash powder can be thrown in the shooting phase in the same way interwoven with living tree leaves, and Elven cloak is a wonder to
as blessed water (see above). If it hits the intended target the behold. A warrior wearing such a cloak will blend into the
warrior must pass an Initiative test with a +1 modifier to the dice shadows, making it very difficult to shoot at them with missile
weapons. Elven cloaks rarely come up for sale, but are sometimes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
recovered from dead warriors or offered by Elves as a reward to
men who have served then in some way.
Rabbit's Foot – The rabbit's foot is a symbol of good luck and
often worn about the neck on a thin cord of leather by superstitious
A warrior aiming a missile weapon at a warrior wearing an Elven warriors.
cloak suffers -1 on his to hit roll.
A rabbit's foot allows the warrior wearing it to re-roll one dice
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- during the battle. If not used in the battle it can be used to re-roll
one dice during the exploration phase providing the hero is able to
Healing Herbs – Certain plants that grow on the banks of the search through the ruins.
River Stir have curative properties. Herbalists collect their roots
and leaves and use them to treat the sick and wounded. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tarot Cards (not available to Witch Hunters or Sisters of

A Hero with healing herbs can use them at the beginning of any of Sigmar) – Though declared blasphemous and illegal by the Grand
his recovery phases as long as he is not engaged in hand-to-hand Theogonist, the Tarot of Stars is said to foretell the future for those
combat. This restores all wounds he has previously lost during the who dare to consult it.

Holy (Unholy) Relic – In this age of superstition and religious A Hero with a deck of tarot cards may consult them before each
fanaticism, holy objects are an important part of life. Relics abound game. Make a Leadership test. If successful, the Hero gains a
in the Old World: hairs of Sigmar, pieces from Ulric's hammer, favourable insight into the future and you may modify the result of
teeth of Daemon Princes, all are sold to men needing any one dice in the Exploration phase by -1/+1 (even if the Hero
encouragement before battle and as charms against sorcery. with the cards is taken out of action). If the Leadership test fails by
three or more (ie, a Hero with LD of 8 rolls 11 or 12) the cards
A model with a holy relic will automatically pass the first show a portent of doom and despair and the Hero refuses to fight in
Leadership test he is required to make in the game. If worn by the the following battle and must miss the next game.
leader, it will allow him to automatically pass the first Rout test if -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
he has not taken any Leadership tests before. You can only ignore
the first Leadership test in any single game – owning two or more Tome of Magic – Sometimes books of forbidden lore are offered
holy relics will not allow you to ignore second and subsequent tests. for sale in the markets and dark alleys of the settlements around
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mordheim.

Holy Tome – Books of prayers and descriptions of the holy If a warband includes a wizard, he will gain an extra spell from the
deeds of religious heroes like Sigmar Heldenhammer are copied by tome, permanently. He may randomly generate this new spell from
hand in the scriptoriums of Sigmar and Ulric, and given or sold to his own list or the Lesser Magic list. See the Magic section for
the faithful. Of these tomes, the Deus Sigmar is the most common details. The benefits from each Tome of Magic apply to only one
and well known, but other texts such as the Scriptures of Sigmar model.
are also sold to those who follow the faith. A holy man can recite -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
his prayers from such a book, strengthening his faith and belief.
Wyrdstone Pendant – Pendants made of wyrdstone can
A Warrior-Priest or Sister of Sigmar with a holy tome can add +1 to reputedly be used to find even more of the magical stone.
the score when determining whether he (or she) can recite a spell
successfully or not. If he was not taken out of action, the
Hero using the wyrdstone
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- pendant may make a Leadership
test after the battle. If he is
Iron Shod Boots - If a warrior looks hard enough he could be successful, you may re-roll
lucky enough to find a cobbler who will make him a pair of iron any one dice in the
shod boots. They are tougher than even ordinary Reikland boots, so Exploration phase.
tough in fact that they can be used to deliver a vicious kick attack.
Any warrior wearing a pair of iron shod boots may
make an additional kick attack in hand-to-hand combat each turn.
The attack is resolved at -1 to hit.
Lucky Charm – These take many shapes, bu the most
common are symbolic hammers that a pious Sigmarite
priest has touched, or carved heads of ancient Dwarf gods.
The first time a model with a lucky charm is hit in a
battle they roll a D6. On a 4+ the hit is discarded and
no damage is suffered. Owning two or more charms
does not confer any extra benefits, the model may still
only try to discard the first hit.
For many enthusiasts of Mordheim, finding an opponent to journey into the City of the Damned is
nearly as impossible as finding a magical weapon during the exploration phase. But even though there
aren't any opponents around, it doesn't mean Mordheim must remain unexplored.

How to Choose your Warbands

If you're looking to explore Mordheim on your own, the first, and really only, thing you need is access to more
than one warband. The more bands you have, the less repetitive the games will feel. While play-testing the
Treasure Hunt supplement I made a list of all the warbands I have available, then rolled off to see who would be
facing each other for that game. I also kept track of each warband's exploits so I can look back on how things
have been going for them. I'd highly recommend doing this, as you create a narrative that is a ton of fun to read,
especially when things go horribly wrong (a foolish mercenary warrior attempting a diving charge, only to break his
own neck) or ridiculously right (a Sister Matriarch somehow annihilating Veskit during her first charge attack).

Alternatively, you may be more inclined to pick one band as your main group, and rotate their opponents. This works fine as well,
however I'd suggest keeping track of the opponent warbands experience. Otherwise, your band will be on their fifth game, but your
opponents will still be a starting warband, which really isn't that fun.

If the number of warbands needed is a factor, there's no reason you couldn't shrink the needs of the game. Perhaps you only have a
Possessed warband available. Instead of using 500gc to build your warband, start with 250gc for your group. This may only give you 3 or
4 models, but then you can use the remainder of your minis as the opposing warband, using another 250gc to build their force. Then you
can create a narrative: perhaps part of the warband has revolted and decided to leave, and your Magister wants to make an example out of
them. It's not a perfect solution, but whatever your situation, if you use your imagination and a little creativity you can make any situation

Warband Creation (Optional)

Instead of creating the warbands in the standard way, you could also randomize this. I find this is a good way to change things up and not
always build your band the same way each time. If you're a stickler for WYSIWYG, this probably won't work, but perhaps it will give you
the opportunity to do some converting!

