Business Comms Assignment 1

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Faculty of Commerce Department Business Management

Name Evans Mulambo J
Reg No. B03210813
Programme Bachelor of Commerce Honours Degree in Business
Course Business Communications
Code HBUM113
Cell Number 0773111851

Discuss any five reasons why social communication is important in business organisations


Overall Mark
Marker’s Name DR. S MANDIZVIDZA Signature……………….......................
There are some messages which cannot be sent through formal way and therefore requires
some alternative. Such alternative can be informal communication which may also be called
social communication. This communication is based on informal relations (like friendship,
membership of the same club, the same place of birth, etc.) and, therefore, is free from all the
organisational formalities. The exchange of informal messages usually takes place on the
occasion of community meals, social occasions, parties, etc. On such occasions, the superiors
gather such information from their subordinates as may be difficult to get through formal
communication. Such communication includes comments or suggestions. Message sent to
subordinates requires explanation or interpretation and informal communication is the
valuable means here. In some instances, it is not possible to make any complaints to superiors
through formal communication but informal communication gives the employees a better
opportunity to raise their complaints, grievances or claim and this can be through the

Employees can freely exchange their opinions in terms of informal communication. They can
ask any question without any hesitation. Thus, a cordial communication environment is
created to increase the efficiency of employees. 

The types of informal communication network are, single strand network, gossip
chain network, probability chain network and cluster chain network. These are stated as
follows: (Informal Communication Network, n.d.).

Single Strand Network

Under the single strand network, the flow of information takes place from one person
to another. One person will make provision of information to the other, who will in turn
communicate the information to the next person. In the same way, the third person will also
communicate the information to the next person and so on. One of the major disadvantages of
this form of network is, the information is less reliable and accurate to pass on the message.
The communication process in this case is linear

Gossip Chain Network

In the case of the gossip chain network, the individual imparts information to all the
other individuals in the network in a direct manner. This individual is regarded as the main
person, who performs the job duty of transmitting information that he has obtained. In this
case, every person in the network communicates with each other in an informal manner. This
network is made use in most cases, when the subject matter is not related to the nature of the

Probability Chain Network

In this form of communication network, information passes randomly from one
individual to another. In this case, there is an individual, who acts as the source of message.
He selects any person randomly in the network to communicate the message. The second
person will make a selection of another person on a random basis and passes the information
to him. Hence, communication flows to different individuals, who have been selected on a
random basis. In this case, the source of information for each member of the network is
different. This communication network is made use of in the case of information, which is
interesting. But the information is not significant.

Cluster Chain Network

In the cluster chain network, there is an individual, who acts as the source of the
message. He performs the job of transmitting information to the pre-selected group of
individuals, out of whom, few individuals convey the same message to the other selected
group of individuals. In this manner, the chain continues and the message reaches to all the
individuals in the communication network. This pattern is similar to the telephone tree. In
which one person calls two other persons, these two persons call three other persons and
again these three persons call three other persons. In this manner, the information gets
transmitted to all the persons, connected in the telephone network. This is regarded as one of
the common forms of informal communication network.

The advantages of informal communication are assisting to the members as well as

the organization as a whole. These are stated as follows: (Advantages of Informal
Communication, 2018).

Alternative System – Within organizations, there is some information, which cannot be

imparted through formal system of communication, therefore, the members need to
communicate in terms of it through alternative system. Informal system is regarded as the
alternative systems, which conveys various types of information among the members. Within
organizations, the primary aim of communicating is to impart information in terms of
measures and approaches that are needed to perform one’s job duties well and achieving the
desired outcomes. The informal system of communication is regarded as worthwhile in
imparting information in terms of job duties. Therefore, alternative system is regarded as one
of the major advantages of informal communication.

Interpretation – When the superiors send messages or impart knowledge in terms of

various factors to their subordinates, they will be able to understand them well, when they are
explanatory in nature. Hence, informal system of communication is regarded as effectual in
interpreting the information in an appropriate manner. In some cases, through formal system,
the message may not be easily understandable to the employees. Therefore, in order to ensure
that employees are able to interpret the messages well, the supervisors, managers and
employers impart information through informal systems. Therefore, interpretation is regarded
as one of the advantages that is facilitated through informal communication.

