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People with disability in Australia: specialist disability services supplementary data tables

Table SERV1: People aged 15 and over with disability living in households who received assistance from organised services for particular activities, by activity people
Table SERV2: People aged 15 and over with disability living in households who need assistance from organised services for particular activities, by activity people ne
Table SERV3: People with disability living in households who need assistance for particular activities, by activity people need help with and whether have unmet nee
Table SERV4: People with disability living in households who have an unmet need for assistance from organised services with at least one activity, by activity people
Table SERV5: People with disability living in households who have an unmet need for assistance from organised services, by reason for not receiving (any or more) h
Table SERV6: People with disability living in households who need assistance from organised services, by whether receive assistance from organised services, 2018

— nil or rounded to 0
.. not applicable
Table SERV1: People aged 15 and over with disability living in households who received assistance from organised services for particular activities, by activity
people received help with and satisfaction with quality of organised services received for that activity in the last 6 months, 2018

Satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Dissatisfied Total

Activity people received help Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate

with ('000) Row % 95% CI ('000) Row % 95% CI ('000) Row % 95% CI ('000) Row %
Self-care (a)
48.0 84.2 (77.7–90.7) *4.6 *8.1 (3.0–13.1) *3.9 *6.8 (0.3–13.4) 57.0 100.0
Mobility(b) 86.7 86.2 (83.7–88.6) 8.4 8.3 (4.5–12.2) *6.4 *6.4 (2.7–10.0) 100.6 100.0
Cognitive or emotional tasks(c) 207.4 79.9 (75.2–84.6) 21.8 8.4 (6.0–10.8) 31.0 11.9 (9.1–14.8) 259.7 100.0
Health care (d)
503.8 91.6 (89.2–94.1) 20.2 3.7 (2.6–4.7) 24.4 4.4 (3.2–5.7) 549.7 100.0
Reading or writing(e) n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p. n.p.
Transport(f)(g) 118.9 91.0 (90.1–91.9) *5.1 *3.9 (0.8–7.0) *7.1 *5.4 (2.8–8.1) 130.7 100.0
Household chores (h) 266.1 84.4 (80.8–87.9) 29.0 9.2 (6.9–11.5) 19.6 6.2 (4.7–7.7) 315.4 100.0
Property maintenance(i) 284.5 86.1 (82.1–90.1) 24.6 7.4 (5.1–9.8) 18.2 5.5 (3.5–7.5) 330.5 100.0
Meal preparation(j) 32.1 84.0 (79.5–88.5) *3.6 *9.4 (3.0–15.8) *4.3 *11.3 (1.2–21.3) 38.2 100.0
Total (k)
847.3 81.9 (81.0–82.9) 138.6 13.4 (11.8–15.0) 47.0 4.5 (3.5–5.6) 1,034.1 100.0

* Estimate has a relative standard error of 25–50% and should be used with caution.

(a) Collected for people with disability living in households who receive assistance with self-care from organised services.

(b) Collected for people with disability living in households who receive assistance with mobility from organised services.

(c) Collected for people with disability living in households who receive assistance with cognitive or emotional tasks from organised services.

(d) Collected for people, aged 5 and over with disability, living in households who receive assistance with health care from organised services.

(e) Collected for people, aged 15 and over with disability or aged 65 and over, living in households who receive assistance with reading and writing from organised services.

(f) Excludes public transport.

(g) Collected for people, aged 16 and over with disability or aged 65 and over, living in households who receive assistance with transport from organised services.

(h) Collected for people, aged 15 and over with disability or aged 65 and over, living in households who receive assistance with household chores from organised services.

(i) Collected for people, aged 15 and over with disability or aged 65 and over, living in households who receive assistance with property maintenance from organised services.

(j) Collected for people, aged 15 and over with disability or aged 65 and over, living in households who receive assistance with meal preparation from organised services.

(k) Collected for people, with disability or aged 65 and over, living in households who receive assistance from organised services.


1. The values reported in this table exclude people who have not used services in the last 6 months or whose satisfaction could not be determined because of proxy interview.

2. People may receive assistance from organised services with more than one type of activity. Components will not add to total.

3. Figures are rounded and components may not add to total because of ABS confidentiality and perturbation processes. Due to these processes, figures may differ from those published by the ABS and across tables.

