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Intended audience: +Qualtrics Implementation +Implementation partners

Why Test?
Testing is the gate that ensures a developed solution meets our customer's
expectations. Testing should begin after the conclusion of the build phase of
your project.

What's in this document?

1. An example test case
Use this as an example when building a test case for your use case
2. Test scripts for CX1,3,5 and Custom deliveries
Leverage test scripts to include in your test case. These scripts should be added to as project specific test scenarios are iden
3. Defect Log
Use the defect log with your customer to help track defects effectively. Any defect that is resolved should be retested. Use th
4. Go-Live Checklist
Use the go-live checklist on your go/no go call to ensure each component is agreed as signed off by both you and the custom
a) It acts as a system of record for UAT sign off
    b) it  ensures no product area goes un-tested. Please also add to this list with project specific checklist items.

How to use this documen

CX 1,3,5
1. Copy this document
2. Navigate to the CX1,3,5 tabs and use these as the test case document.
3. Copy any needed 'add on' test scripts from the relevant tabs into this sheet
4. Delete all other tabs and use this sheet to track the status of each test case
5. Add any additional test cases that are specific to your project
Custom delivery
1. Copy this document
2. Navigate to the Test Case Template tab.
3. Populate this sheet with content from relevant test script tabs as needed
4. Delete any unnecessary tabs
5. Add any additional test cases that are specific to your project
1. projects
/ share the ' Example Defect Log' tab to track any issues that arise from testing with your customer
2. Copy the 'Example Go Live Checklist' tab and use after testing has concluded to get sign off from your customer on testing
Click here to leave feedback or suggestions on this doc.
Recommended approach to testing
Test cases should be written with the customer's business case in mind. Ask yourself, what are the
expected outcomes of the business owner for each use case? The answer to this question will inform which
test scripts you will use during testing.

What's in this document?

as project specific test scenarios are identified

hat is resolved should be retested. Use the status column to mark each defect appropriately

d as signed off by both you and the customer. Using this has 2 benefits:

ct specific checklist items.

How to use this document

ng with your customer

et sign off from your customer on testing
Test Script ID FRD_ID (optional) Priority Owner
Test Script ID Functional Reqs. ID Urgency of test Who is accountable?
if available case

TS-001 FRD_001 High Qualtrics

Test Case Title Test Case Description Expected Result
Title Why are you testing this? What should happen?

All logical paths present the

correct questions to the
respondent. All end of survey
[Survey testing - survey flow, display Ensure question text formatting is as messages are displayed when
logic, branch logic, translations, …etc.] expected (format, colour, size etc.) they should
Actual Result Preconditions / Prerequisites
What happened? What should be in place before testing

1. Access to qualtrics production and uat

2. Access to survey data, ticketing platform,
All tests were successful and dashboard module of Qualtrics
Steps Status Last Date Run
What are the testing steps? Signed off or in need of When was it last
further testing? tested?

1. Use preview link to take survey

2. Check all logical paths for survey experience
3. Check all end of survey paths Pass 10/09/2020
Source System Title
Qualtrics <Survey Name 1>
Qualtrics <Survey Name 2>
Qualtrics <Survey Name 3>
Qualtrics Language Support

Qualtrics Survey Design / Flow Check

Qualtrics Operating System Check

Qualtrics Recodes
Qualtrics Active Survey
Qualtrics Survey Security
Qualtrics User Setup
Qualtrics Data flow
iQ Directory / D
[CLIENT] Survey Distribution Check
Qualtrics iQ Directory
Qualtrics Distribution Rules

Qualtrics Library Messages

Qualtrics Translations
Website Fe

Qualtrics Creatives

Qualtrics Intercepts

Qualtrics Prevent Repeated Display

Qualtrics Sample Rate

Qualtrics Embedded Data

[CLIENT] Qualtrics code

CX Dashb
Qualtrics <Role Dashboard View 1>
Qualtrics <Role Dashboard View 2>
Qualtrics <Role Dashboard View 3>
Qualtrics Look and Feel
Qualtrics Sharing of Dashboards
Qualtrics Data Restrictions
Qualtrics Auto role assignment
Qualtrics Response Thresholds
Qualtrics Recode Values
Qualtrics Filters
Qualtrics Reset Passwords
Actions / T
Confirm Teams have been setup correctly
Qualtrics (Ticketing)
Qualtrics Creation of Actions / Ticket Tasks
Qualtrics Conditions
Qualtrics Notification
Data Cle
Qualtrics Response Data Cleanup
Qualtrics Distribution Data Cleanup
Qualtrics Distribution Data Cleanup
Qualtrics Response Data Check
Qualtrics Email Distribution Cleanup
Qualtrics Ticket Cleanup

