Your Self Questions

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1.Tell me about yourself

2. Why do you want to work for our airline?
Why do you want this job?
Why do you want to become flight attendant?
3.Tell me about your dream job.
4.How would your friends or coworkers describe you?
What kind of person are you?
5.What are your strengths?
6.What are your weaknesses?
7.What did you do to prepare for this interview?
8. Are you applying for any other airlines? What if more
than one airline offers you the job?
9.Why should I hire you?

1.Tell me about yourself

can you tell me a little a bout yourself

- Includes unnecessary details
- Doesn’t speak in full sentences
- Doesn’t have any clear direction
If you do these things, your answer to this question is unfocus!
Remember to stay professional during your final interview. This
question is meant to ask you about your career and detailed work
history. It is not about your childhood, home or hobbies.
Remember that you are being interviewed for a cabin crew job,
so your response should be focused on the relevant customer
service job experience.
Try to keep it short, this question is just a conversation starter.
Do not reveal information that you donʼt want your future
employer to know.

ʻmy name is Tran Van Nguyen, im from Nam Dinh province. I
have been living there for the past 18 years then I’ve moved to
HCM city for studying in the ABC university and lived here until
now. I ‘ve worked in a vatiety of roles and companies such as
salesman, counsellor staff.., which I’ve learned a lot from, but
I’ve always loved to be a Flight attendant and now I ready for a
new challenge.


2. Why do you want to work for our airline?

Why do you want this job?
Why do you want to become flight attendant?

Do not go to your interview without doing some research about

the company you would like to work for. Browse their website and
read the ʻAbout usʼ or ʻHistoryʼ sections.
The first part of the assessment day consists of a series of
informative videos about the airline, how it was created, plans of
expansion, financial results, life in their city, career prospects and
other relevant information. Take some notes and review them
before your final interview.
Do not explore unknown territory. If the interviewer brings up a
certain subject that you donʼt know much about, be honest and tell
them so.
ʻI know that Vietnam Airlines has spearheaded Vietnam’s aviation
market - one of the fastest-growing domestic markets in the world -
throughout 20 years of development with numerous awards won
(give some examples here: 4 star airliners by skytrax…) and.
Positioning itself as a modern carrier with an internationally
recognisable brand characterised by Vietnamese traditional
culture, Vietnam Airlines aims to achieve 5-star status and become
a major airline in Asia. I would be honored to be part of such an
ambitious team.ʼ


 3.Tell me about your dream job.

Stay away from a specific job.
If you say another job, you will give an impression that you
might be dissatisfied with the cabin crew job. If you say cabin crew,
then your credibility might be questioned.
Talk about the positive aspects that the job will bring to your life
rather than naming a position.

ʻMy dream job will give me the opportunity to travel and
discover new cultures and interesting people. It is the job that gets
me excited to wake up every day, go to work and constantly learn
something new.ʼ

4.How would your friends or coworkers describe you?
What kind of person are you?

Prepare some quotes from your coworkers or friends.

Stay focused on the skills and traits that are relevant for the
cabin crew job.
Do not get into lengthy stories about your friends or coworkers.


ʻBoth my friends and coworkers would say that I am a reliable

individual. They all know that they can count on me to listen to
their problems and try to help them find a solution.ʼ or ʻJohn Smith,
my colleague at Company A always said that I am the most
organized person he knows because my area was always clean
and I never left home before tidying up the dayʼs work.ʼ


5.What are your strengths?

The interviewer expects you to give examples of how you have

excelled in your previous jobs.

Prepare 4 or 5 traits that are relevant for the cabin crew position
and be prepared to also give examples of when you displayed
these strengths.
Talk about your strengths in the area of customer service, team
work, communication, attention to detail or problem solving.
Do not discuss your strengths outside your work area.

ʻI am a team player with excellent attention to detail. I provide

personalized service to my customers while aiming to go beyond
all expectations and ensure that my customers receive the best
possible service. I also have the ability to adapt in a fast paced


6.What are your weaknesses?

