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As Nomenclature TpeLecaiy Dasition FasilContent Saigrophic Relationship Halong Formation Miocene Kastowo. Susarna(1996) Halong Hil, Majenang Quadrangle, Jawa. Type section: Canyon Cikabayutan Rivertheough Geger along (Halang Hil), 10849 72, ‘Allerating sandstone, laystone, mart and ff with netcalaton of breccia Lepidocyelina (Trybliolepidina) raen!. Lepidocyelina borneensis Lepidocyctina dowillel, Cheloctypeus.indopacifieus, C. postindopacfcus 1982) mentioned the occurrence of planktonic furaminifes in the lower and upper part ofthe formation The foraminifers in the lower past of formation indicate NIS_N16 age, whereas those inthe upper pat indicate NIS [Nigage. Fossils of upper bathyal environment wer also found Le. Grrodina sp, and Eponidessp. “Ths formation conformably overlies he Lak Formation andisdisconformabls ‘verainby the Tapak Formation. 400 700m, ks ‘Westempartof Noth Seray Mountains Submarine fannnenitic dep Forearebasin “This unit was formed ae turbigite deposits, This ame was used by Haar (1934), ‘evel (1938)and yan Bemmelen (1949) Kastowo and Suwam, N, 1996, Geological Map ofthe Majemang Quadrangle, Jawa, I 109,000 Geological Research and Development Cente, Bandung Haliomun Lavas Pleistocene - Holocene Swjatmiko and Santos (19923) {G Halimun, Bogor Quadrangle, Jawa Andesite lavaandbasaltc lava InerFingers with Tapos Breccia Nodata Leuwidamar Quadrangle, awa Subaeril volcanism Voleanicave This nitisequvalentto Volcanic LavaofBOGOR Sujatmiko and Santosa, S, 19922, Geological Map ofthe Lewmar, Java 1100, 000. Geological Res earch and Development Cente, Bandung Sujatmiko and Santosa, $1992. Geology of he Lewwidamar Jawa. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung, Hlog Sandstone LateEocene Peters eral (1993) ‘iam alo, Mahakar River, Long Pakangal Sheet Sandstone; minor conglomerate andmudstone: are limestone and ora Benthonie and rare. planktonic foraminifera: agents of oti, “alane, pelecypod, echinois and beyszoans. The Foraminifera comprises Diseuevelma Smphalus, minolids, Operculma sp. Elphidlum sp-andTexauariasp UUnconformable on and locally in fault contact with he Ema Group and the nigka Group: disconformable on Nyaan Volcanies: conformable below the Batu Kelas Formation and Batu Ayan Formation; ineringers with undivided Halog Sandstone and Batu KelauFormatin- intruded by the Sint 400300 Distribution Depositional Setting Tectonic Setting Economic Aspect Remark Reference Name of Unit Age ‘Nomenclature ‘TypeLocality Description FossilContent Statigraphi Relationship Thicknese Disteibution Depositional Setting ‘Tectonic Setting Economic Aspect Remark Reference Name Or Unit Age ‘Nomenclature TypeLocality Description FossilContent StatigraphicRelationship Thickness Distribution Depositional Sting Tectonic Setting Economie Aspect Remark Reference ‘Long Febangs Sing, Pussy, Mara Ancalng Shee Kalin Highererg shill marino dln, agoonelerestuarine Syeritseguence Polen eservoirroks Oitcompany ised the name Kiam Halo Formation, Similar toi orth Jawa, _ ‘oro Pieters, PE. Abidin, HZ. and Sulina, D.. 1953. Geolope engpakange! Shei, Kalimantan 1350000. Gceouen ae Development Cente Banding Hamisan Formation Otigocene Suwarnaeral (199336) Hang Muisan Village (old gold mining aes), Singkawang Kalimantan Quartz and thc arcnite,polymictic