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Cite This: ACS Earth Space Chem. 2019, 3, 2569−2581

Modeling Binary Mixtures of Water + Light Hydrocarbon Using the

Perturbed-Chain Statistical Associating Fluid Theory with Induced
Association: Improvement in Describing All Equilibrium Phases
Sugata P. Tan,*,† Jeffrey S. Kargel,† Steven D. Vance,‡ and Rosaly M. Lopes‡

Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, Arizona 85719, United States

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91109, United States
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ABSTRACT: Hydrophobic effects, including low mutual solubil-

ities, are well-documented between water and hydrocarbons.
However, as deduced from quantum chemical calculations and
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molecular simulations, an attractive interaction as a result of

electrostatic interactions and induction by water on hydrocarbon
molecules exists and must be included to adequately model water−
hydrocarbon systems. As shown in this work, the inclusion of these
interactions allows for the perturbed-chain statistical associating
fluid theory equation of state (EOS) to perform well in all
equilibrium phases. Without these corrections, the EOS usually
performs well only for the phase used for parametrization. Because
the EOS will also be used in near-freezing water temperatures, the
parameters of water are carefully derived to be able to reproduce
the density anomaly of water and behavior when extrapolated to the supercooled region. The improvements and calculations
will be useful for the assessment of the occurrences of potentially habitable water-poor and water-rich environments within the
ice crusts and rocky crusts of extraterrestrial bodies.
KEYWORDS: water−hydrocarbon mixtures, PC-SAFT, induced association, aqueous solubility, mutual solubility, supercooled water,

Water and hydrocarbons are ubiquitous in the universe. While
biology must have analogues in geochemistry, geophysics, and
potential biology on Titan and other hydrocarbon icy worlds,
they are known to be almost immiscible with each other, their such as clathrate hydrate formation, oil−water phase
mixtures nevertheless extensively exist in nature. For example, segregation in the subsurface ocean, toxicity, and metabolism.
natural gas on Earth contains water (moisture), which is As a result of the very low miscibility occurring in water−
undesired because it can cause corrosion of pipelines. For hydrocarbon mixtures, experimental measurements are always
engineering purposes, the saturation water content in gaseous challenging. Experimental data are often mutually inconsis-
hydrocarbons is of great interest. In a very different context, in tently found in the literature. Even for simple systems, such as
cold extraterrestrial worlds where liquid water only exists under water−methane and water−ethane mixtures, measurements
the surface, hydrocarbon condensates on the surface result are subject to substantial errors.4,5 Evaluations of the data are
from photolytic reactions in the atmosphere or potentially typically made available to check their consistency [e.g., by
from cryovolcanic eruptions. On Titan, the largest of Saturn’s International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
moons, hydrocarbons exist in a liquid phase in lakes and seas, in their Solubility Data Series6]. Consistent and accurate
which are fed by hydrocarbon rain. These surface reservoirs
thermodynamic models are therefore always desired to
may even connect to subsurface alkanifers, constituting an
describe these important systems. Modeling that applies
alkanology analogous to hydrology on Earth.1 It is likely that
liquid hydrocarbons meet water at some depth, either forming equations of state (EOS) is preferred, because it is easy to
nearly immiscible mixtures or solid clathrate hydrates. It also implement and computationally fast and applies the additional
seems likely that most of the surface hydrocarbons were requirement of thermodynamic consistency.
originally released as outgassed ethane and methane from
Titan’s interior,2 with further photolytic alterations in the Received: August 20, 2019
atmosphere, consistent with predictions of ethane and methane Revised: October 10, 2019
clathrates suffusing the icy lithosphere.3 Many of the physical Accepted: October 14, 2019
water−hydrocarbon phenomena pertinent to industry and Published: October 14, 2019

© 2019 American Chemical Society 2569 DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.9b00229

ACS Earth Space Chem. 2019, 3, 2569−2581
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

