ENERGY: Permanent Directory of Information Sources in The European Community

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ENERGY: Permanent directory of information sources in the European

Community, by E. Allaire, F. Blamoutier and M. Maurice. Office for Official
Publications of the European Communities, Boite postale 1003, Luxembourg,
September 1st 1976. £19.50 or $45.90.

This volume lists alphabetically for each country of the EEC, the addresses of the
known information organisations that are prepared to supply information
concerning fuels and/or energy utilisation and conservation. This inventory of
sources identifies the persons in charge of the information services as well as giving
the aims and terms of reference for obtaining information from each organisation.
Access to the sources is made via two lists: one for the primary information sources
and the other for the documentation centres. Both are entered by permutation
indexes: areas/activities and activities/areas. Unfortunately the high cost of this 183
page paperback may prevent this highly valuable compendium reaching the hands of
those who could most profit by its contents.


Applied Energy (3) (1977)--© Applied Science Publishers Ltd, England, 1977
Printed in Great Britain

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