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Acta Geologica Hungarica, Vol. 47/1, pp.

63-73 (2004)

Application of medica! Computer Tomograph

measurements to 3D reservoir characterization
Tamás Foldes, Gizella B. Árgyelán Péter Bogner, Imre Repa
Balázs Kiss llniversity of Kaposvár, Inslitute of Diagnoslíc
Mol Hungarian Oil mzd Gas Pie., Budapest Imaging and Radiation Oncology, Kaposvár

Kinga Hips
Geological Research Croup of Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, Budapest

This paper summarizes the benefits of non-destructive core measurements by medical Computer
Tomograph (CT) in integrated 30 reservoir characterization.
A direct relationship exists between CT measurements and petrography, conventional
petrophysical analysis and well logs. Based on CT measurements the interna] structure of core
samples, and the geometry of framework constituents, porosity type and pore size distribution, as
well as fracturing, can be described. There is a close connection between distribution of the
Hounsfield Unit of CT measurements and pore size distribution detected by conventional
petrophysical analysis. Calculation of effective porosity from petroleum saturation experiments
provides a new way to determine the porosity of the whole core sample. Beside the description of
reservoir parameters, the results of CT measurements can be extended over the surrounding area of
th e well. By matching the cylinder maps of CT to FMI images and other welllogs the origina l position
of the core samples can be reconstructed. Applying high-tech CT measurements in 30 reservoir
characterization and modeling of fluid migration significantly reduces the exploration and
prod uction risks.

Key words: Computer Tomography, non-destructive core measurements, 3D reservoir

characterization, modeling of fluid migration, risks reduction

Th e aim of this paper is to present the benefits of non-destructive core meas-
urements by medical Computer Tomograph (CT) in intcgrated 30 reservoir
ch arac te riza tion.
Th e relation ships between CT images and petrograph y, sedimen tology, the
porosity an d permeability values computed from CT an alysis and from conven-
tion al petrophysical laboratory tests, and the possibility of 30 charactcrization
and modelin g of hyd rocarbon reservoirs based on CT measuremen ts, were
studied and described.

Addresses: T. Foldes, G. B. Árgyelán: H-1039 Budapest, Batthyány u. 45, Hungary

B. Kiss: H-6701 Szeged, P O. Box 37, Hungary
P Bogner, J. Repa: H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba S. u. 40, Hungary
K. Hips: H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány P sétány 1/c, Hungary
Received: 22 September 2003

0236-5278/$ 20.00 © 2004 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapesl

64 T. Foldes et al.

For this purpose, core samples from a Triassic fractured carbonate reservoir of
Arabian Plate were studied. The thick carbonate-evaporite sequence was de-
posited in a regressive tidal flat-lagoon complex under arid-semiarid conditions.
Generally, the entire Triassic sequence of the studied area is composed of
repetitive, smaller-scale regressive (shallowing-upward) sequences, beginning
with claystone, followed by subtidal-open lagoon dark, muddy limestone (sorne-
times partly dolornitized) and grading upward into peritidal dolomite, anhydritic
dolomite, anhydrite/gypsum or salt. Sedimentary and lithological signatures of
subtidal, intertidal and supratidal environments can be determined: dolomitized
mudstone and irregular algallamination forming on low-energy subtidal-open
lagoon and intertidal environments, respectively. Relicts of eolian dust, pre-
cipitation of evaporitic minerals within the buried algal beds, the well-preserved
fenestral and bird's-eye vugs, replacement dolomitization, and cementation by
dolomite are indicators of a supratidal environment. The regressive tidal flat
model of the Persian Gulf is considered to be a modern analog of the studied
Triassic tidal flat sediments.
Detailed petrographic descriptions, diagenesis studies, biostratigraphic,
geochemical and conventional petrophysical data, as well as interpretations of
wireline logs and FMI records, are available from the studied exploratory wells.
These data were also used during interpretation and calibration of CT

Principles of Computer Tomography
The Computer Tomograph technique was originally used for medica} analysis
(Hounsfield 1973). It is a relatively new, non-destructive method, which reveals
the interna! structure of the core samples by X-ray images. The scanner gives a
relative density matrix from a 0.1 x0.1 x2.0 mm cell (Hounsfield Unit, H. U.),
which depends on the mineralogical constituents of the rock and the gravirnetric
density of the sample. The density values of different types of minerals and rocks
have already been deterrnined (Honarpour et al. 1985); these are the principal
points for quantifying the interna! structure and porosity of rock samples.
CT measurements were carried out on a Siemens Somatom Plus CT in the
Institute of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology, University of Kaposvár,
Hungary. The statistical analysis and interpretation of all data were perforrned by
the experts of MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Company. The aim of the CT meas-
urements was to obtain detailed information for reservoir characterization (pare
size and shape, fractures, distribution and interconnection of frarnework con-
stituents, bedding), petrophysical properties (effective porosity, flow dynamic
profile) and to correlate them with FMI image data and welllogs.

