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Term Paper on

“Marketing Plan For Sugar Free Drinks”

Course Code- “Marketing Management” (ALD3201)

Submitted By:
Md.Thouhidul Hasan
ID- 18241093

Dr.Md. Kashedul Wahab Tuhin
Associate Professor
Jahangirnagar University
BBA (Management) - 2018
Section – A

Department of Business Administration in Management Studies

Faculty of Business Studies
Bangladesh University of Professionals
Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216
Date of Submission- October 28’ 2020
Letter of Transmittal

27th October, 2020

Dr.Md. Kashedul Wahab Tuhin

Associate Professor,

Faculty of Business Studies

Jahangirnagar University

Subject: Submission of Term Paper

Dear sir,

With due respect, I would like to humbly submit the Term Paper on “A Marketing Plan For
Sugar Free Drinks” which is prepared as a partial requirement of the course named
“Marketring Management”(ALD3201) of BBA program under Department of Management
Studies of the Faculty of Business Studies, Bangladesh University of Professionals. Within
the constraints as a student I tried my level best to do this term paper according to your
guidance and with the highest accuracy possible by me.

I feel very joyous to have this opportunity to prepare this paper under your guidance. This has
been an enormous opportunity for me to realize my dreams and learn about preparing a
business plan. I must mention here that I am extremely thankful to you for your valuable
guidance, support, patience, tiresome effort, and constant attention whenever required.

Md.Thouhidul Hasan
BBA in Management 2018


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Towards the starting, I want to pay our unassuming appreciation to the Almighty for giving
us the capacity to complete this assignment paper. This is an awesome joy for us to be
allocated under the direction of Associate Professor Dr.Md. Kashedul Wahab Tuhin,
Jahangirnagar University.

I am exceptionally thankful to his for all sort of participation and direction in setting up this
paper. His important proposals and rules helped me a great deal to set up this paper in an
appropriate and formal way.

At long last, I might want to thank every one of those individuals who have shared their
perspectives, gave fundamental information, and complimented us moreover. This
affirmation is insufficient to let them know how significant the effect of their conclusion is on
this plan, that we are so obliged to them. I express my heartiest gratefulness to every one of

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Dr.Md. Kashedul Wahab Tuhin

Associate Professor,

Faculty of Business Studies

Jahangirnagar University

Subject: Term Paper Warranty and Authorization

I hereby declare that this term paper entitled “A Marketing Plan For Sugar Free Drinks”
was carried out by myself for the course of Marketing Management under the guidance and
supervision of
Dr.Md. Kashedul Wahab Tuhin Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Studies
Jahangirnagar University.
The interpretations put forth are based on my reading and understanding of the original texts
and they are published anywhere in the form of books, monographs or articles. For the
present thesis, which I am submitting to you, no degree or diploma or distinction has been
conferred on me before, either in this or in any other University.

Name ID Signature

Md.Thouhidul Hasan 18241093

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Supervisor’s Certificate

This is to certify that the work embodied in the accompanying Term Paper entitled
“A Marketing Plan For Sugar Free Drinks” has been carried out entirely by the candidate
as research scholars under my direct supervision and guidance and that the candidates has
fulfilled the requirements of the regulations laid down for the completion of the Term Paper
for Marketing Management course, under Department of Management Studies of Bangladesh
University of Professionals.