<Client Name> Stakeholder Comms

<Client Name> Internal Comms


<Client Name> <Technical Checklist no. 1>

<Client Name> <Technical Checklist no. 2>

<Client Name> <Technical Checklist no. 3>

<Client Name> <Technical Checklist no. 4>

<Client Name> <Technical Checklist no. 5>

Description Platform Area
Confirm survey content is correct. Research Core
Confirm survey content is correct. Research Core
Confirm survey content is correct. Research Core
All languages configured for all surveys Research Core
Final check of look and feel, validation messages are in place and survey
flow for each possible flow scenario via live distribution Research Core
Check survey and distribution across all possible mobile and desktop
operating systems Research Core
Ensure all recode values are set correctly in every applicable survey
question within surveys Research Core
Ensure all surveys are active in the Brand Research Core
Password protect survey and review sharing permissions Research Core
Make sure all users who need access have it Research Core
Confirm data being captured as expected Research Core
iQ Directory / Distribution
All survey distribution channels performing as expected Research Core
Check Global Contact Frequency rule iQ Directory
Ensure that the Distribution Rules are enabled. iQ Directory
Confirm SMS Invite / Email Invite + Subject messages are setup within
the correct Library Research Core
Confirm that translations are appearing for invitation messages across all
channels Research Core
Website Feedback
All creatives published Feedback
All intercepts published Feedback
Prevent repeated display configured Feedback
Sample Rate configured Feedback
All embedded data configured Feedback
Code published in production Feedback
CX Dashboards
Test for all channels and data access levels CX Dashboard
Test for all channels and data access levels CX Dashboard
Test for all channels and data access levels CX Dashboard
Confirm Dashboard Look and Feel is signed off CX Dashboard
Dashboard needs to be shared to the relevant Roles CX Dashboard
Confirm that all data restrictions are working as expected CX Dashboard
Confirm this is working as expected CX Dashboard
Confirm response thresholds are working as expected CX Dashboard
Ensure all dashboard recode values are configured correctly CX Dashboard
All filters applied correctly CX Dashboard
Reset all user passwords if required CX Dashboard
Actions / Tickets

Confirm that Teams / users are setup correctly in the Ticketing Tool. Research Core
Confirm that Actions / Ticket Tasks are setup correctly Research Core
Confirm that conditions on the ticket match the design document Research Core
Confirm ticket owners are notified of ticket creation if this option is
selected Research Core
Data Cleanup
Remove all test responses in Research Core for every survey Research Core
Remove all test Mailing Lists iQ Directory
Remove all test Directory contacts in iQ Directory iQ Directory
Verify that all response data has been removed in the relevant dashboard CX Dashboard
Remove all test Email distributions for every survey Research Core
Ensure all test tickets have been removed from the system Research Core
Re-confirm all relevant stakeholders within the business are informed Customer
about the launch (INTERNAL)
Any further internal comms that need to happen (INTERNAL)
To be populated by the customer if required (INTERNAL)
To be populated by the customer if required (INTERNAL)
To be populated by the customer if required (INTERNAL)
To be populated by the customer if required (INTERNAL)
To be populated by the customer if required (INTERNAL)
Qualtrics Sign Off Name Qualtrics Date Customer Sign Off Name Customer Date
For questions 2 and 3
the question text is in a
ID Test Script ID Product Area Issue
Question Text Description
different font style to
B-01 UAT-001 Formatting the rest of the survey
Status Reported By Actions
01.01.2020 - action to be Comment
Open Customer Team assigned during next call
Test Case Description

