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Pusat Tusyen Mercu ilmu

Based on textbook
Year 4,5 & 6
My Score
Question Answer Mark Correction
Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

1. My sister’s hobby is collecting Word Meaning


A. origami B. pet

C. badges D. music

2. _____________ is the meat of cows. Word Meaning

A. Mutton B. Burger

C. Beef D. Okra

3. Rajiv saw many aeroplanes kept in a Word Meaning


A. warehouse B. hangar

C. hostel D. Factory

4. Farid plays the _____________ in the Word Meaning

school band.

A. cymbals B. compass

C. aquarium D. racquet

5. The fastest way to get to Pulau Word Meaning

langkawi is by _____________.

A. car B. bus

C. ferry D. Aeroplane
Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

6. Ramu uses a _____________ when he Word Meaning


A. gloves B. helmet

C. scarf D. tie

7. Xian Loong carries a_____________ Word Meaning

when he goes hiking.

A. compass B. umbrella

C. glue D. racquet

8. My aunt is an _____________. She Word Meaning

works in the bank.

A. doctor B. florist

C. accountant D. architect

9. A _____________ is a memory device Word Meaning

for storing information to or from a

A. computer B. mouse

C. keyboard D. flash drive

10. An _____________ is an electronic mail Word Meaning

sent from one computer to another.

A. message B. email

C. postcard D. note
Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

11. A _____________ is a creative form of Word Meaning

writing in verse. It has a series of lines
separated into groups called
A. rhyme B. poem

C. story D. stanza

12. A _____________ is a person who Word Meaning

writes poem.

A. singer B. poet

C. instructor D. song writer

13. Rhymes are _____________ words Word Meaning

that are similar in sound.

A. words B. lyrics

C. lines D. stanza

14. A _____________ is the young of a Word Meaning


A. calf B. nestling

C. chick D. joey

15. A _____________ plant is also called Word Meaning

a shy plant.

A. hibiscus B. mimosa

C. fern D. orchid
Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

16. The _____________ is a natural Word Meaning

satelite that
travels around the Earth.

A. sun B. moon

C. planet D. sky

17. A _____________ sends people and Word Meaning

things into the space.

A. space telescope B. rocket

C. space station D. satellite

18. The most famous ______________ is Word Meaning

the Hubble.

A. space telescope B. rocket

C. space station D. satellite

19. Astronouts live on _____________ for Word Meaning

long periods of time.

A. space telescope B. rocket

C. space stationn D. satellite

20. _____________ sends Word Meaning

communication signals.

A. space telescope B. rocket

C. space station D. satellite

Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

21. An _____________ is a curved path Word Meaning

followed by an object in space as it
moves around another object such
as a planet or star.
A. moon B. sun

C. orbit D. planet

22. Ants use their _____________ to find Word Meaning

food and to find their way back

A. mandibles B. antennae

C. legs D. wings

23. The butterfly’s ____________ are also Word Meaning

known as caterpillars.

A. eggs B. larvae

C. pupa D. caterpillar

24. I love ____________ . I get to see Word Meaning

famous landmarks around the world.

A. diving B. sightseeing

C. shopping D. camping

25. The ____________ is located in Word Meaning

France. It is made of steel.

A. Taj Mahal B. Great Wall of China

C. Eiffel Tower D. Pyramid of Gaza

My Score
Question Answer Mark Correction
Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

1. A _____________ is a method to Word Meaning

collect information or data.

A. servey B. interview

C. activity D. talk

2. A _____________ is also known as a Word Meaning

cable railway in which a cable is
attached to it and moves up and
down a steep slope.
A. cable car B. LRT

C. MRT D. funicular

3. A ___________ is a card for sending Word Meaning

a message by post without using an

A. email B. letter

C. message D. postcard

4. A ____________ is a story from Word Meaning

ancient times about places or event
that may or may not be true.

