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The Origin of Mewtwo

The short begins in a deep, dark, tropical forest somewhere in South America. A
few Mankeys scatter up the trees as a team of scientists dressed in explorer gea
r walk below. Mew hovers above them. It flies down to a leaf with a hole in it a
nd watches from there. The scientists have no idea it s present. The head scientis
t explains that today, his colleagues and him will reach the site where an ancie
nt civilization built a shrine to Mew, the rarest and strongest Pokémon ever, now
believed to be extinct. When they pass Mew, it leaves the leaf and follows. It h
overs through a field of Butterfree and continues to watch the scientists.
The scientist then explains that when Giovanni, the head of Team Rocket, heard o
f his work in the field of cloning, he agreed to fund his research, but only if
the scientist would create him an enhanced living replica of Mew. The scientist
agreed, for Giovanni just wanted to control the most powerful Pokémon in the world
, the scientist, however, wanted something more. They reach the site to discover
that the shrine is there. It shows them take a few pictures before entering the
shrine. They walk in to find a tablet on the wall with a picture of Mew. Sudden
ly, Mew s shadow appears on the wall, then flies away. The scientists look back bu
t see nothing there. The scientists are then shown entering their tent. The head
scientist explains that his team has discovered what they believe to be a Mew f
ossil, and he prays it s authentic. If it is, he might be able to make the most po
werful Pokémon ever, and may be able to learn the secret of restoring life itself.
Mew appears outside the tent and looks in. It then turns and heads for a huge m
ountain across the forest. The scientists are then seen at the lab, performing m
any experiments and genetic splicing. It ends the scene with a monitor of the DN
A, following a tube full of liquid. A young Mewtwo awakens in a pitch-black envi
He asks who is he, what is he, and where is he. It then shows the scientists loo
king at him through the tube. One of them explains that Mewtwo is just like all
the others clones, who were all unconscious. Mewtwo then senses others near him,
but he doesn t know what noises they are making. Suddenly, he hears a voice of a
little girl. She tells him that those are words, and that they are talking. Mewt
wo asks who she is and a little girl materializes beside him. She tells him that
she is a person. Mewtwo asks if he is a person. She explains to him that he loo
ks like a Pokémon, but he can talk, and that she didn t know that Pokémon could talk l
ike people. Mewtwo is confused and asks if he is a person or a Pokémon, but she ju
st tells him that it doesn t matter to her. She then tells him that since he is th
ere, he must be the same as all of them, and a Bulbasaur, a Charmander, and a Sq
uirtle appear. Back in the lab, the scientists watch the screen. The head scient
ist asks what's going on, and the girl scientist explains that Mewtwo seems to b
e communicating with the others. The scene then shifts to the clones again.
The girl explains that all of them are copies, that s why they all have 2 s at the e
nd of their names. Mewtwo asks what she means and she tells him that they call h
er Ambertwo, but she is still really Amber. They float around in a circle as she
explains this. In the lab, the head scientist is staring at the tube that conta
ins Ambertwo, who is just a red light. He pleads that his cloning theories are c
orrect so he can see his little girl s smile again. He then has a flashback of him
in his basement lab. His wife appears at the top of the stairs. He tells her th
at Amber lives within the light in the tube, and if his theories are correct, he
could have her back soon. His wife yells at him, asking why he needs to do this
. She says that their daughter is gone and he needs to accept it. He refuses. Th
e next scene shows a note left on the table with a wedding ring and cars keys on
top of it. The note is from his wife. It explains that she loved their daughter
as much as he did, but no one can bring her back, and she can t go on watching hi
m try.
The note ends with goodbye. It then shows the scientist depressed in his basemen
t lab. He gets up and puts his hand on the tube, saying he ll do anything to bring
Amber back. Back in reality, the head scientist is asking another how the clone
s are doing as they walk through a corridor. The other scientist explains that t
hey are doing fine, and Mewtwo is getting stronger every day so one is bound to
survive. The scientists walk into the cloning room. The head scientist informs t
hem that Giovanni might had the most powerful Pokémon soon, but he will get someth
ing more...knowledge of how to recreate life. He will then use it to bring Amber
back. The scene then shifts to the clones. Amber has taken them to a small neig
hborhood that she calls her remember place since she used to live there. Mewtwo
looks up at the sun and asks what it is. She tells him that it is the sun, and i
t makes the world bright all day. They then fly through the sky some more. Sudde
nly, a light breeze blows and Mewtwo asks what that is. She explains to him that
it s the wind, and sometimes it s soft and other times it s very powerful. The sun th
en starts to go down and she explains that that s the sunset. She says that is whe
n the sun says goodnight and see you tomorrow. The moon then appears and Mewtwo
asks if that s a sun. She tells him it s the moon, and all the little bright things
are stars. They shine just so people don t feel lonely at night.
Suddenly, Charmandertwo starts to sparkle. It dissapears and the scientists noti
ce they are loosing all readings of the clones. Squirtletwo and Bulbasaurtwo als
o fade away. Amber then starts to glow. Mewtwo asks where they all went. The sci
entists tell the head scientist that they are loosing Amber too. Mewtwo asks Amb
er what is happening and she says it feels like it s time to say goodbye. He feels
something in his eyes and he puts a finger up to them and sees tears. He asks w
hat they are and she explains that they are tears and he s crying. She says that h
er father used to tell her a bedtime story that when Pokémon are sad, they cry, an
d their tears bring life. She then tells him she has to leave him now and that h
e shouldn t be sad. She tells him not to cry because he s alive, and life is wonderf
ul...she then dissapears. Mewtwo tells her to come back. He then pleads for her
too. The scientists look to see his brainwaves surging. The head scientist tells
them that Mewtwo can t remember any of this. They then administer 100 units of se
rum and Mewtwo s brainwaves go back to normal. The scientists say everything is fi
ne again, but the head scientist says nothing is fine. He has lost his daughter
forever, and only Mewtwo survives. It then shows Mewtwo in the pitch-black envir
onment again. He is slowing aging from infant to adult. As he ages, he says that
it seems like he has slept forever, but he remembers someone telling him that l
ife is wonderful...but why?

Mewtwo Strikes Back

The movie starts out with Mewtwo seeing images of Mew. Mew flying around in the
mountains and in a lake. The Mewtwo wakes to see 4 scientists studying the tank.
Mewtwo realizes he's in the tank and says he needs to be outside. He breaks thr
ough the glass and the scientists start talking and congratulating themselves. T
he head scientist explains that Mewtwo is an experiement of a cloning process of
the "aniceint" Pokémon, Mew. Mewtwo questions himself about his destiny. He then
denies his destiny as a simple experiement and begins to destroy the laboratory.
Giovanni's helicoptor lands on the island. Giovanni wants Mewtwo as a "partner"
, and explains that Mewtwo will not just control the world without Giovanni's he
lp, he will destroy it. Giovanni offers to help Mewtwo focus his power, Giovanni
puts metallic armor on Mewtwo. Mewtwo thinks that this will surpress it, Giovan
ni denies and tells him that it will "focus" his power. Mewtwo battles a number
of trainers, including Gary. He defeats all of them easily, but Mewtwo still wan
ts to know his purpose. Giovanni tells him that his purpose was to obey humans,
Mewtwo also denies this, and proceeds to destroy the Gym. Mewtwo flys off the th
e very island he was created and asks himself who he is, and what his purpose is
. He then states that "The Reign of Mewtwo has Begun" thus bringing the title on
the screen.
Then, the narrator comes on stating how Ash has strength and a will of steel. As
h sits at the table, "Hungry, ... need food." Misty tells him to get to work, As
h just says he's too weak to work. Brock cooks his "lazy-boy" soup, and tells th
em it's perfect for Ash. Then a trainer comes up the path and asks Ash if he'd l
ike to battle. Ash immediatly jumps up and gets ready for the match. After a lit
tle small talk with Misty, (Misty- I though you said you were too weak to work!
Ash- I am too weak to work, but a Pokémon battle isn't work.) Ash starts to battle
. The trainer starts off with a Donphan and Ash starts off with Bulbasaur. Ash w
ins with Bulbasaur using Solar Beam, and the trainer goes onto a Machamp, Ash ch
ooses his Squirtle. Ash wind again with a Bubble Beam. The trainer is furious an
d attacks with 3 pokémon (Golem, Venomoth and Pinsir) and Pikachu just uses his Th
under attack and fries all three of them. The trainer is in shock... Ash celebra
tes his easy victory as Team Rocket look on. Jessie, James and especially Meowth
are starving, Jessie offers to cook, but Meowth reminds her how terrible a cook
she is.
The next scene goes up in the sky as a Fearow flies with a camera around it's ne
ck. Then in Mewtwo's Palace, the missing Nurse Joy asks Mewtwo if he'd like to s
end an invitation. Without saying anything, (talepathically) she sends for a Dra
gonite with the invitation. The Dragonite arrives with the invitation, Ash opens
it up to find a hologram of a woman. Brock comments on how pretty and familiar
she looks. Ash of course says "yes" on the invitation. The Dragonite flys away,
only to run into Team Rocket. The Dragonite drops the invitation. Then we see Me
wtwo moving his hand(?) and making a storm with his Psychic powers, all as a tes
t for the "chosen trainers". Then a vision of Mew waking below the water in a bu
bble, then flying into the sky. Finally back to Mewtwo for more storming. Next s
cene goes to the docks and we see Ash, Misty and Brock running to get away from
the storm. At the building, we see a whole bunch or Pokémon trainers with thier Po
kémon. When Ash and the gang get there, Officer Jenny tells everyone that the ferr
y to New Island has been cancelled. Then the harbor manager aggrees saying it co
uld be the worst storm, ever. One of the trainers says he'll just use his Water
Pokémon to swim there. Officer Jenny responds by saying if his Pokémon got hurt, the
n he'd be out of luck because of the disappearance of the Nurse Joy. Brock looks
at the picture commenting on how pretty she is, also saying she looks familiar.
Next we see some of the trainers fly off and swim toward New Island. Officer Jen
ny threatens to put them under arrest, then the harbor manager says that these t
rainers are fearless and take this as just a new challenge. Also saying this is
what put them apart from other trainers, making them Pokémon Masters. Officer Jenn
y looks at her like she's crazy, then looking on to the trainers.
Ash wants to go to the island with his Pokémon. But Misty reminds Ash that thier P
okémon are too small to take the heavy waves. Then a disguised Team Rocket comes u
p to the shore in a boat. They offer to give Ash and his friends a ride to New I
sland. They get in the boat and they notice that they are dressed as Vikings. As
h makes a stupid comment on how the are mostly located in Minnesota. Then a huge
wave hits the ship, washing away Team Rocket's disguise. They all get tossed ou
t of the boat, then Ash and Misty get out their water Pokémon and swim up to the w
ater's surface. They see New Island and swim into the cave where the missing Nur
se Joy greets them. She asks them for their invitation and Brock finally realize
s that she is the missing Nurse Joy from the Pokémon Center. She says that they mu
st be mistaken, that being said, she leads them to the Palace. Then we see Team
Rocket pop up out of the water with Weezing. Next is a really cute and funny par
t with Mew playing with the windmill.
Next we see the Nurse Joy leading them into the Palace, she gets them through th
e double doors and into the "waiting room". She says that all the people capable
of her "master's" presence are her. Ash is shocked that their are only 3 other
people. She explains that anyone who braved the storm are worthy, anyone who doe
sn't, aren't. Brock realizes that the storm was just a test. The woman ignores h
im, saying for everyone to release their Pokémon. We then see Team Rocket followed
them, only to be trapped. Then they see a waterfall in which they can climb in.
Jessie notices something, (Mew) but just misses seeing it. James and Meowth ask
her what she was looking at, but she then says nothing. Then in the "waiting ro
om" Ash meets the 3 other trainers. One who flew on his Pigeotto, one rode on hi
s Gyarados and one who rode on her Dewgong. Then everything goes dark, Nurse Joy
tells them they are about to meet the greatest Pokémon Master in the world. We se
e Mewtwo hover down to all the trainers. Nurse Joy tells them that the greatest
Pokémon trainer is also the most powerful Pokémon. Then one of the trainers comments
on how a Pokémon can't be a Pokémon trainer. Then simultaneously, the woman and Mew
two both say, "Quiet, human. From now on, I make the rules." Then Mewtwo uses hi
s psychic powers and throws the trainer across the room into the water. Then the
trainer sends his Gyarados with a Hyper Beam, but Mewtwo just deflects it back
at the Pokémon. Then Mewtwo puts the Nurse Joy out of his power. The Nurse Joy fal
ls, but Brock is there to catch her. Mewtwo finally explains tp everyone that he
had the Nurse Joy in his power after he transported her from the Pokémon Center.
Team Rocket walk into a room, Jessie sits on a button that activates the "Pokémon
Replication System". A robotic hand picks up Meowth and brings him into the mach
ine. James gets Meowth, but not before the computer can pluck three hairs from M
eowth. Thus, making another Meowth (a clone) and we see Mew look on in curiousit
y. Then the computer brings up the recording of the scientists that worked on Me
wtwo. Next, we see Mewtwo giving a little "speech" about how Pokémon will never li
ve equally with humans, and says that the trained Pokémon are slaves. Pikachu disa
grees by saying Ash is his friend. But that just gets Pikachu thrown across the
room, but not before Ash catches Pikachu and takes the fall. Then Ash challenges
Mewtwo to a battle, and Mewtwo accepts. He summons his three Pokémon (Blastoise,
Charizard and Venusaur) then opens a door revieling a stadium. Brock realizes th
at this whole thing was planned.
The one boy trainer takes out his Venusaur(Fruit Root), the girl takes out her B
lastoise(Shell shocker) and finally Ash takes out his Charizard, saying he has n
o nickname for it, but as soon as Charizard comes out, it attacks Mewtwo. Mewtwo
comments on how poorly trained it is. The two Venusaurs start, "Fruit Root" sta
rts out with a Razor Leaf, the other uses Vine Whip to not only deflect the leav
es, but also throw "Fruit Root" across the stadium. Then "Shell shocker" goes up
, it uses Hydro Pump, but the other just uses Tackle(?) to deflect the water and
knock "Shell shocker" across the stadium as well. Ash uses his Charizard and te
lls it to use it's Speed, not Power. It flies up in the air, the other flies eve
n faster, and it over-powers Ash's Charizard. Then Mewtwo's Charizard grabs Ash'
s Charizard and holds it, flying toward the ground, Mewtwo's Charizard lets go a
nd Ash's Charizard smacks right into the ground.
As his prize, Mewtwo takes all the Pokémon to make clones. Ash defies Mewtwo and g
ets thrown right into Brock. The black Pokéballs go flying after all the Pokémon, Me
wtwo looks on with a smile on his face. Ash and the others try frantically to ge
t their Pokémon away, Ash even gets Squirtle and Bulbasaur back into their own Pokéb
alls, but it's no use. They too get sucked up into the black Pokéballs, however, t
he biggest chase is with Pikachu. Pikachu goes running up the stairs and Ash fol
lows. Pikachu gets rid of a great number of the black Pokéballs by using a thunder
shock. But he uses too much energy, and falls off. Ash tries to catch him, but b
efore Ash is able to, one of the pokéballs gets Pikachu. Ash follows it into the l
ittle tunnel they go into to be cloned. Team Rocket name the Pokémon that come thr
ough, and see Ash. Ash goes in after Pikachu and breaks the machine, but saves P
ikachu, but also after Pikachu was cloned. All the clones hatch, and the machine
blows up sending all the black Pokéballs on the ground and the Pokémon out safe. Th
e clones arive as Mewtwo looks on to the other trainers. Mewtwo talks of his pla
n to rule the world with the cloned Pokémon. Then Ash comes out of the smoke sayin
g, "You can't do that Mewtwo, I wont let you". Ash comes out with all the Pokémon
behind him. Then, Ash makes a stupid move of running at Mewtwo and trying to thr
ow a punch. But it's deflected my Mewtwo's forcefield, then Ash gets up and trie
s again, but this time Mewtwo uses his Psychic powers and sends Ash
flying up toward the wall. Before Ash collides, a red bubble softens his landing
. Then Mew emerges, the bubble pops and Ash falls on his rear. Mew laughs, and c
reates another bubble, only for it to be popped by Mewtwo. Then Mewtwo send more
enery balls at Mew, then Mewtwo explains that he was created from Mew's DNA.
Ash looks on as Mew and Mewtwo begin to fight. The fight goes on and Mewtwo fire
s a black energy ball at Mew, it contacts. Then it explodes but a blue energy ba
ll comes back at Mewtwo, and it sends him into the stadium seats. Mewtwo challen
ges Mew to a battle with all the Pokémon. He explains that he and his powerful clo
ned Pokémon will triumph with it's superiority. But Mew disagrees saying that true
power comes from the heart. Mewtwo blocks all the Pokémon's special abilities wit
h his Psychic power. All the Pokémon begin to battle, except for Pikachu. Ash look
s onto all the Pokémon fighting while "Brother, My Brother" plays in the backgroun
d. It shows the Pokémon kicking, punching, head-butting, bitting, you name it, but
Ash's Pikachu refuses to fight. Then, as the trainers look on, they say how use
less it is to fight, thus beginning the message of peace. All the Pokémon begin to
tire out, and Ash's Pikachu still refuses to fight. All the while Mew and Mewtw
o fight in the sky. Ash finally gets down from the wall he was on, and all the t
rainers still talk about peace and how it's wrong to fight. Mew and Mewtwo go do
wn to the center of the arena, and keep fighting. As of now, the other Pokémon hav
e gotten too tired and stopped fighting. Mew and Mewtwo use their powers and att
acks, but right before the final attack, Ash runs out in between the two. When t
he attack is finished, Mewtwo comments on how foolish Ash was to interfere in th
e attack. When all clears, Ash has been turned to stone!
Pikachu runs over to Ash, and starts to shock him, all the Pokémon wake up by now.
Pikachu keeps shocking Ash until he's out of energy, then Pikachu, along with t
he other Pokémon, starts to cry. Everyone's tears bring back Ash, and all the Pokémo
n and Pokémon trainers rejoice as Ash comes to. Mewtwo is just shocked, that "the
human sacrificed his life to stop our battle". Mewtwo finally realizes that it w
as wrong to pit the Pokémon against each other and how it doesn't matter how you w
ere born, but what you do with the gift of life. With that, Mewtwo takes all of
the clones and flies away with the message, "I will never forget what conspired
here today. What this has left, is best forgoten". He flies away, and a huge blu
e aura surrounds the Pokémon and Pokémon trainers, and they were sent back in time t
o where they were still at the harbor. The storm is still there and Officer Jenn
y still warns them about the storm, but this time, Nurse Joy is here to offer sh
elter to the Pokémon trainers and their Pokémon at the Pokémon Center. Ash and friends
don't even remember how they got there, and suddenly, the storm is perfectly cl
eared up. They go outside, and see nothing, not even New Island. But Ash does se
e one thing, Mew, he then comments on when he left for his Pokémon journey, he saw
a rare Pokémon (Ho-Oh). Misty says, maybe he's just seeing things. Then we see Te
am Rocket and how they don't remember anything either. They arrived on an island
(an empty one) and they say it's paridise, and how this is finally a happy endin