Dr.Md. Kashedul Wahab Tuhin

Associate Professor,

Faculty of Business Studies

Jahangirnagar University

28 october- 2020

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Executive Summary:  The report explains the marketing plan for launching a fresh
juice named “Sugar Free Drinks”. The juice will be made of fresh seasonal fruits. In the very
beginning of the report I explained the details about the juice including what kind of product
it is, what ingredients will be used here how I will package it and so on. In this report I have
also explained my vision and mission as Ill. My new product will be introduced in the market
with the help of various promotional displays and distributions of the samples of to the target
market. This report also examines that this product is initially launches in the popular places
of the Bangladesh University of Professionals (Bup) campus. The study includes both the
primary and secondary research. The primary study focuses on survey of the competitors and
the likings and disliking of people. Through this strategy I can penetrate in the market and
can attract bulk of customer. For this purpose I have conducted SOWT analysis of the
business to see the business’s strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats. I have also
explained the purposes, benefits, and objectives of the product. Then I have made the
marketing mix strategy of my product. I have divided my market into different segments and
decided to target the students and faculty members of Bangladesh University of
Professionals Campus. I have also paid special attention to the color, packaging, and price of
the product. I have decided to place my product permanently in the Bup[ cafeteria for student
and faculty members specially. I will promote my product throw various means of
advertisements. I will also conduct a market survey in near future to know the opinion of the
public about my product and develop my product accordingly.

Product description: People started to perish under the scorching heat of summer in my
country. They need a refreshing drink to refresh themselves. The “Sugar Free Drinks” is a
fresh juice product. It provides energy and keeps fresh when people feel tired from doing
work. It contains vitamin and proteins which is a useful energy drinks. Vitamin gives
freshness and proteins are the energy cells that recharge the human body so that they work
their maximum.
The student’s employee and works of Bup become tired due to the work burden and sunlight
which make them to feel loose. They need energy drink that makes them re-energize so they
may be able to perform better again and feel fresh.

Product portrayal: “Sugar Free Drinks” is a product that serves each and every member of
Bangladesh university of professionals community. The product is fresh handmade juice of
seasonal fruits which is unique in Bup Cafeteria. I will collect different types of seasonal
fruits for my product. I will specially provide handmade Mango, Litchi, Pine Apple, Rose
Apple juice in summer and handmade papaya, banana, coconut water, apple, orange,
strawberry juice for all seasons and will sell in temporary plastic glasses of convenient sizes
of 250ml and 50ml. For increasing the taste I will add some dry fruits like almond, cherry,
and different types of nuts. The specialty of my product is, I will provide 100 percent fresh
fruit juice for all seasons, no added chemical or color will be used. The “Sugar Free Drinks”
Juice will be very much refreshing and will provide great support to health conscious people.
My target market is the entire Bangladesh University of Professionals campus including all
the faculty members, students and other staffs. My expected sales are very high as I go
through a lot of people while surveying and all most of them show interest about my juice
because I promised to offer them 100 percent fresh sugar free fruit juice. The development
cost of my product will be tk 20 per glass.
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Product Profile:
Name of the product               : Fruits & Fruits

Ingredient: Apple, Mango, Banana, Litchi. Pine Apple, Papaya, Orange,

Strawberry, Other seasonal fruits, Nuts, Almond, Cherry, milk, water, sugar, chilly.

Paper Container                      : Stylish plastic glass with cover and straw for take-out.

Container Size                         : 25ml and 50ml, will serve more if needed

Product Price                          : 50 tk for 25ml and 80 tk for 50ml.

Estimated Durability               : 3 Hmys.

Machinery Used                      : Blender machines, juice makers

Brand Mission Statement       : “Drink fresh, stay healthy”

Raw materials                 :   Glass – 5tk

Label – 2tk

Cover – 2tk

Flexible Straw – 1tk

Total 10 taka each glass

Place of origin                  : Bangladesh (Rajshahi division)

Specifications                   : Clarity : 95% (min)

pH: 3.5 – 4.5


Energy-average: 50-80kcal

Vitamin : A,C.

Packing                        : 250ml plastic glass inside

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Situation Analysis:
i.Macro – Environment
Political and legal environment-
Political environment is very important is my work. Unfortunately political condition of my
country is very unsuitable. Strike and hartal am very common here. So I must keep these
matters in my mind. Because of these problems communication system gets hampered a lot.
Moreover my raw materials am very much perishable. So I can’t preserve these for long time.
In this case, I can’t stop bringing supplies. But I have to reduce the quantity and increase the
price. I have to increase the price from tk. 50 to tk. 60. Moreover I must have my own
vehicles for communication and brining the supplies. I will have special hind of vehicles for
fruits. I will always have freezing systems and vinegar with the supplies so that I can save my
fruits from being perished.

