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Corrective feedback is a form of performance feedback used to improve student

achievement. Corrective feedback is also defined as “information communicated to the learner

that is intended to modify his or her thinking or behavior for the purpose of improving learning”

(Shute, 2008)

Although corrective feedback is considered an important aspect of second language

(L2) pedagogy, there has been considerable controversy over its role and usefulness in second

language acquisition. The contribution played by corrective feedback in language acquisition has

become a highly controversial issue. Theoretically, the argument for the contribution of

corrective feedback relates closely with the notion of whether or not there is a need for negative

evidence in language acquisition (Nassaji, 2015). In this regard it is clear that corrective

feedback is a very complicated and important topic in language learning but this study focused

on how it impacts in acquiring language.

Coleman (2020) pointed out that corrective feedback is extremely beneficial to English

language learners. There has been much research done on the effects of corrective feedback on

second language acquisition. Whether the feedback is explicit and direct or implicit and indirect,

ELLs will see benefits and growth in their language development. Although corrective feedback

often seems to only point out the negative, praise is an extremely effective component. By using

positive feedback on a consistent basis, English language learners will build confidence in their

skills which in turn will help them progress with the language.
In order to make claims regarding the contribution of corrective feedback in language

acquisition, it is important to clarify its nature and value by examining issues arising from both

theoretical and empirical research. This study will also examine one of the major issues

particularly in communicative classes, is how students’ errors should be corrected and to what

extent this correction would contribute to improving their knowledge. As we know students will

inevitably make errors as they learn new skills. How educators respond to errors is critical for

creating a positive learning environment while optimizing instructional efficacy. Corrective

feedback is a powerful tool for addressing errors and solidifying expectations. Properties of

corrective feedback such as content, timing, and mode of delivery can all affect student learning.

Researchers and practitioners seem to agree on the importance of corrective feedback to

enhance language accuracy and have studied the effectiveness of a number of different strategies.

However, in the case of fluency activities teaching practice and SLA research have developed

different views on the suitability of using immediate corrective feedback. In his pedagogical

recommendations to practitioners Ellis (2009) suggests that teachers should experiment more in

the area of feedback exploring different timing possibilities, including on-line strategies.

Hence, it is for these stated reasons that the research study is conducted to know

whether corrective feedback contributes in acquiring our second language and of course the

major issues particular in communicative classes were we acquire the language which is on how

students should be corrected and to what extent this correction would contribute to improving

their knowledge. The results of the study will help contribute to the ones who are confused about

the impact of corrective feedback.


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