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Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the Applicant

1 PROPOSED POSITION FOR : From the Terms of Reference, state the position for which the Consultant
THIS PROJECT will be engaged.].

Individual Consultant following the Individual Consultant Selection (ICS)

method for conducting a study on “Increasing income of Farmers
through Non-toxic vegetable and Moringa production and Marketing”
under PACE project of PKSF; Package no: /PACE/SD-09

3 PRESENT ADDRESS : Professor, Department of Horticulture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural
University, Dhaka-1207,
Founder and Former PD, FAB LAB SAU
(Funded by The World Bank group),
( )
Founder and Former
PD, FAB LAB SAU (Funded by The World Bank group), ( ) and

House#20/C (1st floor), East Tejturi Bazar, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215
4 CELL NUMBER & E-MAIL : Cell: 01711054215; E-mail:,
5 DATE OF BIRTH[ dd/mm/yy] : 01/01/1976
6 NATIONALITY : Bangladeshi by Birth
7 MEMBERSHIP IN : 1. Year of appointment: August 2020
PROFESSIONAL Senior Advisor, IAAS, Bangladesh Chapter. International Association
SOCIETIES Agricultural Sustainability (IAAS), Address: 105 Cecil Street #18-39,
[State rank and name of society The Octagon, Singapore 069534
and year of attaining that rank]. Email:; Web:
2. Year of Starting: February 2019
President, Bangladesh Science Congress association (BSCA), Dhaka,
3. First started in 2014-2016 (15 Episodes uploaded in youtube)
Presenter, KRISHI O JIBON in Boishakhi Television.
4. Year of Joining: 2015
Chief Advisor for Safe vegetable and fruit cultivation in roof top.
Bangladesh Green Roof Movement (BGRM)”, Dhaka
5. Appointed Year: 2015
Treasurer-Horticulturists’ Bangladesh, Dept. of Horticulture, SAU,
6. Year of Joining: 2006
Bangladesh Society for Horticultural Science (BSHS)”, Department of
Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh-
7. Year of Joining: 2008
Bangladesh Association of Biotechnology (BABT)” Department of
Biotechnology, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU),
8. Starting Year: 2000
Registered Graduate of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
9. Starting Year: 2000
Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Alumni Association.
8 EDUCATION : Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from Iwate University, Japan- FY2015, The
[list all the colleges/universities United Cooperation of Yamagata University, Japan under Three
which the Applicant attended, Years Special Doctoral Programme for International Students with
stating degrees obtained, and JSPS fellowship (JSPS RONPAKU). Working/Research Area:
dates, and list any other Specialty Bio-production (Safe/Organic Agricultural Production)
specialised education of the MS in Horticulture (Bangladesh Agricultural University), July-December
Applicant ]. 2000

9 OTHER TRAINING : Other professional Training taken:

1. Promotional workshop on Academic Innovation Fund-AIF, Higher
Education Quality enhancement project-HEQEP at Sher-e-Bangla
Agricultural University Conference Room by Bangladesh University
Grants Commission, Dhaka on 11 March 2010.

2. International workshop on science Education by Bangladesh Academy

of Science (BAS), Association of Academy of Sciences (AASA) and
the Federation of Asian Scientific Academic and Societies (FASAS) at
National Museum of Science and Technology (NMST) Auditorium,
Agargaon, Dhaka on 10 October 2009.

3. International conference on Plant Breeding and Seed for Food Security

(ICPBSFS 2009) by Plant Breeding and genetic Society of Bangladesh
at BARC on 10-12 March 2009, Dhaka.

