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TOEIC Vocabulary Words to learn by Category / Sub-Category Source: Practice Test N°1 Hachette

Category Sub-category
Corporate Research:
Product development: to envision something, feasibility, overhead costs, outside vendor
Dining Out Business and informal lunches:
Banquets/ Receptions: catering company, graduation party, appetizer trays, to mean to do
Restaurant : cashier, to collect a payment, diners, customer, to book a table (to reserve), a lunch
reservation, kitchen staff, chef, menu, ingredients, recipe, spicy dish, entryway (entrance), dining
establishment, wait staff, waiter, waitress, patrons (customers), to exceed expectations,
ingredients, to showcase an item, rotating artwork, adorning the walls
Entertainment Cinema/theater: theater production, a play, rehearsal, to express gratitude, to ask for a favor,
Special Events: fashion show, auction, garments, clothing items, unconventional fabrics, runway,
high-fashion, working wear, fashion houses, event organizers, brochure (leaflet), recruit
volunteers, to pass something around, to exhibit something, to advertise something, enrollment
(to sign up), on stage, celebrity, to sell something at auction, charity auction,
Music: music festival, to mention a concert, folk groups, folk music, to line up for tickets, to offer
a ride to someone, previously owned instruments, custom-made instruments,
Art exhibitions: to exhibit at a gallery,
Media: newspaper, restaurant review, restaurant critic,
Sporting events: baseball game, team’s website, civic center, figure skating,
Library: library card, to disturb someone, Identification (ID), driver’s license, signup for
membership, to borrow a book, password, patron (library member),circulation desk, a showcase,
to showcase a book, conduct a survey,
Guided tours: park ranger, to hike on a trail, nature trail, to be closed for maintenance, midway
(halfway), to break for lunch, sunscreen, to encourage someone to do something , weather
forecast, to store belongings, tourists,
Finance and Banking : a real-estate loan (mortgage), automatic payments,
Investments : risky investments, to rank something according to,
Taxes :
Accounting : to track expenses, this quarter, chart, to revise a budget, to be over budget, to cut
back on something (reduce costs), to split the costs, to cover the difference, to make a payment,
meet financial goals, sources of income, reduce operating costs, to increase staff, accounting
department, to keep records, budget proposal, to submit a proposal,
Billing : to collect payment, to send an invoice,
General Contracts : an agreement (contract), to get something in writing, sign paperwork,
Negotiations :
Mergers :
Marketing/advertising : advertising campaign, to target small businesses, new flavor, for a limited
time only, buying frenzy, current ad campaign, disappearance from supermarket shelves,
Sales : to win an account, to attract new clients, to greet clients, to sign on for something,
accounts (clients), customers,
Warranties :
Business Planning : to afford to do something, to gather data, first quarter earnings, to meet
expectations, main source of revenue,
Conferences : to register, to sign up for something, registration fee, to attend a workshop, a large
crowd, convention, big name speakers, travel budget, upcoming trip, business cards, to be
unavailable, to be all set for something, to stress out, to arrange for something, rental car, to
attend a conference, networking, vendors, booths, refreshments, tradeshow,
Labor Relations :
Kinds of departments in a business: maintenance, accounting, public relations, human resources,
purchasing, billing,
Kinds of businesses/services: Clothing Store, furniture factory, dry-cleaning shop, bicycle shop,
law firm, jewelry store, career counseling, home improvement, garden landscaping, research
laboratory, nature park, real estate agency, construction company, cleaning service, carpet
installers, interior design, shipping company, an engineering firm, catering company (food
preparation), cooking lessons, grocery delivery, nutritional counseling, moving company, tax
preparation service, publishing company, hotel chain, travel agency, office supply store,
department store, , shipping company, fabric manufacturing, design firm, hotel chain,
Health Medical insurance:
Doctors/dentist visit: new patients, scheduled appointments,
Hospital/clinic stays:
Housing and Construction: air-conditioning, floor tile, to put up a sign (to post), intersection, bricks, walkway
Corporate (sidewalk), to load supplies ,to be under construction, to be due (to finish) on a date, a start date,
property to set a definite date, to be meaning to do something (to have the intention), soil analysis, a patch
of ground, moist/unstable ground, to wait for results to come in, in the meantime, to let someone
know what’s going on, to look forward to something, to clarify a statement, to be aware of
something, updated list, an estimate, a delay, space-efficient,
Specifications: closet,
Remodeling: to give or ask for an update on a job (project), crew of workers, high profile client,
shipping company, fabric manufacturing,
Office Space: lobby, boardroom, to pay rent for office space, headquarters, to vacuum the carpet,
carpet stains, to shampoo the carpet, steam-cleaning machine, downstairs, upstairs, first floor,
conference room, cubicles, cubical walls, work spaces (cubical), lounge, campus,
Electric/gas services:
Gardening/landscaping: fence, chairs/table, lawnmower, wheelbarrow,
Home furnishings: towel, to donate furniture, cupboard,
Manufacturing Assembly lines:
Plant management:
Quality control:
Offices Meetings : board meeting, all staff meetings, committee meetings, to familiarize oneself with
something, to review a budget proposal, survey results, to support a decision, to share your
opinion, to gather information,
Letters : envelope, double-sided copies,
Memoranda :
Telephone :
Fax/email : to scan a document,
Office equipment /furniture :filing cabinet, photocopier (copy machine), label maker, color ink
cartridges, office furniture, chairs, to accommodate someone,
Office procedures : to file, to check lost and found, explain a policy,
Personnel : Hiring : hiring plan, weekend shift, policy change, short term job openings, employee roster,
résumés (CV, curriculum vitae), valid credentials, payroll policy, ID badges, orientation, on
boarding, employee compensation (salary) policy,
Termination: firing someone, to let them go, to resign from a position, to layoff someone,
Salaries : to be away on leave, wages by the hour, salary by the month, yearly salary,
Promotions : overseas assignment (move), paperwork in order (passport and VISA),
job applications : to accept a job offer, ride sharing initiative, to give a recommendation, job
applicant, job candidate, cover letter, area of expertise,
Recruiting: interns, shift personnel, coworkers, to sound promising (job offer), to be available,
further training, job candidates, to take pride in something, professional development training,