As an example, I decide to play an Undead warband. Since every band needs a leader, I write down my Vampire, but when choosing
equipment I let the dice decide. Starting with Hand-to-hand weapons there are 8 options on their equipment list. Rolling a D8 I get a spear,
and I also give him his free dagger. For missile weapons, roll a D6 – 1-3 the model has one, 4-6 they don't. I rolled a 1, then rolled again,
and my Vampire has a Bow. Lastly, do the same for armour., shield and helmet separately. My leader has no armour or helmet, but is
carrying a shield. Adding him up, my leader cost 135gc, which means I have 365gc to spend on the rest of my warband. For the rest of the
team, I randomly determine who will be joining the group, numbering each character type and rolling a D6. Keep in mind any maximums
for each type. This may mean you have a lineup that you wouldn't ordinarily go for, but that's half the fun! I rolled two Dregs, three
Ghouls, two Zombies and two Dire Wolves, but didn't get a Necromancer! That means if my Vampire bites the dust the warband crumbles,
so I need to be a bit more careful. This left me with 5gc, but feel free to stop any time if you want to save some cash. Once my ragtag
bunch of deadites is created I roll on my warband chart and find 'The Bloody Biters' will be facing off against a Witch Hunter warband. I'll
roll them up the same way, then get on the table! Once the first game is complete, during the trading phase, I might look around to see if
there is a character type that I didn't roll but want to hire. Simply roll a D6 – on a 1-3 you find someone. Otherwise you'll have to wait
another game to look.

How to Play by Yourself

Once you have your warbands sorted out, then next step is jumping into a game. Personally, I will simply play both warbands as if each
were my only one. This is the easiest solution, and as long as you don't play favourites and set up one warband to fail, this works perfectly
fine. It's also somewhat nice in the fact that you don't have to worry about playing against someone's cheesy tactics!

For some people this may not be a preferred way to play, and perhaps you'd rather play against an A.I. opponent. When playing on a table
with lots of terrain and options for movement and tactics, this can be somewhat challenging, but I've tried my best to create a system to
incorporate as many options as possible. Note, however, that it will still fall on you to move the opposing minis in logical ways (staying
behind cover, staying together to avoid all alone, etc). If you cheat with the enemy, you're only cheating yourself!

I'd also highly recommend trying out the Treasure Hunt rules as you play. They add a whole new level of randomness that can really spice
up the game. Using them is included in the A.I. rules, but feel free to re-roll any results that use them if you aren't playing with them. If
you are using them, note that the opposing warband will always attempt to attack the nearest enemy model, whether that is a model from
your warband or an encountered model. They will always attack the greatest threat to themselves!

Deployment – Depending on the scenario, roll to see who will deploy first. If the opponent deploys first, randomly determine which
board edge they start on. Then split the edge into three sections and roll a D3to see which section each model deploys in. Models should
always start the maximum distance on the board (usually8”, unless playing on a smaller board) and should be deployed in 'rooms' or
behind cover wherever possible.

The Game Phases

Recovery – This is performed as normal. Roll over any foes who are stunned, and stand up any who are knocked down.
Exploration – Ignore this phase if not playing the Treasure Hunt rules. If any enemy begins their turn within a 'room' or next to a piece
of scatter terrain designated as one, and there are no enemy models within charge range, the model MUST attempt to search for treasure.
If a 6 is rolled, roll on the D66 table as normal. If nothing is found, move onto next phase.

Movement – Perform all charges first, then roll a D6 on the following appropriate chart for any remaining models. If the result doesn't
apply, re-roll. Models should always end their movement in cover, if possible. If a model has more than one type of attack capability
(range, magic or close combat), choose which table to best use for this turn. If two or more enemy models are the same distance away,
randomize who the target is. Since you can't pre-measure for shooting / charging, you'll have to estimate before you roll.

Models Can't See Enemy – Can't See Enemy – Can See Enemy Can See Enemy Can See Enemy –
with Did not search Did search – In Range – In Range Out of Range
Shooting (Short) (Long)
1-2: Climb to next level 1-2: Climb to next level Model will always 1-2: Hold to shoot 1-2: Climb to next level
up/down and move to up/down to search next hold to shoot the up/down and move to
cover, or move next to turn, or move next to nearest enemy cover, or move next to
wall to climb next turn wall to climb next turn model wall to climb next turn
3-4: Walk or run towards *3-4: Walk toward 3-4: Walk toward 3-4: Walk or run
nearest enemy model, to scenario objective / nearest enemy model towards nearest enemy
get in range nearest enemy model to get in short range model, to get in range
*5-6: Run toward 5-6: Walk toward *5-6: Walk toward *5-6: Run toward
scenario objective / scenario objective / scenario objective / scenario objective /
nearest 'room' to search nearest 'room' to search nearest 'room' to nearest 'room' to search
next turn next turn search next turn next turn

Models Can't See Enemy – Can't See Enemy – Can See Enemy Can See Enemy
with Close Did not search Did search – Within – Out of Charge
Combat Charge Range Range
*1-3: Run toward 1-2: Climb to next level Model will always *1-3: Run toward
scenario objective / up/down to search next attempt to charge scenario objective /
nearest enemy model turn, or move next to the nearest enemy nearest enemy model
wall to climb next turn model if within
range, unless they
*4-6: Walk/Run toward *3-4: Walk toward *4-6: Run toward
searched. If so, roll
nearest 'room' to search scenario objective / scenario objective /
under 'Did Search'
next turn nearest enemy model nearest 'room' to
search next turn
*5-6: Walk toward
scenario objective /
nearest 'room' to search
Models w/ Can't See Enemy – Can't See Enemy – Can See Enemy – Can See Enemy – Can See Enemy –
Spell Did not search Did search Within Offensive Out of Offensive Defensive / Passive
Casting Spell Range Spell Range Magic
*1-3: Run toward 1-2: Climb to next level 1-3: Hold in place 1-2: Climb to next IF defensive spell, run
scenario objective / up/down to search next to cast level up/down and or charge nearest
nearest enemy model turn, or move next to move to cover, or enemy model, OR
wall to climb next turn move next to wall to move toward friendly
climb next turn model to cast on them
*4-6: Walk/Run toward *3-4: Walk toward 4-6: Walk / Run 3-4: Walk or run IF healing spell, move
nearest 'room' to search scenario objective / toward enemy towards nearest toward friendly model,
next turn nearest enemy model model enemy model, to get when applicable
in range
*5-6: Walk toward *5-6: Run toward IF passive spell, roll on
scenario objective / scenario objective / shooting or close
nearest 'room' to search nearest 'room' to combat table for
next turn search next turn movement

Shooting / Casting – Any models who are capable of shooting and haven't run during the movement phase will attempt to shoot the
nearest enemy model. If the model is able to choose his target, he will shoot at any models in the open before shooting at ones in cover. If
there are multiple options, randomize.