Redressing Grievances – Within the organizations, the members at various positions

experience problems and difficulties as well. These are regarded as major impediments
the course of implementation of their job duties. Hence, it is vital to solve problems and
grievances. These are necessary not only in achieving professional goals, but also in
augmenting the overall structure of the organization. Through the system of informal
communication, the individuals are able to redress their grievances to their superiors and seek
solutions. They can be done online or through oral communication. Therefore, acquiring
opportunities to redress grievances are regarded as one of the advantages of informal

Increasing Efficiency – In the case of informal communication, the employees are

provided with the opportunities to express their ideas and viewpoints. If they are experiencing
any problems in the performance of their job duties, they are able to obtain help and support
from others without any hesitance. In other words, they do not experience apprehensiveness
in communicating with others. The employees will be able to freely express their ideas and
viewpoints, when they will be able to promote cordial and sociable working environment and
overcome apprehensiveness and vulnerability. In addition, they will also be able to increase
efficiency. Therefore, increasing efficiency is regarded as one of the important advantages of
informal communication.
Improving Relations – Through informal communication, the individuals will be able
to bring about improvements in terms and relationships with each other. It is not only
important for the individuals to generate information in terms of performance of job duties,
but to retain their jobs and enhance the structure of the organization, it is of utmost
significance to focus upon improving relations. In order to achieve organizational goals, it is
vital for the members to work in co-ordination and integration with each other. Hence, in
order to promote mutual understanding, informal communication is indispensable. Therefore,
improving relations is regarded as one of the important advantages of informal

Providing Recommendations – In order to carry out one’s job duties well, the
subordinates, superiors and colleagues communicate with each other in terms of ideas,
suggestions, processes, methods, materials and so forth. Through informal communication,
the members of the organization provide recommendations, which would be assisting in the
implementation of one’s job duties and in generating the desired outcomes.
Recommendations can be provided in a verbal as well as in a written form. When they are
brief, they can be imparted orally, whereas, when they are lengthy, they are given in writing.
Therefore, it can be stated, providing recommendations is regarded as one of the essential
advantages of informal communication.

Providing Emotional Relief – In some cases, within the working environment, the
individuals experience the psychological problems of stress, anxiety and pressure. When they
get engaged in informal communication, they are able to acquire emotional relief in providing
solutions to their problems. Within the course of implementation of one’s job duties, it is vital
for the individuals to overcome all types of impediments. When they get engaged in informal
communication with other individuals, they are able to find relief from their problems.
Furthermore, through this form of communication, they are able to enhance their knowledge
and skills. Therefore, providing emotional relief is regarded as one of the important
advantages of informal communication.

Providing Solutions to Problems – It is comprehensively understood that individuals

need to take into account and pay attention to number of factors. In other words, they have
numerous tasks and responsibilities, these include, home, family, jobs and so forth. When
they get engaged in informal communication, they are able to generate awareness in terms of
development of time management skills. These skills enable them to assign priorities to tasks
and activities and provide solutions to various types of problems that may arise. Therefore, it
can be stated, providing emotional relief is regarded as one of the important advantages of
informal communication.

Increasing Job Satisfaction – The implementation of informal communication leads to

an increase in the feeling of job satisfaction. The individuals feel pleasurable, contented and
motivated within the working environment. These factors are not only necessary in leading to
effective implementation of job duties, but also in retaining one’s jobs. In order to lead to an
increase in the feeling of job satisfaction and develop motivation, interest and enthusiasm, it
is necessary for the individuals to get engaged in informal communication. Therefore, it can
be stated, increasing job satisfaction is regarded as one of the important advantages that is
facilitated through informal communication.

Measuring Reaction – Before any new information is released, the management

aspires to generate awareness in terms of reaction of employees. It is necessary for the
management to take into account that employees should not feel overwhelmed and
pressurised. They need to put into operation their job duties with interest and enthusiasm.
Through informal communication, the management is able to find out the reaction of the
employees, before they impart them any kind of information through formal channels. For
instance, before initiating modern and innovative methods, it is necessary to measure the
reaction of the employees. Therefore, it can be stated, measuring reaction is regarded as one
of the crucial advantages that is facilitated through informal communication.

Thus therefore, social communication is very important to an organisation and the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages.


1. Advantages of Informal Communication, 2018

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