Ensure question text formatting is as expected (format,

Question formatting colour,
Ensure size etc.)skip and branch logic providing expected
Survey Logic survey
Ensure experience for respondent
Survey theme, progress bar, page transition,
Desktop Look Look
Mobile/Tablet and Feel
and header/footer etc. appearing
Ensure Survey theme, progress as expected
bar, pageon Desktop
Feel header/footer etc. appearing as expected on Mobile/Tablet
Validation Ensure that all validation is performing as expected
Survey Options Ensure survey options are configured to requirements
End of Survey Confirm
Complete end of survey
survey in all experiences are configured
configured languages correctly
Translations spelling for survey text, validation messages and logic

Contact List Ensure a contact list is created in the correct folder

Contacts Ensure contacts created in the correct contact list
Library Ensure contact lists in the correct library
Embedded Data Ensure contact embedded data is stored as expected

Ensure all user access is configured to give users the correct

Roles data view
Ensure all user access is configured to give users the correct
User Attributes data
that all dashboard content is displaying the results
Content that each
Ensure thataudience needs aesthetics meet user
the dashboard
Look and Feel requirements
Ensure page and widget filters are correct with drop-downs
Filters populating and filtering as expected
Expected Result Actual Result Tester
Respondent appear as expected
experiencing the survey
correctly based on logic defined
Look and feel is as expected on
Look and feel is as expected on
Validation messages, look and feel
Back button, Partial Completion, base
and logic
language, working as
anonymise expected
response etc.
All paths to the end of the survey
are configured
produce correctly
the correct end of survey
All languages look and perform as
Customer Directory
Contact list created successfully
Contacts added to list
Contact list in correct library
Embedded Data set correctly

Assigned roles showing the correct Dashboard

Assigned user attributes filtering the
data for each
Dashboard user group
content signedasoff
dashboard audiences
Dashboard looks and feels as desired
by dashboard audience
Filters behaving as expected
Status Date Support Link
Test Case Description

Ensure question text formatting is as expected (format,

Question formatting colour,
Ensure size etc.)skip and branch logic providing expected
Survey Logic survey
Ensure experience for respondent
Survey theme, progress bar, page transition,
Desktop Look Look
Mobile/Tablet and Feel
and header/footer etc. appearing
Ensure Survey theme, progress as expected
bar, pageon Desktop
Feel header/footer etc. appearing as expected on Mobile/Tablet
Validation Ensure that all validation is performing as expected
Survey Options Ensure survey options are configured to requirements
End of Survey Confirm
Complete end of survey
survey in all experiences are configured
configured languages correctly
Translations spelling for survey text, validation messages and logic

Contact List Ensure a contact list is created in the correct folder

Contacts Ensure contacts created in the correct contact list
Library Ensure contact lists in the correct library
Embedded Data Ensure contact embedded data is stored as expected
Transaction Data Ensure contact transaction data is stored as expected
Contact Frequency Ensure contact frequency rule(s) behaving as configured
Deduplication Ensure deduplication rule(s) behaving as configured

Code execution Code executes

Network requestasforexpected in tag appearing
Site Intercept manager in network tab
Code execution (use
CheckQ_DEBUG wheretonecessary)
multiple pages ensure deployment running on
Code execution expected pages
Intercept evaluation Validate intercept executing correctly on target pages
Validate intercept executing but not appearing on selected
Intercept evaluation pages for exclusion - up to 3
Check intercept does not appear until 3 seconds have
Intercept evaluation passed
Confirm survey does not appear if user returns to page
Supression Rules where intercept already seen
Intercept evaluation Confirm sampling rules are being applied

Desktop Look and Feel Ensure Desktop Creative only appears on desktop
Ensure survey is readable on Desktop and Look and Feel
Desktop Look and Feel are as expected

Mobile Look and Feel Ensure Mobile Creative only appears on mobile
Ensure survey is readable on Mobile and Look and Feel are
Mobile Look and Feel as expected

Tablet Look and Feel Tablet Look and Feel

Tablet Look and Feel Tablet Look and Feel

Respondent Survey Ensure survey function performs as expected (i.e. logic
Experience working as expected, buttons clickable etc.)