Models who can cast offensive spells will always attempt to cast one on the nearest enemy target, if applicable, or randomize if there are
multiple targets. If multiple spells are available, use best judgment or randomize to see which they attempt. Models with defensive or
passive spells will always attempt to cast, if and when applicable. Use best judgment on which model they attempt to cast on.

Hand-to-hand Combat – Models will always fight while engaged in close combat. If they are facing multiple opponents, randomize
who they will attack. If they have multiple attacks, randomize what attacks go to which enemy model.

Encounter – Ignore this phase if not playing the Treasure Hunt rules. Encountered models use the same rules above as enemy models.
They don't pick and choose between warbands, and will attack whomever is closest.

*Special Rules for Scenarios – The opposing warband will always attempt to fulfill victory conditions of the scenario, unless
they are within range to charge an enemy. If the condition cannot be reached that turn and they cannot charge a model, they
will move to a 'room' to search next round, moving in the direction of the victory condition/nearest enemy. If a condition
has been met (ie: they found the treasure chest in 'Hidden Treasure') there is no need to roll on the movement chart
during the Movement phase. They will automatically try to fulfill the victory condition (ie: take the chest back to
their side of the board).

Routing / Ending the Game – Routing for the opponent happens once 25% of their warband has been taken
Out of Action. They will never voluntarily rout. The game ends in the usual manner, depending on the scenario

After-Game Book-keeping
Once the game is complete, it's time to roll all the usual fun stuff. I'd recommend doing so for the opposing
warband as well as your own. This will give you an opponent that's up to date, so next time you won't have to
create a new band of that type, or worry about trying to fight a starting warband. However, if you'd prefer to just
worry about your own gang, I'd recommend adding 25-50gc to the opposing group when rolling up a new
opponent for each battle your warband has played.

I think that covers everything. As mentioned above, because of the dynamism of the game it is quite
difficult to boil everything down into a couple of tables. Please feel free to let me know if I've missed
anything important, or if you have suggestions to make these work more smoothly. But above all, have
fun, play some games, and create awesome narratives!
During the chaos of fighting in the ruins of Mordheim, it's inevitable that fallen warriors are occasionally left behind
while the rest of the warband strategically retreats. For those unlucky men-at-arms, their future is fraught with uncertainty.
Death, slavery, sacrificed to some cruel god – there's no way to know. They can only hope that their brothers and sisters in
battle haven't forgotten about them, and pray to their own deity that if they have, the end will be mercifully quick.

If a model rolls the 'Captured' (61) result on the Heroes' Serious Injuries Chart, the player may choose to play this scenario instead of
using the standard rules to resolve the result.

The captured hero's warband has decided to attempt a daring late night rescue mission to liberate their captured companion. As luck would
have it, the night seems especially dark this night – almost supernaturally so. Their goal is to stealthily free the captured model without
arousing the captors, try to find their equipment (or not), and retreat off the table.

If this mission is being played immediately after the game a captured result is rolled, the table can be left as is, if suitable. The defending
warband chooses a ruined building in the center of the table to represent where the captured hero is being held.
If this mission is being played at a later time, set up the defender's camp in the center of a 4' x 4' table. The camp should be roughly 8” x
8” and have one ruined building in the center to denote where the captive (or captives) is being held, which the defender sets up first.
Other pieces of terrain can be added within the camp afterwards. The rest of the table can be set up as normal, with each player taking
turns adding terrain.

The warband who captured the hero is defending its camp, whereas the attacking warband is the rescue party. The rescuing warband gets
+2 to any route tests as they are determined to get back their comrade. If either bands' rating is at least 50 less than the other, they may beg
a random hired sword to help with the rescue, with the promise of payment afterwards.

The defending player sets up his or her warband within the camp. The captured model is placed in the center of the building on the ground
floor. The attacking player then sets up their models within 8” of any table edge, splitting their models to be on multiple edges if they'd

The defender then rolls a D6 for each of his or her models. On a 1-3 they are resting their weary bones – on a 4-6 they are standing guard
around the camp. Lay any models who are asleep on their fronts (the 'stunned' position). Note, this doesn't apply to non-living models (the
one exception being Vampires; they roll), as they don't require sleep.

Special Rules
The goal for the attackers is to sneak into the defender's camp as quietly as possible to retrieve their friend. Sneaking into the camp
requires the model to stay out of sight from any defending model. Luck is on the rescuer's side, as this night seems to be unnaturally dark,
almost as if a shroud of darkness has descended on the area.

As the rescue is being attempted during this unnaturally dark night, all defending models can only see 6” into the gloom, regardless of
race. If they have a lantern or torch they can add 4” to that distance. At the beginning of each round the defender rolls a D6. On a 1 the
darkness seems to thicken, reducing sight to 3”, on a 2-5 the darkness persists, and on a 6 the moon peaks through the shifting darkness
and the defenders gain an additional 6” of sight for that round.

During the defending player's turn, any defenders that are awake are patrolling the area. Each turn they walk their full move in a random
direction. If their movement takes them within sight of an attacking model not in cover, they may roll a perception test. If they are on an
upper floor and the movement would take them over an edge, they will stop at the edge. The player may choose to climb down, and a
normal initiative check is rolled. At the beginning of the defender's fourth turn, the sleeping members of the warband may begin to wake
up. Roll the same test as in the setup phase. If a model wakes up, they roll onto their backs. The next turn they will stand and begin
patrolling like the rest of the woken members.
An attacking model may walk while in a defending models' area of perception. As long as they end their movement in cover (at least half
the model) they stay hidden from view. If they end their move out of cover, the defending model can make a perception test to see if they
notice the attacking model. Roll an initiative test. If passed, the defender sees the attacking model and sounds the alarm. If failed, the
darkness has successfully hidden the attacker for now. If the attacker runs while in a defending models' area of perception, regardless if he
ends in cover, the defender takes a perception test and gains -1 to the roll due to the extra noise running makes. Note, they may only run
what their perception allows, so if the moon is covered they may only run up to 6”. Attacking models never use lanterns or torches, as that
would give away their position.