conglomerate, fcalyintercl laystoe: through cross bedding andpaale bedding, - Nodata Uncontormable on Raya Voleanies, non-conformable on Mel Granodiorite, posible conelative to Sekayam and’ Landak Sanggau Upt0250m Singkawang Quadrangle, WestKalimantan Fluviatle Rintedsequence(?) Potentiareservoirrock Equivalent t9 post Triassic Sandstone (Wing Easton, 1904) and old Te Plateau Sandstone faces (Emmichoven, 1939), Original name is Hang mit(Anon, 1978). The Hamisan sintoduecdby Vianeera (1981) Savama, N., Sutrisno, Keyser, Fe, Langfot, RP. and Trail, DS, Geological Nop of the Singkavong Sheet. Kalmantan 1:250 060 ‘Researchand evelopment Centre, Bandung. Suwarna, N., Sutisno, Keyser, Fe, Langford, RP. and Tei, DS, Geology of the Singhawang Sheet, Kalimantan. Geological Res Development Cenire, Bandung. Haporas Granite ? Paleogene Aspden eral (1982) ined, quart, feldspar, porphyry {ntrudes he Sibolga Granite Complex, overainby the Barus Formation Nodata Padangsidempuan & Sibolga Quadrangles, Sumatera Magmati are ‘Construtional materials CClasts which ofsimitarlitologi occur in basal Banus Formatonin Sido” Aspden, J... Kartawa, W. Alsi. DT, Djunaddin, A, Whandoyo, RB D. Clarke,” MCG. and Harahap, "H,. 1082" Geological Mop. Fadangsidempuan and Sibolga Quadrangie, Sumatera. 1.980.000, GeO Researchand Development Centre, Bandung HHarangesl Volcanic Formation MidleMiosne- tte Miosne Assert (1983) Mount Heranggao (463317), Sidalang Quadrangle, Sumatera Ppl ce ds phe Th lacy plagioclase - pyroxene dacte overs columnar joited die etl tite welded tft intsovehe main with deviled glow Csi sbunda plagioclase, se othopyrosenc end minor opasuc agua This tf overs Reddedandsie reste Plstosasepyroneneandester ssc ‘Unecain by the Put Formation, vein by Hn Volcanism Vlcanic Cente Nowata Sidialang sidan, Smaera Nodata Moamaicare Constucional materia Nowa Aldiss, DT, Whandoyo, R Sjcfiien, AG. and Kesono, 1983, Geological ‘Map ofthe Selalng Quacronge, Sumatera 1:250.000 Glog Research and Development Cente, Banding Haruyan Formation Upper Creaceous (66.2681 630 8292922 21 ma) eryanio & Sanyo (1994) Haruyan River or Haruyan Village, Amuntai Quadrangle, Kalimantan Voleanicbrecsia,avaand basal, andesite and dacite composition. Intetingering withthe Ptap Formation 250m alikpapan, Tepianbalai, Sampanahan, Amuntai, Koubaru, Plangkaraya and Pangkalanbun Quadrangles, Kalimantan, Nodata Voleanicare Mineralization Heryanto era. (1998) promote the Haruyan Fromation int Haruyan Group that consistsoftwo formations: Pitanak and Paau Formations. Heryanto,R. and Sanyo, P1994. Geologieal Mop of the Amuntat Quadrangle, Kalimantan, 1:250.000, Geological Research and Development Cente, Bandung Hatapang Granite Late Cretaceous Clarkeera (1982) AirFatapang (570243), Pematangsianar Quadrangle, Sumatera Main phases mic strongly perphytitic with bitte, aminor hornblende and ‘muscovite. Tourmaline rich segregations are vommon. Laler and marital phases (microgranite and pegmatites) are characterized. by muscovite and Tourmaline, the later often 36ers cuting veinlets and also a large (25 cin) trysial in pegmatites Country rock thermally metamorphosed, often ut by quartz ‘eins. tcontact country eock converted omicaschist. Inirues the TapanuliGroup Nodata Air Hajaranon Pematangsiantar Quadrangle, Sumatera, 11 ‘Tectonic Setting Economic Aspect Remark Reference Nameof Unit