Language Ensure Survey language appears as expected

Check Embedded Data and Survey Data to confirm all fields
are passing through to the Qualtrics Data and Analyis tab
Data Flow - Qualtrics correctly
Tests to repeat for different browsers (Chrome, Firefox,
Browser Safari, IE) on both Mobile and Desktop

Ensure all user access is configured to give users the correct

Roles data view

Ensure all user access is configured to give users the correct

User Attributes data view
Ensure that all dashboard content is displaying the results
Content that each audience needs
Ensure that the dashboard aesthetics meet user
Look and Feel requirements
Ensure page and widget filters are correct with drop-downs
Filters populating and filtering as expected

This checks to see if tickets have been created successfully

Tickets created as per the conditions configured in the Actions tab

Ticket owner/team Check to see that ticket owners and teams are receiving
assignment tickets when they should

Confirm ticket owners and teams have access to the

Ticketing App acess ticketing app
Notifications Check to ensure owners are notified when a ticket is created
Checking to ensure ticket owners have the necessary data to
Ticket Data action the ticket
Root Cause and Follow Check to ensure root causes and follow up questions
Up appearing as configured
Expected Result Actual Result Tester
Respondent appear as expected
experiencing the survey
correctly based on logic defined
Look and feel is as expected on
Look and feel is as expected on
Validation messages, look and feel
Back button, Partial Completion, base
and logic
language, working as
anonymise expected
response etc.
All paths to the end of the survey
are configured
produce correctly
the correct end of survey
All languages look and perform as
iQ Directory
Contact list created successfully
Contacts added to list
Contact list in correct library
Embedded Data set correctly
Transaction data created
Contact Frequency correctly
behaving as
deduplication behaving as expcted

Code running as expected in tag Website Feedback

Code executing on target webpage
Code running
Intercept logic successfully
evaluated and survey
Survey does not appear on selected
exclusion pages

Survey does not appear until after 3s

Survey does not appear

Survey does not always appear
Desktop-sized Creative appears on
desktop but not on mobile or tablet

Look and feel are acceptable

Mobile-sized Creative appears on
mobile but not on desktop or tablet

Look and feel are acceptable

Ensure Tablet Creative only appears
on tablet
Ensure survey is readable on Tablet and
Look and Feel are as expected

Survey Function working as expected

Spelling, wording and question layout
all as expected
All data fields appearing in Data and
Analysis tab as expected
Intercepts perform as expected across
all browsers
Assigned roles showing the correct

Assigned user attributes filtering the

data for each user group as expected
Dashboard content signed off by
dashboard audiences
Dashboard looks and feels as desired
by dashboard audience

Filters behaving as expected


Tickets are created successfully

Tickets being assiged as expected

Owners have access to the app

Ticket notifications received

Ticket data fields populated correctly

Root Causes and follow up as
Status Date Support Link
Test Case Description

Ensure question text formatting is as expected (format,

Question formatting colour,
Ensure size etc.)skip and branch logic providing expected
Survey Logic survey
Ensure experience for respondent
Survey theme, progress bar, page transition,
Desktop Look Look
Mobile/Tablet and Feel
and header/footer etc. appearing
Ensure Survey theme, progress as expected
bar, pageon Desktop
Feel header/footer etc. appearing as expected on Mobile/Tablet
Validation Ensure that all validation is performing as expected
Survey Options Ensure survey options are configured to requirements
End of Survey Confirm
Complete end of survey
survey in all experiences are configured
configured languages correctly
Translations spelling for survey text, validation messages and logic

Contact List Ensure a contact list is created in the correct folder

Contacts Ensure contacts created in the correct contact list
Library Ensure contact lists in the correct library
Embedded Data Ensure contact embedded data is stored as expected
Transaction Data Ensure contact transaction data is stored as expected
Contact Frequency Ensure contact frequency rule(s) behaving as configured
Deduplication Ensure deduplication rule(s) behaving as configured

Code execution Code executes

Network requestasforexpected in tag appearing
Site Intercept manager in network tab
Code execution (use
CheckQ_DEBUG wheretonecessary)
multiple pages ensure deployment running on
Code execution expected pages
Intercept evaluation Validate intercept executing correctly on target pages
Validate intercept executing but not appearing on selected
Intercept evaluation pages for exclusion - up to 3
Check intercept does not appear until 3 seconds have
Intercept evaluation passed
Confirm survey does not appear if user returns to page
Supression Rules where intercept already seen
Intercept evaluation Confirm sampling rules are being applied