An attacking model may attack sleeping enemy units. They still need to technically charge to get into base to base contact, and if they
move more than their base movement to do so it will constitute running. Any model within perception gains -1. The model being charged
also gets an instant roll to see if they wake up. A successful role means they've awoken and the alarm is sounded. They flip on their backs
and need to be wounded to be taken out of action, just as if they were knocked down.

Once the alarm sounds, all models still sleeping will wake and instantly roll onto their backs, regardless of whose turn the alarm sounded
on. They can then stand on the next turn and act as normal. Unlike standing after being knocked down, there are no penalties for standing
here. Any models who are awake can now move, shoot and charge as normal, as much as their perception permits.

Freeing the prisoners

If an attacking model is able to move into base to base contact with the captured model, he or she cuts their bindings and sets them free.
On the next turn the captured model can then move as normal, however they will be fighting unarmed. Captured models can never be
attacked until they have been freed. They are too valuable to the defending warband.

Finding the prisoners' equipment

If desired, the captured model can try to retrieve his taken equipment. The equipment has been hidden in one of the rooms of the building.
Any model can search for the equipment, but the captive gains +1 to his roll as he has a better understanding of where it may be. Note,
models cannot search if they are within charge range of an enemy model, with one exception – if all enemy models within charge range
are already engaged in hand-to-hand combat, an unengaged model is free to search. If a model begins its turn in a room he may roll a D6
to search. On a 6 the equipment has been found (or a 5 if the captive is searching). The searching model cannot do anything else this turn.
If the search is unsuccessful the model may walk its full movement, climbing or jumping down as normal. If all rooms have been searched
unsuccessfully, the equipment will be in the last room searched. If the captive didn't find it, place the equipment in a small chest. The
chest may be carried by any model without movement penalties, but only the captive may use the equipment. The captive may equip the
gear if he moves within base to base with the chest, however he may not do anything else that turn.

Starting the game

The attacking player gets the first turn.

Ending the game

The game ends when either band routes, or the rescuer succeeds in moving the captured model off the table. If the
captured model is taken out of action during the game they are unable to escape and are killed. The attacker will
automatically be the losing warband, as they failed to save their friend.

At the end of the battle, if a hired sword was taken, they will demand compensation for the amount of
his or her hire fee. If the warband can't pay, or chooses not to, the hired sword will fight one-on-one
with the leader of the warband. If the hired sword wins, he or she will take half of the warbands
treasury (both gold and wyrdstone) and be on its way. If the leader wins there is no payment necessary.

+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Winning Leader. The leader of the winning warband gains +1 Experience.

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.

+ 1 Freeing the Captive. If any attacking Hero or Henchman frees the Prisoner they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Finding the Equipment. If any attacking Hero or Henchman finds the stolen equipment they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Raising the Alarm. If any defending Hero or Henchman spots an enemy and raises the alarm they gain +1 Experience.
Fright Night
Your weary warband stumbles into camp, carrying their unconscious and wounded companions.
Throughout the journey you couldn't help but notice your wounded friend shaking, moaning, and sweating profusely, a large gash on his
neck slowly bleeding. A shiver would run down your spine each time you looked at that wound, but you didn't know why. You mentioned
the strange feeling to the Captain, but he ignores you, and pushes the group on. Just as camp was in sight, your friend and companion of
so many adventures went deathly still. The hired healers at the camp confirmed what you had feared; your friend was gone.
Now, as the rest of the wounded are tended to, the party makes their way to anything that slightly resembles a bed, dreaming of a long,
uninterrupted sleep. Not surprisingly in Mordheim, however, that dream quickly unravels, as cries of pain and horror from the triage tents
suddenly pierce the cold night air, snapping you from your revelry. Past the dim light of the campfire's dying embers you can just make out
one of the healer women lurching her way toward you, her hand clasped tightly to the side of her neck. The healer is visibly shaking and
she shuffles forward. As she nears she tumbles forward, collapsing to the ground. Sweat glistens across her brow as she begins to
convulse. Others rush to her aid, but they quickly fall away in terror as her convulsions stop and she pushes herself back to her knees. The
healer stare's directly at you, her surprisingly long tongue licking fangs protruding from her lips, while talon-like claws stretch and dig
into the earth. Something inside you screams in your mind to flee, but you can do nothing but stare into her unholy, blazing eyes. So
entranced by the healer, you hardly register a second sauntering up behind, followed by your injured friend. As he caresses his clawed
hands across his new vassals' shoulders, the former friend and ally smiles at you, blood dripping from his fanged mouth, and says one
simple word that cuts through the hold the healers eyes had on you, sending familiar shivers down your spine. “Feed”.

If desired, this scenario can be played after rolling '14' on the Treasure Hunt chart, and having a model taken out of action by the Vampire.
Your warband has brought an injured warrior back to camp who has unknowingly been bitten by a vampire. The vampire has attacked and
turned two of the handmaidens from camp, and is intent on turning or destroying the rest of the warband. Your warband's goal is to defend
their camp and eliminate the unwanted guests. This scenario can be played with another player controlling the vampires, or can be played
solo. This scenario should be played after injuries have been rolled, but before any exploration or trading has occurred.

Set up the warband's camp in the center of a 4' x 4' table. Place a campfire in the center of the board and place ruined buildings, trees, tents
or wagons around it at least 12” away. Place other ruined buildings or trees to fill the board.

There are three enemy models in the center of the board. Your former companion who is now a Vampire, and two Lesser Vampires (see
'Beastiary') The Vampire retains the stats of the former model, and gains +1 Movement, Strength, Toughness, Wound and Initiative. He
also retains his previous weapons. The Lesser Vampires have powerful rending claws. Any warband can be the camping warband. They
have all remaining members available to fight, even if they received injuries that make them miss the next game. They will simply miss
the one after this. Any wounds the band may have incurred in the last battle are healed, but if any equipment was lost or destroyed the
warrior hasn't had time to replace it yet.

The Vampires set up around the campfire in the middle of the board. The warband then sets up their models within the buildings or trees
surrounding the clearing. They must start at least 8” from the vampires and cannot be within 4” from each other.

