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To: Julie Jones

From: Maria O’Connor

cc: Susan Midwood

Date: 11/06/2020

Re: Audience Analysis

The purpose of this memo is to analyze the differences and similarities between two
websites that uses non-technical writing and technical writing to educate patients about the
nutrition/diet after being diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. By analyzing these two
websites, we will be able to determine the audience, the strategies, the technical language, and
the visuals the website is using.
The website representing non-technical writing is titled Nutrition in non-alcoholic fatty liver
disease (,
and the website representing technical writing is titled When your liver is compromised by
NASH, make it work less (

The primary audience of both websites are patients that have been diagnosed with non-
alcoholic fatty liver disease and are interested in learning and following fatty liver disease diet,
the secondary audience would be patient-education personnel. The website Nutrition in non-
alcoholic fatty liver disease is for patients that have little to no knowledge of fatty liver disease.
This website is easy to read and understand, as it explains in very simple words what non-
alcoholic fatty liver disease is, the risk factors, healthy eating, healthy weight, and increasing
exercise. Whereas, the website When your liver is compromised by NASH, make it work less,
it’s primarily aimed towards patients who have a college degree and have medical knowledge.
The material in this website provides a high overview of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and
they type of diet a patient should follow.

Neither of the websites show persuasive strategies. Their main purpose is to inform and
educate patients of the type of nutrition/diet they should follow if they have nan-alcoholic fatty
liver disease. Both websites mention Mediterranean diet is a better diet to follow; however, the
non-technical writing website goes into detail of the components of the Mediterranean diet,
whereas the technical writhing website assumes the patient would be able to independently
understand the components of the Mediterranean diet. The technical writing website has four
separate sections where the patients and patient-education personnel can explore and learn
more about the general overview of NASH, the symptoms, the diet, and NASH Education

The non-technical writing website uses more technical language than the technical
writing website. The non-technical writing website explains the three key areas to fucus on in
order to reduce the risk factors of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease which include: healthy eating,
healthy weight and increasing exercise. When it talks about healthy eating it describes the type
of food groups to increase and which food groups to decrease; and it explains the difference
between good fat and bad fat. When it talks about healthy weight, it explains that even a 5-10%
weight loss can improve liver function tests, decrease fatty liver and improve blood sugar
control. When it talks about increasing exercise, it explains the importance it plays in weight
control and provides examples on how to incorporate more movement into your daily routine.
The technical writing website gives examples of the type of foods you should avoid and what
type of foods you should add to your diet, but it does not provide as much detailed information
as the non-technical website does.

The sentences in the non-technical website have an average of twelve to nineteen

words, and the paragraphs are composed of two to three sentences long. The sentences in the
technical website have an average of nineteen to forty words, and the paragraphs are
composed of three to five sentences. The technical website shows that the patient has to have a
higher education and knowledge of medical terms and understanding of liver disease. Whereas,
the non-technical website’s audience does not need to have a higher education or knowledge of
the subject. The technical website is more formal than the non-technical website. The technical
website uses medical terms such as fibrosis and cirrhosis to describe liver damage and also
uses the term triglycerides describe a type of fat. The audience for the technical website needs
to have knowledge of medical terms in order to understand the patient education presented.

The non-technical website did not have any advertising. It did however have a website
address for the disclaimer and copyright statement of the information shared on the website.
The technical website did have advertisings for clinical trial finder, and other websites created
by LiverSaver. Having these types of advertising in the technical website gives an indication
once again that the audience for this website needs to have higher education and
understanding of liver disease.

The non-technical website uses illustrations of a healthy plate model, the Mediterranean
Diet Pyramid, and a suggested meal plan. The healthy plate model illustrates how much vegies,
carbohydrates, and lean protein should be part of diet. The Mediterranean Diet Pyramid
illustrates the type of foods and liquids included in this diet. The visual aids help the patient have
a better understanding of the nutrition and diet plan they need to follow to have a healthier liver.
The technical website does not use visual aids to help guide the patient.

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