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CRON LaBoo CTP Output System

Operation Manual

Hangzhou CRON Machinery & Electronics Co., Ltd.

No.99, Jinyi Road, Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, P.R.China.
TEL: 0571-8283 8989 FAX: 0571-8283 8877

The contents of this manual and the version are subject to change without further notice. Unless otherwise
specially indicated, the name, corporate name and data used in the examples in this manual are all fictional.
The patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights of this manual and the technologies and
products involved in this manual shall be possessed by CRON Machinery & Electronics Co.,Ltd. Without the
prior written consent of CRON Machinery & Electronics Co.,Ltd., this manual shall in no way grant the
license for those patents, trademarks, copyrights or other intellectual property rights.
Copyright reserved. © (2007-2010)
CRON Machinery & Electronics Co.,Ltd.
All rights reserved.

CRON and LaBoo are the registered trademarks of Hangzhou CRON Machinery & Electronics Co.,Ltd.

Microsoft, Windows, and Windows XP are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

The labels and product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of respective companies.

All rights relating to the software version of LaBoo CTP Output system belong to Hangzhou CRON
Machinery & Electronics Co.,Ltd.

Hangzhou CRON Machinery & Electronics Co.,Ltd. shall produce and be fully responsible for the marketing
of all software products and their subsequent upgraded products in this manual.

This software product is LaBoo CTP Output system developed by Hangzhou CRON for the control of CTP
system Output and can be operated in WindowsXP and Windows 7 32-digit Operating System environments.

This manual introduces the installation method of output software and the installation method of dongle,
describes various functions on software interface, and briefs the entire workflow and precautions of the
software and other information of the software.

Special Note

Before installing, please make sure that the date and time of the computer system are accurate. It is not allowed
to modify the date and time after installation of the software; otherwise, the device may stop working.


Foreword................................................................................................................. I
Special Note .......................................................................................................... II
I.Quick Guide .....................................................................................................1
1.Install Software ................................................................................................................. 1
2.Install Dongle .................................................................................................................... 2
3.Update Restriction............................................................................................................ 2
4.Input the Device Parameters ........................................................................................... 3
5.Add Template .................................................................................................................... 4
6.Device Initialization.......................................................................................................... 5
7.Output ............................................................................................................................... 6

II.Software Installation ..................................................................................9

1.Install Output Software (LaBoo) .................................................................................... 9
2. Install Dongle ................................................................................................................. 15
2.1 Continue to install dongle directly ............................................................................ 15
2.2 Boot up LaBoo Window ........................................................................................... 20

III.Software Operation................................................................................. 25
1. Interface Introduction...................................................................................................... 26
1.1 Operate ...................................................................................................................... 26
1.2 View .......................................................................................................................... 34
1.3 Help ........................................................................................................................... 35
1.4 Shortcut Key.............................................................................................................. 38
1.5 Parameter Template List ........................................................................................... 40
1.6 Wait Output Job Queue ............................................................................................. 40
1.7 Finish Job Queue ....................................................................................................... 40
1.8 Display Prompting Message...................................................................................... 41
1.9 Parameter Template Arrangement ............................................................................. 42
1.10 Device Status Monitor ............................................................................................. 42
2. Input initialization sequence number ............................................................................. 44
2.1 Input Mode ................................................................................................................ 44
3. Create Template ................................................................................................................ 47
3.1 Template List............................................................................................................. 47
3.2 Create New Template................................................................................................ 48
3.3 Create Hot Folder ...................................................................................................... 55
3.4 Other information ...................................................................................................... 56
3.5 Confirm Template Creation ...................................................................................... 58
3.6 Edit Template ............................................................................................................ 58
3.7 Replace Template ...................................................................................................... 60
3.8 Open File ................................................................................................................... 61
4. Output ............................................................................................................................... 66
4.1 Single Output ............................................................................................................ 66
4.2 Continuous Output .................................................................................................... 66
4.3 Re-Output .................................................................................................................. 68
Appendix 1 .......................................................................................................... 69
1.Focal Length Test: .......................................................................................................... 69
2. Power Test ...................................................................................................................... 73
Appendix 2 .......................................................................................................... 74
LaBoo Error Message and Suggestions.............................................................................. 74

I.Quick Guide

1.Install Software

1.1 Insert the accompanying CD-ROM, find setup.exe file under the file directory of CD-ROM, and install
software according to the prompts, as shown in Figure 1-1-1:

Figure 1-1-1

1.2 After installing the software, the desktop will display LaBoo logo. Installation contents will be
displayed in program bar as shown in Figure 1-1-2 and Figure 1-1-3.

Figure 1-1-2 Figure 1-1-3

Laboo Operation Manual

2.Install Dongle

You may select to continue to install after installing Output software directly or select to boot up LaBoo

A. Directly install Output software as shown in Figure 1-2-1

Figure 1-2-1

B. Enter “Help” → “About LaBoo (A)” → “Install Dongle” from LaBoo window as shown in
Figure 1-2-2 and Figure 1-2-3..

Figure 1-2-2 Figure 1-2-3

Install Dongle according to prompts

3.Update Restriction

If the system prompt reads “dongle expired” or the job information bar prompt reads “the licensed Output
of the software is less than 500 times, please contact your dealer in time”, please immediately update
software restriction. The specific procedures are: click “Help” → “About LaBoo (A)” → “Update
Restriction” and find the update file *.upd and “Open”. Update is completed as shown in Figure 1-3-1.

Quick Guide

Note: *.upd is the decoding file provided by CRON or its dealer. It is used for designating the service
conditions and time limitation of LaBoo software.

Figure 1-3-1

4.Input the Device Parameters

Click the shortcut key “Engineer Operate” on faceplate or menu bar “Operate” → “Engineer Operate”,
“Modify Device Parameter”, “Read in Device Control Parameters”, and select “Read in Parameters from
Device” after going on-line; once parameters are successfully read, it will display as shown in Figure 1-4-

Figure 1-4-1

Laboo Operation Manual

5.Add Template

5.1 Click the shortcut key “Template” on faceplate or menu bar “Operate” → “Modify Output
Template”, enter template list as shown in Figure 1-5-1:

Figure 1-5-1

Quick Guide

5.2 Click “Create New Template”, input template name according to actual demand, set parameters, and
select the path of hot folder, as shown in Figure 1-5-2:

Figure 1-5-2

Click “OK”, it will generate a new template immediately.