1. ii) Economic environment:

The economic environment consists of factors that affect consumer purchasing poor and
spending patterns. I must pay close attention to major trends and consumer spending patterns
of the whole BUP Market.

Income – As Bup is the top Public University of Bangladesh & it’s not very expensive, the
income of BUP faculties, employees and a lot of student or their guardians is very high.
Moreover, most of the people in my survey say that if I can provide them a 100% Pure juice
price doesn’t matter for them.
Bank Interest Rate – Bank will be the main financial supporter. I will take loan from the
banks as the young entrepreneur. I always have to conscious about the bank rate.
Price Hike – price hike occurs a lot in Bangladesh. But in Bup cafeteria price doesn’t matter
that much. Moreover, I am not buying fruits from the market. So price hike in recent local
market won’t effect in my project still to keep pace with the market I can increase the price of
my product as my market inelastic from 40 to 60 taka. So if I changed the price from 40 to 60
taka demand won’t change much.

Social and cultural environment – Social & cultural environment of BUP is very favorable
for my product as I am producing traditional, seasonal Bangladeshi fruits. As Ill as foreign
fruits both higher class and middle class people are going to like it.

Natural Environment – Bangladesh is a country of 6 seasons. And a lot of fruits is available

in all the seasons. But most of the time my climate is warm. So there is a great demand for
juices. I am going to use this opportunity.

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Technological environment – Though the technological environment is the most dramatic
force now-a-days. I am also taking help from science & technology. I am not taking much
help for science & technology for making the juice, instead I am using the pair of science &
technology in producing the row materials. I am going to use environmental technology to
protect the fruits and trees from being damaged. I am going to use special king of seeds
which has much more survival poor then others. In production my blenders and juice makers
will be imported from USA.

Approaches to primary and secondary data collections:

Approaches to primary data:

I collected primary data for my fruit juice. For collecting these information I conducted a
survey, run an interview or go throw online questioner. I asked my target group following

Do you like juice?

Do you usually buy Sugar free fruit juice?

Will you pay 50 tk for 25ml fruit juice if I promise you to give 100 percent fresh fruit juice
without any chemical without any food color?

After asking those question to my target consumers I found the following figure :

Approaches to secondary data :

For secondary data I collected information which Ire already existing somewhere and
originally collected by someone else. Here I need to know about costs of my competitors, my
cost of production like price of fruit garden and fruits, price of labor and other production

After collecting all those information I will go throw them and with the help of these
information I will make my marketing plan.

Market Description:

Market segmentation and targeting-

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Size of the market:
The size of my market is the whole Bangladesh University of Professionals Campus. I
include each and every member of BUP community as my consumer. I will emphasize on the
students and faculty members.

Description of Potential Segments-

I am using both demography and psychograph Segmentations. I will not be able to use the
geographic segments as the place is fixed here.

Types of segments used for market:

Demography segmentation–

As I know the lifestyle and preferences of BUP community, it’s very easier to use
demographic segmentation. Both my pricing and packaging depends on this most of the BUP
people are Fashionable and they like resent trends. So according to their preference use am
trading to make the packaging very gorgeous. Moreover, most of the posh people of BUP
prefer imported juices which am very expensive. As my juice is also little bit expensive this
posh people am my 1st targeted customer I wanted to make them `true friends then comes the
middle class people of BUP who are `Butterflies’   for us as they won’t buy the juice very
often because of the high price, But I will try to convince them also. My faculty members
will be my first concern. As their income is enough high, by providing them good products, I
can easily make them `true friends’

Psycho graphic segmentation–

As my macro economics teacher told me in Bangladesh who isn’t in love with fruits juices, In
my purvey I paw that everyone in Bangladesh likes fresh fruit juice a lot whenever
Bangladesh hear aloud seasonal fruits they feel on attachment with this, Everyone asked us
why I am willing to do it, why I am preferring customer value over making only profit I am
doing it because it’s my world, my veracity, my community and to treat it as my second
family May be my world list too small. But I love it It’s not only about making profit. It’s
about serving them who tries their best to bring out entrepreneurship. from my bruit. there am
faculties, there my friends, my family. I want to serve them.

