"Pastors Against HB87," Mundo Hispánico 23 March 2011

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Pastors against hb87

Churches protest legislative

Gospel ministers promise to
take action to defend their
parishioners in the face of
anti-immigrant legislation.
by Mario Guevara
muNdohISPÁNIco, 23 march 2011

C hristian pastors in metro-

politan Atlanta are worried
about legal problems they might
have should state legislators ap-
prove hB87, considered a replica
of the anti-immigrant law in
Arizona. Pro-immigration rally, Hartford, Connecticut, 1 May 2010.
A group of 20 leaders from
various local congregations met undocumented foreigner come to fight against narco-trafficking and
last Saturday [12 March] in a Georgia or who houses or trans- human smuggling, as long as it is
Norcross church to seek options ports them. done justly, because with [hB87]
in the face of a “crisis” that, accord- Republican Representative any one of us could find himself
ing to them, is approaching. Matt Ramsey, author of hB87, in trouble.”
The organizer of the meet- included these provisions to, ac- The majority of pastors that
ing, pastor Letty Torres, from the cording to him, counteract illegal attended the meeting admitted
church House of Restoration, trafficking of persons that in past that more than 75 percent in their
expressed to Mundo Hispánico his years has affected the state. congregations lack papers. Torres
indignation about the effects that In Georgia there are many said many of them do not drive
hB87 will bring to his life. evangelical churches that provide for fear of being arrested.
For the Puerto Rican it hurts transportation, food and free He said that for some time he
to realize that daily actions, such hospitality to Latinos with scarce has equipped vehicles, including
as helping an immigrant without resources. Some also help pay gas his, for weekly transport of believ-
regard to skin color or legal status, or electrical bills. ers who wish to visit his church.
might turn him into a criminal. “This is a humanitarian deed “They need to come together
Torres was referring to vari- and not to influence them to to hear God, and they do not have
ous sections of the legislation that come illegally to Georgia,” Tor- means to do that. As a pastor it is
penalize anyone who helps an res said. “We are in favor of the my duty to help them, and I will

© 2011 MundoHispánico (www.mundohispanico.com) | The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. For non-commercial, personal use only.
continue doing it even if it means
prison,” he stressed.
Other Christian leaders
whose ministries have for years
offered different types of help for
immigrants also expressed their
concern about the measure.
Pastor Tony García of Cuba
said that helping immigrants is
the responsibility of every Chris-
tian, because God asks for charity
and humanitarian love.
García and his wife, María, for
years have served the Latin com-
munity in different ways. In 2004,
the pair established a center in
Duluth where day laborers receive Immigrant-rights march, New York, 2007.
assistance and legal protection
when faced with abuse from their have had to go to prisons to get The Catholic Church raises its
contractors. our brothers who were driving voice
García pressed other pastors without a license,” he said. The Archdiocese of Atlanta
to start lobbying Republican sena- Masogo said that he does also made public its rejection of
tors and representatives—many not want to come to the point of Ramsey’s proposed law.
of whom profess themselves to removing the name of his church In a press statement the
be Christians—to try to raise from church vans to avoid attract- Catholic church called on the
consciousness. ing attention of the police. state Legislature to reject hB87
“Also with the governor The minister suggested seek- as an unnecessary measure that
[Nathan Deal]. We have to try to ing the help of pastors and min- would affect all residents of
meet with him to make him know isters of well-known American Georgia.
that we are good people and that churches, with the aim of getting “Human dignity and the
this law will affect us,” García said. them to help and intercede with rights of the undocumented must
For his part, pastor Antonio politicians promoting laws against be respected at all times,” the
Masogo, president of the Associa- the Latin community. statement said. “We are opposed
tion of Pastors and Ministers of As a first step, the pastor to this legislation because it crimi-
Atlanta (cePma), believes that stressed that they support the nalizes help given to undocument-
hB87 will add to the police perse- protest 24 March in front of the ed immigrants and requires that
cution that already exists. state Capitol, convened by the legal authorities check the status
“We have already seen deten- Georgia Latino Alliance for Hu- of persons detained for traffic
tions around our churches and we man Rights (glahr). violations.”