Unless the EOS can account for molecular association, such in the EOS or if there is still some missing physics to be taken
as hydrogen bonding of water molecules, modeling of water− into account. Because hydrocarbon molecules are non-
hydrocarbon mixtures fails to describe the aqueous solubility of associating, it is common to assume that they interact
hydrocarbons.7 Perturbed-chain statistical associating fluid attractively with water molecules only through a van-der-
theory (PC-SAFT) is an EOS approach that includes Waals-type dispersive interaction.
association in its building blocks, which makes it suitable for However, from a PC-SAFT model 21 and molecular
modeling aqueous systems. It is also known to be accurate in dynamics simulations,22 the effective water Lennard−Jones
representing both vapor and liquid phases and has good energy was found much larger than that commonly used in
predictability as a result of its self-consistent underlying simulation water models for describing the solubility of water
molecular thermodynamics.8,9 As a result of its well-established in alkanes. This prompted the same research group to perform
accuracy in modeling hydrocarbons, PC-SAFT is being applied ab initio calculations,23 which revealed that nonpolar
in planetary science. It has been coupled with a solid-phase molecules, such as n-alkanes can be electrostatically induced
EOS, known as CRYOCHEM, which has been applied to by the presence of water molecules, consistent with other
describe Titan’s atmospheric and surface condensates10 and independent works.24,25 They even conclude that the electro-
Pluto’s solid solutions.11 PC-SAFT was also applied to static and induction effects must be included to predict
investigate the phase behavior of fluids on Titan12−15 and correctly the water content in alkanes.26
the solvation of nitrogen compounds in Titan’s seas.16 This The cartoon in Figure 1, which is adapted with permission
paper marks an extension of PC-SAFT to enable modeling of from ref 23, shows methane and water molecules at their
planetary water−hydrocarbon systems.
Modeling water−hydrocarbon mixtures remains an active
area of research. Various EOS have been used; readers are
referred to recent papers and the references therein for a
deeper discussion.7,17,18 The difficulties in these modeling
efforts comprise two main issues: (1) few EOS can
simultaneously describe all equilibrium phases comparably
well, and (2) many EOS fail to reproduce the minimum
aqueous solubility of hydrocarbons with varying temperature.
There is not a single SAFT-based EOS that can simultaneously
resolve both issues. The first EOS that can capture the Figure 1. Methane and water molecules at their minimum energy
solubility minimum was soft-SAFT,19 which loses accuracy in configuration. The broken line represents the electrostatic cross
the aqueous phase. Haarmann et al.7 applied PC-SAFT to interaction. This figure was adapted with permission from ref 23.
present the mutual solubility of water−n-alkane mixtures Copyright 2016 AIP Publishing.
starting from n-pentane to n-pentadecane and briefly discussed
the three-phase equilibrium of water−propane and water−n- minimum energy configuration obtained by a quantum
butane mixtures. The minimum aqueous solubility is well- chemical calculation. There is an electrostatic type of cross
reproduced. However, for all mixtures discussed in the paper, interaction between the molecules, where water donates a
the description of aqueous phases is still substantially worse proton to methane.
than that of the hydrocarbon-rich phases. This weak interaction as a result of induction was never
It is common to fit the EOS binary parameters, which accounted for in previous modeling works. Therefore, it is the
correct the molecular dispersive interaction energy, to purpose of this work to improve the performance of the EOS
experimental data for binary mixtures. For water−hydrocarbon in describing water−hydrocarbon mixtures in all equilibrium
mixtures, the phase chosen for the fitting determines where the phases by including the induced interaction in PC-SAFT. With
model can be properly applied. In general, previous work used application of the same binary parameters, the EOS may be
the composition data for hydrocarbon phases to fit the model. used to calculate the saturated water content useful for
Consequently, they describe the saturated water content in engineering as well as the aqueous solubility of hydrocarbons
hydrocarbon phases quite well, but their prediction of the and water solubility in hydrocarbon-rich liquids that are useful
aqueous solubility of hydrocarbons is less accurate.7 On the in planetary studies, such as that of Titan, or for environmental
other hand, if one is interested only in modeling the aqueous work, e.g., in evaluating water polluted by hydrocarbons.
solubility, then the composition data for the aqueous phase are As a result of the same physics that governs the induction for
better used for parametrization, which results in a different polar and nonpolar molecules, to a first approximation, the
binary parameter. The latter parametrization is adopted in this approach chosen in this work is the simplest method
work because application for planetary bodies, such as Titan, introduced by Kleiner and Sadowski,27 which is readily
finds aqueous solubility to be of most interest, for example, in incorporated into the original PC-SAFT framework. Their
studies of subsurface ice-crusted oceans. However, a few method, which incorporates an interaction that they referred to
kilometers below Titan’s surface, depending upon the thermal as induced association, was originally applied for polar
characteristics of its icy lithosphere, hydrocarbons may coexist molecules induced by water and recently used for various
with liquid water, creating water-poor liquids analogous to oil groups of polar compounds.28 The application of this approach
slicks/plumes or water polluted with hydrocarbons on Earth.20 to water−hydrocarbon systems is introduced in this work by
Hence, there is interest in consistent modeling for both the assigning induced associating sites to the nonpolar molecules
aqueous and hydrocarbon-rich phases. that cross-associate with water molecules, as illustrated in
The failure in describing equilibrium phases equally well Figure 1.
raises a question of whether the interactions between water Because PC-SAFT will also be used at near-freezing water
and hydrocarbon molecules have been adequately represented temperatures, the EOS parameters of water are carefully
2570 DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.9b00229
ACS Earth Space Chem. 2019, 3, 2569−2581
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

