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With increasing pressures to optimize costs, it • Execute tasks and document activities identified in the
inspections plan
becomes critical that inspection and mainte-
• Ensure compliance and manage risk at an optimum
nance efforts be streamlined for utmost effi- level using predefined reports and metrics
ciency. Balancing inspection costs with regula- Meridium's RBI module uses industry standards and best
tory compliance can only be achieved by under- practices, as well as the experience of our clients, to devel-
standing the risk that an asset poses to a manu- op a best-in-class RBI work process which includes upfront
facturing facility. Many organizations are turn- corrosion engineering, risk assessment, development of
ing to Risk Based Inspection (RBI) as an accepted inspection strategies, execution and documentation of the
methodology which assesses the probability of inspection program and inspection re-evaluation capabili-
failure against consequence to optimize inspec-
tion activities based upon overall risk. Upfront Corrosion Engineering
Companies need an RBI program in compliance As a key step of the Meridium RBI workflow, corrosion
with API 580 that is seamlessly integrated into engineering lays the foundation for an evergreen RBI
inspection management. process. Steps in the upfront corrosion engineering phase
Meridium’s Risk Based Inspection (RBI) module is part of
• Definition of Corrosion Loops - The examination and
the Strategy Development stage of applications and an
documentation of the manufacturing process into spe-
integrated component of a complete Asset Performance
cific corrosion loops. Corrosion loops allow for the
Management (APM) solution. Meridium provides a com-
grouping of equipment or equipment components
plete risk based inspection work process, which allows for
which are exposed to similar process conditions, degra-
the definition of corrosion circuits and potential damage
dation mechanisms and material selection criteria.
mechanisms and the quantitative analysis of overall risk
Meridium enables the effective development and docu-
through the evaluation of the damage mechanisms, as well
mentation of corrosion loops, which establishes the
as a comprehensive program to manage the implementa-
basis for a knowledge management system by allowing:
tion and execution of the inspection strategy.
• The systematic and elaborate documentation of
The Meridium RBI application provides an integrated crit-
corrosion loops for effective knowledge sharing
icality calculator, but also has standard interfaces to other
with inspectors and other end users in the field
popular calculators used within industry. Meridium's RBI
who may not be corrosion domain experts.
module offers the key work processes to not only calculate
risk but also to drive the overall RBI program and ensure • Linkage of marked-up PFDs and schematics to the
that inspection strategies are evaluated as equipment con- corrosion loops for easy reference.
dition changes, ensuring an evergreen program. • A ssig nment of Potential Degradation Mechanisms -
With the Meridium RBI software, a user is empowered to: After corrosion loops have been identified and docu-
mented, the applicable potential degradation mecha-
• Rank fixed equipment based on criticality, which is cal-
nisms are assigned for the loop. Meridium provides a
culated from the probability and consequence of fail-
library of potential degradation mechanisms with the
RBI module but also allows for extensibility of the
• Develop and implement inspection plans using prede- Potential Degradation library:
fined and/or customer-defined inspection strategies
• Use of baseline quantitative and qualitative poten- eliminate any potential discrepancies between EAM
tial degradation mechanisms. and RBI/inspection management systems.
• The ability to add additional potential degradation • The creation and management of multiple RBI
mechanisms as corporations accumulate and docu- components for the same equipment item, which
ment knowledge and experience about their manu- accommodates different degradation mechanism
facturing processes. profiles that may exist within the same equipment.
• Establishment of Critical Process Variables (CPVs) - • The ability to assign RBI components to a corrosion
Understanding and managing processes within the estab- loop, allowing a "top-down" approach to manage-
lished operating envelope is an important aspect of the ment of the quantitative analyis and RBI strategy.
