English Roleplay: by Group 6

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English Roleplay

By Group 6:

1. Agata Sekar R as Patient Family

2. Anissa Putri U as Receptionist

3. Azka Nabilah C. R as Doctor

4. Candra Tri A as Nurse

5. Erry Ramadhani as Narrator

6. Ismi Apriani as Nurse

7. Vellin Ramadhani as Patient

One day, Agata was very worried about her sister's condition. Her sister suffered from
upper abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Finally, Agata called Budi Sehat Hospital to make a
medical appointment with Dr. Azka.

Receptionist : "Good evening, Budi Sehat Hospital is talking, may I help you?"

Agata : "Good evening, I am Agata. I want to make an appointment with Dr. Azka to
examine my sister."

Receptionist : "All right, Miss Agata. Can I have your sister's name, date of birth, and address,

Agata : "She is Vellin Ramadhani, she was born on December 2, 2003, she lives on Jl.
Merdeka No.1 Surakarta.

Receptionist : "Okay, what's the reason for making an appointment?"

Agata : "Since 2 days ago, my sister got upper stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.
When is Dr. Azka's practice schedule?"
Receptionist : "Dr. Azka doesn't have a practice schedule today, but Dr. Azka has a practice
schedule at 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 a.m. tomorrow. Would you like to come in then?"

Agata : "Okay, I'll come there at 1:00 tomorrow."

Receptionist : "Okay, I will arrange a schedule for 1:00 tomorrow with Dr. Azka."

Agata : "Alright, thank you very much."

Receptionist : "With pleasure. We will see you soon."

After making a medical appointment. The next day, Agata came to Budi Sehat Hospital
to have her sister checked. She approached the receptionist to confirm her appoinment schedule.

Receptionist : "Good afternoon, welcome to Budi Sehat Hospital, how can I help you?"

Agata : "Good afternoon, I want to examine my sister, please."

Receptionist : "Have you made an appointment?"

Agata : "Yes, I made an appointment with Dr. Azka yesterday."

Receptionist : "Okay, I'll check the data first. Whose name?"

Agata : "Vellin Ramadhani."

Receptionist : "Okay, I'll look for it first."

Agata : "Yes, Madam"

Receptionist : "On behalf of Vellin Ramadhani, the date of birth on December 2, 2003, the
address of Jl. Merdeka No. 1 Surakarta, today is the one o'clock check with Dr. Azka, right?"

Agata : "Yes, right."

Receptionist : "Well Miss, this is your registration number. Please wait in the waiting room
until your number is called."

Agata : "Alright, Madam Thank you."

A few moments later, the nurse called her registration number. Vellin went straight into
the doctor's office.

(Vellin looks to hold her stomach)

Vellin : "Good afternoon."

dr. Azka : "Good afternoon, please sit down. What's your name?"

Vellin : "My name is Vellin Ramadhani."

dr. Azka : "Okay, Miss Vellin. What's your problem?"

Vellin : "I feel pain in my upper abdomen, doctor."

dr. Azka : "How long have you felt the pain?"

Vellin : "Since 2 days ago, doc."

dr. Azka : "What did you eat before? Do you have a medical history of previous illness?"

Vellin : "A year ago I was hospitalized for an ulcer. I drank soda and coffee a few days

dr. Azka : "Okay, let me check first. Please lie there."

(Dr. Azka examines Vellin's stomach.)

dr. Azka : "Does it hurt?"

Vellin : "Yes, doctor."

dr. Azka : "Do you feel nauseous and vomiting?"

Vellin : "Yes, I feel that when I ate.

(After a while, she finished checking Vellin.)

dr. Azka : "All right, Miss Vellin. After I examine your stomach, it looks like your stomach
has recurred. And you have to hospitalized here for several days because of acute pain and lack
of nutritional needs."

Vellin : "Okay, doc."

After being advised by the doctor to hospitalize because of the ulcer she suffered, Vellin
immediately gave administration for hospitalization with Agata. After completing the
registration, Vellin was immediately placed in the hospital for further treatment.

Nurse 1 : "Good evening, Miss."

Vellin : "Good Afternoon Ns."

Nurse 1 : "I am Ns (________) who will take care of you today. Previously can you
mention your name and date of birth?"

Vellin : "My name is Vellin Ramadhani, I was born on December 2, 2003." (The nurse
checks the patient's bracelet)

Nurse 1 : "Well Miss. Here I will do an IV injection according to the procedure. Is Miss

Vellin : "Yes, please. But slowly. I'm a little afraid."

