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Business nature : Mola Granola is manufacturing business in commodity products

like oat and nuts creating new products which is healthy snack
2. Business model :
3. Type of products : Mola granola official has several main products : Granola, almond
butter, nuts and grain, dried fruits, kuaci kupas, mie ayam, and raw material. Mola
granola has 2 type of products , snack and cookies. For granola ,there 4 variants
flavour of mola granola : original, parmesan cheese, chocolate, and matcha . Each of
variants comes within 100gr package.
4. Who are the stakeholder : Owner : Roy Sukarjan . Product Manager : Ramlan
5. VP and USP : USP:
6. Target market (behavior, demographic, location) : behavior : healthty life style,
demographic : 25-65, location : capital city , live in urban area
7. Marketing goals (sales, leads, subscriber) : increasing sales (conversion)
8. How much is the budget
9. Initial plan
10. KPI for this month
11. Customer journey on the website (any questions or suggestion) : no website found
12. Client’s competitor (competitive analysis and how can we be better on advertising
sites) : Chia -Yo, Hundred Seeds, Minime, East Bali, Granova, Granolab Muesli,
GoLite, Sweet Home Fram, El Granola.
Data from shoppe mall in category “Granola Kemasan” :
Brand Sales/month Price range Main Advertising sites
Granola 1K+ 44790( 400gr) IG, youtube,market place
Granova 1K+ 19750 (100gr) Website, IG, marketpace
East Bali 498 25000 (125gr) Website, IG,FB, Youtube,
Mola 368 19900 (100gr) IG,FB,youtube,

Instagram : last update : April, 28th 2018

Facebook : last update : Nov, 12th 2019

13. Previous campaign performance (what work and what did not , and how can we
optimize it targeting, segmentation, creative)
14. Top revenue contributor or product segment from client
Top revenue(data from tokopedia sales) :
1. Almod roasted 1kg (sold 6713)
2. Granola (sold 3576)
3. Organic black chia seed 1kg (sold 3443)
4. Organic chia seed 250 gr (sold 2711)
5. Black organic raisin 1kg (sold 2635)

15. Use trello?????

16. Weekly report template
17. Monthly report template
18. Draft the campaign based on the strategy :
Social marketing FB ads

19. MoM (minutes of Meeting)


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