RBI workflow, as process excursions could have a signifi- Potential degradation mechanisms and CPV infor-
cant impact on risk. Meridium RBI provides the func- mation which is gathered and documented for the
tionality for the RBI team to identify and document corrosion loop are passed down to the individual
process parameters that need to be monitored, along RBI components assigned within that loop.
with their associated alarm levels. As part of an integrat-
ed RBI workflow, Meridium facilitates: Risk Assessment
• The documentation of CPVs to a corrosion loop or A key component of the overall RBI process is the quantita-
asset tive and qualitative assessment of risk. To properly calculate
• Definition of multiple alarm levels for each CPV overall risk, many data elements should be leveraged to pro-
based on anticipated impact vide the most complete analysis possible. With the
• Management of process excursion events from Meridium RBI module, the risk assessment process can
process historians leverage data from the corrosion engineering process, the
current results of the inspection and the thickness monitor-
• Alerting and triggering the RBI or inspection strate-
ing program, as well as other data from process historians
gy for re-evaluation when thresholds are exceeded
and EAM systems. Common data elements which are avail-
• Management of Equipment Design and Process Data - able for the Risk Assessment step include:
Equipment design and process data are key data compo-
• Potential degradation mechanisms
nents which are used as inputs for risk assessments.
Meridium RBI provides several capabilities to ensure all • Equipment and corrosion loop design and process data
detailed data needed for quantitative RBI evaluation is • CPVs and associated alarm levels
available through: • Regulatory inspection history
• The equipment definitions maintained in the • Thickness monitoring and corrosion history
Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system to • Maintenance history

Corrosion loops can have both baseline and client-specific potential degradation mechanisms. CPVs may have multiple upper
and lower alarm levels and be aggregated as operating envelopes.
As part of the Risk Assessment stage, a quantitative evalu- • Document the results of qualitative inspections using
ation is performed on the potential degradation mecha- Meridium Inspection Management functionality and
nisms identified for the RBI component, along with the drive those findings back into the RBI work process.
associated consequences. Meridium RBI provides quantita- • Document thickness measurements captured during
tive methodologies for evaluating: UT/RT Inspections, perform corrosion rate calculations
• Flammable, toxic, product leak (tube bundles), environ- using Meridium Thickness Monitoring and utilize that
mental cleanup (tank bottoms), and consequences, quantitative data to ensure the RBI work process is kept
with an associated ranking on a scale of A-E. evergreen.
• Internal corrosion, external corrosion (including CUI), • Utilize the Meridium recommendation management sys-
and environmental cracking degradation mechanisms, tem to centrally manage and implement all inspection
with an associated probability ranking on a scale of 1-5. recommendations and track them to closure.
In addition to the quantitative methodologies, Meridium
also provides a library of qualitative degradation mecha- RBI Strategy Re-Evaluation
nisms and consequences. Meridium RBI provides options Utilizing standard Meridium condition alert functionality,
for extensibility by allowing clients to incorporate any spe- RBI managers and inspection supervisors can define auto-
cific degradation mechanisms or consequences that are not mated alerts that facilitate condition-based re-evaluation of
provided out of the box. risk assessments and updates to inspection strategies as new
Once the risk is calculated, inspection priorities are defined inspection, corrosion and excursion histories are identified
for each degradation mechanism and then rolled up to by Meridium. In addition to customer-defined condition
derive an overall inspection priority and risk ranking for alerts, Meridium also provides time-based re-evaluation of
the RBI component that has been analyzed.
For Meridium RBI users that have standardized on the API
RBI quantitative risk analysis approach, Meridium provides
a connector to the API RBI Calculator which allows you
to leverage Meridium for the overall RBI workflow but
leverage API-sanctioned quantitative risk analysis calcula-
tions within the API RBI Calculator.
Inspection Strategy Development
and Implementation
Using the Meridium RBI module, clients can define and
manage inspection strategy rule sets which allow for com-
mon evaluation logic of risk assessment results. Utilizing
the logic built into the strategy rule sets, users are able to
automatically generate RBI recommendations which detail
the overall inspection plan through the definition of
inspection tasks, scope and frequency derived from the Inspection priorities and risk rankings are rolled up from individual degrada-
Inspection priorities calculated from the individual degra- tion mechanisms.
dation mechanisms.