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SWOT Analysis:


• the existence of the new soft drink brands

• The available active consumer base
• The existing organizational activities and culture
• Competent employees and employers
• Unique services delivery to the customers.


• External threats: Too much competition from international organizations, for

example Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, RC-Cola, Virgin Cola, Rasna (India), Shezan
(Pakistan) etc.
• Internal weaknesses: Large size of the business and workforce makes it difficult to
manage perfectly. As a result it often causes internal conflict.


• Existing distribution channel is being used.

• High growth rate in this industry.
• Increased innovation on the new brands of the soft drinks.
• Increased in new products for both the domesticmarkets.

• Increased marketing competition.
• Differences in the dynamic choices from the customers.
• There is conflict on the supply channels of the company products to the consumers.
• Competitor can produce the same product.
• Downward pressure on pricing.
• Political instability, economy etc.
• New innovation from other competitors could be a threat.

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Competitor Analysis-
Basically I have 3 competitors in BUP-AD Canteen, Old cafe, Stuff cafe. They serve fresh
fruit juice 250ml tk. 40. Each of them buys. 100 to 250 glasses of a juice and 100 to 150
packets of branded juice like pran, frutik a sezan, froto, starship etc. But none of them uses
any special booth for juice.but as my products quality and serving system is totally different
from them it will not be a problem to position my selves in the mind of customer. But other
beverages like coca-cola, Pepsi, sprite, mountain due, Fanta am my strong compactors as they
are Ill known branded product having low price and strong position in the mind of the

Positioning –
My competitors of fresh fruit juice in Bup are very weak as they do not use any king of
promotion. But the real competitor is the branded beverages as they are already very famous.
I have to try my best to beat them as I am going to introduce different king of product quality
promotional strategy and serving system it wouldn’t be very hard to convince the consumers.
I will differentiate my product on the basis of quality, packaging and promotion. All the other
juices and beverages use too much chemicals as raw materials but mine is 100% Pure. Even I
am not preserving it for long time. I will make the juice in front of the consumers after their
order. Again my packaging is much more standard then others. I have a large promotional
Plan also.

Marketing Strategy :

Marketing Goals:
If I look at Bangladesh University of Professionals(BUP) cafeteria, I can see that all the
counters are full of chemicals, Oil, and unhygienic stuffs. I usually don’t get any fresh food
or beverage. My goal is to provide fresh and handmade juice to everyone in the campus.
At the very first stage I am targeting to cover all the people of BUP. Later, if my product hits
to the breakeven point I will stay in the market. Then I will go for other Universities to
increase my market sham. In future I will try to be the best seller in beverage sector.

Marketing Objectives:

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To complete my goal of capturing the whole campus I will set my objectives in two
categories, one for Faculty members and top management of BUP another is for the students
other staffs.

Target Market:

 Student of Bangladesh University Of Professionals (Bup).

 Bup Faculty Members.
 Top Management.
 All Stuff of Bup Campus.
 Whole Campus people

 Faculty Members and top management:

To market my “Sugar Free Drinks” juice to my respective faculty members and top
management of BUP I will be taking some sample juice to them to have it to explore the taste
of it. I will also provide all details information in the cover of the juice glass. I might ask
them to give us a review on my Juice.

Students and other staff members:

To market my “Sugar Free Drinks” juice to the students and other staffs I will be setting up
some temporary booths in Bangladesh University of Professionals(BUP) campus. For setting
booths I will choose girls’ lounge, boys lounge, plaza, gallery, and information area. I will set
these for temporary basis only for market my juice; my juice will be permanently available at
BUP Cafeteria. Initially to market my product I will give discount and some special offers
like buy one and get one free, 20 ml extra at the same price and so on.

