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Survey Questions

Survey Questions for End-user:

1. Are you a student working professional?

a. Student
b. Professional
c. Neither
2. How often do you visit your local restaurants/cafés?
a. Once a month
b. 2 – 3 times a month
c. 4 + times a month
d. I never return after the first time.
3. Why do you frequent your local restaurants/ cafés? / How do you decide what restaurant/cafes
to visit? (Choose top 3)
a. Customer Service
b. Ambiance
c. Food Quality
d. Value / Price
e. Variety of Food
f. Convenience of Location
g. Other (Input answer)
4. Are you a member of any customer loyalty programs
a. Yes
b. No
5. (If yes in Q4) What made you become a member of their rewards program?
a. (Open-Ended Question)
6. If your local restaurants had a rewards program, would you use it?
a. Yes
b. No
7. (If yes in Q6) What features would you want in rewards program for your local restaurants?
(Choose top 3)
a. Delivery
b. Pick-up Service
c. Exclusive promotions
d. Exclusive menu items
e. Gain points to exchange for items
f. Free gifts on your X purchase
8. (If no in Q6) Why not?
a. (Open-ended question)
9. If your local restaurant/café had an app, how would you want it to enhance your experience?
a. (Open ended question)
Survey Questions for Small Businesses:

1. What best describes your establishment?

a. Casual
b. Fast-Food
c. Fine Dining
d. Café
e. Bistro
f. Other (User input)
2. What problems are you struggling with marketing / promotions? (Choose top 3)
a. Reaching new customers
b. Creating more loyal customers
c. Customer management
d. I want customers to be able to order online for pick-up / delivery
e. I do not have a marketing platform
f. Other (User Input)
3. If your establishment has its own app, what features would you most want to have?
a. (User input)
4. Have you used any apps to boost your customer experience / marketing?
5. (If yes to Q5) What type service/application was it?
6. (If yes to Q5) What did you like about the application?
7. (If yes to Q5) What did you dislike about the application?
8. If you could build your own application for your establishment, what features would you like to
have (Top 3)
a. Delivery
b. Pick-up Service
c. Exclusive promotions
d. Exclusive menu items
e. Gain points to exchange for items
f. Free gifts on your X purchase
g. Special day gifts (birthdays)
h. Updates on Restaurant/Café
i. Referral program
j. Other (User Input)
9. Describe your ideal application to improve your customer experience / marketing
a. (Open-ended Question)

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