Age Nomenetature TypeLocaliy Description FossilContent Siatigraphic Relationship “Thickness Distribution Depositional Setting ‘Tectonic Sting eonomic Aspect Remark Reference Nameot Unit Ase Nomenclature Type Locality Description Fossil Content ratigraphic Relationship “Thickness Distibtion Deposiional Setting Tectonic Setting Economic Aspect Remark Reference 192 Magmati are 1W and Sin identified fom pegmatite with pyrite, rseaopyrite, Nur Thi ih P a Nota Clarke, MCG, Ghazal $A, Haran, Kusyono ad Stephen Geologen! Map of the Penttangsvaor Quadrangle, Suter 1 Geolopcal Research and Development Cente. Banding Hatwolo Formation Paleocene -Facene Tjokrosaoetretal (19935) Hatuolo Village, Masobi Sheet, Seram, Coordinate 129°32" 3°20-3°25 longitude Shale, mar limestone andcher, Giloboroxaiavlascoensis, Globigerina eocenica,Globorotaia poe Gr ehrentergt, Gr elongata, Gr cf. preudabulondes, Cr pe Globorevaiasp. CConformably overisthe Sawai Formation More than 300m “Masohi Sheet, Bulaand Watubela Sheet, eran, Maluku Deep marine ‘Continent Probably sourcerock forkydrocsrbon ‘van de Sluis (1950) reported that Eocone age of the unit, Paty areas in Salas Compl. Its part of Niet Beds (Audley Charles ea Section Pasahar River Tokrosapoetro, . Achdan A, Suwitodtdo, K.,RusmanaE, and Abid 1993a, Geological Map of the Masohi Ouodvangle. Maik 1 Geological Research and Development Cente, Bandung. ‘okrosapoetto, S., Achdan A, Suwitodndjo K, Rusmana & and At 1993p. Geology ofthe Masohu Quadangle, Mutu, Geological Rest Development Cente, Bandung, fRelatonship HavlasiFormation Middle Paleocene-Middle Eocene Rosidieral( 1996) Faulasi Village, Kupang Atambua Quadrangle Consist of shallow ssater deposits, conglomerate greywacke, 3 tuffaceous shale and well bedded grey to greenish mar, volcanic mat common inthis formation Strongly folded and foliated, sump struc, ‘Nummutessp, Fasctoless..Operculma sp, Ouingueloculmasp. Tectonic contact with the Mus Complex. 300m Kupang-Atambua Quadrangles, Timor ‘Shallow Marine Allochthone Upper pat of the Paleo series according to Tappenbeck (1940), Alla units. This was the upper pat of the “Paleloseies”aecording 10 (1940). Type section, Palelo River and Rio (River) Bes, north of fl Mountains Rosidi, HM. Tjokrosspocto, S., Gafoer, S.. 1996, Geological Kupang-Atambia, Quadrangle Tinon 1-250 00 Geologies! R Development Cente, Bandung iligeho Formation . Middle Miocene Late Miocene ‘as andSupandjono (1995) iligeh Village, Tanahmas, Telo Quadrangle ‘Marl claystne, sandstone and eoglomerate with bedded limestone lenses Orbulina bibolona, Globigermoides trilobus. Globoguadrina vene=uelana, Gotorotalia menardi Globoquacrnaalespira, Plemulinasp., Pullemaina sp. and Nomionspp. >so0m P Tanahbalon Telo Quadrangle, Sumatera Invertoouter sub-itoral Foreare Nodata Nas, DS. and Supandione, 1B. 1995, Geological Map of the Telo Shee, ‘Sumatera, 1-250 000, Geslogical Researchand Development Centre, Bandung, Holocene voteanie rocks of BACAN (Qh) Holocene Yasin(1980) Notspecitied yroclastic and lava of andesite composition, The lavas are generally pyrowene neste dark eey, partly vesicular thers are bitte andesite and amphybole fndesite.Voleanic brectia containing partly vesicular amphibole andesite. Tull ayers areas intercalation ‘Builng wp the cones of Mt, Bibino, Mt, Caka Suangei, Mt Dua Ssudara, Mt ‘Amasing, Mt