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Lhara A.



The concept map shows factors in which the Filipino culture is affected by globalization. Yes,
there are still others that can be considered. But for our group, these factors are the most
common. In fact, changes brought about by such factors are apparent nowadays. These are the

Before our country was invaded by foreign countries, our ancestors already had their own model
of medicine. Before, they used plants and animals to cure their sickness. They also indulged in
faith healing and others, to cast out what they believed where evil spirits that tend to bring
ailments to their bodies. 1 But now, with the rapid growth of technology and the massive
influence of globalization, Filipinos use more effective and improvised medicine.

With the unstoppable dispersion of globalization, our culture has been greatly affected. Indeed,
culture has been the cause and the victim of such phenomena. It has been said that, “ang wika
(language) ay daluyan, pahayag-pahiwatig, at impukan-kuhanan ng kultura.”
Because of the rapid growth of technology and knowledge, it is also inevitable for us not to be
influenced by other countries in terms of education. It is very evident in almost all the schools all
over the country whereby students and teachers use foreign books and other references for
different academic activities. This is because we need to keep with the fast-paced growth of
knowledge globally.

Globalization paved the way for the import and export of goods and services. Because of this,
the level of competition internationally increased resulting to the specialization of countries to
their chosen field. This trade of goods and information ignited or brought out the existence of
new and better technology. Since our country also played a part in the trade industry, these
improvised technologies made its way to our culture.

With the spread of globalization and growth of technology comes a great change in our
preferences in life. Filipinos, especially the youth, prefer foreign products, foreign movies,
foreign music, etc rather than patronizing the very own.

As more and more products or goods coming from foreign countries are brought here in our
country, people tend to patronize more these products. If one has to choose between a product
made from US or a product made here in the Philippines, one will quickly choose the former.
People believe that buying such things would help them be “accepted” or be “in” (in a group,
etc.) since most are also buying imported products. Because of this, it also affected our

The way we dress, the way we carry or handle ourselves, are also brought about by
globalization. Nowadays, women (we are not saying all), are not afraid to show some “skin” in
public. In the types of clothes they wear: the shorter the better. These changes in style are also
a means to be “in” in a crowd. We don’t want to be/feel left out. We want to cope up with the
changes in style that’s why we are always aware of what is “hot” and “new” in the fashion

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