6.Device Initialization

Click “Operate” → “Device Initialization”, activate resetting and self-check for the actions of device; it
will adjust template according to the plate material information selected as shown in Figure 1-6-1 and
Figure 1-6-2:

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 1-6-1

Figure 1-6-2


7.1 Click shortcut key “Open” or select “Operate” → “Open Output File” from menu, select template,
select Output file and open, as shown in Figure 1-7-1.

Figure 1-7-1

Quick Guide

7.2 Job file is loaded into waiting Output queue immediately, as shown in Figure 1-7-2

Figure 1-7-2

7.3 Select the job file to be Outputed and click “Single Output” or check “Continuous Output”,
the job file under the same template will be Outputed in the sequence from top to bottom.
Finished Output job will be automatically transferred to “Finished Job Queue”. All operating
information will be reflected in job information bar, as shown in Figure 1-7-3.

Figure 1-7-3

Laboo Operation Manual

II.Software Installation

1.Install Output Software (LaBoo)

1.1 Insert the accompanying CD-ROM and find the CD-ROM LaBoo (Figure 2-1-1), double-click to


Figure 2-1-1

1.3 Find setup.exe file (Figure 2-1-2) and double-click setup.exe file to enter installation program, install
according to the prompted procedures.

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 2-1-2

1.3 Click “Next”, as shown in Figure 2-1-3:

Figure 2-1-3

Software Installation

1.4 Click “Next” (Figure 2-1-4)

Figure 2-1-4

1.5 Please carefully read the agreement before installation and check “I Accept the Terms in the License
Agreement”; click “Next” as shown in Figure 2-1-5; if you do not accept the terms in the license
agreement, the software will not be ins

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 2-1-5

1.6 Click “Change” to change the program installation as shown in Figure 2-1-6 and Figure 2-1-7:

Figure 2-1-6

Software Installation

Figure 2-1-7

Note: Please avoid installing this software under the directory of Disk C.

1.7 Confirm installation and click “Install”, as shown in Figure 2-1-8:

Figure 2-1-8

Laboo Operation Manual

Display installation progress as shown in Figure 2-1-9. Click “Cancel” to quit installation.

Figure 2-1-9

1.8 Click “Finish” to complete software installation (Figure 2-1-10).

Figure 2-1-10

Software Installation

1.9 After finishing software installation, desktop will display LaBoo; installation contents will be
displayed in program bar, as shown in Figure 2-1-11 and figure 2-1-12:

Figure 2-1-11 Figure 2-1-12

The program bar includes CRON official website – CRON Web; laser software shortcut – Laser Adjust
3.64; dongle driver installation – Dongle Driver; software uninstalling – Uninstall LaBoo; and software
shortcut – LaBoo.
Note: make sure the Dongle Driver should be installed before initiating software; otherwise, the
software cannot be normally used as the demo edition.

2. Install Dongle
Dongle may be installed directly after installing Output software or by entering from LaBoo window.

2.1 Continue to install dongle directly

2.1.1 After finishing installation, select “Install LaBoo Dongle Driver” to continue to install dongle
(Figure 2-2-1); click Finish:

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 2-2-1

Figure 2-2-2

Software Installation

2.1.2 Click “Next”, enter the interface as shown in Figure 2-2-3.

Figure 2-2-3

2.1.3 Select “I Accept the Terms in the License Agreement”, then click “Next”, enter the interface as
shown in Figure 2-2-4:

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 2-2-4

2.1.4 Select “Complete”, click “Next”, enter the interface as shown in Figure 2-2-5:

Figure 2-2-5

2.1.5 Click “Install”, enter the interface as shown in Figure 2-2-6:

Software Installation

Figure 2-2-6

2.1.6 Click “Yes”, enter installation process interface as shown in Figure 2-2-7:

Figure 2-2-7

Note: Click “Cancel” at this moment, t current installation.

2.1.7 After completing installation, the window will display as shown in Figure 2-2-8:

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 2-2-8

2.1.8 Click to finish.

Note: Please properly keep the dongle so as to avoid unnecessary trouble!

2.2 Boot up LaBoo Window

2.2.1 Click the shortcut of desktop LaBoo, run LaBoo software, enter the interface as shown in Figure
2-2-9 :

Software Installation

Figure 2-2-9

2.2.2 Select “Help” →“About LaBoo(A)” as shown in Figure 2-2-10, and enter the interface as shown
in Figure 3-2-11:

Figure 2-2-10

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 2-2-11

2.2.3 Click “Install Dongle”, enter the interface as shown in Figure 2-2-12:

Software Installation

Figure 2-2-12

Complete dongle installation by referring to the contents in 2.1.

Laboo Operation Manual

III.Software Operation

Note: LaBoo system cannot be normally operational before going online and detecting device
temperature; otherwise, LaBoo may refuse to work.

Double-click the shortcut of desktop LaBoo or enter program bar to select initiation mode; after startup
picture, it will display the main screen as shown in Figure 3-1-1:

Figure 3-1-1

This screen is divided into several different parts, whose names are shown in the figure above. Move
the mouse to corresponding position, the name or function at this position will be displayed.

Note: If two software applications are initiated at the same time, the software will prompt:

Figure 3-1-2

The second software program will not be initiated.

Laboo Operation Manual

1. Interface Introduction

There are three menus in the menu bar: “Operate”, “View”, and “Help” as shown in Figure 3-1-3:

Figure 3-1-3
Now the three menus are introduced respectively as below:

1.1 Operate

There are 7 option menus with different functions in the operation menu: “Open Output File”, “Modify
Output Template”, “Command Function Operate”, “Engineer Operate”, “Device Initialization”, “System
Parameter Setting”, “Exit”, etc. Now their functions are introduced respectively as below.
1.1.1 Click “Operate” → “Open Output File”, and select “*.Tiff File Job” and “Open” under
corresponding directory. The job selected will enter waiting Output job queue as shown in Figure

Software operation

Figure 3-1-4

1.1.2 Template List: Click “Operate” → “Modify Output Template”, enter Template List mode; the
following section will introduce this mode with priority.