The Meridium RBI module provides the ability to centrally
manage all RBI recommendations for equipment so they inspection strategies for inspection intervals greater than ten
can be evaluated and merged with the overall executable years based on API 580 guidelines, at approximately the
inspection plan. RBI recommendations can be consolidat- half-life of the major inspection interval.
ed, reconciled and approved for integration with existing
inspection plans. Additional RBI Capabilities
Strategy Execution and • Standard integration with existing business systems -
Many companies already have EAM systems in place to
Inspection Documentation handle asset and work management. Meridium provides
Meridium provides integrated Inspection Management and standard interfaces with these systems, which eliminates
Thickness Monitoring solutions which are designed to the need to maintain data between the two systems man-
work with the Meridium RBI module. RBI inspection ually. Interfaces to EAM systems also allow for seamless
strategies can be implemented and managed within the work-process integration between Maintenance,
Meridium inspection solutions. In addition, the results of Operations, Engineering, and Inspection organizations.
the documented inspections, findings and corrosion rates • Integrated within a comprehensive APM system - All
can be further leveraged within the Meridium RBI module Meridium products share a common database, and the
to ensure that an evergreen process is implemented. work processes are fully integrated.
Utilizing the integrated inspection solutions within
Meridium, users can:
• Microsoft Office® integration Meridium Solution Best Practices are
- Reports, plots, and data can developed and maintained to align with,
be easily exported to support and continuously improve all
Microsoft Office applications Meridium APM software modules.
such as Word, PowerPoint, Meridium Packaged Solutions
and Excel, as well as Adobe
PDF formats. The Risk Based Inspection module is a
• E-mail capabilities - Links to part of the Meridium RBI Packaged
calibration results and Solution. Meridium Packaged Solutions
plots/trends (as well as any are fixed-price, fixed-scope, low-risk
data in APM) can be sent via implementation packages that provide a
e-mail, facilitating collabora- standard path to APM value through the
tion within and between var- alignment and deployment of our
ious sites. Solution Best Practices, software, training
• Print capabilities - Provides and services expertise. Meridium
the ability to print various Packaged Solutions help you focus on
reports, plots, and data. quick value delivery rather than technical
Meridium RBI provides a best- details by lowering your implementation
in-class application for docu- risks, providing fixed-price deployment
menting corrosion loops, poten- options, and accelerating time-to-benefit.
tial degradation mechanisms and __________________
operating envelopes in a system-
atic and consistent manner Meridium enables industry-proven work
which allows Meridium cus- processes to maximize physical asset per-
tomers to preserve corporate formance, mitigate risk, and optimize cost
knowledge and retain informa- across the business enterprise. Meridium
tion from domain experts and achieves this through effective asset
field personnel. The Meridium strategies based on best practices, rigorous
RBI software offers: analytics and plant history. Meridium
• Integration with a robust APM software also aligns key perform-
inspection management sys- ance indicators with corporate goals and
tem, offering transparency provides critical analyses to decision mak-
and an audit trail as RBI analysis results are translated ers about their production assets on an enterprise, plant, sys-
to executable plans. tem, equipment, and component level.
• An enterprise system with a centralized database and a
robust IT architecture, allowing companies to standard-
ize RBI best practices and workflows across multiple
sites and disciplines.
• A flexible inspection strategy framework, enabling
clients to tailor inspection strategies based on company
policies or site-specific jurisdictional requirements.
• Robust querying, reporting and graphing functionality,
offering users enhanced abilities to mine data and
develop client-specific reports. Corporate Headquarters
Roanoke, Virginia, USA +1.540.344.9205
Meridium Solution Best Practices Regional Office
As part of the Strategy Development stage and an integrat- Houston, Texas, USA +1.281.920.9616
ed component of Meridium APM software, Risk Based Europe
Inspection is supported by the Meridium Solution Best Walldorf, Germany +49.6227.7.33890
Practices, which are recommended methodologies to Middle East, Africa
enable industry-proven APM Work Processes. Solution Dubai, United Arab Emirates +971.4.365.4808
Best Practices are comprehensive, role based workflows
Asia Pacific
that illustrate how to use each solution method and tool.
This ensures that the methodology and software tools are Perth, Australia +61.08.9278.2663
used in a consistent and standard way to deliver value
based on their intended purpose. They represent the cul-
mination of Meridium’s extensive experience with our
clients to practically apply APM solutions in the field.

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