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The Authority that Governs Data Center

International availability, resilience, compliance and professions

Data Center Authority

Copyright © 2011 International Data Center Authority, U.S.A. Copyright © 2012 International Data Center Authority, U.S.A.
Data Center Authority The International Data Center Authority (IDCA) brings together the world's most
suitable existing standards and best practices to establish guidelines for the design,
build and operation of Data Centers throughout their full life-cycle.
IDCA is focused on Tiering, Standardization, Certification of Data Center Designs, Certification of Data Center
Builds, Certification of approved Data Center Auditors and Certification of Data Center Infrastructure
Specialist DCIS®, Data Center Operations Specialist DCOS®, Data Center Engineering Specialist DCES®, Data
Center Operation Manager (DCOM) , Data Center Infrastructure Expert (DCIE) , Data Center Data Center
Technology Professional DCTP®, Data Center Expert (DCE) , Data Center Manager (DCM)SM, and Data Center

Authority (DCA) .

Course Overview
All the data center training course material covered in the Data Center Infrastructure Specialist DCIS®, Data
Center Engineering Specialist DCES®, Data Center Operations Specialist DCOS®, Data Center Operation
Manager (DCOM) , Data Center Infrastructure Expert (DCIE) , Data Center Technology Professional DCTP®,

Data Center Expert (DCE) , Data Center Manager (DCM) , and Data Center Authority (DCA) data center
training courses has been carefully selected and distributed under the 9-module course work, by industries
top experts. The objective is to deliver and provide principles and information in the 360° life cycle of
designing and/or managing the Data Center by displaying existing standards, practices, issues, technologies
& methodologies, as well as revealing future methods, challenges, preferred practices and advancements.

Data Center Authority

Thesis &
Criteria Fulfillment

Data Center Technology Professional & Engineering Specialist
Data Center Technology Professional & Operations Specialist

Data Center Data Center

Operations Specialist Engineering Specialist

Data Center Data Center


Expert Manager
Data Center Technology Professional

Expert Manager

Data Center Infrastructure & Engineering Specialist

Data Center Data Center

Data Center Infrastructure & Operations Specialist

Engineering Specialist Operations Specialist



Data Center Data Center

Infrastructure Operations
Expert Manager

Data Center Infrastructure Specialist
Copyright © 2012 International Data Center Authority, U.S.A.
International Bringing all the standards in one place and covering the full schematics of a resilient Data Center
Data Center Authority

Bringing the latest and the most credible factual data to the industry, developing expertise, facing realities,
taking the best of every breed of technology, standard, practice, tools and mecahnisms through offering
effective and Accredited Training Programs is one of the "core" activities of IDCA. The following describes the
certification modules and the IDCA accreditation tracks:

Data Center Infrastructure Specialist DCIS® 2-Day Certification Course

This course is fundamental for executives, data center owners, managers, and
operators, to enrich their knowledge beyond the industry buzzwords. The DCIS
course provides end-to-end coverage of the mission critical infrastructure systems that
support typical Data Centers and environments with high availability requirements.
The course will provide full understanding of the main components that comprise the
Data Center build, highlighting benefits of each, to allow for the most appropriate
system and component selection.

Data Center Engineering Specialist DCES® 3-Day Certification Course

This course targets professionals who intend to become experts in the data center
field. It caters extensive information to Infrastructure Architects, Designers,
Consultants and Auditors, as well as facility operators, IT managers, application
managers, engineers and project managers. The DCES course empowers
Infrastructure Specialists (DCIS ) with selection and design knowledge that will assist
engineers in formulating the appropriate framework for their Data Centers. The course
will also enhance the awareness of stakeholders and enable the precise appraisal of
their Data Center investments. This will lead to higher availability at optimized costs,
maximizingValue Engineering (VE) = Functionality/Cost.
Data Center Operations Specialist DCOS® 3-Day Certification Course
This course targets Data Center Mangers, Data Center Planners and Data Center
Strategists that are responsible for overseeing, maintaining, managing & planning of
Data Center capacities, efficiencies, availabilities and operations on designated
footprint. The DCOS course focuses on best practices to be applied, and mechanisms
and methodologies to enhance the daily operation of Data Centers. It further teaches
how to streamline processes, increase efficiency and productivity whilst maintaining
high availability. The core concepts are based on demonstrated principles, which are
optimized from lessons learned across Data Center front-runners such as Consultants,
Managed Service Providers, and Data Center owners, from varied industries.