derived to be able to reproduce the density anomaly of water at yi φî V (y, T , P) = xiφî W (x , T , P) = qiφî H(q, T , P)
277 K. The new set of parameters can describe this anomaly
and can be well-extrapolated down to the supercooled region. i = w, h (3b)
In this paper, we discuss mainly the first three light n-alkanes
and ethylene as a result of their abundance on Titan,29,30,12 where y = {yw, yh}, x = {xw, xh}, and q = {qw, qh} are the
which is relevant to the National Aeronautics and Space compositions in vapor, aqueous phase, and hydrocarbon-rich
Administration (NASA) project that supported the work. liquid, respectively. Subscripts w and h refer to water and the
Acetylene, which is also an abundant light hydrocarbon on hydrocarbon component, respectively. The fugacity coefficient
Titan, is not included because there are no experimental data φ is derived from eq 1 using the EOS. The formulation of each
for saturated water content in the vapor phase, which are energy term in eq 1 and the fugacity coefficient can be found
needed to derive the induced association. Nevertheless, a brief elsewhere.8,31 For two-phase equilibria, the fugacity of the non-
discussion of the aqueous solubility of acetylene is given in the existent phase must be removed from eq 3.
Supporting Information that accompanies this paper. In studies of solubility, such as for water−hydrocarbon

binary mixtures in this work, xh and qw are the mutual
MODELING METHOD solubility, where xh is the solubility of the hydrocarbon in the
aqueous phase and qw is the solubility of water in the
EOS. In PC-SAFT, a molecule is modeled to consist of
hydrocarbon-rich liquid. This mutual solubility can be in two-
spherical segments that make a chain via covalent bonds. The
phase liquid−liquid equilibrium or three-phase vapor−liquid−
chain molecules interact with each other via a short-range
liquid equilibrium. For two-phase vapor−liquid equilibrium,
dispersive interaction and longer range associating interactions,
there are the aqueous solubility xh and the content of water in
such as that between water molecules via hydrogen bonds.
vapor yw. As a result of the simple relationship between
The building block of this EOS is the residual Helmholtz
solubility and heat of solution,32 accuracy in describing the
energy that sums the above existing molecular interactions
solubility xh will result in good estimates for the heat of
a ̃R = a ̃HC + a ̃D + a ̃ A (1) solution and the heat capacity of solution.
It is also worth noting that eq 3 can be extended to
where the superscripts of the energy terms HC, D, and A
multicomponent mixtures, where all pure-component and
denote the hard-chain reference fluid, dispersion between
binary parameters are carried over to the mixtures to make
chains, and association between associating sites on the
good predictions. This extension is a subject of our current
interacting molecules. Other properties, including pressure
research, of which the results will be presented in a subsequent
and densities, can be derived from eq 1.
publication. However, to illustrate the EOS capability, an
PC-SAFT EOS has five major parameters for each chemical
example of calculations for ternary mixtures of water−
species, namely, molecular segment number (m), segment
methane−ethane is provided in the Supporting Information.
diameter (σ), and segment energy (ε) for all molecules and
Molecular Association and Polarity. Associating mole-
two other parameters for associating molecules, i.e., the
cules, such as water and alcohols, are modeled to have two
association energy (εAB) and association volume (κAB) between
types of associating sites, i.e., proton-acceptor and proton-
a proton-acceptor association site A and a proton-donor site B.
donor sites, that can associate with each other between the
To describe mixtures, as a result of the imperfection of the
same chemical species (self-association) or different chemical
model potential energy used for the dispersive interaction
species (cross-association). Sites of the same type do not
between segments, the cross segment energy parameter
associate. Therefore, water molecules self-associate with each
between segments of molecules i and j needs a correction
other and cross-associate with alcohol molecules. The cross
using a binary interaction parameter kij.
parameters between two associating molecules i and j are
εij = εiεj (1 − kij) (2) calculated using the Wolbach−Sandler mixing rules.33
1 AB
All parameters are derived from experimental phase equili- εijAB = (εii + εjjAB)
brium data. This makes the EOS both theoretically consistent 2 (4a)

i jj y
and, at the same time, accurate to describe real chemical

κiiABκjjAB jjj 1 zz

jj (σi + σj) zz
systems. However, as pointed out in the Introduction, the EOS σσ
i j