The Power Of One

>When the three titan birds of fire, lighting, and ice clash, the world will tur
n to Ash', this prophecy is told by Slow King and then again by the Pokémon Collec
tor, Lawrence III.
Lawrence III begins to detail his plot in his Air Battle Ship of capturing the B
east of the Sea. To accomplish this he must capture all three of the Legendery B
irds and disturb their balance of power. To begin his quest, he decides to first
capture Moltres by launching below-zero ice balls at its island. Moltres comes
out of its' cave in its' island to defend itself, but it only finds peltering ic
e balls being thrown it. Six Circle rings are shot toward Moltres to capture it.
It is able to dodge a few, but is not powerful enough to resist them all. The d
efensesless Moltres is then pulled into the Air Battle Ship, and the man moves o
n to capture his second target.
Ash, Misty, and Tracey are continuing their quest to compete in the Orange Leagu
e. Today, they decided to take a rest. A new character appears, the boat driver,
that drives them around in her boat. These surroundings are very relaxing, and
Ash has the idea to let all his Pokémon enjoy the day too. Ash, Misty, and Tracey
release all their Pokémon onto the boat and in the water. What Ash and the gang do
n't know is that Team Rocket is attempting to ruin his plans. Team Rocket trails
Ash's boat in their mechanical Magikarp. But no worrys, Team Rocket is swept aw
ay in a horde of Magikarp.
Suddenly, the sky turns black and clouds roll in. The sea tumbles and throws Ash
's boat from side to side. Trying to survive this storm, they notice an island o
ff in the distance. The sea throws them into the bay of the island. Team Rocket,
with their consistant, runs into cliff, ruining their Magikarp. Ash's boat cras
h lands onto the island's rocky beach, which totals the boat. A tribe of canniba
ls with war paint and wooden masks rush at Ash, Misty, and Tracey as they hop of
f the boat. the boat driver steps in to resolve the dilemma between Ash and the
tribesmen. She gives the natives a hello. One of them, Carol, takes off their ma
sk and talks to the boat driver. The boat driver knows Carol and explains what h
appen to them on the stormy evening. The boat driver introduces the natives to A
sh, Misty, Tracey. Carol explains that she will not be doing the ceremony anymor
e, but her sister Melody will. The boat driver mentions that Ash is a Pokémon Trai
ner. One of the older islanders rush towards Ash telling him that he is the chos
en one and that he must rechieve the 3 mystic titan balls from the sorrounding i
slands. Ash is stunned by this and stands in awe. The older cannibal reassures A
sh by telling him that tomorrow is the annual celebration for the three Titan Bi
rds, and that every year a Pokémon Trainer is appointed to accomplish the task tha
t Ash has been given. Ash, as usual, jumps up and down getting excited and stuff
. The now nice villagers lead Ash and everyone to a feast for the big celebratio
n. While Ash is eating, Melody starts dancing and playing her flute. She hops do
wn off the stage and tells Ash that he must get 3 balls from 3 different islands
. Ash, being anxious, agrees and decides to go now into the pitch black. Melody
does not support Ash 's idea for he has the next day to do it also. But, Ash ins
ists on going. The boat driver likes Ash's attitude and so she gives him a ride
in her boat.
On the way to the first island, the Fire Island, the weather kicks up again and
tosses the boat around. After many throws and hurls, they finally get to the isl
and in their crashed boat. Ash hops out of the boat and runs up the ancient ruin
s to first ball as Pikachu insistenly leads. Back in Pallet town, Professor Oak
takes a bike ride to Ash's house where he meets Ash's mom and Mr. Mime who is wo
rking. Mr. Mime notices the bad weather approching and brings an umbrella to Ash
's Mom, Deelia. The storm continues on and on soaking Oak and Deelia. The weathe
r begins to clear up and colors start flashing in the sky. Many Pokémon also fly n
orth to an unknown random area . Oak contacts Professor Ivy and goes over what i
s happening with her. The two professor go on the TV News and explain that the s
ource of the bad weather is from the middle of the Orange Islands. They relate t
his current weather condition to the legend of "Beast of the Sea".
Seeing that the weather has worsened, Melody hops in her sister's boat to go res
uce Ash. Misty and Tracey follow, yet they do not want to. Team Rocket, staggeri
ng on to the coast, notices that everyone is running to their boat in the horrid
weather. Team Rocket hops in Melody's boat and barely hides under a sheet of bl
ankets. Because of the troublsome storm, the sea thrashed about. Team Rocket, on
ly holding onto their blanket, gets launced all the way to the center of the isl
and using the blanket as a parachute. Through many difficulties, Melody, Misty,
and Tracey finally get to the island. Expecting the best, their doubts are wears
end when they see the crashed boat of the boat driver. The boat driver tells the
m that Ash is okay and that he went up the ancient stairway to get the ball.
Melody puts up the sails on her speed boat into a sail boat and glide right up t
he stairway. They meet Ash at the Small Shrine of Fire Island. Ash removes the F
ire Ball. Coincidently, Team Rocket is hidden behind a rock, for they landed the
re from their launching out of the boat. As Ash pockets the ball, Zapdos flies i
n, sending electric stroms everywhere. Pikachu sends lighting bolts back at the
Zapdos. Zapdos lands on the fire shrine, and Pikachu exchanges electricty bolts
with it. Meowth explains that the two Pokémon are talking and tells that Zapdos is
saying that since the occurence of Motres's abscence, it now takes Fire Island
as its own.
Zapdos begins to launch a big lighting storm, but only finds out that his electr
icity is being absorbed by the Air Battle Ship. Lawrence III is now planning to
capture Zapdos. He weakens it by absorbing it's electricty, but this is only his
plan's beginning. Zapdos tries to attack the ship, but is stopped by that attac
ks of Lawrence III. Square rings come out of the ship and capture Zapdos with ea
se. Ash, Misty, Tracey, Team Rocket, Melody, and the boat driver are also captur
ed, and thrown into a cage. They are then taken into the ship.
Lawrence III's computer notifies them that it has captured something else beside
s the Zapdos. Lawrence III goes down to the capture chamber and see's Zapdos, Mo
ltres, and the cage of kids. He releases the kids and says he is going to captur
e all the three legendery birds to tame the beast of the sea, as it says on the
table in front of them. Ash and company exclaim that what Lawrence III is doing
is sick and disgusting. Lawrence III replies that he is a Pokémon collector and no
w must capture Articuno. Lawrence III goes back to the top of his ship in his se
Ash tries to rescue Moltres by running into the electric rings, but that doesn't
work. He then takes out all of his Pokémon to battle the rings. Team Rocket also
helps Ash. After much work, the rings finally break apart. Moltres, after experi
encing his freedom, uses his fire Zapdos' cage. Zapdos is now free. The 2 Titan
birds blow a hole in the wall and escape.
Lawrence III is capturing Articuno at the time by shooting large fire balls at h
is island. Articuno attacks the ship, and Lawrence III doesn't have time to send
rings out. All three birds begin to destroy all of the propellors on the ship,
then destroying the ship itself. After much destruction has happened, all three
birds battle each other. The ship falls down into the Lightning Island. Ash and
all of the gang run down the side of the ship into the snow in front of the shri
ne. Parts of the boat land on the Lightning Shrine, but the ball rolls out. Ash
pockets the ball and goes in a boat that fell in the water from the Air Ship. Th
e boat, with everyone in it, including Team Rocket, speed off to the main island
. They cut through the ice, barely escaping the battle of the three Titan Birds.
Suddenly a water cyclone pops out of the water. The water cyclone turns in Lugi
a and blasts the boat all the way to a Ancient Shrine on the main island. Melody
notices that Lugia makes the noise that her flute makes. Lugia battles the thre
e birds.
As Ash comes onto the main shrine, Slow King appears and tells Ash to put the tr
easures, the three balls, onto a Magical Shrine. Ash does so, but to his dismay,
he only has two of the balls. Ash doesn't know what to do but to watch the thre
e birds battle. He also notices scores of Pokémon that are just standing around wa
tching. Lugia, the guardian Pokémon, is fighting all three birds at once. The bird
s are too much for Lugia, and it falls into the ocean. Melody doesn't know what
to do so she plays her flute. The song of Lugia, played on the flute, has magica
l powers, which revives Lugia.
Lugia explains to Ash that somebody must get the third mystic ball, the Ice Ball
. It retells the ancient legend and says that the world is doomed. Ash notices t
hat in the ancient legend the last words are 'the world will end and lay in Ash'
. Lugia explains that all of the Pokémon have gathered there because they do not k
now what to do. The Pokémon think that one of them will have the chance to save th
e world. But only one is the Chosen One. Ash confirms that the 'ash' in the lege
nd is him, and he is the chosen one to take the quest to get the last ball. Ever
ybody around Ash supports him and says that he must. Ash begins to walk in the s
now, truding very slowly. Ash spots the broken ship and takes a bent metal slate
. He uses the slate as a sled, and using Charizard to tow the sled. The three bi
rds attack Ash. Charizard deflects Moltres' fire and Pikachu wards of Zapdos' li
ghtning attack. Atricuno blasts a wall of ice in front of Ash to interrupt his q
Oak, Ivy, and Dodria are in a helicopter in the middle of the Titan Bird battles
. They crash right behind the main shrine where Misty, Tracey, the boat driver,
and Melody are. Team Rocket, in an inflatable boat they found attack the helicop
tor propellor to the back of their craft. Team Rocket zooms toward Ash who is st
uck behind the wall of ice. Ash spots Team Rocket and says he doesn't have time
to battle. Team Rocket decide to be the good guys this time and help Ash. The ho
over craft which Team Rocket made zooms over the ice wall and on to Ice Island.
They spot the shrine entrance and fly up the stairs. They get to the Ice Shrine
where Ash obtains the Ice Ball.
Articuno flies down from above and crashes into the Shrine just as Ash walks awa
y. Articuno faints on the snow next to the shrine. Lugia tells Ash to get on his
back for a swift ride back to the Main Shrine. Team Rocket hops onto Lugia's le
g. Team Rocket decides that they are too heavy for Lugia and is only lagging him
down. Team Rocket drop in to the ice water below, hoping that what they did wil
l save the world. Lawrence III sends rings to capture Lugia with Ash on him. Lug
ia, being hurt from the constant attacks from Zapdos and Moltres, who are now fa
inted, sends massive hyper beams toward the Air Ship which totally destroys it.
The rings also dissipate from Lugia's hyper beam. Lugia exclaims that he has fai
led as he falls into the abyss of water below him. Ash manages to get off Lugia
in time and is surfacing over water. Torandoes and lighting storms surroud Ash.
Melody notices what has happened to Ash and she begins to dive into the water. M
isty stops her and says that she will go and save Ash. Misty dives into the frig
id water and pulls Ash in to the shore. Ash revives from his hypothermia, frostb
ite, and not being able to breathe. He walks up to the shrine himself, neglectin
g any assistance from anyone. He puts the Ice Ball into the Main Shrine. Melody,
not knowing what to do, plays the Lugia song in an attempt to save the world. G
reen ooze then comes out of the main shrine and spreads all over the world, fixi
ng everything that has been harmed by the bird's destruction. All the Titan Bird
s, including the guardian Lugia, are revived. After the water is warm again and
the sky is blue, Melody stops playing her ocarina. Everything has now been cured
Deelia hops down from the crashed helicoptor and says that Ash is in big trouble
because he worried her. She explains that Ash is the most treasured thing in he
r heart. She wishes Ash wouldn't get himself into such danger, but she cannot st
op him.
Lugia resurfaces from the water and gives Ash a ride around the archapeligo. A b
ig mettalic rainbow appears overhead. Lugia thanks Ash and tells him to look out
upon what he has done. Lugia's final words are, "The Beast of the Sea is now ta
Lawrence III says that all that has occured was started because of the tablet's
prophecy, the Mew Card.
Spell Of The Unown
It starts out with a man talking his daughter, Molly. He's reading a book, and t
elling her about what he does in his job, explaining to her that his job is to d
iscover the Unown. He then shows her a picture of many Unown in his book. Molly
looks through the book, and sees a picture of Entei, and says that it is her fav
orite Pokémon, also saying that it reminds her of her dad. Molly's dad pretends to
be an Entei, and lets her ride on his back. When they are done, the phone rings
, Molly's dad picks it up. His call was to tell him he has to go to his work, an
d that he has to leave Molly once again. Disappointed, she goes to sleep, her da
d tucks her in, then leaves the Mansion that they live in.
Molly's father goes to the desert in a small cave, with many hieroglyphics of Un
own. He gets out his laptop, and starts taking pictures of each Unown that depic
t a letter. He then sees a block on the ground, which is a tile of an Unown. He
picks it up and suddenly, the Unown appears right next to him, then disappears w
ithout a single notice. He finds a whole box full of the blocks, opens it up, an
d grabs some tiles. The Unown start to come to life, and they take him into some
, other dimension. His assisstant notices that Molly's father is gone, right aft
er his laptop drops on the ground, and only the box with the tiles remains.
Molly rushes down-stairs, in hope to greet her father, but to her disappointment
, she only sees her dad's assisstant. She hears what has just happened, and star
ts to cry. Contemplating as she runs up the stairs, she takes her dad's computer
into her room with the tiles, then looks at the pictures of Unown. She then ope
ns the chest and starts to arrange the pieces, and eventually spells out "Mama,
Papa, Me" with the pieces. A teardrop falls on them, while she wishes that her d
ad would come back. Suddenly, the pieces start to come arise, and crystals start
to grow from where Molly is sitting. One of the servants hears something and tr
ies to open the door. He does so until the crystals block the door, making it im
possible to get in. They all flee from the house except for Molly because she is
trapped. From the crystal, something starts to come into picture, which ends up
being an Entei. She is confused at first, but then when she hears it speak, she
asks who it is. Entei says that he is just who she wished for, her father. She
realizes that her dad has come back, as Entei, while the whole area around the m
ansion becomes crystal.
All the while, Ash and his friends are trying to get to the next gym. They stumb
le across a female trainer, with an Aipom. Brock goes up to her, and complements
her. Ash and the girl, whose name is Lisa, decide to have a battle.
Ash brings out a Totodile, while Lisa brings out a Granbull , which Totodile wat
erguns into a tree. Lisa brings out a Girafarig, while Ash brings out Chikorita.
Chikorita uses Vine whip, while the Girafarig uses psychic, which hits Chikorit
a, making it faint. Ash takes out a Noctowl, and Lisa gets out her Aipom. Noctow
l eventually dives, and hits Aipom, knocking it out. Ash takes out Bulbasaur to
battle against a Butterfree, which Lisa brings out. Butterfree uses Sleep Powder
, then Gust to knock Bulbasaur out. Ash then takes out a Cyndaquil, which Lisa r
etaliates with a Mankey, which Cyndaquil knocks out with a flamethrower after do
dging a punch. For the final battle, it is Quagsire vs. Pikachu. Pikachu tries t
o shock it, but it is ammune to electric attacks. It hits Pikachu with a Water g
un, but Pikachu recovers and jumps from a high tree branch to head butt Quagsire
, knocking it out, and making Pikachu dizzy, but the winner none-the-less.
Ash, Misty, Brock, Lisa, and their Pokémon are all out, eating Lunch. Ash asks if
there is a Pokémon Center nearby, and Lisa says that there is one in the Green Fie
lds. Misty realizes that Green Fields is the number one spot for girls to go to,
because of the beautiful flowers around the area. Of course, Brock wants to go,
dreaming about all of the girls. After that, they go to Green Fields, but it is
over-run by crystal. Nearby, Jessie and James are looking upon the area, and ar
e not sure that they should have followed Ash.
The crystal seems to be spreading, going further and further away from the tower
. Ash's mom is watching the area on TV. She runs to Professor Oak's house, and a
sks Tracey and Professor Oak if they are watching the news. They are too, and th
ey all decide to go to Green Fields. Professor Oak and Ash's mom eventually meet
up with Ash and the others, Ash hugs his mom, because he hasn't seen her in suc
h a long time.
Molly is also watching the scene on TV, and she wishes that she had a mother. En
tei rushes from the tower, going all the way to the Pokémon Center where Ash and t
he others are, and goes up to Ash's mom. Entei hypnotizes her into thinking that
she is Molly's mom. Pikachu grabs onto Entei, but he gets Pikachu off. Entei go
es back up into the crystal tower, and meets Molly, who thinks that Ash's mom is
her mom, because she hasn't seen her in such a long time.
Ash and his gang are watching on as Professor Oak finds information on Entei. He
finds out that the Unown's power is to read someone's soul, find out what they
wish for most, and make it come true, so the Unown made Entei come into existenc
e, because Entei had never been seen before. Another Pokémon trainer is watching t
he news, a female trainer that trains all Charizards. Ash's Charizard sees the n
ews through a window, and decides to go help Ash get his mother back. He then st
arts to fly over to Green Fields. A bulldozer tries to take out the crystal that
is surrounding the whole area where Molly is, but she gets mad that someone is
trying to take her away. The Unown start making more crystal, destroying the bul
ldozer, and almost killing the person inside.
Ash's gang get an email, which they immediately open. It's from Molly, telling t
hem to stay out, and not to interfere with her family. Of course, Ash decides to
go save his mom, with Pikachu. Right before they get to the castle, Brock and M
isty catch up with him, saying that they're going to go too. Then, Aipom comes u
p to them, and hands Ash a piece of Pokégear, which is a communicator. Lisa comes
out, and wishes Ash a successful rescue. Ash, Misty, and Brock are all going thr
ough a tunnel made of crystal, walking through water, the only non-crystal part
of the tunnel. Jessie and James are watching them going through the tunnel from
their balloon, and decide to steal their Pokémon somewhere along the way. Entei no
tices the balloon, and jumps out to the roof of the tunnel, using an attack to c
reate a large power sphere, and destroying the balloon. The balloon smashes thro
ugh some of the crystal, and Jessie and James find themselves clinging to large
pieces of crystal, which make up the tower, with a 100 foot-plus drop beneath th
em. When Ash and the others get to the end of the tunnel they call out Bulbasaur
and Chikorita, who help them up onto a pathway above them.
Reporters are everywhere around the area and one of them finds Ash and starts in
terviewing. Molly sees what's happening on the TV, and so does Ash's mom, who sn
aps out of her trance, and realizes that Ash is her real child. Ash and the othe
rs get to the courtyard of the building, and see an entrance to the house. Unluc
kily, the entrance has been covered in crystal.
Ash calls out Cyndaquil, and tells him to blast through the door, but the crysta
l grows back. He tells him to try again, but not before Misty gets her water Pokém
on out, too. Cyndaquil blasts through the door, then the water Pokémon shoot water
around where Cyndaquil used his flamethrower. It kept the passageway open, and
its large enough to put a human through. Pikachu goes through by jumping into th
e water stream, and gets blasted to the other side. The rest do this, until they
get to Ash, the last one. He doesn't want to leave the Pokémon behind, so he grab
s the water Pokémon, and jumps through, while they keep the hole open.
They run up the first flight of stairs, and enter a very strange area. Molly is
watching this with Entei. He asks her if she wants to get rid of them, but she s
ays that she wants to have a Pokémon battle. Unluckily, she doesn't have any Pokémon
. Entei says not to worry, and he leaves the room, and flies away. An older Moll
y appears, about Brock's age, on his back. They get to a flowery field, around t
he same time Ash and the others do. Brock asks if she is Molly, and she tells th
em that she is. Ash and Misty look stunned, but Brock reminds them that anything
can happen here. Brock decides to be in a Pokémon battle with her, while the othe
r two go ahead.
Brock calls out Zubat, and Molly has a crystal Pokeball appear in her hand, whic
h she throws out, with a Flaaffy inside. Zubat uses Confuse ray, then Wing attac
k, which both hit Flaaffy. It retaliates with a thundershock, which knocks out Z
ubat. Brock calls out his Vulpix, then Molly calls out Teddiursa, from another c
rystal Pokeball. Teddiursa uses Mega Punch, which nails Vulpix. Vulpix uses Quic
k attack, and Teddiursa uses Fury Swipes. Vulpix hits Teddiursa a couple of time
s, but Teddiursa eventually defeats Vulpix. In the background, Jessie and James
are trying to sneak by Entei and the Pokémon battle. Vulpix is eventually knocked
Brock calls out Onix, so Molly calls out Phanpy. Phanpy uses his rolling tackle,
which takes out Onix in one hit. While Ash keeps on going up the stairs, Ash's
mom finds the book that Molly's dad used to read to her. She asks if Molly used
to read this book, and she says that she used to, but Ash's mom can have it now,
and she is so happy that her Mom and Dad are back. Ash gets to the top of the s
taircase, which is a flowery field, with the beach right next to it. 18 year old
Molly appears there, on Entei. She says that she wants a better challenge, at t
hat time, Misty challenges her to a battle. She tells her that she is a Gym lead
er, and Molly is surprised, because she thought that you had to be old to be a g
ym leader. Misty says that age nothing to do with skill, and a younger Molly app
ears, about Misty's age.
Misty says that she uses all Water Pokémon, so Molly says that she'll use water Po
kémon as well. Molly raises her hands in the air and the ocean comes up, and engul
fs them all. Ash tries to run up faster and faster, but the water keeps on filli
ng up. It catches up to him, and he thinks that he's done-for, but when he breat
hes, its like breathing air. He remembers what Brock had said about anything can
happen. He starts running up the stairs again. At this time, Molly brings out a
Kingdra, and Misty brings out a Goldeen. As usual, Goldeen gets knocked out ver
y quickly. Jessie and James are also here, and they start swimming up. Misty bri
ngs out Staryu, and Molly brings out a Mantine. The Mantine uses Whirlpool, leav
ing Staryu stunned, then uses bubblebeam, which almost knocks Staryu out, but St
aryu uses recover, then tackle. Molly enjoys her battle saying how exciting it i
As Ash goes up the final set of stairs, he goes up to his mom, who is with Molly
, sleeping on her lap. Ash's mom tells him that Entei just left, and Ash explain
s the whole story to her. Ash's mom wakes up Molly, and tells her that Ash is he
r child, not Molly. Molly doesn't want her mom to leave again, and she starts to
cry. Crystal starts to burst out all around her. Entei notices what's happening
, and comes back up. He protests, saying that Ash's mom is not Molly's mom. Ash
brings out Totodile to fight against Entei. Totodile tries water gun, but Entei
retaliates with his mouth beam, which immediately knocks out Totodile. Cyndaquil
gets called out next, and he tries to use flamethrower on Entei, but Entei uses
his mouth beam again. The two attacks start in the middle, and start to go towa
rds Cyndaquil, and eventually knock him out.
Ash tells Entei that he's a legend, not Molly's father, which causes Molly to cr
y, and crystal to go everywhere. Entei tells him that he is the father, and then
attacks Pikachu with his mouth beam, after Pikachu attacks with his Thundershoc
k attack. Right as the two beams hit, Jessie and James come in, thankful that th
ey're safe now, but when the two beams hit, they start to have second thoughts.
Entei attacks Pikachu again, but Ash gets in the way, and pulls Pikachu away. Un
luckily, this beam hit near a wall, and the wall where Ash and Pikachu collapses
. Thankfully, a Charizard saves Ash, before it hits the ground. Ash recognizes t
his Charizard's behavior and realizes that the Charizard is his Charizard. A lar
ge battle starts with Ash on Charizard. The battle lasts a while, and it ends wi
th Charizard under Entei's foot and Entei ready to destroy Charizard. Right befo
re Entei takes Charizard out for good, Molly pleads for her father not to harm C
harizard. Misty and Brock both tell Molly to go with Ash's mom, and also kiss-up
by telling her that she's really good at Pokémon battles(which she is). Ash's mom
puts her hand out, and Molly holds it, and they both hug. Molly cries in joy, a
nd the crystal starts to go away. Entei starts to leave, saying that if she is h
appy like this, he is happy as well.
They try to leave, but the Unown realize what is happening, and they don't want
Molly to leave, so they start to make crystal all around. Entei blasts through i
t, and they all start to make a run for it down the stairs. While this is happen
ing, the crystal's growth starts to get out of control, and it starts to engulf
the Pokémon Center. Ash and the others find all of the Unown blocking the way out.
Ash tries to run through, but an invisible wall makes him fall back. Charizard
tries to go through, but the same thing happens. Charizard tries to blast his wa
y through, but the wall just patches itself back up. Pikachu uses thunder, and i
t creates a hole, but it too is quickly patched up. The Unown start to get mad,
and they make crystal go all over, almost impaling Ash, and some of the others.
Entei comes through a wall, and decides to help Ash and the others. He destroys
some of the crystal, and tells them that he was happy that he was Molly's dad, b
ut he is still just as happy helping her instead.
Entei tries to use his mouth beam against the Unown, but nothing happens. He cha
rges the field, and stays there, slowly destroying it. Charizard and Pikachu hel
p too, using flamethrower, and thunder again. Molly tells her dad to keep on try
ing, and with the words of encouragement, they all break through. Entei leaves,
and goes into Molly's dreams again. Some of the Unown turn into tiles, and they
all go into a portal. The crystal starts to disappear, and the beautiful Green F
ields are made visible again. They all leave, and Molly sees a cloud that looks
like Entei, and smiles. Many police start to come, so Jessie and James figure th
at they're stuck in the house. Molly's dad is also returned from the tiles, and
starts to make his way home. Within the credits, Molly's dad comes back with her
mom with him. It also shows Molly hugging them both in her happiness.