Value Proportion:
As I am providing a new product in the market, I Ire needed to know the value of my product.
I asked them to give us an honest review. After that I found 95 percent people who liked it
and really appreciated my product. As I Ire providing fresh and authentic sugar free drinks
fruit juice to them so the health cautious people accepted it warmly. Many of my target
customers are benefited by my sugar free fresh juice. As they liked my product quality
specially my purity, I will emphasize on this while selling my product. This is how I will
create value to my customers.

The financial goals:

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• To obtain funds for the expansion of the production and manufacturing capabilities
with the introduction of sugar free drinks.
• To increase the revenue by around fifty percent (50%) for every annual year.

Marketing Tactics :

Product Strategy:
Branding/brand name
Brands are more than just name and symbols they am a key element in the company’s
relationship with consumers. A good name can add greatly to a product success. However
finding the best brand name is a different task. In individual branding each brand has a
separate name. So I decided to give a name that will eventually become identified with the
product category. My brand name is ‘Sugar Free Drinks’. It is a short name and it is easy to
pronounce, recognize and remember. My brand name is distinctive and extendable. It begins
with a careful review of my product and its benefits, the target market and proposed
marketing strategies. The name of my brand is sample of my work.

Indented quality of the product:

My product quality is different from other branded juice. I will provide 100 percent pure
juice. I collect fruits directly from the farmers. As I am providing fresh juice the quality of
my product will be so high and all the health conscious people will love this quality because
of sugar free juice. With this quality it will be easy for us to capture the target market as I am
providing more value than my competitors.

Scope of the product line:

As I am providing juice initially I will just sever juice of different kind of fruits.


1. Mango juice
2. Strawberry juice
3. Banana milk shake
4. Mixed fruit juice
5. All kinds of seasonal fruits according to consumers demand
My entire product will be served in 250ml and 50ml containers. After capturing more market
and making profit I will increase my product line.

Packaging and labeling:

As I am serving my juice in temporary plastic glasses it is quite difficult for us to label my
product. But considering my customer quires I will provide every single description about the
product including following information:

1. Ingredients

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2. Manufacturing time
3. Expiring time
4. Quantity

Warranty/Guarantee/Customer Service
A warranty is a promise or guarantee given. A Warranty is usually a written guarantee for a
product and declaims the maker’s responsibility to repair or replace a defective product or its
parts. My business requires that the system has the highest standards and processes to ensure
consistent quality. I give the best product/juice to the customer in BUP and I give them a
chance to test it first. I also give the opportunity for lab tasting. The customers can tasted my
juice in the lab and then they decided what they do. I give customers the guarantee of my
fruit juice is 100% pure and fresh.

Pricing Strategy:

The price of my Juice is Tk 40. I am in the survival condition so my price is very low
campaign to the cost. At the first page I am using low prices to cover only the variable costs
and some fixed cost to stain business. Then day by day when the demand will be high I will
raise the price maximize the profit. Sometimes I will give discount or reduce the price in
increase the market sham. But basically I must continue high price to cover higher
performance quality. I don’t have many competitors in BUP. In fact I don’t have any real
competitors in this market. I can say this is almost pure monopoly as no other cafe sells real
fruit juice.

My demand in market is almost in inelastic when the prices are 40-60 Tk. but when the price
is below 40 or more than 60 taka. The demand is very elastic.

As I see in the curve, when I increase the price over 60, the demand falls. Again when I
reduce the price under 40 the demand goes very up. So, I choose Tk. 50 for 250ml. I can
make enough profit and can satisfy my customers too I am using cost plus pricing strategies.
First of all I am analyzing the customer’s demands and ability and willingness to pay. Then I
am comparing it with the cost. Finally I am choosing the price.