Do not give information which could hurt your professional

image or decrease your chances of getting the job.
Do not say that you have no weakness.
First. Mention a weakness that you are overcoming or that
have already overcome.
Second, say what action you are taking or that you have
already taken to overcome the weakness.
Third, say what the result are of your efforts to conquer your


1. I used to arrive late to school but now set my alarm thirty

minutes earlier than I did before. Now I always arrive early to work.
2. I used to be a terrible saleswomen. I usually got very nervous
when I introduced myself or tried to talk about the product. To
overcome my nervousness, I learned everything I could about the
product. Eventually, I came to believe in it and felt proud to present
it to people. I started to focus on helping the customers rather than
just selling to them. The more I knew about product and the more I
focused on helping the customers the easier it became for me to
sell. And soon, I became one of the top sellers in the company.
3. I used to be very shy when I worked as a shop assistant in a
mobile store. I had a hard time interacting with customers. It was
difficult for me to answenr their questions and help to them. I
spoke to my manager and he tought me how to interact better with
people. He told me that if I focused more on helping the customers
rather than on my fear, I could better assist them. He also taught
me that the more I know about the products the more confident I
would be when I trying to help the customers. I took his advice
very seriously. I learn all I could about the products and the
company and I try to ignore my fear and focus on helping them.
Incredibly, I am no longer shy with the customers. I am confident
when answering questions and I feel good when I see happy
4. I used have a problem getting everything done during my
work day. Now everyday before work, I make a to-do list with the
priorities on top. Now, I am very focused on accomplishing the
most important jobs first. As a result, I now usually finish all or
most of my responsibilities with time to spare.
5. I don’t speak English very well yet. But After I have taken
English class in shool. My teacher taught me How to speak
English better by preparing and recording most of my speeches
then listen carefuly my pronounciation and my sentences. I find out
many mistakes with my speaking skill then I try to correct them day
by day. As a result I can already understand more and people are
telling me that I can speak better than before. I know that my
English will continue to improve.

6. I used to be very scared to speaking public when I was a

student. My teacher sometime asked me to give presentations to
the class. But I always suggested that another student present
instead. Finally , I decided to face my fear. I spent hours preparing
for the presentation by researching the topic than I wrote my notes
on flashcards istead or word for word and I practice in front of my
friends and family. When the big day arrived I was nervous but
once I stard to present to my class the words came to me and I
was confident and presented with ease my teacher and my
classmates were quite impressed. Since then, I have given other
presentations to help my friends to succeed and my skill have
continued to improve. I know that the formula for good public
speaking is simply preparation


7.What did you do to prepare for this interview?

This is a perfect opportunity to tell them about the concerns

youʼve had and what have you been doing to address them.
You want to come up as somebody who has researched not
only the job, but also the airline and the aviation industry in
Nobody wants to hear that you just rolled out of bed and
showed up at the interview hoping for the best.


ʻI have been reading the aviation news online and I subscribed

for Vietnam Airlines Chanel. Iʼve also done some research on the
work life of flight attendants.ʼ


8. Are you applying for any other airlines? What if more

than one airline offers you the job?

Make sure that your answer stays professional.

Be honest, but keep it short.
Keep your focus on the airline you interview for and what you
can do for them.


ʻI will consider all the factors in my decision making and I will

chose the employer which best fits my career aspirations. Your
airline seems to be such a place for me.ʼ


9.Why should I hire you?

This is the time to sell yourself! It is all about how you fit into the
position, not how the position fits with you.
Talk about your skills and strengths that will benefit the
Do not be general or desperate and answer with: ʻBecause I
need a jobʼ or ʻ I think it could be a nice to travel for freeʼ. This
question is not about you, it is about what you can do for them.

ʻYou should hire me because I have the expertise and
experience in the area of customer service. I aim for excellence in
everything I do, and I will give my full energy to achieve
outstanding service for your customers. I have reached and
exceeded all my targets and customer expectations in my previous
job by offering personalized care, attention to details and upbeat
energy in my work.ʼ


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