The warband then rolls a D6 for each of his or her models:

1-2 – They weren't awakened by the noise and are still asleep. Place these models in the 'stunned' position for the first turn and roll
each subsequent Recovery Phase to see if they wake up. On another 1-2 they stay asleep, but anything else and they roll over to
being groggy, or 'knocked down'.
3-4 – They were woken up, but are still groggy. These models are in the 'knocked down' position for the first turn.
5-6 – The model is awake and already on guard duty. They begin standing and can activate normally.

Special Rules
At the beginning of the vampire's turn, roll 2D6:
1-9 – Nothing happens
10 – D3 zombies wander onto the board
11 – D3 Ghouls appear
Roll for each model to see which edge they come on, and place them on the center of the board edge. These models are now part of the
Companion Vampire's band and act on his turn, beginning on the turn they arrive.

If a 12 is rolled, a Vampire appears, who is not happy with the competition. Roll for table edge as before. This vampire acts in the
Encounter phase and will head straight for the Companion Vampire to teach him a lesson about invading others' territory. He ignores all
other models unless attacked. Note, only one Vampire will spawn. If a second double six is rolled, ignore the result and re-roll.

When a warband model is taken out of action by a Lesser Vampire, there is a chance the vampirism has been spread. Roll a D6
immediately after a model is taken out. On a 1 the model has been infected and transforms into a Lesser Vampire. They retain stats and
weapons from life, and gain +1 Movement, Strength, and Wound. On a 2-3 the vampirism does not take hold, but the model is now
enthralled and will fight for the vampires. All stats and weapons remain the same, except they only have one wound. On a 4-6 the model
suffers no ill effects and is removed from the board as normal. Any model who is infected or enthralled is placed as knocked down and
may stand up next turn. If the Companion Vampire takes a model out of action, there is a higher change of them turning. On a 1-2 they
are infected, 3-4 enthralled, and 5-6 they are removed normally from the board.

If an enthralled model is taken out of action, or if the vampires win and there are enthralled models on the table, they come to their senses
and suffer no ill effects from being controlled. They roll for injuries as normal at the end of the game.

If an infected model is taken out of action, set them aside until the end of the game to see if the Companion Vampire is destroyed. Any
infected left on the table if the vampire routs must roll to see if they can be helped. Roll a D6. On a 1-2 they've embraced the darkness and
struggle to follow their master. There is no controlling them as they break free and chase after their master. Remove them from the roster.
On a 3+ the band is able to fetch a priest in time to cleanse the devil from the warriors' body. Roll for injuries as normal. Any models who
recover from being infected gain 'Hatred' for all vampires.

If the Companion Vampire is destroyed, the curse is lifted and infected and enthralled models return to themselves, rolling for injuries as
normal. If the Companion Vampire is not destroyed and infected models have been taken out of action, see the above rule.

The Companion Vampire will attempt to rout once two or more of his infected are taken out of action, regardless if more have been
created or other undead have arrived on the table.

If another Vampire has shown up on the board, he will leave once the Companion Vampire is no longer on the board, as he was only
interested in the Companion Vampire. If he was attacked, however, the new Vampire turns his ire on the warband, and any undead models
that came on the board will join with him and continue fighting. This does not include any turned or enthralled models, see the rules above
once the Companion Vampire is off the board.

Starting the game

Roll a D6 for the warband and vampires. High roll goes first.

Ending the game

The warband wins if either the Companion Vampire is destroyed, or the vampires rout. Any undead models that arrived on the board flee
when the Companion Vampire is destroyed/routs, unless another Vampire is on the table. See above.

If the warband wins, roll for injuries for any models that were taken out of action, using the special rules for enthralled and infected above.

If the vampires rout, any models that were enthralled return to normal. For any infected that are still on the table or were previously taken
out of action, see the special rules above.

The vampires win if all of the warband's models have been turned, enthralled or taken out of action. The
warband will never rout... they've nowhere to go as they're already home!

If the vampires are victorious, all infected models that are left on the table have joined in the cause of the
undead, as well as any infected who had been taken out of action and roll a 1-2. Remove them from the
roster. For enthralled, see above.

+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Winning Leader. If the warband wins the leader gains +1 Experience.

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.

+1 Ending the Vampire Scourge. If any Hero or Henchman takes the Companion Vampire out of action
they gain +1 Experience.
Beauty is only Skin Deep
Mordheim is filled with all manor of unholy creatures. Most can be spotted easily, giving away their dangerous intentions by their unholy
and disgusting appearance. But occasionally something rises from the ashes of this beleaguered hellscape that can fool even the most
experienced of adventurers. Which is why you find yourself exploring the ruins once more, this time desperately searching for a comrade
who inexplicably wandered off on his own. There were reports of beautiful singing being heard before he disappeared, which is not a
normal thing to hear in this cursed place. Now you can only hope the fool can be found before something worse than a beautiful melody
befalls him. As you walk in the direction he was last seen heading you hear the sounds of battle echoing through the broken canyons of
buildings ahead, and something tells you simply searching the area may not be possible.
A Siren has lured one or more of your band away from the party. Now time grows short to find the Siren's lair and rescue the unknowing
dolt before the Siren stops singing and starts eating! But as fate would have it, the area you need to search is currently occupied by other
unsavoury characters.
If desired, this scenario can be played after rolling '23' on the Treasure Hunt chart, and having a model (or models) lured off the board by
the Siren. This scenario can be played Solo, or another player may control the enemy monsters. The player warband needs to search the
marked buildings to find their friend and destroy the vile creature who took him.

Set up a 4' x 4' table, placing enough ruined buildings and scatter terrain to cover the table for your playing style. Make sure there are
enough buildings to be in all four quadrants of the board. If two players are playing, they may alternate placing terrain.

The warband searching for their companion starts on one table edge. The Siren and the lost companion are hidden in one of the marked
buildings. The table is also the scene of another battle that the searching warband can join or try to avoid.