Promotional Strategies:

Suggested Target Market:

I launch my mango juice in BUP. So, my target market will be of consumer aged between 19
to 30 years. The income classes are going above lower middle. Within this segmentation, my
focus will be on my university students.

Packaging, design & shape:

The packaging initially decided at a ordinary bottle shaped & its cost low. I will decide to

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select ordinary bottle for packaging but use colorful paint for customer attraction. The bottle
will consist of three parts, 1.the product information, 2. Brand massage & 3. Main part of the
part is brand logo & tagline. I spend 28 taka per bottle for everything like decoration etc.

Media mix:
Different companies produces different product, it may be good or services. It needs to make
it available to the consumer & also to make them know that this particular product or service
is for them. But the question is how to make them understand that this product is available for
them. Geographical area is selected where a product should be launched & then it is
advertised accordingly. I use poster, social media like Facebook, YouTube etc.

I use poster because I launch it my cafeteria. In poster I can use the name of the juice, the
logo of the juice, batch code & bar code etc.

Social media:
I introduce my mango juice by social media like Facebook, YouTube etc. In Facebook I will
create a group to introduce & sham the information of mango juice. In YouTube I can make a
video where I represent my mango juice.

Newspaper Ad:
The newspaper advertisement takes full of a page & will be tall rectangle with its height
greater than width. Newspaper in Bangladesh am used width 200 pixel & height 75 pixel. But
now everyone use small size photo. Because the newspaper will have 4 main massages.

The brand name which will be illustrated with the band logo “Sugar Free Drinks” it will
constitute 25% of the ad space.

The tagline “Drink fresh, stay healthy’ which the strength of the massage is highlighted with
the letter “Juice Drink” in bold Red & White.
The juice is available in stores near to the consumer.

The juice is available in stores near to the consumer.

The drink is in mango flavor which is shown with the words

“Drink fresh, stay healthy’  this is also important massage because it displays one of the
unique selling points of “Sugar Free Drinks” which is mango flavor that is not available
anywhere in the market of Bangladesh.
I will try to capture the attention of consumers & tell about them that it is a poor priced drink
in comparison to mainstream competition. So, it can capture the attention of maximum
audience according to their economical.

The color scheme of the advertisement black, white & red which support the theme of “Sugar
Free” drink bottle & logo.

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The most important element in the media mix is the electronic media like radio & TV. It is
the part of ATL(Above The Line) media. TV advertising is the most expensive advertising. I
spend million & billion of taka for a single 30 second commercial. I use it for the promotion
of my mango juice because not only my mango juice knows the BUP students but also the
whole world. For advertising the “Sugar Free Drinks” mango juice, youth channels & youth
programs & shows am the most suitable options because they telecast some popular channels
in Dhaka like ATN Bangla, Channel I, RTV etc.

As far as the radio is concerned, some of the popular channels that am specific for adults in
Bangladesh am ABC Radio 89.2 FM , BBC Bangla 100.0 FM , Dhaka FM 90.4 , People’s
Radio 91.6 FM, Radio Aamar 88.4 FM, Radio Foorti 88.0 FM, Radio Today 89.6 FM.

Young people listener usually listen music into any channel. They only use radio only for
listening music & nothing else. So, This is the most suitable time for advertising the mango
juice on radio when the students am going to educational institutes or coming back home.
They listen music into the radio for the sake of music so the advertisement is taka only be
made during the shows.

Print Media:
Print media likes newspaper, magazines, broachers etc. Print media will not be focused much
for advertising “BISHUDHO”, but there will be some magazines & newspapers am used as a
source of communication with the target audience.

There are no other magazines & newspaper that can be used effectively to target the youth as
already told, neither the print media is preferred by most of the young public for such
advertisement nor there am any large mix of media for such sort of audience.

Out-of-Home Advertising:
Out-of-Home Advertising likes billboards, posters, campaigns, sponsorships etc. This is
called the Below-The-Line (BTL) advertisement. This sort of media can be considered for the
promotion of “Sugar Free Drinks”. It also reaches a large amount of masses.