k2 {
must apply two different kij values to represent the equilibrium κijAB =
phases of hydrocarbon−water binary mixtures equally well. (4b)
One is fitted to the aqueous solubility of the hydrocarbon, and
the other is fitted to the water content in the hydrocarbon-rich The interaction between polar molecules, on the other hand,
phase (liquid or vapor). As shown later, we will use the same kij may or may not be modeled using association. Polar molecules
for all equilibrium phases, which is impossible to do without having dipoles can be modeled to have dipolar interactions
correcting the missing interaction, i.e., by accounting for the among themselves and, thus, the need for an additional
induction by water molecules on the hydrocarbon. interaction energy term in eq 1.34 Alternatively, a simplified
For phase equilibria calculations, the fugacity of each approach using association can be equally accurate, e.g., for
component must be equal across the equilibrium phases at ketones and esters, by assuming two associating sites in each
temperature T and pressure P. For a binary aqueous mixture in molecule, one site for each type.35 The advantage of this
three-phase equilibrium (superscripts V = vapor, W = aqueous association model is that eq 1 does not need an extra energy
phase, and H = hydrocarbon-rich liquid) term for dealing with polar molecules.
In a different setting, the presence of associating molecules
fi ̂ (y, T , P) = fi ̂ (x , T , P) = fi ̂ (q, T , P) may introduce induced association to other molecules in their
surroundings. Such an induction has been successfully
i = w, h (3a) modeled by assigning one or more induced sites on the
2571 DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.9b00229
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ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

Figure 2. Performance of PC-SAFT for water with the current parameters. The vapor pressure is well-described by most models, as shown in panel
a, but the density anomaly is not, as shown in panel b. Below 273.15 K, the extrapolation enters the supercooled region. Symbols are data from the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).41 Calculations using parameters from Haarmann et al.7 are added for comparison.

Table 1. PC-SAFT Parametersa

kwh (eq 6)
species m σ (Å) ε/k (K) NSb (nA, nB) εAB/k (K) κAB c0 c1 c2
water 1.46223 eq 5a 142.3355 (2, 2) 2375.217 eq 5b
CH4 1.0000 3.7039 150.03 (1, 0) 0 eq 5b 0.27908 4.19823 87.39782
C2H6 1.6114 3.5245 190.9926 (0.5, 0) 0 eq 5b c
C2H4 1.6018 3.4029 176.5698 (3, 0) 0 eq 5b 0.20144 8.04737 62.88397
C3H8 2.0022 3.6209 207.7721 (1, 0) 0 eq 5b 0.20185 8.57 59.37154
In columns 4 and 6, k is the Boltzmann constant. bThe number of associating sites NS in terms of (nA, nB) to refer to proton-acceptor (A) and
proton-donor (B) types, respectively. ckwh(T) = −0.042063 + 5.68741 × 10−4T.

polar molecules that do not self-associate but can cross- same as the induced association sites discussed above. This
associate with sites of the opposite type on the associating approach has been applied to describe acetone−water and
molecules.27 PC-SAFT with induced association was used to carboxylic acid−water binary mixtures.
model this kind of system, including mixtures of polar Interestingly, as described in the Introduction (see Figure
molecules with alcohols or water,27 in which the induced 1), nonpolar molecules, such as hydrocarbons, can also be
associating sites are assumed to consist of one proton-acceptor induced electrostatically by the presence of associating
site and one proton-donor site. To exclude self-association of molecules, such as water. Nevertheless, no attempts have
these polar molecules, εAB is set to zero but with non-zero κAB been made to model this kind of system using the induced
equal to that of the associating component.27 Therefore, the association as that applied to polar molecules, even though the
EOS does not need extra pure-component parameters. physics of induction is the same regardless of the polarity of
However, the number of induced sites (NS) needs to be the induced molecules. This work is the first such attempt, of
estimated on a case-by-case basis, as described later. which the results will be discussed in the next section.
The polarity of non-associating molecules may also arise To improve the EOS performance for water−hydrocarbon
from the presence of either proton-acceptor (e.g., in acetone) mixtures, components of the mixtures must be accurately
or proton-donor (e.g., in chloroform) sites but not both.27 described by the EOS. Otherwise, effects of the missing weak
Acetone and chloroform, which are polar but do not self- interaction in mixtures could be masked by the inaccuracies in
associate, cross-associate with water molecules. Other examples describing the pure components. The conventional approach
are aqueous solutions of CO2 and SO2, which have been of adjusting the binary parameter between water and
successfully described using this induced association ap- hydrocarbon (kwh) may compensate for these inaccuracies
proach.36 Both molecules are modeled to have four and five but, consequently, loses the chance to elucidate the missing
proton-acceptor sites, respectively, corresponding to their interaction. While PC-SAFT is known to model hydrocarbons
electron lone pairs at oxygen and sulfur atoms. Similarly, well, it struggles in describing water, as all other EOS do.
SAFT-γ-Mie EOS assigns association sites, some of which are Therefore, water deserves our attention, as discussed next.
inactive in pure fluid but active in mixtures.37 These sites are Water. The density anomaly of liquid water at 277 K is the
referred to as “unlike induced” sites, which are effectively the most challenging feature for any EOS to reproduce. PC-SAFT
2572 DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.9b00229
ACS Earth Space Chem. 2019, 3, 2569−2581
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