Job advertisements: education, college degrees, public speaking skills,

Kinds of college degrees/education: teacher training, industrial design, computer programming,
business management, tuition, registration period, instruction, schedule, flexible,
Pensions: retirement announcement, well-deserved retirement, farewell party
Awards: nominee for an award, candidates for award, achievement award, commemorative
Kinds of jobs/fields: carpet installer, office receptionist, interior designer, cleaning staff, trainees,
maintenance workers, bus driver, geologist, architect, landscaping staff, corporate trainer, youth
education, historical archiving, nature conservationist, urban developer,
Purchasing Shopping: mirror, appearance (in a mirror),bench (to try on shoes), clothing store, jacket, small
tear, seam of a garment, sleeve, to offer someone a deal (discount), merchandise, clothing, to
issue a refund, to reduce a price, check inventory, the aisle, discount coupon, cashier, checkout
counter, a defective item a purchase, expiration date, merchandise (goods), flyer (brochure),
customer complaints, to launch an ad campaign, branch store, clearance sale, misleading
advertising, no longer in stock, good bargains, affordable prices, to place an order, check
inventory, to be short on something, to spot an error, to fill out a form, to submit a form, to carry
a product (to stock it, to offer it), to exchange an item, to apologize, an inconvenience,
salesperson (clerk), to receive a discount, designer label, newest offering (new line),
Ordering supplies: paper supplier, office supplies, inventory, customer service, user manual,
instructions (instruction manual), earlier model, warranty, reimbursement, replacement part,
purchase orders, retail (B2C), wholesale (B2B), a line of products, defective product,
Shipping: to wrap boxes, unlock a gate, driver’s seat (forklift), overnight delivery, shipment
(delivery), offer free shipping, delivery person,
Invoices: a breakdown (list in detail),
Technical Areas Cell phones: mobile phone, fully functional, significant upgrade, previous models, water
protective coating, water resistant, to ensure something (to guarantee),
Internet: to download a document, web site, to stand out,
Computers: a lap top, a security-enabled laptop, a feature of a computer, reset a pass word,
database, send a link, handsets (controls),
Technical specifications: instruction manual, tools, to specify, to install, eye protection, potential
obstructions, avoid scratching, delicate surfaces, lightweight, durable, tight-sealing clasps, fragile,
components, to withstand rough treatment, to have
Travel Air: to be behind schedule, to inquire about a delay, to upgrade to business class, bus service
(shuttle bus), chauffeur service, to pick someone up, to be on time, carry-on bag, soft-sided
luggage, retracting wheels,
Train: cheapest fare, express train, local train, conductor on a train, facilities, to remain mindful of
something (keep something in mind),
Train station/airport announcements:
Hotels: tourist season, to do/go sightseeing, hotel receptionist, confirmation number, drapes,
Rental Cars: rush hours, heavy traffic, to affect traffic, roadwork, to have issuers (problems),
rental car contract, lease agreement, to lease a car, automatic renewal, scheduled date, renewal
date, automatic renewal, lease termination, to extend a lease, month-to-month agreement,
Travel papers: VISA, passport, vaccination requirements,
Names of places: airport, train station, taxi station,
Publishing Magazines, newspapers, online version, magazine subscribers, compilation of poems, book
publisher contract, electronic edition, paper-back edition, hard-cover edition, royalty fees, to
license books, to attend to a matter (take care of), provisions in a contract, agreement, to
chronicle a story,

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