Evaly Is An E-Commerce Platform Which Will Be Capable of Providing Every Kind of

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Name: Md.

Thouhidul Hasan
Id: 18241093
Sec: A

Evaly is an e-commerce platform which will be capable of providing every kind of

goods and products from every sector to every consumer located in Bangladesh.
The world’s market place will be only finger-tips away for any customer in
possession of a smartphone, computer and an internet connection. They will be
able to purchase everything; from a safety-pin to an apartment building from our
website. We have gathered the brightest minds of Bangladesh and given them the
platform to perform to their fullest extent. All the data-mining and optimization has
been done in-house and no outsourcing from any organization has taken place. We
are utilizing 100% Bangladeshi personnel and resources and keeping the flow of
cash within our borders.
Evaly is a platform where people can purchase all kinds of goods from a single
website. From a pencil to a book to a dress to a cell phone to cars to lands;
everything is available in this website. It is built by a team of developers who have
the sharpest minds in this sector and they are dedicated to only Droplet Limited.
We hire no outsourcing outlets and that ensures the security of all our users. There
is absolutely no chance of any information being leaked thanks to our dedicated
team who are working all the time to ensure that our website is the most secure e-
commerce platform. What separates us from other platforms of such sorts is the
diversity of our product range and the security that we provide to our users. It is
absolutely cutting-edge and state-of-the-art and we can guarantee that no other
platform has this much diversity in its product range. Our website is going to be so
convenient and user-friendly for our customers that, they would rather order from
our website than to go to the shop which is 100 meters away from his/her home.
That is the kind of target eValy.com.bd has set for itself. And once we achieve our
targets in Bangladesh, we will start expanding towards other countries and present
ourselves in a much broader and global scale and encompass the entire world with
our website in a short amount of time.
Evaly they have no product of their own. They sell products to vendors. But
consumers they don't know who the vendor is. Takes money from customers and
says they promises to give vendor150% cash back in return.
That means he sold a product for 100 taka. I think his profit there is 30 taka. He
gave the product with a voucher of 150 taka.
Now with this voucher customers have to buy products from them.
Then evaly didn't actually give you the money. Made a promise. Whose name is
Voucher. Customer can adjust this voucher to the next product price at a rate of
80%. customers will give him another sixty taka in cash for a 150 taka product.
And customer will adjust 90 taka from the voucher. customers will not get such
huge cashback on that product anymore. So what is the matter? The first time he
didn't actually return the money to you, he gave you a voucher. The next time he
adjusted the money in which you again gave him 60 taka in cash. And this product
also had a 30% profit. At first he earned 30 taka. The calculation is like this
Deposit - 100
Cost 60
Total income 30
150 for the second time
Deposit 80
Excluding 30% profit from the actual price of the product
105 rupees.
I mean 100 + 150 = 250 taka market thinking you gave him 100 + 60 = 160 taka
He gave you goods worth 185 taka.
60 taka for the first time, 105 taka for the second time.
It will look like he is losing. Not actually because he doesn't give cash back on all
products. By showing this calculation, he understands everyone.
Remember that evaly never give consumers any cash back. Instead you gave him
160 taka in cash. If he can take his expenses below 180 taka or in any other way he
can earn more than 15 taka but the business profit.
There are several benefits to adding a feature that could engage your users. One
apparent benefit is, of course, it will improve user engagement. Since the news
feed allows users to share their thoughts and opinion, a large number of users is
likely to take advantage of the feature and participate in the conversation,
eventually driving up the overall engagement in the app. And engagement often
leads to conversion. “We have introduced an MVP of News Feed feature on

Evaly App and to our surprise, the response has been overwhelming,” says Mr.
Rassel. “It has meaningful added to our overall user engagement.” The company
says an update to the News Feed is on the way which will allow users to post
reviews and ask for products or product reviews, a first for Bangladesh’s e-
commerce industry. Additionally, buyers will be able to negotiate prices and
mention friends to see a product together and share the product with them directly
without the hassle of copying links. Accordingly UNCTAD, logistics is one of the
major setbacks behind sluggish growth of the ecommerce industry in many
developing markets. Bangladesh is one those markets. The relatively weak postal
service, lack of infrastructure, poor service and limited coverage of traditional and
new generation logistics companies have made logistics as one of the more
pressing issues for the ecommerce companies in Bangladesh.

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