4. International Biotechnology conference, Bangladesh Association of

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (BABGE), at BARC
Auditorium, on 7-8 June 2008.
5. International conference on Biotechnology Promotion in Bangladesh:
National and International Perspective, Sasakawa, ICDDR,B, Dhaka
on 6, 7, 8 May 2007

6. Professional Training :Supervisory Management for Managers, Tack

Training International, 11-12 August 2004, Dhaka

7. Theoretical and Practical Training -Diagnostic kits, Reagents,

Instruments at Technoworth assoc. and Tradesworth Ltd. 78, Motijheel
C/A, Dhaka-1000 on 11-30 September 2002



1. Project Title: Development of Production Package for Horticultural

Crops in Rooftop and Open Space in Urban Areas of Bangladesh
(Project ID-153), Ref: NATP-2/PIU -BARC-24/Research (Part-2)/ 20
I 6-8615 date: October 03, 2019, Ministry: Agriculture

Fund amount: 55,294.00 USD

2. Project Title: Development of micro-greens produces and evaluations

of growth and nutritional profile under different LEDs light
combination, SAURES (Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
Research System), Dhaka-1207, Fund: 1800.00 USD

3. Project Title Strengthening capacity of innovations establishing digital

Fab Lab for sustainable next generation farming and smart city
village. Fund: The World Bank, Ministry of Education and HEQEP,
UGC. Ministry: Education, Amount: USD 235, 294.118

4. Project Title Climate-smart Agriculture: Assessment the effectiveness

of producing safe vegetables to encourage farmers for ensuring the
safety and quality of vegetables in farmers’ field of Singair,
Manikgonj., Ministry of Education, GoB, Amount: USD 16,470.58

5. Project Title Bioremediation of heavy metal (As, Pb) contaminated

soil, irrigation water and vegetables cultivated in Manikgonj area.
Fund: Ministry of Science and Technology, GoB.

Amount: USD 2,940.00

Asian Journal of Biomedical and Biological Science

-e-Bangla Agric. Univ.

10 LANGUAGES & DEGREE OF : [Indicate significant training since degrees under EDUCATION were
PROFICIENCY obtained, which is pertinent to the proposed tasks of the Consultant].

Langu Speaking Reading Writing

Bangl Excellent Excellent Excellent
Englis Fluent Excellent Excellent
Hindi Very good ---- ----
11 COUNTRIES OF WORK : Japan- Safe Farming, Protected vegetable farming in green house, Safety analysis,
Urban Farming using uncommon inputs.
India- Mumbai and Delhi, RiiDL innovation center and Soumya Educational Bidda
Bihar for fabrication agreement signing and innovation maker mela collaborations.

Vietnam- Presented Fab Lab Bangladesh on behalf of eight fabrication laboratories

as team leader, South Asian Makers association with innovative agriculture and
others innovative green city village ideas.
Bangladesh- Safe Farming, Urban and innovative agriculture with fattening
biodiversity extension programs.

12 EMPLOYMENT RECORD : [The Applicant should clearly distinguish whether as an “employee” of

the firm or as a “Consultant” or “Advisor” of the firm]. [The Applicant
[starting with present position list
should clearly indicate the Position held and give a brief description of
in reverse order [every
the duties in which the Applicant was involved].
employment held and state the
Present to Past
start and end dates of each

