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Relationship Between Leadership Style And Employee Job

Satisfaction: A Case Study At Metrowealth Picture
Muhammad Qayyum Bin Abdul Halim



Introduction about Peer Review

Peer review is the evaluation of creative work or performance by other people in the same

field in order to maintain or enhance the quality of the work or performance in that field . It is

based on the concept that a larger and more diverse group of people will usually find more

weaknesses and errors in a work or performance and will be able to make a more impartial

evaluation of it than will just the person work alone.

Peer review helps maintain and enhance quality both directly by detecting weaknesses

and errors in specific works and performance and indirectly by providing a basis for making

decisions about strong part and weakness part that can provide a powerful incentive to achieve

excellence. These strategy are related to help us write a good research proposal.

This review on my friend research that have been done by Muhammad Qayyum Bin

Abdul Halim from Master Of Education (Educational Management And Leadership), Faculty of

Education, Uitm Shah Alam with specific title is “Relationship Between Leadership Style And

Employee Job Satisfaction: A Case Study At Metrowealth Picture”.


First we look to chapter one. This chapter one is very crucial because of it is an

introduction to overall report on what we have to write in. This chapter is more like the head of

the research. So, in the other words, it is actually an abstract as a whole of everything. So, there

are several subtopics that we have to focus such as introduction for the chapter one, background

of the study, statement of the problems, research objectives, research questions, significance of

the study, research limitations, definition of terms and chapter summary.

In the earlier presentation he mention the title of the research and receive suggestion topic

from our Research Seminar lecture, Prof. Dr. Abu Bakar Ibrahim. The first title that he make is

President Leadership style and employee job satisfaction in the Metrowealth Picture Sdn Bhd. As

the suggestion from Prof Abu Bakar, a change had been made. He change the title to relationship

between leadership style and employee job satisfaction: A case study at Metrowealth Picture Sdn

Bhd. This because there are just only one organization that been study and then Prof. Dr. Abu

Bakar Ibrahim ask the entire respondent from the class to choose which one that they prefer as

the title of my research. As the respondent from Kamal, which prefer to the first one Kamal state

that the reason that him choose the first one because of the words “President” might be the

attraction of the study. However, from the discussion among other friend, he decide to choose the

second one which idea from the prof because it will look appropriate academic writing.

Next is statement of the problems. In this part, the researcher try to find the problem and

make the study to solve that problem. From the problem, we can get the purpose to make a

research. Base on this presentation, he state that leadership which applies a good transformational

approach will always give their employee a change to voice up their comment and in term of

what improvements that can be made. In private sector except Metrowealth picture, many

employee does not be given a chance to voice up any idea or comment for the leaders because

they just had been paid to do a job and not to involve in management part of the business. This

can affect the job satisfaction. Due to many issues concerning leadership style, investigating job

satisfaction is a good idea to start finding some solutions.

After find the problem, then the researcher come out with the research objective. This

objective are built from the problem that accrue before. The research objective is more on the

reason or purpose we want to study. For example, the objectives stated in this presentation is to

examine president leadership style in Metrowealth Picture Sdn.Bhd as perceived by employee.

Then to identify factor of job satisfaction among employee in Metrowealth Picture Sdn. Bhd and

the last objective is to investigate the relationship between leadership style and job satisfaction in

the organization. Prof Abu Bakar agree with this Research Objective and researcher can proceed

to research question. The researcher clearly state the research question and this research are be


Next comment from the prof on his presentation is on the limitation of the study which he

have mention time is the limitation of the study. However, Prof. has correct on that mistake

which is time is not consider as the limitation of the study.

CHAPTER 2 (Literature Review)

In the chapter 2, the researcher have clearly stated the relevant literature of the study

which consists of introduction, leadership theory, transformational, transactional leadership,

laissez-faire, job satisfaction, theoretical frameworks and the summary. In this part, he receive

comment from the prof, which suggests him to include more employee satisfaction literature

because the study is based on the employee job satisfaction. More over from the presentation, the

researcher must use updated article or journal which is means the article must new and only five

years back dated.

CHAPTER 3 (Methodology)

Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods applied to a field of

study, or the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a branch

of knowledge. It, typically, encompasses concepts such as paradigm, theoretical model, phases

and quantitative or qualitative techniques. A Methodology does not set out to provide solutions

but offers the theoretical underpinning for understanding which method, set of methods or so

called “best practices” can be applied to a specific case.

Back to my reference of this presentation, in this chapter, the researcher briefly explain about the

research design, population and sample selection, Instrument, data collection and procedure, data

analysis and summary of the chapter. In this stage, he receive a comment from the prof. which

corrects me in the data analysis. His mistake is mention the same meaning of word which is his

mention percentage and frequency. Which is prof. said the 2 word refer to same meaning.


From this review, I can get the clear picture to write my own proposal. Furthermore my friend

also can get a feedback to improve his own research and will come up with better proposal.

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