Nominate D3 building in each quadrant and print out the page of tokens. These are the buildings that are available to be searched. Pull out
the Siren's Lair token and randomly choose enough of the rest to cover all the marked buildings. Place the Siren's Lair token back with the
rest and mix the tokens up, then randomly place a token on each marked building.
 Alternatively, you don't have to use the tokens, and can simply mark the searchable buildings as above.
Roll 2D6 twice on the following chart to see what warbands are currently roaming the area:
2 – Chaos Spawn 6 – D6+2 Giant Rats 10 – D6 Skaven
3 – D6 Orcs 7 – D6 Zombies + Necromancer 11 – D6 Beastmen
4 – D6 Chaos Hounds 8 – D6 Warhounds 12 – The Thing in the Woods
5 – D6 Mercenaries 9 – D6+2 Goblins
(roll to see which faction)

For any warbands rolled, randomly roll on the warband list to choose what types of models are around. They do not need to have a leader
as they are just a splintered warband. Any maximum amounts for character types still apply. If characters with mutations or spells are
rolled, randomly determine one per model.
Roll to determine which building or piece of cover on the table each model starts at and place the enemy model in or around the object.
Models from different warbands cannot be placed within 8” of each other as they will attack each other. Models from the same warband
can be placed together.
Encountered models will always move and shoot, or charge the nearest enemy model they can 'see', whether that is a member of the
player's warband or another encountered foe. If no models can be 'seen' by the model, they walk their full movement in a random
direction. Encountered models cannot discover any of the tokens, even if they are fighting on or around them.
Roll to determine which table edge the player's warband starts on, and place the models with 8” of the table edge. They cannot be placed
within 8” of an enemy model. If a table edge is blocked by other models, roll again.

Special Rules
At the beginning of each Exploration phase, roll 2D6. On a 9, 10, 11, or 12 the player gets to randomly reveal a token on one of the
marked buildings. Roll to see which, then flip the token and place any models or items in a random room of the building. If the building's
interiors aren't playable, or if there's only one room, place the discovery near the center of the building.
 Alternatively if the tokens aren't used, roll to randomly determine which building is revealed, then use the standard treasure hunt
rules to reveal what the building holds. Roll D66 and if double ones or double sixes are rolled, you have found the Siren's Lair.
Otherwise, look up the result on the Exploration Chart as normal.
If 2, 3 or 4 is rolled on the Exploration phase roll, roll again on the chart above as another group of enemies has wandered onto the board.
Roll to determine who as above, then roll to see what edge the new enemies show up on. They are placed on the edge of the board, and
activate during the Encounter phase after any other enemy models on the table.
When the players model starts his turn in base contact with a token, it reveals itself during the Exploration phase. Place any models or
items as before. The model that found the token can then take an Initiative or Leadership test just like if he had performed a successful
search. Any treasure chests that are found may be taken to the warbands' starting table edge and dropped to claim them, using the carrying
chests rules from scenario 7, 'Hidden Treasure'. If the warband wins the scenario, any chests still being held by a model are also claimed.
However, if the warband routs any chests being held will be dropped as the models make their retreat. If treasure is successfully
recovered, at the end of the game roll on the treasure chart from scenario 7 in the rule book.
 Alternatively if the tokens aren't used, use the standard treasure hunt rules to search the building, rolling a D6. If a 6 is rolled the
searcher has found something. Roll D66 and if double ones or double sixes are rolled, you have found the Siren's Lair.
Otherwise, look up the result on the Exploration Chart as normal.
When the Siren's Lair has been found, place the Siren and the enthralled companion's models in a random room as before. The Siren does
nothing during this time, as she continues to sing and enthrall her captive. Once she is revealed the warband has three turns, starting with
the next Exploration phase, to distract the Siren, by hitting her with ballistic weapons or getting someone into close combat with her. The
enthralled model is under her spell and cannot try to break the hold until the Siren is alerted to the searching warband. If no one has
distracted her by the end of the third turn, she devours the companion and fades into the shadows. The companion is automatically dead
and removed from the roster. If there are more than one enthralled models, all Sirens and enthralled will be in the same lair and will be
revealed at the same time.
Once the Siren has been distracted (see 'Beastiary') the companion can try to break the spell holding him during the players recovery phase
by rolling a LD test at -1 per turn revealed. If he is able to break the spell he may act normally that turn. The entranced model gains
'Hatred' for the Siren.
Just as in the Treasure Hunt encounter (23), the Siren can call D3 of her sisters to join the fight by rolling higher than her leadership
during the Encounter's shooting phase. The Siren can attempt to call her sisters on any turn once she has been distracted. If her call is
successful, D3 more Sirens join the table, each being placed randomly 2D6” from the original Siren. These new Sirens will move toward
the nearest enemy model (even one of the other encountered models), and will attempt to enthrall them during their shooting phase if they
are within 8”. To enthrall, roll 2D6 for the Siren and the model she is focusing on. If the model rolls higher, he is able to shake off the
effects of the Siren's song and can act normally during his turn. If the Siren rolls higher, the model becomes enthralled and begins to fight
for the Siren, immediately moving toward and shooting, or charging the nearest model that is not enthralled. Any models that become
enthralled this way remain devoted to the Siren until they can break the hold by passing a Leadership test at -1 per turn mesmerized. The
Siren may enthrall multiple models at the same time, but the models gain +1 to their Leadership roll for each additional model enthralled.
If any Siren is taken out of action, any models who are currently enthralled by that Siren are released from the spell and can act normally
during their next turn.

Starting the game

Roll a D6 to determine whether the player or the encountered models go first. If the encountered
models go first, roll to see which faction goes first.

Ending the game

The scenario ends by the player's warband destroying the Siren and freeing their lost comrade from her spell.
They gain extra experience if they can get him off their starting table edge. Alternatively, they may stay to fight
until they clear the board or rout. If they rout but have saved their comrade it is still considered a win.

If the warband fails to rescue their companion the game is considered lost. If desired, they may stay to fight
until they clear the board or rout.

+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
+1 Winning Leader. If the warband rescues their companion the leader gains +1 Experience.
+1 Lost Comrade Escapes. If the lost comrade is able to move off the starting table edge,
he gains +1 Experience.
+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts
out of action.
+1 Defeating the Siren. If any Hero or Henchman takes a Siren out of action they gain
+1 extra Experience.
The Lost and the Damned!
The previous battle was a vicious one, indeed. The cries of anger and fury rang through the abandoned streets and alleys as steel clashed
against steel, and the injured howled with agony as they tried to staunch their wounds. However, as if the throes of battle weren't horrific
enough, a Demonic Lich was unleashed on the field, along with a horde of his undead companions. Though they fought bravely, the Lich
was too powerful and some souls were extinguished by his oddly glowing mace... or at least they seemed to have been. But although
companions and friends were knocked to the ground, they didn't stay down, rising eerily from where they were felled; arm, legs and necks
disjointed and dangling obtusely. Fighting them in that unnerving state; their twisted bodies and strangely glowing eyes; was like a living
nightmare, but could it also mean they might yet live? Could vanquishing the Lich break the spell? There's only one way to know for sure.
Unfortunately, in all the mayhem you can't recall where the entrance was...