1.1.3 Click “Operate” → “Command Function Operate” to enter command function operation mode
as shown in Figure 3-1-5. In this mode, user may conduct command operation.

Figure 3-1-5

○ Device self-check: All actuators check themselves and return to reset point.
○ Template adjustment: The mechanism of device will adjust according to the size of input plate

Laboo Operation Manual

materials and necessary precision and get the device ready.

○ Platform movement: Laser scanning platform moves back and forth to reset point.
○ Precision adjustment: Precision adjustment is to make focus appropriate by moving lens according to
current resolution.
○ Power lock: When laser scanning platform is at reset point, laser control system will adjust according
to the preset laser power in the template to enable the laser power on each route to reach the set value.
○ Command plate loading: Mount plate material, waiting for plate loading position, are loaded on the
○ Command plate unloading: Unload the plate material from the drum.
○ Slowly open flag: If plate is stuck on drum and tail edge is not held back, the command can be used to
open the flag and the plate can be pulled out with hand.
○ Slowly open plate tail: If plate is stuck on drum and tail edge is not held back, the command can be
used to open the plate tail and the plate can be pulled out with hand.
○ Compulsory plate unloading: Compulsory plate unloading can be used when publishing rack is not
○ Command plate feeding: Order plate feeder to operate and feed plate to plate loading position.
○ Bed up: Order the bed in plate feeder to go up (this command is only limited to the plate feed above
the version of 500D).
○ Bed down: Order the bed in plate feeder to go down (this command is only limited to the plate feed
above the version of 500D).
○ Plate gauge adjustment: Order the plate gauge in the plate feeder to reset.
○ Plate paper detection: Order the paper sensor of plate feeder to detect and record the color of paper and
determine whether the thing grasped is paper or plate according to the color. When using this command,
it should make sure whether the surface of plate box is paper or not.

Note: The five commands in the third row under Command Function Operate are only limited to
the on-line plate feeder of the device; otherwise, the setting of those functions will be in grey
which cannot be operated.

○ “Screw Rod Cleaning and Lubrication Timing Reset” and “Clamp Bar Spring Usage Counting
Reset”: The two functions are applied when some parts need to be cleaned, lubrication oil should be
added, and clamp bar spring should be replaced respectively; if the Software prompts you to maintain
the two functions, please contact maintenance engineer. After successful maintenance by engineer, all
items will be reset respectively. “Template Adjustment” shall be taken as an example of operating mode:

Select “Template Adjustment” and then click “Send Command”, the machine will begin to
execute template adjustment; at the same time, the times of the execution actions will be
displayed under this command while execution information will be displayed in the job
information bar (Figure 3-1-6):

Software operation

Figure 3-1-6

Note: If the message appeared in job information bar is in black, this means that the device is under
regular operation; If the message appeared in job information bar is in blue, it prompts that
attention should be paid that execute the relevant tasks by referring to prompting contents; if
the message appeared in job information bar is in red, it warns that procedure error when the
device operates; please check the relevant procedures according to prompts. If any abnormities appear when send out commend, the system will give alert automatically
(Figure 3-1-7); if no, the device is under normal operation.

Figure 3-1-7 Click “Select Template” to change template; click “Exit”, message prompts “Should Device
Be Interlinked According to Current Template?” as shown in Figure 3-1-8:

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 3-1-8

Click “Yes”, current template will immediately be changed; click “No”, the original default
template remains.

1.1.4 “Engineer Setting”:

This mode is dived into two parts. One part is “Safe Mode”. In this mode, user may conduct
some simple test operations.

Click “Safe Mode”, and enter “Run Testing Program” (Figure 3-1-9, 3-1-10):

Figure 3-1-9

Note: Figure 3-1-9 may be changed due to the difference of device models, please refer to that
displayed actually.

Software operation

Figure 3-1-10

In this mode, user may conduct simple operation and testing and observe the operating status of the
Password is needed when entering Engineer Mode. After entering Engineer Mode, some parameters of
the device can be modified. This function can only be used by CRON engineer and the technical
personnel received professional training and got the permission of CRON customer service manager.
Note: Only CRON engineer and the technical personnel receiving professional training have the access to
this function.

Laboo Operation Manual

1.1.5 Device Initialization:

Figure 3-1-11

Figure 3-1-12

Device initialization enables the device to conduct reset and self-check on various actuators and
make adjustment according to the plate material information template selected.

1.1.6 “System Parameter Setting”: Set system parameters as shown in Figure 3-1-13 and Figure 3-1-

Figure 3-1-13

Software operation

Figure 3-1-14

○ Unit Selection is to select the calculation unit for Output image, which may be millimeter or inch.
○ Saved Message Line Number: Device will automatically save any return message during action. This
function can set necessary line numbers to be saved. By returning to message interface and clicking
right key, all saved messages can be cleared. Here displays that the maximum line number of message
saved is 1,000.
○ Saved File Numbers: Here displays that the maximum number of saved files is 2,000.
○ Interval for searching hot file folders: The system will automatically search the time period of hot file
folder. The default time is 10 seconds.
○ No automatic plate feeding for last job: After the last job is completed, automatic plate feeder will not
feed plate automatically.
○ Format switching prompt during automatic plate feeding Output: Software will provide prompt when
different formats are switched.
○ Allow large plate and small format Output: Selecting this function, it can Output the pattern with the
plate t larger than the size of the pattern.
○ Prompt should be done and confirmed before large plate and small format Output: If this function is
selected, it will prompt the user to confirm whether the function of small-format Output with large
plate will be used before large plate and small format Output.
○ Voice alert in error state: If Output fails or error occurs, the system will send out warning
uninterruptedly; move the mouse to stop the warning.
Change password (Figure 3-1-15): This function can only be operated by maintenance engineer and
records shall be put on and sent to CRON customer service department.

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 3-1-15

1.1.7 “Exit”: to log off.

1.2 View

The contents of “View” bar are Toolbar, Status Bar, and Device Monitor respectively. Click to display
appropriate part or not, see Figure 3-1-16.

Figure 3-1-16

In Toolbar, the name of each part is shown in Table 3-1-23.