Source: ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2019. Microdata: disability, ageing and carers, Australia, 2018. ABS cat. no. 4430.0.30.002. Canberra: ABS. AIHW analysis of TableBuilder.
Table SERV2: People aged 15 and over with disability living in households who need assistance from organised services for particular activities (a), by activity
people need help with and satisfaction with range of organised services available for that activity, 2018

Satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Dissatisfied Total

Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate

Activity people need help with ('000) Row % 95% CI ('000) Row % 95% CI ('000) Row % 95% CI ('000) Row %
Self-care (b)
50.7 74.9 (69.2–80.6) *7.9 *11.7 (4.9–18.4) *6.0 *8.9 (0.8–16.9) 67.7 100.0
Mobility(c) 96.2 70.4 (66.8–73.9) 16.8 12.3 (7.7–16.8) 22.9 16.8 (12.5–21.0) 136.7 100.0
Cognitive or emotional tasks(d) 212.7 73.9 (70.3–77.4) 26.9 9.3 (7.0–11.7) 50.1 17.4 (14.0–20.8) 288.0 100.0
Health care (e)
506.1 86.8 (85.1–88.6) 35.3 6.1 (4.6–7.5) 42.3 7.3 (5.5–9.1) 582.8 100.0
Reading or writing(f) 18.8 76.1 (62.4–89.9) **3.6 **14.6 n.p. *2.9 *11.7 (4.1–19.3) 24.7 100.0
Transport(g)(h) 129.9 78.1 (76.3–79.8) 14.1 8.5 (5.1–11.9) 21.5 12.9 (8.8–17.0) 166.4 100.0
Household chores (i)
274.7 75.2 (73.6–76.7) 41.2 11.3 (8.8–13.8) 49.2 13.5 (11.0–15.9) 365.5 100.0
Property maintenance(j) 293.9 72.0 (69.4–74.6) 46.9 11.5 (9.9–13.1) 69.4 17.0 (13.9–20.1) 408.2 100.0
Meal preparation(k) 35.9 67.4 (56.6–78.1) 8.8 16.5 (9.4–23.6) 12.6 23.6 (16.1–31.2) 53.3 100.0
Total (l)
799.6 72.6 n.p. 210.6 19.1 (17.5–20.7) 92.2 8.4 (6.9–9.8) 1,101.2 100.0
Table SERV3: People with disability living in households who need assistance (a) for particular activities, by activity people
need help with and whether have unmet need for assistance from organised services for that activity, 2018

Unmet need
from organised services(b)

Activity people need help with ('000) Row %
Communication (d)
88.6 31.2
Self-care (e)
71.9 11.8
Mobility(f) 148.5 16.4
Cognitive or emotional tasks (g)
313.1 34.2
Health care (h)
181.5 15.0
Reading or writing (i)
40.6 10.6
Transport(j)(k) 115.7 13.7
Household chores (l)
245.1 26.2
Property maintenance (m)
318.3 29.3
Meal preparation(n) 48.3 13.9
Total(o) 853.4 34.2

(a) Includes people whose need for assistance is fully met, partly met or not met at all.

(b) Includes people who have an unmet need for formal assistance from organised services with particular activities because did not know of service, need not important enough, won't ask or
pride, unable to arrange service, no services available, not eligible for service, service costs too much, service doesn't provide sufficient hours or other reason.

(c) Includes people who need assistance and do not have an unmet need from organised services with the particular activity.

(d) Collected for people with disability living in households who need assistance with communication.
Table SERV4: People with disability living in households who have an unmet need for assistance from organised serv
with at least one activity(a), by activity people need help with and whether have unmet need from organised services fo
activity, 2018

Unmet need No unmet need

from organised services(a) from organised services(b)

Estimate Estimate
Activity people need help with ('000) Row % 95% CI ('000) Row % 95% CI
Communication (d)
88.6 10.5 (8.9–12.1) 752.9 89.2 (87.6–90.8)
Self-care(d) 71.9 8.5 (7.0–10.0) 770.1 91.5 (89.9–93.1)
Mobility (d)
148.5 17.9 (16.0–19.8) 678.7 81.9 (79.9–83.8)
Cognitive or emotional tasks (d)
313.1 37.8 (34.8–40.8) 516.1 62.3 (59.8–64.7)
Health care (e)
181.5 22.3 (19.8–24.8) 636.9 78.1 (77.5–78.7)
Reading or writing(f) 40.6 5.6 (4.1–7.0) 687.3 94.5 n.p.
Transport (g)(h)
115.7 16.7 (14.3–19.0) 579.9 83.5 (83.0–84.1)
Household chores (f)
245.1 34.2 (31.7–36.8) 472.0 65.9 (62.0–69.8)
Property maintenance(f) 318.3 44.1 (41.2–46.9) 404.1 55.9 (52.3–59.6)
Meal preparation(f) 48.3 6.7 (5.3–8.0) 675.6 93.3 n.p.
Total 853.4 100.0 .. 0.0 0.0 ..