Songa, and Mi. Lansa, Noda Nodata ‘This voleanies fom lakes at Mt, Caka SuanggiandLake Songa Yasin A., 1980, Geologiccal Map of the Bacan Quadrangle, North Maluku 1259000. Geological Research and DevelopmentCenive, Bandung. Holocene voleanies of MOROTAL (Qhya’b) Holocene Supriana (1980), Notspecitied Lava and breccias of andesite to basaticcomposition ‘Overles the Tagawa Formation, Interfingering witht “Moot Quadrangle, Nrth Maluku Suberil VoleanicAte Nodata ‘Thisunit was named Terate Volesnics by Bessho (1944). Supriatna, $1980. Geologiciew! Map af the Morotat Quadiangle. Nort Malu, 250000. Geological Research and Development Centre, Bandung, 193. Nameof Unit Age Nomenclature Type Locality Description Fossil Content Stratigraphic Relationship “Thickness Distributions Depositona Setting ‘Teetoni Setting Economic Aspect Remark Reference Name of Unit Age Nomenclature “TypeLocality Description Fossil Content Stratigraphic Relationship ‘Thickness Distribution Depostional Setting Teetonie Setting Economie Aspect Remark Reference Name of Unit Age ‘Nomenclature TypeLocality Description FossitContent Stratigraphic Relationship 198 Holocene neni oF TERNATE (Qh Holocene a oman Sadana (1980) Novoectee Velen resis, vas and olen ath. The voli bec Dyoxene andesite im composton, dar pep. compact somes ‘with the breccias. The tuff is yellowish white to grey, brittle, mediumig thick, e, fe erpcoet in the surroundings of the Sabale volcano. The y is grey colour, well-stratified in layers of 1S, as can be ot i of the Ternate volcano, i. ” Secon Inpho nic cones Hirt, Temate, Sum Tiga, Honje Formation Late Miocene Sudan Stros( 1950) Hone, west parof be Ciarang Quadrangle, fs leanibreca tf andstiesaclva seed mood. Sileifedwood ‘This unit sconormaby overs he Cimapag Formation (East Mio intertingers with the Bojongmanik Formation, a 2500 6m Inthe. este prt of the Cikarang Quadkagl, om Baie ‘Sodong. up to G. Honje and Pasirnangka area “7 Tene Nocatee The silced wood is ity whit brown, rom seve em 1 es anes Suulana, D. and Santosa, 1982, Geological Map of the Ciharang Q ava. 1100-000, Geological Research and Development Cente Bnd HornblendeAndesiteof BOGOR (ha) Early Miocene Ettendicrat (1998) Horblende andesite, manly with intermediate playioctse and hor southeast corer of quadrangle pees Nodata . Pr Tugu, Bogor Quadrangle, awa Voleanicare Construction or building material ‘Typesectionis Pr Tose Effendi, A.C. Kusnama and. Hermano, B., 1998. Geological Map ofthe Bogor (Quarangle, Jew 1:100,000. Geological Research and Development Cente, Banding Hornblende yperstene Pamiceous Tuff of ADANG (Qhpt) Pestocene-Holocene Kastowoerat (1996) Southeast of Manin] ake, Padang Quadangle, Sumatera Pumice lopli tu. commonly ranging between 2-10 cm in diameter, containing 53-10% homblende, hypersiene and biotite: slightly consolidated: white or yellowish grey when fresh, Nodata Nodata Padang Quadrangle, Sumatera ‘Terrestrial Magmaticare Nodats Kastowo, Gethard, Leo, W, Gafeer,S. and Amin, T., 1996, Geological Map of the Padang Quadrangle, Sumater, 1:250.000. Geological Research and Development Cente, Bandung. tong Formation Early Miocene -Middle Miocene “Tokrosapoeto era (1993), Hotong River, northwest Buru long 126'07E, latt 03070512, Buna (Quadrangle, Mak Sandstone, shale, siltstone, limestone, conglomerate. Sandstone forms the Principal lithology