Data Center Technology Professional DCTP® 3-Day Certification Course

This course is aimed for Data Center Operation Managers and Data Center
Infrastructure Experts who are incharge of planning data center technology roadmaps.
The DCTP course unwraps the true essence of technologies in and around the Data
Center space. The new trends, recommendations, and the data center components
that posses the finest design and selection criteria most suitable to prolong the life of
the Data Center, save costs, increase efficiency, lower risks, offer sustainable and
optimum features. Various technologies are showcased and compared with the
available alternatives, legacy systems and other technology routes that differ based on
the design topology and strategic planning of every data center.
Copyright © 2012 International Data Center Authority, U.S.A.
International Bringing all the standards in one place and covering the full schematics of a resilient Data Center
Data Center Authority

Data Center Operations Manager (DCOM)SM 5-Day Certification Course

This course targets managers, executives, directors, strategic planners and/or
professionals who are engaged with operational aspects of live and running data
centers. From the disaster recovery planning to health and safety criteria to capacity
planning and upgrade management, risk mitigation and migration principals to
growth schemes, HR roles and responsibilities, vendor and contract management of
OLAs and SLAs are all covered and effectively outlined in the program. The DCOM
generates distinguished data center operational Managers, Architects, Service
Providers and Mentorsand enablesthem to have leading roles in high-availability Data
Center Operations.

Data Center Infrastructure Expert (DCIE)SM 5-Day Certification Course

This course targets developing experts who can lead the data center industry as
consultants, architects, subject matter experts. It provides professionals the right skill
sets from the foundational concepts to the engineering, design, tiering concepts,
which are driven by the industry’s live experiences and best practices. It clarifies the
taboos in the industry, the gray areas where all providers, operators, engineers and
experts continuously argue and question and resolves ambiguities in the expert’s mind
as to how to plan, design and build data centers. The DCIE requires achievement of
unparalleled and thorough understanding of Data Center Infrastructure fundamentals
of Engineering & Design.

Data Center Expert (DCE)SM 8-Day Certification Course

This course is aimed for Data Center Experts who want to posses the right skill sets for
architecting, engineering, designing and planning data center across industries. It
covers power, cooling, safety, security, ICT, application and standardization parameters
in developing, designing and building of the Data Center. The DCE equips
infrastructure experts with technology roadmaps, to aid in the design & appraisal of
Data Centers, to ensure modularity and flexibility for growth and enhancement of
sustainable reliability and availability.

Data Center Manager (DCM)SM 8-Day Certification Course

This course is aimed for Data Center Managers who are not only incharge of data
center operations, but data center management as a whole. It covers the management
concepts, challenges, capacities, plans and strategies as well as technology aspects
and deciding factors in determining and implementing best management principles.
The DCM certification strengthens the operational awareness of future technologies,
leading to effective management of Data Centers by enhancing and preparing for
process advancements.
Copyright © 2012 International Data Center Authority, U.S.A.
International Bringing all the standards in one place and covering the full schematics of a resilient Data Center
Data Center Authority

Data Center Authority ( DCA )SM 11-Day Certification Course

This course is aimed for professionals who have the potential, know how and
opportunity to become subject matter authorities in the data center arena.
Individuals will be taken through multilevels of foundation, concept,
principle, theory, physics, strategy, management, engineering and design,
technology and selection in order to complete this course work required for
becoming a (DCA)SM. In addition to course work, all successful DCA
candidates must fulfill the required criteria which includes but is not limited
to undergoing minimum Tier III data center project alongside IDCA approved
consultants, as well as submitting a thesis to the attention of the accreditation committee of IDCA. The
thesis shall be driven from their professional experiences and subject matter expertise in power, cooling,
application, security, etc. (DCA) will be the front-runners of the data center industry and key players and
contributors to the industry’s direction.

The (DCA)SM certification is a leap into DC Strategy, approached in the unique manner of capturing the
Operations aspects of a data center, knowledge of the design fundamentals and by applying the insight
into future technologies, amalgamating this knowledge to prepare the management, build, expansion,
or upgrade for your Next Generation Data Centers.

IDCA's accreditation track follows the nine (9) module practice on two (2) management & expert tracks.
Upon completion of the course and criteria requirements, qualifiers will become a Data Center Authority
(DCA)SM which is the highest level of expertise, knowledge and accreditation data center professionals can
achieve globally!

Conforming to Standards, Confronting Mishaps, Converging Data Centers
Copyright © 2012 International Data Center Authority, U.S.A.
International Bringing all the standards in one place and covering the full schematics of a resilient Data Center
Data Center Authority

DC World
within your grasp




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The know-

Unfulfilled DC Potentials ?
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The foundation of courses are based on principal international standards such as ANSI/TIA-942, For further information you can visit our
ANSI/TIA-606, ITIL, NFPA 75-2001, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning website on
(ASHRAE), The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), The Building Services
Research and Information Association (BSRIA), Building Industry Consulting Service International For any enquiries please send us an e-mail
(BICSI) and many other latest industry standards, andbest practices, enhanced with hands-on at
proficiency of experts in the industry.

IDCA has designed the course in a unique manner, focusing on the essentials for the Executives,
Managers, and senior Operators and Designers, to Select, Build, and Manage Data Centers.
IDCA have incorporated specific soft skills to enhance the learning curve throughout the courses.

Selected professionals, following a comprehensive quest to locate the most suitable experts in the
field, deliver the courses. IDCA’s search criteria focused on individuals with DC design, build, &
management experience, as well as teaching and research capability. IDCA ‘s trainers have years of l
ationa y
experience, both, on the Service side, and on the Client side. Intnetrenr Authorit
Copyright © 2012 International Data Center Authority, U.S.A.

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