Mewtwo Returns
The special starts out by explaining about Mewtwo from the first movie. (In case
anyone missed it) However, Giovanni still wants it for its imense power. He beg
ins by searching out for any clues via satelite photo. He spots Mewtwo on a isol
ated island in the middle of a lake. Mewtwo stands on a cliff of the island, que
stioning himself.
The gang walks through the forest and finds a fairly large mesa. Brock explains
about it and everyone seems to be surpised. Misty spots a bus going through a tr
ail. However it starts to rain so they try to get to it ASAP. Meanwhile, the not
orious Jesse, James and Meowth happen to spy on them. Meowth also explains about
the area. The rain grows into a violent storm and blows them away. However the
bus came to a stop, the driver talking to a woman in a rain coat. The bus takes
off and Brock slides trips while they were coming down, leaving them in front of
the woman. As usual, Brock is attracted to her and tries to flirt with her, Mis
ty pulling him out of the picture. Ash still wants to go towards the mesa, which
susposed to be a nice spot. The woman however invites them into her cabin nearb
y to take shelter from the rain.
Meanwhile, the bus gets caught under an extremely high wind and flies off the tr
ail! But something seems to be watching them and stops the bus from flying and s
ets it onto the ground. Everyone is amazed but the driver. We see who stops it,
Mewtwo, and two of his clones, Pikachu and Meowth. Both of them seem to wonder w
hy Mewtwo saved the bus. It seems Jesse James and Meowth have caught themselves
on a cliff branch.
Back in the cabin, the woman introduces herself as Luna. She says that the water
coming out of the mesa has some strange properties to it and they go out to the
balcony that is above a river. Luna lowers a bucket and fills it up with the wa
ter from the mesa and puts it in a cup. She hands it over to Brock and he takes
a sip, which immidiately loves the taste. Misty tries some and too loves the tas
te of the water. Ash tries some, but doesn't understand why it's so good, Brock
and Misty scolding at Ash. Then Pikachu and Togepi tries some and they both like
it. Misty decides they should follow the river up stream in hopes to get to the
mesa. While they travel, a cluster of Ledian are in a tree, Misty watching them
until she notices the bugs she doesn't like. Kakuna after Kakuna, a Pinsir and
some Beedrills, she impusively rows back scared. When they return, Brock notices
a large group of Butterfree flying, they watch as well as Mewtwo on his island.
The two clones again question Mewtwo and he explains everything to them.
After watching the Butterfree, a knock is heard at the door. Luna opens it to fi
nd a man with a teenage girl. Luna recognizes him as Benishrina, girl introduces
herself as Domino. Brock again, is attracted to her, Misty pulling him away. Lu
na asks whats going on and Benishirina explains that water found in the mesa is
extremely pure and vitalizes. When both of them were in the middle of talking, J
esse, James and Meowth happens to make their big entrance, Domino wondering why
they're here. The three obviously make attempts to grab the Pikachu and succeeds
, floating away in their balloon.
They decide to find their way up the mesa. Mewtwo sensing something won't be rig
ht. A wind catches Team Rocket's balloon and sends them flying to were Ash and c
o. are and end up hanging from the balloon. Team Rocket doesn't seem to know how
to handle the situations so they continue to go to the mesa. Domino uses her bi
noculars to look at the island, getting a look on Mewtwo. However the image is s
ent to Giovanni! Could she be working for Team Rocket?
Mewtwo notices Ash on the balloon and remembers him quite well. Giovanni, now co
nfirmed with its exsistence, heads to the mesa, with a whole army of Rockets.
Domino gives the scoop on who's seen and Giovanni says to head back to him. She
climbs the rope, hitting mostly everyone along the way. She radios Team Rocket f
or back-up and James wonders where's the back-up. Meowth points it out, spotting
dozens of lights. Of these lights consists of balloons and a helicopter all goi
ng for the island. Everyone climbs back onto the balloon basket, Ash obviously w
anting Pikachu back. Benishirina questions Domino why she called up the Team Roc
ket. She makes a flashy entrances, calling herself 009. (uh...) She has a black
rose in her hand all showing off, throwing it at the balloon causing it to pop t
hen makes a fast getaway in a hang-glider. Ash and his friends are thrown off in
to the lake, Jesse James and Meowth to the island, with Pikachu. Domino returnin
g to the helicopter.
Jesse, James, and Meowth get caught up in the balloon, but James is happy becaus
e they have Pikachu. Or did they? Pikachu is on the ground, angry, and then shoc
king them, until another bolt hits Pikachu's. It was the Pikachu clone from befo
re. Jesse wanting Meowth to translate what the clone is talking about. The clone
goes on for a while, then giving Pikachu a few threats. Mewtwo comes by and the
clone goes after Pikachu, Mewtwo stopping it however. Mewtwo talks for awhile a
bout clones and the appearence of Team Rocket. Meowth finds himself with his clo
ne. More talking goes on between the clones, everyone worried. (there's too much
talking... so that's what basically goes on for a while) Jesse and James become
inspired and decides to say soemthing different to finish off their motto.
Giovanni later stating his in chopper that he will get Mewtwo.
Later, Ash and co. walk back to the surface, Ash disappointed about Pikachu. Ash
wants to get to the island, but how? Luna suggests a fallen log nearby to made
into a raft. Ash sends out Bulbasuar and Chikorita to use razor leaf and make on
e. Soon they set off, everyone noticing that Team Rockets coming closer.
Later on the island, the Pikachu scolds at the three from Team Rocket, trying a
negotiation. This leaves Jesse and James behind bars, Meowth being free. Everyon
e hurries along back to the surface. A the water-type clones and a few more set
out towards the lake to scout.
Meanwhile, Ash and co. make it to the island, heading up some stairs in a dark c
avern. They find themselves in a pond area. Benishirina tests the water, which s
eems to keep things healthy if drank. And the whole island is full of it! A pack
of baby Ryhorn and Nidoqueens make their way to the pond for a drink, everyone
watching them. It seems like the Pokémon enjoy it here too and prefer solitude.
The scout was comeplete and Meowth seems to be shocked. Just then, Giovanni's he
licopter appears from the brush. A cannon-looking thing appears at the bottom of
it, firing at a few clones, causing them to be stunned. Which makes them easy t
o capture. Team Rocket makes their move and starts stealing the Pokémon. Pikachu s
aves its clone and so does Meowth. They start to run, but is caught in a dead en
d. Just when it seems to be the end, Mewtwo saves them. He releases the other cl
ones and Giovanni appears in front of Mewtwo.
They exchange names and begin talks about joing Team Rocket. Two machines appear
beside Mewtwo and causes a shock, sending Mewtwo down. Mewtwo isn't even flinch
ed. The machines charge up but Mewtwo quickly disposes them. Giovanni still some
what impressed, but decides to blackmail Mewtwo. Either he joins or the island w
here the water is will be captured by Team Rocket. Ash and co. try to escape but
is caught by Team Rocket and confronts Domino. Jesse and James complaining in t
heir cell, they want in some action as well...
Domino picks up one of the baby Nidoqueen and admires it. Luna telling her that'
s dangerous, and the mother Nidoqueen leaps at Domino along with Ryhorn. Domino
simply throws her rose and it shocks the two severely, and catches them. She tel
ls how ruthlessly she steals Pokémon. Domino finds Jesse and James and gloats how
well she works, Jesse being jealous. Again the negotiations are on with Mewtwo a
nd Giovanni. Everyone decides to help Mewtwo if possible. Mewtwo allows them to
levitate and they go for the army. Giovanni tells Domino to evac, but is too lat
e, as well as Mewtwo. Once again Giovanni appears and asks again for Mewtwo to j
oin or every Pokémon will suffer more. The two machines from before appear and cre
ate a energy sphere. Giovanni gives him a choice, submit, or everyoen gets it. M
ewtwo can do a thing about. Domino shows they're not kidding by blasting both Pi
kachus with her rose. (what's in it?) Mewtwo goes forward, the clones telling hi
m not to, still he does. Mewtwo enters the sphere, but Giovanni doesn't play fai
r. He shocks Mewtwo so it can't do a thing and...they'll take the island anyways
with Mewtwo in their possesion!
All the clones, Ash and co. are sent to the cell. Both Pikachus collaspes and Be
nishirina gives them the pure water from the pond, both reivie instantly. Domino
comes in a bosses them around.
It seems like Team Rocket just wanted a base here. Construction starts everywher
e, Giovanni not really satisfied still. What's worse yet, they're making the wat
er bad. This causes a uproar. A large cluster of Ledian and Beedrill head for th
e island. Every Pokémon sensing this. The Ledian spray their sleep powder on the w
orkers, causing a blow torch to fall in a gas tank. The explosing blows the door
free where Ash is and they escape.
The army of Pokémon appear in front of Domino. She simply throws her rose, but som
e Scyther cuts them. She poles vaults over them, but slips on the floor where Je
sse and James were mopping. There she goes... Luna and Benishirina get another w
ater sample, just in case.
Meanwhile Ash, Misty and Brock make it to Mewtwo, who still under the entrapment
. Ash and Brock try to throw one machine off, but the focusor just changes. So M
ewtwo decides to give it everything it gots to throw of the machines. Both Pikac
hu use Thunderbolt on one and it blows up. The other blows up as well. Mewtwo is
weak, so they decide to get him to the pure water. However, Giovanni blocks the
ir path, but Misty and Brock send out their Pokémon to distract them. Meowth spots
Jesse and James and they make a run for it. Ash starts to go and Giovanni tries
to pursue, but can't because the water-type clones and the bug-types surround t
Ash makes it to the pond and finds Luna and Benishirina. Ash has no other choice
and throws Mewtwo into the pond. Mewtwo gets a few flashbacks of Mew and talks
to himself. Giovanni appears in his chopper, asking for Mewtwo. Mewtwo appears r
ight in front of him, this time it's for real. Mewtwo creates a large beam that
destroys practically everything. The lake is gone, Giovanni mad, and Luna and Be
nshirina wonder where everyone is.
Mewtwo and Ash are in the source of the water. Meowth rushing out from spying to
tell his opinion about the clones, then everyone else shares theirs. (some more
talking goes on) Mewtwo again decides to erase everyone's memory, only those st
ill oustide. Team Rocket, Giovanni, Domino, Luna, and Benishirina forget everyth
ing and wonder why are they were they are. Mewtwo sends the clones off for their
own paths. Jesse, James and Meowth in their normal balloon, Ash and co. in a Pi
kachu balloon. Everyone says their farewells and set off. Mewtwo flying past the
m, splitting up him, the Meowth, and Pikachu.
The bus again stops in front of Luna's home. The bus driver wondering what Benis
hirina is doing.
Ash and co. walk through a town, Ash thinking he heard Mewtwo. Mewtwo stands sti
ll upon a high flagpole on top of a building
Celebi: Voice of the Forest
The movie begins in a forest (I cannot identify which one, probably Illex) with
Celebi flying away from something, it appears to be a Houndoom running after it.
After a few attacks from the Houndoom, a Scyther joins in the game. This time a
succesfull attack but Celebi easily blocks the blow with its barrier. Houndoom
uses it's Flame Thrower and Celebi instinctively uses its barrier again. But the
force is too strong for Celebi to hold back and falls to a field of grass. A ma
n comes up to it, saying to Celebi he's a hunter and picks out a device, which h
e throws at Celebi. Celebi dodges and flies away, Scyther and Houndoom after it.
Sammy walks Makirds a huge fallen log with a tunnel through it. A woman is calli
ng to him. It seems to be Sammy's mom or sister (I'm not sure WHICH) and gives h
im a bread wrapped in a leaf. Sammy gives his regards and goes in the tunnel.
Later, Sammy is drawing a picture of three Bellossoms but something scares them
off, along with some other Pokemon. Sammy sees Celebi, then Houndoom and Scyther
, and then the hunter. Sammy runs after them and finds Houndoom and Scyther, Scy
ther pinning Celebi down with it's arms. Sammy yells and tries to get to Celebi,
but the Houndoom shoots a flame at him, in which Sammy dodges. Celebi cries out
and vines tangle up the two other Pokémon and Sammy goes over to help Celebi. The
hunter catches up and tells Sammy to hand over the Celebi. Sammy however just r
uns for it and stops at a shine-looking podium. Celebi cries out again and the w
hole forest starts to wave about, glowing blue. Sammy wonders what's going on an
d a bright light engulfs them, when the light goes away, all that's left is Samm
y's sketch book.
(Into... says it's a Pocket Monster Movie and then leaves fly by ending with a s
ingle water drop going off a leaf splashing in some water, the wave effect is us
ed as the letter background for the word Serebii)
40 Years later...
Brock and Misty are in a port town, waiting for Ash, who is late for a boat ride
. Brock sends Crobat to find Ash. Ash is, however, in a square area of the town
about to fight another trainer. The trainer shows off his Croconaw and Ash uses
Pikachu. The battle goes on for a while Pikachu ending shocking both the Crocona
w and its trainer. Ash goes over to the trainer but Crobat comes and tells Ash t
o go to the boat. Ash goes over to the pier as fast as he can. Brock sees his Cr
obat and then Ash and him and Misty get on the boat. Ash is gets there, but is b
locked by a cargo car. (the ones you see in the airport) When the car goes by, A
sh notices the boat has started to go. He runs to a pier and attempts to jump to
the boat. Brock tries to catch him, but misses, however another person catches
Ash. They do the introductions, the person being Maki, a somewhat built tourist
guide of the forest that's nearby.
Meanwhile, 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' pushes around the hunter from 40 years ago
, asking about Celebi. Fed up with the answer, 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' goes o
utside to the hunter's collection of Pokemon. Noticing a Tyranitar, 'The Iron-Ma
sked Marauder' tells his Sneasel to open the cage. 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' ge
ts out a Pokeball, but it's no ordinary Pokeball, it's a Dark Ball. He tosses it
at the Tyranitar, causing it to become black energy instead of red. The ball em
its small purplish lightning and 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' throws it. The Bagir
asu is somewhat different now, more evil... 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' orders it
to destroy the hunter's home and it does without questions.
During the boat ride Ash notices Suicune, so does Pikachu and he says that he sa
w it, but the Suicune runs away as soon as everyone sees it. When they get to th
e destination, Ash calls Oak to tell him about Suicune, obviously, Oak doesn't b
elieve it. (Tracey is in the background) Afterwards, Ash's Muk stirs up some tro
uble and then hangs up. Maki gives them offers them a tour and Ash aggrees. Jess
e, James, and Meowth are observing them in a hang-glider pedaled-propellored thi
ng, but Jesse stops pedaling and sends them off to the ground. They come by a wa
terfall, he simply sets up a two balloons that's by the sides of boat. The boat/
balloon makes it's way to a treetop village and lands there. Ash and co. finds t
he same huge fallen log with the tunnel and tries to go in, when an old woman wa
rns him of something. A young woman goes up to them, Brock immidiately trying to
flirt with her. Her name is Diana and she is the daughter of Towa, the old woma
n. Diana has a striking resemblance to Towa. Diana just says about what happened
a long time ago.
The forest waves around and glows blue, Pikachu knowing what it is and starts ru
nning, Ash and co. running after him. They get to the shrine and see the light,
Sammy and Celebi appearing there. Celebi flees off behind the shirne before Ash
and co. figures out it was there in the first place. Ash tries to get Sammy up b
ut he won't. Ash decides to carry him back to the village.
When they get back, Sammy wakes up, however his first impulse is Celebi. He inte
ntionally pushes Ash around but Sammy comes to his senses and asks what happened
. Diana comes out and her mom. Towa immidiately knows it's Sammy but Sammy doesn
't know it's Towa. They go to Maki's house and Towa presents Sammy's sketchbook.
Sammy is amazed and flips through it. Although he wonders about Celebi.
Pikachu again sensing something, goes out and back behind the tunnel, Ash and Sa
mmy following. They come up to several fallen logs with a vine coming down. Ash
and Sammy climb it and find out a lot of Pokemon has gathered up near a hole. As
h goes up to it and finds Celebi, although he's not as stunned as he saw the oth
er legendaries. He tries to pet Celebi but Celebi on impulse uses a pyschic atta
ck on Ash, blowing him, Sammy, and the Pokemon nearly off the log. Ash, angry, q
uickly scampers up the log to Celebi and scolds at it, Celebi uses it's "Vine wh
ip" on Ash and Sammy. Sammy is telling Ash not to be so harsh to it. Ash tries t
o talk to it again, both fending themselves from the vines. After a few nice com
ments, Ash again tries to pet the Celebi, this time Celebi trusting Ash. Ash and
Sammy return to Maki's treehome and Mika tells them there's a lake that can hel
p the Celebi since the water is pure. Ash and co. and Sammy go on to find this l
ake. they encounter the three from Team Rocket, in turn they say their motto. So
nansu happens to pop out in the end and breaks the branch they were on. Ash and
co. uses this to escape.
'The Iron-Masked Marauder' isn't gonna give up on Celebi, he goes through the fo
rest in a four spider-legged mech (as you will) to hunt it down. While searching
for the lake, Ash just happens to run into 'The Iron-Masked Marauder'. 'The Iro
n-Masked Marauder' demands Celebi or... face utter destruction. Of course, every
one says no and Bisahsu releases his newly stolen Tyranitar. 'The Iron-Masked Ma
rauder' orders it to attack and the Tyranitar starts using it's Hyperbeam to go
on a rampage against Ash and them. Jesse and James see 'The Iron-Masked Marauder
''s mech and decides to attack it themselves. James releases his Weezing to use
Smoke Screen. However they relize it's really 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' and the
y start doing the "I'm not worthy" bow.
Along the way, Misty's knee is hurt and collapses on her knees. However this del
ay allows 'The Iron-Masked Marauder''s Sneasel and Scizor to catch up. Ash and S
ammy prepare for the battle. Sammy gets out a old technological Pokeball. He tur
ns a valve on it and opens it up, a Charmeleon comes out. Ash just simply throws
his Pokeball containing Bayleef, leaving Sammy somewhat surprised. Bayleef goes
after the Scizor. Bayleef uses Razor Leaf but the Scizor counters with Double T
eam and a slam to Bayleef. Bayleef tries again but again, Bayleef gets countered
. Sammy tells Ash his Bayleef should focus on where it is. Ash tells Bayleef tha
t and the Bayleaf settles to figure it out. Figuring the location, Bayleaf gives
it Razor Leaf and the Scizor and it goes down in one blow. The Charmeleon howev
er is having no problem with the Sneasel. It finishes it off with a quick slam t
o a rock.
'The Iron-Masked Marauder' walks by the path Ash and co. ran by, noticing his tw
o Pokemon tied up to a rock. He just laughs a bit and walks on. (how stupid... a
nd the next part reminds me of Princess Monoke by scenery)
Ash and them find their way to a foggy part of the forest, where they encounter
a Ursaring and a Teddiursa. Sammy tells the crew to follow it. The Ursaring stop
s and a Stantler comes by. They follow the Stantler until they come to a Furret,
which they follow to the lake. Sammy takes over and walks in the water until it
's waste deep and let's Celebi touch the water. Ash notices that a lot of Pokemo
n has gathered up. Celebi then goes in the water to where the sunlight is good.
Celebi is then revitalized and flies to them, happily. Ash and Sammy decide to f
ollow Celebi as it goes underwater. Being human and all, Ash and Sammy run out o
f air and surface, Celebi following them using its psychic powers to allow them
to float. Celebi goes over to Misty and touches her knee, which heals it and she
is thankful. Then the two fly around with Celebi for a while. When Ash and Samm
y went back to Brock and Misty, they decide to follow Celebi.
Celebi comes to a berry tree and picks a berry and eats it. Celebi enjoys it, so
much that it dances around and the others pick a berry to eat, they too enjoy i
t. Ash gathers some for a later snack. After a day's work and play, the crew set
s up camp in the forest. Ash wakes up in the middle of the night and spots Sammy
sketching. Ash goes over to him to see what he's drawing. It's Celebi and Pikac
hu sleeping, Celebi sleeping on Pikachu's shoulder. Ash talks for a while but Sa
mmy is somewhat disturbed and goes off somewhere, Ash following. Ash's stomach g
rowls and he gets a little embarressed. Sammy shares the bread he was given to A
sh. (and they said it was good...) Pikachu wakes up from the voices of Ash and S
ammy talking. Pikachu goes after them and Celebi slumps down to the ground, waki
ng it up. Celebi goes to Ash and Sammy along with Pikachu and they find a cluste
r of Metapods, evolving. They gaze upon the new Butterfree and decide to climb u
p a tree for a better view. When they get there, the Butterfree are flying along
the sunrise, releasing the sparkly powder. All of them enjoy the sight.
The next day, they go back to Mika's house. It just so happens that 'The Iron-Ma
sked Marauder' runs into them and attempts to get Celebi again. However Jesse an
d James are there behind them with nets. Escaping is useless so they try to figh
t. Pikachu runs in for a Thunderbolt but a barrier deflects the bolt. 'The Iron-
Masked Marauder''s mech uses it's trapping device and grabs Celebi within two tr
ies! (ouch...) The claw like trap shocks Celebi into a good low stamina and 'The
Iron-Masked Marauder' gets out his Dark Ball and... captures Celebi!
Pokémon gather around and Ash is now totally mad at 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' and
decides to climb up one of the mech's legs and fight 'The Iron-Masked Marauder'
for it. Ash succeeds in only getting the Dark Ball but he falls to the ground a
nd 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' comes. He steps on Ash's hand while he's still dow
n but Ash gives up on it and faints. 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' laughs and relea
ses the brainwashed Celebi, which he orders it to take care of everyone. Celebi
uses it's Psychic to blow Ash and co. away, then rams the gathered Pokemon with
its barrier. 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' orders something else afterwards and Cel
ebi starts up a huge whirlwind that gathers up leaves and branches, and even suc
ks up Jesse. Back at Mika's home, Mika, Diana, and Maki notice the whirlwind, th
ey all huddle up in Maki1's boat/balloon.
Up upon the mountains, Suicune senses the danger and goes to the forest at top s
peed. This is the last resort...
Ash wakes up, acting like Sammy when he woke up. The other tell him that Celebi
was caught and started making a the thing 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' wanted.
Later, a huge floating spiked sphere of branches and leaves hovers Maki1rds the
lake. The one who stands alone at the edge, 'The Iron-Masked Marauder'. Jesse is
held captive a opening, hanging from vines. Jesse obvoiously tries a negotiatio
n but it ends in awe. Coming up to the target point, 'The Iron-Masked Marauder'
has the core, Celebi, change the sphere's form into a Scyther looking thing. Cel
ebi is tided down at the center of the "head" surrounded by vines and a barrier,
it seemed to have no expression on its face. (trust me, you'd probably cry at w
hat happened to it) Maki picked up Ash and co and they head for th
ing. As a test fire, 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' orders Celebi to fire at the bal
loon. However everyone notices that Celebi is in there, doing whatever 'The Iron
-Masked Marauder' says. A orb or purple energy forms up at the mouth of the mons
ter and then fires, blowing off only one of the two balloons on Maki1's boat, se
nding it to the lake. Celebi fires another beam, but misses and hits the lake, c
ausing the water to go impure. Celebi then controls the monster to go to the lak
e. Ash and Sammy stay behind while the rest try to get cover. However, what can
they do? Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt but 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' jum
ps to a branch nearby. 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' seeing them, has Celebi fire a
nother beam. Celebi starts charging and fires but, Suicune rushes in to save the
day, it picks up Ash and Sammy and rusn off to safety. 'The Iron-Masked Maraude
r' seeing it .also wants Suicune, he releases his Tyranitar and it starts it's r
ampage. Brock, seeing this, he releases his Onix to help. Onix distracts the Tyr
anitar while Suicune escapes. Onix gets pummeled however, so Suicune uses its Ic
e beam and the Tyranitar goes down in one hit. Onix, still having some strength,
sends Tyranitar flying to the lake. Brock returns it and the Suicune goes after
the branch monster. However, vines grapple onto Suicune, shocking it with dark
Ash and Sammy jump off Suicune in attempt to find and rescue Celebi. They miss h
owever but Jesse catches them. They find a opening they could use and they start
to climb the vines. They shout to Celebi telling it to stop. Celebi gets a flas
hback of when Ash and co. are flying with it and stops momentarily. 'The Iron-Ma
sked Marauder' wonders what's going on, because Suicune isn't getting shocked an
ymore. Celebi starts up again, both yelling another "stop it" and Celebi remeber
s when Ash and co. are at the berry tree. 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' orders it t
o shock Suicune and again Celebi starts. They get to the top and try to get Cele
bi to stop again, Celebi remembering when they were watching the Butterfree. Fin
ally coming to its senses, Celebi stops and the monster starts to crumble into t
he lake. When the whole monster is destroyed, Celebi, Ash and Sammy are floating
. They float down to the lake's edge.
However, something isn't right about Celebi, it seems wilted. (picture Celebi wi
th wrinkles, not a pretty sight) Sammy tells Ash to try the method they did befo
re. But the water is too impure. Sammy tells Ash that Suicune can purify water,
so Ash tells Suicune to purify the water. Suicune hops along the water, purifyin
g it with every step. Ash tries again, but it won't work. Ash then tries to give
Celebi one of the berries he picked, but it just drops into the water. He tries
again, and again, and again, finally he gives up. Celebi isn't responding, isn'
t moving, could it be... dead? Everyone lost all hope...
The forest starts to wave and glow blue and a bright light shines above the lake
. A multitude of Celebi comes out of the light, using their powers to help the "
dead" Celebi. The original Celebi is revived, happy to see its friends and then
the others go back to where-ever they came from. Celebi goes back to the group b
ut... 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' appears from the water and catches Celebi! 'The
Iron-Masked Marauder' activates a jet pack and flies off, giving that evil laug
h of victory. Ash jumps onto his leg with Pikachu, agian trying to save Celebi.
'The Iron-Masked Marauder' tries to kick Ash off, but Ash dodges and he tells Pi
kachu to use Thunderbolt. Pikachu does and blows up the jet pack, sending everyo
ne falling. Ash tries to catch Pikachu... but he knows he'll fall to his death.
However Celebi stops him with its psychic power and saves Ash. 'The Iron-Masked
Marauder' falls into the forest, trees breaking his fall. Coming upon Maki, Mika
, and Diana, all three having angry faces and Maki cracking his knuckles like he
wants to fight. Mika scolds at 'The Iron-Masked Marauder' for his stupidity. Ho
wever, the three aren't alone, dozens of angry Pokemon gather around him. 'The I
ron-Masked Marauder' tries to use Scizor and Sneasel, but he left them where the
y were! Caterpies, Weedles, and Spinaraks uses their String Shot to trap 'The Ir
on-Masked Marauder'. When Celebi came back, it opened up the time portal, so Sam
my could go back. Everyone says their goodbyes, Ash not willing to part with a g
ood friend yet.
Later Jesse is floating in the lake, James and Meowth coming to her in a small r
aft. While they argue, the Bangiarasu jumps out of the water and breaks the raft
. The three just decide to float there.
Sammy wakes up in front of the shrine, Celebi no where to be seen. Mika runs up
to him and asks if he was okay and so forth.
Maki goes back to the town.
Tracey finds Sammy's sketchbook while cleaning up Oak's home. He flips through i
t and finds the picture Sammy drew, but Celebi seems to be faded out a bit. Cele
bi spies on Ash and co. when they came back to the berry tree
Great Thanks to Xeno Lugia for making this brilliant Synopsis so quickly and all
owing us to use it