12.A EMPLOYER 1 From To

Vice-Chancellor, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Total: 14 years 6 months At Department of Horticulture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka-1207,
Professor June, 2019 Till date
Associate Professor June, 2015 May. 2019
Assistant Professor June, 2008 May, 2015
Lecturer June, 2006 May, 2008
Part-time Teacher August, 2005 May, 2006
give a brief description of the  Taking classes in graduate and undergraduate levels.
duties  Training to the farmers and urban social people on innovative
 Supervising research students (MS and PhD)
 Independent researcher to investigate different projects won by govt,
non govt. and international organizations.
 Train the school. College and university students about fabrication in
agriculture and smart city innovation.
 Graduate level. To supervise and assist students in conducting research
 PhD level: 2 students researching on Safe farming with suger beet and
summer vegetables
12.B EMPLOYER 2 : From To
Individual Consultant 01 November 2020 15 February 2021
Society for Development
Initiatives (SDI), 2/4, Block-
C,Shahjahan, Road,
Brief description of the duties Conducting an impact study on “Increasing income of Farmers through
Non-toxic vegetable and Moringa production and Marketing” value
chain development sub-project (PACE Project funded by IFAD and
The main objective of the sectorial impact study is to assess the performance of the
value chain interventions under the sub-project in improving the overall socio-economic
conditions of the project participants through Safe vegetable production and marketing.
The specific objectives are to assess the changes in productivity, income, sales,
marketing, production cost, practices employment etc. by technologies and other
technical support provided by the sub-project. To attain this objective, the present socio-
economic conditions of the farmers and other project participants will have to be
compared with the baseline information. Baseline information will be supplied by the
project for this purpose. The impact study will measure the performance of the sub-project
against its following objectives:
1. Increase productivity of Vegetables through ensuring clean cultivation,
availability of Bio pesticide and IPM.
2. Enhance farmer’s capacity for producing safe vegetables through adopting
technology and increasing awareness on use of Moringa.
3. Increase awareness on safe vegetable and building a trust based Vegetable
Value Chain
Job lies on:
The selected consultant and his team will have to collect first hand data from the
participants of the value chain sub-project areas. It requires adequate field visits in
project areas. The detailed value chain sub-project documents, project logical
framework, and other information should be thoroughly reviewed for determining
the key indicators to measure the performance of the value chain interventions. The
consultant and his team should interview farmers, input sellers, output market
stakeholders, and other actors of the sub-sector to collect necessary information
which will give a clear picture of the project performance. Key agriculture related
government officials, value chain officials, and concerned officials of implanting POs
should be interviewed for collecting value chain related information. To understand
the overall sub-sector, the consultant should review secondary information from
different sources as well. The consultant will compare changes in value chain project
participant’s present economic and social status with the baseline information. Value
chain sub-project implementing partner organization will supply baseline information
of the participant/members, project agreement, project logical framework, and other
relevant information. The consultant may use software-based tools to analyze data.

Agro-consultant: : 22nd November 2015 September, 2018

Direct Fresh Ltd, Level 3, House
67/A, Road 4, Block C, Banani,
Dhaka 1213, Phone : +88 09606
Brief description of the duties 1. Main objective is to look after safe vegetable Chinese and Thai with new
value added vegetables like moringa, capsicum, curry leaves and herbs
farming in order to increase productivity through organic management
system, IPM & GAP and also to Increase income of each stakeholder of
marketing (Retailer, Piker, whole seller and Super shop) to get more
income by Value Chain Development.
2. To help establish the farming costs and disbursement schedule of funds
as per requirements in terms variety of crops, volume required and time
frames of delivery of each different type of crops as referred to in 3.1.
3. Clause-3.1- Mostly horticultural crops and herbs
4. Clause 4.2 to report to the Managing Director of the company with the
Head of Farming of Direct Fresh Limited about the farming costs on a
regular basis.
5. Clause 4.3 to monitor actual yield of crops versus expected yield of
crops on a regular basis and provide a monthly report making the
management of the company aware of any major discrepancies.
6. 4.4 To visit the company farms and farming area on regular basis
ensuring that best practices are being maintained that will result in on
Safe produce being harvested by the company.
7. Clause 4.5 To assist the Head of Farming with detailed production
planning and based on land availability establish how much contract
farming or sourcing of Safe produce to fulfill supply commitments to
the customers of the company.
8. 4.6 To help with sourcing of safely farmed produce, Safe Farmers, Land
available for lease and any other connections the company may need.
9. Clause 4.7 To accompany executives from the company to client
meetings if required.
10. 4.8 To participate and handle the press on behalf of the company if
11. 4.9 To try to create a team of students that will engage in research about
prices of vegetables at the whole sale markets through-out the year.
12. Clause 4.10 To provide training to contract farmers about good
agricultural practices and design crop specific training modules
13. 4.11 To help the company secure donor funding and creating plans and
documentation as and when required.
14. 4.12 To help create a business plan for the Direct Fresh fruit plantation
in Sylhet.
15. Clause 4.13 to help maximization of “Gabtoli Warehouse” efficiency to
make it stand alone profit generating hub and to make it green and
hygiene project.
16. 4.14 To help explore opportunities and expedite export.
17. 4.15 To help establishing and execution of R&D Laboratory Facility at
Gabtoli Warehouse.
13 WORK UNDERTAKEN THAT : 1. Support to Moringa germplasm center in the Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural
CAPABILITY TO HANDLE 2. Partnership work with urban and rooftop farming organizations along with
THIS ASSIGNMENT facebook group for sourcing seeds, cuttings, seedlings of moringa.
3. Good connection with the Bangladesh Nurseryman Society so that I can collect
good quality moringa seeds inside country and can get the imported seeds.
4. As Presenter-Presenting a TV Program on Agriculture- KRISHI O JIBON,
BOISHAKHI TV-Went to Kushtia to cover Moringa cultivations and promotion
in One episode that will be on aired on 05 December, 2020.
Professional Experience as a Trainer which is very helpful to act a significant
role for the assignment.