Figure 3. PC-SAFT description of water in this work, with extrapolation down to 239.15 K in the supercooled region: (a) saturated vapor pressure
and (b) specific volume. Symbols are experimental data.42,43 Calculations using parameters from Haarmann et al.7 are added for comparison.

with its original water parameters9 cannot capture this to examine the EOS performance using the new parameter set
anomaly. There have been many studies using various for matching the non-bonded site fraction with the
parameters, but none satisfactorily describes liquid water at spectroscopic data available in the literature. A brief discussion
low temperatures. SAFT138 and soft-SAFT19 can reproduce on this issue is given in the Supporting Information.
the anomaly using constant parameters but not at the correct Parameters. The EOS parameters for pure compounds
temperature. A recent review of modeling water molecules used in this work are tabulated in Table 1, while the
using SAFT-based EOS is available.17 If the segment diameter temperature-dependent parameters of water, which are needed
parameter (σ) is made temperature-dependent, the anomaly for representing accurate phase equilibrium, including the
can be well-represented.39,36 density anomaly, are as follows:
In SAFT-based EOS, each water molecule has been modeled
to have two to four associating sites.17 However, it is best to 2735.913 1.277 × 106
σw(T ) = 4.815729 − +
model a water molecule with four associating sites, i.e., two T T2
proton-donor sites at the hydrogen atoms and two proton- 2.66991 × 108 2.116541 × 1010
acceptor sites corresponding to the electron lone pairs at the − + (Å)
T 3
T4 (5a)
oxygen atom.40 This four-site model is used in the present
work. AB
κ ww (T ) = ( −6.683097 + 0.8480913T ) × 10−4 (5b)
Because we will also deal with near-freezing temperatures in
this work, we make the association volume parameter (κAB) Note that the association parameters for hydrocarbon
temperature-dependent as well. This is necessary to improve molecules in Table 1 are εAB = 0 for the association energy
the EOS performance in the low-temperature region, as shown and equal to that of water for the association volume κAB to
in Figure 2. The parameters that were fitted to water-saturated accommodate induced association.
pressure and liquid density are given in Table 1 and eqs 5a and The binary interaction parameters between water and
5b. The average relative deviation (ARD) of the fitting is hydrocarbon, except for ethane, are functions of the temper-
0.04% for pressure and 0.02% for the density in the range of ature as follows:
273−393 K. With this high accuracy, the EOS is ready for k wh(T ) = c0 − c1 exp( −T /c 2) (6)
fixing the missing interaction. The density anomaly is shown in
Figure 2b as the minimum molar volume calculated to be at where coefficients c0, c1, and c2 are listed in the last columns of
277 K with the maximum density underestimated by 0.05%. Table 1. This exponential function is consistent with the work
Another benefit of using these parameters is that the EOS by NguyenHuynh,18 which pointed out that the binary
performance can be extrapolated to fit the experimental data in parameters of aqueous hydrocarbons are constant at high

the supercooled region without any additional treatment, as
shown in Figure 3. This enables the EOS to deal with
metastable supercooled water as well as aqueous liquid phases RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
near the eutectic that may exist below the freezing point of While the main results were obtained by applying the
pure water, such as that of some aqueous solutions of association induced by water on the hydrocarbon molecules,
hydrocarbons in this work or in clathrate hydrate systems. those obtained without the induced association are also
As an additional note, for readers who model water presented here for comparison. The latter interaction accounts
molecules using an association scheme, it may be of interest for only self-association between water molecules, so that the
2573 DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.9b00229
ACS Earth Space Chem. 2019, 3, 2569−2581
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