Pokémon Heroes - Latias and Latios

Alto Mare is a island all of its own... the style, the way it's built, location,
even what it's famous for: A city comprised upon the basis of water as transpor
tation. The beauty and sites on Alto Mare gave it the title, "The Water Capital"
. But there's something else behind Alto Mare...
A long time ago while Alto Mare was just still a little town, an old couple were
walking along the shore when they found two children unconscious on the shores.
The two brought them home and nursed the children until they were healthy. Howe
ver, these children seemed not to have parents of their own, so they grew close
with the couple.Soon however, a dark cloud appeared over Alto Mare and rained do
wn the darkness. Whatever it hit, it turned that part into itself. One of these
shards was about to hit the old couple while they were outside with the two chil
dren. But before it hit, the two children glew, and soon the shard was instantly
destroyed, as well as all the others that was raining down upon Alto Mare.
The two soon floated upwards and revealed themselves to be the infinite Pokemon,
Ratious and Latias. They summoned more of their kind, one of them carrying a st
range blue orb. Their power along with the orbs shown upon the dark cloud, oblit
erating it. And as a token to the people of Alto Mare for helping the two "child
ren", they personally gave that orb to the couple. After a few moments of peace,
the same two Latios and Latias returned back to them.
Or so an interesting story as two women, one with blonde hair with huge spiral e
nds, and another with blue, rather normal hair, read through the legend of Alto
Mare in a huge archive. They had to cut it short, as a security guard was approa
ching. The two escaped like ninjas through an open window. When the guard came b
y, he was shocked to see one book missing. In place was a rose and a card, which
soon flew to him when the books aside collasped in the empty space. The rose se
ems to be a familar sign... The card... well it had a insignia of some sort. As
for the two women, they escaped to a flashy car which then sped off and turned i
nto a jet plane. (Just imagine, they took the old Batmobile, painted it pink, an
d modified it a bit more) These two are Rockets, known as Annie and Oakley. They
soon head over to Alto Mare.
The whole city of Alto Mare shows overhead in a birds-eye view fashion. Then goi
ng into the ocean for a tidal wave effect, the title of the movie appearing afte
r the waters recede.
Today is one of those special days in Alto Mare, in fact it's probably one of th
e biggest. Not only being the Latios Festa, but also the a big race through Alto
Mare's many canals. There are a lot of people who are in it, but two of them ha
ppen to be Ash and Misty. The race soon starts and the two keep it good neck-and
-neck in first place, as well as one other person with a Wailmer. Brock watches
from a bridge, until a random woman steps out of the crowd, Brock going to those
mushy feelings fast. As for Pikachu, he fell off while rooting for Ash, and luc
kily fell right on him.
This goes on, and it happens to be that two odd transparent figures fly about th
rough the city. Ash. Misty and the other are still keeping a good match up with
first place, but soon the path hits tight squeezes. The figures zip about, comin
g across Jesse, James and Meowth who are gorging themselves on pasta. The figure
s soon fly by some more people watching, right outside their windows. One girl h
appens to notice something strange, but can't make it out. Ash does well until h
e gets to a too tight of a turn and nearly smashes into a wall. However, somethi
ng grabs onto him before he does, strange... Ash is now lagging really badly aft
er that wipeout, but he's not going to quit just yet. But when he out of the tig
ht spots, something grabs onto the rope, and Ash really zooms far. He just gets
inches to Misty and the other, but suddenly makes a quick turn in an ally, off t
he course! Just that whatever's pulling Ash won't stop, and he soon hits some st
airs and manages to jump over the brick guard rail on the other side.
As for Misty, she's keeping it good, and when they hit the mark, it's close fini
sh. Though Misty has a wipe out, Corsola managed to win by a small shot. Meanwhi
le, Ash sits on the stairs, Totodile blaming himself for Ash's lost, but Ash doe
sn't mind that he lost. The other man, which who was mentioned as Rossi, congrat
ulates Misty on her win. He also mentions he's a boat driver around here, so he'
ll take the gang around.
At the Rossi's boat, Ash and Brock look at the scenery for a mement while Rossi
talks about the city for a moment. Misty says she really likes the trophy and Ro
ssi asks if he could see it.. Misty held it up, it was circle made of glass with
a green tint. It had the shape of two beings on the side and a sparkling circle
in the middle. It wasn't before long that they passed two statues on pillars of
two Pokemon. Ash asks about what are those two Pokemon. Rossi explains that the
one on the right is Latios, the one on the left, Latias. Both are guardian Poke
mon of Alto Mare, no one's really seen them, but everybody knows 'em.
Next to them was a courtyard to a large building, and flying around it was a lit
tle remote CamBug. The bug belonged to none other than Annie and Oakley, who was
surveying the city for the two Pokemon. Oakley fixed the bugs with a infrared s
canner, simply noting that a Pokemon who can mimic human form, can't mimic human
s altogether. The people walking around appeared all normal, until a blue figure
came by. It was definitely their mark and they soon head off. As they did, they
happen to splash Jesse, James, and Meowth who were about to eat an ice cream co
ne. Jesse yells at them (though Annie and Oakley were far off) but James knows i
ts Annie and Oakley. James explains that they're the #1 Rockets right now. Jesse
wants to get a little into the action and decides to copy them to get to the to
Rossi drops Ash and co. off at a back-alley ice cream stand to get a snack befor
e heading off. While they're walking, Pikachu noticed a water fountain. Really t
hirsty anyway, Pikachu went off to the pump to get some water. By the time he go
t there, the person who was there originally left. Pikachu was a little disappoi
nted but soon the water started up. He looked at there was a girl, dressed up in
a white skirt and a green shirt, her hair style looking oddly familar, turned o
n the water. Pikachu happily drank and washed himself, and then Ash caught up wi
th him. He thanked the girl, but the girl simply went up to him, looking at him
strangely at all directions. Then she left off without saying a thing. Ash just
shurgged in confusion.
The girl is soon seen walking along one canal, when Annie and Oakley show up. An
nie takes a look at her with some special glasses, which reveals that this girl
is Latias! They go up to her, speaking a bit before calling her Latias. Latias w
as shocked, and simply tried to run away from the two. Annie and Oakley then sen
t out Espeon and Araidos to try to get things worked up. The Espeon gave the cha
se while Araidos went around to cut her off. With no other way to turn around, t
he two Rockets decided to attack now. Espeon got Latias with a Psychic, Araidos
tying her up with String Shot.
Soon Ash came and stopped the fight before anything else happened. He soon pulle
d on the webbing. Soon the Rocket seemed to tease him a bit before Annie told Es
peon to give him a Psybeam. Ash took it quite well, and managed to escape with L
atias before anything could happen, the Pokemon soon giving the chase. Taking ad
vantage of such a place like this, Ash led Latias around in random directions in
hopes to lose the two Pokemon that were chasing after them. It took a while, bu
t Ash managed to lose them. After a bit, Latias soon led Ash someplace else, tha
t someplace being where Misty and Brock were in a small courtyard enjoying some
Ice cream. When Ash looked back, Latias was gone.)
With that little incident out of the blue for now, Ash just takes it easy and th
e gang heads over to the temple of Alto Mare. However, Annie and Oakley spy upon
them with a another cambug, watching his every movements.
The place seems pretty big on the outside, but a few things shown on the inside.
While they walk in the building, they come across some fossils embedded in the
tiles. Misty gets a little jumpy at first but soon a chubby man sporting Mario's
outfit explains that it's only just a fossil. The bigger catch, is the huge mac
hine up ahead. He shows him to another room, in it is a huge contraption that's
surrounded by big pillars, and a some circle with designs on it is in front of i
t. Up near the roof are stained glass pictures from the book Annie and Oakley st
ole the other time. He explains that this machine litterally controls the whole
island if something happens. Or at least that's the legend says.
Ash looks up and notices that there's a girl painting. The girl looks exactly li
ke the one he saw earlier, only this time she was wearing a large white beret. H
e gets a closer look, but accidently puts his hNSA on the pillars, which gets hi
m a scolding. When he looked back, the girl was packing up and leaving. He ran o
ut, telling Misty and Brock he'd be at the Pokemon Center before lights out. Ash
soon runs after the girl, but every where he gets to, she's always near, but so
far. He goes through the building's balcony, courtyard, then finally he ends up
talking with her on the other side of a canal, apparently she replies a little
annoyed with a "What are you talking about?" She walks off and Ash continues to
go after her. Suddenly, he comes to a four-way intersection, no one in sight...
(There was a nice "Matrix" camera shooting in this scene, where the camera spins
around the character) Using his instincts, Ash heads to his left.
He soon runs into another canal, no one there but boats and people. Pikachu look
s up at the bridge, noticing that the girl is there. Huh... this time she doesn'
t have her beret, or sketchbook for that matter. She runs off, wanting Ash to fo
llow her. After a bit of going through various alleys and roads, Ash is lead to
a vine-covered road which he hesistates to walk through. After that, he finds th
e girl in a dead end, then she walks IN the wall. Ash is a little puzzled, but s
oon Pikachu walks through it as well, then Ash takes a breath, and walks through
The other end seemed to be a dark passageway, but soon brightened to reveal a hu
ge garden with huge trees planted in places. Ash looked around, seeing a few Pok
emon here and there, and soon saw the girl, but she ran off again. When he final
ly met up with her, she was swinging. Something happened, the wind chimes starte
d to blow and something came out of the water and headed straight for them! Pika
chu tried to shock it, but the being dodged it! It soon tackled down Pikachu and
went off, making another run to them. All of a sudden, the girl came and stood
right in front of Ash, the being stopping and revealing itself to be Latios!
Latios was pretty angry for Ash being here, and seemingly yelling at the girl, h
owever the girl never spoke one word. Soon a voice came by, and... it was the sa
me person? Another of the same girl came by, except this one had the beret and s
ketchbook. She yelled at Ash for a minute, then told Latios to attack him, but t
he other girl stopped Latios. Then the man from the temple showed up, he cleared
things up for them. He then explained that all Latias wanted to do was play wit
h Ash, so if she wanted to, she could. The other girl was happy and took Ash to
the swing. Ash noticed that the man called her Latias, and while they were swing
ing, the girl did reveal herself to be Latias! Ash was so surprised that he litt
erally jumped off the swing.
Latios on the other hand seemed to take this well, even giving Pikachu a lick to
prove it. Latios soon gave Pikachu a ride around, Latias soon joining up with h
im. Soon the real girl mentions her name is Kanon. On the outside, she's nothing
more than a artist, but here, she takes care of the two. The man is her grandfa
ther, Bongore, a care-taker of the museum and a boat maker. They walk around a b
it while Latios and Latias play with Pikachu in the air. Latias soon dropped Pik
achu to Ash before taking his hat. He tried to run after her, trying to grab his
hat back and eventually did, before playing the same game with her. Soon Latios
started to hum and his eyes glew. He swam into the fountain that was next to As
h and all of a sudden, Latias's eyes started to glow.
All of a sudden, the whole scene becomes the underwater world that Latios is swi
mming through. Ash is stunned at this site, while Kanon explains that this is La
tios and Latias's trick they can do. Latios acts like the camera, while Latias p
rojects the image. They soon see that Latios is swimming around the canals, then
past a school of Remoraids. The image soon narrows around to going past a few m
ore groups of Pokemon before scene fades out.
One spot the two show Ash is the legend of the island, and one more thing, the S
oul Dew. They all gathered around a little pool of water it was in. This was the
source of the water for Alto Mare, it's what keeps everything going. After a fe
w moments of looking at it, Latias picks up Ash and flies over the pool of water
just infront of where the Soul Dew is. Except she can't really hold on for long
and lets go, Latios simply catches him on the way down. While all this is happe
ning, a CamBug seems to be in the garden... it looks like the two know where Lat
ios and Latias resides.
Soon it gets late, and Ash has to get back to the Pokemon Center as he promised
his friends. Latias doesn't want him to leave though, but these things have to h
appen. Bongore leads Ash to his boat house, which is connected to the garden. Ka
non will give him a ride to the Center, Ash says his goodbyes and they start off
Ash asks Kanon a few things during the ride. One of them being why Latias is som
etimes her. Well Latias is a playful one next to Latios. She tends to get a litt
le lonely sometimes and the only other way is to go about Alto Mare, randomly do
ing things. But since she can't use her Pokemon form, Latias resorts to using Ka
non's form. Kanon and the two Pokemon are best friends, so why not mimic the one
you like so much? *Due to this good explaination, but it's NOT REALLY IN THE MO
VIE, I'll keep it. This next sentence is actually what happens in the movie.* As
h mentions that Latias was earlier attacked, by two people. He's a little worrie
d that they'll take her for some reason and Kanon should watch out for Latias.
Later that night, Annie and Oakley make their move to the garden. They hop build
ings to get there without notice. Jesse, James, and Meowth soon try to follow th
e same, but after a while they slip and fal on a lamp post. All the while their
hanging, Wobuffet comes out of turn and sends them plummeting. When they reached
Kanon's house, they send Espeon to take out Bongore in the boat house. While he
's knocked out, the Rockets make their move. Upon entering the garden, Latios wa
kes up from his sleep, then Latias does too and follows as Latios finds them. He
tries to tackle the Rockets, but they cartwheel out of the way. Then Latios rou
nds up for Oakley, which she simply goes down the hill. With no other way throug
h this, Latios and Latias resorts to camoufloguing and try attacking from there.
It's no good, Annie and Oakley can still time their dodges perfectly. The Rocke
ts soon put on their special shades that let them see where he is. Finding him,
Annie tells her Espeon to use Swift on him. The attack hits, making him visible.
Oakley on the other side tells her Araidos to use Night Shade. It hits Latias,
but Latios gets in the way halfway through the attack. Latios soon goes down, th
en Annie tosses a bola-like ball which opens up a into a net that secures Latios
With Latias alone, Annie says to do a Psychic attack. Latias is out for now, and
Annie takes the advantage by telling Espeon to use Tackle. Latios gets in the w
ay once more, despite that net around him. Latias tries to help Latios, but Lati
os simply yells at her to get out. Annie tries to through another ball, but once
more Latios gets in the way. He yells at Latias once more to get out before she
gets caught, and she soon goes off into the pool Latios took the other time, sa
ddened. With their victory catch, Oakley soon tries to pull out the Soul Dew. It
's a little wedged in at first, but she manages to pull it out. The orb sparkles
with light on the inside, making it look very beautiful. The two exchange posse
sion of it, then Oakley takes a snapshot of the tiles that form the legend with
her laptop. The Laptop soon rearranges them and decodes the whole legend. Now to
put it to work... Latias emerges from a random canal, finding one person who ca
n help.
Back at the garden, Kanon and Bongore rush to the Soul Dew Of The Heart's holder
, but they were a littlle too late...
Meanwhile, Annie and Oakley carry Latios to the machine in the temple. They begi
n the phase to work the machine.
Step 1: Place the guardains (in this case, guardian) upon the pedistal. They do
so, and soon three rings similar to the traps Lawrence III used back in the seco
nd movie, surround Latios. Soon a pattern of lines glow red, providing the energ
y. The pillars of the machine soon come down, and the main machine itself appear
s. The machine itself looks like a scale of some kind, one end has a large orb,
the other has some sort of thing to place something on. Multiple arms jut out, w
hich looks rather made in weird designs.
Step 2: Place the Soul Dew in the placement holder. Oakley takes care of that pa
rt, and places the orb in a holding place that soon clamps it down. Before they
could move on, Kanon and her father soon enter. They are soon taken care of with
a Psychic.
Step 3: Manually control the effects from there. The large orb soon goes in fron
t of them, but it's a single seater. Annie doesn't really like the idea of doing
this, so Oakley gladly goes in.
Latias goes to the Pokemon Center, only knowing that one person can help her bro
ther. The windo is left open, Pikachu notices something easily. When Ash wakes u
p, Latias stands there, as Kanon. He gets a little bit confused at who's who at
first but he figures it out when Latias soon sobs on his shoulder. (Since Latias
can't talk in her Kanon form, she doesn't make any noise there either)
Back at the temple, Ariados is done with securing Kanon and Bongore. Latios woke
up, trying to get out of his imprisonment before he notices that he is trapped.
Kanon soon shouts at him, telling him he should project the area to Latias sinc
e she has a feeling Latias would be with Ash. Latios's eyes glow once more and..
Everyone else wakes up and soon there's some explaining to do. Sometime after th
e revelation, Latias changes back to her Pokemon form, Brock and Misty instantly
stunned. Soon Latias eyes glow, and their taken to see w hat Latios sees. Misty
and Brock are obviously surprised, but they look around. They soon see that Kan
on is there, held hostage. They see that Oakley starts to control the machine, w
hich takes energy from Latios to power it's various functions. One thing she doe
s is revive the fossils of the Aerodactyl and Kabutops that where embedded. They
come to life through the machine, and Oakley ordered them to find Latias. That
was just about then that Latios passed out, and Latias "lost connection." Ash so
on puts one more thing on his agenda, get Latios out.
The next thing Oakley wanted to do, was to prevent anybody from coming in. To do
so, she initiated a total lockdown on the city, just by that machine. Soon ever
ywhere where there was a balcony or place fit for a door, cages and other type o
f blocks soon formed up. Jesse, James and Meowth happened to be in an alley when
this started up, first their front was blocked off, then their backs, leaving t
hem trapped.
Ash looked out the window to see what was happening. Soon the bars started to fo
rm up on the balcony and he jumped out with Latias before it was too late. Ash s
aid to Misty and Brock that he'll go on, they'll just have to find their way thr
ough. Ash tried to go around on foot, but nothing was open. Finding no other way
, he decided to take a boat ride. While he was going through the canal, the Aero
dactyl soon attacked from behind, grabbing Latios. Ash stopped and jumped onto t
he Aerodactyl, then told Pikachu to use Thunderbolt.
The attack worked, but Latias went off scared. Then the Aerodactyl was charging
up a Hyperbeam, there as no other place to go, so Ash and Pikachu made a swim fo
r it. The Aerodactyl missed by a hair, but the attack forced Ash underwater. Lat
ias soon peeked out and then noticed the Aerodactyl was gone. She then went unde
rwater to help Ash up, then everything seemed okay. Latias carried Ash around a
bit before he noticed there was some pods left over from the race. There was onl
y one thing to do now.
Latias soon starts to surf off with Ash as they try to lose the Aerodactyl. Soon
the Aerodactyl was on their tail again. Latias kept up the speed, and tried way
s to stop it from following them. She soon went in a narrow canal, which was eno
ugh to stop the Aerodactyl. But as they were coming along, they sped passed the
Kabutops, which soon ran after them with incredible speed.
Someplace else, Brock tries to open up the bars but has no luck. Misty tells him
maybe they should just send out their Pokemon to find and help Ash before anyth
ing happens. Brock sends out Crobat while Misty with Politoed and Corsola. As th
ey head off, Brock climbs the fence.
The Kabutops is easily able to keep up with Ash and Latias, as water isn't going
to stop him. Latias rounds one corner, but makes it too deep and causes Ash to
land on a side road. Though the Kabutops did catch up, it was tackled by Crobat,
then squirted down by Corsola and Politoed. Thanking them, Ash and Latias soon
head off to the Temple.
Oakley sees that Ash is coming, but it's no problem. Oakley soon uses yet anothe
r option upon the machine that contols the water. When Ash and Latias made it to
the large canal just before the museum, the water soon starts to come alive as
they make it to the grounds. The water glides along the cracks of the tiles then
manages to trap Ash and Latias in square before becoming a large column of wate
r. Oakley seems to be controlling this, which she waves her hands around like a
conductor of a high-speed orchestra. Annie on the other hand seems a little worr
ied that Oakley is a little, nuts. The water in turn soon was choking Ash and La
tias. Latias soon glew and soon produced a ball of light that surrounded her, st
opping the water. She did get some of the wind knocked out of her, but was okay.
However, as soon as Latias did this, the machine started to go haywire for a min
ute. They made it to the machine as it started to mess up, Oakley's control not
working at all. Soon the machine started to spin around. Ash soon tries to free
Kanon, but the webbing is too tight. He tells Pikachu to Thundershock the web, w
hich cuts it enough for Ash to tear it. Latias on the other hand rams into the r
ings around Latios, which only reflects her back. She tries this again, but is b
ounced back. With one other way, Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt, but the barrier soo
n reflects the bolt back at them, but this also lowered the containment. All in
the while, the machine closed the control hatch, leaving Oakley trapped as it sp
un around. No other option but tackling seems to help. Soon Ash, Pikachu, and La
tias tackle at the barrier, all not working. Soon Latias devolops the ball of li
ght around her and rams into the barrier, enough to shut it down. Ash, Kanon, an
d her father soon start to grab Latios out, which takes a while, but managed to
The machine soon stopped, and the control pod opened back up.Latios woke up and
seemed okay. Annie simply smiled and went up to check Oakley, who was shaken out
for the moment. All at once, the bars started to open back up. Annie talked wit
h Oakley for a while, then went to the Soul Dew Of the Heart... it was purple. S
he almost touched it when Bongore shouted "No!" and it was too late. The Soul De
w shattered and it blew Annie back into the control pod before the machine went
haywire again. This time the pillars came back up and secured the machine down.
Bongore said in an almost sad tone, that if the Soul Dew was shattered, it would
bring disaster into Alto Mare.
All around Alto Mare, the waters started to recede back towards the ocean. The o
cean itself soon started to drain out towards the horizon. Ash, Kanon, her fathe
r, Latios, and Latias soon went out, this wasn't good at all. Then Latios and La
tias soon went towards the top of the building, spinning around a sun-like crest
that was there. This was the plan to bring the waters back. However, they got m
ore than they bargained for. The waters came back as a huge tidal wave!
Knowing what to do, the guardians flew over towards the tidal wave. After a ways
there, they started to glow, white. Then just as they near the waves, they fuse
d together in a single ball of light. (Sorry, they didn't fuse physically) Just
as the waves hit them, the ball of light grew, and soon all the waters in the wa
ve stopped, barely wiping out a small island in the distance. The glow continued
, and the waters barely did a thing to the city.
In the light Latias looked around, wondering where her brother is. But when she
looked one way, she did... only he was energy, his body only looking like the sa
me color of how the Soul Dew glew. Latias seemed a little sad, but Latias placed
his hand upon hers, gave a little nod and then accended before "exploding", pus
hing Latias back. Where Ash was standing, the ball of light soon became a shaft
of light. After a while, the light was gone. As for the waters, they came back,
nothing damaged. Jesse, James and Meowth who were trying to get over a barrier w
ere soon washed away, with their famous "We're Blasting Off Again!" phrase. All
around, the bars and barriers went away, the two fossil Pokemon going back to th
eir original spots. And while at the temple, Annie and Oakley fuss over which lo
oks better, Vileplume and Bellossom. The pod soon shuts, Oakley complains about
that before Annie tells her to shut up.
At dawn, Ash, Misty, Brock, Kanon, and her father set off to find Latios and Lat
ias. After a moment, Pikachu looked and noticed a Mantine and some other water P
okemon were carrying Latias. They got her onto the boat, Latias soon woke up. Sh
e looked around franctically for Latios, as well as the others. Latias soon look
ed up, Kanon mentioning it was where that light was. Then Bongore figured out so
mething, that shaft of light was Latios... he expended too much energy while he
was used up, and in turn, gave up his life.
But soon Latias's eyes glew and they were brought in the eyes of Latios, only su
rrounded in a Soul Dew themselves. They saw that he was still accending, the ear
th visible and getting smaller. Then the visual went black, that orb soon went u
p and was brought just in front of Kanon. She placed her hand out, and the orb b
ecame a new Soul Dew. A momento left behind of Latios. The projection soon stopp
ed, Kanon still having the Soul Dew...Latias soon was saddened. But soon Ash com
forted her, sure she lost her brother... but he left something behind for her to
remember him by.
Kanon soon placed the Teardop back into its proper place, the pool becoming live
ly once more as it did. She thanked Ash, as well as her father and Latias. And t
hings... well seemed normal once more.
Later that day, the gang was on a boat back to the mainland. But just before the
y left, they made a pitstop at Kanon's house. Ash asked Bongore if Kanon was hom
e. He called up to the window to her room... apparently there was no answer. Ash
said to say goodbye for them next time he sees her and they were off. Back in K
anon's room however... Kanon and picked up a rolled up paper before leaving. Alo
ng the way Ash noticed Kanon running across a bridge and told the boat driver to
stop. He soon met up with Kanon at the end of a pier and said his goodbye. Kano
n soon gave him the paper, and kissed him on the cheek. Misty and Brock soon whe
re both equally surprised at this. But Brock managed to almost praise Ash on thi
s. Afterwards, Kanon ran off... But Ash knew someting... It wasn't Kanon, it was
Latias, thanking him. Ash unrolled the paper, it was a painting of him and Pika
chu on his shoulder...
*Ending Credits*
After a moment out at sea, Ash notices three figures in the sky. They breifly re
veal themselves, two of them appear to be Latios, the other Latias... It looks l
ike Alto Mare can rest once more.
Ash soon goes back to the mainland. The scene skips over to Bongore remodelizing
the machine, fixing whatever went busted and such. They soon got Annie and Oakl
ey out, but they were arrested, and made front page. Back at where Annie and Oak
ley are being kept in, they look over a book on Lawarence III and all the treasu
res he collected, planning out to snag a few from him next. At the garden, we se
e that the new Latios and Latias soon found themselves a home. Meanwhile, Kanon
is seen painting and takes a breather for the moment as a wind blows by. As for
Ash, we see him going along the coasts.