Desktop Look and Feel Ensure Desktop Creative only appears on desktop
Ensure survey is readable on Desktop and Look and Feel
Desktop Look and Feel are as expected

Mobile Look and Feel Ensure Mobile Creative only appears on mobile
Ensure survey is readable on Mobile and Look and Feel are
Mobile Look and Feel as expected

Tablet Look and Feel Tablet Look and Feel

Tablet Look and Feel Tablet Look and Feel

Respondent Survey Ensure survey function performs as expected (i.e. logic
Experience working as expected, buttons clickable etc.)

Language Ensure Survey language appears as expected

Check Embedded Data and Survey Data to confirm all fields
are passing through to the Qualtrics Data and Analyis tab
Data Flow - Qualtrics correctly
Tests to repeat for different browsers (Chrome, Firefox,
Browser Safari, IE) on both Mobile and Desktop

Ensure all user access is configured to give users the correct

Roles data view

Ensure all user access is configured to give users the correct

User Attributes data view
Ensure that all dashboard content is displaying the results
Content that each audience needs
Ensure that the dashboard aesthetics meet user
Look and Feel requirements
Ensure page and widget filters are correct with drop-downs
Filters populating and filtering as expected

This checks to see if tickets have been created successfully

Tickets created as per the conditions configured in the Actions tab

Ticket owner/team Check to see that ticket owners and teams are receiving
assignment tickets when they should

Confirm ticket owners and teams have access to the

Ticketing App acess ticketing app
Notifications Check to ensure owners are notified when a ticket is created
Checking to ensure ticket owners have the necessary data to
Ticket Data action the ticket
Root Cause and Follow Check to ensure root causes and follow up questions
Up appearing as configured
Expected Result Actual Result Tester
Respondent appear as expected
experiencing the survey
correctly based on logic defined
Look and feel is as expected on
Look and feel is as expected on
Validation messages, look and feel
Back button, Partial Completion, base
and logic
language, working as
anonymise expected
response etc.
All paths to the end of the survey
are configured
produce correctly
the correct end of survey
All languages look and perform as
iQ Directory
Contact list created successfully
Contacts added to list
Contact list in correct library
Embedded Data set correctly
Transaction data created
Contact Frequency correctly
behaving as
deduplication behaving as expcted

Code running as expected in tag Website Feedback

Code executing on target webpage
Code running
Intercept logic successfully
evaluated and survey
Survey does not appear on selected
exclusion pages

Survey does not appear until after 3s

Survey does not appear

Survey does not always appear
Desktop-sized Creative appears on
desktop but not on mobile or tablet

Look and feel are acceptable

Mobile-sized Creative appears on
mobile but not on desktop or tablet

Look and feel are acceptable

Ensure Tablet Creative only appears
on tablet
Ensure survey is readable on Tablet and
Look and Feel are as expected

Survey Function working as expected

Spelling, wording and question layout
all as expected
All data fields appearing in Data and
Analysis tab as expected
Intercepts perform as expected across
all browsers
Assigned roles showing the correct

Assigned user attributes filtering the

data for each user group as expected
Dashboard content signed off by
dashboard audiences
Dashboard looks and feels as desired
by dashboard audience