Figure 4. Typical issues in modeling water−hydrocarbon mixtures, illustrated using the water−methane mixture. (a) Only if the induced
association is included can the equilibrium phases be described equally well. (b) Minimum solubility can be captured when using EOS that
accounts for association, such as PC-SAFT. Symbols are experimental data.44,45

Figure 5. Performance of PC-SAFT with and without the induced association at high (T/P): (a) aqueous solubility of methane used to fit kwh and
(b) predicted saturated water content in vapor. If kwh is fitted to yw, the predicted aqueous solubility overestimates the data by an order of
magnitude and, thus, cannot be shown in panel a. Symbols are experimental data.44,45

binary interaction parameters (kwh) are different from those in To illustrate the main issues mentioned in the Introduction,
Table 1 and given in the Supporting Information. Both Figure 4 shows a typical situation for an EOS in modeling
approaches derive kwh from the aqueous solubility data for water−hydrocarbon mixtures. In Figure 4a, without induced
hydrocarbons. In fact, only this property of the mixtures is association, the EOS performance in the equilibrium phases
sensitive to kwh. The saturated water content of the depends upon which data are fitted for the parametrization. If
hydrocarbon phase is predicted from the phase equilibrium the water content in vapor is used (yw), then the EOS
calculations. For the current approach with induced associa- overestimates the aqueous solubility data (dash-dotted curves).
tion, the parametrization also needs to evaluate the number of Conversely, if the aqueous solubility data are used (xh), then
induced sites assigned to hydrocarbon molecules, NS, such that the EOS underestimates the water content in vapor (dashed
the EOS can reproduce the water content in hydrocarbon-rich curves). There is no way to reconcile these phase
phases at acceptable accuracies. compositions, e.g., by adjusting kwh. However, the issue is
2574 DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.9b00229
ACS Earth Space Chem. 2019, 3, 2569−2581
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

Figure 6. Prediction of PC-SAFT with induced association at low (T/P) using kwh as in Figure 5: (a) aqueous solubility of methane and (b)
saturated water content in vapor. Symbols are experimental data.46−50

Figure 7. Performance of PC-SAFT with the induced association at low (T/P): (a) aqueous solubility of ethane used to fit kwh and (b) predicted
saturated water content in vapor. The calculation without induced association (dashed curves) is hardly different from that with it (solid curves).
Symbols are experimental data.53−56

resolved if the induced association is included in the EOS Water−Methane Mixture. The performance of PC-SAFT
(solid curves). While the binary parameter kwh is used to fit xh, in describing water−methane mixtures in a wide range of
NS is estimated for the EOS to also match yw. There is only a temperature/pressure (T/P) is shown in Figure 5 (high T/P)
value of NS that enables consistent fitting of both xh and yw. and Figure 6 (low T/P). As shown in Figure 5b, the inclusion
The second issue is the minimum aqueous solubility of of induced association substantially improves the prediction on
hydrocarbons at moderate temperature, as shown in Figure 4b. the water content in vapor. Of course, without the induced
PC-SAFT, which includes the molecular association, can association as previously mentioned, the binary parameter kwh
reproduce the minimum, with or without accounting for the may be fitted to the vapor composition (yw) and found
induced association. Therefore, it is evident here that the effect constant (kwh = −0.12), of which the behavior could be
of the induced association is negligible in the aqueous phase, mistakenly thought to be a good model. In fact, in this case, the
where the self-association among water molecules is dominant. calculated aqueous solubility of methane is an order of
2575 DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.9b00229
ACS Earth Space Chem. 2019, 3, 2569−2581
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

Figure 8. Performance of PC-SAFT with and without the induced association at three-phase equilibrium of the water−ethane mixture: (a) phase
compositions and (b) three-phase pressure. Symbols are experimental data.56,57

Figure 9. Performance of PC-SAFT with and without the induced association at three-phase equilibrium: (a) water content in propane-rich phases
and (b) aqueous solubility of propane. Symbols are experimental data.56−59 Calculations using parameters from Haarmann et al.7 are added for

magnitude higher than the scale in Figure 5a and, thus, not phase replaces the aqueous phase at a pressure of about 60 bar4
shown in the figure. at 283 K, so that the vapor−hydrate boundary is even at lower
With the inclusion of induced association, kwh is exponential pressures at temperatures lower than 283 K. The data by Folas
with the temperature and approaches a constant at high et al.46 in Figure 6a at these low temperatures, therefore, may
temperatures (see Table 1). The constant kwh at high be all or partly in equilibrium with the hydrate phase, instead
temperatures is consistent with a previous study.18 For of the liquid phase. Consequently, the observed inaccuracy of
aqueous methane, the number of induced sites is to be set PC-SAFT at this region is due to the inability of the EOS to
to unity, NS = 1. Other numbers do not work to reconcile the account for the hydrate phase. Extension of the EOS with
EOS performance in both phases. As shown in Figure 1, the hydrate phases is beyond the scope of this work and is the
induced site on methane is of proton-acceptor type. subject of subsequent future work.
The performance at lower T/P is consistent with that at high Water−Ethane Mixture. For this binary mixture, it is
T/P (using the same kwh), as shown in Figure 6. The hydrate known that the experimental aqueous solubility data at high T/
2576 DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.9b00229
ACS Earth Space Chem. 2019, 3, 2569−2581
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