Alto Mare is a island all of its own... the style, the way it's built, location,
even what it's famous for: A city comprised upon the basis of water as transpor
tation. The beauty and sites on Alto Mare gave it the title, "The Water Capital"
. But there's something else behind Alto Mare...
A long time ago while Alto Mare was just still a little town, an old couple were
walking along the shore when they found two children unconscious on the shores.
The two brought them home and nursed the children until they were healthy. Howe
ver, these children seemed not to have parents of their own, so they grew close
with the couple.Soon however, a dark cloud appeared over Alto Mare and rained do
wn the darkness. Whatever it hit, it turned that part into itself. One of these
shards was about to hit the old couple while they were outside with the two chil
dren. But before it hit, the two children glew, and soon the shard was instantly
destroyed, as well as all the others that was raining down upon Alto Mare.
The two soon floated upwards and revealed themselves to be the infinite Pokemon,
Ratious and Latias. They summoned more of their kind, one of them carrying a st
range blue orb. Their power along with the orbs shown upon the dark cloud, oblit
erating it. And as a token to the people of Alto Mare for helping the two "child
ren", they personally gave that orb to the couple. After a few moments of peace,
the same two Latios and Latias returned back to them.
Or so an interesting story as two women, one with blonde hair with huge spiral e
nds, and another with blue, rather normal hair, read through the legend of Alto
Mare in a huge archive. They had to cut it short, as a security guard was approa
ching. The two escaped like ninjas through an open window. When the guard came b
y, he was shocked to see one book missing. In place was a rose and a card, which
soon flew to him when the books aside collasped in the empty space. The rose se
ems to be a familar sign... The card... well it had a insignia of some sort. As
for the two women, they escaped to a flashy car which then sped off and turned i
nto a jet plane. (Just imagine, they took the old Batmobile, painted it pink, an
d modified it a bit more) These two are Rockets, known as Annie and Oakley. They
soon head over to Alto Mare.
The whole city of Alto Mare shows overhead in a birds-eye view fashion. Then goi
ng into the ocean for a tidal wave effect, the title of the movie appearing afte
r the waters recede.
Today is one of those special days in Alto Mare, in fact it's probably one of th
e biggest. Not only being the Latios Festa, but also the a big race through Alto
Mare's many canals. There are a lot of people who are in it, but two of them ha
ppen to be Ash and Misty. The race soon starts and the two keep it good neck-and
-neck in first place, as well as one other person with a Wailmer. Brock watches
from a bridge, until a random woman steps out of the crowd, Brock going to those
mushy feelings fast. As for Pikachu, he fell off while rooting for Ash, and luc
kily fell right on him.
This goes on, and it happens to be that two odd transparent figures fly about th
rough the city. Ash. Misty and the other are still keeping a good match up with
first place, but soon the path hits tight squeezes. The figures zip about, comin
g across Jesse, James and Meowth who are gorging themselves on pasta. The figure
s soon fly by some more people watching, right outside their windows. One girl h
appens to notice something strange, but can't make it out. Ash does well until h
e gets to a too tight of a turn and nearly smashes into a wall. However, somethi
ng grabs onto him before he does, strange... Ash is now lagging really badly aft
er that wipeout, but he's not going to quit just yet. But when he out of the tig
ht spots, something grabs onto the rope, and Ash really zooms far. He just gets
inches to Misty and the other, but suddenly makes a quick turn in an ally, off t
he course! Just that whatever's pulling Ash won't stop, and he soon hits some st
airs and manages to jump over the brick guard rail on the other side.
As for Misty, she's keeping it good, and when they hit the mark, it's close fini
sh. Though Misty has a wipe out, Corsola managed to win by a small shot. Meanwhi
le, Ash sits on the stairs, Totodile blaming himself for Ash's lost, but Ash doe
sn't mind that he lost. The other man, which who was mentioned as Rossi, congrat
ulates Misty on her win. He also mentions he's a boat driver around here, so he'
ll take the gang around.
At the Rossi's boat, Ash and Brock look at the scenery for a mement while Rossi
talks about the city for a moment. Misty says she really likes the trophy and Ro
ssi asks if he could see it.. Misty held it up, it was circle made of glass with
a green tint. It had the shape of two beings on the side and a sparkling circle
in the middle. It wasn't before long that they passed two statues on pillars of
two Pokemon. Ash asks about what are those two Pokemon. Rossi explains that the
one on the right is Latios, the one on the left, Latias. Both are guardian Poke
mon of Alto Mare, no one's really seen them, but everybody knows 'em.
Next to them was a courtyard to a large building, and flying around it was a lit
tle remote CamBug. The bug belonged to none other than Annie and Oakley, who was
surveying the city for the two Pokemon. Oakley fixed the bugs with a infrared s
canner, simply noting that a Pokemon who can mimic human form, can't mimic human
s altogether. The people walking around appeared all normal, until a blue figure
came by. It was definitely their mark and they soon head off. As they did, they
happen to splash Jesse, James, and Meowth who were about to eat an ice cream co
ne. Jesse yells at them (though Annie and Oakley were far off) but James knows i
ts Annie and Oakley. James explains that they're the #1 Rockets right now. Jesse
wants to get a little into the action and decides to copy them to get to the to
Rossi drops Ash and co. off at a back-alley ice cream stand to get a snack befor
e heading off. While they're walking, Pikachu noticed a water fountain. Really t
hirsty anyway, Pikachu went off to the pump to get some water. By the time he go
t there, the person who was there originally left. Pikachu was a little disappoi
nted but soon the water started up. He looked at there was a girl, dressed up in
a white skirt and a green shirt, her hair style looking oddly familar, turned o
n the water. Pikachu happily drank and washed himself, and then Ash caught up wi
th him. He thanked the girl, but the girl simply went up to him, looking at him
strangely at all directions. Then she left off without saying a thing. Ash just
shurgged in confusion.
The girl is soon seen walking along one canal, when Annie and Oakley show up. An
nie takes a look at her with some special glasses, which reveals that this girl
is Latias! They go up to her, speaking a bit before calling her Latias. Latias w
as shocked, and simply tried to run away from the two. Annie and Oakley then sen
t out Espeon and Araidos to try to get things worked up. The Espeon gave the cha
se while Araidos went around to cut her off. With no other way to turn around, t
he two Rockets decided to attack now. Espeon got Latias with a Psychic, Araidos
tying her up with String Shot.
Soon Ash came and stopped the fight before anything else happened. He soon pulle
d on the webbing. Soon the Rocket seemed to tease him a bit before Annie told Es
peon to give him a Psybeam. Ash took it quite well, and managed to escape with L
atias before anything could happen, the Pokemon soon giving the chase. Taking ad
vantage of such a place like this, Ash led Latias around in random directions in
hopes to lose the two Pokemon that were chasing after them. It took a while, bu
t Ash managed to lose them. After a bit, Latias soon led Ash someplace else, tha
t someplace being where Misty and Brock were in a small courtyard enjoying some
Ice cream. When Ash looked back, Latias was gone.)
With that little incident out of the blue for now, Ash just takes it easy and th
e gang heads over to the temple of Alto Mare. However, Annie and Oakley spy upon
them with a another cambug, watching his every movements.
The place seems pretty big on the outside, but a few things shown on the inside.
While they walk in the building, they come across some fossils embedded in the
tiles. Misty gets a little jumpy at first but soon a chubby man sporting Mario's
outfit explains that it's only just a fossil. The bigger catch, is the huge mac
hine up ahead. He shows him to another room, in it is a huge contraption that's
surrounded by big pillars, and a some circle with designs on it is in front of i
t. Up near the roof are stained glass pictures from the book Annie and Oakley st
ole the other time. He explains that this machine litterally controls the whole
island if something happens. Or at least that's the legend says.
Ash looks up and notices that there's a girl painting. The girl looks exactly li
ke the one he saw earlier, only this time she was wearing a large white beret. H
e gets a closer look, but accidently puts his hNSA on the pillars, which gets hi
m a scolding. When he looked back, the girl was packing up and leaving. He ran o
ut, telling Misty and Brock he'd be at the Pokemon Center before lights out. Ash
soon runs after the girl, but every where he gets to, she's always near, but so
far. He goes through the building's balcony, courtyard, then finally he ends up
talking with her on the other side of a canal, apparently she replies a little
annoyed with a "What are you talking about?" She walks off and Ash continues to
go after her. Suddenly, he comes to a four-way intersection, no one in sight...
(There was a nice "Matrix" camera shooting in this scene, where the camera spins
around the character) Using his instincts, Ash heads to his left.
He soon runs into another canal, no one there but boats and people. Pikachu look
s up at the bridge, noticing that the girl is there. Huh... this time she doesn'
t have her beret, or sketchbook for that matter. She runs off, wanting Ash to fo
llow her. After a bit of going through various alleys and roads, Ash is lead to
a vine-covered road which he hesistates to walk through. After that, he finds th
e girl in a dead end, then she walks IN the wall. Ash is a little puzzled, but s
oon Pikachu walks through it as well, then Ash takes a breath, and walks through
The other end seemed to be a dark passageway, but soon brightened to reveal a hu
ge garden with huge trees planted in places. Ash looked around, seeing a few Pok
emon here and there, and soon saw the girl, but she ran off again. When he final
ly met up with her, she was swinging. Something happened, the wind chimes starte
d to blow and something came out of the water and headed straight for them! Pika
chu tried to shock it, but the being dodged it! It soon tackled down Pikachu and
went off, making another run to them. All of a sudden, the girl came and stood
right in front of Ash, the being stopping and revealing itself to be Latios!
Latios was pretty angry for Ash being here, and seemingly yelling at the girl, h
owever the girl never spoke one word. Soon a voice came by, and... it was the sa
me person? Another of the same girl came by, except this one had the beret and s
ketchbook. She yelled at Ash for a minute, then told Latios to attack him, but t
he other girl stopped Latios. Then the man from the temple showed up, he cleared
things up for them. He then explained that all Latias wanted to do was play wit
h Ash, so if she wanted to, she could. The other girl was happy and took Ash to
the swing. Ash noticed that the man called her Latias, and while they were swing
ing, the girl did reveal herself to be Latias! Ash was so surprised that he litt
erally jumped off the swing.
Latios on the other hand seemed to take this well, even giving Pikachu a lick to
prove it. Latios soon gave Pikachu a ride around, Latias soon joining up with h
im. Soon the real girl mentions her name is Kanon. On the outside, she's nothing
more than a artist, but here, she takes care of the two. The man is her grandfa
ther, Bongore, a care-taker of the museum and a boat maker. They walk around a b
it while Latios and Latias play with Pikachu in the air. Latias soon dropped Pik
achu to Ash before taking his hat. He tried to run after her, trying to grab his
hat back and eventually did, before playing the same game with her. Soon Latios
started to hum and his eyes glew. He swam into the fountain that was next to As
h and all of a sudden, Latias's eyes started to glow.
All of a sudden, the whole scene becomes the underwater world that Latios is swi
mming through. Ash is stunned at this site, while Kanon explains that this is La
tios and Latias's trick they can do. Latios acts like the camera, while Latias p
rojects the image. They soon see that Latios is swimming around the canals, then
past a school of Remoraids. The image soon narrows around to going past a few m
ore groups of Pokemon before scene fades out.
One spot the two show Ash is the legend of the island, and one more thing, the S
oul Dew. They all gathered around a little pool of water it was in. This was the
source of the water for Alto Mare, it's what keeps everything going. After a fe
w moments of looking at it, Latias picks up Ash and flies over the pool of water
just infront of where the Soul Dew is. Except she can't really hold on for long
and lets go, Latios simply catches him on the way down. While all this is happe
ning, a CamBug seems to be in the garden... it looks like the two know where Lat
ios and Latias resides.
Soon it gets late, and Ash has to get back to the Pokemon Center as he promised
his friends. Latias doesn't want him to leave though, but these things have to h
appen. Bongore leads Ash to his boat house, which is connected to the garden. Ka
non will give him a ride to the Center, Ash says his goodbyes and they start off
Ash asks Kanon a few things during the ride. One of them being why Latias is som
etimes her. Well Latias is a playful one next to Latios. She tends to get a litt
le lonely sometimes and the only other way is to go about Alto Mare, randomly do
ing things. But since she can't use her Pokemon form, Latias resorts to using Ka
non's form. Kanon and the two Pokemon are best friends, so why not mimic the one
you like so much? *Due to this good explaination, but it's NOT REALLY IN THE MO
VIE, I'll keep it. This next sentence is actually what happens in the movie.* As
h mentions that Latias was earlier attacked, by two people. He's a little worrie
d that they'll take her for some reason and Kanon should watch out for Latias.
Later that night, Annie and Oakley make their move to the garden. They hop build
ings to get there without notice. Jesse, James, and Meowth soon try to follow th
e same, but after a while they slip and fal on a lamp post. All the while their
hanging, Wobuffet comes out of turn and sends them plummeting. When they reached
Kanon's house, they send Espeon to take out Bongore in the boat house. While he
's knocked out, the Rockets make their move. Upon entering the garden, Latios wa
kes up from his sleep, then Latias does too and follows as Latios finds them. He
tries to tackle the Rockets, but they cartwheel out of the way. Then Latios rou
nds up for Oakley, which she simply goes down the hill. With no other way throug
h this, Latios and Latias resorts to camoufloguing and try attacking from there.
It's no good, Annie and Oakley can still time their dodges perfectly. The Rocke
ts soon put on their special shades that let them see where he is. Finding him,
Annie tells her Espeon to use Swift on him. The attack hits, making him visible.
Oakley on the other side tells her Araidos to use Night Shade. It hits Latias,
but Latios gets in the way halfway through the attack. Latios soon goes down, th
en Annie tosses a bola-like ball which opens up a into a net that secures Latios
With Latias alone, Annie says to do a Psychic attack. Latias is out for now, and
Annie takes the advantage by telling Espeon to use Tackle. Latios gets in the w
ay once more, despite that net around him. Latias tries to help Latios, but Lati
os simply yells at her to get out. Annie tries to through another ball, but once
more Latios gets in the way. He yells at Latias once more to get out before she
gets caught, and she soon goes off into the pool Latios took the other time, sa
ddened. With their victory catch, Oakley soon tries to pull out the Soul Dew. It
's a little wedged in at first, but she manages to pull it out. The orb sparkles
with light on the inside, making it look very beautiful. The two exchange posse
sion of it, then Oakley takes a snapshot of the tiles that form the legend with
her laptop. The Laptop soon rearranges them and decodes the whole legend. Now to
put it to work... Latias emerges from a random canal, finding one person who ca
n help.
Back at the garden, Kanon and Bongore rush to the Soul Dew Of The Heart's holder
, but they were a littlle too late...
Meanwhile, Annie and Oakley carry Latios to the machine in the temple. They begi
n the phase to work the machine.
Step 1: Place the guardains (in this case, guardian) upon the pedistal. They do
so, and soon three rings similar to the traps Lawrence III used back in the seco
nd movie, surround Latios. Soon a pattern of lines glow red, providing the energ
y. The pillars of the machine soon come down, and the main machine itself appear
s. The machine itself looks like a scale of some kind, one end has a large orb,
the other has some sort of thing to place something on. Multiple arms jut out, w
hich looks rather made in weird designs.
Step 2: Place the Soul Dew in the placement holder. Oakley takes care of that pa
rt, and places the orb in a holding place that soon clamps it down. Before they
could move on, Kanon and her father soon enter. They are soon taken care of with
a Psychic.
Step 3: Manually control the effects from there. The large orb soon goes in fron
t of them, but it's a single seater. Annie doesn't really like the idea of doing
this, so Oakley gladly goes in.
Latias goes to the Pokemon Center, only knowing that one person can help her bro
ther. The windo is left open, Pikachu notices something easily. When Ash wakes u
p, Latias stands there, as Kanon. He gets a little bit confused at who's who at
first but he figures it out when Latias soon sobs on his shoulder. (Since Latias
can't talk in her Kanon form, she doesn't make any noise there either)
Back at the temple, Ariados is done with securing Kanon and Bongore. Latios woke
up, trying to get out of his imprisonment before he notices that he is trapped.
Kanon soon shouts at him, telling him he should project the area to Latias sinc
e she has a feeling Latias would be with Ash. Latios's eyes glow once more and..
Everyone else wakes up and soon there's some explaining to do. Sometime after th
e revelation, Latias changes back to her Pokemon form, Brock and Misty instantly
stunned. Soon Latias eyes glow, and their taken to see w hat Latios sees. Misty
and Brock are obviously surprised, but they look around. They soon see that Kan
on is there, held hostage. They see that Oakley starts to control the machine, w
hich takes energy from Latios to power it's various functions. One thing she doe
s is revive the fossils of the Aerodactyl and Kabutops that where embedded. They
come to life through the machine, and Oakley ordered them to find Latias. That
was just about then that Latios passed out, and Latias "lost connection." Ash so
on puts one more thing on his agenda, get Latios out.
The next thing Oakley wanted to do, was to prevent anybody from coming in. To do
so, she initiated a total lockdown on the city, just by that machine. Soon ever
ywhere where there was a balcony or place fit for a door, cages and other type o
f blocks soon formed up. Jesse, James and Meowth happened to be in an alley when
this started up, first their front was blocked off, then their backs, leaving t
hem trapped.
Ash looked out the window to see what was happening. Soon the bars started to fo
rm up on the balcony and he jumped out with Latias before it was too late. Ash s
aid to Misty and Brock that he'll go on, they'll just have to find their way thr
ough. Ash tried to go around on foot, but nothing was open. Finding no other way
, he decided to take a boat ride. While he was going through the canal, the Aero
dactyl soon attacked from behind, grabbing Latios. Ash stopped and jumped onto t
he Aerodactyl, then told Pikachu to use Thunderbolt.
The attack worked, but Latias went off scared. Then the Aerodactyl was charging
up a Hyperbeam, there as no other place to go, so Ash and Pikachu made a swim fo
r it. The Aerodactyl missed by a hair, but the attack forced Ash underwater. Lat
ias soon peeked out and then noticed the Aerodactyl was gone. She then went unde
rwater to help Ash up, then everything seemed okay. Latias carried Ash around a
bit before he noticed there was some pods left over from the race. There was onl
y one thing to do now.
Latias soon starts to surf off with Ash as they try to lose the Aerodactyl. Soon
the Aerodactyl was on their tail again. Latias kept up the speed, and tried way
s to stop it from following them. She soon went in a narrow canal, which was eno
ugh to stop the Aerodactyl. But as they were coming along, they sped passed the
Kabutops, which soon ran after them with incredible speed.
Someplace else, Brock tries to open up the bars but has no luck. Misty tells him
maybe they should just send out their Pokemon to find and help Ash before anyth
ing happens. Brock sends out Crobat while Misty with Politoed and Corsola. As th
ey head off, Brock climbs the fence.
The Kabutops is easily able to keep up with Ash and Latias, as water isn't going
to stop him. Latias rounds one corner, but makes it too deep and causes Ash to
land on a side road. Though the Kabutops did catch up, it was tackled by Crobat,
then squirted down by Corsola and Politoed. Thanking them, Ash and Latias soon
head off to the Temple.
Oakley sees that Ash is coming, but it's no problem. Oakley soon uses yet anothe
r option upon the machine that contols the water. When Ash and Latias made it to
the large canal just before the museum, the water soon starts to come alive as
they make it to the grounds. The water glides along the cracks of the tiles then
manages to trap Ash and Latias in square before becoming a large column of wate
r. Oakley seems to be controlling this, which she waves her hands around like a
conductor of a high-speed orchestra. Annie on the other hand seems a little worr
ied that Oakley is a little, nuts. The water in turn soon was choking Ash and La
tias. Latias soon glew and soon produced a ball of light that surrounded her, st
opping the water. She did get some of the wind knocked out of her, but was okay.
However, as soon as Latias did this, the machine started to go haywire for a min
ute. They made it to the machine as it started to mess up, Oakley's control not
working at all. Soon the machine started to spin around. Ash soon tries to free
Kanon, but the webbing is too tight. He tells Pikachu to Thundershock the web, w
hich cuts it enough for Ash to tear it. Latias on the other hand rams into the r
ings around Latios, which only reflects her back. She tries this again, but is b
ounced back. With one other way, Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt, but the barrier soo
n reflects the bolt back at them, but this also lowered the containment. All in
the while, the machine closed the control hatch, leaving Oakley trapped as it sp
un around. No other option but tackling seems to help. Soon Ash, Pikachu, and La
tias tackle at the barrier, all not working. Soon Latias devolops the ball of li
ght around her and rams into the barrier, enough to shut it down. Ash, Kanon, an
d her father soon start to grab Latios out, which takes a while, but managed to
The machine soon stopped, and the control pod opened back up.Latios woke up and
seemed okay. Annie simply smiled and went up to check Oakley, who was shaken out
for the moment. All at once, the bars started to open back up. Annie talked wit
h Oakley for a while, then went to the Soul Dew Of the Heart... it was purple. S
he almost touched it when Bongore shouted "No!" and it was too late. The Soul De
w shattered and it blew Annie back into the control pod before the machine went
haywire again. This time the pillars came back up and secured the machine down.
Bongore said in an almost sad tone, that if the Soul Dew was shattered, it would
bring disaster into Alto Mare.
All around Alto Mare, the waters started to recede back towards the ocean. The o
cean itself soon started to drain out towards the horizon. Ash, Kanon, her fathe
r, Latios, and Latias soon went out, this wasn't good at all. Then Latios and La
tias soon went towards the top of the building, spinning around a sun-like crest
that was there. This was the plan to bring the waters back. However, they got m
ore than they bargained for. The waters came back as a huge tidal wave!
Knowing what to do, the guardians flew over towards the tidal wave. After a ways
there, they started to glow, white. Then just as they near the waves, they fuse
d together in a single ball of light. (Sorry, they didn't fuse physically) Just
as the waves hit them, the ball of light grew, and soon all the waters in the wa
ve stopped, barely wiping out a small island in the distance. The glow continued
, and the waters barely did a thing to the city.
In the light Latias looked around, wondering where her brother is. But when she
looked one way, she did... only he was energy, his body only looking like the sa
me color of how the Soul Dew glew. Latias seemed a little sad, but Latias placed
his hand upon hers, gave a little nod and then accended before "exploding", pus
hing Latias back. Where Ash was standing, the ball of light soon became a shaft
of light. After a while, the light was gone. As for the waters, they came back,
nothing damaged. Jesse, James and Meowth who were trying to get over a barrier w
ere soon washed away, with their famous "We're Blasting Off Again!" phrase. All
around, the bars and barriers went away, the two fossil Pokemon going back to th
eir original spots. And while at the temple, Annie and Oakley fuss over which lo
oks better, Vileplume and Bellossom. The pod soon shuts, Oakley complains about
that before Annie tells her to shut up.
At dawn, Ash, Misty, Brock, Kanon, and her father set off to find Latios and Lat
ias. After a moment, Pikachu looked and noticed a Mantine and some other water P
okemon were carrying Latias. They got her onto the boat, Latias soon woke up. Sh
e looked around franctically for Latios, as well as the others. Latias soon look
ed up, Kanon mentioning it was where that light was. Then Bongore figured out so
mething, that shaft of light was Latios... he expended too much energy while he
was used up, and in turn, gave up his life.
But soon Latias's eyes glew and they were brought in the eyes of Latios, only su
rrounded in a Soul Dew themselves. They saw that he was still accending, the ear
th visible and getting smaller. Then the visual went black, that orb soon went u
p and was brought just in front of Kanon. She placed her hand out, and the orb b
ecame a new Soul Dew. A momento left behind of Latios. The projection soon stopp
ed, Kanon still having the Soul Dew...Latias soon was saddened. But soon Ash com
forted her, sure she lost her brother... but he left something behind for her to
remember him by.
Kanon soon placed the Teardop back into its proper place, the pool becoming live
ly once more as it did. She thanked Ash, as well as her father and Latias. And t
hings... well seemed normal once more.
Later that day, the gang was on a boat back to the mainland. But just before the
y left, they made a pitstop at Kanon's house. Ash asked Bongore if Kanon was hom
e. He called up to the window to her room... apparently there was no answer. Ash
said to say goodbye for them next time he sees her and they were off. Back in K
anon's room however... Kanon and picked up a rolled up paper before leaving. Alo
ng the way Ash noticed Kanon running across a bridge and told the boat driver to
stop. He soon met up with Kanon at the end of a pier and said his goodbye. Kano
n soon gave him the paper, and kissed him on the cheek. Misty and Brock soon whe
re both equally surprised at this. But Brock managed to almost praise Ash on thi
s. Afterwards, Kanon ran off... But Ash knew someting... It wasn't Kanon, it was
Latias, thanking him. Ash unrolled the paper, it was a painting of him and Pika
chu on his shoulder...
*Ending Credits*
After a moment out at sea, Ash notices three figures in the sky. They breifly re
veal themselves, two of them appear to be Latios, the other Latias... It looks l
ike Alto Mare can rest once more.
Ash soon goes back to the mainland. The scene skips over to Bongore remodelizing
the machine, fixing whatever went busted and such. They soon got Annie and Oakl
ey out, but they were arrested, and made front page. Back at where Annie and Oak
ley are being kept in, they look over a book on Lawarence III and all the treasu
res he collected, planning out to snag a few from him next. At the garden, we se
e that the new Latios and Latias soon found themselves a home. Meanwhile, Kanon
is seen painting and takes a breather for the moment as a wind blows by. As for
Ash, we see him going along the coasts.