(a) Includes people who have an unmet need for formal assistance from organised services because did not know of service, need not important enough, won't ask or pride, unable to
service, no services available, not eligible for service, service costs too much, service doesn't provide sufficient hours or other reason.

(b) Includes people who need assistance and do not have an unmet need from organised services with the particular activity, and people who do not need assistance with that activity

(c) Excludes people who do not know whether more assistance from organised services with particular activity is needed.

(d) Collected for people with disability living in households.

(e) Collected for people, aged 5 and over with disability, living in households.

(f) Collected for people, aged 15 and over with disability or aged 65 and over, living in households.

(g) Excludes public transport.

(h) Collected for people, aged 16 and over with disability or aged 65 and over, excluding people who do not leave home.


1. The values reported in this table exclude people who do not know whether more assistance from organised services with particular activity is needed.

2. People may need assistance from organised services with more than one type of activity. Components will not add to total.

3. Figures are rounded and components may not add to total because of ABS confidentiality and perturbation processes. Due to these processes, figures may differ from those publish
the ABS and across tables.

Source: ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2019. Microdata: disability, ageing and carers, Australia, 2018. ABS cat. no. 4430.0.30.002. Canberra: ABS. AIHW analysis of TableBuil
ance from organised services
rom organised services for that


('000) Row %
844.1 100.0
841.7 100.0
828.9 100.0
828.7 100.0
815.4 100.0
727.0 100.0
694.3 100.0
715.8 100.0
722.5 100.0
724.3 100.0
853.4 100.0

nt enough, won't ask or pride, unable to arrange

do not need assistance with that activity.

s needed.

ses, figures may differ from those published by

berra: ABS. AIHW analysis of TableBuilder.

Table SERV5: People with disability living in households who have an
unmet need for assistance from organised services, by reason for not
receiving (any or more) help from organised services with at least one
activity(a), 2018

Reason for not receiving help ('000) % 95% CI
Did not know of service 174.7 20.5 (18.2–22.7)
Need not important enough 62.4 7.3 (5.9–8.7)
Won't ask / pride 116.3 13.6 (12.0–15.2)
Unable to arrange service 116.0 13.6 (11.8–15.3)
No service available 103.4 12.1 (10.1–14.2)
Not eligible for service 112.4 13.2 (11.7–14.7)
Service costs too much 280.0 32.8 (30.3–35.4)
Service doesn't provide sufficient hours 108.7 12.7 (11.0–14.4)
Other reason 227.3 26.6 (24.3–29.0)
Total 853.4 100.0 ..

(a) Collected for people with disability, or aged 65 and over, living in households, who have an unmet need for
assistance from organised services.


1. People may have more than one reason for not receiving (any or more) help from organised services.
Components will not add to total.
Table SERV6: People with disability living in households who need
assistance from organised services(a), by whether receive assistance
from organised services(b), 2018

Whether receive assistance ('000) % 95% CI
Receive assistance(c) 1,426.2 85.5 n.p.
Do not receive assistance 240.2 14.4 (13.1–15.7)
Total 1,667.7 100.0 ..

(a) Includes people with disability who receive assistance or have an unmet need for assistance from
organised services.

(b) Collected for people with disability, or aged 65 and over, living in households.

(c) Includes people who are satisfied with the quality of assistance received with at least one activity from
organised services in the last 6 months, neither satisfied or dissatisfied, dissatisfied, have not used
service in the last six months or not determined (proxy interview).

Note: Figures are rounded and components may not add to total because of ABS confidentiality and
perturbation processes. Due to these processes, figures may differ from those published by the ABS and
across tables.

Source: ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) 2019. Microdata: disability, ageing and carers, Australia,
2018. ABS cat. no. 4430.0.30.002. Canberra: ABS. AIHW analysis of TableBuilder.

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