Software operation

1.3 Help

Click “Help” to obtain About LaBoo (A) …obtain error message as shown in Figure 3-1-17:

Figure 3-1-17

Obtain error message: User may inquire about relevant prompting message through error code as shown
in Figure 3-1-18:

Figure 3-1-18

When error occurs during the operation, the system will automatically report error code and display error
message and picture as shown in Figure 3-1-19.

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 3-1-19

Note: If general error occurs, the color of fonts will be in blue; if serious error occurs, the color of fonts
will be in red.
○ “About LaBoo (A)” as shown in Figure 3-1-20

Software operation

Figure 3-1-20

A. 4.0 Version build 4002, in which, 4.0 is the version number of current LaBoo software and 4002 is
the build number.
B. Service life: The software can be used before this date. Upon the restriction period, this software
can be continued to use after updating limits. As in Figure 3-1-20: “2011-1-1” means that this
software can be used before Jun. 1, 2011; it will be restriction period after Jun. 1, 2011 and the
software can be used after updating limit.
C. Total Output limitation: The number of Output shall display the remaining Output times and times
of versions released. It is restricted in both modes: by specification and by total number.
○ Limitation according to total number: For example, if it displays “600(0)”, this means that the
software can be operated for 600 times of Output; “(0)” refers to the Output times already used; when
“600” becomes “0”, the software cannot be used until updating the limitation.
○ Limitation according to specification: As shown in Figure 3-1-20: for “0(0)”, the “0” before the
brackets refers to that the Output is not limited; “(0)” represents the times of Output used; the
number in the brackets will be increased with Output times. For the specification 1<0.2m▲:600-(0),
which means the specification 1<0.2m▲ has 600 times left and 0 time has been used, and so on.
Note: So long as the service restriction or Output time meets the restriction condition, the limit will begin
D. Update limit can be used for extending limit condition or canceling limit when service life or
Output time will be restricted. Please contact supplier for providing update file in advance.
Update Restriction is operated as follows:

Laboo Operation Manual

Obtain update file from supplier and should be saved under the LaBoo directory. Click “Update
Restriction” and find appropriate update file, then click “Open” as shown in Figure 3-1-21 and
Figure 3-1-22.

Figure 3-1-21

Figure 3-1-22

Software limit date is updated.

1.4 Shortcut Key

For convenience, the software has set related shortcut key in shortcut bar as shown in Figure 3-1-23;
each shortcut key will be in the state of availability after the relevant function is activated. The functions are
described as in Table 3-1-1 below:

Figure 3-1-23

Software operation

Table 3-1-1: ShortcutKeys Functions

Corresponding Function
Shortcut Keys Functions

Operation → Open Output file Select *.tiff file to be opened

Operation → Modify Output

Enter template list mode
Operation → Command Enter command function operating mode; in this mode,
function operation user may operate the functions of device.
Operation → Engineer
Enter Engineer Operate mode
Obtain information about software, install Dongle (see
Help → About LaBoo(A) “Install Dongle” Section) and Update Restriction
(operated by CRON engineer) function
Operation → Device
Device executes initialization

View → Device monitor Display/hide device monitor

Preview selected job dot matrix

Delete current selected job

Move up current selected job

Move down current selected job

Move the current selected job to the foremost

Move the current selected job to the last

Move current selected job to printing queue

Re-Output selected job

Re-Output hang-up job

Hang up selected job

Output selected job with priority

Output parameter setting

Display current job information

Operation → System
System parameter setting
parameter setting

Laboo Operation Manual

1.5 Parameter Template List

Display all added templates under the name of template and check the choice box in front of template,
hot folder will be activated immediately. LaBoo will periodically scan out the new 1bit-tiff job file in
this hot folder and automatically load into waiting Output queue (the scanning interval of hot folder can
be set by clicking system setting) as shown in Figure 3-1-24:

Figure 3-1-24

1.6 Wait Output Job Queue

Waiting template job queue displays the following contents:

○ Name of job: 1bit-tiff job file waiting for Output.
○ Template: Name of template that job file is affiliated with.
○ Status: Ready, priority, hanging, error, parameter error, Output finish, and other statuses.
○ Palette: The last bar is the Output palette of each job.
Note: Sort respectively by clicking the title bar “Job Name”, “Template”, and “Status”; if cancel sorting,
click palette title bar.

1.7 Finish Job Queue

Job will be moved into this queue after completing Output and relevant message will be displayed.
Note: Relevant job may be selected and manually dragged to waiting Output queue for waiting for
Output again.

Software operation

1.8 Display Prompting Message

It is job information bar. All process messages on operation Output will appear in this bar. Click right key,
select whole clearing or partial clearing; click “View Previous Message”, view all cleared message
consulted as shown in Figure 3-1-25 and Figure 3-1-26.

Figure 3-1-25

Figure 3-1-26

Laboo Operation Manual

1.9 Parameter Template Arrangement

Parameter template can be operated

--- Hide- Parameter Template List.
---- Move up current selected template and the job associated with the template.
---- Move down current selected template and the job associated with the template.
----Move the current selected template and the job associated with the template to the topmost.
---- Move
- the current selected template and the job associated with the template to the bottom.

1.10 Device Status Monitor

If the device status is semi-transparent, device image can be dragged as shown in Figure 3-1-27.

Figure 3-1-27

Device temperature: 25.0°C/23.4°C. “25.0°C” is the temperature of the rack; “23.4°C” represents the
temperature of the laser box.
“605*745*0.270”: Refers to the dimensional specification of last Output.

○ Description on the provisions on the software of device and laser box temperature:
A. Read device temperature from the third second after initiative software; after that, read the temperature
every 10 minutes; if the temperature of laser box is higher than 32°C or lower than 18°C or the ambient
temperature is lower than 10°C or higher than 40°C, the device will stop working.
B. If the temperature of laser box is lower than 23.5°C or higher than 26.5°C, the laser will be locked before
Output each job.
C. If laser testing program is running, the device will not detect the temperature.
D. The following is the statement on the status of device status monitor:

Software operation

Table 3-1-2: Device Status Statement

View Notes

Device is ready or online and idle


Image scanning

Plate loading

Plate unloading

When device operation is in general error or


Device status is abnormal or damaged

Laboo Operation Manual

1.11 Image Preview Window

If check “Generate Preview Map” in template setting, image Preview window will display the preview
picture of current selected job, i.e., What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG). Below the preview
are such messages of the job as format, image, location, etc. as shown in Figure 3-1-28:

Figure 3-1-28

2. Input initialization sequence number

2.1 Input Mode

After the software is installed and initiated for the first time, it will automatically report the prompting
message – “Please timely update device parameters before official Output”. Therefore, the serial number
of current CTP device should be initialized so as to enable the device to be in normal operating
conditions. See Figure 3-2-1.