Firstly starting with the sponsorships, there are number of fashion & youth shows like
concerts which attracts a large number of young audiences. I can arrange a small concert
where I promotion my mango juice.

Starting Campaigns in the leading universities in Dhaka like Dhaka University,

JahangirNagar, Jagannath,BUET, NSU,BRAC,AIUB, & EWU can attract their students &
majority of the students will try once to drink my juice & can spread it mouth-to-mouth.

As far as the billboards are concerned, there are many spots in the city for billboards which
are fixed by many students & business persons. I use my billboard in Jamuna future park
Bashundara city shopping complex, in front o f Bup Concurses because in this are many
types of people live there & they use it properly.

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Personal selling:
Personal selling is very important for my promotional strategy. I have to go to my faculties
and friends and tell them about my product when I did my survey many faculties should
interest about the juice. I have to convince them to buy my juice. I will offer my consumers to
test my juice first and then pay for it if they like it. My employees will call my valuable
customers to inform them about the new arrivals and promotions.

Other Promotional Tools

I will hire celebrities to promote my product. I will organize a big-budget program to launch
the product. I will invite my faculties and students to visit my garden at Rajshahi. I will
organize fruit fair every season and distribute free juices.

Public Relations
I keep a good relation with my customer; I will use some strategy for my reliable customers. I
will give membership cards to my regular customers. They will get discount using the card.
My employees will call them; send them texts to inform them about my products and
programs regularly. I will send them gifts box full of fruit juices in occasions. They will be
invited in my gardens and other programs.

Place Distribution Chanel:

In generally there are different types of marketing distribution system. Consumers are able to
buy the products from different market place. All these distribution strategies am consists of
producer, wholesaler, retailer, and finally to the consumer. There are mainly four types of
marketing distribution channel:

1. Conventional Marketing channel

2. Vertical marketing channel
3. Horizontal Marketing channel
4. Hybrid Marketing channel
I select the conventional marketing channel to distribute my product. My juice will be
distributed by the specified distributor which will be selected by the company. The selected
distributor will supply the juice product to the BUP cafeteria and the consumer will collect
the product from BUP cafeteria .There are three types of distribution strategies:

1. Selective distribution
2. Intensive distribution
3. Exclusive distribution
I choose the intensive distribution for my product. I will supply my product all over the BUP
community on the basis of my product demand so that the consumer can get the product

For sell my product I will choose the BUP popular places of BUP campus like Plaza,
Cafeteria, Boys Lounge, Girls Lounge etc so that my consumers will be able to buy the
products easily.

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Functional Projection and Budget:

Sales Forecasting

The first method of forecasting new product depletion is historical review. First of all I will
take loan from bank as young entrepreneurs and then invest it to make my own fruit garden. I
grow fruit trees and use it for making my fresh juice. For this I will involve uneducated
unemployed and poor people of villages. In that way they will get a chance to employment. I
give a chance to customers to visit my fruit garden. I will import blenders and juice maker
from USA. I always try to give fresh fruit juice to my customers. Before buying my juice I
will give the custom a chance to test it first and then they will decide they will buy it or not.

The first three months of first year will be used to set up the processing and manufacturing
juice for the production of Sugar Free Fruits juice. There will not be sales activity until the
processing plan has established. From month four there will be a steady increase in sales.

Profit and loss projection:

I invest limited amount of money to start my juice bar. As I guaranteed that I will serve
natural and fresh fruit juice to the customs, I believe that my profit will be enough as my
expectation. If I cannot earn that expected profit, I will decrease my product’s price and
quality. But if I can make my expected profit, I will increase the price and product lines. I
will add more kinds of ingredients like rosewater, milk, jafran, ice cream, floor essence,
chocolates etc to fulfill the customers’ needs and demands.

My products will be my pride and way of servings my community. I always will think about
the customers’ satisfaction before my profit. I will try my best to keep the promise I make to
my customers.

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