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Laura Berman, PhD

Dr. Laura Berman on Love & Sex
The latest in sexual health and relationship news

Posted in: sexual health

By Laura Berman, PhD

Why Women Don’t Reach Orgasm During

By Laura Berman, PhD

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Published Nov 16, 2013

I Like It So So Inspiring Intriguing Important
Casual sex might not be ideal when it comes to female sexual pleasure.

0 sex and random hookups are a ubiquitous part of modern sex and dating. However, when it
comes to these fly-by-night affairs, people often wonder if women are getting the short end of the
stick. Not only are women more likely to branded with a scarlet letter (or at least misogynist insults
such0 as “slut” and “whore”), but they are also the ones who primarily have to deal with possible
consequences such as birth control failure and unintended pregnancies.

As if that wasn’t enough, now a new study from the Kinsey Institute finds that women often don’t
even0 reach orgasm during these casual encounters. The researchers found that women are two
times more likely to have an orgasm when they are in a relationship as opposed to a causal affair.
They are also much less likely to reach orgasm during a hookup when compared to men—80
percent of men report reaching gratification after a casual sex encounter, as opposed to only 42
percent of women.

Why casual sex can lead to one-sided pleasure

There are many reasons why women might not reach orgasm during casual affairs. First, the female
body can be very mysterious, even to its owners. That means that reaching an orgasm isn’t always
easy, especially when you are with a new partner who doesn’t even know your last name, let alone
your favorite position or your preferred method of kissing. All of this can mean that you will be less
likely to reach orgasm.

Additionally, when you are enjoying a random affair, the man involved might have less motivation to
help you reach orgasm. Unlike a committed, long-term partner who will likely want to fulfill you, a
casual sex partner might be more selfish and focused on his own needs. Perhaps he might not even
realize that you aren’t reaching gratification, especially if you seem to be enjoying yourself…and
especially if you are faking it!

It’s also important to note that great sex can rarely occur when people feel inhibited and out of place.
And first-time sex encounters (even with someone you know and love) can be quite awkward. When
it is with someone you barely know, it can put you even more on edge. You won’t be able to open up
and be vulnerable, let alone tell him what you want and need in the bedroom. All of this can add up
to a decreased likelihood of orgasm, at least on your part.

Is casual sex worth it?

However, just because women don’t always reach orgasm during causal sex doesn’t mean that they
aren’t having fun. In fact, many women don’t reach orgasm during sex with their regular partner each
and every time. The purpose of sex isn’t to have an orgasm (although they are wonderful), and many
people enjoy other aspects of sex just as much—such as the thrill of the chase, the powerful feeling
of being desired, the pleasure of being touched and touching in return, and the excitement and
spontaneity that first-time sex can bring. In other words, even though women don’t always reach the
big “O” during casual sex doesn’t mean that they aren’t having a good time, and it doesn’t mean that
they aren’t highly aroused and satisfied by their encounter.

That being said, casual sex (like all sex) does come with risks, even when you practice safer sex.
With a random hookup, you won’t be able to know your partner and truly have his background and
his sexual history, let alone be sure of the last time he got tested for STDs. And vice versa. For some
women, the risk of casual sex simply isn’t worth it, especially if the big “O” isn’t promised to them in
the end. However, many women can do and like having casual sex, orgasms or not, as long as they
practice good self-care and do so safely and responsibly…I say, enjoy!

Posted in: sexual health


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Laura Berman, PhD

Laura Berman, PhD, is a leading sex and relationship educator and therapist, popular TV and radio
host, New York Times best-selling author, and assistant clinical professor of ob-gyn and psychiatry
at the...read more

And, be sure to follow Dr. Berman at

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