1. Training to DAE officers

Date: February 19, 2020:
Participants: 30 officers
Venue: Conference room, Nogorkrishi Project
Topic: Smart, CSA and Innovation in Urban Agricultural Production
2. Training to DAE officer up to DD around the country (2 batches with 30
officers in each batch)
Date: November 24, 2019:
Topic: IPM in Vegetable Production and Innovative Agriculture: Field Safety
Project: IPM for year round vegetable and fruit production around the country

3. Training to DAE officer up to DD around the country

Date: December 08, 2019
Topic: Bangladesh GAP for safe vegetable production in-line with SDG
Project: IPM for year round vegetable and fruit production around the country
4. Three (3) days Training to DAE officers and DD
Date: 27-29 October 2019

a. 27 October 2019: Bangladesh Good Agriculture Practices (Bangladesh GAP)

Scheme: Fruits and Vegetables with On-Farm Food Safety Assurance Systems.
b. 28 October 2019: Specific Requirements (Guidelines) of Good Agricultural
Practices for Agricultural crops.
c. 29 October 2019: Auditing and Techniques for Field Auditor inspecting field for
Bangladesh GAP
Venue: Ascott Dhaka, Baridhara DOHS Diplomatic Zone, Dhaka.
Organizers: FAO with Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA)
Funded by: USAID

5. Training for 120 BADC Officers around the country: (3 hours Talk)
Date: 14 July 2019:
Talk topic: CSA and Innovative Agriculture: Smart agriculture and Innovation in
Agricultural Production
Venue: Conference Room, BADC, Gabtoli

6. Rapporteur Experience/ RAPPORTEUR FOR FAO: Audio recording, report

writing, and submission to FAO, Dhanmondi office, Dhaka
Date: 24 February 2018
Project: Closing workshop on the project TCP/BGD/3406 - “Support for Establishing
Seed Multiplication Farm, Seed Processing Centre and Seed Testing Laboratory in the
South-Western Coastal Region. Started December 18, 2014, Venue: BARC
Auditorium, Farmgate, Dhaka
Report Submitted: December 28, 2014

7. Consultancy on Field Visit with Report Writing (Monitoring and Evaluation)

Date: August 16, 2017
Report on: Identifying farmer groups for Direct Fresh Supply Chain
Submitted to: Direct Fresh Limited, House # 67/A, Road# 4, Banani, Dhaka;
Funded by: Catalyst

8. Evaluation Report Submission:

Date: January 23, 2017
Project: State of Living Wages and Contribution of Agriculture Workers in
Food Security and Food Production Supply Chain
Submitted to: Bangladesh occupational safety, health & environment
foundation & Bangladesh labour welfare foundation, Bangladesh Labour
Welfare Foundation (BLF), F Haque Tower, Level – 7; 107 Bir Uttam C.R.
Datta Road; Dhaka - 1205, Bangladesh
Google Scholar:
Research Publication Citation indices: Journal Articles: 30
Total Citation: 300 h-index: 08 i10-index-08 [Source: Google Scholar, 10 November,

