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17/5/2021 T RAUL 16 MCH Quiz Unit 11

T RAUL 16 MCH Quiz Unit 11

Choose the best answer


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Student's Name *

Maria Benitez

1. More restaurants ___ organic food now. * 1 punto

a. are serving

b. are being served

c. have been served

2. A lot of jobs ___ to workers in other countries. * 1 punto

a. are being outsourced 1/7
17/5/2021 T RAUL 16 MCH Quiz Unit 11

b. is outsourced

c. are outsourcing

3. Tuition fees at my school ___ again. * 1 punto

a. hasn't been raised

b. have been raised

c. has raised

4. Because of poor business conditions, a lot of workers ___ by 1 punto

companies. *

a. have laid off

b. are laying off

c. are being laid off

5. Every year, more workers ___ public transportation to work. * 1 punto

a. are taking

b. have been taken

c. are being taken

6. The land outside the city ___. * 1 punto

a. hasn't developed 2/7
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b. have been developed

c. hasn't been developed

7. Parents ___ to pay a lot for their children's college tuitions. * 1 punto

a. haven't been

b. are being asked

c. has been asked

8. Public schools ___ selling soft drinks and unhealthy snacks. * 1 punto

a. have been stopped

b. have stopped

c. are being stopped

9. I'm glad that more money ___ on public transportation. * 1 punto

a. is spending

b. has spent

c. is being spent

10. Wireless Internet access ___ in my company. * 1 punto

a. hasn't been made available

b. hasn't made available 3/7
17/5/2021 T RAUL 16 MCH Quiz Unit 11

c. isn't made

11. Many companies are ___ right from business schools. They are 1 punto

holding fairs at schools and hiring students who are going to graduate. *

a. commuting

b. outsourcing

c. recruiting

12. Many companies are ___ jobs to other countries, so there are fewer 1 punto

jobs for workers here. *

a. recruiting

b. attracting

c. outsourcing

13. What ___ does your company provide? Does it provide health 1 punto
insurance and flexible hours, for example? *

a. benefits

b. income

c. schedules

14. During a ___, cities often don't allow people to water their lawns at 1 punto
certain times. * 4/7
17/5/2021 T RAUL 16 MCH Quiz Unit 11

a. tornado

b. landfill

c. drought

15. It's very important to keep ___ out of rivers and lakes. They can kill 1 punto

animals and even get into people's water supply. *

a. plastics

b. toxic chemicals

c. natural resources

16. A: What kind of benefits does your company offer? B: Health 1 punto

insurance, family leave, day-care centers, ___. *

a. or anything

b. you were saying

c. etc.

17. A: ___ Do you think it's becoming more common for fathers to take 1 punto

time off to be with a new baby? B: Well, in some companies, perhaps. I

don't know anyone who's done it, though. *

a. That reminds me of day-care centers.

b. You mentioned paternity leave earlier.

c. Going back to flexible hours, what's happening? 5/7
17/5/2021 T RAUL 16 MCH Quiz Unit 11

18. A: Companies used to provide health insurance for their employees, 1 punto
but the costs keep going up. It's hard for companies to afford it. B:
That's true, but it's even harder for individual workers to afford it. ___,
health insurance is a major expense — no matter who has to pay for it. *

a. What about

b. That's like

c. As you were mentioning

19. A: Finally, our experience shows many of our overseas employees are 1 punto
excellent, motivated employees. B: But outsourcing at our company also
means that we now have workers in different time zones — and different
countries. It's sometimes hard to arrange a phone call. A: Scheduling can
be difficult. But ___ about outsourcing, it's been an excellent way to find
talented staff. *

a. as you were saying

b. as I said

c. I was wondering

20. A: So you're working pretty hard at your new job. B: Yeah, I am. 1 punto
Unfortunately, I don't get much vacation, time for lunch ___. *

a. and things like that

b. and like I said 6/7
17/5/2021 T RAUL 16 MCH Quiz Unit 11

c. so forth


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