Figure 3-2-1

2.1.1 Click “Operate” – “Engineer Operate” → “Modify Device Parameters” → “Read in

Device Control Parameters” as shown in Figure 3-2-2:

Software operation

Figure 3-2-2
Note: Double-click any “Value” to manually change values according to actual situation.

2.1.2 Read in serial number file: Click “Read from Device” and the system will automatically read
in the serial number;

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 3-2-3

Or click “Input from File” (see Figure 3-2-3) to find the serial number of the device from the saved
records of last maintenance or accompanying CD-ROM. The format is *.txt as shown in Figure 3-1-4.
Select the file and click “Open”, the serial number will be automatically written in as shown in Figure 3-

Figure 3-2-4

2.1.3 Click “OK”

Software operation

Figure 3-2-5

2.1.4 Click “OK” → “Exit”

Confirm ID correctness after successfully reading parameters. The device ID displayed on software
should be consistent with the serial number of the device.

Figure 3-2-6

3. Create Template

3.1 Template List

Click “Operate” → “Template List”,

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 3-3-1

Enter Template List mode as shown in Figure 3-3-2:

Figure 3-3-2

3.2 Create New Template

Click “Create New Template” to enter template setting as shown in Figure 3-3-3:

Software operation

Figure 3-3-3

3.2.1 Name the template; select appropriate device (software will automatically identify device); select
appropriate resolution, which can be selected through the drop-down menu.
Note: For the convenience of searching, it is recommended to use such user name format as:
Format_Resolution, e.g.: 605_745_2400.
Error will be promoted if the device selected is inconsistent; in this case, the template
parameters should be re-corrected.

3.2.2 Select appropriate format. Both the format and thickness can be self-defined. Format size is
subject to width. (In the event of with the same width, the format size shall be subject to height,
then to thickness). It is automatically arranged from small to large as shown in Figure 3-3-4:

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 3-3-4
Format can be self-defined. Select “Customized Size” in the pull-down menu under “Format Size” and
enter the interface as shown in Figure 3-3-5:

Figure 3-3-5

Format size can be selected in the pull-down menu after “Format Sequence”; this format can be
automatically written in “Medium Size” bar after selection; breadth can be chosen. Input appropriate
width, height, and thickness values in “Medium Size” bar.
Note: The quantity of format specification is maximally 64.
Sixmo <type 26 >: 319.5-560.5;
Quarto <type 36 >: 339.5-660.5;
Folio <type 46 >: 369.5-940.5;
Note: Self-defined format width should not exceed the limitation; otherwise, it cannot be read in by the
system. See Figure 3-3-6.

Figure 3-3-6

If select “Yes”, the setting will be invalid.

After completing self-definition, the format will be automatically loaded into the template.
If click “Add”, this format will be automatically added to the template and saved; however the width of

Software operation

self-defined format should not exceed the limitation; otherwise, the system will report error message and
unable to Output (see Figure 3-3-7 and Figure 3-3-8).

Figure 3-3-7

Figure 3-3-8
Similarly, select format in “Format Sequence” and click “Delete”, this format will be deleted from the
3.2.3 Select appropriate laser power in the pull-down menu under “Laser Power” bar depending on the
plate material used by customer.
3.2.4 There are four “Exposure Speeds” (fast, normal, medium, and slow) for option. Generally,
“Normal” speed is selected (subject to change according to machine type).
3.2.5 Laser line number: The corresponding value of 32 lines of laser is 0-31; the corresponding value
is 0-47 for 48 lines of laser; and the corresponding value is 0-63 for 64 lines of laser.
Note: Nothing but laser line number is the common parameter of the whole system. If the laser line
number in any job or template is changed, all other jobs and templates will be changed
3.2.6 Automatic plate loading: For the user using LaBoo serial automatic plate feeders, check “Auto
Plate Loading” to use the automatic plate loading function of plate feeder. Template adjustment
function will prompt “Please move away the plate material on plate box!” each time.
If the machine has not been connected to automatic plate feeder, it is not allowed to select “Auto Plate
Loading”; otherwise, it will display:

Figure 3-3-10
3.2.7 Select “Negative Image”, image will be displayed as shown in Figure 3-3-11:

3.2.8 Select “Mirror Image”, mirror image will be displayed as shown in Figure 3-3-13:

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 3-3-11:| Figure 3-3-12: Figure 3-3-13:

Negative Image Original Drawing Mirror Image
3.2.9 Dust arrest: Check “Dust Arrest”, the dust arrest function of plate making machine can be used.
Dust arrest air pump will operate to absorb dust while plate making machine works.
3.2.10 Exposure speed closely associates with laser power. If exposure speed changes, laser power will
change accordingly. Check “Auto Adjust Power by Speed”, LaBoo will adjust laser power
according to preset proportion without artificial calculation appropriately. Before checking, it will
make sense if the power is set at normal. For example, for the plate materials at the same
photosensitivity and the exposure speed of 1000 rpm, laser power is selected at 70mW; if medium
exposure speed of 700rpm is selected, by checking “Auto Adjust Power by Speed”, LaBoo will
automatically adjust laser power to 49mw according to preset proportion (70%) as shown in
Figure 3-3-14 and Figure 3-3-15:

Figure 3-3-14

Figure 3-3-15

Software operation

3.2.11 Output position: If directly input desired left and right margin distances, the software will prompt
the direction of image Output as shown in Figure 3-3-16: Similarly, after selecting center
vertically, margin can be input according to actual demand.

Figure 3-3-16

3.2.12 Check “Focal Length Test” (see Figure 3-3-17), the times of “Test Focal Length” can be adjusted
at will. It is better to facilitate observation. It is recommended that the values convenient for
calculation are taken: The range of allowable values for focus compensation shall be set at (-50 --
-30). For the specific test method, see Appendix 1.

