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PROGRAM TITLE: Software Development Lifecycles



STUDENT NAME: Phạm Xuân Quỳnh

MOBILE NUMBER: 0943942335
Summative Feedback:

Internal verification:
A Introduction

The software development lifecycle is an integrated process that promotes building

good quality, secure software throughout the entire development process. The aim
of this unit is to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to
understand software development lifecycles and to demonstrate their knowledge by
implementing a software development lifecycle with a suitable methodology. This
unit introduces students to lifecycle decision-making at different stages of the
software development process. Students will examine various lifecycle models and
appreciate their particular characteristics to understand which project environments
they are most appropriate for. Theoretical understanding will be translated into
practical skills through an actual software development lifecycle project and
students will become confident in the use of particular tools and techniques relevant
to a chosen methodology. Among the topics included in this unit are iterative and
sequential models of software development lifecycles and reference frameworks for
initially capturing conceptual data and information through a feasibility study and
requirement gathering techniques through to analysis, design and software
implementation activities. As a result students will develop skills such as
communication literacy, critical thinking, analysis, reasoning and interpretation,
which are crucial for gaining employment and developing academic competence.

B Content
L03 Undertake a software development lifecycle

P5 Undertake a software investigation to meet a business need.

1.Questionnaire technique :

A questionnaire is a research technique consisting of a series of questions for the purpose

of gathering information from respondents. Questionnaires can be thought of as a kind of
written interview. They can be carried out face to face, by telephone, computer or post.

2.The reasons for using questionnaire technique :

 The responses are gathered in a standardised way.

 Information can be collected in short period of time from a large number of people,
often geographically dispersed.
 Inexpensive way to reach a large number of people.
 Standard questionnaire providers quantifiable answers to a research.
 Questionnaires allow respondents to take time to consider their responses carefully
without interferences from others or interviewer.

3. Steps to approach data finding with questionnaire.

-Step 1: Determine what information we would like to obtain.

-Step 2: Decide what is the audience for your questionnaire
-Step 3: Decide on data collection method (electronic, phone, postal)
-Step 4: Decide on types of questions
-Step 5: Pilot the questionnaire on a sample of potential respondents and revise questions if
-Step 6: Distribute the questionnaire
-Step 7: Chase non-respondents
-Step 8: Analyse the responses
-Step 9: Present and use the findings
4.List of questions :

1.How many times do the visitors can free listen to the music sample ?

2.Which payments can be used for purchase individual downloads at a fixed fee per

3.What is the suitable cost for customers whom subscribe monthly account for unlimited
download .

4.How to distribute music download  gift cards to the customers ?

5.Which keywords were prioritized in search system ? (artirst, album, singer, playlist,
single, video )

6.How many songs can be download at the same moment ?

7.How many monthly account that 1 customer can purchase ?

P6 Use appropriate software analysis tools/techniques to carry out a software

investigation and create supporting documentation.

Use appropriate software analysis tools/techniques to carry out a software investigation

and create supporting documentation.

1.Stackholders :

-John Margolis , Phil Cooper : Tune Source ‘s CEO.

-Megan Taylor : Tune Source ‘s Share holder

-Le Vo Thang : Project manager

2.Costs :

Web server 10000 $

Domain name 500 $
SSL certificate 200 $
Website development team 5000 $
Website maintenance 300 $
Content manage system 1000 $

3. Security considerations

Websites are always be threaten of security risks. Cyber crime impacts our business by

hacking website  and install malicious software or malware on visitor’s computer.

Hackers may steal important data from users such as credit card information, destroy
business and puplic sensitive information on the internet.

Updated Software

It is very importance to keep the software updated because it plays vital role in keeping
website secure.

SQL Injection

It is an attempt by the hackers to manipulate your database by insert easily rogue code into
query that can be used to change tables, get information or delete data.

Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

It allows the attackers to inject client side script into web pages. Therefore, It is good to
endure that we check the data being submitted and encode or strip out any HTML.

Error Messages

If the user fails to log in the error message should not let the user know which field is
incorrect: username or password.
Validation of Data

The validation should be performed on both server side and client side.


It is good to enforce password requirements such as of minimum of eight characters,

including upper case, lower case and special character. It will help to protect user’s
information in long run.


It is good practice to use SSL protocol while passing personal information between website
and web server or database.

4. Use case diagram :

Figure 1 : Use case diagram

5. DFD diagrams :
5.1.Login function level 0 :

Figure 2: Login function lever 0

5.2.Login function level 1:

Figure 3: Login function lever 1
6. Legacy system :

System OS Window
System SQL sever
Hardware Custom build 20tb memory
Service C# (Microsoft Visual Studio)
Functional Log in, purchase , display, download

D3 Critically evaluate how the use of the function design paradigm in the
software development lifecycle can improve software quality.
The first thing Object-oriented Paradigm provides is flexibility, efficient coding or
programming and also easy to debug the existing codes. Here are the main three
arguments are provided why OOP is better to use over classical paradigm:
Improving the software development productivity: - the Object-oriented
paradigm can be used as a modular function which will provide each code into a
separate module in the development of the programming. The main feature is that
the object can be included with new attributes as well as behaviors. The object can
be reused within other applications. Thus, it provides reusability, extensibility, and
modularity, these 3 factors typically make the program more productive than the
other classical method.
The productivity of higher quality software: - With the involvement of faster
development and also lowering the cost of the software development, Object-
oriented paradigm provides time as well as a resource that can be used for
authentication purpose. Based on the quality, companies are switching to OOP over
the classical paradigm and the result also leads to high-quality software production.
Software maintenance: - Object-Oriented paradigm provides a huge scope of
maintaining and operating the software easily. The code can be debugged easily as
each module perform a different operation. Thus, in order to fix the functionality of
the software, you don’t need to check the whole code, only fixing the particular
module will work for you. So, I hope these 3 arguments will certainly be helpful for
you to use to the Object Oriented Paradigm.

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