calcareous in places wel sorted, Cemglomerate plymict with ‘quartz, schist, phy, slate, sandstone, and limestone components, cemented hy Sand. Sedimentary structures nchide graded bedding, cross bedding and pale! lamination Lepidocyclna angulosa, Mogypsina sp, Ausromillont sp. Procorbulina slomerasa,Globorocaliaarcheomenardi,Orbulina biota Uncontormably overlain by the Leko Formation, interfingers with the Faw Formation 300m (Coastal areaof west and northwest Bur Islandand around the Rana Lake (Open sea wate, at outer sublitoral to upper bathyal depths with good water circulation Continent Reservir rook forhydrocarbon, Tipkrosspocto, S., Budhitrisna,T, and Rusmana, F., 1993. Geology ofthe Bur (Quadrangle, Matt, 1:250,000. Geological Research and Development Center, Bandung, 19s Name Unit Age Nomenclature TypeLocality Description FossilContent graphic Relationship Thickness Distribution Depositional Setting Tectonic Setting conomie Aspect Remark Relerence Name of Unit Age [Nomenclature ‘TypeLacality Fossil Content Stratigraphic Relationship Thickness Distbation Deposition Setting Tectonic Setting Economic Aspect Remark Reference STRATIGRAPHIC LEXICOM OF ito ‘ulusimpang Formation Late Oligocene - Eary Miocene Susanaeral (1992and 1994) Br. Hulusimpang, Sarlangun Quadrangle, Sumatera Voleanic breccia, lava and tif with itercalations of conglomerate, ufien sandstones and locally wit imestone&claystone,characteristieally sea often mineralized resummed jnefinger wth he Papan Betupang Formation. Corel wl the Painan Formation (Rosier a, 1976), Locally intruded by Middle Monae rites and Sebiat Granodiorite. Overies unconformably the Asst and Posy Formations, 100m Sarolangun, Baturaj, Kotaagung, Tanungkarang, Sungai Sumatera Terrestrial to shallow mati penuh Quadrangle Nodata Previous name: Old Andesite Formation” (Bemmelen, 1949) ‘Suwarna, N;, Subarsono, Gafoer, S,, Amin, TC, Kusnama and Heemat 8 1992. Geological Map of the Sarlaneur, Sumatera 1:250 001. Geog Researchand evelopment Centre, Bandung, Suwama, N., Subarsono, Gafoer, 8, Amin, EC, Kusnama and Herma, 8 1994, Geology ofthe Sarolangun, Sumatera 1:25i,000. Geological Reseach Development Cente, Bandung Huraba Serpentnite Jurassio- Cretaceous ‘Aspdeneral (1982) Huraba Village, southwest of Padangsidempuan graben, Padangsidempuan nt Sibloga Quadrangles, Sumatera ‘Shearedto massive serpentinite, relict peridoites and pyroxenits Overlainby Aituyium, Faultbounded withthe surrounding units Padangsidempuan and Sibolga Quadrangles, Sumatera Subdution Nodata Probably tectoniclly in mid Cretaceous bu affected by later movement lng ‘Wester boundary fault of Padangsidempuan graben Represents part of ophioltcroeks othe WoylaGroup. Aspden,J.A.. Kartawa, W. Aldiss DT, Djunuddin,A., Whandeyo, R., Disima, D, Clarke.” MCG. and Harahap, "H, I9K2.” Geological Map of the Padangsidempuan and Sibolge Quatiangie, Sumatera, 1 250-000. Geologied Researchand Development Centre, Bandung - ees fe ZZ ional Set TenonieSeting zane Ae Remark wetence Nameof Unit Age Nomenclature ‘TypeLocalty Description Fossil Content Stratigraphic Thickness Distributions Depoiional ‘eetonic Set Economic As Remark Reference Name of Un Age Nomenclat Type Local Descriptio Fossil Com Siratigraph ‘Thickness Distribute Depostio Tectonies Econom Remark Refereno

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