Figure 3-3-17

3.2.13 Check “Power Test” (as shown in Figure 3-3-18), test the power levels by selecting appropriate
initial laser power according to actual situation: Test the number of zoon indication bars of
different powers appeared in test chart and the increment of each level; for the power increment
between two neighboring zoom indication bars, please refer to Appendix 1.

Tips: When template parameter is modified in Template List, if the functions of “Focal Length Test” and
“Power Test” are in grey, the template parameter cannot be modified. See Figure 3-3-19:

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 3-3-19

The template of a certain job file can be modified only in one of the job queues as shown in Figure 3-3-20
and Figure 3-3-21:

Figure 3-3-20

Software operation

Figure 3-3-21

3.3 Create Hot Folder

Create a new template, the system will automatically generate a hot folder with the corresponding name;
or click the symbol “…” to select or create a new hot folder. See Figure 3-3-22:

Figure 3-3-22
Select “Move Printed Job”, it will automatically generate a new folder under hot folder in the
following textbox, which will be used for storing finished job files. See Figure 3-3-23.

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 3-3-23

If select “Delete Printed Job”, the finished job file will be directly deleted other than saved.
Make preview: It is generally not recommended to check this option in order to save time.

3.4 Other information

As shown in Figure 3-3-24, other messages are divided into two plates: Comment message and plate
material correction.

Software operation

Figure 3-3-24

○ Comment message: It can add relevant comment message to the plate material Outputed. User may
select appropriate contents according to actual demand.
○ Plate material correction: Since plate may not be smoothly fed due to plate material deflection or
length, user may input appropriate figures to increase width capacity according to the prompting
message in message bar. If the plate loading fails due to non-standardized plate material, LaBoo will
report the error value of the plate material in the message window. If the deflection error is between -
5 and 5 and the length error is between -25 and 25, the error value may be input into deflection and
length correction box in the template, the plate loading will be successful after re-feeding plate.
Note: Plate materials correction parameter is job-level and each job and template associating with the
plate material should be changed manually. If the template parameter of the job is inconsistent with
the template parameter, this display will be in grey.

Laboo Operation Manual

3.5 Confirm Template Creation

After completing the input of basic parameter, click “OK”, template will be created successfully. It will
automatically display in “Template List” as shown in Figure 3-3-25: Click “Confirm”, this template will
be displayed in the bar of “Template Name”.

Figure 3-3-25

3.6 Edit Template

3.6.1 Enter Template List and select the template; click “Edit Template” to enter the template parameter
setting module. In this module, parameters could be reset.

3.6.2 Check hot folder as shown in Figure 3-3-26. After clicking and confirming, the “Auto” on the
main screen will automatically check; click “OK”, this template is selected as the current using
file and appropriate hot folder will appear in the template message bar (see Figure 3-3-27).

Software operation

Figure 3-3-26

Figure 3-3-27

3.6.3 If new template is created, each template must have a hot folder in one-to-on correspondence.
Similar folders cannot be linked by two different templates as shown in Figure 3-3-28.

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 3-3-28

If there are more than two templates and current using template has not been selected, the software will
automatically select the first template as current default template.

3.7 Replace Template

Click “Operate” → “Command Function Operate” to select the template to be used, and then click

Software operation

“Template Adjust” → “Send Command”:

Figure 3-3-29

For users of automatic plate feeder: Please move away the plate material on plate feeder.
Click “Exit”.

3.8 Open File

Click “Operate” → “Open Output File”, “Select Template”, select Output file.

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 3-3-30

Click “Open”, file will be called into waiting Output queue and the basic message will be displayed
When hot folder is activated, the 1bit-fitt file in this folder will be automatically read in by software and
displayed in job status message bar.
Click “Modify” after “Select Template”, this template can be modified and the job in the queue will not
be changed accordingly.

Figure 3-3-31

Double-click the job name, whose detailed parameters will be displayed (Figure 3-3-32).

Software operation

Figure 3-3-32

Click waiting Output image by right key → “Dot Matrix Preview” to view the enlarged preview of the
image as shown in Figure 3-3-33 and Figure 3-3-34:

Figure 3-3-33

Laboo Operation Manual

Figure 3-3-34

Move mouse to a certain place and double-click, to enter “Amplify Dot” and view the shape of dot matrix
in some parts as shown in Figure 3-3-35.

Software operation

Figure 3-3-35

Right-click and select “Zoom in” or “Zoom out”.

Laboo Operation Manual

4. Output

4.1 Single Output

After confirm the Output image, click “Single Output” on the main screen to Output any single image.
When the file is in the state of Output, “Single Output” will be turned into “Stop Output” as shown in
Figure 3-4-1; comparing with Figure 3-4-2:

Figure 3-4-1

Figure 3-4-2

Click “Stop Output”, the device stops to Output.

4.2 Continuous Output

If the hot file is activated, all image files in this folder will be read in by software, you can click
“Continuous Output”. At this time, the image files in the hot folder will be continuously Outputed in the
sequence from top to bottom. If last job is unloading plate while next job is submitted in the mode of
Continuous Output, next job will not be output if cancels “Continuous Output”.

After Output state changes into others (such as error, hanging up, and other non-ready states), select
right key to re-Output the selected job and make the image state into ready as shown in Figure 3-4-3:

Software operation

Figure 3-4-3
a. In status bar, there are several different statuses including “Ready”, “Hanging”, “Error”,
“Parameter Error”, etc. File can be Outputed only in “Ready” state; in case of “Error”, please
make appropriate adjustment according to the warning message in job information bar; in case of
“Parameter Error”, enter parameter template to adjust parameter; “Hanging” represents single
b. In Output, only the first file in “Waiting Output Queue” will be output.
c. If changes Output sequence, select the file and right-click; select “Move Up” or “Move Down”, the
file will be moved up or down by a line accordingly; select “Move to the Foremost” or “Move to the
Last”, the file will be moved to the foremost or the last accordingly; select “Moving to Finished
Queue”, the file will be moved to Outputed queue bar.