Filters behaving as expected


Tickets are created successfully

Tickets being assiged as expected

Owners have access to the app

Ticket notifications received

Ticket data fields populated correctly

Root Causes and follow up as
Status Date Support Link
Test Case Title Description
Ensure question text formatting is as expected (format,
Question formatting colour,
Ensure size etc.)skip and branch logic providing expected
Survey Logic survey
Ensure experience for respondent
Survey theme, progress bar, page transition,
Desktop Look Look
Mobile/Tablet and Feel
and header/footer etc. appearing
Ensure Survey theme, progress as expected
bar, pageon Desktop
Feel header/footer etc. appearing as expected on Mobile/Tablet
Validation Ensure that all validation is performing as expected
Survey Options Ensure survey options are configured to requirements
End of Survey Confirm
Complete end of survey
survey in all experiences are configured
configured languages correctly
Translations spelling for survey text, validation messages and logic
Expected Result Actual Result Tester
Respondent appear as expected
experiencing the survey
correctly based on logic defined
Look and feel is as expected on
Look and feel is as expected on
Validation messages, look and feel
Back button, Partial Completion, base
and logic
language, working as
anonymise expected
response etc.
All paths to the end of the survey
are configured
produce correctly
the correct end of survey
All languages look and perform as
Status Date Support Link
Test Case Description
Ensure a contact list is created in Expected Result Actual Result
Contact List the correct
Ensure foldercreated in the
contacts Contact list created successfully
Contacts correct
Ensure contact
contact list
lists in the correct Contacts added to list
Library library
Ensure contact embedded data is Contact list in correct library
Embedded Data stored
Ensureas expected
contact transaction data is Embedded Data set correctly
Contact Data stored
Ensureas expected
contact frequency rule(s) Transaction data created
Contact Frequency correctly
behaving as
Frequency behaving as configured
Ensure deduplication rule(s) expected
Deduplication behaving as configured deduplication behaving as expected
Tester Status Date Support Link
Test Case Description Expected Result
SMS 2-way Check to ensure SMS messages are worded
Content as configured Message wording is a expected
Opt Outs Ensure
Ensure contacts can opt translation
survey message out working as Opt outs working
Translations expected
Validate message length does not exeed Messages translated as expected
Message length desired message count Messages take up 1 message each