Figure 10. Performance of PC-SAFT for the isothermal phase diagram of the water−propane mixture at 360.93 K: (a) aqueous phase and (b)
propane-rich phases. The legend is the same as in panel a. Lw, aqueous phase; LC3, propane-rich liquid; and V, vapor. Mole fractions: x (in Lw), q
(LC3), and y (in V). Symbols are experimental data.58 Calculations using parameters from Haarmann et al.7 are added for comparison.

Figure 11. Performance of PC-SAFT for the aqueous solubility of propane in the aqueous phase. The complete series of experimental data are
taken from Chapoy et al.60 In panel a, a set of data (filled squares)61 is shown inconsistent with the others, while in panel b, two sets of data (filled
diamonds and triangles)58 are consistent with those of Chapoy et al. Calculations using parameters from Haarmann et al.7 are added for
comparison in panel a.

P51,52 are considered tentative, as stated in a review by IUPAC, linearity may be a lower part of an exponential function, thus
which states that their data underestimate the recommended the same behavior as the other hydrocarbons in Table 1. In this
data when extrapolated to low pressures.5 Therefore, only low low-pressure range, the discrepancy between including and
T/P data are presented here. A brief discussion on the omitting the induced association is small in both vapor and
inconsistencies of the experimental data of this mixture is given aqueous phases.
in the Supporting Information. However, the improvement is apparent in the three-phase
The EOS performance at low T/P is shown in Figure 7. As a equilibrium, as shown in Figure 8, when using NS = 0.5, which
result of the short range of the temperature in this region, kwh indicates the very weak induced association in the water−
is approximated to be linear with the temperature (see Table ethane mixture. Following water−methane, the induced site is
1). If reliable data are available in the whole range of T/P, the also assigned to be of proton-acceptor type. The description of
2577 DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.9b00229
ACS Earth Space Chem. 2019, 3, 2569−2581
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

Figure 12. Performance of PC-SAFT with and without the induced association: (a) aqueous solubility of ethylene and (b) predicted saturated
water content in vapor. The aqueous solubility data52 were used to fit kwh (the curves with and without induced association almost coincide with
each other; not shown for clarity). Other experimental data in panel a are from Bradbury et al.63