This movie spans a course of seven days in accordance to the Wishing Star of Sev
en Nights. So for starters, I'll just let you know what day it is, except the in
Team Magma, their intention on getting Groudon is high, but perhaps they aren't
fools. A Team Magma scientist, Butler, had sought to find them Groudon. However
along his research, he stumbled upon something that was interesting... something
that would give him the missing link to obtaining Groudon. It was a large purpl
e crystaline.
A computer like 3D field displays the title "Pokemon Advance Generation" before
turing to the purple crystal like field and finally going onto the "The Wishing
Star of Seven Nights" title.
-1 Day of the Wishing Star
It's a clear sky night, and the gang is walking across a plain. Brock has their
next location planned, there's supposed be an amusement park on the move and it'
s stopping just in the area ahead. The other's are excited and so Ash runs ahead
since he wants to be first, then May, then Masato, finally Brock decides to fol
low them on. The amusement park is just up ahead... but when Ash finally comes t
o a small hill, there's nothing but an open field. Once everyone gets there, the
y get dissapointed. May double checks with Brock, yet this is the place and they
're at the right time. Maybe they're just a day early. So for the night they cam
p out.
Later that night some trucks come.Most of them are huge, but there are also tank
-like vehicles carrying farris wheels and other rides. Pikachu hears them in the
distance, who also wakes up Ash. Then the gang starts to notice the big comotio
n. It's the amusment park, and they're just starting to set up. The carriers tur
n into the respective rides, big balloons of various Pokemon blow up. Then two t
rucks in particular stop by in a more open area. A magician looking person steps
out of one, creating a rag he had into a wand. A large bubble started to come o
ut of the wand, bounce around, then another bubble came out. Some ways from the
magician, a women stepped out of another vehicle, and bounced the bubbles left a
nd right. The bubbles were soon all in a formation, then popped, forming six sta
nds. And just like magic, the stands create a giant circle of wood, make a woode
floor, create a frame, and inflate a balloon wall...A giant tent was raised for
the magician's magic show. By dawn, the amusement park had plenty of stands, a
giant farris wheel, even a roller coaster. A final truck drove towards the park
with a roll on rail for trains, which one was already coming by.
Day 1 of the Wishing Star
That day the gang spent the day there, riding the giant swings and other rides.
Particularily when they were in the bumper cars, Brock got distracted by a woman
going by, but got in a accidenty himself by crashing into the wall. Jesse, Jame
s, and Meowth dressed up as clowns tossed around some phamplets for a magic show
, they stopped though, seeing Ash just ahead. Ash and co. on the other hand was
looking at one of the phamplets, seeing that there's a magic show nearby hosted
by "The Great Butler." This looked really interesting to them, and as always wha
tever does, they go to the tent where the magic show is being held.
The tent is jammed packed for the show. And it starts off with the magician Butl
er coming out, turing his rag into a wand. A Mightyena came with his hat and But
ler setted it on the table. He tapped it with his wand, and when he lifted it up
, a Kirlia came out for the first act. Then for the second act, Butler put the K
irlia into a box, put a rag around it, and when he pulled off the rag, his femal
e assistant came out. The assistant was holding a purple crystal, and then she h
eld it up, producing a bright shine. Everyone was amazed, but there was somethin
g with Masato. A voice seemed to call out to him from inside the crystal! After
a minute, held the crystal down, but it started to talk to Masato once more, say
ing "My name is Jirachi." Butler then makes his opening, introducing the Mightye
na, Kirlia (who tosses the hat onto Mightyena) and his assistant Dianne.
Masato then just got up and went to the stage, Ash followed right after him to t
ry to stop Masato. Masato got to the stage, asking something about why the cryst
al was talking to him. Ash caught up, telling Masato to get off the stage. But M
asato went on, saying that the crystal was saying it's name was Jirachi. To impr
ovise for the show, Butler decided to do a magic trick with Ash and Masato. It w
ould be one of those perilous types, such as the one where you stick a dozen swo
rds into a box. So Ash and Masato are put into a box, and the clowns from before
turn it around so to make sure there aren't any tricks to this box. A Dusclops
creeps out from behind the curtains and just onto the stage. Butler explains tha
t the Dusclops will blow up the box with Hyper Beam, but Ash and Masato will app
ear somewhere else. Brock and May are nervous though, Butler starts the count to
10. Hearing the count, Ash and Masato start to get nervous themselves. But once
10 is counted, they both drop while the Dusclops fires a Hyper Beam at the box.
It was a trap door! But Ash and Masato are carried off along a rail cart to ano
ther part of stage. While everyone is believing that Ash and Masato dissapeared,
they reappear in the back (no one notices apparently). To finish off the trick,
Butler announces that they "teleported" to the back. Spolights point towards wh
ere Ash and Masato are. Everyone applaudes at the show while the two step down b
ack to the stage.
But once Ash and Masato are back on stage, a claw quickly snatches Pikachu! It's
the Rockets who take off their clown disguises. They also managed to catch Butl
er's Kirlia and Mightyena. They start take off in a balloon, the Rockets on some
sort of swing attatchment. Ash starts to get a Pokemon out, but Butler says tha
t he can turn this into an act. Dusclops uses a Will-o-Wisp to burn off one of t
he strings, leaving the Rockets hanging. This also knocks Pikachu away from them
, taking a comeback with Thunder Bolt. The Kirlia and Mightyena are released as
the Rockets blow high into the sky. The final act has been played.
After the show, the gang stays to talk about the mysterious mishap with Masato.
Dianne explains that the crystal contains a Pokemon known as Jirachi, and it's s
tuck in the crystal, because it's sleeping. Butler thinks that Masato can perhap
s free Jirachi, so he says Masato can have the crystal so Masato can have a "par
tner" so to speak. May objects, but Dianne gives crystal to Masato. May wants to
see but Masato teases her, keeping it away. They both go off into the amusement
park area, Ash and Brock follow afterwards.
The gang decides to browse around the stands. May stops by at one stand, looking
at a sort of charm. The clerk says that that is the charm of the Wishing Star o
f Seven Nights. He explains that only once a millenium, a shooting star will pas
s by for only seven days. If you ever managed to see the shooting star, you make
a wish every night it's there and flip a tab for that night, however you have t
o do it every night in order to have your wish come true. May decides to buy it
hands down. Soon fireworks exploding in the shapes of Pokemon (I wish we could h
ave that) light up the sky. Masato "shows" the display to Jirachi, trying to mak
e friends with it already.
That night the gang decides to sleep outside, and the night sky clears from the
cover of clouds. It's a wonderful sky, it looks like something interesting is th
ere though. It looks like an aurora, but as the clouds spread away, it reveals t
he Wishing Star! May remembers her charm and then makes a wish, and marks off da
y one. Meanwhile the others are talking about this whole Jirachi thing. They not
ice Masato is sleeping, May gives him a pat on the head, Masato responds by sayi
ng "Mama". Those words reminded May of a laluby their mother used to sing, and s
o she starts to sing it. Then suddenly the crystal starts to glow brightly. Masa
to wakes up and everyone else gathers around. Energy from the ground appears to
center on the circle. But it looks like this hasn't startled the only the gang.
Someplace far away, Absol notices the ground is making energy waves, and heads o
ff towards the amusement park. The crystal floats some, and the unviels around t
he Pokemon who is Jirachi! Masato catches him as he floats down, Jirachi wakes u
p slowly. Masato gives a nice greeting to Jirachi, who speaks Masato's name back
. Then Ash, Brock, and May introduce themselves to the newly awakened Pokemon. B
ut what to do? For now they decide to head to Butler for assistance.
When they get to Butler's tent, Dianne tells them to wait in their trailer. Masa
to decides to see what Jirachi can do. Jirachi says he can make wishes come true
, the gang wants to give it a shot. May, Ash and Brock start fighting over for J
irachi, but Masato breaks them up. Since Jirachi is Masato's partner, he gets to
make the first wish. Masato has trouble thinking of a wish but he finally decid
es on asking for snacks. Jirachi tries to think of what Masato is talking about
(1000 years of sleep will do that to you) and soon the bands on Jirachi's head s
tart to glow and like that, the wish is granted. The gang looks around, there's
no sign of what Masato asked for anywhere. Just like that, a bag of chips sudden
ly appeared on Masato's lap. Then Jirachi happily flies about in the trailer mak
ing more snacks appear. Jirachi however is not making these snacks appear out of
no where! He's just teleporting them from a local snack stand! The trailer star
ts to get so full that it bursts the back door open. Butler and Dianne come out
seeing what was going on, but gang makes it out of the snack pile alright. Butle
r and Dianne wonder where all these snacks came from, Ash says that Jirachi just
made them appear. Butler mentions a stand suddenly lost its merchandise, and th
ey get the idea what happened. May pops out and grabs a candy bar to eat, but ev
eryone tells her to stop. Masato then asks Jirachi to take all these snacks back
. Jirachi misunderstands, and sends May away! May however just was teleported to
the top of the snack pile. Jirachi says he's sleepy, and just like that he goes
to sleep. Jirachi simply ran out of energy from all that "granting wishes" he d
id. Butler goes on to something else, saying he needs some help with the magic s
how since Jesse and James aren't around to help.
Absol on the other hand, is already at the amusement park by dawn.
Day 2 of the Wishing Star
The next day Ash and Brock become Butler's new assistants, in the clown get up o
f course. May is helping out back stage, but Masato is going out today to play w
ith Jirachi. *Note I'm not familiar with general ride names* They go on the pira
te ship first, then onto the spinning cups, then onto the farris wheel. While th
ey look at the landscape ahead, Jesse James and Meowth spy on them in their ball
oon. If Jirachi can make wishes come true, it'll be something great to give to G
Masato comes back to Butler's tent after the last show. May backstage is moving
with the stage sets when she tips it over on a random block. She runs to the oth
er side to help put it back up, then Masato comes to help out just in time. Jira
chi taks Masato's glasses then Masato tries to get it back, leaving May behind.
May couldn't hold the part she was moving and it falls over, ripping off the cur
tain that was behind her and caused a big crash. Ash, Brock, Butler and Dianne c
ome to check out what's going on. May says that Jirachi distracted Masato and th
at's what caused this mess. Masato is still trying to get his glasses back from
Jirachi, and finally catches them. Masato decides to get back at Jirachi by play
fully smothering him. Masato notices something tore, it was the tent wall. Then
suddenly the mirror infront of him shatters, it's Absol! It looks quite ticked o
ff and seems to be only after Masato. The horn on its head glows and it releases
an energy scythe heading towards Masato's way. The others see what's going on,
but they can't help out much in the cramped backstage. Masato scrambles finally
to the main stage where Absol is just near pinning him down. The others come in
just in time, May sends out Torchic to fend off Absol. But Torchic's too weak to
lay even a scratch so Pikachu joins in the fray. Pikachu's Thunderbolt works, b
ut it's not enough to make Absol flinch. Jirachi doesn't want Pikachu and Torchi
c hurt, he teleports them outside up high onto the tent. Absol decides to take o
n Ash and co.! Butler, however, always seems to have one trick up his sleeve and
when Absol got close enough, he hit a switch on his wand opening a trap door. A
sh and co. wonders what happened to Absol, which only turns out Butler just trap
ped it in a cage. Absol's still a little wild so Kirlia puts it to sleep with Hy
pnosis. All is better now... at least.
Later that night, Butler's in his tent, the stage now has some complex machines
on it. Just up on top, the tent is open, revealing the Wishing Star. All he need
s now is Jirachi. Dianne on the other hand doesn't look very happy about the ide
a of what Butler is going to do.
The gang for tonight is sleeping in Butler's trailer, however May is missing. Ho
wever it only looks like she just came out to do day two of her wishings. After
some star gazing, she notices that Butler came out of the trailer, carrying some
Butler is carrying Jirachi! To the machine of course. Butler places Jirachi on o
ne component, which levitates Jirachi, what worse, it's causing him a great deal
of pain. Absol is also out and up, trying to break out of the cage. Dianne want
s Butler to stop, but there's no stopping Butler now. What Butler wants is Jirac
hi to extract the energy from the Wishing Star, but Jirachi refuses. So Butler h
as his Dusclops force Jirachi to extract the energy. In the mean time Butler loo
ks at a piece of rock in a capsule remembering that fateful day with Team Magma.
He had the same exact machine, saying that the rock is a key to summoning Groud
on. Once he threw the switch, electricity was directed to the rock, and to a gre
en pad. It started to work, but the machine started to malfunction, and then blo
ws up. He needed more energy, but all that it left Butler with was laughs from t
he Magma Team. But soon he'll have his way.
May gets back to the trailer and wakes up Ash and the others to tell them Jirach
i is missing. They can only suspect Butler took him away and they head for the t
ent. It's too late for Jirachi however, and an "eye" opens up on his belly, and
a beam shoots out straight to the Wishing Star. Butler puts the rock onto anothe
r component. When the beam hits the Wishing Star, it sends another beam straight
to Jirachi. However the energy from the beam is too much for the machine, and i
t blows up. Just at that time Ash and co. make it to the stage. Butler and Diann
e are still stunned from the blast, Butler insanely going on about how much ener
gy is in the beam. Masato gets Jirachi out of the machine and starts to run off.
Dusclops gets a hold of Masato with Pyschic though, but Pikachu shocks the ghos
t Pokemon to release Masato. If Dianne can't stop Butler, then she decides to si
de with Ash and co. and help them escape with Jirachi. Just at that moment, Abso
l breaks free of the cage and keeps Butler occupied for a while.
The gang and Dianne get on the trailer and drive off. Butler can't follow them..
but he sends out Mightyena to chase them for a bit. The gang wonders where Dian
ne will take them, she says that she's taking them to the only place where they
can help Jirachi. Mightyena on the other hand plants a tracking device on the tr
ailer as they drive off. Dianne mentions to the gang that Jirachi is only awake
for seven days before he goes back to sleep for another 1000 years... but Jirach
i has to be at certain spot. Butler on the other hand looks back at the tracking
locator, and he knows where they're going. He presses a switch, revealing anoth
er of his machines... it looks like all he wanted to see was if Jirachi could gi
ve him enough power to summon Groudon.
Day 3 of the Wishing Star
The next day Dianne is driving across some very bumpy terrain. Masato and Jirach
i hold onto some grips in the back area, but where Ash is sitting isn't enough t
o keep him on the seat during the ride. The ride also causes the tracking device
to shake off. That night they camp out, Brock is cooking dinner, Ash and Masato
asleep. May does her third day of wishing and goes inside the trailer. She find
s Dianne in there, thinking about something. May wonders what's going on, Dianne
explains that she wishes Butler wouldn't turn out this way. She's Butler's chil
dhood friend and she used to watch him perform. Butler even knew how to make thi
ngs appear just like that back then. All she wanted was for him to stay a magici
an. Things gone bad with Team Magma, and well here he is now bent on getting Gro
Day 4 of the Wishing Star
Ash and co. ride through mountains (Team Rocket right behind them), along a beau
tiful natural avenue alongside a river. They make a pit-stop along the river, As
h going against Masato at skipping stones. Ash only gets two, Masato manages a f
our and so he celebrates with Jirachi. That night May completes day four of her
wishes. Something upsets Masato though, and he runs to the riverside. Ash follow
s and tries to comfort him, since Ash after all had to give up a lot of friends
in the past.
Day 5 of the Wishing Star
Along the way, the trailer gets stuck in mud. Ash and co. try to their hardest t
o get the trailer out. They manage to after one big push, but everyone gets spla
shed with mud. Jirachi shimmies himself clean and the rest of the gang laughs.
Later that night, May is about to do day five, but Masato tells her not too. Eve
rytime Masato sees her make a wish, it's ticking down the days he has left with
Jirachi. Masato just doesn't want that reminder. Then he goes onto complaining h
ow come he has to go to bed early, but that's just the way things are. Besides J
irachi gets tired earlier, so Masato just snugs with Jirachi and tries to get so
me sleep. May starts to hum the laluby once more.
Day 6 of the Wishing Star
The trailer finally comes to a stop at a cliff. Everyone comes out and what they
see ahead is a landscape of wonder. It's all forest, but every other spot is a
high and narrow mesa. Dianne says that just ahead is Jirachi's resting place. Th
ey make it down the cliff to the forest area, walking by seeing various Pokemon
including: Altaria, Breloom, Linoone, and Flygon.They stop in the middle, late a
t night to camp. Just one more day... Masato doesn't seem to make the best of th
ings. May completes day six.
Day 7 of the Wishing Star
Along the way, the gang encounters Absol. Absol motions to follow it and so they
go on after the Pokemon. It takes them all day, but they make it too the cave w
here Jirachi was originally. And just in a while more, they reach the exact spot
. There's a giant hole in the cave roof, and there's a clear view of the Wishing
Star. Jirachi starts to go towards the sky, but Masato grabs him. Masato doesn'
t want to part with Jirachi just yet, but Ash tells him about what he said three
days ago. Masato finally accepts the goodbye and Jirachi floats upwards. Jirach
i opens up the eye... but before he could fire the beam, machines poke out of th
e ceiling and trap Jirachi in an energy net! Then a chunk of the roof reveals to
be a giant curtain Butler put up to trick them. The machines direct Jirachi tow
ards Butler where he has a souped up version of the machine he was using before,
only this time its on a platform suspended by cables. But it looks like the gan
g can't do anything now, the machines are generating a barrier, all the can do i
s watch Butler's "climax of the show".
Butler sets up the machine, three switches come up which automatically get throw
n. Three spike emitters comes out from below the machine on the underside. Butle
r places the rock onto its proper place. Jirachi doesn't know what's going on, s
o he still fires out the beam towards the Wishing Star. The Wishing Star fires a
beam back and the machine harnesses the energy. Butler throws another switch an
d the emitters fire out a beam that hits the ground, carving a shape of Groudon
into it. It's nearly complete when Absol rushes in and tosses an energy scythe a
t one of the machines. It blows up, and Absol tosses a few more. Then Flygon com
es in, busting another two. Looks like they came to help in the nick of time. As
h and Pikachu get on Flygon to stop Butler, Masato comes along too since he can
help Jirachi. They quickly head up for the machine, but they can't risk doing da
mage to it since it'll hurt Jirachi. Butler decides to fend them off with Salame
nce, which he gets on as well.
Salamence can't get a hit on Flygon as it tries to lay a couple of Flame Thrower
s, this buys Ash some time to think. Ash says that Pikachu and Masato should get
on the platform, Ash and Flygon can distract Butler until Masato can get Jirach
i. Flygon makes a swift landing to drop off Pikachu and Masato. Pikachu knocks o
ut the anti-gravity generators holding Jirachi, Masato comes to pick him up. Fly
gon comes back and they all go off once more... but Butler doesn't seem to mind
at all. Jirachi wakes up and is happy to see Masato. But it looks like they're t
oo late, the pattern has already begun to summon Groudon. Out of the earth Groud
on rises, notable blue lines glow through the dirt that's covering it. It's an a
wesome sight to see, but once Groudon is out, Butler notices something that isn'
t right. The first thing is that Groudon causes plants to die whenever it walks
by... the second thing he notices is that there's a lava-like pattern on the und
erside. This isn't Groudon at all, it's some kind of monster! The enormous stomp
ing also causes the platform cable's to snap, leaving the platform just barely h
anging as it was.
By now, Brock, May, Dianne, and Absol are outside, Flygon catches up to them. Ab
sol notices that this isn't right either and tries to attack it. But "Groudon" d
oesn't flinch, it just looks at it and its claws turn into green tentacles that
swiftly engulf and consume Absol. Then after that, the spikes on Groudon's side
turn into green tentacles, and soon they rush out everywhere. Some of them gobbl
e up the Altaria, others nab Linoone and Breloom. A wondering tentacle also mana
ges to get Team Rocket! Butler and Salamence go towards the gang. Of course, he'
s greeted with some nasty words, but he knows he made a grave mistake. The Groud
on is a reincarnated form of the energy from the Wishing Star. The only way to s
top it is to reverse the energy flow with the machine. Everyone's uncertain, but
Jirachi says he'll do it, if it's to help his friends.
Just then, Groudon turns its attention to the gang and sends a few tentacles aft
er them. Brock and May get swallowed up while they try to escape. Another heads
straight for Butler, but Dianne covers him. To Butler now, it's over for Groudon
. As for Flygon, Ash, and Masato, they get caught in a tentacle, but Jirachi soo
n teleports them out! (A cutscene shows that whoever Groudon ate, they're just s
tuck in him) However both Ash and Butler are far from the platform, and Groudon'
s too close to it for comfort. It's a now or never plan though, and both of them
soon head off to the platform. They first evade Groudon's assult of tentacles,
Flygon by evading, Salamence by shooting some fire at it. Butler manages to get
the platform first. He starts to undo the switches to start preparing the machin
e to take care of Groudon. He takes the rock from its place, but Groudon's stomp
ing made him drop it! Just in the nick of time Ash catches it and now heads over
towards the platform.
Ash, Masato, and Jirachi drop off and the two dragons start to keep Groudon busy
. Jirachi gets in place while Ash, Masato, and Butler ready the machine once mor
e. The dragons soon were devoured by Groudon. More stomping gets everyone off th
eir feet, but Butler nearly falls off! He gets back onto the platform and all th
ey're waiting now is to hit the switch to activate the machine. Groudon is alrea
dy beginning his assult on the platform now. As one final act, Butler puts himse
lf in front of everyone so the tentacles will go after him. Butler says that it
was the least he could do for bringing this mess up in the first place. But then
a determined Ash scrambles up to the switch, and then throws it for everyone.
The machine fires out a beam to the ground, where it starts to create waves of l
ight. This disrupts Groudon and it collaspes on to the mesa the platform is bare
ly hanging on. Groudon is starting to melt... or is it more like trying to consu
me? It's already covering the platform, Ash, Masato... But just before Groudon c
ould smother everyone, Jirachi suddenly gets up and smiles, creating an orb of l
ight. Jirachi then flies upwards, pushing Groudon all the way up to the sky! Jus
t as Jirachi passes the Wishing Star, Groudon explodes, creating a meteor shower
display. Suddenly all the Pokemon teleport back to the ground, carrying on with
their business. Absol, Flygon and Salamence reappear as well. Butler and Dianne
teleport elsewhere, then Ash. and co. Jirachi then comes down shining, as if be
ing a shooting star himself. Jirachi happily says that he loves Masato, Ash, Bro
ck, and May. They're all his friends forever. The gang express their friendship
back to Jirachi. But right now, it's absolutely the time Jirachi must sleep for
1000 years. But as one last request, Jirachi asks if everyone can sing the lalub
y to him, so he can remember his friends. May starts off singing, then Ash, Broc
k, and Masato join. Jirachi says his last goodbyes as the crystal starts to envo
lope around him. The strange energy waves from before appear, centering on Jirac
hi. Everyone's watching this, Jesse, James, and Meowth in particular up on a mes
a. Jirachi says one more time that forever they'll be friends. The gang says "go
odnight" to Jirachi.
Day 8 of The Wishing Star (which has passed)
Butler decides to quit this Team Magma thing and just stick with being a magicia
n. So him and Dianne take off to head back. Ash reminds May of her charm. May ge
ts a surprised look and checks it out... She missed the last day. At any rate, t
hey start to go off... but Jirachi tells Masato, no matter where he'll go, he'll
always be his friend...
*Ending Credits*
While the gang walks along the road, May starts to get tired and stops. She does
n't want to walk ALL The way back to the amusement park area. But fortunately fo
r them, the person who sold May the charm happened to drive by, and they all get
a ride.
Various Pokemon constellations also show: Teddiursa, Machop pinning down a Sevip
er, Kyogre, Pikachu, Gligar.
The gang manages to find a beach to relax and spend the day, then they camp out.
Finally they walk off to the horizon to their next journey...