Research Publication Citation indices: Journal Articles: 30
1. Rinita Islam, Abul Hasnat M Solaiman, Md. Humayun Kabir, SM Anamul Arefin, Obyedul
Kalam Azad, Mahbubul H. Siddiqee, Beatrix Alsanius, Most Tahera Naznin. 2021.
Evaluation of Lettuce Growth, Yield, and Economic Viability Grown Vertically on
Unutilized Building Wall in Dhaka City. Front. Sustain. Cities, 15 March 2021.
| Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, section Urban
2. S. M. Anamul Arefin, Naheed Zeba, Abul Hasnat Solaiman, Most Tahera Naznin, Md
Obyedul Kalam Azad, Mourita Tabassum and Cheol Ho Park. 2019. Evaluation of
Compatibility, Growth Characteristics, and Yield of Tomato Grafted on Potato (‘Pomato’).
Horticulturae 2019, 5(2), 37;
3. Md. Dulal Sarkara, Abul Hasnat Muhammad Solaimana, Mohammad ShahJahana, , , Mirza
Hasanuzzaman. 2019. Soil parameters, onion growth, physiology, biochemical and mineral
nutrient composition in response to colored polythene film mulches. Annals of Agricultural
Sciences, 64(1) 63-70.
4. Salwa, M., M Solaiman, A. H., Ehsanul Haq, M., Hossain, M. D., Siddika, A., Baby, T.,
Akther, E., & Halder, O. (2019). Effect of Vermicompost and Plant Vitalizer on Growth
and Yield of Red Cabbage (Brassica oleraceae L. varcapitata). Asian Journal of Research
in Botany, 2(4), 1-15. Retrieved from
5. Shah jahan, M., Sarkar, D. M., Chakraborty, R., Muhammad Solaiman, A. H., Akter, A.,
Shu, S., & Guo, S. (2018). Impacts of Plastic Filming on Growth Environment, Yield
Parameters and Quality Attributes of Lettuce. Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 10(4), 522-529.
6. Solaiman, A. H., Nishizawa, T., Arefin, S. M., Rahman, M., Sarkar, M., & Shahjahan, M.
(2015). The Influence of Partial UV-blocking Films in the Insect Infestation and in the
Growth of Broccoli and Turnip Seedlings. Current Journal of Applied Science and
Technology, 13(2), 1-11.

7. Farzana, L., Solaiman, A. H., & Amin, M. R. (2016). Potentiality of producing summer
cauliflower as influenced by organic manures and spacing. Asian Journal of Medical and
Biological Research, 2(2), 304-317.

8. Abu Saleh Mohammad Yousuf Ali, Abul Hasnat M. Solaiman, KC Saha. 2016. Influence
of Organic Nutrient Sources and Neem (Azadirachta) Products on Growth and Yield of
Carrot. International Journal of Crop Science and Technology 2 (1), 19-25.

9. SM Mohsin, AHM Solaiman, SA Nayem, MR Islam, M Hasanuzzaman. 2016. Effect of

partially UV-blocking films on purple blotch of onion. Advances in Agriculture & Botanics
8 (1), 26-35

10. Solaiman, A. H., Nishizawa, T., Arefin, S. M., Sarkar, M., & Shahjahan, M. (2015). Effect
of Partially UV-blocking Films on the Growth, Yield, Pigmentation, and Insect Control of
Red Amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor). Current Journal of Applied Science and
Technology, 12(2), 1-11.

11. Abul Hasnat Muhammad Solaiman, Takashi Nishizawa, Tuhin Suvra Roy, Mahfuzar
Rahman, Rajesh Chakraborty, Jannath Choudhury, Md. Dulal Sarkar and Mirza
Hasanuzzaman, 2015. Yield, Dry Matter, Specific Gravity and Color of Three Bangladeshi
Local Potato Cultivars as Influenced by Stage of Maturity. Journal of Plant Sciences, 10:

12. AHM Solaiman, T Nishizawa, N Sultana, B Sarker, R Rahman, 2015. Antimicrobial and
antioxidant activity analysis of some medicinal plants of Bangladesh. Adv Plants Agric Res
2, 00057

