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4 Bipolar Junction

Transistors (BJT)

Dr. Naser Qamhieh Department of Physics

UAE University
➢ Describe the basic structure of the bipolar junction
transistor (BJT)

➢ Explain and analyze basic transistor bias and


➢ Discuss the parameters and characteristics of a

transistor and
➢how they apply to transistor circuits

Dr. Naser Qamhieh Department of Physics

UAE University
4-1 Transistor Structure
Three doped semiconductor regions
seperated by two pn junctions

npn pnp Integrated Circuits (IC)

The base region is lightly doped

and very thin
The emitter region is heavily
The collector region is moderately

Dr. Naser Qamhieh Department of Physics

UAE University
Bibolar Junction Transistor symbols

The arrow head indicates

the direction of the holes in
the Emitter

Bipolar refers to the use of both holes and electrons in the transistor

Dr. Naser Qamhieh Department of Physics

UAE University
4-2 Basic Transistor Operation
The two pn junctions must be correctly biased with external dc voltages. In
both types:
the base-emitter (BE) junction is forward-biased
and the base-collector (BC) junction is reversed-biased.



Dr. Naser Qamhieh Department of Physics

UAE University
Operation Note: IB << IC
3) Since the base region is very thin these
diffused electrons will continue their flow
into the reversed-biased BC depletion region,
and pulled by the electric field across the BC
depletion region and to the collector terminal.
This form the collector current IC

2) Difused electrons become minority carriers

in the p-type base region.
number of holes is very limited (lightly doped).
a small number of the diffused electrons can
combine with the available holes in the base.
 A small number of electrons will flow out of
the base lead forming the small base electron
current (IB).
(base hase small cross section area, resistive)
1) n-typeemitter region is heavily
doped, electrons diffuse through the
forward BE junction into the p-type
base region.
Dr. Naser Qamhieh Department of Physics
UAE University
Transistor currents

The arrow on the emitter of the transistor symbols points in the direction of
conventional current.
I E = I C + IB . IB is very small compared to IE or IC. »»»»» IE ≈ IC

The capital-letter subscripts indicate dc values

Dr. Naser Qamhieh Department of Physics

UAE University
4-3 Transistor Characteristics
and Parameters

DC = IC/IB the dc current gain,

VBB : forward-biases the B-E junction. DC Beta values 50 - 400 higher.
VCC : reverse-biases the B_C junction.
VCC > VBB DC = IC/IE the dc current gain,
DC Alpha values 0.95 – 0.99 (<1)

Dr. Naser Qamhieh Department of Physics

UAE University
Basic Transistor Operation
Look at this one circuit as two separate circuits, the base-emitter (left
side) circuit and the collector-emitter(right side) circuit. Note that the
emitter is common for both circuits.The amount of current flow in the base-
emitter circuit controls the amount of current that flows in the collector circuit.
Small changes in base-emitter current yields a large change in collector-


Remember current flow

through the base-emitter
junction will help establish
the path for current flow
from the collector to emitter.

Dr. Naser Qamhieh Department of Physics

UAE University
Three transistor dc voltages and three dc currents to be considered:

IB: dc base current

IE: dc emitter current
IC: dc collector current
VBE: dc voltage across base-
emitter junction
VCB: dc voltage across
collector-base junction
VCE: dc voltage from collector
to emitter

Dr. Naser Qamhieh Department of Physics

UAE University
Current and voltage analysis
in the base circuit (left circuit), VBB is distributed across the base-emitter
junction and RB.

the base-emitter junction is

forward-biased, it is like a
forward-biased diode with
VBE ≈ 0.7 V.

VBB – VRB – VBE = 0


The collector current (IC) is determined by

(relation between the left and the right circuit)

Dr. Naser Qamhieh Department of Physics
UAE University
Current and voltage analysis

In the collector circuit (right circuit), VCC is

distributed across RC and the transistor (VCE).

VCC – VRC – VCE = 0



Around the transistor:

VCE – VCB – VBE = 0
See example 4 - 2
Dr. Naser Qamhieh Department of Physics
UAE University

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