Destiny Deoxys

-History of Pokemon-
In the Pokemon world as we know, there is a count of over 350, spanning many reg
ions across. But the series revolves around one particular trainer: Ash Ketchum.
Ash has traveled over three regions and working on his fourth in Houen to claim
the title of Pokemon Master. In the past he has done tremendous feats that prob
ably no other would accomplish, but in the end he's always the energetic trainer
reaching for that goal.
But now it's a new chapter in Ash's adventure, as a comet approaches the world f
rom the abyss of space.
Along an ice shelf near Hoenn, it's the time of year when the Spheals, Sealeoes,
and Walrein gather. Professor Lund and his team are out studying them. Lund loo
ks at the gathering with some binoculars, his assistant Yuko wonders where Lund'
s son Tory is. Getting the binoculars she sees that Tory is out and about to see
the Pokemon up close. Tory comes across a Spheal, pets it and plays around with
it before the Spheal slips and rolls off a shallow hill. When Tory gets up he s
ees an aurora spread across the sky. Lund and Yuko also see the aurora and its a
beautiful sight. A good change from all the research they've been doing.
Suddenly though, a meteor breaks through the aurora's and lands a bit too close
to the gathering. The shaking of the impact throws Tory off balance and into the
mess of Pokemon. Scared by the sudden event, the Spheals, Sealeoes, and Walrein
s start a massive stampede to the water. Tory is pushed around in the excitement
and finds cover behind a rock, but when he looks back he sees all the "angry" f
aces of the Walrein and becomes scared of them.
Back at the research site, Lund sees that the dust has cleared from the impact.
From out of the snow and dust, Deoxys breaks free from the debris. A purple beam
comes out of its head, and begins scanning the snow like a searchlight. A green
light shines dimly under the snow when the beam passes, Deoxys wipes the area cl
ean with a swift energy gust. Lying there is a green gem embedded in a rock. Deo
xys picks it up and sends a purple energy ball upwards where it explodes into a
purple aurora.
Nearby Rayquaza is not very pleased with Deoxys' presence and strikes down the c
rater with Thunder. Threatened by this Deoxys takes this as a challenge. Droppin
g the gem, Deoxys flies up to confront Rayquaza where it shifts to attack mode.
Deoxys charges up an energy sphere and launches it at Rayquaza hitting the drago
n directly. But Rayquaza easily recovers and fires a Hyper Beam at Deoxys, blowi
ng off and arm and some of its body. Deoxys easily regenerates the lost limb! Lu
nd is amazed that Deoxys can perform Recover. The two exchange attacks while Lun
d and Yuko find Tory scared at the bottom of the shelf. They take him back to th
e camp where it's safe, for a time. The enusing battle between Deoxys and Rayqua
za has wandered just above the research camp where both make chaos of the tents
and equipment. At one point, Deoxys is successful in knocking Rayquaza in a tent
. Trapped for a while, Rayquaza struggles with the tent and sparking wires of th
e equipment. Deoxys looks down at Rayquaza, but for some reason can't see it. Th
is buys Rayquaza time and gets free. As the battle goes on, Rayquaza's Hyper Bea
m misses Deoxys, and the stray beam hits the science team's only ride out, a lar
ge boat. Without transportation, all Lund, Yuko, and Tory can do is find cover a
nd wait.
The two fight on towards the waters. Deoxys is successful in knocking down Rayqu
aza again, this time into the water. For a while nothing happens while Deoxys ma
kes sure that Rayquaza is down. Something glows from underneath though, and sudd
enly Rayquaza jumps from the water with a Hyper Beam ready and waiting. Rayquaza
gets its head at the same level as Deoxys and unleashes the attack, litterally
disentigrating the alien. A purple gem is all that's left though of Deoxys as it
falls in to the water. Satisfied with its victory, Rayquaza flies off.
The next morning a rescue chopper gets Lund, Yuko, and Tory out, as well as the
mysterious green gem.
~Four years later~
á La Rousse City, the base of Lund's research and a city of high grade technology.
Tory is scene at an indoor park, calling out for someone. Lund on the other han
d is experimenting with the gem. They figured out that it reacts with a large am
ount of energy, and they can never get it past a certain amount, but the gem rea
cts to the energy. Once more they try the experiment, but today is just like the
rest, their power fails at a certain point. But the gem glows strangely with th
e energy given.
Meanwhile Ash and his friends, Brock, May, and Max are traveling to La Rousse Ci
ty by monorail. La Rousse city was built on an island in the middle of a lake, s
upplemented by many wind power plants for not only a high tech city, but a squea
ky clean one. Two road and two monorail bridges are about the only access, with
the exception of boat. Not too close by are Team Rocket, trying to sneak their w
ay in through the Magikarp Sub. They crash it in a rock and escape before it san
At a nearby outdoor park, a trainer jogs with his Poochyena. He stops at a trash
can where it scans his empty bottle and opens up. The trainer tosses it in and
jogs off. A Plusle and Minun see this at work and finds the trash can interestin
g. The Plusle first jumps on top of it where it opened up and the Minun hops ove
r the scanner. The trash can then opens up, sending the Plusle in the air. The P
lusle finds this fun and the Minun does it again and again until they tip the tr
ash can over. With their fun suddenly ended, the two just go on with their busin
ess. Munchlax stands idlely nearby and goes to the trashcan. He picks it up and
goes to a bottle that went some ways. He stops at it and then kicks it to the tr
ash can. The trash can scans it and opens up but the bottle just barely misses t
he opening. Munchlax just calmly walks off, then after a few steps hangs his hea
d in defeat.
Ash and co. finally arrive at the La Rousse City station and get off. A block lo
oking robot comes out wtih a smiley face and greets them with a few other blocks
that display "Welcome!" May is surprised at all this and compliments the nice s
ervice but suddenly "Blocky" (as its refered too) aims a camera right in front o
f her which surprises her in a bad way and takes a picture. Then it goes to Max,
Ash, and Brock taking their pictures with all smiles. At a central security sta
tion, the workers process the pictures into "Passports". Blocky hands out the pa
ssports to the gang with the same pictures it took, May getting stuck with her s
urprised face. As they walk out, Ash wonders where the Battle Tower is. Ash goes
a little too far and finds himself on an automated moving sidewalk. He begins t
ry to run in the opposite direction but a few people pass him by saying "That's
the wrong way" and "Stop that."
One of the people, who's a trainer releases a Blaziken to help Ash get on the ri
ght track. They stop in front of the station where Brock, May, and Max wait. By
the looks of things, the one with the Blaziken is Rafe (He looks like an Elite T
rainer), and his twin sisters, Audrey and Cathrine who carry a Surskit and Masqu
erain. A young woman with glasses and a laptop is also near the crowd. Brock sud
denly falls for her but Max pulls him away, as usual. She goes by the name of Re
becca and she has a Metagross. And the last person with them is a slightly chubb
y fellow by the name of Sid, who falls for May, although May isn't too happy abo
ut it. Sid is the proud trainer of a Blastoise. Ash asks them if they're going t
o the Battle Tower, all of them are in fact. Rafe, Sid, and Rebecca plan on part
icipating and so Ash and co. hop on the same moving sidewalk.
Jesse, James, and Meowth walk along a path on the park, hugnry as usual. They se
e a boy using his passport at an automated vendor to get a snack. Excited by thi
s, the Rockets go up to it and ask for a snack but the vending machine asks for
a passport. Since they don't have one Jesse and Meowth get a little frustrated.
The machine tells them to stop or securty wil come. Then a Blocky comes by, Jess
e thinks can't do anything and rubs her butt in its face until it fries her with
eletricity, then the three just run off.
Ash and co arrive at the Battle Tower lobby (which is more like a mall), Ash sep
erates to find the registration while the others go to the stands. On the floor
highest the escalators go, Ash notices that a registry isn't near, the floor is
just a library. Tory walks out of the library and Ash rushes up to him to ask wh
ere the registration is but Tory is suddenly frightened and runs off to a nearby
elevator (he uses a passport like the one Blocky gave Ash to open it). Ash chas
es him and tries to ask again but Tory is just too scared. When the elevator sto
ps, Tory suddenly gets out as well as Ash but a staff member stops them to ask i
f they're here for the next battle. With Ash saying "Yes", both him and Tory are
pushed into another moving sidewalk that scans their passports and onto another
elevator. The elevator starts going up and suddenly Ash and Tory are on one sid
e of a large battle arena. Brock, May, Max, and the twins are sitting in the ble
achers while a referree flies around in a platform to announce the appearance of
Ash and Tory. On the other side is Rafe and Sid, ready to fight. Sid sees May i
n the stands and yells out to her. The battle is simply a one round tag team mat
ch where team work is essential.
Rafe and Sid start off by sending out Blaziken and Blastoise. Ash chooses Pikach
u and waits for Tory, who seems rather nervous. Ash asks him if he has any Pokem
on but Tory doesn't. Lund happens to notice Tory in the match from a broadcast a
t his lab and seems rather amazed. Meanwhile Rebecca is trying to get in, but th
e door to the corridor closes on her, it looks like she'll have to sit this one
On the brink of an immediate forfeit, Ash lets Tory borrow a PokeBall and tells
him to just use it. Tory tosses it and Torkoal comes out, puffing smoke and inev
itably choking Pikachu. Rafe has Blaziken make the first move, Blaze Kick. Pikac
hu dodges the attack but Blastoise backs Blaziken up with Hydro Pump. Blastoise
then goes for a Rapid Spin, aiming at Torkoal. Seeing the fast apporaching Blast
oise suddenly reminds Tory of the stampeding Pokemon four years ago and becomes
frightened. Torkoal gets hit, then Pikachu with a Skull Bash from Blastoise and
then Torkoal falls on Pikachu from Blastoise's Bubble attack. It appears there's
not much team work going around between Ash and Tory. Fed up with Tory stalling
, Ash assumes command of Torkoal and tells it to do a Flamethrower, but Pikachu'
s tail is in the line of fire. Using this to their advantage, Rafe tells Blazike
n to use Overheat and that wipes out Ash and Tory's team. With the match over, t
he elevator on Ash's side goes down while the crowd cheers for Rafe and Sid.
Once Ash and Tory get down to the bottom, they find themselves at the mall area.
Tory just runs out but Lund and Yuko are there. Lund is surprised that Tory was
willing to participate in a Pokemon Battle. Tory insists that he didn't want to
, he was forced to. Ash tries to cheer him up but once more Tory runs off scared
. Brock, May, and Max were watching this from the next floor, wondering what's w
ith Tory.
Yuko invites Ash and co. for a drink. Yuko explains that Tory's afraid of Pokemo
n because he was in the middle of a stampede. Tory can tolerate it if a Pokemon
doesn't pay attention to him, but if they notice him or make any movements towar
d him he gets scared easily and runs off. Yuko wishes that he would stop being a
fraid, that's when Ash stands up and says that he'll help, as well as May, Max,
and Brock.
Back at the ice shelf, a strange purple glow appears beneath the ice. Deoxys bre
aks free of the ice, looking for its green gem. Seeing it's not around, it begin
s to fly off...
Tory is walking down a path and sits down on a railing moping over what happened
. A Plusle comes up to him suddenly give him quite a stir. The Plusle points ove
r to a trash can with a worried face, Tory happens to see that Minun is stuck! T
ory decides to help the poor Minun and gets a stick to force the trash can open.
After he frees the Minun, Minun jumps onto Tory, but Tory gets out of the way.
Ash finds Tory there and catches up to him. He thinks that Tory is "cured" of hi
s problem since he's near the Plusle and Minun, but Tory runs off. Ash chases af
ter him.
Munchlax comes by again to the trash can, picking it up as well as a bottle. The
n Munchlax stops, drops the bottle, and kicks it to the trash can. The bottle go
es in and Munchlax calmly walks away, a few steps later he makes a happy face.
Tory is in the indoor park talking to a green wisp. He talks about his day, abou
t how he helped Minun and was in a battle (and he's hapyp about it). Once more A
sh tries to get Tory over his fear of Pokemon. Pikachu holds out his hand and To
ry tries to grab it but he just can't and backs off.
Deoxys lands on a pole of a very high building, releasing a purple sphere that s
oon explodes into the bright purple aurora. May and Max see it, but Max is a lit
tle skeptical.
They both walk along a pier where a bunch of Wingull are perched on a scafolding
. They scare the Wingull away which scares Tory. Ash gets frustrated and takes a
bit of anger out on Tory. Brock, May, and Max arrive on the scene to stop Ash.
Ash apologizes and Brock suggests to Ash maybe they should have lunch with their
Pokemon. On their way they get stopped by a Blocky who asks for a passport. Tor
y gives Blocky his and then it goes on its way. Tory explains that "Blocky" is p
art of a very extensive security system developed by Lund.
Brock soon whips up a cheese fondue. After Brock tastes it, everyone but Tory st
arts to dig in. Ash insists on Tory having a piece so Tory tries it out. Soon af
terward Plusle and Minun reach approach the area and Pikachu offers them his lun
ch. Soon Zigzagoons and a Shroomish come out. Brock offers them some food and sa
ys to Tory that Pokemon aren't so bad. They try to get Tory to get over his fear
, but it's interrupted when they find Munchlax eating their fondue! They decide
to just call it a day.
It's now night out, Ash and co. at the hotel of the Pokemon Center. He finds Raf
e who teases him about the battle that they had a while ago. Ash says that it wa
sn't a real match. Before the two could go on further, Tory comes in with a box.
He opens it up and there are Pokemon shaped cookies inside. The other trainers
come by and everyone decides to have a little party. Deoxys once more makes an A
urora which seems to make the night a little more magical. Rebecca finds this we
ird and decides to study it with her laptop. The others release their Pokemon an
d they all play on a playground. Some of them go on a slide, some play around wi
th the playground cubes (the squares that are hollowed out). Ash takes Tory out
to play as well, going on a swing first then swinging the rope for the Pokemon t
o jump. Tory is having a good time. Beside them is a table full of sandwiches. T
eam Rocket sees this and tries to sneak up on it, but something else is there! M
unchlax is already snagging up the sandwiches and soon jumps on top of Jesse and
runs away. Later that night Ash finds Tory sitting by a canal nearby the playgr
ound. He tries to cheer him up some more and once more tries to get Tory to over
come his Pokemon fear by petting Pikachu. Just before Tory can, Corphish jumps i
n and practically scares the living daylights out of Tory. Ash jumps in to calm
Tory down, then scolds Corphish, who apparently has no idea what's going on.
Up in the sky Rayquaza flies high to search for its target... Deoxys.
The next day Tory decides to take Ash and co, as well as Rafe, Audrey, Catherine
, and Sid, to the aboretoreum to show them something. When they arrive, Tory cal
ls out and a green wisp appears from a pond and flies around him, thn it flies a
round the group. Seeing this everyone releases their Pokemon, including Rebecca,
who releases her Metagross. Rebecca records the wisp as it moves around, reacti
ng by stretching and thinning, changing its shape differently. When it goes up t
o Ash and Pikachu it seems to grow big as if it senses something between them.
Deoxys starts exploring around. It lands at a plaza, scoping out the place with
a purple beam. The beam starts to mess with the electricity. In one case it spot
s a group of Seel and Dewgong on the shore and simply blasts them away into the
water. Deoxys trails his beam across various areas of La Rousse, the moving side
walks starts speeding up before it shuts down. Rayquaza has its sights on La Rou
sse and homes in. The security HQ spots it on radar and calls Lund. They wonder
why Rayquaza is here, but then one of the cameras of the city catches something.
Yuko rewinds the footage and then stops it when the thing is in view. After a i
mage intensifier, the find out it's Deoxys. Lund and Yuko know that Rayquaza is
after Deoxys, and things are going to look ugly. Lund orders Oficer Jenny, the h
ead of security, to call a full evacuation of the city.
Every monorail and boat gets packed full heading off to cities across the shores
. Lund realizes that Tory might be in danger so he goes out and tries to find hi
m. Lund however gets caught in the traffic of people evacuating. Blocks start go
ing out to make a large bridge to the other side, complete with a moving sidewal
k. Lund gets pushed back as far as the bridge and the snakes his way to the edge
where he jumps off. Officer Jenny waits by on a boat and picks him up to evacua
te. Deoxys senses that Rayquaza is coming and it goes into defense mode, creatin
g a giant barrier around the city. This barrier stops even the wind, causing La
Rousse City's main power to die out, forcing almost all automated systems (inclu
ding the Block security force) to shut down. When Rayquaza tries to fire a Hyper
Beam, it briefly reveals the barrier to everyone. Rayquaza tries to see if ther
e's a way through the barrier, but there's nothing it can do.
As Deoxys still flies by, it stops on a lightpost, but there happens to be peopl
e still here! Deoxys creates shadow clones of itself and sends them off. The sha
dows start to pick up the people, including a stray Jesse, James and Meowth. The
y start carrying the people some place on the island...
Back at the indoor park, the group tries to leave but the panel is off. The door
will only open if the panel can read a passport. They're trapped in the park! L
und finds out that many people didn't get a passport check, and that includes hi
s son Tory. He starts to get a little worried since he has doubts about his son'
s fear passing over.
Sid and his Blastoise try to pry the doors open. After they get it open enough,
Deoxys appears on a frame of the glass indoor park. Seeing them, it splits up an
d begins sending shadows to them. The group tries to run back in but one of the
shadows grabs Sid and his Blastoise! Rafe sends out his Blaziken and attacks the
clones, easily varporizing them, but it was too late for Sid. But now their onl
y way out is through them! Tory says that there's a door in the back that they c
an use, so Ash and Rafe stay at the door to use it as a bottle neck while the re
st get the door open. Rebecca bypasses the lock and opens up the door, Brock war
ns Ash and Rafe and they start to run. The shadows flood the indoor park. Ash ba
rely makes it through the door, as well as a shadow. It grabs onto Ash, Ash tell
s Pikachu to use Thunderbolt and Pikachu does, the shadow releases. The group wa
lks out and finds themselves under some good cover.
Yuko finds the group right at the exit. Yuko says that the observatory is safe f
or now. That night the shadow Deoxys continue their hunt, this time they go afte
r regular Pokemon. The Plusle and Minun are running away from them as well and t
hey find a low hidden path, seeking cover there. They bump into Munchlax, but th
ey go into a nearby drain. Munchlax just follows them.
The group takes shelter in the observatory, a circular dome with computer consol
es. Yuko explains the situation to Ash and co. as well as the trainers. However,
they have a problem. First its the supplies. Because there's no power, food and
water can't be accessed. The other is finding out where the shadow Deoxys is ta
king the people. Ash, Brock, Tory, Rebecca, and Rafe agree to go. Before they go
out though, something starts to rattle. They find out its a vent cover, Ash and
Rafe go up to see what might pop out. After the vent shutter opens, Plusle and
Minun appear! Then Munchlax who gets stuck in the opening. Max, Audrey and Cathe
rine help pull Munchlax out. Max and the twins find out Munchlax has stolen thei
r sandwiches when Munchlax pulled them out. They watch Munchlax eat and their st
omachs grumble. Munchlax offers them a last one, but when they see him scratch a
nd all this dirt and dust come off, they decline. They decide to split up, Ash,
Brock, and Tory on one team, Rebecca and Rafe on the other. Ash's group decides
to find supplies while Rebecca's team goes out to find where Deoxys is taking th
e people.
Ash and co. find a busted hotdog vendor, but the powers out and the passport won
't work. Pikachu gives it a jolt and it soon starts shooting out hotdog treats.
But the shadows find them and they run for it. When the shadows pass over the ar
ea, one grabs the hotdog vendor (it's sparking) and flies off. One of them grabs
Ash, Pikachu zaps it, then another grabs Pikachu but another Pokemon gets it. I
t's Plusle and Minun! But as they run off, Minun gets captured and taken away. T
ory is shocked from this event, but Ash gets him so they can go on. They hide ou
t in a warehouse, waiting for a group of following shadows to pass. Tory starts
to become sad because he couldn't help Minun. Ash cheers him up, as well as Plus
le who is saddened by the loss of its friend. Brock finds out that there's some
water here, so it looks like their hunt for supplies is over.
Rebecca and Rafe find their target as well, the building Deoxys is taking the pe
ople and Pokemon. One of the shadows drops the hotdog vendor as it stops sparkin
g. With their mission accomplished, they head back. After a while, everyone but
Yuko and Rebecca sleep. Rebecca is showing the various things she caught on her
laptop camera about Deoxys and Tory's "friend", the green wisp. Suddenly Audrey'
s Surskit wakes up, noticies something, and walks over everyone else to get them
awake. When they all wake up, everyone hears a noise coming from above. They se
e the vent cover on top is being hit! The shadows are making their way into the
observatory. Yuko shows them a back way to saftey, and everyone runs in. Munchla
x on the other hand tries to grab a bite or two before Max tells him to come on.
By the time the shadows break through, they see nothing but an empty building.
But Yuko has lead them to the laboratory where they experimented on the green ge
m. Yuko explains that it was found with Deoxys, and it probably has some connect
ion to it.
Then Rebecca discovers something. When she studied the aurora, it showed a speci
fic energy pattern. But then she took a look at the green wisp, that too showed
the same exact pattern. The wisp and Deoxys must have a connection. Then when Re
becca showed Yuko the video of a shadow dropping the hotdog vendor, Yuko pieced
it together. Deoxys has a reaction to electricity, possibly a reaction or an att
raction. But she tells them that the gem reacts when they fired the laser beams
on it. Perhaps the green wisp has a connection to the green gem. Perhaps the gem
is something of Deoxys itself! Or maybe another one! But they'll need to fire t
he laser beams to find out for sure. The power is out though, however they have
a plan brewing to restore the power to the city.
The next day, Ash, Tory, Rafe, and Plusle set off to rescue the people. The rest
will be going to the wind power plants. Ash's group takes the open road though,
leaving them open to the shadow Deoxys. When they spot them and go after them,
Ash and co. make a run for it. They can find cover in a subway but Rafe stays be
hind to draw the shadow's attention. Rafe says that even if he loses, he'll meet
him over there. After Ash and Tory escape, Rafe has Blaziken stop attacking and
the shadows carry him off. Meanwhile at the wind power plants, Brock has tied t
wo of the generators with two ropes. When Ash rescues everyone, they just pull o
n the ropes to turn the generators while the other Pokemon find a way to turn th
e others, it'll supply power to the city.
The building with Deoxys' captives appears somewhat filled with people and Pokem
on unharmed. Rafe is at the elevator entrance trying to fix the circuitry to ope
n up the way. Ash finally makes it to the building, Rafe says that he needs powe
r and Minun itself won't cut it. So Plusle, Pikachu, and Minun start shocking th
e elevator to give it enough power. Once it has enough Rafe tells them to stop a
nd flips the switch. Sid jumps down first, then Minun and they have short reunio
n. When everyone goes to the wind power plants, Sid runs with excitement to May,
but May steps aside and Sid slams right into Metagross' face. Though Metagross
is unhurt, it finds it funny.
Now the plan is put to action. Ash, Tory, Yuko, Pikachu, Plusle, and Minun stay
at the lab to monitor what goes on. The others are at the wind power plants. The
people start pulling on the rope to turn the generator. The water Pokemon spray
water to turn the power propellers. Flying Pokemon make wind as well. Even Team
Rocket is doing their part by cycling. The wind power plants soon generate ener
gy and the lab becomes active. In fact, the whole city becomes live again, the m
oving sidewalks, the automated vendors, and the Blocky security force. Yuko star
ts the process up and the laser beams start to fire on the gem, but at a lower o
utput than usual. Suddenly the beams weaken out and Yuko goes to check the syste
m. Just as she expected, there's not enough power. The three electric Pokemon st
ep up and provide electricity to the circuit box and soon the lasers are back up
full blast. The gem starts to glow brighter and brighter and then, the case sha
tters. After the everything clears up, a Deoxys has formed. It appears that the
green gem is sort of life source of Deoxys. Then the Deoxys creates a green wisp
, the same one Tory talks to. This one is friendly to them and understand the si
tuation with the other Deoxys.
Note: At this point, the Deoxys on a rampage will be referred to as the purple D
eoxys, the one made just now is the green Deoxys. It's mostly due to their gem c
The green Deoxys starts to fly up and uses its telekenetic power to lift Ash (Pi
kachu is on his shoulder) and Tory and head to the wind power plants first thing
. But Rayquaza's attempt at the passing the barrier has finally succeeded as a H
yperbeam made a hole in the barrier. And now Rayquaza's fury towards the purple
Deoxys ensues.
Another round of fighting begins between Rayquaza and the purple Deoxys fight on
. Though most of the city doesn't get destroyed (except for a few buildings that
get their glass shattered). Rayquaza is sucessful in the first round in the bat
tle and successfully destroyed the barrier, but the purple Deoxys goes into an a
ttack only mode (it was mostly in defense mode) frenzy on Rayquaza. The green De
oxys flies towards the scene with Ash and Tory, setting them on a roof before he
ading out. The purple Deoxys sucessfully puts Rayquaza out for the count. It tri
es to finish it off but the green Deoxys intervenes. The purple Deoxys suddenly
stops and both of them float up. The green Deoxys creates a green energy orb and
sends it up, exploding in a green aurora. Everyone marvels at the green aurora.
Then the purple Deoxys releases its aurora as well an the two mix together as t
hey move closer together. They start to spin around, mixing the aurora's further
but they're suddenly interrupted by Rayquaza!
By this time, Lund and Jenny make it back to the city where they find Yuko. The
question on his mind is, where's Tory?
The fight's a little too close for Ash and Tory's comfort but the green Deoxys h
elps them get away towards the Battle Tower, but the purple Deoxys and Rayquaza
soon follow. Both Deoxys take on the dragon, occasionally slamming into the buil
ding. In one instance, Rayquaza slams into what looks like a pretty important ma
chine and messes it up a bit. Meanwhile a Blocky nearby notices the fight and se
es Rayquaza charging up a Hyperbeam. Suddenly it goes from happy to angry as it
turns red. Suddenly it sends a swarm of cubes after the building, and bad timing
as is, the Deoxyses fell Rayquaza right in their path. Rayquaza is about to get
caught in the swarm, but suddenly the Deoxyses go into defense mode and block t
he incoming onslaught. The blocks though just move right over them as it starts
to climb up the tower.
Nearby a screen turns on and its Lund. Ash and Tory look at it. Lund says that t
he security has gone haywire and it's on an absolute defense mode. The only way
to stop it is to give it a passport and Jenny can reset the system from there. S
uddenly a few blocks destroy the screen. The only problem was that the main Bloc
ky was way out, they could not get through the torrent of blocks. They see the h
otdog vendor and decided to climb on and "sail" their way down stream. It was go
ing close enough to a support, but Ash barely missed grabbing on. Then the vendo
r tilts over, revealing a sleeping Munchlax who happens to fall off into the str
eam of blocks. But it evolves into a Snorlax! Ash has an idea and uses Snorlax a
s a step (Apologizing of course).
Once high enough, they notice some blocks floating. Suddenly Pikachu gets an ide
a and hops from box to box until he reaches the Blocky. Ash tries the same and b
arely makes it across. Once on the Blocky he whips out his passport but the robo
t suddenly shakes, making him drop the card. Tory throws his card to Ash but it
just barely misses. Pikachu dives after it and in midair smacks it back up enoug
h for Ash to catch it. This time he makes sure he holds on as the Blocky starts
shaking some more. After the shaking, Ash puts the passport in front of Blocky a
nd accepts the card. Jenny from the security HQ hits the override button and ins
tantly the Blocky refrains from its actions and shuts down, as well as all the o
ther blocks. Tory, who's pretty high up, calls down to Ash but the block he's si
tting on suddenly tips over and falls. Just in the nick of time the green Deoxys
catches Tory and flies off. The purple Deoxys also emgerges from the blocks as
well as Rayquaza. Rayquaza heads upwards, pretty much disregarding any feud with
the Deoxyses and flies off. The purple Deoxys soon flies with the green one, pi
cking up Ash and Pikachu along the way as they head off. Everyone meets a plaza,
Tory excited to see Plusle and Minun. When Lund and Yuko arrive they're amazed
that Tory was able to over come his fear of Pokemon.
Once more the Deoxyses release their auroras. After a brief goodbye from Tory, t
he two head off back into the sky.
However back at the wind power plants, Team Rocket apparently is still pedaling.
Ash and co as well as the other trainers board the monorail back to the mainland
. They say their goodbyes to Lund, Yuko, and Tory, then the monorail takes off.
They converse while the monorail goes on. At the first stop, Rafe, Audrey and Ca
thrine leave. Ash and Max especially saying good bye. While waiting for the next
stop, May and Sid converse a bit more. Then at the next stop, Sid leaves, chasi
ng the monorail along the station as it starts to move to keep his eye on May as
long as possible (before he runs into a post). Finally Ash and Co. talk with Re
becca before she gets off at the next station. Brock is saddened to see Rebecca
go. After Ash and Co. get off, they continue on their journey.
For the next part, all the Pokemon that participated in the motion picture, with
the exception of Rayquaza and Doexys, dance to the ending them with pom poms. O
n a personal note, seeing Blaziken and Metagross dance it out with poms poms is
quite funny.
Some terms:
Passport - A universal ID card used in La Rousse City. All visitors have their p
icture taken by a "Blocky" robot and their pictures are processed at the securit
y HQ. The "Blocky" robot makes the passport and gives it to the visitor. Passpor
ts open doors and give access to the vending machines.
"Blocky" - A nickname somebody gave the block like robot in La Rousse city. Bloc
kies could possibly consist of a central robot or a few robots. Blockies have th
e abilty to manipulate anti-gravity cubes which hold various tools for their sec
urity or civic operations. Blockies are generally friendly and won't be mad unle
ss you give them a reason to. They were developed by Professor Lund.
Gem - It appears to be the life force of Deoxys. Has a high attraction to energy
. As long as this is intact, Deoxys will always regenerate.

Lucario and the Mystery of Mew!