Acta Geologica Hungarica 47, 2004

Applícation of medien/ Com¡ntler Tomograph mensurements to 3D reservoir clwracteriznlio11 65

Data processing
The flow diagram in Figure 1 represents the data analysis and interpretation
process. Using the sean images, the petrologists and petrophysicists can select thc
most suitable samples for additional measurements. Based on segmentation of
Hounsfield Units the different constituents of the reservoir rocks were describcd
as well as their 30 distribution and a cylinder map werc computed. During
dynamic profile measurements a few corc samples with known porosity and
permeability values were saturated with petroleum; meanwhile continuous CT
measurements were carried out in selected slice positions. After the saturation,
these samples were scanncd again, allowing the computation of the effective
porosity of each cell. The results were compared to data of the conventional
petrophysical analysis and then extended to the entire sample.

(~alibrahon of CT


Comput~r & Interfac(1

iiJ] ,({.. Im~ ge

Cm (1 Analysls
of Sample~

Dvn~unic Prot11e
f\:(eH8l.u em ent

C'onE-Iation with
P~tJ ·o¡Jhys ica 1D~tta

3D Rtstnoir 1\lodtlling

Fig. 1
Process of data a nalysis and interpre tation

Relationship between CT measurements and sedimentology/petrography (Fig. 2)
The original carbonate sediments werc pervasively replaced by dolomitc. In
thin section the original sedimentary structures are often well preservcd.
Petrographically three replacement dolomite types can be distinguish ed:

Acta Geologica Hungarica 47, 2004

66 T. Foldes et al.

CT images :M:in Relati"' e Den~ty Max




Fig. 2
Relation ship between CT measureme nts and sedimentology/petrography

sucrosic, fabric preservative microcrystalline and massive microcrystalline. A

direct relationship exists between the CT images and dolomite types, as well as
the most common pore types observed in carbonate rocks.
Sucrosic dolomite is composed of coarse xenotopic to hypidiotopic mosaics of
anhedral to subhedral dolomite crystals of 100-350 J.LID, exceptionally 500 J.Lffi in
size. As petrographic evidence suggests, dolomitization occurred at elevated
temperature leading to obliteration of most of the original sedimentary textures.
Nevertheless the precursor deposits could be interpreted as shallow subtidal
carbonate sands. Dolomitization rearranged and reduced the porosity. The
secondary intercrystalline pores were enhanced by solutional events in later
phase of diagenesis. Hydrocarbon in the core samples is observed in this type of
Fabric-preserving microcrystalline dolomite is composed of crystals <4 J.Lffi in
sizc, formed by the dolomitization of carbonate muds (mudstones) and
micritized bioclastic-peloidal sands (grainstone/packstone). Argillaceous micro-
crystalline dolomites contain well-preserved fine parallellamination and traces
of organic matter. A shallow, partly restricted subtidal zone is interpreted as the
depositional environment. This type of dolomite has no significant porosity due
to the original microcrystalline size of the sediments and the early diagenetic

Acta Geologica Hungarica 47, 2004

Applicalioll of medica/ Computer Tomograph measuremellts to 3D reservoir characteriznlioll 67

Massive microcrystalline dolomite is composcd of unimodal crystals <4 J.Lm in

size. The majority of the samples examined in thin section reprcsent monotonous
crystalline groundmass. This type of dolomite is not assigned to any single
depositional facies.
Carbonates deposited in a subtidal to intertidal area (Fig. 2) are characterized
by rapid horizontal and repetitive vertical changes of lithofacies, indicating a
cyclical depositional environment. Homogeneous, light coloured parts of the 30
reconstruction (Fig. 2) reflect microcrystalline dolomite, while heterogcncous
darker parts containing solutional vugs and moulds can be interpreted as
sucrosic dolomite.

Appearance of porosity types in the CT measurements controlled by petrophysical

Generally, certain types of porosity
in carbonate rocks occur as a function
of rock fabric. The important porosity
types of the studied dolomite de-
scribed by petrographic microscope are
observed on the CT cylinder map (Fig.
3). This computed cylinder map
represents the outer surface of the core
sample. Dominant intercrystallinc
pares are invisible because the pore
size is too small. The fracture system
can be seen very well in lhc homo-
geneous microcrystalline parts of the Fig. 3
sample. Open 'mineral and fabric- Interpretation of CT cylinder map using the
results of petrography. Computed cylinder map
selective' vuggy pores, connected represents the outher surface of the core sample
mainly to the sucrosic dolomite, are
represented by a very low Hounsfield Unit (black color on Fig. 3). High relativc
density values characterize the totally anhydrite-filled vugs because of the high
density of anhydrite (whitc color on Fig. 3). The black and white patched vugs
are partially filled by anhydrite. Thin sections (Fig. 4) show the traditional
approach of the pctrography and pore space sedimentology.
Sclected CT images of sucrosic dolomite (Fig. Sa) and microcrystalline dolomitc
(Fig. Sb) demonstrate the heterogeneous texture of sucrosic type with vuggy
porosity, and the homogencous texture of microcrystalline type. Inside the vugs
the Hounsfield Unit is of minimal value, indicating a high porosity area. Open
fractures of the 'B' sample (Fig. Sb) show only a minimal change in the Hounsfield
Unit because the resolution of CT measurement in this sample is less than the
width of fracture, suggesting that the size (dimension) of visualized objccts is
limite d.