A. folktale B. story

C. legend D. poem

5. A ___________ is a device that can Word Meaning

be programmed to perform many
tasks and instructions.

A. radio B. television

C. computer D. handphone
Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

6. A ____________ allows you to transfer Word Meaning

money electronically from the bank

A. money B. computer

C. debit card D. credit card

7. ____________ are electronic versions Word Meaning

of printed books.

A. Storybooks B. Magazines

C. Electronic Books D. Brochures

8. A ______________ provides you a Word Meaning

credit facility that allows you to
borrow money.
A. electronic book B. debit card

C. ATM machine D. credit card

9. A _________ has become an

important tool of communication. It Word Meaning
can be used for making and
receiving calls, text messages, send
emails, photos, and videos.
A. telephone B. television

C. handphone D. laptop

10. We should not talk to strangers to Word Meaning

avoid __________.

A. bullying B. robbing

C. kidnapping D. extorting money

Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

11. A ____________ is a large hall where Word Meaning

the king usually sits.

A. chamber B. kitchen

C. throne room D. courtyard

12. A ______________ is an enclosed Word Meaning

space in the castle that is open to
the sky.

A. garden B. chamber

C. courtyard D. kitchen

13. A ____________ has a setting, a plot, Word Meaning

and characters.

A. poem B. story

C. song D. rhyme

14. A _____________ looks like a Word Meaning

snowball but has a tail.It is made of
rock and ice.

A. earth B. comet

C. star D. planet

15. _____________ are gigantic balls of Word Meaning

hot gas.

A. Stars B. Comets

C. Asteroids D. Planets
Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

16. _____________ are round-shaped Word Meaning

objects that move around the star.

A. Asteroids B. Comets

C. Stars D. Planets

17. Irregular-shaped rocks that orbit the Word Meaning

Sun are ____________

A. asteroids B. comets

C. stars D. planets

18. A _______________ is an old story Word Meaning

passed down verbally from
generation to generation.

A. story B. folktale

C. poem D. nursery ryhme

19. The traditional costume of Japanese Word Meaning

women is called _____________.

A. nashi B. kimono

C. sakura D. tatami

20. ___________ are extreme forces of Word Meaning

nature that cause deaths and

A. Floods B. Earthquakes

C. Natural Disasters D. Volcanoes

Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

21. A ___________ is an extremely large Word Meaning

wave in the sea caused by an

A. tsunami B. earthquake

C. flood D. volcano

22. A ___________ is a mountain with Word Meaning

large opening at the top through
which gases and lava are forced out
into the air.
A. tsunami B. earthquake

C. flood D. volcano

23. An ___________ is the result of violent Word Meaning

shaking and movements of the
Earth’s surface and it causes great
A. tsunami B. earthquake

C. flood D. volcano

24. _____________ refer to a sudden Word Meaning

change inside the Earth.

A. Tsunami B. Earthquake

C. Upheavals D. Volcano

25. An ___________ is a popular term for Word Meaning

activities that have a high level of risk
to the participants.
A. sport B. game

C. extreme sport D. exercise

My Score
Question Answer Mark Correction
Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

1. A particular style of literature, art, Word Meaning

film or music that has its special
feature is called a ___________.

A. blurb B. genre

C. story D. summary

2. A ___________ is a short description Word Meaning

of a book.

A. blurb B. genre

C. story D. summary

3. An ___________ is a digital version of Word Meaning

a greeting card. It is sent through

A. email B. message

C. note D. e-card

4. An ___________ family includes Word Meaning

parents, children, grandparents,
uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, and
A. nuclear B. extended

C. happy D. multi

5. A ___________ is a form of bullying Word Meaning

that happens through mobile
phones, computers or other
electronic devices.
A. kidnapping B. robbery

C. cyber bullying D. mobbing

Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

6. ___________ is the act of destroying Word Meaning

other people’s property such as
benches, garbage bins or windows.