© 2011 MundoHispánico (www.mundohispanico.com) | The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. For non-commercial, personal use only.
that causes such anger will have
been resolved by the federal
government at the legislative
level and that it will have disap-
peared. If history is prologue,
the divisions of our time will
have been replaced with moder-
ation, progress and celebrations
in which old adversaries come
together to reflect.
If you follow the demo-
graphic changes in our state,
these celebrations could be
around the corner. In 2022,
more than 24 percent of
Los Angeles rally, 2004: “No human being is illegal.” students eligible to be admit-
ted to our universities will
At the close of this edition, enroll at uga. As well as capturing be Hispanic. The probability
hB87 continued to be in the their young and determined faces, that children of immigrants will
hands of the Senate awaiting the camera also captured—as become married to descendants
debate, after the House of Rep- always—the infuriated faces of of Jefferson Davis will form part
resentatives approved it at the protestors who opposed their ad- of a new Southern tradition. We
beginning of March. mission with the conviction that will live in a time of combined
—translated by John Turnbull “morality cannot be legislated.” last names, where we mix Sán-
The pictures now are 50 years chez with Harris and Wu with
History and extremism old, but the protesters seem con- Smith. Such connections will
by Sam Zamarripa temporary. I thought that perhaps convert fear into acceptance and
muNdohISPÁNIco, 16 march 2011 misunderstandings into family
I know some of them personally.
Today, those individuals must stories.

O n January 9 the University

of Georgia celebrated the
50th anniversary of the aboli-
be about 70 years old. Probably
many today live in Georgia, with
children and grandchildren who
I am not the only one who
thinks about the future and about
the outcomes for extremists.
tion of racial segregation in its attend classes at uga with people During the last elections, depart-
classrooms. During the ceremony of different ethnic groups. On see- ing governor Sonny Perdue asked
some black-and-white pictures ing the tape I asked myself if some his colleagues to lower the tone
from 1961 attracted my attention. of the protesters had repented. of anti-immigrant rhetoric. In an
The video recorded the day I do not know where we will apolitical moment of reflection,
that Charlayne Hunter-Gault be in 50 years, but I hope that Perdue called for their attention
and Hamilton Holmes came to the matter of illegal immigration because he knows our history and

© 2011 MundoHispánico (www.mundohispanico.com) | The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. For non-commercial, personal use only.
knows that our words and deeds of its intervention in immigra- Additional resources
can torture us. tion affairs. We do not have to be More information is available from
I know personally and respect competing with Arizona for first the state Legislature (www
many members of the General place in extremist legislation. We .legis.ga.gov), aalac (aalegal.org),
Assembly and share their con- have much to lose. American Immigration Lawyers
stant frustration with the lack of The 1961 film footage re- Association (www.aila.org), galeo
solutions on immigration from minds us that things change and (www.galeo.org), glahr (www
the federal government. But we anger about what seems to be .glahr.org), lulac (lulac.org),
need to remember Perdue’s warn- an impossible situation can be maldef (www.maldef.org), and
ing. converted into celebration. I hope the National Council of La Raza
The times of extremism, the that within a few years we will (www.nclr.org).
words and deeds will only lead remember 2011 without regret.
to our state being compared with Sam Zamarripa is a former state
Arizona, a state that has suffered legislator and businessman.
economically and socially because

Proposed anti-immigrant / anti-Latino laws of all services provided to undocumented immi-

Immigration-enforcement legislation pending in grants.
the 2011 Georgia Legislature: ¶hb59 “Kill the Dream Law” | Would prohibit
¶hb87 “La Georgizona i” | Empowers local law undocumented youth from entering any publicly
enforcement to arrest undocumented immigrants funded state post-secondary school.
and to initiate deportation proceedings. Establishes ¶hb72 “The English-Only Law” | The written
fines and prison time for those presenting falsified portion of the Georgia motor-vehicle exam would
documents to obtain work. be offered only in English.
¶sb40 “La Georgizona ii” | Requires companies— ¶hb162 “Against Illegal Drunkenness” | Seeks
excluding the state farm industry—to use the that undocumented persons detained for drunk
E-Verify program to verify employees’ visa status. driving will be charged with a severe crime from
Local law enforcement can detain any person they their first arrest for this reason.
“suspect” of being undocumented and turn that ¶sb7 “Workers without Rights” | Seeks to prevent
person over to immigration authorities. undocumented immigrants from getting compensa-
¶sb104 “Day Laborers’ Law” | Citing “vehicu- tion for workplace injuries.
lar chaos” caused by day-labor pools, establishes ¶sb174 “Deportation from Jails” | Mandates that
penalties for day laborers, those who hire them, and all prisons in Georgia implement the Secure Com-
county and municipal officials who fail to enforce munities program to determine how many prison-
the law. ers lack legal status.
¶hb296 “The Undocumented Accounting Law” |
Requires hospitals and public schools to keep track Source: Mundo Hispánico, 16 March 2011

© 2011 MundoHispánico (www.mundohispanico.com) | The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. For non-commercial, personal use only.

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