Acta Geologica Hungarica 47, 2004

68 T. Foldes et al.

Fig. 4
Open vuggy pores (white arrows) and fractures (black arrows)

Fig. 5
CT sean image of sucrosic dolomite (a) and microcrystalline dolomite (b). Diameter of slice is 8 cm

Distributions of Hounsfield Units show both the heterogeneity of CT images

and the physical properties (density, porosity). Sample 'A' with vuggy porosity
(Fig. Sa) has a typical bimodal distribution (Fig. 6a). The lower Hounsfield values
(lower relative density) reflect the appearance of vugs. The tight dolomites
without any vugs (Fig. Sb) have a simple distribution with high Hounsfield
values (Fig. 6b). Based on conventional petrophysicallaboratory tests the porous
type has a bimodal pore size distribution curve (Fig. 6c). The best pore connection
is characterized by a pore throat size greater than 1 J.Lffi. This pore throat size
provides the connection between more than 50% of total pare space, resulting in
10-50 mD permeability.
Sample 'B' (Fig. 6d) shows minimal porosity; the small microcrystalline pares
with few pare connections (the dominant pore throat size is less than 0.1 J.Lm)
determine the minimal permeability (tenth arder with a few straight fractures).

Acta Geologica Hungarica 47, 2004

Applicntion of medica[ Cvmputer Tvmograph measuremeHts to 3D reservoir characterimtion 69

6a Sample "A" 61) Sarnple "B"

•• ~ .. . .
~ • .. ..... .. ... .... --- -- • • • o • ••
-- ·~
... ~

.-.. "'
t ! ,.
! ..
e l
» »
• •
u xu ... ~-
Jc• n• J.U >• Jr.ll
•~ .... ,.. lU6 y~

._........... Joer. J» Ut+ .lf,


6c Sample "A" 6d Sarnple "B"


~ l/ LO
"'t 60 J ~
.. /
! V "-

• D
¿..- . ~

lO 1~
_,., /
o o
.D,OOJ ••• 1 0,1 lO 100 • • l'D 1 D, Ot 0,1 10 l OO
ti••> Rl•• >

Fig. 6
Relative CT density distribution (a, b) compared to pore size distribution of conventional
petrophysicallaboratory analysis of plugs (e, d). Data of Sample ''A" and "B" represents the sucrosic
and microcrystalline dolomite samples, respectively. For CT images see Fig. Sa, b

Application of CT interpretation in 3D characterization of reservoir rocks and modelhzg

of fluid migration
Saturation experiments were carried out on three selected samples, the
porosity and permeability values of which are known frorn conventional
petrophysical analyses. Sarnple 1 had 18% porosity, while Samples 2 and 3 had
only 4% porosity values. Ouring the experiments, these dried and vacuumed
samples were saturated with petroleum under 1 bar differential pressure. Figure
7 shows the results of the saturation and the "dynamic" profiles of the samples
through time. Different saturation mechanisms can be interpreted: the sample is
filled totally if the matrix porosity is high (Sample 1); the samples are filled at first
partially through fractures and vugs if the matrix porosity is low (Samples 2 and
3). Where therc are no fractures or vugs and the matrix porosity and perrneability
are low, the rack is not filled during the time of the experiment. Whitc,
homogeneous parts of the samples represent flow barriers, indicating that the
hydrocarbon may have migrated through fractures and interconnecting pares.
Therefore, dynamic profile measurements provide a valuable tool for identifying
the flow barriers and modeling the imbibition and drainage of the reservoir, thus
reducing risks in reserves calculations and forthcorning production.

