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年级 姓名 学号

Exercise—Local anesthesia
I. Single choice questions
1. The word ' aesthesia' implies ( )
a. loss of all sensation including touch, pressure, temperature and pain.
b. loss of painl sensation.
c. loss of temperature sensation.
d. loss of movement ability.
2. Llocal analgesia means ( )
a. loss of all sensation including touch, pressure, temperature and pain.
b. loss of painl sensation.
c. loss of temperature sensation.
d. loss of movement ability.
3. Clinical anesthesia in oral and maxillofacial region can be classified to two types. They are
( )
a. local anesthesia and general anesthesia.
b. local anesthesia and local analgesia.
c. infiltration anesthesia and block anesthesia.
d. local anesthesia and conscious sedation.
4. Local anaesthetics work by ( )
a. promoting local blood circulation..
b. acting on the nerve fibers and preventing painful sensory impulses from being
transmitted to the brain.
c. acting on the terminal nerve fibers and impeding painful sensory impulse transmitting
from the brain to operation areas.
d. permanently destruction of nerve fibers at the site of injection.
5. Which one of the following agents belongs to amino-esters. ( )
a. procaine b. lidocaine c. bupivacaine e. articine
6. Which one of the following agents belongs to amino-amides. ( )
a. procaine b. dicaine c. bupivacaine e. cocaine
7. Special one-off injectors can be used in local anesthesia with ( )
a. procaine b. lidocaine c. bupivacaine e. articine
8. The most potent local anesthetizing agent is ( )
a. procaine b. lidocaine c. bupivacaine e. articine
9. Which one works most quickly? ( )
a. procaine b. lidocaine c. bupivacaine e. articine
10. Which one of the following agents has the longest duration of action. ( )
a. procaine b. lidocaine c. bupivacaine e. articine
11. Chemical compound which can be used for refrigeration anesthesia is ( )
a. procaine b. lidocaine c. bupivacaine e. ethyl chloride
12. Agents used for superficial anesthesia are ( )
a. procaine and dicaine b. lidocaine and dicaine
c. bupivacaine and articaine e. ethyl chloride
13. Anesthetics commonly used for infiltration anesthesia are ( )

年级 姓名 学号

a. procaine and dicaine b. lidocaine and dicaine

c. Lidocaine and articaine e. ethyl chloride
14.Compounds commonly used for block anesthesia are ( )
a. procaine and dicaine b. lidocaine and dicaine
c. Lidocaine and articaine e. ethyl chloride
15. To incise a superficial abscess of face, ( ) is most suitable.
a. infiltration anesthesia b. block anesthesia
c. refrigeration anesthesia e. conscious sedation
16. To extract a loose deciduous tooth, ( ) is the most suitable method.
a. infiltration anesthesia b. block anesthesia
c. topical anesthesia e. conscious sedation
17. To extract a permanent tooth with severe caries, ( ) can be employed.
a. refrigeration anesthesia b. block anesthesia
c. topical anesthesia e. conscious sedation
18. For extraction of left mandibular impacted wisdom tooth, ( ) is the best way be
a. refrigeration anesthesia b. block anesthesia
c. topical anesthesia e. conscious sedation
19.Anesthezing injection at ( ) will lead to painful insensibility of palatal gingiva near the
upper first molar.
a. maxillary tuberosity b. posterior palatine foarmen
c. infraorbital foramen e. incisive fossa
20.Anesthezing injection at ( ) will lead to painful insensibility of buccal gingiva near the
upper second molar.
a. maxillary tuberosity b. posterior palatine foarmen
c. infraorbital foramen e. incisive fossa
21.Anesthezing injection at ( ) will lead to painful insensibility of palatal gingiva near the
upper incisor.
a. maxillary tuberosity b. posterior palatine foarmen
c. infraorbital foramen e. incisive fossa
22.Anesthezing injection at ( ) will lead to painful insensibility of labial gingiva near the
upper canine
a. maxillary tuberosity b. posterior palatine foarmen
c. infraorbital foramen e. incisive fossa
23. To extract an impacted lower wisdom tooth, block anesthesia of ( ) should be employed.
a. inferior dental(alveolar) nerve and long-buccal nerve
b. maxillary posterior alveolar nerve
c. naso-palatine nerve
e. infraorbital nerve
24.Contraindications of local anesthesia does not include ( )
a. acute suppurative infections b. apprehensive and uncooperative patients
c. chronic hepatitis e. hypertension higher than 180mmHg/100mmHg
25. The application of adrenal in chloride or suprarenin cannot ( )
a. shorten anesthetic effect.

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b. constrict blood vessels

c. decrease absorption of anesthetic during local anesthesia
e. lessen hemorrhage
26. Allergy testing should be taken in case of local anesthesia using ( ).
a. procaine b. lidocaine c. articaine e. ethyl chloride
27. Allergic reactions are mainly associated with ( ) in the cartridge during local
anesthezing operation.
a. preservative methylparaben b. epinephrine c. adrenailn e. ethyl chloride
28. Accidental i.v. injection of local anesthetics may result in ( )
a. infections b. prolonged anesthesia c. facial paralysis e. toxic reaction
29. Facial paralysis during local anesthezing is caused by ( )
a. allergic reaction of amino-esters b. breaking of the needle
c. paralyzing of facial nerve fibers e. high plasma concentration
30. Idiosyncrasy for local anesthesia means ( )
a. acute allergic reaction for patient to anesthetics
b. trismus showed by patient
c. palpitation encountered by patient
e. light-headedness of patient

II. Answer the following questions

1. Classification of anesthetics and common used agents?
2. What are conduction anesthesia and its difference from infiltration anesthesia?
3. To extract impacted left wisdom tooth, which local anesthesia can be employed? And how
many nerves are to be anesthesized?

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