SMS-Link Check to ensure SMS messages are worded

Content as configured Message wording is a expected
Opt Out Ensure contacts can opt out Opt outs
Mobile working
look and feel renders as
Look and feel Ensuring survey looks well on mobile devices
Ensure survey message translation working as expected
Translation expected Messages translated as expected
Actual Result Tester Status Date Support Link
Test Case Description
Check to make sure the correct email message
Library messages is selected
Content Content should look
The appropriate good for
language for respondents
a respondent
Translations should appear
The email styling should be appealing to
Look and feel respondents
Respondents should be able to opt out if they
Opt Out wish
Expected Result Actual Result Tester Status
Correct library message being piped into email
Email content looking and reading as expected
Language translations appear and read as expected
Email look and feel as expected
Confirm opt-out functionality works as expected
Date Support Link
Test Case Description
Ensure all user access is configured to give Expected Result
Roles users
Ensurethe correct data view Assigned
Assigned roles showing the correct
Ensure all
thatuser access is configured
all dashboard content is to give user attributes filtering data for
User Attributes users the correct data view
displaying the results that each audience each user group as expected
Dashboard content signed off by dashboard
Content needs
Ensure audiences
Ensure that
and dashboard aesthetics
widget filters meet
are correct Dashboard looks and feels as desired by
Look and Feel user requirements
with drop-downs populating and filtering as dashboard audience
Filters expected Filters behaving as expected
Actual Result Tester Status Date Support Link
Test Case Description
Testing to see if the call Expected Result Actual Result
[API CALL 1] executes successfully
Test to see if return data is as
[API CALL 1] expected
Testing to see if the call
[API CALL 2] executes successfully
Test to see if return data is as
[API CALL 2] expected
Tester Status Date Support Link
Test Case Description
Code execution Code executes
Network requestasforexpected in tag appearing
Site Intercept manager in
Code execution network tab (use
Check multiple Q_DEBUG
pages where
to ensure necessary)
Code execution running
Validateon expected
intercept pages correctly on target
Intercept evaluation pages
Validate intercept executing but not appearing on
Intercept evaluation selected pages for
Check intercept exclusion
does - up until
not appear to 3 3 seconds
Intercept evaluation have passed
Confirm survey does not appear if user returns to
Supression Rules page where intercept already seen
Intercept evaluation Confirm sampling rules are being applied
Desktop Look and Feel Ensure
Ensure Desktop
survey isCreative
readableonly appears and
on Desktop on desktop
Desktop Look and Feel and Feel are as expected
Mobile Look and Feel Ensure
Ensure Mobile
survey Creative only
is readable onappears on mobile
Mobile and Look and
Mobile Look and Feel Feel are as expected
Tablet Look and Feel Tablet Look and Feel
Tablet Look and
Respondent Feel
Tablet Look and Feel
Ensure survey function performs as expected (i.e.
Experience logic working as expected, buttons clickable etc.)
Check Embedded Data and Survey Data to
Language Ensure
confirm Survey
all fieldslanguage appears
are passing as expected
through to the
Data Flow - Qualtrics Qualtrics Data and Analyis tab correctly
Tests to repeat for different browsers (Chrome,
Browser Firefox, Safari, IE) on both Mobile and Desktop
Expected Result Actual Result
Code running as expected in tag manager
Code executing on target webpage
Code running successfully
Intercept logic evaluated and survey appears
Survey does not appear on selected exclusion pages
Survey does not appear until after 3s
Survey does not appear
Survey does not always appear
Desktop-sized Creative appears on desktop but not on mobile or tablet
Look and feel are acceptable
Mobile-sized Creative appears on mobile but not on desktop or tablet
Look and feel are acceptable
Ensure Tablet Creative only appears on tablet
Ensure survey is readable on Tablet and Look and Feel are as expected
Survey Function working as expected
Spelling, wording and question layout all as expected
All data fields appearing in Data and Analysis tab as expected
Intercepts perform as expected across all browsers
Tester Status Date Support Link
Test Case Description
Confirm that account is linked
Verify that Qualtrics automatically sends surveywithin
Linking Accounts
Trigger and Qualtrics brand
invitation when workflow rule is met in Salesforce
Email Survey
Response Expected
Verify that answers provided in Qualtrics survey map
Mapping back to Salesforce record account is linked within
Survey-->Tools or appears in drop-down under
Expected Result
Actions-->Add Actions-->Add Task-- Actual Result Tester
When Action condition is met, survey response
Recipient receives
mapping should survey
create, email or
update, invitation
when workflow rule is met in Salesforce
Salesforce record as specified or post to
Status Date Support Link
This checks to see if tickets have
been created successfully as per
Test Case Description
the conditions configured in the Expected Result
Check to see that ticket owners
Tickets created
Ticket owner/team Actions tabare receiving tickets
and teams Tickets are created successfully
assignment when
Confirm they should
ticket owners and teams Tickets being assiged as expected
Ticketing App acess have
Check access to
to ensure the ticketing
owners app Owners have access to the app
Checking to ensure ticketare
Notifications notified
have when a ticketdatais created Ticket notifications received
Checkthe to necessary
ensure root causesto action
Ticket Data the ticket
follow up questions appearing as Ticket data fields
Root Causes and populated correctly
follow up as
Root Cause and Follow Up configured expected
Actual Result Tester Status Date Support Link
Confirm business logic rules
Test Case Description
behaving as specified. This Expected Result
Business logic in automation
Business logic in automation includes processing rows under
Mailing lists being created in the correct Confirm correct libraryas
being behaves as expected
the correct conditions wellused
as Mailing lists by day and
Contacts are being populated in the to house
forcing mailing
required lists
Ensure contacts are being survey
All contacts populated the
Contactsmailing listof the correct
have all created
the desired
with correct mailing
All contacts listthe correct
Embedded Data
File with links areetc.
placed in the correct correct
Ensure data
the correct automation embed data fieldsput on
File successfully
automations folder folder being used automation server in IN folder
Survey distribution Correct survey being distributed Correct survey is distributed
Actual Result Tester Status Date
Support Link
Test Case Description
Check that source system connected to
File drop from the customer
File validation (UTF-8 encoding, correct automation
Confirm folder
Confirm file formatlogic
business will be accepted
rules behaving by as
column headers, delimiter etc.) automation
specified. This includes processing rows
Business logic in automation
Mailing lists being created in the correct under
being as welltoas
used house
library forcing
mailing required
lists columns
Contacts are being populated in the Ensure contacts are being created in the
Contactsmailing listof the correct
have all desired location
Contacts being created with correct data
Embedded Data etc.
Expected Result Actual Result Tester Status
File successfully put on automation server
in correct target folder
File validation has the right format
Business logic in automation behaves as
Mailing lists by day and survey
All contacts populated the correct mailing
All contacts have the correct embed data
Date Support Link

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