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Read the creation story that can be found in Genesis 1:3–2:3 and identify what are His
creation (from day 1-6, in order) and how did HE created everything.

It took God six days to create everything and on the seventh day, he rested. He created the heaven
and the earth and it was in full darkness that is why on the first day He created light and separated the
light from the darkness and called light as "day" and darkness as "night."

On the second day, God made a space between the earth below and the heavens above. He called
the place above the earth the sky.

God separated land and sea. He caused the dry land to appear, and called the dry land “earth” and
the waters “seas”. God also created vegetation such as plants and trees with fruit. This marks the third
day of creation.

On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon, and the stars to give light to the earth and to govern
and separate the day and the night. These would also serve as signs to mark seasons, days, and years.

On the fifth day, God created every living creature that live in the sea and creatures that fly.

On the sixth day, God makes every creature of the land, including man. He created the animals to fill
the earth. He also created man and woman in his own image. He blessed them and gave them every
creature and the whole earth to rule over, care for, and cultivate.

And on the seventh day, the last day, God had finished His work of creation and so He rested
blessing it and making it holy.

2. In all of God’s creation human being is considered to be the most special creation. What
do you think made human special among His creation?

Human being is considered to be the most special creation because man is made in His image. Just
what is written on Genesis 1:27, “God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created
them; male and female he created them.” After creating all other living creatures and God has given
human beings the dominion over the whole earth. Human beings have been made for relationship with
God, to live in peace with each other, and to take care of the rest of creation.

3. Why do you think God has given man the “free will”?

God gave us freedom as it is only in freedom that we can choose God as the Lord and love of our
lives and attain the perfection He made us for through loyalty to Him. We have the freedom to do
whatever we want in this world. This freedom that was given to us will shape our lives whether we
choose to do what is wrong and will only give us temporary happiness or choose to direct our lives
towards serving and living our lives with God. Likewise, those who choose Him are not forced to obey
Him at every turn. But God makes it clear: the best life is one that’s devoted to honoring Him.

He gives each person the free will to accept or reject His love and salvation. We have the freedom so
that we could know and differentiate what is wrong and what is right but this freedom was easily
abused. But this could also bring us to realize that breaking free of sins, addictions, unhealthy
attachments, fears, shame, and a lot more is a part of restoring the fullness of the freedom that is ours
to possess and striving towards becoming God’s original masterpiece again. And that in the end, we
should give back to God who created us and brought us to this world.

4. Search in the net who are the patriarchs in the Bible and describe their character.

The patriarchs of the Bible, when narrowly defined, are Abraham, his son Isaac, and Isaac's son
Jacob, also named Israel, the ancestor of the Israelites. These three figures are referred to collectively as
the patriarchs, and the period in which they lived is known as the patriarchal age.

The first patriarch is Abraham, whose faith in God is exalted throughout the Bible. God said to him,
“No longer shall your name be Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you the father
of a multitude of nations” (Genesis 17:5). When we mention his name, his three foremost qualities that
stand out are: Obedience, faith and boldness. He showed a lot of trust in when God spoke to Abram and
told him to leave his country and father’s house to a “land that I will show you”. God also promised to
make Abraham a great nation through the covenant found in Genesis 15:12-21; 17:1-14.

The second patriarch is Isaac, the son of Abraham. His birth was the fulfillment of a promise God had
made to Abraham roughly 20 years before, showing that if we wait for God in faith He will always keep
His promises to us. Nothing is too difficult for Him. Isaac was faithful to trust his father when things did
not make sense. Isaac freely accepted his fate as a sacrifice to God and carried the wood that would
have fueled the fire beneath him. Yet, God spared him because of Abraham’s faithful obedience and
blessed him with children.

The third patriarch is Jacob (Israel), the son of Isaac. He was blessed by his father over his twin Esau,
and would go on to become the father of 12 tribes, eventually forming the nation of Israel. He was an
opportunist, co-conspirator, shifty, untrustworthy, negligent, and a father who picked favorites. He is
most commonly known in the Bible for his cunning and deceitful ways, especially towards his twin
brother Esau. However, after losing to God in a wrestling match, Jacob received God’s blessings and a
new name – Israel. Jacob’s story reminds believers that God is in the business of transforming our
struggles for His purposes and our good.

5. Choose one among the patriarchs in the Bible you like most, and why?

The story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac was very familiar to me. Even at a young age this was already
taught to us. In this story, God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham prepares to do it,
and makes the required journey. Abraham to demonstrated that he trusted God completely and placed
him above all else, even his own son. God did this because although He, of course, already knew that
Abraham had faith in him, it was necessary for Abraham to prove it through action. His story always
reminds me that we should be willing to give up anything if it will help us to serve God better. No matter
how busy or preoccupied I may be; I should never forget to give a part of my time to praise Him. And
when I am in doubt in the things that I am doing, I should show my complete dedication and surrender
everything to God.

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