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is provided for under Republic Act 9139, otherwise known as “The Administrative
Naturalization Law of 2000”. The applicant must be a foreigner who was born,
who studied and has resided in the Philippines since birth and must be at least 18
years old at the time of filing the petition.

The application process is commenced by filing a verified petition with the Office of the
Special Committee on Naturalization (SCN) at the Office of the Solicitor General.  The
petition is then published once a week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of
general circulation. The petition will be furnished to pertinent government agencies like
the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), the Bureau of Immigration (BI), the National
Bureau of Investigation (NBI) for clearance and lack of derogatory record on the
petitioner. The SCN, who has the power to approve or deny the petition is composed of
the (1) Solicitor General as Chairman, (2) the Secretary of Foreign Affairs or his duly
authorized representative and (3) the National Security Adviser as members.


Legislative Naturalization

Pursuant to their legislative authority under Article VI, Section 1 of the 1987
Constitution, Congress of the Philippines composed of the Senate and the House of
Representatives has the authority to grant Filipino citizenship to certain foreign nationals
for their notable service to the country and to the Filipino people.

Among others, notable American sports personalities like swimmer Akiko

Thompson, Gilas Pilipinas basketball players Marcus Douthit and Andray Blatche were
granted Filipino citizenship though legislative action.  Even the late sportscaster Ronnie
Nathanielsz, who was born in Sri Lanka was naturalized as Filipino citizen thru
Presidential Decree No. 192 issued on May 14, 1973 by former President Ferdinand
Marcos when the late President was still exercising both executive and legislative
power.  Today, there is a pending bill in the House of Representatives to naturalize
Ginebra San Miguel’s popular and charismatic import Justin Brownlee.

In the case of legislative naturalization, the pathway to Filipino citizenship is

commenced by filing a bill by any member of the House of the Representatives or the
Senate of the Philippines.
As provided for under Section 26, paragraph 2 of the 1987 Constitution, a naturalization
bill shall be passed after undergoing three readings on separate days in the house of
Congress where it originates.

On first reading, in line with the legislative process of how a bill becomes a law, the title
and number of the bill are read into the records and thereafter referred to the proper
committee for consideration.

The committee then evaluates the bill as to the necessity of conducting public hearings,
where resource persons, experts and other stakeholders on the proposed naturalization
bill may be invited. If the committee finds that no public hearing is needed, it schedules
the bill for committee discussions. Based on the result of the public hearings or
committee discussions, the committee may introduce amendments, consolidate bills on
the same subject matter, or propose a substitute bill. The committee will then prepare
the corresponding committee report.

During the second reading, after the sponsorship speech by the proponent or sponsor
of the naturalization bill, debates on whether the grant of citizenship to the foreigner is
favorable to the country or not will transpire. Amendments may also take place and
voting thereto may be done by manual count, nominal voting, viva voce or division of
the house.

On third reading, the only number and title of the amended naturalization bill will be
read. No further amendments on the bill will allowed at this stage. The members of
Congress will then vote on the bill either by nominal voting or a roll call. The member if
he so desires may explain his vote. The naturalization bill granting Filipino citizenship to
a foreigner must be approved by an affirmative vote of the majority of the members

The approved naturalization bill is thereafter transmitted to the other house of Congress
for its concurrence. If the bill originated from the House of Representatives, it will be
transmitted to the Senate and vice versa. There, it will undergo the same legislative

Ordinarily, there are no contentious provisions on a naturalization bill. In case of

differences or disagreements however between the versions of the bill from the two
houses, a conference committee composed of members from each house of congress
is constituted to settle the disagreements. The conference committee will then sign a
committee report.

Thereafter, copies of the bill, signed by the Senate President and the Speaker of the
House of Representatives, duly certified by both the Secretary of the Senate and the
Secretary General of the House, are transmitted to the President for his signature and
approval. Once the bill is signed by the President, the bill becomes a law.

After publication of the naturalization law, oath taking by the foreign applicant and the
issuance to him of a Certificate of Naturalization by the Bureau of Immigration, the
foreigner is granted Philippine citizenship with all the rights and privileges of a
naturalized citizen under Philippine laws.

In the case of Marcus Doubhit, he was naturalized by virtue of Republic 10148 which

lapsed into law on March 12, 2011, while Andray Blatche was made Filipino
by Republic Act 10636 approved on June 11, 2014.

In fine, obtaining Philippine citizenship through naturalization is possible and attainable.

Though the pathway to Philippine citizenship may not be easy, even long and rigorous,
still all branches of government, namely the executive, the judiciary and the legislative
departments provide an avenue for a foreigner to become a Filipino citizen.

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