13. Solaiman, A. H., Nishizawa, T., & Roy, T. (2014). Efficacy of Organic Manures on the
Productivity, Shelf-life and Economic Efficiency of Tomato Varieties in a Long-term
Fertilized Field by Chemical Fertilizers. Journal of Experimental Agriculture
International, 6(3), 181-188.
14. AHM Solaiman, T Nishizawa, M Khatun, S Ahmad. 2014. Morphological characterization
and genetic diversity studies of promising brinjal genotypes for hybridization program in
Bangladesh. Jounal of Advances in Agriculture 3 (3), 218-228

15. M Shahjahan, AHM Solaiman, N Sultana, K Kabir. 2013. Effect of organic fertilizers and
spacing on Growth and Yield of Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata Nees). International
Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences 6 (11), 769

16. RH Mohammed, AHM Solaiman. 2012. Efficacy of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the
growth of cabbage (Brassica Oleraceae L). Int J Agric Crop Sci 4 (3), 128-138

(Partial list)
I have been serving for my university (Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural
University) for the last 14 plus years working with vegetables engaging
myself supervising MS and PhD students. My research focus lies on safe
farming as you can find in my publication list. I completed few projects
(Govt. fund and with the fund of The World Bank group) where I had to
prepare study report, inception report and project completion report as well.
I introduced Bangladesh GAP in the year 2019 to the around 60 DAE
officers for three days where the manual was prepared to let them know
about the good agricultural practices for vegetables and fruits. I worked for
FAO as a rapporteur where I had to submit a completion report for project
(mentioned in the CV) at the closing ceremony of the same project. I have
an experience of supervising Safe farming of vegetables, herbs, Thai and
Chinese vegetables and crops for Direct Fresh Ltd in Binnadangi in an area
of 40 bighas.

I am the presenter of an agriculture programme named “ Krishi o Jibon” in

the national Boishakhi TV by which I had a chance to visit SDI project
areas in Hemayetpur, Binnadangi, Joymontop, Dhamrai etc. I particiapated
and cover the Safe vegetable Fair organized by SDI in Dhamrai. I also
visited two times your farmers training canter (FTC) in Manikgonj.

 Four years’ experience (From 2013-2017) of providing training to

the farmers in Binnadangi, Manikgonj for producing safe and new
vegetables and herbs including curry leaves, mints, Moringa, baby
corn, Chinese cabbage, chives etc. I was also looking after supply
chain of safe vegetables from field to ware house to customers like
B2B and B2C customers (Restaurants, chain shops, and hospitals

 Have knowledge on the residual effect of over dose of chemical

pesticide and fertilizer, which is harmful to the human health, create
natural pollution, kill eco-friend insect, micro-organism, fish, and
decrease the soil fertility. (see completed project list)
 Have been following clean cultivation process, Use of pheromone
trap, herbal pesticide, alive eco-friend insect, bio pesticide, vermi-
compost or organic fertilizer, use prescribed chemical fertilizer etc
in my research for MS and PhD level.

 Have knowledge on Safe agriculture farming system especially

capable to understand the challenges of GAP, IPM & Organic
Farming. (Experienced as consultant for Direct Fresh Ltd.)

 Have already been assess to understand the performance of the

Farmer and improving socio-economic conditions of the Agriculture
production and marketing, income, sales, production cost, practices
employment etc under Extension department in SAU with the help
of Upazila agricultural Officer (UAO), DAE.

 Have been engaging myself to train up the Student or others how to

use modern agricultural technology and increase productivity ,better
marketing ,on line marketing ,increase income following Value
chain development process and entrepreneurship development

So, I think I know the environment and SDI style of working in the farmer’s
field which is easily illustrate my capabilities of handling such assignment.

14 COMPUTER SKILL : MS Word, MS-Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint and other reviewing and
necessary skills
CERTIFICATION [Do not amend this Certification].
I, the undersigned, certify that (i) I was not a former employee of the Client immediately before the submission of this proposal, and (ii)
to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any
wilful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.



Date of Signing
dd / mm / yyyy

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