ethane-rich liquid and vapor is much better with the induced dramatic. Meanwhile, the minimum aqueous solubility with
association than without it. varying temperature can be estimated from Figure 12a, in
Water−Propane Mixture. This aqueous binary mixture which the curve for 344 K is the lowest, as also the case for the
has been used to evaluate previous models in the literature, water−methane mixture in Figure 5a.
particularly regarding the three-phase equilibrium involving In summary, for all cases of water−light hydrocarbon
vapor, aqueous phase, and propane-rich liquid. As shown in mixtures above, the binary parameter kwh was fitted to the
Figure 9, the inclusion of induced association undoubtedly aqueous solubility of hydrocarbon, while the water content is
improves the EOS performance in all phases. The presence of a not sensitive to it. However, the latter was much more affected
solubility minimum in the aqueous phase is well-captured by by the inclusion of induced association. This means that the
our model. A recent model by Haarmann et al.7 can also do the induction effect is observable only if the number of water
same but with less accuracy. The apparent large deviation at molecules is small, such as that in hydrocarbon-rich vapor or
the lowest temperature in Figure 9b is likely because the datum liquid. In the aqueous phase, where water is dominant, the
was an extrapolation to the hydrate-phase boundary.58 induced association is too weak to show observable effects.
The EOS performance in describing the two-phase regions is Emborsky et al.,64 who also used PC-SAFT, removed the
illustrated by the isothermal diagram shown in Figure 10. After association of water when water is surrounded by numerous
the inclusion of induced association, the prediction for vapor nonpolar molecules in the hydrocarbon-rich phases, at the
and propane-rich liquid is improved in bordering the two-
expense of inaccuracies in representing pure water.
phase vapor−liquid and liquid−liquid regions, respectively. For
Finally, it is also worth noting that the number of induced-
this binary mixture, NS = 1 with the site type of proton
association sites, NS, cannot be arbitrarily chosen; numbers
acceptor, as it is for the water−methane mixture. The EOS
other than those listed in Table 1 just do not work. To
performance for the aqueous solubility of propane is shown in
Figure 11, which is based on the experimental data series by illustrate the situation, the crosses in Figure 8 represent the
Chapoy et al.60 calculations using NS = 1 (instead of 0.5) for the water−ethane
Water−Ethylene Mixture. Unlike the n-alkanes described mixture. While the location of xh is easily adjusted by changing
above, the saturated water content in the vapor phase exhibits a kwh (the connected three crosses with the smallest kwh for the
minimum with pressure. This phenomenon can be modeled top one), that of yw and qw virtually remain the same upon
using PC-SAFT only if the binary mixture has stronger induced changes of kwh. The latter two mole fractions substantially
association, perhaps as a result of π electrons in ethylene change only if a different NS is used. Nevertheless, there is no
molecules. The π electrons, which are weak proton acceptors, obvious trend of NS from one hydrocarbon to the other.
can have a weak hydrogen bond with a strong proton donor.62 Lacking the physical basis, as is now the case, NS is treated
The stronger association for ethylene is reflected by NS = 3 as rather as a free parameter that is a constant depending upon
listed in Table 1, with the site type of proton acceptor. The the hydrocarbon species induced by water. Therefore, instead
other two proton acceptors may be assigned to the two carbon of making baseless speculations, this situation calls for further
atoms of ethylene in a fashion similar to that of methane in investigation that is beyond the scope of this work. The
Figure 1. present work suggests that, in addition to the well-known weak
As shown in Figure 12b by the water vapor content hydrogen bond62 O−H···π in the case of ethylene−water,
predictions, the improvement using induced association is there is also a bond as a result of the induced association O−
2578 DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.9b00229
ACS Earth Space Chem. 2019, 3, 2569−2581
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry Article

H···C−H in Figure 1 for methane−water and perhaps other

new types of bonds in the other mixtures.


S Supporting Information
The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the
CONCLUSIONS AND REMARKS ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspace-
The association induced by the presence of water on light chem.9b00229.
hydrocarbon molecules is required to reconcile the modeling
(1) Parameters for PC-SAFT without induced associa-
of all equilibrium phases in the water−hydrocarbon mixtures.
tion, (2) performance of PC-SAFT in describing
Without it, equilibrium phase compositions cannot be modeled
aqueous solubility of acetylene, (3) brief discussion on
consistently using the same binary parameter. To show a
prospect that this improvement may also be valid for heavier the data inconsistency of water−ethane mixtures, (4)
hydrocarbons, we provide the EOS performance for the three- example of ternary mixture calculations, (5) perform-
phase equilibrium of the water−n-butane mixture in the ance of PC-SAFT in describing the three-phase
Supporting Information. Future work may proceed with even equilibria of the water−n-butane mixture, and (6) brief
heavier molecules to investigate whether the induced discussion on the fraction of non-bonded sites in the
association is valid for any water−hydrocarbon system. PC-SAFT model for water (PDF)
The effect of induced association on the modeling is only
apparent in hydrocarbon-rich phases where the number of
water molecules is small. In the aqueous phase, it is
Corresponding Author
overwhelmed by the hydrogen-bond self-association between *E-mail:
water molecules, so that the aqueous solubility of hydro-
carbons may be modeled without it but at the expense of ORCID
inaccurate representation of hydrocarbon-rich phases. The Sugata P. Tan: 0000-0003-2049-3706
same situation occurs when modeling the saturated water Notes
content in the vapor or hydrocarbon-rich liquid, where the The authors declare no competing financial interest.
EOS still works without induced association but loses the
ability to predict the aqueous phase. Therefore, as also justified
by theory and simulation, the inclusion of cross association
This work was supported by NASA Astrobiology Institute
between water and hydrocarbons, such as induced association, Grant 17-NAI8_2-0017: “Habitability of Hydrocarbon
is crucial to obtain consistencies in all equilibrium phases. This Worlds: Titan and Beyond”. J.K. and S.V. also acknowledge
way, the EOS with a set of parameters can be used for support from NASA Grant 13-13NAI7_2-0024. Part of this
multiphase applications. research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
However, despite the substantial qualitative improvements California Institute of Technology, under a contract with
in the hydrocarbon-rich phases, as evident in the results NASA.

presented in this paper, the quantitative description of the EOS
in these phases still has room for further refinement. With the REFERENCES
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