Acta Geologica Hungarica 47, 2004

70 T. Foldes et al.

Drv Core lmage Dvnamic Pro/ik

Howufield Unit Scale PeJroleum Sawrated Sea/e(%)
ir f
m:*l::;,, , , , , t i2
4 8 12 16

rim.r scalt (su;)

Sample 1 19 44 iB 112 146

úmt $Cale {sec)

Sample 1 10 27 44 61

time sea/e (ftc)


Fig. 7
Dynamic profile of samples as a function of time

Effective porosity distribution is computed from the filled condition of Sample

2. Based on sean images the rate of saturation in each cell of a given slice is
known; therefore the porosity map can be constructed. 'Average sean porosity'
and 'Effective volume log' are determined from each cell of 19 slices. Three of the
19 porosity maps can be seen in Figure 8. Based on CT measurements the
computed average porosity is 4.11 %, and the effective volume is 44.3% from
94510 data. The effective porosity determined by conventional petrophysical
analysis is 4.29%. 30 porosity distribution is also reconstructed from these data,
suggesting that heterogeneity and reservoir capability of the rocks is connected
with the geometry of fractures and vugs.

Relatían between the FMI and CT interpretation

Beside the description of reservoir architecture and estimation of reservoir
parameters, we tried to expand the results of CT measurernents into the
surrounding area of the well. Matching the cylinder rnaps of CT to FMI records

Acta Geologica Hurzgarica 47, 2004

Applicatiun uf medica/ Cumputer Tumogrnph measuremellls tu 3D reservuir clwracterizal ion 71

SCAN porositv map

Dry C ore Image
Average SCAN Porosity & Eff. V olume

Vol % • • • 0 20 40 60 80 100
Pcr % - 2 3 4 5 6 7




Fig. 8
30 porosity distribution and d e termination o f effective vo lume

and other welllogs, the original position of the cores can be reconstructed. In the
case of the studied sample, unfortunately, "re-emplacing" the cores in their
original position was not possible because in the core's interval there was no
correlation between the CT cylinder map and FMI records (Fig. 9), due to the
poor quality of the FMI. However, below and above the core interval the quality
of the FMI image is good enough to allow correlation. The bending of the FMI
image is caused by the alternating beds of different carbonate rocks with lower
and higher porosity. Using the results of saturation measurements the porosity of
the samples can be cornputed; therefore, based on FMI images a reliable
estimation can be given for the porosity (Fig. 9) of the other intervals of the

The new rnethod presented h ere provides a n ew approach for obtaining large
amounts of inforrnation from core samples without destroying them. The
benefits of CT measurements in hydrocarbon exploration and production can be
summarized as follows:
1. Cornputer Tornography is a valuablc tool for identifying the frarn ework of
the reservoir rocks. Characteristic properties, such as the geometry and volume

Acta Geologica Hungarica 47, 2004

72 T. Foldes et al.

Average L ogs
Thtll ímage CT Cylinder Image ofFMI & CT data




Fig. 9
FMI ilnage compared to CT cylinder map

of the main constituents (pore size and shape, fracturing, and their distribution
and connection) can be computed.
2. The reservoir capacity of the rock samples can be investigated. Calculation
of effective porosity from petroleum saturation measurements presents a new
opportunity to determine the porosity of the whole core sample. Most of the
studied samples have only 4% average matrix porosity (mainly intercrystalline
porcs) and low effective porosity; therefore the recovery factor could be low.
Minor parts of the samples contain vugs, molds and fractures, which may be
interconnected. These areas have an average of 20% effective porosity and a
higher recovery factor than the matrix. To obtain a better estimation for the
recovery factor the minimum volume of open vugs and fractures can be
computed, which is very important for production purposes.
3. By matching the cylinder maps to FMI images and other well logs the
original position of the core samples can be reconstructed and the results of CT
can be extended into the surrounding area of the well.
4. By applying the high-tech CT measurements in petroleum geology the
geotechnical risks can be significantly reduced by better scanning of the inner
structure of cores, by better reservoir description thanks to fully representative
plugs through CT controlled sampling, and by modeling of imbibition and
drainage processes.

Acta Geologica Hu ngarica 47, 2004

Applicntion of medien[ Computer Tomogrnph mensurements to 30 reservoir charncteriznfion 73

The authors are grateful to the Exploration and Production Division of MOL
Hungarian Oil and Gas Pie. for supporting the CT experiments and for
permission to publish the interpretations presented in this paper. Special thanks
go to Dr. Zsuzsanna Bugyi, radiologist, and László Seres, operator (Hetényi Géza
Hospital of Szolnok), and to Dr. László Almási (Intcrnational Medica} Center of
Szeged) for their useful information on CT measurements at the beginning of this
research. We are also grateful to Ferenc Berecz, petrophysicist, for prcparing
samples for CT measurements. Helpful discussions with Ferenc Závoda and
Zsolt Csutorás, programmcrs (Institute of Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation
Oncology, Kaposvár), are gratefully acknowledged.

Honarpour, M.M., V Cromwell, D. Hatton, R. Satchwell1985: Reservoir rock descriptions using
Computed Tomography.- 60th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of SPE, Las Vegas.
Hounsfield, G.N. 1973: Computerized transverse axial scanning (tomography).- Br. J. Radio!., 46,
pp. 1016-1022.

Acta Geologica Hungaricn 47, 2004

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