Nurse 1 : "All right, miss."

(The nurse does an IV injection into Vellin)

Nurse 1 : "Okay, Miss. I have finished acting, how are you feeling?"

Vellin : "A little pain, but it has begun to disappear."

Nurse 1 : "I will check your vital signs, is Miss willing?"

Vellin : "Yes, of course."

(The nurse checks the Vellin vital signs)

Nurse 1 : "Your blood pressure is 110/80 mmhg, pulse 80x / minute, respiration 22x /
minute, and temperature 37 C. That's normal. Do you have a question, Miss?"

Vellin : "No Ns."

Nurse 1 : "Well Miss, I'm going back to the nurse station. If you need anything, please
press the button above you. "

Vellin : "Yes Ns. Thank you."

Some time later, according to the prescription of the drug with a schedule that had been
collaborated with the doctor, the nurse headed to the patient's room to give the medicine.

Nurse 2 : "Good evening, miss."

Vellin : "Good evening, Ns."

Nurse 2 : "I am Ns (________) on duty tonight. Please mention your name and date of

Vellin : "Okay Ns. My name is Vellin Ramadhani, I was born on December 2, 2003."

Nurse 2 : "Well Miss Vellin, here I will give you medicine according to the prescription.
This is Sulcrafat Syrup, you can drink it 3 times a day before meals."

Vellin : "Okay Ns."

Nurse 2 : "Well, how are you feeling today?"

Vellin : "I feel a little pain in my upper abdomen, Ns. The pain suddenly comes and

Nurse 2 : "Alright, I'll give you deep breathing techniques to reduce your pain, is Miss

Vellin : "Yes, please."

Nurse 2 : "Okay, I'll show it first. First, you have to take a deep breath. Hold it for a few
seconds, and exhale through your mouth. You can repeat it for three or more times. Do you
understand Miss?"

Vellin : "Yes, I understand."

Nurse 2 : "Can you try it?"

(Vellin tried deep breathing techniques for three times)

Nurse 2 : "What do you feel?"

Vellin : "I feel better, thanks Ns."

Nurse 2 : "Okay, I'll go back to the nurse station. If you need anything, please press the
button above you. "

Vellin : "Fine, thank you."

The nurse returned to Nurse Station for another assignment.

After being hospitalized for about 2 days, Vellin's condition improved. At this time the
doctor is examining her.

Doctor : "Good morning, Miss Vellin."

Vellin : "Good morning, doctor."

Doctor : "How are you today?"

Vellin : "I feel better, doctor."

Doctor : "Okay, then let me check on you."

(The doctor is checking Vellin for a while)

Doctor : "Is your stomach still sick and nauseous?"

Vellin : "No, doctor."

Doctor : "Okay. After I examine you, Miss has recovered."

Agata : "Can my sister go home today, doc?"

Doctor : "This afternoon Miss Vellin can go home. She can immediately take care of the
administration of her return."

Agata : "Okay doc, thank you."

Doctor : "You're welcome."

After being allowed home by a doctor, Agata immediately administered the

administration of Vellin's return.

After completing the administration, the nurse came to the Vellin room to lift the infusion and
provide health education.

Nurse 1: "Good afternoon, miss."

Vellin: "Good afternoon."

Nurse 1: "Today Miss Vellin can go home. Therefore, I will release your infusion. Do you want

Vellin: "Yes Ns, please."

(The nurse releases the infusion)

Nurse 1: "Well, miss, I've finished acting. Then my colleague will pass on some information to

Nurse 2: "Okay Miss ... I will give you the medicine to take home. This is Sulcrafat Syrup, drink
it 3 times a day before meals. And this is also an Omeprazole tablet, drink it 3 times a day, 30
minutes before sulcrafat."

Vellin: "Okay Ns."

Nurse 2: "In addition, Miss can consume bananas, green vegetables, oatmeal, eat regularly, and
with small portions but often."
Vellin: "What food should I avoid, Ns?"

Nurse 2: "You must avoid foods like caffeine, soda, oranges, and other foods that can increase
stomach acid."

Vellin: "Alright, Ns."

Nurse 2: "Are there any other questions, Miss?"

Vellin: "No Ns."

Nurse 1: "Okay, that's all I can say. Miss and family can get ready to go home. Hopefully Miss is
always healthy."

Vellin: "Yes, thank you very much, Ns."

After thanking the nurse, Vellin and Agata went home.

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