Note: After Output, file will emerge in “Outputed Queue Bar” (as shown in Figure 3-4-4) and will be
saved in appropriate folder. If “Select Finished Job” in template setting is selected, the file will not be

Figure 3-4-4

Laboo Operation Manual

4.3 Re-Output

Re-Output finished job: When the status bar “Re-Output” is the status of “Allow”, select this task in
finished queue bar, right-click, and select “Re-input Selected Job”, this file will be moved to the first line
of the waiting queue bar and then re-Output.

Figure 3-4-5

Appendix 1

1.Focal Length Test:

The process introduced below is generally used for calibrating originally set focal length
1.1 Enter LaBoo and select the TIF file that focal length test job can be conducted, such as the focal length
test chart file “Test focus 650X550_2400_90” provided by CRON; click “Operate” → “Open Output
File” to Output job queue; right-click this job and select “Parameter Setting” in the pull-down menu;
enter job template setting interface and check “Focal Length test” as shown in Figure A-1-1.

Figure A-1-1

1.2 Set “Focus Test” (for the convenience of calculation, it is recommended to take 20, 25, and 30). The
times represent the number of focal length bars on the plate material Outputed. For “Focus
Compensation”, it is recommended to take the value of -50 for the convenience of calculation.

1.3 Output focal length test chart job according to the parameters set.

1.4 Find appropriate focal length on the plate with the following method: Place the plate on the platform
or table by arranging the plate tail closing human body and observe the focus line in the focal length
test block with naked eyes, which should be all evenly arranged without stripe as shown in Figure A-
1-4 and Figure A-1-5; or observe 1% or 2% screen dot with amplifier from right to left and mark
them from some at beginning to none respectively, then select the middle one by counting from both
ends to the middle and observe the focus lines in focal length test block, which should all be evenly
arranged. If any thicker or thinner line, they are not normal. 1×1 screen dot should be evenly arranged
without distinctive and uneven depth; 2×2 screen dot should be absolutely even without any
interference fringe; See Figure A-1-2, Figure A-1-3, Figure A-1-4, and Figure A-1-5. For example,
observe with amplifier from right to left, 1% screen dot has been found at No. M; after N, 1% screen
dot disappears. The part at 1/2 should be the clearest focus. As a result, the best position of focus is
located one grid to the left of (M+N)/2;

Note: M is counted from 0; if N is an odd number, one grid to the left of middle should be selected,

Laboo Operation Manual

while select the left grid in the middle if N is even number: i.e., (M + INT(N/2+0.5) × 5. The
best focus shall be at the twelfth block counted from right (counting from 0) and the focus
variable is 12×5 = 60;
F = F + (5 • X) = -50 + (5*12) = 10

1.5 Observe focus line with amplifier as shown in Figure A-1-4 and Figure A-1-5. If thicker line appeared
in focus line, it means that the object distance is on the small size; in this case, object distance
parameter should be increased; otherwise, the object distance parameter should be decreased;

1.6 At the same time, the fringe of solid part should be observed (see Figure A-1-4). If the fringe is
irregular, the angle of solid matter (solid/deflection set mode). The process of adjusting angle may
influence the size of matter and focus; on the contrary, the size of matter and focus will influence the
change of angle. This should be considered for adjustment;

1.7 There should be no interference fringe in 10%~99% flat screens at the angle of 90°;

Figure A-1-2


Figure A-1-3

Figure A-1-4

Figure A-1-5

Laboo Operation Manual

1.8 Enter “Engineer Operate” → “Modify Device Parameter” and find appropriate DPI focus value to

Figure A-1-6

If this time is 24000dip focus test, the focus adjustment value is 10; the parameter value of original No.19
will be 1200; after adding, it is changed into 1210; click “Save Device Control Parameter” → “Confirm”;

1.9 User may build the parameter message for test file with different precisions according to demand and
re-Output the focal length test chart in varied precisions according to the steps 1.1~1.8, thus
modifying device parameters.

Note: If focus changes, i.e., the parameter modified last time is inconsistent with the focus
parameter in focal length test chart, should subject to the focus value of current focus test

If any problems with the effect of focus chart or flat screen chart, please contact CRON customer service


2. Power Test

Please refer to the procedures for focal length test when conducts power test.

2.1 Enter LaBoo and select the TIF file that focal length test job can be conducted, such as the focal length test
chart file “Test focus 650X550_2400_90” provided by CRON; click “Operate” → “Open Output File” to
Output job queue; right-click this job and select “Parameter Setting” in the pull-down menu; enter job template
setting interface and check “Power Test” as shown in Figure A-1-7.


2.2 Set “Minimum Power”: Each machine has its appropriate power range. Set appropriate initiating

2.3 Output the job of power test charge according to the parameters set.

2.4 Select the focal length bar with the best screen dot effect in the plate materials of Output (when the
plate head is upward, the effect of the right screen dot at 1% screen dot is generally better while that
of the left at 99% screen dot is better; select the focal length bar with comparatively even screen dot)
and count from the second focal length bar from right to left at the position where plate head is
upward. If the Number X bar is the bar with the best focal length; the power figure P of this bar can
be read on the top of No. X.

2.5 Cancel “Power Test”: Select the laser power equivalent to P value in the pull-down box after laser
power and click “Confirm” to save this parameter. The template and the laser power of waiting
Output job can be modified.

2.6 User shall build the template message of the test files at different precisions according to demand, re-
Output the power test chart at different precisions according to the procedures 2.1~2.6, initialize and
save template message.

Note: If power changes, i.e., the parameters modified last time are inconsistent with the power parameters
in power test chart, the power value of current power test chart shall prevail. If problem occurs with
power chart effect, please contact CRON customer service center.