~History of Pokemon~
In the world as is known, it's covered with over 350 different types of Pokemon,
all branching down to one origin: Mew. People have learned to bond with Pokemon
and train them to develop their abilities further, these are called "trainers".
One particular trainer, Ash, has traveled four regions and is now working towar
ds winning the Battle Frontier. Along with his friends Brock, May, and Max, Ash
has had many adventures, to which the next one he will have will be a far away p
~A long time ago, in a land far away~
Fog decends over the land of Orudoran, as Lucario jumps from boulder to boulder
to a spot overseeing a wide expansive valley. Nobody is there yet, but he senses
something, as Ho-oh flies overhead. He closes his eyes, seeing the world's Aura
Energy shaping the landscape. He's able to let his sight travel about, going ov
er more rocks and hills until he sees a large formation of a gigantic Pokemon ar
my mixed with human foot soldiers charging towards the middle of the valley, an
army wearing green armor. He looks to the other side of the valley, doing the sa
me, and seeing an equally gigantic army, with equally powerful, but different, P
okemon charging to the same destination, the army wearing red armor. After seein
g these two, Lucario walks up to a crystal formation on the ground, touching it.
He speaks through the crystal to Aaron who is at Orudoran Castle. Aaron stands
upon a balcony with Lynn that overlooks the entire land, and he hears Lucario's
voice coming from another crystal formation on the balcony. It seems there's lit
tle choice but to resort to one last action to bring peace to the two warring si
des. Aaron hops a ride on his Pidgeot to the valley. At this rate, the war could
endanger the sacred Tree of the World's Beginning.
While Lucario is waiting, three Houndoom from the red army find the unsuspecting
Pokemon and attack him. Lucario evades them and runs off, the three canines fol
lowing. After cornering Lucario, he's left no choice but to fight back. He dodge
s one lunging Houndoom, throwing an Aura Energy orb at it, easily taking it down
. He handles the other two pursuers with ease.
But it also seems that Aaron isn't going to have an easy time getting to Lucario
. Skarmory from green army go after Aaron and his Pidgeot. Fortunately for him,
the steel birds only manage a few attacks before Aaron swoops down to find Lucar
io. Aaron tells Lucario that he must go to the Tree of the World's Beginning to
save the planet from the ravages of war. Lucario, being loyal to Aaron, wants to
come as well, but Aaron throws his scepter, turning Lucario into energy and dra
wing him into the jewel at the top. Lucario can see from the jewel Aaron going o
ff, leaving Lucario there. Just as Aaron leaves, the two armies meet in the midd
le of the valley and begin their battle. Ho-oh returns to the Tree of the World'
s Beginning, revealing itself to be Mew.
From the balcony can see the tree suddenly start to glow green, and soon every c
rystal formation throughout the land emits a beam of green light. As the light s
preads further out, the armies stop their battle, in awe of the event that's hap
pening. The light made them realize what they would do would ultimately prove di
sasterous, the two armies declare a truce, walking away to never battle each oth
er again. But nobody knows what happened to Aaron, but the scepter that supposed
ly contains Lucario was found.
And with that, a mother reads on about the story to her daughter. A mere fairy t
ale it seems in a town that in the present next to the same exact Orudoran Castl
~Title intro~ The scene shows what's inside the jewel of Aaron's scepter, as if
looking through things in Lucario's eyes. Images of technological advancements s
howing that time swiftly passes by show. After displaying the "Gekijyouban Poket
to Monsutaa Adobansu Jenaareshon" logo, the scene zooms out to show a galaxy bef
ore spinng around faster, turning into the "Mew to Hadou no Yuusha: Lucario" tit
Ash and company walk along a bridge to Orudoran Castle, they're dressed in their
regular clothes while the others are in renaissance outfits. Meanwhile, a Taill
ow overhead lands on a window of the Castle, turning into a Pichu. In another ro
om, Ash and company find a costume closet and decide to dress more appropriately
. Ash wants a hero outfit and begins looking for one with the others find what t
hey want. While they look for a costume, Pikachu notices a Pichu who hides behin
d the window curtains. It transforms into a Treecko and it walks out through the
window before anyone can notice. May pops out first in a pink dress with a smal
l pair of Beautifly wings on the back. She askes Pikachu what it thinks, Pikachu
happily giving approval. Brock comes out wearing a clerical outfit while Max in
a bard outfit. Ash lastly shows up in a hero's outfit, completely with a cape a
nd a hat. They all look at Pikachu with sly grins, and soon dress it up in a cut
e jester-like clothes. They hurry onto the upcoming tournament that's about to h
appen. Just as they go out, Jessie, James, and Meowth find their way into the cl
oset, and Jessie finds a outfit really fast.
Before the tournament begins, the queen of the castle, Eileen, along with her ma
id Jenny and her Pokemon Mime Jr, steps out to the royal box seat to officially
begin the tournament. The first match is Ash against a trainer with a Breloom. H
e uses Pikachu. The battle ends rather quickly as Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, taki
ng the chance while its opponent is stunned to tackle it, finishing it off with
Iron Tail. During the tournament, the Treecko finds its way to the royal box sea
t and changes into a Mime Jr. Then at another point, Jenny sees the two Mime Jr,
one of them turning into Aipom. Other battles pursue after that until things wh
ittle away to the finals: Ash versus a trainer covered in a full knight armor. A
sh uses Pikachu once more in the match, the trainer sends out a Weavile. At firs
t the Weavile throws a Shadow Ball towards Pikachu, which it stops it by using T
hunderbolt. Pikachu continues on to shocking Weavile until the whole battlegroun
d goes up in smoke, Pikachu being the victor.
At the end of the match, the Aipom goes off to Pikachu in the battlefield, celeb
rating its victory. Ash goes up to the trainer to thank for a great battle. The
trainer takes off the helmet and to Ash's surprise, as well as May, the trainer
is actually a girl! She introduces herself as Kid. May notices Brock and Max are
missing, only to find them down there, where Brock tries to flirt with Kid, but
Max pulls on his ear to drag him away. At the moment, Eileen announces that the
re will be a ball and banquent in honor of the "Aura Guardian".
Ash is presented to sit in a throne overlook the ballroom. Eileen presents Ash w
ith Aaron's scepter, a sort of symbol of the Aura Guardian. As the scepter is be
ing presented, Jessie and James sneak around in the crowd. Ash takes a look at t
he Jewel at the end, and sudden he hears a voice crying "Why?". Ash is a bit con
fused, he asked if someone else heard it, but nobody did. Shrugging it off, the
ball soon goes underway. May finds herself dancing with one of the guests, Fredd
y. In the corner, Brock nervously asks Kid to dance, she accepts to it, but Broc
k still finds his nervousness uncontrolable. Max is at the table where the food
is, helping himself to some of the delicious food. Aipom and Pikachu also dance
about in the corner. Seeing his Pikachu dancing, Ash decides to release his othe
r Pokemon to enjoy themselves to the party, May also does the same.
With the new company, Aipom takes the Pokemon posse about through the castle. Me
owth, who's helping himself to some food underneath the table, hears them and de
cides to follow them. Just as he gets close to a door the Pokemon group goes thr
ough, Grovyle slams it shut behind him, sending Meowth to a nearby fireplace pit
. Aipom takes the Pokemon too the attic.
Up on the attic, Aipom shows the Pokemon around to a few toys and plays around w
ith them. Squirtle and Corphish look at the upper level of the acttic to find a
wooden train set. They stroll down to the first floor, taking Grovyle and Pikach
u with them, going around until they hit a shelf full of bouncing rubber balls.
The Pokemon find amusement with that as they bounce around on top and roll them
about. After a bit, Aipom transforms into Pikachu and begins dancing with Ash's
Kid pauses from dancing with Brock, asking if he could get a drink. Brock goes o
ff to get one immediately, and when he's gone, Kid slips away into the same dire
ction the Pokemon went off to. She quickly slips out of her costume, sporting a
pink-purplish wetsuit like outfit. She makes her way outside from the window, Me
owth noticing and follows. She climbs up to the rooftop before shooting a grappl
ing rod to a tower across the castle grounds. Getting a good grip, she jumps off
from one roof to the next. Meowth only goes so far, before he slips down the sl
oped rooftop. His tail grabs a hold of a decorative steeple rod, but finds himse
lf swinging down, crashing into a window on the lower floor.
Ash sits upon the throne looking a bit bored. For a while he looks at a huge tap
estry of Aaron on the wall next to him, then he looks back down at the ballroom.
Ash asks if he could get some food but Jenny keeps him down on the throne, tell
ing him to act like a hero. Jessie and James are trying to blend in by dancing a
bout, but soon they switch partners with May and Freddy. Jessie finds Freddy cut
e and dances widly (but still in the same fashion as everyone else) with him in
excitement. James on the other hand is trying to keep his face away from looking
at May directly. Max notices the Pokemon are missing, until Munchlax comes back
to nab a plate of fruit and goes back upstairs with it. Max follows Munchlax to
the top.
Kid manages to get to a good vantage point on the roof where she can see through
the broken glass Meowth made. She see's Mew, putting on a pair of special glass
es and begins reporting information. It's relayed from a humvee parked someways
away from the Castle, all the way to a satelite orbiting space down to a tall bu
ilding in the middle of a city. It seems that Kid is connected to a large organi
zation and they seem to want some information about Mew and the Tree of the Worl
d's Beginning.
In the attic, the other Pikachu transforms into Mew, looking at Meowth to see if
he's alright. Taking this chance, Kid sends out two Weavile, one carrying some
sort of device. Both of them jump into the broken window and begin a swift attac
k at Mew. Mew dodges their assaults easily. In attempt to stop Mew, both of them
use Blizzard just as Mew flies towards the door. At the same moment, Munchlax c
omes into the room and finds itself frozen in a block of ice. The door also free
zes at its hinges and cracks. Just when Max gets there, he finds the door hard t
o open. Mew is soon held down though, and just when one of the Weavile is about
to attach the device on Mew, Pikachu fries the cat with a Thunderbolt. Mew escap
es to Pikachu, but the Weavile try another Blizzard attack. Both Mew and Pikachu
dodge, the attack hitting the other Pokemon, freezing them. Mew then flies over
towards Meowth who's at a corner, and transforms into a Meowth. Mew switches it
self and Meowth around to confuse the Weavile, but they laugh, both soon throwin
g a Shadowball at them. Pikachu intervenes by throwing a Thunder at the two ball
s, ending up in an explosion.
Kid notices this and figures that the plan didn't go so well as expected. The ex
plosion though knocked Pikachu out, leaving both Mew and Meowth on their own. Me
w transforms back to its original self. Max finally gets the door open, but only
a crack as he watches what goes on. He sees Mew, not believing it at first. But
soon Mew teleports before the Weavile can do anything else. The three teleport
to one of the tower's steeples, Meowth slipping before Mew transforms into a Pid
geot and flies off, towards the Tree of the World's Beginning. Kid sighs at the
slight setback.
Back at the ball, Brock walks to where Kid was with two drinks, but sees that sh
e's not there. May is wondering why her dancing partner James isn't looking at h
er. But it seemed he was saved from blowing his cover when Eileen announced the
next step in the ceromony. Jenny tells Ash to stand up and do the hero's pose. A
sh's confused but Jenny points to the painting of Aaron, holding the scepter up
above his head. Ash stands up and copies the pose. A certain point in the jewel
allows Lucario to see, once again Ash hears a voice crying out "Why?". Again the
voice speaks, and soon the jewel glows, releasing Lucario at the other end of t
he front of the ballroom. Lucario apparently is still seeing things in the form
of Aura energy, mistaking Ash's form with Aaron's, who looks strikingly the same
. Lucario walks up to Ash, kneeling down, that is until Ash spoke that he was th
e wrong guy. Lucario, surprised, opened up his eyes to see that it was not Aaron
, but Ash he was standing in front of. Lucario becomes confused at what is going
on, seeing the many people and a Aaron impersonator. But it was the same castle
, and he had to make sure. Lucario soon escapes through the crowd of people, run
ning around through the castle. He see's that it has changed, and memories of hi
m and Aaron soon start replaying in his mind as he walks about.
Lucario stops at a display room, which he remembers it to be a bedroom. Ash, May
, Brock, Eileen and Jenny confront Lucario in the room. Eileen says to Lucario t
hat she is the decendant of Lynn, the queen who was reigning at the castle durin
g his time. Lucario thinks about this for a moment, seeing the resemblance. Eile
en walks up to Lucario and gives him a reassuring hug.
At the Tree of the World's Beginning, Mew looks after Pikachu, who's resting in
a bed of leaves. Meowth seems to understand what Mew is up to, seeing a large pi
le of toys it's gathered.
They retire to the throne room for now. Ash wonders what other person Lucario co
uld mistaken him for, Eileen explains to Ash and company the story of Aaron and
Lucario. Possibly because Ash looks exactly like Aaron in Lucario's special visi
on. Lucario mentions also that Ash has a similar Aura pattern as Aaron had. Jess
ie and James overhear from a balcony above, Jessie wanting to capture Lucario. J
ust then, Max runs into the room, exclaiming he just saw Mew getting attack, and
it took Pikachu and Meowth somewhere. Jessie and James also just realize Meowth
is missing. Although at first everyone doesn't believe him, Kid comes out of th
e same door, confirming what Max saw. She also says that she saw Mew transform i
nto a Pidgeot and took them away to the Tree of the World's Beginning. Ash asks
what that is, so Eileen takes them out to the balcony overlooking the land. In t
he middle of the horizon stood a large tree. Eileen explains that the tree posse
ss healing powers beyond imagination. With Mew, it could revive the earth and so
oth angry hearts, although it requires Mew, the origin of Pokemon. Ash decides t
he only way to get Pikachu back is the go over there himself. Lucario also wants
to go, not only does he know the area, he wants to know what happened to Aaron.
At that Kid comes out in her outfit, saying that she wants to go too. Brock know
s exactly who Kid is now. He takes out his book of women he likes and then he sh
ows them, Kid Samaazu. She's been on a lot of major adventure fronts, including
deep sea diving in a sub and space travel. Brock goes crazy about how much he wa
nted to meet her and how it was an honor (Mime Jr behind him mimics his actions)
. Kid says that she's here for the adventure, and she has a humvee that'll get t
hem there in no time.
That night Lucario enters the unlit ball room, seeing the two huge tapestries of
Aaron. One with him doing the hero's pose, the other with him riding upon his P
idgeot. He senses something and jumps back, hanging upon the wall above the open
door for a second before he jumps down upon Ash who entered. Ash fights him off
, wondering what's with him. Lucario just feels a bit edgy, upset with the fact
that his master Aaron had left him without any reason why.
The next day, Kid takes Ash and company towards the Tree of the World's beginnin
g, Lucario running up ahead. Eileen and Jenny stay behind at Orudoran Castle. Je
ssie and James hitch a ride in the trunk.
Pikachu wakes up from a falling leaf, seeing that it's with Mew and Meowth. Mew
is excited that Pikachu is awake and well, playing around with it for a moment.
Meowth tries to relax against a part of the tree, but falls into a hole conceale
d to be a branch stump. Pikachu goes up to where the hole seemed to be, Mew just
simply pokes its head in. Pikachu pokes its head in as well, seeing a long vert
ical tunnel with green bubbles coming up. Mew hops onto a bubble, followed by Pi
kachu. They ride the bubbles for a bit, Mew bumping into Pikachu to make its bub
ble bounce all over the tunnel. Pikachu falls off but soon grasps on to another
one. Both Mew and Pikachu bump into Meowth, making him bounce around. At another
branch stump up higher, the three Pokemon come out. They walk up to the edge of
the land, seeing the landscape below them.
The crew takes a break for lunch. Lucario finds some berries while he sits upon
a boulder. The gang sit is about to eat lunch, Brock passing out the plates to e
veryone one by one. He gets three passed out but when he reaches for the fourth
one (for Kid), a Bonsly takes it before he could get to it. Brock's confused for
a second before he finds Bonsly below eating away at Kid's lunch. Brock scolds
the Pokemon for eating Kid's lunch, but this only makes it cry. May and Max thin
k Brock was too harsh, but the Bonsly runs away with the food. Lucario picks up
the plate, offering Bonsly a berry instead. The Bonsly runs off behind a rock, p
eaking behind it once in a while.
They continue to travel down to the Tree of the World's Beginning, but they stop
once more. This time, the road is littered with gysers that are erupting and fo
r a while. May notices something off to the side, a hot spring! They decide to s
top until the eruptions subside and take a dip. Ash, Brock, Max, and their Pokem
on, except Phanpy, take a swim in the hot spring. When May comes out of the humv
ee from dressing, Bonsly drops upon her head from the roof. It looks like the li
ttle guy took a ride with them, so May decides to take it along. She tries to ta
ke Bonsly into the water, but the small Pokemon jumps out and hides behind Phanp
y, Max commenting because its a Rock type. Lucario sits upon a rock, remember th
e time when Aaron took him here. Aaron decided to wade after traveling about. He
told Lucario to put his feet in the water since it feels good. Lucario was a bi
t reluctant but he did so, smiling at how relaxing it was. The memory was interr
upted when Ash told Lucario to jump in, but Lucario simply walks off, Ash a bit
annoyed by his cold attitude. May notices a strange looking plant upon rocks, As
h says that he'll get it. Brock and Kid watch as Ash climbs up the small cliff.
As soon as he grabs it though, he slips and falls off. May catches the plant, wh
ich looks like a crystalized pod, while Ash plunges into the water. Seeing how i
t's possibly a fruit, they decided to plant it. But just before they do, the pod
suddenly blooms and the area becomes somewhat holographic as they see a replay
of Ash falling off the cliff as he was getting the plant. Kid knows what it is,
a Time Flower. She explains that it records events in time in the area it was pl
anted and then it can replay the scene at a later time when activated.
Night falls as they travel, and they stop. They're rather close to the Tree, but
it's best if they rest for now. Ash says that tomorrow he'll get Pikachu back.
Lucario's a bit confused at why Ash would go this far to get Pikachu back. Perha
ps if he's connected to Aaron somehow, he should just leave Pikachu like Aaron d
id to him. Ash gets angry at him suggesting that and he tackles Lucario down, ro
lling down a ledge to a pond. The two thrash about in the pond, the others comin
g to try and stop the two from frighting. Lucario finally throws Ash out to the
shore, jumping off to the top of the lege. He storms off thinking that people ar
e just cruel. It appears that Lucario is very upset with Aaron. Ash felt that he
might've gone too far seeing Lucario walk away. Lucario finds a tree to lean up
on, recalling another memory.
Aaron was demonstrating the ability to see Aura Energies, the "Hadou", even whil
e his eyes were covered. He dodged several logs as they swung back and forth tow
ards him with ease. Lucario was learning this ability, and it would be his turn
to do it. Lucario was nervous as he began dodging the logs, few missing by a hai
rpin, but he managed to pass the test. Just then, Max comes up and shows Lucario
a bar of chocolate. He explains that it's a sweet snack and it's really good, b
reaking off a piece to give to Lucario. Lucario sniffs it and is a bit hesistant
, but he sees Max eat and enjoy it. Lucario puts the bit into his mouth, enjoyin
g it with a smile. However when Max catches that, Lucario tries to put on a ster
n face.
Later that night, Mew and Pikachu play about while Meowth sleeps. Mew finds a fe
w toys, taking out a party blower in the shape of a Shuckle and blows into it a
couple of times, dropping it near Pikachu. Then it goes back to find a Kapoera y
o-yo and plays around with it. Pikachu smiles a bit, but it can't still help the
feeling of being seperated from Ash.
Ash wakes up from his sleep, thinking he heard Pikachu's voice. He gets out of t
he humvee the crew was sleeping in, noticing Lucario on a rock. Ash tries to hel
p Lucario look on the bright side of things, telling the time when he first got
Pikachu, standing in front of the Spearow as they came down to protect Pikachu.
Ash tells Lucario that he and Pikachu are friends, as Lucario tells Ash that Aar
on is his master. Lucario doesn't quite understand the concept of being along si
de a human to be friends after all this time of being a servant of Aaron.
The next day, they travel down the path, soon coming up to a stop. Lucario stand
s looking up at a cliff, the others wondering what's going on. Lucario tells the
m this was the spot that Aaron sealed Lucario in his scepter. He remembers it qu
ite well, but Lucario kicks a Time Flower gently by accident and soon it replays
the scene it has recorded. It's the same exact scene, when Lucario meets up wit
h Aaron, which he throws his scepter down and seals Lucario in the jewel. Then t
hey watch Aaron fly off to the Tree of the World's Beginning. Suddenly from the
two pathways on the road, the green army charges through the small pathway. Luca
rio appears horrified and begins throwing Aura Energy spheres at them, barely mi
ssing Ash. Ash tells Lucario to stop because they're only illusions. Lucario doe
s stop, shocked to have seen that event happen. Ash comes up to Lucario, apologi
zing for being pushy when he hadn't realized how this affected Lucario. Lucario
though gets up and smiles, perhaps Ash is right, that Aaron did that for his own
As they walk back to the humvee, Lucario senses something. At the last second, h
e pushes himself and Ash out of the way just as Regirock digs its way from the g
round. It sounds mechanical, and begins using Hyper Beam upon the "intruders". J
essie and James manage to escape the humvee before it becomes a victim to Regiro
ck's assault. Lucario intervenes at the second Hyper Beam it fires, throwing an
Energy sphere at the beam, exploding in the middle. Using this, Kid finds a crev
ice to hide in. As they go, Lucario covers them and keeps Regirock occupied befo
re escaping into the crevice. Along the way Lucario tells them to make a turn at
a tunnel. They follow the tunnel, it seems like they lost Regirock. At the end
of the tunnel, they come to a large cave of ancient Pokemon. Amongst a vast lake
and field, lit by a giant crystal on the ceiling, are Omanyte, Omastar, Yanma,
Armaldo, Altaria, and Nidoran. It appears they made it into the tree, but now th
e only way to get to Pikachu is by going up. Ash goes on ahead to another tunnel
, followed by Lucario. Kid takes out her specs, relaying info back to the compan
y. Her boss tells here that the tree is designed with many tunnels that make a n
etwork like blood vessels. Energy can also be monitored. Kid deploys out small h
elicopter gadgets to gather information about the Tree, then she follows Ash.
The probes that Kid deployed attempted to take samples of the crystal that grew
there. However, a red blob engulfs and eats them. Kid gets a warning that the pr
obes were rapidly being destroyed, and that a sort of defense system in the Tree
has been activated.
At the end of the next tunnel, Ash finds himself upon one of the "leafs" of the
Tree. Ash runs up ahead once more, climbing up the leaf. He called out to Pikach
u, who a few leaves up higher (which is a long way up), Pikachu hears Ash and ca
lls back, Ash and Pikachu know that they're nearby. As things seemed to turn for
the better, Regice stands in front of Ash's path and begins firing a barrage of
Ice Beams. Lucario jumps into stun the Regi while Ash gets away. He gets to the
tunnel, telling the others they must find another way because Regice is up ahea
d. Lucario throws one Aura Energy sphere at it to stun it long enough to get awa
y. They find another tunnel along the tunnel, finding themselves at the cliff of
a large hollow cave, being a good ways above the ground. Blue crystal pillars s
tick out from wall to wall. Deciding where to go, Jessie and James find themselv
es in the same place, at a different entrance. They jump down to Ash and company
, landing with a crash. Apparently Regirock and Registeel found them. Lucario po
inted a way, across one of the blue pillars that ran like a bridge to another ex
it higher up. Jessie and James were the first two to run up, then the rest follo
wed as Lucario covered their escape. Along the way, they ran into a narrow stone
bridge, taking their time crossing it until the end. Jessie and James ran up wa
y ahead. Lucario at the end of the line finds the Regi's hot on their tail. He s
ends a Aura Energy Sphere to the bridge, destroying before the Regi's have a cha
nce to cross it.
As Jessie and James run up ahead, a red blob comes from the other side of the tu
nnel after them. It turns into a Cradily shape and swallows up Jessie. James tri
es to save her by sending out Cacnea, using Pin Missile. The attack doesn't do a
thing and Jessie is eventually swallowed up. Another comes after James, sending
out Chimecho, but it's too late for his Pokemon to do anything. Ash and company
arrive only to see the event, wondering what's going on with this place. One mo
re, in the shape of a Aerodactyl comes after them, but Lucario destorys it with
his Energy sphere. Soon the red blob figures come from behind. The other's try t
o find another way to get past them. One of them makes it through and almost cat
ches Kid, that is until Lucario gets in the way. It takes Lucario, but soon expl
odes off. Apparently the thing doesn't eat Pokemon. Just when things also couldn
't get any worse, the two Regis are once again behind their tails. As they run,
they find a room with two tunnels. The group decides to split up so that at leas
t one group will be safe from the Regi's, and they'll meet up later. Ash and Luc
ario go in one group and lure the Regi's away, while Brock, May, Max, and Kid ma
ke the other group. The four take off in one path while Lucario and Ash take the
other. Ash stays behind though so that he can get the Regi's attention once the
y've come.
While the four travel through the Tree, the red blob strikes once more. This it
takes Brock. But not wanting his Pokemon to go down with him, he releases them a
t the last moment. May and Max also gets caught, May releasing her Pokemon as we
ll. Kid on the other hand is dodge two of them, managing to escape the blobs.
Lucario and Ash managed to lose the Regi's but they come up to a huge crevice wi
th the crystal pillars coming out from side to side. Not only is it a long way d
own, but there's a very strong wind. On the other side, Pikachu, Mew, and Meowth
come out from aonther tunnel. Ash, happy to see Pikachu, walks out on the pilla
rs while Pikachu does the same. Pikachu has no problem hopping from pillar to pi
llar in the wind, but Ash occasionally slips, flying for a bit before grabbing a
hold of one of the pillars. His hat also flies away, but Mew manages to catch i
t. He continues on, going low when the wind gets too strong. Both him and Pikach
u meet in the middle, where they jump to meet. But they jump a little too short
and fall down. In the nick of time, Kid uses her grappling hook to swing across
and grab Ash and Pikachu, heading to the tunnel where Lucario waits. Pikachu won
ders who the new Pokemon is, Ash introduces Lucario to his friend and Pokemon, P
ikachu. It seems Lucario is beginning to understand the more deeper relationship
that could be possible. Mew joins in, along with Meowth, Mew giving Ash his hat
back. Now to get out.
While going through the tunnels, they come up across the red blobs once more. Th
ey find a branch off to another tunnel and go through it in hope to lose them, b
ut they continue right behind them. The group comes to a room with large crystal
formations. Lucario goes on ahead, but is ambushed by Registeel and Regirock. R
egisteel grabs him and stuns him, giving the red blobs a chance getting Kid and
Ash. As both get "eaten", they release their Pokemon. Lucario kicks himself off
Registeel to try and save them, but it's too late as Ash's Pokemon try a last ho
pe approach to pull him away. But it's too late, he's gone as the blob slips int
o the ground. Ash's Pokemon saddened by their loss begin to cry. Lucario watches
this, appearing hurt by the loss as well.
Mew though goes up, touching a crystal. It begins to glow green, as well as ever
y crystal in the area. It appears as Mew is performing the healing spell the Tre
e is capable of. Soon the blobs, now green, form up into mounds and disolve away
, leaving their victims behind alive and well just where they had taken them. As
Ash is also released from the blob, his Pokemon celebrate with joy. The Regi's
walk off, not seeing them as a threat anymore. Kid is happy that things are well
too, that is until she notices that one of the crystals flash a red color and t
ells the others something isn't quite right. Suddenly all of the crystals become
red in color, and Mew appears weakened. Kid picks Mew up, finding out that Mew
is hot to the touch. Kid's boss says that the whole tree has gone unstable. If i
t gets completely destroyed, it could mean certain disaster for the world. The c
rystals also begin to blacken and crumble, the place is collasping, and fast! Wi
th no time to lose, Mew helps them find the core room where they could use Mew t
o restore the Tree. The problem is that they do not know how to restore the Tree
, and Mew is very weak to do anything. Lucario looks to the side and notices tha
t there's a crystal formation, inside of it though is Aaron!
Lucario doesn't understand why Aaron is here, sealed up in the crystal, but his
gloves are left on another formation nearby. Ash finds a Time Flower next to the
core and runs up to it to activate it. When the pod opens up, it displays the s
cene as Aaron comes in. Ho-oh also comes in, revealing itself to be Mew. They wa
tch as Aaron begins delivering his energy, the "Hadou", to Mew, the only energy
that would suffice. Mew stores the power and once enough has been stored, goes t
o the core to begin the restoration. But at the end, the see Aaron tumble and fa
ll in pain, looking quite different, and the scene ends. They now know what to d
o... but it would cost the person their life. Lucario, seeing how he can utilize
the Aura Energy that Aaron can, declares he'd be the one to do it. Rucario goes
up to Mew and begins transfering energy, but is soon pulled back. He realizes h
e's not strong enough yet to deliver the energy needed! Ash remembers that Lucar
io mentioned he had the same Aura pattern as Aaron, and can control Hadou as wel
l. He puts on Aaron's gloves, which help channel the energy. Kid questions Ash's
actions, but Ash says that saving the world is more importan than his life. Bot
h Lucario and Ash begin channeling energy into Mew. It begins to work as Mew sto
res up the energy both are putting into it. As time passes and they channel more
energy, it begins to strain them. But just at the end, Lucario shoves Ash out o
f the way. Lucario channeled the rest of the energy into Mew, protecting Ash fro
m facing the certain death that would follow. Once the energy channeling was com
plete, Mew swiftly moved to the energy core of the Tree, the stored energy relea
sing a green light like the same light from the years ago. The crystals turn gre
en and emit bright beams of light across the land, saving the Tree and ultimatel
y the world.
After Mew completed the healing process, Kid confers with her boss if the Tree i
s stable, and everything is normal. But Lucario stumbles down, exhausted from wh
at he's done, in the same condition as Aaron as he collasped. Lucario's hand bum
ped into a Time Flower, activating it. This time it was Aaron as he sat there, s
aying his last words. He thanked Lucario for being his servant and always being
loyal. He did seal up Lucario, to protect his friend, not his servant, from the
impending danger. He wasn't a servant to his master, he was a friend. Lucario sm
iled at that, understanding now. But his time was running out fast, and before i
t would run out, he thanked Ash for showing him the same friendship Aaron provid
ed. Lucario soon dissapeared, along with Aaron's crystalized form, two spirits f
loating up to the sky. Kid and Ash step outside to see that things well, and ref
lect upon how valueable a friendship really is, especially between a Pokemon and
a human.
~Ending Credits~
Ash and company take a cable car down. Along the way they see Kid packing up her
humvee and leaving. Back in the cable care, Brock bawls over his "loss" of seei
ng Kid leave. The tapestry in the castle showing Aaron holding up his scepter ch
anged, it now shows Lucario standing beside him. Kid explores Founce, right behi
nd her is Batora and Dian tending to a farm. Ash and company take a visit to ano
ther city (which looks surprisingly like Alto Mare), above in their balloon is J
essie, James, and Meowth trying one of their attempts to get Pikachu, but end up
in a mess as Meowth slips from the balloon.
Nearby Oradoru Castle, Aaron and Lucario walk down a road. Aaron however has som
e chocolate and shares it with Lucario

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