One or more warriors have been re-animated by a powerful Lich, and their comrades have decided to attempt saving them by destroying
the Lich and breaking the spell they're under. But first they must locate the entrance to the Lich's lair and descend with as many models as
possible into it.

This 2-part mission can be played as a solo mission, but can also be played with another player controlling the Lich and his minions. Or as
a co-op mission with multiple warbands hunting the Lich.

Part 1: Entrance into Darkness

If this mission is being played immediately after the game any warriors have been re-animated, the table can be left as is,
if suitable. If not, set up a roughly 4' x 4' table in the standard way. Once the board is set up, roll a D6 +1 and randomly
mark that number of buildings. These are the possible locations of the Lich's lair.

The searching warband is trying to save their friends, while the Lich's warband is defending its territory. The Lich
does not have a normal warband, but its team will be determined throughout the game.

If multiple warbands have re-animated comrades and the players agree, they can team up to hunt the Lich. The
warbands roll off to determine who sets up first as normal.

The Lich rolls a D6 for each building on the table. On a 1-3 there is nothing. On a 4-5 place a zombie in or around
the building. On a 6 place D3 zombies in or around the building. Optionally, if you'd like to make it more
challenging add +1 normal zombies for each additional warband playing whenever the Lich places any models.
The searching warband then randomly chooses a table edge to start on. They then set up within 8” of that edge, but
cannot be set up within 8” of an enemy model.

Special Rules
At the beginning of each of the Lich's turns, roll a D6. If a 5 or 6 is rolled, roll a D20 on the following 'Re-animated' chart, and place the
new model in a randomly determined building. Optionally, to make it more challenging, if a 6 is rolled, roll twice on the chart and place in
random buildings. All of the Lich's minions are undead, and thus cause fear and cannot run. They will walk their full movement in a
random direction until they can 'see' a searching model or encountered model, in which case they will move or charge toward him. The re-
animated undead warriors use their regular stats but do not use any weapons. The exception to this is any warriors the Lich defeats and
raises back to fight. As they are not technically undead, they retain and may use their weapons in combat. They do gain all other undead
characteristics, such as not being able to run and causing fear.
When a searching model enters one of the marked buildings, roll a D6 on the following chart to see what is found:
1: A corpse – roll again – 1-3: a zombie rises; 4-6: can be looted (double 3's on the exploration chart)
2: Roll D20 on the following 'Re-animated Warrior' chart.
3: Roll D66 on the 'Treasure Hunt' encounter chart. Any encounters found take their turn after the Lich. Re-roll any result of 51.
4: Nothing is found.
5: Roll D20 twice on the following 'Reanimated Warrior' chart.
6: You've found the hidden stairwell that leads to the Lich's lair.
Re-animated Warrior Chart (D20):
1: Ogre Bodyguard 8: D3 Marienburg Youngbloods 15: Dwarf Trollslayer
2: Mutant (roll one random mutation) 9: Sister Superior 16: Warhound
3: D3 Zombies 10: D3 Giant Rats 17: Minotaur
4: Middenheim Captain 11: Flagellant 18: D3 Zombie
5: Nothing 12: Nothing 19: Witch Hunter
6: D3 Verminkin 13: D3 Sigmarite Sisters 20: The Possessed (roll one random mutation)
7: Chaos Beastman 14: Reikland Champion
Place encountered models in the center of the random buildings' ground floor. They may be placed within charge range of searching
models. If a trap is rolled on the 'Treasure Hunt' chart it occurs wherever the searching model is. If all marked buildings have been
searched and the Lich hasn't been found, the secret stairwell will automatically be in the final building. Randomly determine which room
in the building has the stairwell.
Once the entrance to the Lich's lair has been found, the players must try to get as many models down the stairwell as they can. Any model
that moves onto the stairwell is removed from the board.

Starting the game

The searching warband gets the first turn. If two or more warbands are playing, roll to see who goes first. All warbands will take their turn
before the Lich.

Ending the game

The game ends when all models have been removed from the board, either by entering the stairwell or being taken out of action. There are
no mandatory rout tests in Part 1 of this scenario. However, if they choose to abandon their re-animated companions, any player may
voluntarily rout once they lose 25% of their remaining warband. Once the board has been cleared of searching models, move onto Part 2
of the scenario.
If all models are taken out of action before making it to the stairwell, or if all warbands choose to rout, the game ends and the re-animated
warriors are considered lost and removed from the warband roster.

+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.
+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.
+1 for Finding the Entrance. If a Hero or Henchman finds the entrance they gain +1 Experience. This does not include finding it because
all other buildings have been searched first.
Keep track of enemies taken out of action as always, but no experience advances are rolled between the scenarios.
Any models that don't make it to the stairwell can make their injury rolls now, or can be saved until the end of Part 2. The models that
descend the stairwell start the next mission in the same condition that they ended this one. Thus, if any wounds were lost, they are not


Part 2 – Labyrinth of the Lich's Lair

Having found the entrance to Lich's lair, the remaining brave warriors descend the winding stairwell. The inky darkness engulfs them
more and more the further down they travel, until they can barely see a hand in front of their face. As they reach the bottom of the stairs
the temperature plummets, and from somewhere in the gloom ahead an unnerving laugh echoes off the cold, stone walls.
The warriors have found the entrance to the Lich's lair. Now they must navigate an accursed labyrinth, hunt down the vile creature, and
save their comrades-in-arms!

The underground catacombs of the Lich's lair are a dark labyrinth of twisting corridors that are laid out by drawing a card from the deck
provided, similar to Warhammer Quest. New rooms and corridors are revealed when a model declares a move that will have them step off
the current tile. For full rules fighting in the catacombs, and for catacomb play tiles, see the Mordheim: Catacombs supplement.
Corridor and room templates can be printed out and stuck to some card stock, or can be made with other crafting materials.
Any models that were able to make it to the stairwell in part 1 can participate in this scenario. The Lich has no warband per say, but each
tile that is placed can bring on his minions. Each turn more of the Lich's followers may also be added to the map by either placing a new
tile or rolling a 6 on the Lich's turn. If more than one player's warband has descended into the catacombs to search for their friends, they
will set their animosity toward each other aside and work together to find their missing comrades.