A. Kidnapping B. Vandalism

C. Cyber bullying D. Mobbing

7. My father write an ____________ Word Meaning

before we go on a holiday in

A. letter B. email

C. note D. itinerary

8. The 3R means _________, Word Meaning

____________, and ___________
A. replay, reduce, repost
B. reduce, reuse, recycle
C. reduce, replay, recycle
D. recycle, reduce, repaint

9. A _______________ is a letter written Word Meaning

in formal language with a specific
structure and layout.

A. email B. formal letter

C. informal letter D. message

10. ____________ are people who walk Word Meaning

along cross roads illegally.

A. Pedestrians B. Jaywalkers

C. School children D. Lollipop men

Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

11. The ____________ is found outside Word Meaning

school area. It prevents drivers from
exceeding the speed limit of 30
kilometres per hour.

A. pedestrians bridge B. zebra crossing

C. speed hump D. traffic light

12. The ____________ stops traffic by Word Meaning

holding the ‘stop’ sign.

A. pedestrians B. jaywalkers

C. school children D. lollipop man

13. _____________ is a three-piece suit Word Meaning

which consists of a long-sleeved shirt,
pants, and a samping that is worn
around the waist.
A. Baju Melayu B. Lengha

C. Cheongsam D. Blouse

14. I will wear __________. It is a long skirt Word Meaning

with a thick border at the bottom.

A. baju melayu B. lengha

C. cheongsam D. blouse

15. I have decided to wear a __________. Word Meaning

It is a long dress with short slits on the
sides of the skirt,a high colar, and short
A. baju melayu B. lengha

C. cheongsam D. blouse
Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

16. ____________ is a traditional Myanmar Word Meaning

cloth made of cotton or silk. It is worn
with a fitted blouse and a shawl.

A. Longyi B. Lengha

C. Hanbok D. Baju Kebaya

17. ____________ is a festival celebrated in Word Meaning

Sarawak on the 1st and 2nd June
every year.
A. Kaamatan
B. Gawai Dayak
C. Hari Raya Aidilfitri
D. Chinese New Year

18. The ____________ was built to honour Word Meaning

the heroic men who fought for the
country’s peace and freedom.
A. K.L.C.C
B. National Monument
C. World Trade Centre
D. National Mosque

19. ____________ is a festival celebrated Word Meaning

by the Muslims after a month of
A. Kaamatan B. Hari Raya Aidilfitri

C. Hari Gawai D. Chinese New Year

20. ____________ is a game played by Word Meaning

blind athletes. A team rolls the ball
into the goal post while the opposing
team blocks the ball with their body.
A. Football B. Netball

C. Badminton D. Goalball
Vocabulary Workshop 2018

Questions Notes

21. ____________ is one of the greatest Word Meaning

singers in the world. He is an American
musician, singer and songwriter who is
A. Helen Keller B. Stevie Wonder

C. Stephen Hawking D. Mark Inglis

22. ____________ is an American author Word Meaning

and lecturer. She was the first deaf and
blind person to earn a college degree.

A. Helen Keller B. Stephen Hawking

C. Stevie Wonder D. Mark Inglis

23. Professor ____________ is British and Word Meaning

one of the greatest scientists.
Despitehis disability, he has authored
numerous books and scientific paper.
A. Helen Keller B. Stevie Wonder

C. Mark Inglis D. Stephen Hawking

24. ____________ is a professional Word Meaning

mountaineer from New Zealand. He is
a man with two artificial legs, climbed
Mount Everest succesfully in 47 days.

A. Helen Keller B. Stevie Wonder

C. Stephen Hawking D. Mark Inglis

25. ____________ is a communications Word Meaning

tower located in Kuala Lumpur,
A. Kuala Lumpur Tower
B. National Monument
C. National Mosque
D. Kuala Lumpur City Centre































































































“Never stop
never stop
never give up,
never stop
trying, and
never stop

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