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3 CONSIDERATION AND OBJECT Meaning and Definition the essentials of 2 Consideration is one of Valid contract. The term void agitation means something in return Ae jBreement withou: consideration is Noid. The consideration is the benefit received by a party to the contract in return Of the promise made by him. Pollock. “the consideration is the Eric® fer which the promise of the other 's bought and the promise thus given for value is enforceable,” Section 2(d): ‘When, at the desire Of the promisor, the promises or any other person has done or abstained trom doing, or does or abstains from doing or Promises to do or abstain from Going something, such act or abstinence of oS Rerees 10 sell his Nouse for Rs. 50 Lac to.8 For A. the consideration is Rs 80 Lac. For B, consideration is the houes B.A promises to repair B's car and Prt 18 Pay) Ra. 4. Lac. The promise of One arty is the consideration forthe othe arty. © A promises not to sue Promises to pay additional 1 Lac, The absti the consideration for &'s promise ie pay. sideration, the act or abstinence that creates a t be done at the desire of the Promisor. tt means any act desire of a third party does not create @ consideration, Simiarly,

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