Laboo Operation Manual

Appendix 2

LaBoo Error Message and Suggestions

Error Message Suggestions

Job layout is smaller than the size of plate size; stop Please select “Large Plate Small Format Output
outputting; Allowed” in system parameter setting
Job layout is larger than the size of plate size; stop to
Output; Output fails, please reset format parameters!
This file has been deleted. Please open another
Original file has been deleted and cannot be moved.
Input device control parameter fails
Dongle is abnormal and cannot regularly Output. Please
insert dongle and reboot the software!
The name of template cannot contain any of the following
characters: “ „ ”: | ? * \\ / <>”.
Password contains illegal character.
Please enter password under “Engineer Operate” first, then
you have the authority to operate.
Unable to open this dot matrix file.
Some template parameters or template name
Incomplete setting!
have not been set.
First cancel the choice box in front of template
Please stop to run hot folder first!
This hot folder has been used, please re-select! Select another hot folder.
Template already existed! Enter the name of another template
Lifting limit fails, please make sure: 1. dongle has been
This decoding file has been used. Please contact
correctly connected; 2. this update file is matching with the
dealer or CRON to ask for new decoding file.
dongle; and 3. this file has been used.
Exceeded the limiting date. Please contact
Service life expired.
dealer or CRON to ask for new decoding file.
The resolution of Tiff file is inconsistent with
Unmatched resolution. Unable to Output.
current template.
Image file damaged
No previous service records, lifting limit fails! Contact CRON engineer
The device control parameter of this machine cannot be
initialized; the machine number corresponding to the
parameter code is: ****


The type of plate material exceeds the limit. Please delete

The type of plate material exceeds the limit 32.
unused type of plate material first and then add!
Incorrect dongle Change dongle. Please contact CRON engineer.
Unmatched parameters. Please re-enter parameters or
contact engineer! Your device may be unable to operate
Device may have not been electrified or device hardware
does not support the software. Please contact engineer! Your
device may be unable to operate regularly!
Please clean lens
The generated code of this decoding file is incorrect. Please
contact correct dealer or CRON head office!
Dongle has not been found. Please insert the dongle and
click “Install Dongle” to install dongle driver.
Due to the time difference of two machines
Please close LaBoo software and use LaBoo again after XX
using dongle sooner or later, the software
should be closed for making up the time.
Decoding file expired! This decoding file has been used.
It is unsuitable to send device debugging
Command execution failed!
command in current status.
The device has been used for half a year consecutively.
Please replace lubricating oil, then reset counter in
“Command Function Operate”.
The service life of clamp bar spring expired. Please replace
under the guidance of engineer. Then reset the counter in
“Command Function Operate”.
Need to turn off the machine and then regulate
Abnormal laser temperature! Unable to Output! Current
the ambient temperature to appropriate value
temperature is: **°C, which should be between 15~35°C.
with air conditioner
Need to turn off the machine and then regulate
Abnormal device temperature! Unable to Output! Current
the ambient temperature to appropriate value
temperature is: ** °C, which should be between 15~35°C.
with air conditioner
Reset counter fails Contact CRON engineer
License for Output expired. Output stopped. Please contact
Licensed number of Output of the software is less than 500
times. Please contact dealer immediately!
Output license expired. Output stopped. Please contact
Number of laser lines failed to lock: ***
Inapplicable laser power range. Recommended to change ** Modify parameters in template according to
into ** suggestions
Reading device control parameters failed! Possibly
Contact CRON engineer
unmatched versions
Resetting counter without the guidance of engineer may lead
to the abnormity or damage to the device. Are you sure to
To make parameters valid, you must execute “Focal Length
Adjust”! Execute “Focal Length Adjust” right now?

Laboo Operation Manual

No dongle
Please use preview function in standby status! Cancel “Continuous Output”, preview again
Not allowed to send command at current status
Software limitation will expire. Please contact dealer.
Laser power test parameter is incorrect. Recommended to
reduce test levels or reduce the increment of each level!
Device will change format. Please make sure that the current
plate material has been moved away from auto plate feeder!
Please make sure that plate material on plate box has been
moved away!
Microsoft Excel has not been installed! Please install
Microsoft Excel or Output text file first!
Unable to preview dot matrix. Please try again after closing
USB device has not been configured at high speed. Please
ensure that the host and the system are compatible with Contact CRON Engineer
Unable to connect device! Please make sure that the device
has been electrified and USB cable has been connected or
contact device engineer!
Unable to allocate the memory required by driver.
USB communication error. Please make sure that correct
connection wire and driver are used or contact device
Unable to connect plate feeder!
Laser platform is unable to reset!
Fixed value of device speed is inapplicable. Contact CRON engineer
Drum tachometer generation error Contact CRON engineer
Drum cannot stop! Please contact device engineer. Contact CRON engineer
Drum revolution speed cannot be stabilized. Contact CRON engineer
Drum has not reached the required revolution speed. Contact CRON engineer
Abnormal drum startup! Contact CRON engineer
Laser platform movement time-out. Contact CRON engineer
Unsuccessful plate tail clamp adjustment.
Plate tail clamp position exceeds standard. Please shut down
and check.
Plate material sizes exceeds standard (drum movement
Loss of pressure for vacuum system; please shut down and
check vacuum system.
Tail edge clamp fails. Please shutdown and check.
Key plate control process startup error. Contact CRON engineer
Plate feeder control process startup error. Contact CRON engineer
Last plate feeding process abnormal, unable to feed plate!
Laser cannot be started! Contact CRON engineer
Unable to connect auto plate feeder
Drum cannot be stopped. Contact CRON engineer


Drum has been loaded with plate. Please order to unload

plate first.
Unable to connect device! Please make sure that device has
been electrified and USB cable has been connected or Re-install LaBoo software
contact device engineer!
Device ID fails in verification.
Temperature compensation control process has not been
regularly completed (overtime)
Problem with data path of main board Contact CRON engineer
Data in the memory of main board is not ready when starting
Contact CRON engineer
recording process.
Unable to start recording process. Possibly laser platform
limit signal incorrect.
Can not find the related information on the error code!
Image format cannot be identified Possibly dongle has not be inserted
File format ## * ## is larger than template parameter. Create another template or modify the
Unable to open the job. parameter of current template
Resolution is not the same as template parameter. Unable to Create another template or modify the
open the job. parameter of current template
Software version is too low. Unable to read in parameters!
Please update software immediately.
Device is in offline state. Unable to execute any command!
Current system time conflicts with the last
The last service time of software is: ****_**_** **_**.
service time. If current time is incorrect, current
Please modify the system time to the time after this.
system time should be modified.
During Output, it cannot open more files at the
During Output, open 12 files at one time at the most!
same time.
Possibly the number files exceed the range. Fail to open file!
File is unmatched with dongle number. Please load correct This update decoding file is invalid to current
upgrade file. device.
Device doest not support the parameters of the template.
Unable to modify.
Device cannot identify paper and plate. Run plate and paper test


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