Normal Mode:
Pull out the Lich's Lair card, then randomly choose 12 cards from the deck. Remove the rest of the cards from the table and shuffle the
Lich's Lair card with the 12. This is your Labyrinth Deck. Flip the top card and place the corresponding tile. This is your entry tile. Place a
staircase model or token in one corner to mark the models starting point and place all your models on or around the staircase. If any
enemy models need to be placed put them as close to the exit as possible. If a junction tile is pulled as the first tile place the staircase at
one entrance and consider that junction blocked.

Hard Mode:
Shuffle all the cards together and place them aside. This is your Labyrinth Deck. Flip the top card and place the corresponding tile. This is
your entry tile. Place a staircase model or token in one corner to mark the models starting point and place all your models on or around the
staircase. If any enemy models need to be placed put them as close to the exit as possible. If a junction tile is pulled as the first tile place
the staircase at one entrance and consider that junction blocked.

During the movement phase of the searching player's turn, if a model declares a move which will end its movement past the edge of the
current room a new card is drawn and the corresponding tile is placed. Place any enemy models near the far exit of the tile, randomizing
for each model if there are multiple exits, then complete the declared move. If on a Dead End tile, place any enemy models against the
back wall. These models will not move or charge until the Lich's next turn. If a T- or Tri-junction card is revealed, split the remaining
Labyrinth deck into the appropriate number of piles and designate one for each junction. Make sure to take the cards from the bottom as
you split the deck to keep the cards in the same order.

Special Rules
Due to the darkness of the catacombs, any models who can't see in the dark may only move up to their maximum movement. Although
they can run and charge at double their movement as normal, doing so can be hazardous. If they attempt to run or charge over their
maximum movement range they must pass an Initiative test or automatically be knocked down after moving 2” forward, taking a Strength
2 hit in the process. If a model has a lantern or similar item, they can see more adeptly in the dark and can run and charge normally. The
Lich's undead horde don't care about the dark. They may charge as normal. Dwarves and Skaven are used to being underground and thus
have no penalties for moving.

Due to the darkness, anyone who tries to shoot over double their movement in inches suffers a -1 to hit. Due to their keen eyesight,
Dwarves and Skaven have no penalties for shooting.

At the beginning of the Lich's turn roll a D6. On a 6, roll on the 'Re-animation' chart, then place the model at a random entrance of a
random tile. Enemy models may appear within charge range of a searching model. They can move and attack normally this turn. All of the
Lich's minions are undead, and thus cannot run.

Re-animated Warrior Chart (D20):

1: Ogre Bodyguard 8: D3 Marienburg Youngbloods 15: Dwarf Trollslayer
2: Mutant (roll one random mutation) 9: Sister Superior 16: Warhound
3: D3 Zombies 10: D3 Giant Rats 17: Minotaur
4: Middenheim Captain 11: Flagellant 18: D3 Zombie
5: Nothing 12: Nothing 19: Witch Hunter
6: D3 Verminkin 13: D3 Sigmarite Sisters 20: The Possessed (roll one random mutation)
7: Chaos Beastman 14: Reikland Champion

If a tile is empty (and the player is crazy) they may attempt to search for treasure by rolling on the same chart when searching for the
entrance to the catacombs as in Part 1.

If a 'Secret Passage' card is drawn, set it aside and draw again. The player may use it if he encounters a 'Dead End' tile or room with no

If a 'Dead End' tile is drawn the party will have to backtrack to another path, or they may use a 'Secret Passage' card if they have one. If
they don't have a 'Secret Passage' card and there isn't at least one other path available, discard the 'Dead End' card and draw again.

If the current path being taken runs out of cards but is not at a 'Dead End' or room with no exit, take the smallest pile of cards from a
previously found 'Dead End' and use those to continue the current path. If there are somehow no 'Dead Ends' played yet, back track to
another path and try that way.

There may be times when all available paths come to an end and the players don't have any secret passage cards to use on a 'Dead End'
tile. In this case there are two options:

 The labyrinth has proven too difficult for the warriors and they have failed to find their friends. The scenario ends and experience
and injuries can be rolled as usual.
 The warriors can back track to a dead end path with cards remaining, and perform a Leadership test to try to find a way through.
This may only be attempted if all paths are blocked. If successful, flip a new card and place it attached to the 'Dead End'. This
Leadership test can be performed only once per 'Dead End' tile. If tests fail at every 'Dead End' the scenario is lost.

When the Lich's lair tile is revealed, place the Lich at the back of the room behind an altar. Then place any re-animated models that the
searchers are looking for in front of the altar. Roll once on the 'Re-animation' chart and place the result in front of the altar as well.

Each time a re-animated model is taken out of action they are freed from the Lich's control. This loss also removes a wound from the Lich
as he was siphoning the models life force into himself. The Lich may still regain any wounds lost by wounding other models and rolling to
siphon from them with Soulraiser.

Just like in Part 1, there are no mandatory rout tests in this mission as they don't want to leave their comrades behind. However, if they
choose to abandon their re-animated companions, any player may voluntarily rout once they lose 25% of their remaining warband, or have
hit dead ends on all possible passageways. Calculate the warband's number of casualties needed by the number of models that were able to
make it to the catacombs, not their original starting amount.

Starting the game

The searching warband gets the first turn. If two or more warbands are playing, roll to see who goes first. All warbands will take their turn
before the Lich.

Ending the game

The game ends when the Lich has been taken out of action, or all searching warbands rout.

If the Lich is destroyed the curse is lifted and any re-animated warriors return to the warband roster. Roll on the injury chart as normal, re-
rolling any 'dead' results. They will automatically miss one game due to the trauma they've suffered.

If any of the re-animated warriors are taken out of action, but the warband routs before defeating the Lich, the rescued warriors
are returned to the roster, rolling on the injury chart and re-rolling any 'dead' results, but all of their equipment was left in the
catacombs and is lost. They will automatically miss one game due to the trauma they've suffered.

If all warbands rout, any warriors not rescued are lost to the Lich and are removed from their warband roster.

+1 Survives. If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience.

+1 Successful Leader. If any searching warband is able to rescue all of it's re-animated comrades, the leader
gains +1 extra Experience.

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action. Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts out of action.

+1 for Destroying the Lich. If any Hero or Henchman defeats the Lich they gain +1 Experience.
These cards can be printed out to make it easier to keep track of any encounters you
may have on the table. If you are going to play WYSIWYG there are cards at the end
with blank spaces where you can fill in your model's weapons, armour, spells and mutations.

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